Monkey Talk User Guide

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Transcript of Monkey Talk User Guide

  • 8/10/2019 Monkey Talk User Guide


    Monkey Talk User Guide


    Installing MonkeyTalk


    First, you must install the MonkeyTalkIDE. See theMonkeyTalkIDE Installation Guidefor detailed instructions.

    2. Next, you'll need to install the MonkeyTalk Agent in your iOS app or Android app or both for cross-platform testing. See the

    MonkeyTalk Agent for iOS Installation Guideor theMonkeyTalk Agent for Android Installation Guidedepending on your platform.

    Install the MonkeyTalk IDE


    Download the zip filehere.This download contains the IDE, the Agents (which you will need for the next step), and sample



    Unzip it wherever you want, but remember where you put it because you'll need it later.


    On OS X, move the entire MonkeyTalkIDE folder into your applications folder and double click on to run.


    On Windows, move the entire MonkeyTalkIDE folder into your Program Files folder and double click on MonkeyTalk.exe to run.

    (Note: If you choose to put MonkeyTalkIDE in your Program Files folder, you will have to choose a different location for your


    Copy this folder to your ideal destination.

    Installing the MonkeyTalk iOS Agent

    1. Downloadand unzip the MonkeyTalk zip file for your OS.

    2. Open your application's project in Xcode.

    3. Duplicate your application's build target by right-clicking on it and selecting Duplicate from the menu. A new target will be created called

    YourApp copy.
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    Rename YourApp copyto something like YourAppMonkey.

    so it looks like this:

    You may also want to rename the Scheme from the Manage Schemes window:

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    4. Add the downloaded MonkeyTalk lib to your project File > Add to YourApp...from the menu.

    5. When the dialog box appears, navigate to the directory where you unzipped the MonkeyTalk zip file, and select the MonkeyTalk iOS lib from


    6. Recursively create groups for any added folders option. Note: It is up to you whether or not you want to Copy items into destination group's


    7. In the Add to Targets box, deselect YourAppand select YourAppMonkey.

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    8. Click Add.

    9. The MonkeyTalk lib should now be visible in your project.

    Configuring Libraries and Build Settings

    1. Right-click on the YourAppMonkeybuild target, and select the Build Phases tab.

    2. On the Link Binaries With Libraries tab, you will need to add libsqlite3.dylib CFNetwork.framework and QuartzCore.framework if your

    application is not already using them. (These frameworks are required by the MonkeyTalk).

    3. XCode will have added references to the libMonkeyTalk.a library.

    4. On the Build Settings tab, scroll down to the Linking section and add to your Other Linker Flags: -all_load -lstdc++

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    5. Choose your duplicated test target from the Scheme menu in Xcode and Run on the Simulator or Device.

    Log output will show that MonkeyTalk has successfully loaded in your app (as seen below)

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    Installing the MonkeyTalk Android Agent

    Open your Android Project inEclipseand follow these instructions.


    Convert your Android project toAspectJ


    MonkeyTalk-agent.jarcan be found in the "agents" folder in the MonkeyTalk package you downloaded earlier, and can be

    downloadedhere.The exact name of the jar might vary depending on the version, but it should always start with "MonkeyTalk-



    Create a "libs" folder in your Android project, if you don't already have one.


    Copy the .jar into the libs folder


    Right click on MonkeyTalk-agent.jar> AspectJ Tools > Add to Aspectpath.


    Update your AndroidManifest.xml to include the following two permissions:

    1. android.permission.INTERNET


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    Update the project properties (right-click on the project > Properties > Java Build Path), select the Order and Export tab, and check

    the checkbox next to the AspectJ Runtime Library to export it:


    Deploy your application to an Android device or emulator.

    About The Monkey IDE

    MonkeyTalk IDEconsists of the main parts highlighted below.

    Toolbar- Contains controls for connecting, recording and playing.

    Editor- Displays and edits recorded scripts.

    Files- Shows scripts, suites, and data files that can be run or edited.

    Console- Reports status and test results from running scripts.

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    Creating a Test Project

    A MonkeyTalk Project is a folder that contains all your test scripts, suites, and reports. A project contains the test suites for an application. You

    should create separate projects for each application to be tested.

