Monitoring Agricultural Drought in Canada using the ... · Validation of VegDRIMaps for Canadian...

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Transcript of Monitoring Agricultural Drought in Canada using the ... · Validation of VegDRIMaps for Canadian...

Southern Ontario

Top: In 2001 in Southern Ontario, conditions were mixed during the growing season, with wet conditions in

early spring, and drier conditions emerging in mid to late summer. This is evident in the increased drought

stress seen in areas later in the season.

Middle: Crop reports describe above normal precipitation in the spring of 2002, particularly in eastern

Ontario. Conditions became hot and dry as the summer progressed. Maps show some localized impacts of

hot weather, which is consistent with crop reports.

Bottom: In 2008 in Ontario conditions were generally favourable with persistent wet weather and high yields

across the region. Maps show excess moisture, which appears to be incorrect since the moisture in this

case was beneficial to crop growth. Some disease related to moisture was reported, but this did not have a

significant impact on crop yields.

Monitoring Agricultural Drought in Canada using the Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI) Catherine Champagne1,Jesslyn Brown2, Tsegaye Tadesse3, Trevor Hadwen1, Andrew Davidson1, and Richard Warren1.1 Agroclimate, Geomatics and Earth Observation Division, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada2 Earth Resources Observation and Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Sioux Falls SD, USA3 National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NB, USA

Poster ID 81191: GC13H: Sustainable Global Agricultural Production Monitoring Practices and Methods II Posters

The Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI)• Drought conditions vary tremendously from place to place and week to week. Accurate drought monitoring is

essential to understand a drought, its progression and potential effects, and to provide information to support

drought mitigation decisions. Monitoring is improved by integrating information that is timely and region specific to

identify droughts where and when they are happening.

• The Vegetation Drought Response Index or VegDRI is a hybrid drought monitoring and mapping tool that integrates

satellite observations of vegetation status and climate data with information on land cover, soil characteristics, and

other environmental factors. This allows for more precise identification of anomalies in satellite-measured vegetation

health that are directly related to drought

• Developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center and

the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), VegDRI reveals vegetation conditions as plants respond to solar

energy, soil moisture and other limiting factors. Researchers used integrated VegDRI products to produced detailed

VegDRI maps that show levels of drought stress on vegetation across the conterminous United States. With a

relatively high degree of spatial detail, VegDRI maps support near-real-time monitoring of drought effects at state

and county levels. These maps combine the higher spatial resolution of the satellite data (<1 square kilometer) with

the sparser climate station information to provide a detailed picture of drought impacts on vegetation.

Developing a VegDRI for Canadian Agriculture• In 2013, a pilot study was conducted along the Canada-US border areas to assess seamless integration of data

from Canada and the US for VegDRI

• Climate data from 881 stations with long historical records in border regions of Canada and the US were used (77 in

Canada, 804 in the US) to calculate two drought indices: the Self Calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index

(PDSI) and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). A 36 –week SPI was chosen after evaluation of SPI for

numerous time scales since the provided the best predictive accuracy.

• Satellite data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor were used to calculate bi-

weekly composited Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over a 20 year period from 1989 – 2008. Two

metrics were calculated from the time series NDVI: the Start of Season Anomaly (SOSA) and the Seasonal

Greeness (SG).

• A database was built using the dynamic climate and satellite derived data in additional to biophysical data (soil

available water holding capacity, land cover, irrigation, ecozones) to train a model for VegDRI in Canada using a

Classification and Regression Tree (CART) method in Cubist software.

• Models classify each pixel into one of eight VegDRI categories, ranging from Extreme Drought, through to Normal,

through to Extreme Moist (Figure 1).

Next Steps• VegDRI model training and testing will be extended into Canada south of 60°N

using NDVI composites from the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer

(MODIS) satellite compiled at weekly time steps, and an increased number of climate

station with historical data records in Canada (~900 stations in Canada and ~800 in

the United States)

• New models will be trained using climate and satellite data which cover a period from

2000 – 2014.


• Data on climate and soils is much less available north of 60°N. These areas are

largely uninhabited boreal forest and tundra

• The shorter growing season and prevalence of snow requires unique methods to

calculate satellite variables such as Start and End of SeasonFig. 1 Overview of VegDRI model training and development

Impact of Data Inputs on VegDRI Model Development

Validation of VegDRI Maps for Canadian Agricultural Regions

• Cubist models were trained two ways: (1) Using only

Canadian climate data and (2) using Canadian and U.S.

climate data

• Comparisons of (1) and (2) showed agreement over

71% of the pixels, with 93% within one VegDRI category

and 98% within two categories

• Canada has far fewer climate stations with long

historical records; this could be improved by gap filling

historical stations using gridded climate data sets

• Discontinuities in national data sets were found between

the two countries (soils data in particular), and these

should be minimized to have a seamless and consistent

mapping across borders

Southern Alberta

Top: Southern Alberta region in 2001 shows accelerating drought impacts over the season resulting from a dry winter

which led to low soil moisture reserves, lack of germination due to dryness and high winds led to reseeding of fields in

early June and some late June rains. Low precipitation in July and pest infestations led to high crop losses, low

irrigation water reserves; crop yields were 20-40% below average; dry fall led to early harvest

Middle: Southern Alberta region in 2002 had a cool wet spring, flooding in southern region, some fields left unseeded

due to excess moisture. Dry conditions led to crop deterioration in July, which is not evident in the VegDRI maps. Cool

damp conditions in September with average yields. Damage from long term drought not evident in maps.

Bottom: Southern Alberta region in 2008: Cool weather in early June, with adequate moisture reserves for seed

germination; some crop damage mid season due to hail storms; average yields; crops 10-14 days behind normal due

to cool spring, yields 29% above 10 year average. Maps show primarily normal conditions, consistent with crop reports

Maps were validated against provincial crop reports that summarized seasonal

climate, soil moisture and impacts.




Late June Late July Late August Late June Late July Late August

Pilot Area for VegDRI Modelling with MODIS NDVI

VegDRI Categories