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Wednesday Lifestyles Sports | 7 Tuesday Lifestyles | 6 Today Jasmine Mitchell The Famuan Shorter hours at the Recreation Center present both benefits and problems for students. Graphic by Dre Morris David Bitner will lead the Republican Party of Florida in 2011. Famuan file photo (l) Telfair, (r) Nixon walk to your car, versus 9:00, 9:30 or 10:00 at night. So I think it’s perfectly fine for myself.” Aurea Powell, a first-year pre- RPOF 3 K INDALL J OHNSON S TAFF W RITER G RIDLOCK 3 66

Transcript of MonJan312011

Florida’s Grand Ole Party is under new leadership as it seeks a repeat sweep of the majority vote in the 2012 general elections.

David Bitner was elected chairman on Jan. 15 over top-contender, Hillsborough County Republican chairwoman Deborah Cox- Roush.

He brings eight years of experience as a former state lawmaker and lobbyist.

The 62-year-old replaces interim Sen. John Trasher, who assumed the role as chairman after Jim Greer resigned last June. Greer resigned after

accusations of grand theft and misuse of party money.

Bitner, a Jefferson County resident, is owner of the Port Charlotte Sun, a newspaper from

Charlotte Harbor, Fla. Bitner was also the past president of the Charlotte County Chamber

Gov. Rick Scott is shaking up the state’s tax structure, making good on his campaign jobs promise. But lawmakers think he should leave Utopia and return to Tallahassee to govern.

Scott is making it hard for lawmakers to balance the state budget while trying to implement his platform initiative of phasing out state corporate income taxes.

To date, the state is facing a $3.5 billion budget shortfall. As a part of his “7-7-7” job creation plan, Scott said he plans to cut $1.4 billion to state property tax revenue and would double those cuts over a seven-year period.

If they pass through the legislature, the cuts would reportedly cost the state another $835 million; and that fi gure is

only for the current fi scal year. Scott‘s disdain for the state tax structure

and the upcoming political battle he will face with state legislatures leaves some Florida lawmakers leery.

“We don’t have any plans for tax cuts at this point,” said Senate President Mike Haridopolos at a Jan. 12 press conference.

Those outside the political realm of the Capitol are not quite sure of the positive or negative implications tax cuts will have for Florida.

“I do believe that corporate tax cuts could give employers the fi nancial break that they need to begin hiring again,” said Rontel Batie, a senior political science student from St. Augustine.

Numbers released in January by the


Sports | 7

Florida A&M athletes take time to read to the students of J. Michael Conley Elementary School.

As students try to get in- shape for spring break, they are fi nding out that there are fewer days and hours to work out at the recreation center.

The Hansel E. Tookes Recreation Center, once open six days a week and with late hours, is now open only Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. The hours have changed because the center has yet to receive money to pay student’s working under Other Personnel Services. Associate director of campus recreation, Gei-Nam Lim, said that OPS funding comes from the university.

“We’re an auxiliary program, and normally what happens is that when you pay your fees, the money has to be collected,” said Lim. “So our fees are collected, then money is given to us. So normally it’s about two weeks late.”

He adds that this problem is nothing new, and has been happening since 2007.

The student employees are either working under work-study or volunteering. Some OPS students have even decided to volunteer until they can offi cially begin working.

Among the student employees is fl oor supervisor Ciera Reed,

a senior who is studying elementary education.

“It’s not so bad because I’m not left to be stuck at the gym with closing hours 9 and 9:30 till late at night, so it sets the standard,” said Reed. “At 7:00 it’s safe to be on campus or to

walk to your car, versus 9:00, 9:30 or 10:00 at night. So I think it’s perfectly fi ne for myself.”

Aurea Powell, a fi rst-year pre-

Eugene Telfair and Robert Nixon are expected to report to prison in 56 days to serve their prison sentences, both of which span more than two years.

Telfair, formerly FAMU’s Credit Union President, was sentenced to 30 months in prison. Nixon, the former head for FAMU’s Institute for Urban Policy and Commerce, received 27 months. Both were convicted for embezzling funding intended to provide micro-loans to small minority businesses in Tallahassee.

They will receive 5 years of supervised release following their prison sentence. It was reported in November that both men could have faced 70 years in prison for such charges.

The indictment charges that between 2005 and 2008, Nixon and Telfair conspired to steal approximately $134,253 in grants funds that have been awarded in connection with FAMU and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. During the trial in November, both men pleaded not guilty to the charges, but upon sentencing, Nixon felt otherwise.

In a tearful confession of guilt, Nixon accepted full responsibility for his actions, apologizing to the court, the prosecution, his family and FAMU. He also said that he would repay every penny of what was stolen from the funds granted by the U.S.

Lifestyles | 6


Columnist Ranata Hughes describes her experience at a local “gastro-pub” restaurant.


73 57


66 VOL. 112 ISSUE 22Monday, January 31, 2011


“The Number 1 HBCU Newspaper”According to the Black College

Communication Association

BOSTON (AP) — Fifty years later, President Barack Obama is recognizing the sacrifi ce of Abbott and those killed in the Jan. 15, 1961, collapse. Within the next week, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry’s offi ce expects to deliver a letter from Obama to Abbott’s son, Donald, in a gesture intended to honor all of the victims.






Convicts sentencedto prisonKINDALL JOHNSON








Jasmine Mitchell The FamuanShorter hours at the Recreation Center present both benefi ts and problems for students.

Famuan fi le photo (l) Telfair, (r) Nixon

Center short on funds

Florida’s GOP gets new head

Gov. Scott could face gridlock as he pushes his agenda


64 37


73 46

Graphic by Dre MorrisDavid Bitner will lead the Republican Party of Florida in 2011.



AP Photo Steve CannonFlorida Governor Rick Scott answers a question at a news conference on Jan. 19, 2011.

� e Famuan2 Calendar � eFamuanOnline.comMonday, January 31,

Events and Announcements

The Delta Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is hosting a Zumbathon (A two-hour long SUPER, Zumba class taught by popular, local Zumba instructors) on Saturday Feb. 5 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Walker Ford Community Center located at 2301 Pasco St in Tallahassee. There will be door prizes! The purpose fo the Zumbathon is to raise scholarship money for deserving high school and college students. So come on out, get your latin groove on, and break it down with the Wobble! For more information or tickets, please call Brenetta Lawrence at 850-445-8284 or Selika Sampson at 850-339-2874.