    The first time you start MonkeyTalk, the Welcome Page will be displayed.

    Tip: You can return to the Welcome Screen by selecting Help > Welcome from the main menu.

    Click on the Create Your First Project. The New Projectwizard will be displayed.

    Enter a name for your project and click Finish. The workbench window will open.

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    To create a test script, right-click on the project folder and select New > Test. The MonkeyTalk test editor will open with a new empty test.

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    Pick a name for your new test.

    The script editor will open and the MonkeyTalk toolbar will be displayed.

    Assuming you've already linked the MonkeyTalk Agent into the app you want to test, you are now ready to connect and begin recording a test


    You can create new projects any time by selcting the File > New MonkeyTalk Projectmenu option.

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    Connecting to Emulator, Simulator, or Hardware

    The IDE communicates with the app over HTTP via a USB tether or Wi-Fi connection. You can record and play back tests against apps running on

    your local computer or network, or remotely over the internet.

    Android Emulator / iOS Simulator

    1. Open the IDE


    Start up your Android or iOS emulator/simulator and load it with your MonkeyTalk enabled app.


    Click on the connection dropdown button on the tool bar (on initial start up it will be the green android icon).

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    Choose "Android Emulator" or "iOS Simulator", depending on your platform of choice.

    1. If you are connecting to an Android device for the first time, you will be prompted to point the MonkeyTalk IDE to your

    local Android SDK. Check the "Include Android Testing?" checkbox and point it to the SDK. You can also set this in your

    MonkeyTalk Preferences.


    If connection was successful, a message to that effect should appear in the console.

    Android and iOS Hardware


    Open the IDE2.

    Start up your Android or iOS device, connect it to your local wireless network, and load it with your MonkeyTalk enabled app.


    Click on the connection dropdown button on the tool bar (on initial start up it will be the green android icon).

    4. Choose "Networked Android or iOS device...".


    Enter the IP address of the mobile device.


    If connection was successful, a message to that effect should appear in the console.

    Record a Few Commands

    Recording through the MonkeyTalk IDE


    Connectto your device.


    Pull up your application on the device.

    3. Click Record on the MonkeyTalk IDE.
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    If thr Record button is disabled, it is because you are not connected. Click the Connect button to initiate a connection.


    Interact with your application. MonkeyTalk should record each action as a new command in the table.

    6. To stop recording, click the Stop button.

    If the Record button is not lighting up, it may be one of two things:

    1. You are not properly connected to a device. To read more on connecting to a device, gohere.


    Your application is not properly set up for MonkeyTalk. To read more on installing the MonkeyTalk agent and setting your app up

    correctly, gohere.
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    About MonkeyTalk Commands

    MonkeyTalk records each user interface action as a Command. Every MonkeyTalk Command has the same, simple format;

    ComponentType MonkeyId Action Arguments...

    ComponentTypeis the kind of UI component, for example Buttonor Inputfield. ComponentTypes are platform-independent.

    MonkeyIdidentifies which component of the specified ComponentType. For example, the OKButton, or the CancelButton. Asterisk (*) is a

    wildcard that matches the first component found of the specified component type.

    Actionis the UI interaction, for example, Tapor EnterText.

    Argumentsare any additional values needed to describe the action, for example, the textto enter into an Input field.

    The script above is a simple login test the enters a userid and password, taps the login button, and then taps the logout button. The

    MonkeyTalk Script Editor displays and edits scripts in a Table View.You can also edit scripts using any simple text editor. Clicking on the

    MonkeyTalk tab in the editor will let you edit the script as text.

    A MonkeyTalk command is made up of the values displayed in the columns of the Table View. To specify an empty table cell in a text command,

    use an asterisk (*).

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    Playing Back a Recorded MonkeyTalk Script

    1. Restart your app. (Not essential, but useful for returning to a consistent initial state.)


    Click the Play button to send the recorded commands to your app.

    If MonkeyTalk can't find a component during playback, a command will fail. For example, in a login script, the application might take

    a few seconds to process a login request, and a script may not wait long enough before trying to tap on a button that won't be

    displayed until the login action has completed.

    Failures are logged in red to the console.

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    Editing Scripts

    You can currently edit MonkeyTalk script in two different ways: through the table view and through the MonkeyTalk view. The Table View

    provides assistance with creating MonkeyTalk commands, and is ideal for new users. The MonkeyTalk view is intended for more-experienced

    users and provides for editing MonkeyTalk commands directly with a text editor.


    To edit through the table view, right click on the table and choose "Append row." Click in each cell to enter your new command. You

    can also use the drop down menus to select from a list of options.


    To edit through the MonkeyTalk view, switch to the MonkeyTalk tab and edit the textual commands directly.

    If you wish to know more about MonkeyTalk commands, you can start by reading about theCommand Syntaxor theUser Guide entry for


    Retrying Failed Commands

    MonkeyTalk retries every command until it either succeeds or times out. By default, MonkeyTalk retries every command for two seconds

    before failing. You can specify a timeout on a command to increase or decrease the maximum time MonkeyTalk should retry the command

    before failing.

    You can increase the timeout by entering a value in the Timeout column for any command you want to retry for a longer period of time before

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    Verification in MonkeyTalk

    During script playback, MonkeyTalk verifies that each referenced UI component exists and then executes the associated action. If an expected

    component doesn't exist, MonkeyTalk will report a script failure. For example, if your script attempts to tap on an OK button, and no OK button

    is currently displayed, the script will fail.

    Additionally, you can use MonkeyTalk's Verify commands to add explicit verification steps to your script to check that expected values match

    actual ones.

    For example,


    Perform an action throughrecordingoreditingthe MonkeyTalk script.


    Check that the action was performed correctly with a verify. This is a very simple example, and you can do much more with creative

    verifies. Suppose we have an application where the user can set a value using a Slider control, and there is an associated label that

    shows the selected value. The following script moves the s lider to the value 8000 and then tests that the label has updated.

    #set slider to 8000

    Slider * Select 8000

    #verify that label called "CurrentValue" displays 8000

    Label CurrentValue Verify 8000


    Now run the script as normal by pressing the Play button. The script's success or failure is reported in the console.

    You can do more than just Verify for simple values. Read theTest Specificationor theUser Guide entry for Testsfor more information.

    Next Steps

    Congratulations on learning how to setup your application and how to record, playback, and add verification steps to a test script.

    See theMonkeyTalk User Guideto learn about additional MonkeyTalk capabilities including:

    Creating test suites

    Extending MonkeyTalk with custom commands

    Parameterizing scripts to create reusable test components

    Data-driving scripts with CSV files

    Extending MonkeyTalk with JavaScript

    Integrating MonkeyTalk tests into build and continuous integration environments

    MonkeyTalk 1.0 Language Reference

    MonkeyTalk is a functional testing language composed of a simple set of commands for user interface scripting. Its easy enough to be used by

    QA engineers and requirements analysts with little or no programming experience, but can also be extended seamlessly with JavaScript for

    those requiring a bit more programming power. Scripts can be created from scratch as simple text files, or can be created automatically by

    recording tools such as the MonkeyTalk IDE.

    MonkeyTalk is platform neutral and defines a logical API that can be easily implemented with any standard programming language. MonkeyTalk

    1.0 includes a JavaScript language binding.
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    Command Syntax

    The syntax has been designed to be easily understood by non-programmers. Its fairly readable and straightforward to specify manually using a

    simple text file editor or even a spreadsheet. Additionally, MonkeyTalk has been designed to be displayed and edited within tabular consoles

    such as the MonkeyTalk IDE.

    MonkeyTalk commands are newline terminated and have the following syntax:

    ComponentType MonkeyId Action Args Modifiers

    Collectively, ComponentType, MonkeyId, Action, Args, Modifers are known as command parts. Furthermore, ComponentType.Action is known

    as the command name.

    ComponentType(required)The type of component on which to perform the action. Examples include Buttonand TextArea. Component types

    are not case sensitive. ComponentTypes can extend other ComponentTypes, as described below, and inherit any defined actions as well as

    Arguments. ComponentTypes are typically the logical name of the UI component (like Button rather than UIButton), but can also have platform-

    specific aliases. All UI components inherit from the View component type, and so specifying View on a command is like specifying a wildcard

    that will match any component type. For example:

    # Tap on any component labeled "OK"

    View OK Tap

    MonkeyId(required) - An identifier that is used to distinguish between components of the same type being displayed simultaneously.