On Feb. 7, Intramural Sports will be hosting our

Call (850) 599- 3159 for ad inquiry

Spring 5-on-5 Men and Women Basketball League. If you and/or your organization or club is interested in joining the league please contact Tony or Natasha ASAP at 850-412-5514 OR come by the REC CENTER.. Registration ends: Feb. 2 AND Captain’s

Meeting- Feb. 3.

The Lovely Ladies of the ORIGINAL Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated will be having a Formal Rush on Feb. 12, 2011 at 9:08 a.m. in the Florida A&M University Grand Ballroom. Please contact Dr. Patty Ball Thomas for more information at or visit the offi cial website at Application pick-up will be today, January 31 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011 from 5 p.m.- 8 p.m. at 444 Gamble Street, Room 208-D.

The campus community is invited to the next meeting of the FAMU Green Coalition at 6 p.m., Thursday Feb. 3, in the SJGC Lecture Hall. Learn how you can attend the 2011 Power Shift Conference in Washington, DC, April 15- 18. An election will be held to fi ll the vacancy for a PR Director on the Coalition E-Board. To qualify, you must be a dues-paid member (you can pay the $20 dues on the spot) and have at least a 2.5 GPA. For more information, call Dr. LaRae Donnellan, FAMU Green Coalition adviser, at 561-2765.

For corrections please email


AnnouncementsTo place an announcement in the Calendar, e-mail your submission to at least two days prior to the desired publishing issue. All submissions must include the student organization along with information in paragraph format to include “who, what, when and where.” A contact number to be published with the announcement, indicate so in your e-mailed submission and provide an alternate method for readers to obtain more information. If you do not follow the paragraph format then your submission will not be able to be published.

Bartenders Wanted!!!$250/day potential. No experience necessary.Training provided age 18+ okay.Call (800) 965-6520 ext. 189


Be sure to look out for The FAMUAN’s

2/14 /11Special Valentines Issue

Be sure to look out for The FAMUAN’s

2/14/11 Special Valentines IssueBe sure to look out for The FAMUAN’s

2/14/11 Special Valentines Issue

� e Famuan �

Metro News 3Monday, January 31, 2011

of Commerce and the Port Charlotte Cultural Center, according to a Republican Party of Florida press release.

He brings to the organization grassroots campaigning and legislative experience, having participated in campaigns for Marco Rubio, Steve Sutherland, former president George W. Bush and Governor Rick Scott.

Bitner’s tenure begins following a successful midterm election cycle with GOP candidates elected to governor, U.S. Senate and cabinet positions. The party also won 81 seats in the Florida House.

For weeks, The Famuan contacted the Bitner’s offi ce, but he was unable to give an exclusive interview.

According to the chairman’s campaign website, he plans to implement “Dave’s 5 Point Plan” during his two-year term in offi ce.

The plan consists of empowering grassroots movements and organizations; rebuilding the new GOP’s commitment to the 72-Hour, Get-out-the-Vote campaign; launching an aggressive fundraising effort and increasing the GOP’s use of technology and recruiting candidates.

One of Bitner’s strategies is to “work from the counties up- not Tallahassee down,” according to his campaign website. He plans to place emphasis on communication between county leaders.

“It will be interesting to see what Bitner does to unite the Republican party,” said Tallahassee resident Nicholas Carrizosa.

“There is a tough task ahead of them in preparing the state for the elections in 2012. The coming years will show if Mr. Bitner is up to the task of leading the GOP.”

Bitner plans to address challenges regarding fundraising, voter and candidate recruitment.

Carrizosa expects the GOP to sweep the 2012 elections.

“I believe that the GOP will be in good shape for the coming elections.”

Fellow resident Jason Sanders disagrees with Carrizosa.

“I think it’s important to have an equal balance of views from our elected officials,” said Sanders. “Hopefully in 2012 more Democrats will go out and vote so that there can be an equal representation from both parties.”

Bureau of Labor Statistics show Florida’s unemployment rate hovering around 12 percent.

“Florida lacks job growth which is stemming from the employer’s fi scal inability to hire new employees with an incentive maybe employers will start to employ new workers,” said Batie.

Many Floridians agree that job creation is necessary as the state begins to move out of a stalled economic growth period.

But Florida Rep. Dwight Bullard of District 118, is skeptical of Scott’s tax cuts and believes that doing away with corporate taxes will eliminate much of Florida’s revenue that

fund much needed state jobs and entitlement programs.

“It would be fi scally irresponsible to try and completely eliminate corporate taxes, under Florida’s current tax system. Doing so would put a heavy burden on the everyday people of Florida,” said Bullard.

Florida’s corporate tax structure consists of a fl at rate of 5.5 percent on all corporate income, ranking the state 40th among other states that impose a corporate income tax, according to the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan tax research group based in Washington, D.C.







Upon fi rst glance, Tallahassee’s urban environment wouldn’t strike most as being memorable. The Tallahassee city commission would like to change that.

As a part of its annual goal setting retreat held last Thursday at the Challenger Learning Center, city commissioners reached a consensus to establish four community-wide priorities for 2011.

One of those priorities, Sense of Place, includes revitalizing the city’s urban environment which in turn, supports economic development in Tallahassee, according Cheri Horne, special projects manager at the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department.

“The fi rst aspect that Sense of Place focuses on are to build up the city’s aesthetic atmosphere through the urban, or physical form,” said Horne. “The second would be the social aspect which includes providing a place for businesses to gather for social events, musical concerts, local gathering places such as parks and marketplaces in order to create a memory tied to the experience of being in Tallahassee.”

The main areas affected will be the Monroe and Adams Street corridors; Midtown; the Market District and Gaines Street.

“I think that when you can make downtown more attractive and you can bring more people downtown…you can build a better sense of community and a better sense of place,” said Dawn Pollock, Tallahassee resident and a 1969 graduate of Florida State.

“It gives a place for people to communicate better with each other. We are all spread out in the suburbs, so we need to be face to face.”