    MonkeyId can be specified as asterisk (*), which finds the first matching component.

    MonkeyIds can also be specified as a 1-based (not zero-based) index of the form #N. In this case, the MonkeyId identifies the Nth component

    of the specified type thats currently displayed. Components are indexed according to upper-left-most position, i.e., by sorting components by

    (x,y) coordinate.

    Action(required)The action to be performed. Examples include Tap, Select, and EnterText. Actions are not case sensitive.

    Arguments/Args(required according to ComponentType and Action)A space-separated list of one or more arguments. Arguments are

    assumed to begin at the fourth token. Although always specified as strings, args are interpreted as necessary by the command. If an Argument

    is required but not specified (left off the end of the list), it takes on a default value. An Arg may be specified as an asterisk (*) to force it to take

    on its default value,

    Modifiers(optional) - A space-separated list of named arguments of the form %name=value, where the % prefix identifies it as a Modifier.

    There are three system-defined modifiers:

    %timeout - how long in ms to continue retrying a command before timing out

    %thinktime - how long in ms to wait before executing the command for the first time

    %retrydelay - how long in ms to delay between retry attempts

    Command Examples

    All tokens are space-separated. Values with embedded blanks must be enclosed in quotes. Embedded quotes are escaped with backslash, as is

    backslash itself.

    Tap on the Button with the label OK:

    Button OK Tap

    Use a numbered MonkeyId to tap on the first button:

    Button #1 Tap

    No MonkeyId, so it defaults to #1:

    Button * Tap

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    No ComponentType or MonkeyId, so tap on the first component:

    * * Tap

    With some args and embedded blanks:

    Input address EnterText 123 Main St.

    MonkeyIds and Args are case-sensitive, but CommandTypes and Actions are not:

    input address ENTERTEXT 123 Main St.

    Using the timeout Modifier:

    Input address Verify 123 Main St. %timeout=5000

    Comments can be specified by beginning a line with a #, for example:

    # this is a comment

    # another comment

    Button OK Tap

    Newlines are specified as \n, for example:

    Input shipping EnterText John Smith\n123 Main St.\nAnytown, USA 12345


    Put one or more MonkeyTalk commands in a file and save it with .mt file extension and now you have a MonkeyTalk Script.

    For example, a script might look like this:

    # simple script to login as joe

    Input username

    Input password EnterText i like cheese

    Button LOGIN Tap

    From within another script, we can invoke our script using the Script command with the file name as the MonkeyId, like this: Run


    Scripts may contain named substitution variables which are written as ${name} and can be specified anywhere in a MonkeyTalk command.

    They may also contain built-in variables, written as %{var}. The available built-in variable are %{componentType}, %{monkeyId}, %{action}, and

    any args are %{1}, %{2}, etc. Variables may only be used within a command part, so inside ComponentType, MonkeyId, etc.

    For example, a named variable can be used for the Arg:

    Input username EnterText ${usr}

    Or the Arg and the MonkeyId:

    Input ${foo} EnterText ${bar}

    Or even everything:

    ${foo} ${bar} ${baz}

    Variables can be embedded inside some text, but not within another variable, for example:

    Input username EnterText ${usr}

    But this would be illegal (a variable within a variable):

    Input username EnterText ${foo${bar}}
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    Parameterized Scripts

    Using the Vars.Define command we can specify named variables and their default values for a script. Lets parameterize our script like


    Vars * Define usr="" pwd

    Input username EnterText ${usr}

    Input password EnterText ${pwd}

    Button LOGIN Tap

    We set up two named variables, ${usr} and ${pwd}, and set the default value of ${usr} to The default value of ${pwd} is

    unspecified, so it defaults to (the name of the variable surrounded by angle brackets).

    We can invoke our parametrized script like this:

    Script Run "i like cheese"

    Or leave off the Args to use the default values:

    Script Run

    Or use just the default value for ${usr} with an asterisk:

    Script Run * password1

    Also note that variables are limited to the script in which they are defined, so ${usr} and ${pwd} are defined only inside, unless of

    course, you use variables when invoking a child script.

    Data-driven Scripts

    Parametrized scripts are just the beginning, MonkeyTalk allows for full data-driven scripts simply by using the RunWith action instead of Run,

    and setting a data file as the first Arg.

    Using our parametrized script, we first write a data file, credentials.csv, in CSV format like this:

    usr,, "i like cheese", password1, abc123

    Where the first row specifies the variable names (exactly as they are named in the Vars.Define command in, and the following rows

    give the values.

    Now, we can data-drive our script like this: Script RunWith credentials.csv

    This will run the script once for each row of data in the data file. So in the case of the above credentials.csv data file, it would invoke three times, first with usr = and pwd = "i like cheese", second with usr = and pwd = password1, and

    third with usr = and pwd = abc123.

    Custom Commands

    The MonkeyTalk language can be extended directly by adding new custom commands with custom ComponentTypes and custom Actions. Any

    script saved with a two-part filename, in the form of, becomes a custom command. For example, if we renamed to we would add a new Login component type that has a Perform action.

    And we invoke our new custom command in the standard fashion:

    login * perform

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    And we can pass in arguments, because our command is still parameterized:

    login * perform "i like cheese"

    We can still invoke it as a script:

    Script Run "i like cheese"

    And we can still data-drive it:

    Script RunWith credentials.csv

    This type of script invocation, known as a custom command, is incredibly powerful as it allows MonkeyTalk to be arbitrarily extended. The

    custom command syntax effectively enables testers to build up a library of application-specific commands.

    Tests and Verification

    A test is just the invocation of a script with the Test componentType instead of Script. Test results are written to a report file in the standard

    JUnit-compatible xml report format.

    The successful execution of each command verifies the existence of some expected user interface component. In addition, you can explicitly

    test that actual values of components match expected ones by adding Verify actions to your script. First, we again rewrite to include

    some Verify actions like this:

    Vars * Define usr="" pwd name

    Input username EnterText ${usr}

    Input password EnterText ${pwd}

    Button LOGIN Tap

    Label welcome Verify "Welcome, ${name}!"

    Button LOGOUT Verify

    Now, we can run as a test like this, but note that we need a third argument since we added a third named variable, ${name}, to help

    verify a successful login:

    Test Run "i like cheese" "Joe Doe"

    And we can data-drive our test just as you would expect (again note that we need to add a third column to credentials.csv):

    Test RunWith credentials.csv


    The Verify action exists on all components (except Script and Device) and is used to check if the actual value matches the expected value. In its

    base form, verify accepts three optional arguments: expectedValue, propPath, and failMessage.

    Without any parameters Verify just verifies the existence of the given component:

    Button LOGIN Verify

    With just an expectedValue, Verify checks the components value, where value is just the logical value of the component (value of a Button is its

    label, value of an Input is its text, value of a CheckBox is "on" or "off", etc.):

    Button LOGIN Verify LOGIN

    With an expectedValue plus a propPath, Verify checks the given component property. Some propPaths such as value and item are logical

    MonkeyTalk-specific property paths and are supported cross-platform (they don't begin with a dot). Component-specific propPath's are

    platform-specific (and always begin with a dot).

    Verify the font name on an iOS Button:

    Button LOGIN Verify Helvetica .font.fontName

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    Verify the total number of stars on an Android RatingBar:

    RatingBar reviewRating Verify 5 .numStars

    And the failMessage just provides extra feedback if the Verify fails:

    Input username Verify value "bad username!!!"

    Learn More in the User Guide

    Verification Commands


    Tests only be run from a suite, and only a suite can contain tests. Furthermore, suites must have the .mts file extension to distinguish them

    from scripts. Suites may only contain Test, Setup, and Teardown component types, and also comments.

    For example, the suite, myapp.mts, might look like this:

    # setup runs before every test

    Setup Runjoe@doe.comi like cheese

    # teardown runs after every test

    TearDown Run

    # the tests...

    Test RunWith contacts.csv

    Test RunWith contacts.csv

    Here we use Setup and Teardown commands to specify scripts to be run before and after every Test command invocation.

    Command Execution

    Unless otherwise specified, MonkeyTalk commands are automatically retried until the timeout is reached. The timeout value has a global

    default value of two seconds, but it can be overridden on a per command basis by using the timeout Modifier.