The planning that goes into this project takes months of preparation. This includes community meetings where residents and business groups are given a map to brainstorm about problems in the area(s) in question, with 4 to 5 weeks to go over plans that will help guide the redesigning and reconstruction of Tallahassee for the next couple of years.

Sense of Place is expected to be fi nished later this year. The Midtown, Monroe and Adams Street Corridor, and the Market District are slated for completion in May.

“I’m hoping it is going to be a benefi t, and not just for looks,” said 27-year-old city resident Patricia Glenn. “We will see when it comes.”


City beauti� es



Sade Hooks The FamuanThe Sense of Place project, initiated by the city commission will beautify Tallahassee roads

The 21-year-old accused of killing Rasheed Lasaki alleges that the victim tried to rob him during a drug deal.

Brandon Wells was arrested last

Tuesday during a traffic stop

yesterday at the corner of Devra and Scenic Drives.

Arrest papers show that police searched the black SUV he was driving and made some startling discoveries. Police found a bullet hole in the passenger door and blood stain splatter on the headliner and kick plate. The vehicle he was driving also matched the description of the black SUV caught on surveillance camera from the nearby Petro gas station, leaving the Greystone Place apartment complex Jan. 17, the day of Lasaki’s murder. Wells who did not own a vehicle, according to the affi davit, often borrowed his friends’ car.

Police records state that the vehicle was registered to someone else and the owner told investigators Wells would drop her off at work and borrow the vehicle.

According to arrest papers, police were

able to connect Wells to the murder after tracking a series of calls on the victim’s cell phone. Police say a series of text messages indicated Lasaki was going to sell drugs and the last message was sent at 5:05 p.m. the day of the murder. Tallahassee Police said they got a call at 5:15 p.m. about a pedestrian struck by a vehicle at the Greystone Apartments, but when they arrived they discovered Rasheed Lasaki had been shot.

According to the report, police did not fi nd any bullet casings on the scene at the Greystone Places Apartments, and

police cannot rule out that Lasaki was shot inside the car.

Wells was also arrested on charges of driving without a license and was taken to Leon County jail.

During questioning, Wells told investigators he was supposed to meet Lasaki to buy drugs, but told offi cers he never did. He said Lasaki pulled out a gun and attempted to take his money, which caused the two to fi ght and according to Wells, the gun went off four times. Also, during the interview when Wells was asked if they were going to fi nd the victim’s blood in the vehicle, he stated that he wanted to speak to a lawyer.

A candlelight vigil service was held at 11 a.m. for 25 year-old, Lasaki last Tuesday at Perry-Paige Auditorium. They opened with a prayer and following the prayer faculty, students, family and friends were able to refl ect memorable times they have had with Lasaki.

Lasaki was scheduled to graduate with a degree in criminal justice this April. Although he won’t be accepting his diploma physically, according to remarks made by President James Ammons during the ceremony, he and his administration are working on honoring the family with a posthumous degree.

2 Calender �e Famuan� Monday, April 19, 2010

� e Famuan� eFamuanOnline.comMonday, January 31,

School News 4

The School of Nursing is searching for a well-rounded applicant to come in and bring new creative changes to the nursing program as dean.

Ruena Norman, interim dean of Florida A&M University’s School of Nursing since January 2008, was brought back after retiring as associate dean. The reason for Norman’s leave is not yet known; however the position is targeted to be fi lled by this fall.

Committee members met Jan. 12, in the school of nursing, where they discussed the screening processes and the improvements they want to see made in the nursing program.

Committee member William Hudson, associate dean of the School of Allied Health, explained that the committee is seeking someone with experience in the nursing fi eld, as well as a background in supervising nurses. The applicant should also have a background in working with higher education such as being a department chair over an academic program and has involvement with professional organizations on the local and national level.

“The qualities we are looking for is someone that has foresight, intellect and the ability to look outside the box, be creative,” said Hudson.

Hudson also said that the committee

has an idea of who it is looking for, but does not want to infl uence any applicants coming in.

Creativity and innovation are key factors that students and faculty both agree are important for applicants to poses when applying for the position.

Shatonya Davis, 22, a junior nursing student from Miami, said the school of nursing needs to have a few changes made to the current coursework.

“I feel like some upgrades should be done to the curriculum. The current system we have now, in my opinion, does not seem fair for the students,” said Davis. “It is inconsiderate and not always conducive for us to learn.”

Like Davis, Janelle R. Baker, an associate professor of nursing and one of the committee members, also agrees

that the new dean should be able to bring forth change, but not drop the standard that has been set.

Baker explained how it is important to revisit the curriculum because there are things that have worked, however, there are always new and innovative ways things can improve.

“Bringing in funds and showing respect for the actual clinical practice is important because allowing faculty the time to practice will help them stay abreast of what’s going on in the health community,” said Baker.

The committee will be reviewing applications throughout the next few weeks.

med biology student, agrees with these new hours.

“It usually works for me because I’m out of class before then, and usually [my group’s] routine is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,” said Powell. “We’re never here after 7:00 so it never really bothered me.”

Yet some students, like Brandon Drake, a senior business student, fi nd these new hours to be a huge inconvenience.

“I don’t like the new gym hours. I like to start my day at the gym at like 6 or 7 a.m.,” said Drake. “It’s good because it does not interrupt anything I am doing for the day.”

Lim said these hours are temporary. He added that once the funding becomes available to pay the OPS employees than there hours will change to 6:30 to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, then Friday 6:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday the gym will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Currently, there are no group exercises scheduled. However, once the OPS students come back to work, group exercise along with the spinning programs will resume.

“Wells was asked if they were going to fi nd the victim’s blood in the vehicle, he stated that he

wanted to speak to a lawyer.” TPD report

Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Several supporters of Nixon fi lled the courtroom and his pastor spoke on his behalf, citing his contributions to the church and his remorseful and repentant disposition following the incident.

U.S. District Court Judge Robert Hinkle explained the sentencing to be on the lower side of the guideline range, because both men had led an exemplary life up to the point of the theft. He said the crime was inappropriate considering FAMU’s historic mission and that the punishment was a form of deterrence to prevent the theft of federal money from happening again.

To make the withdrawals appear legitimate, the men created fraudulent documents that made Telfair the recipient of money related to a personal services contract.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Telfair is also alleged to have placed his tax ID number on the account so that the money would go directly to his account. The new ID number was a red flag during a routine audit that triggered a federal investigation.