    For example:

    Button OK Tap %timeout=5000 %thinktime=2000 %retrydelay=123

    Which will wait for 2 seconds, before trying to tap the OK button, then retry every 123ms before timeout eventually occurs after 5 seconds (7

    total seconds after the command startedplayback).

    Scripting in Javascript

    Exporting to Javascript is intended as a tool for introducing common programming contructs into MonkeyTalk. This could include things like

    loops, control statments, and random numbers.

    To export to Javascript, create a MonkeyTalk script and click on the "JavaScript" tab at the bottom of the viewer. There you will find an "Export"

    button. Click that button and MonkeyTalk will create a .js file with the same name as the .mt file. (E.g. -> Login.js).

    To execute the new Monkeytalk-Javascript file, run it just like you would a normal MonkeyTalk script, like so:

    Script Login.js Run
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    You can also run it without the file extension. Running a script without an extension will always default to running the Javascript, if one exists.

    Script Login Run

    Once a MonkeyTalk script is exprted to Javascript, the user is free to edit it however they like. For example, here is a script that enters a random

    username and password if none are provided:

    if (typeof Test == "undefined") {


    }; = function(usr, pwd) {

    usr = usr || randStr();

    pwd = pwd || randStr();"username").enterText(usr);"password").enterText(pwd);"LOGIN").tap();


    function randStr()


    var text = "";

    var possible =


    for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ )

    text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));

    return text;


    Javascript Wrapper Lib

    Using The JavaScript API

    JavaScript API Reference

    JavaScript Wrapper Library

    Every time you save an .mt script, MonkryTalk IDE generates a JavaScript wrapper function so that you can call your script cleanly

    and directly from JavaScript. The generated library is called YourProjectName.js and is stored in your project's generated libs

    directory. This directory also contains the MonkeyTalk JavaScript API file MonkeyTalkAPI.js.

    For example, consider the following script:


    Vars name="foo"

    Input name EnterText ${name}

    Button OK Tap

    When you save, a function is generated so that from JavaScript you can say:"bar")


    A "call" function is also generated that explicitly defines the expected arguments (which assists command completion in the IDE) so"foo") works too.
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    Wrappers are similarly generated for custom commands.

    // Call"ethel").login("secret123");

    Using The JavaScript API

    You can call JavaScript from MonkryTalk with any Run or RunWith action. MonkeyTalk scripts written in JavaScript must begin by importing the

    project's generated wrapper library.


    Every MonkeyTalk command can thern be called with a JavaScript expression of the following form:"monkeyId").action(args...)

    Importing the library creates a property called,which is an object that references the application being tested. provides

    functions to access components by type. For each component type (including user-defined ones) a function is defined whose name is the name

    of the component in lower-camel notation (eg, "button", "radioButtons"). Calling one of these functions with a monkeyId retrieves the

    corresponding component.

    Examples of finding components:

    // The OK Button"OK")

    // The first table"#1")

    Once you've retrieved a component, you can perform actions on it.

    Each component object has functions corresponding to each available action.

    // Button OK"OK").tap()

    // Table countries Select France


    The JavaScript API mirrors MonkeyTalk command syntax.

    // Input name EnterText Bob"name").enterText("Bob")

    Timeout and Thinktime

    Timeout and Thinktime are specified as properties on a JavaScript object optionally included after actions string-valued arguments."ok").tap({timeout:5000})"name").verify("foo", {timeout:5000})

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    Verify Commands

    Verify commands are handled just like any other action."message").verify("Hello")

    Calling MonkeyTalk from JavaScript

    You can call any script by using its name as a function on

    RunWith is also supported:"scriptName").runWith("somedata.csv");

    Calling Custom Commands

    Custom commands are called the same way as built-in ones.

    // Call

    // User ethel Login secret123


    API Reference

    MonkeyTalk JavaScript API Reference

    Javascript API Reference

    Here is a list of all MonkeyTalk components for Javascript. All components inherit fromViewand thus inherit all of View's actions too.

    In most cases when you export to Javascript, your MonkeyTalk script will have a 1:1 correlation. That is, "Button LOGIN Tap" will convert to



    o inherited from View


    o select(value:String):void- Select an item by value.

    value- the value of the item to select.

    o selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Selects an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to select.o longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Long press an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to long press.

    o inherited from View


    o inherited from View


    o enterDate(date:String):void- Change the current date value.

    date- A date with the format YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY is the year, MM is the month (01-12), and DD is the

    day (01-31).

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    o inherited from View


    o shake():void- Shake the device.

    o rotate(direction:String):void- Change the device orientation.

    direction- Left or Right (case insensitive)

    o back():void- Navigate back. iOS: Pops the current UINavigationItem (if there is one). Android: Presses the hardware

    device key.


    forward():void- Navigate forward. iOS: Pushes the next UINavigationItem, if there is one. Android: ignored.o search():void- Press the search key. iOS: ignored. Android: Presses the device search key.

    o menu():void- Press the menu key. iOS: ignored. Android: Presses the device menu key.


    o vars(args:String):void- Document the named variables used in the script.

    args- the named variables and their doc, in the form of: var='some doc' var2='other doc'

    o script(doc:String):void- Document the script itself.

    doc- the doc


    o selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Selects an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to select.

    o longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Long press an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to long press.

    o inherited from View

    Inputo enterText(text:String, hitDone:boolean):void- Enter text into the input field.

    text- the text to enter

    hitDone- iOS: if true, hit Done key after entering text. Android: ignored.

    o clear():void- Clear text from the input field. iOS: Clears the field. Android: ignored.

    o inherited from View


    o select(value:String):void- Select an item by value.

    value- the value of the item to select.

    o selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Selects an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to select.

    o longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Long press an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to long press.

    o inherited from View


    o inherited from View


    o select(value:String):void- Select an item by value.

    value- the value of the item to select.

    o selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Selects an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to select.

    o longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Long press an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to long press.

    o inherited from View


    o select(value:float):void- Select a numeric component value

    value- the value to select

    o inherited from View


    o select(value:float):void- Select a numeric component value

    value- the value to select

    o inherited from View


    o run(args:String):String- Run the script with the given args.

    args- the arguments

    o runWith(args:String):void- Data-drive the test script with the given CSV data file.

    args- the arguments (where the first arg is the data f ile filename)

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    Monkey Talk User Guide


    o scroll(x:int, y:int):void- Scroll to the specified coordinates.

    x- the x-coordinate (horizontal)

    y- the y-coordinate (vertical)

    o inherited from View


    o run(args:String):String- Run the setup script with the given args.

    args- the arguments


    runWith(args:String):void- Data-drive the setup script with the given CSV data file.

    args- the arguments (where the first arg is the data f ile filename)


    o select(value:float):void- Select a numeric component value

    value- the value to select

    o inherited from View


    o select(value:String):void- Select an item by value.

    value- the value of the item to select.

    o selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Selects an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to select.

    o longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Long press an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to long press.

    o inherited from View


    o selectRow(row:int, section:int):void- Select a row.

    row- the row to select

    section- the section containing the row. (Ignored on Android)

    o scrollToRow(row:int, section:int):void- Scroll to a row by row number.

    row- the row to select

    section- the section containing the row. (Ignored on Android)

    o scrollToRow(value:String):void- Scroll to a row by value.

    value- the value of the row to scroll to.

    o setEditing(enabled:boolean):void- Enable/disable table editing. iOS: Enabled editing mode for table. Android: ignored.

    enabled- if true, enable editing, else disable editing.

    o insert(row:int, section:int):void- Insert a row into the table. iOS: Inserts a row. Android: Ignored.

    row- the index of the row after which to insert a new row.

    section- the section containing the row.


    remove(row:int, section:int):void- Remove a row from the table. iOS: Deletes the row. Android: Ignored.

    row- the index of the row to be removed.

    section- the section containing the row.

    o move(from:int, to:int):void- Move a row. iOS: Moves a row. Android: Ignored.

    from- the index of the row to be moved.

    to- the destination row for the move.

    o select(value:String):void- Select an item by value.

    value- the value of the item to select.

    o selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Selects an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to select.

    o longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Long press an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to long press.

    o inherited from View



    run(args:String):String- Run the teardown script with the given args.

    args- the arguments

    o runWith(args:String):void- Data-drive the teardown script with the g iven CSV data file.

    args- the arguments (where the first arg is the data f ile filename)


    o run(args:String):String- Run the test script with the given args.