Both men are required to pay $134,253 in restitution to FAMU. Keith Bowers is serving as interim director since Nixon’s departure.

Telfair and Nixon are scheduled to report to Vero Prisons on March 28 by 2 p.m.






Student residents in Palmetto and Phase 3 Apartments are dealing with Internet and water issues.

Some students believe issues with water are due to the construction taking place inthe complex.

“Sometimes the water gets cut off because of all this [construction],” said Erica Dawson, 19, a pre-med biology student living in Phase 3 from Rockledge,

Fla. “Sometimes they notify us late and they tell people in a certain building, but forget to tell others.”

Other students may have not encountered a bad experience when told the water would be turned off, however, they don’t like how long they are without water.

“They gave me a notice a day in advance, and the water usually cuts off for a few hours,” said Carolyn Goodman, 20, a social work student from Miami, who lives in Palmetto South.

Resident Director James Williams declined to comment about the means of construction and students have complained that the water has been on and off since last fall.

Keenan Sanders, 19, an English student from St. Louis who lives in Phase 3, said that along with the faucet water not working and the toilet not flushing, running water is not the only issue.

A current upgrade for cable and Internet for the Palmetto and Phase 3 apartments

took place Dec. 13, but residents say there is not much of an improvement.

“Since the semester has started, Wi-Fi goes out about twice a day,” said Sanders. Goodman said that Internet signal is also very weak.

“One day it’s good, another day it’s bad,” said Goodman.



Residents le� high & dryBRITNEY BUCHANAN






Miyah Scott , fi rst-year health science student from Miami.

Pros: “Fairly quiet during study time.” Cons: “Creaky Floorings.”

Mikelle Gayle third-year psychology student from Miami.

Pros: “The small details make living comfortable.” Cons: “Thin walls.”

O’Dell Jones, fi rst-year psychology student from Miami.

Cons: “The lving environment is not that great and there is a lot of dust.”Improvments: “More hot water.”

Tim Cutter, fi rst-year business management student from Ft. Lauderdale.

Cons: “The fi nes are horrible.” Improvements: “Newer appliances.”


Student’s death linked to drug dealing

School of Nursing search committee looks for new leader

On Friday Jan. 21, Martin Luther King, III, son of the legendary civil rights activist Martin

Luther King Jr., was the keynote speaker for the MLK Convocation at the Al Lawson center.

King spoke about a number of things ranging from our environmental and governmental issues to some of our issues here at the university. He also spoke about the plans that his father had for change and our changes in terms of race. He said that we have not made great progress in the 40 years since his father’s death.

Along with speaking about healthcare, peaceful integration, the poor conditions of today’s society and the need for students to keep going forward, he talked about the state of our university. King spoke about our failure to address the issue of young men who wear their pants low and expose their underpants.

It’s a shame it takes someone so prestigious to point out the obvious things that need to be fi xed. It raises the question of why aren’t there things being done about the dress code of students.

We are adults and we’re entitled to our own style, but in order to prepare ourselves as professionals for the future, maybe there should be a certain decorum that we need to abide by in our classrooms. Some of the things that people wear in class are completely ridiculous. I have witnessed people come to class in pajamas and women with their hair still in the bonnet they slept in the night before.

It’s even more of a shame that not one person from the school’s administration has stepped up to the plate and said anything about how students dress and represent ourselves in the classroom. Sure, some schools such as SBI have a strict dress code for certain classes, but what about the university as a whole?

We are one of the top HBCU’s in the nation, and we should set a standard for our campus and future students. A dress code would be a great way to start. Some of my professors won’t even let their students in class or will mark them absent if they are not adhering to the class dress code; this should be applied in every classroom.

King had a point in bringing up the latest fashion trends of some of our students. Now, I’m just waiting on President Ammons to address the issue.

A durable s i d e w a l k system will do wonders for a community.

It has positive effects

on people, traffi c and the environment.

Sidewalks assist thousands of students who rely on safe access to and from their classes. It can do as little as making your walks around campus easier and pleasing.

It is evident that FAMU is already revamping many of its older buildings such as Sampson and Young Halls.

This is not to dismiss the renovations that are under way, but better pathways enhance the biking, driving, and bicycling experience for the public on campus.

In general, the improvement of pathways will boost personal enjoyment, fi tness, safety, economy and the

environment within our community.

According to a study from over 40 percent of Americans are overweight.

In terms of personal enjoyment and fi tness, sidewalks will encourage more exercise and physical activity, which offers everyone a chance to step outside and get active among each other while enjoying fresh air.

It gives students and the community a place to relax and engage in activities such as bike riding, jogging, and skateboarding for some.

This will improve the campus health and vibe with deep community relations.

Campus safety is another area that would improve.

Pedestrians will be safe from motorists and the sidewalks will separate them from the very busy Wahnish Way and Gamble Street, where drivers could conflict with pedestrians and cause accidents, especially around

morning and evening rush hours.

Certain portions of Gamble Street, from the Gore Educational Complex to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, could use another set of sidewalks to prevent students from having to walk in the streets when going to class. Ramps, gutters, and curbs seem minor, but are huge for persons of disabilities who need to merge onto streets and sidewalks in a more simple and safely manner.

Widening narrow sidewalks also makes a difference. In a functional transit system at least 2.59 meters, or 8.5 feet, of public right-of-way should be dedicated to the sidewalk corridor.

These improvements certainly give the handicapped and visually impaired more space to move around.These pathways also provide security to the residents and offi ces.

Criminals would be deterred from the area because of

the ongoing activity among people that may prevent burglaries and robberies in an active community.

Better pathways aid in the safety of the students walking at night on and off campus. Here students rely on pathways in well-lit areas to get to their destinations without the risk of hiking through dark woods or any secluded spots.

It makes it comfortable for any one and relieves the fear of being assaulted or robbed.

According to the National Personal Transportation Survey, 40 percent of car trips in the U.S. are less than two miles.

Therefore more sidewalks would increase walking and decrease the use of cars for short trips, saving gas and lowering emissions. Less C02 emitted into the atmosphere means a less polluted campus environment.


Jordan Culver


Julian Kemper


Khristanda Cooper


Clarece Polke


Royal Shepherd

2 Calender �e Famuan� Monday, April 19, 2010

� e Famuan Opinions 5� eFamuanOnline.comMonday, January 31, 2011



Pull your pants up please, boxers are not in styleFERNESHA HURST



Jordan Culver


Julian Kemper


Matthew Richardson


Jason Lawrence


Khristanda Cooper


Aaron Johnson


Clarece Polke


Tonya Glover


Royal Shepherd


Cameron Daniels


Keenan Doanes


Jasmine Mitchell


Jeffrey Morris


Kenya Mawusi


D.A. Robin


Byron Johnson



Andrew Skerritt








850.599.3011/ 561.2569

The Famuan, an Associated Collegiate Press 2003 Pacemaker Finalist, is published Monday, Wednesday and online only on Friday during the fall and spring semesters. The opinions do not refl ect the administration, faculty, or staff of the University. The editorials are the expressed opinions of the staff and columnists. The Famuan is funded

partially by activities and services fees.

THE F UThe start of the “Your

Mom Will Hate This Game” campaign for the newly released video game “Dead Space 2” has sparked some debate among gamers.

The main question has been, “Is the value of the shock campaign worth the damage it could do?”

The commercials for “Dead Space 2” show older women, their faces twisted with fear and revulsion, watching or playing the game. One mother even asks, “Why would anyone put that in a game?”

The point of the commercial is to speak to the inner child

most gamers, like myself, possess. As kids, the general consensus was, “If my mom hates it, she obviously hates it because it’s fun.”

Obviously, if your mom doesn’t want you playing a video game, it is because of the untold amounts of fun you will have while playing it.

Really, the shock campaign makes sense. Here’s the problem though: Yes, it will speak to the inner child in mature gamers, however, it will also speak to the actual children watching the commercial. This raises problems.

This is not a call for the censorship of games. The

Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) has done an excellent job of clearly labeling games that are meant for adults.

It’s up to adults to do research and fi gure out what games their kids can and can not handle.

The problem is not all parents do this research. A kid will just ask for the game and the parent will buy it. The commercial speaks to kids and kids will end up getting the game.

There are easier ways to market games. “Dead Space 2” has received stellar reviews from just about every

relevant gaming magazine and review website.

The shock campaign, while cool, is unneeded and more fuel for people like conservative activist Jack Thompson to campaign against games as a whole.

Video games are still struggling to be taken seriously both as an entertainment medium and as an art form.

Electronic Arts will do what it has to in order to sell games, but this advertisement was a misstep.

Jordan Culver for the Editoral Board.

When campaigns hurt more than help

Sidewalks: Great for safety and healthAARON JOHNSON


Peter Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, AustriaOf course games are worse than reality right?...Right?



Political Cartoon

This is the fi rst of a three-part series on

the importance of planting more trees on campus. Check out the photogallery for this

editorial at thefamuanonline.

Opinions writer needed. For more information visit The Famuan office or

Do you let your pants hang low?A) All day, everyday! B) Only when I go to the club. C) No. Not my style.

I left the Midtown Filling Station with a full stomach, and still I had enough carry-out for a late dinner and breakfast, every “foodie’s” dream.

This restaurant is located at Manor at Midtown, 1122 Thomasville Road and has a menu that will have taste-buds running wild. The restaurant sits next to Redeye Café and across the street from Whataburger, but is no ordinary joint.

I walked into the Midtown Filling Station for the fi rst time and was greeted with a warm smile by a waitress named Tracy. What immediately stood out to me were the bright, inviting colors cascading the walls, with the theme of an actual fi lling station.

After accepting a menu, I instantly laid eyes on the retro names listed and thoroughly read through the food options to determine what I had a taste for. The menu includes: Seared scallops and gnocchi, roasted poblano mac and cheese, wings, salads, fl atbreads, burgers, cherry wood smoked barbeque chicken and the list goes on.

Prices ranged from $2 for Pita chips to $13 for braised beef short-rib.

I decided to order a sandwich called a “Jive Turkey” along with a taste of a “Jumbo Fisher Taco” and some tater tots. When my meal was brought out to me, I

was shocked.It was huge, designed gorgeously

and popping with color.The “Jive Turkey” sandwich

was sub-style and cut in half with two kabob sticks stuck in them to nicely hold it together. The sandwich was thick layers of sliced smoked turkey, alfalfa sprouts, hummus, fresh t o m a t o e s , feta cheese, o n i o n s , roasted red peppers , deli sliced

cucumbers and Greek dressing all resting on a Cuban Loaf.

As I bit into the sandwich, I could literally taste every ingredient on it; the

s a v o r was phenomenal.

Sitting on the clean, white, perfectly square

plate with my sandwich were adorable green baby

pickles adorned with lipstick-red round peppers. This little pickled ensemble

was savory, sweet and sour, with a small kick of spice. My taste buds

had a party with every bite. The tater tots were delivered to my table

in a mini mechanic oil-changing pan; I thought it was so cute.

They were a perfect golden brown and were so good and crunchy that I did not use ketchup.

The “Jumbo Fisher Taco” was really good too; it includes blackened mahi, black beans, roasted corn, smoked tomato salsa, cheddar and mozzarella cheese, avocado crema, chopped romaine and Spanish slaw sitting on grilled fl our tortillas.

My dessert, the head chef’s original recipe, was a chocolate roasted almond bacon dessert.

The piece of chocolate/fudge with crisp bacon pieces inside and on top was incredible. It was incredible. It tastes like a crunch bar, but better.

The highlight, however, came at the end of my meal. I met Bobby Cleek, a 28-year-old artist from Austin, Texas, and the man behind the great fl avors offered at the Midtown Filling Station. The restaurant’s head chef said he uses his creative eye for color and design to create


m i n i a t u r e piece of art with each dish.

The restaurant also has a gastro pub and band room that is open Monday through Saturday from 5 p.m.-2 a.m.

Its decor includes Cleek’s original art on the walls, a stage and a ping-pong table.

I would defi nitely call this restaurant one of Tallahassee’s fi nest.

The restaurant was clean, the atmosphere was comfortable, the food was extremely delicious with perfect presentation and the overall service was awesome.

Will I eat there again? In a New York minute.

They are open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. for lunch and 5 p.m.- 10 p.m. for dinner.