    args- the arguments

    o runWith(args:String):void- Data-drive the test script with the given CSV data file.

    args- the arguments (where the first arg is the data f ile filename)

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    Monkey Talk User Guide


    o enterText(text:String, hitDone:boolean):void- Enter text into the input field.

    text- the text to enter

    hitDone- iOS: if true, hit Done key after entering text. Android: ignored.

    o clear():void- Clear text from the input field. iOS: Clears the field. Android: ignored.

    o inherited from View


    o inherited from View


    o selectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Selects an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to select.

    o longSelectIndex(itemNumber:int):void- Long press an item by index.

    itemNumber- the index of the item to long press.

    o inherited from View


    o define(args:String):void- Define the named variables used in the script.

    args- the named variables (and optional default value), in the form of: var1 var2=default


    o play():void- Play the video from the current playback point.

    o pause():void- Stop the video at the current playback point.

    o stop():void- Stop the video and set playback to the starting point.

    o inherited from View


    o verify(expectedValue:String, propPath:String, failMessage:String):void- Verifies that a property of the component has

    some expected value.

    expectedValue - the expected value of the property. If null, verifies the existence of the component.

    propPath- the property name or property path expression (defaults to 'value')

    failMessage- the custom failure message

    o verifyNot(expectedValue:String, propPath:String, failMessage:String):void- Verifies that a property of the component

    does not have some value.

    expectedValue - the value the component shouldn't have. If null, verifies the non-existence of the component.

    propPath- the property name or property path expression (defaults to 'value')

    failMessage- the custom failure message

    o verifyRegex(regex:String, propPath:String, failMessage:String):void- Verifies that a property of the component matches

    some regular expression.

    regex- the regular expression to match

    propPath- the property name or property path expression (defaults to 'value') failMessage- the custom failure message

    o verifyNotRegex(regex:String, propPath:String, failMessage:String):void- Verifies that a property of the component does

    not have a value matching a regular expression.

    regex- the regular expression that should not match.

    propPath- the property name or property path expression (defaults to 'value')

    failMessage- the custom failure message

    o verifyWildcard(wildcard:String, propPath:String, failMessage:String):void- Verifies that a property of the component

    matches some wildcard expression.

    wildcard- the wildcard expression to match

    propPath- the property name or property path expression (defaults to 'value')

    failMessage- the custom failure message

    o verifyNotWildcard(wildcard:String, propPath:String, failMessage:String):void- Verifies that a property of the

    component does not have a value matching some wildcard expression.

    wildcard- the wildcard expression that should not match propPath- the property name or property path expression (defaults to 'value')

    failMessage- the custom failure message

    o tap():void- Taps on the component. On Android, plays a 'click'. On iOS, plays a TouchDown/TouchMove/TouchUp


    o longPress():void- Performs a long press on the component. On Android, plays a 'longClick'. On iOS, plays a longPush


    o touchDown(x:int, y:int):void- Start touching the component.

    x- x-coordinate of the touch

    y- y-coordinate of the touch

    o touchMove(coords:int):void- Drag across the component
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    Monkey Talk User Guide

    coords- one or more (x,y) coordinate pairs specifying the path of the drag gesture

    o touchUp(x:int, y:int):void- Stop touching the component.

    x- x-coordinate of where touch is released

    y- y-coordinate of where touch is released

    o pinch(scale:float, velocity:float):void- Pinch the component.

    scale- The scale factor relative to the points of the two touches in screen coordinates

    velocity- The velocity of the pinch in scale factor per second (read-only)


    swipe(direction:String):void- Swipe the component.

    direction- Left, Right, Up, or Down (case insensitive)

    o drag(x1:int, y1:int, x2:int, y2:int):void- Touch down, drag across the component, then up

    x1- starting x-coordinate

    y1- starting y-coordinate

    x2- ending x-coordinate

    y2- ending y-coordinate

    o get(variable:String, propPath:String):String- Gets the value of the given property from the component, and set it into

    the given variable name.

    variable- the name of the variable to set

    propPath- the property name or path expression (defaults to 'value')

    o exec(method:String, args:String):String- Call a method on a component. The method must take zero or more String

    arguments and return a String result.

    method- the method to call

    args- the String args to be supplied to the method