� e Famuan�

Monday, January 31,

Lifestyles 6

A new club at Florida State has catapulted students in full swing.

The Swing Dance Club at Florida State is only in its second semester as an offi cial organization but from the large attendance it is apparent that there have been many idle swing dancers in Tallahassee awaiting the chance to strap on their dancing shoes.

The club’s president, Tanner Trotter, a fourth-year Philosophy student from Tampa, Fla., said it took two years, ten members and a faculty adviser to make the club offi cial.

“There was no organization to meet the need of Florida State students two years ago when the group began,” said Trotter.

The group averages 30 to 40 people every Friday night. The room was full of laughter and smiling faces for the entire evening. Questions were welcomed and individual help was available to any student who requested

it. “One of my favorite things about the club is the social aspect,” said Trotter. “It is great to come and meet people. The swing dancing culture itself as we’ve experienced throughout our travels has been very open and friendly.”

Although the club is affi liated with FSU, the lessons are open to community members and there is no charge. Lessons are taught by four instructors who break into pairs to teach the different groups of students based on experience level.

The Friday evening classes begin at 7 p.m. in room 105 of the Housewright Music Building on FSU’s campus.

The groups are broken in to three

separate sections to allow more one-on-one interaction

and progress with each lesson. The beginners

group is instructed by Ellie Sweeney and Adam Brown from 7-8 p.m.

In another room in the H o u s e w r i g h t B u i l d i n g , Trotter and a n o t h e r s t u d e n t , Brittnee Lynch, teach an inter mediate group from 7 - 7:30p.m. They also teach an a d d i t i o n a l lesson for the newer dancers

who are not beginners from 7:30-

8 p.m. The club focuses on East Coast Swing with beginners and progresses

to Lindy Hop. The group also branches out into other forms of swing such as the Collegiate Shag and Balboa, but the Lindy Hop is the primary dance taught.

There is no partner required to attend the lessons. When class starts everyone breaks off into pairs and forms a circle around the instructor.

After every dance, the girls rotate clockwise to the next boy. This is a way for everyone to get equal practice time and a chance to know one another. Introductions could be heard after every switch.

The Swing Dance Club participates in dances at the American Legion of Tallahassee and regularly travels to swing dancing exchanges. The group will travel to Gainesville, Fla. to participate in a Valentine’s Day Dance hosted by the University of Florida on Feb. 11.

For more information about the Swing Dance Club at Florida State fi nd them on under the name of Coalition for a Tallahassee Swing Scene.



‘Filling station’ pumps grub

Dance club teaches newcomers, veterans to groove

Recreation center gears up for Phase II

Beginning Feb. 3, FAMU campus recreation and student activities will be hosting a week of events called “Rattler Super Bowl Week.”

The week is dedicated to showing school spirit and unveiling Phase II at the Hansel E. Tookes Recreational Center. Tickets will be available for the super bowl party starting Tuesday at the offi ce of student activities and at events throughout the week. All tickets

are free and limited. Events for the week include the Ugly Sweater Jam and pep rally for the club wrestling team and the men’s and women’s basketball teams.

Phase II of the student recreation center will be revealed Sunday, Feb. 7, at the Super Bowl party.

For more information, contact Jimmy Witherspoon at (850) 412-5516.



the club is the social aspect,” said Trotter. “It is great to come and meet people. The swing dancing culture itself as we’ve experienced throughout our travels has been

Lessons are taught by four instructors who break into pairs to teach the different groups of students based on experience level.

The Friday evening

one-on-one interaction and progress with each

lesson. The beginners group is instructed

by Ellie Sweeney and Adam Brown from 7-8 p.m.

room in the H o u s e w r i g h t



Keenan Doanes The Famuan“Phenomenal Woman” Maya Angelou raises her hand to silence the audience. For full coverage of the event, visit




The Florida A&M golf team has begun its season and will resume play in February.

FAMU golf is looking to improve through the season leading up to the Minority Collegiate Golf Championship in May.

Head coach Marvin Green believes the inexperience of some of the players is an issue in the tournaments.

“When you go to places you have to be familiar with the courses and you have to be familiar with the competition,” Green said. “When you have a bad hole as a younger guy, you tend not to get rid of it fast enough.”

The older golfers help the young ones improve their play by passing on their knowledge of the courses.

Responsibility and accountability to the program are the first issues Green teaches his team. Chipping and putting are also a high priority.

“A lot of shots are lost in your short game so chipping and putting are paramount,” Green said.

Green believes his team is dedicated to improving.

“They kind of play and practice like they have a chip on their shoulder.” Green said.

Junior golfer Shepherd Archie agreed that the game has to be played with a level head in order to succeed.

“It is one of those sports you can not perfect; you could go an entire game without missing a shot in basketball,” Archie said in a previous interview. “But no one player has ever made 18 birdies on 18 holes.”

The ultimate goal of the year is to win the Minority Collegiate Golf Championship in Port St. Lucie, Fla. The PGA-sponsored event invites teams from various HBCU’s and other colleges with a majority minority population.

FAMU looks to improve on its eighth place finish in last year’s tournament.

“That’s the name of the game. Whoever puts the least wins the tournament,” Green said

FAMU will start spring play in the Frito-Lay AT&T Intercollegiate Invitational hosted by Jackson State on Feb. 18 – 21 in Philadelphia, Miss.

2 Calender �e Famuan� Monday, April 19, 2010

� eFamuan �

Sports 7Monday, January 31, 2011

A road victory gets put on hold for the Florida A&M women’s tennis team, in part to a loss against Jacksonville University Saturday at the Keith Watson Family Tennis Complex.

Similar to the previous weekend, FAMU was able to win games but couldn’t consistently win sets. FAMU used its key players in competition, excluding junior Britney Dean who was out due to an injury.

Sophomore Bethany Holt talked about the areas of tennis Florida A&M has to improve in if they expect to earn victories against the opposition.

“We have to play intelligent and make sure we move our opponents around,” Dean said. “We just have to stay focused and not let other things outside of tennis worry us when we’re playing.”

JU was able to get the 3-0 sweep in doubles competition over FAMU, 8-4, 8-1 and 9-7.

The high point of the match for

FAMU was junior Kathline Durden defeating Natalia Melibeu 0-6, 6-3, 1-0 (8).

FAMU head coach “Nikki” Goldthreate says the team has to be ready to adapt to anything that could prevent the team from succeeding.

“The team has to be prepared for anything and be the ones to better adjust,” Goldthreate said. “In practice and in games I have seen good things that could translate to success in singles and doubles.”

Freshman Shani Williams, who played her fi rst match of the 2011 season against Jacksonville University, spoke about FAMU’s potential to improve.

“The players on this team are really confi dent on the court, no matter who they are playing,” Williams said. “We are always confi dent regardless and I can learn a lot from that.”

Rallying off of momentum, the JU tennis team defeated Bethune-Cookman posting a similar 6-1 victory in its fi st match of the season.

FAMU sophomore Dean says the team has to cut down on the number

of unforced errors and double faults each player commits.

“There’s not a preference for me or my teammates when it comes to playing singles or doubles,” she said. “I’ve always played both. We need to cut down our errors period when we are on the court.”

The Florida A&M men’s tennis team took on University of South Florida, Saturday in Tampa, losing 7-0.

Levan Clark, a junior from Orlando, opened up the singles against USF losing his first set with a score of 6-4, winning his second set 2-6 and losing the deciding set 10-5.

Sophomore Childi Gabriel lost his first set 6-1, came back and took his second set 4-6. His run ended in his last set 6-1.

“Playing against strong competitors is helping us out for the long run,” Gabriel said. “Things didn’t go in our favor today, but that’s how the game goes sometimes. We gave it our all in practice and we will continue to do the same every time we compete.”

Maurice Wamokowa lost against USF’s Federico Sabogal in 6-2 and 6-0 sets.

Senior Michael Moore, from New

York, also went down in straight sets, 6-2 and 6-1.

“Overall we played extremely well, we just didn’t finish with a ‘W’,” Marc Atkins said.

Clark and Gabriel, two players who were Top 100 in the MEAC, played well in their doubles match against USF, but didn’t finish with a win. Coach Carl Goodman said four players could possibly place in the Top 100 in the nation in

doubles if they continue to put in the necessary effort.

The other two doubles matches were also unsuccessful, which was a concern Goodman brought up after the team’s previous match against the UNF.

“I believe that our efforts in this week’s doubles were a lot better,” said Goodman. “However we still need to work on our communication and execution.”

Goodman set up a rigorous schedule this year for his team with the goal of finishing the season strong. The Rattlers have experienced two losses against the top 60 tennis teams in the nation.

“Despite this weekend’s loss and the loss we experienced last weekend, I am proud of our efforts,” Goodman said. “We are getting stronger as a team and showing the top Division 1 schools what FAMU is made of.”

Florida A&M athletes, coaches, cheerleaders and the Marching 100 attended the final day of J. Michael Conley Elementary School’s Literacy Week to convey a message to the community’s youth on the importance of reading.

The group took a surprise trip to the school on Friday to read, talk and have a mini parade with the children. Some of the students even wanted autographs from the Rattler stars who visited the school.

Lamere Buchanan, a sophomore cross-country and track and field athlete from Glassboro, N.J., said he enjoyed the experience of being a mentor for the day.

“It felt like we were their role models,” Buchanan said. “It was fun to see how happy it made them just to see us.”

Stephanie Colter, a freshman track athlete from Phoenix, Ariz., figured the experience would be one of enlightenment for the audience.

“I just had a conversation with them to just learn about their life,” she said. “The biggest thing with reading for kids is helping them figure

out how this pertains to their life.”

The athletes embraced the opportunity to help guide the younger generation learn the value of reading.

“Your greatest motivation can be those right above you,” Colter said. “Instead of hearing it from just teachers, but hearing from students to help the message hit home.”

The day was less work, and more of a time of relaxation, and fun, for the athletes.

“Me and a fellow track teammate, Jasmine Pleasant, got to sit down and read the kids a book page by page and that was awesome,” Buchanan said.

The list of athletes in attendance was a mix of

some of the more productive members of the teams. Kevin Elliott, Kendrick Washington, Antonio Lawrence and Anthony Shutt represented the football team.

“I think it was great to see the look in their eyes,” Coulter said. “Especially when they saw the football players.”

Cheerleaders and cheermasters were also a part of the festivities. The Marching 100 also

participated providing two miniature parades around the campus. The band was followed by a multitude of costumed grade scholars.

The athletes agreed teaching younger students the importance of academics trumped being athletic superstars for the day. Buchanan added he’d participate in future endeavors like this one.

“I would love to do it again ASAP,” he said. “This way we can tell them early about the advantages of doing well in school and furthering their education.”

Video of the events can be viewed at

Women lose latest match

Men’s team struggling

Athletes encourage readingConley students get literary treat















Golfers to restart season in February, hope to improve

Vaughn Wilson Sport InformationKevin Elliott takes time to enjoy the students at J. Michael Conley Elementary School.

File Photo

File Photo

Vaughn Wilson Sports Information



Wednesday, January 31,

Sports 8

The Florida A&M swim team was forced to sit out the HBCU Swimming Innovational scheduled for Jan. 29 due to lack of preparation.

Swimming and diving coach Jorge Olaves made an executive decision to pull his team out of Saturday’s meet. He said they were not prepared to effectively compete due to lack of pool, weather conditions and funds.

The FAMU Aquatics Center is currently closed due to a lack of operating and OPS funds. The pool is predicted to begin renovations May 2011.

The swim team is forced to practice at FSU athletic pool when their swim team is not having practice or in need of it.

“My swimmers want to practice and get better. Due to the schedule conflict it is almost impossible to do so,” said Olaves. “Having our own facility would eliminate a lot the current problems.”

Along with not having an available

university pool, the weather is another factor that hindered the swim team’s preparation for the meet. With temperatures in the 20s and 30s during the early morning, practices were pushed back, causing a time conflict with the FSU’s swim team.

Having an indoor pool for athletic and recreational purposes is a necessity according to the team.

“Not having an indoor pool has tremendously affected the team as a whole,” said Bria Bennett. “It has been really challenging trying to get a good workout in under the conditions we are faced with.”

Olaves said that an ideal practice time for a swim team is once in the early morning and once in the afternoon. The team is unable to do so because the FSU swim team also has to practice.

They get first priority for their pool even though we are paying to use their facility.

“Despite the current circumstances we will continue to prepare for our next meet which is conference it will takes place in February,” said Bennett.

Practice conflicts have forced Coach Olaves to move morning practices to the mid-day, which is when majority of the swimmers are in class, forcing him to have to commute back and forth from FSU twice a day.

Olaves said that it would be less stressful if the university had its own facility, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to see his swimmers compete at their best.

Cierra JaCkson

Lack of proper facilities prevents swimmers from participatingSwimming team out in cold, without pool

Men lose nail-biter

Despite how they have been playing as of late, the

Florida A&M men’s basketball team lost 61-59 to the North Carolina Central Eagles. The loss dropped the Rattlers to 7-13 overall.

The team entered Saturday’s game on a two game win streak, which included a 62-58 win over then top-conference ranked Hampton Pirates.

North Carolina Central continued a win streak of its own after wins over North Carolina A&T and Western Illinois, improving it’s record to 10-9. The Eagles win streak is now 3.

The Eagles opened the up an early lead against the Rattlers in the first half. Interior offense and defensive toughness contributed to the Eagles lead. C.J. Wilkerson led the way for the Eagles scoring 18 points in the contest.

Men’s basketball head coach Eugene Harris said tough defense could have led to a win.

“Early on we hurt ourselves. We didn’t play tough man to man defense and they got going early,” Harris said.

The Eagles scored 41 first half points, the most for a Rattlers’ opponent all season.

The lead was built on the shoulders of North Carolina Centrals’ inside game. Missed screens and quick screens led to open shots for the Eagles according to Harris.

The Eagles, who led 41-26 at half-time, saw the lead shrink to two points (57-55) on two free throws by Yannick Crowder with 3:09 left in the game.

After North Carolina

Central built a five-point lead, freshman guard Avery Moore hit a 3-pointer with 34 seconds left to bring the Rattlers within two.

Harris added that making shots in the inside would have led to a win. Shooting at least 70 percent from the foul line would be optimum, but the team shot 66 percent. In the second half their shooting percentage dwindled down to only 30 percent.

“We had some good looks but we missed wide open shots under the basket and that’s never good,” Harris said.

Amin Stevens, who led the Rattlers with 16 points, missed a lay up with one second remaining that would have tied the game at 61-61.

Stevens leads the Rattlers in scoring and rebounding, a trend he continued after a 21-point 16-rebound game against Hampton.

Reggie Lewis added 11 points, while senior forward Christopher Walker contributed nine points in 10 minutes.

The Rattlers next game is Monday at South Carolina State in Orangeburg, S.C. before coming home to face the Morgan State Bears

Players could not be reached for contact.Charmaine Peterson



File Photo The Famuan

Bennett shines, women rise

Basketball team suffers one-point loss to North Carolina Central

Another weekend road trip for the Florida A&M Lady Rattler basketball team would not deter its conquest to add another notch in a potential Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) championship belt. The Rattlers edged out North Carolina Central 63-62 in a “tough battle” Saturday night.

Senior forward Antonia Bennett scored 31 points, tying the MEAC single-game scoring high for the season. She grabbed 15 rebounds and put back the winning basket with seconds left to play.

Qiana Donald grabbed a rebound from the missed free throw with 17 seconds to go, with the Lady Rattlers are down by one point.

Pushing the ball up the court after the rebound, Tameka McKelton went up for a jump shot and was blocked. Senior guard Myeshia Simms jumped on the floor for the loose ball, which led to a jump ball, the possession arrow pointing FAMU’s way.

“We drew up a play where

Bennett would take the ball to shoot, it was very intense the entire time because we were down by one,” said head coach LaDawn Gibson.

Bennett said the scramble for the last shot was between her and top-scorer McKelton.

“Tameka got an offensive rebound on my missed three-

pointer, and I was able to get (McKelton’s) rebound. I wanted to get it off before the buzzer and I got the shot up and it went in,” Bennett said

The team is already looking forward to Monday’s game against South Carolina State.

“The victory makes them look forward to Monday,”

Gibson said. “Knowing that they are tied for fourth place and how important this game is for us to take today against South Carolina State.”

The Lady Rattlers shot 33% from the field and 58% at the free throw line. McKelton, a senior guard, averaged 12 points in the past five games, five below her season average.

“McKelton has been struggling the last four or five games. I think Bennett has been picking up the slack,” Gibson said. “We were flat offensively in the first half but great defensively, we slacked up on defense in the second half and that’s the inconsistency.”

Donald dominated the offensive glass, Grabbing 11 offensive rebounds and finished with 16 rebounds overall.

“You have to work harder for offensive rebounds; we tried to get more second chances to score,” Donald said.

The team will travel next to South Carolina to take on the South Carolina State Bulldogs.

tommy hawkins

tommy hawkins

staFF Writer

File Photo The Famuan

File Photo The Famuan

The Women of Florida A&M’s track and field program are diligently preparing for the Mid-Eastern Athleic Conference indoor championship.

The meet will be the 17th-19th of February. The team will travel to Landover, Md.

Women’s coach Darlene Moore constantly praises the poise and skill of her athletes. She also holds them to a standard of excellence, and expects the best from them.

Led by athletes like Latoya Wright, Chandelic Jackson, Ariel Allen, and Clarricia Golden the track team has an improved chance at the championship this season.

The men’s track and field team has one of the nation’s best suiting up with them.

Leon Hunt, a tranfer student from Virginia State Univesity, ranks 11th nationally in the long jump.

Hunt earned this spot with a 25.5 feet jump at the Blue Raider Invitatiol

Baseball season is preparing to heat up.

The team’s first game will be on Feb. 5th at the HBCU Invite in Greensboro, N.C.

Heath Blackburn is one of the team’s biggest weapons heading into the season. The sophomore pitcher was second on the team last season in wins and strikeouts.

This year’s team, coached by Brett Richardson, is hoping to improve on last season’s 10 wins and looks to improve its rankings amongst Mid-Easterm Athletic Conference schools.

Men’s Track

Women’s Track

File Photo The Famuan

File Photo The Famuan

File Photo The Famuan


Cierra JaCkson

staFF Writer