Monaghan Hartman (2010) Integrating the Elementary Language Arts

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Transcript of Monaghan Hartman (2010) Integrating the Elementary Language Arts

Integrating the Elementary Language Arts:

A Historical Perspective

E. Jennifer MonaghanDouglas K. Hartman

Chapter 16

Toward Defining the Language Arts …

• “Our goal is to define … what students should learn in the English language arts—reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and visual representing.”

International Reading Association/National Council of Teachers of English (IRA/NCTE). (1996). Standards for the English Language Arts. Newark, DE: International Reading Association/National Council of Teachers of English.

1620s to 1780s

Sequential Teaching of Reading & Writing

Reading the Bible is the route to salvation

New-England Primer (n.p.). (1727). Boston: S. Kneeland & T. Green.

1780s to 1840s

Integrating Speaking & Spelling Instruction

Oral spelling is the route to reading acquisition

Webster, N. (1843). The elementary spelling book; being an improvement on the American Spelling Book (p. 20). New York: Cooledge & Brother.

(Original work published 1829).

1840s to 1880s

Pestalozianism & Schoolbooks

A shift toward child-centered reading instruction

William Holmes McGuffey (1837). Eclectic First Reader (p. 14). Cincinnati: Truman & Smith. Reproduced in John H. Westerhoff III (1978). McGuffey and His Readers: Piety, Morality, and Education in Nineteenth-Century America (p. 115). Nashville, TN: Abingdon.

1840s to 1880s

Pestalozianism & Schoolbooks (continued)

A shift toward child-centered writing instruction

Frost, J. (1839). Easy exercises in composition (p. 24). Philadelphia: W. Marshal. Reproduced in Schultz, L.M. (1999), The young composers: Composition’s beginning in

nineteenth-century schools (p. 52). Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

1880s to 1930s

Progressivism & the Integration of Literacy Instruction

Francis Wayland Parker


1930s to 1970s

Disintegrating the Language Arts

The Whole Word Approach

Kleiser, C., Ettinger, W.L., & Shimer, E.D. (1917). The Progressive road to reading: Story steps (p. 7). Boston: Silver, Burdett.

1980s to 1990s

Integrating the Language Arts

Emergent literacy, process writing, whole language, & literature-based reading

Mavrogenes, N.A. (1987). Young children composing then and now: Recent research on emergent literacy. Visible Language, 21, p. 281.

1990s to 2010

Where We Are Now in the Era of NCLB

Renewed emphasis on reading rather than writing instruction

Citations of the Words “Reading,” “Writing,” “Language Arts,” and “Literacy” in Public Law 107-110 (2001), the No Child Left Behind law

Reading Writing Language Arts Literacy COMBINED TOTALS 249 26* 7 108The disparity in favor of reading and reading instruction over writing and

writing instruction is obvious. * This total includes a deduction of 3 citations of the phrase “in writing.”Sources:TITLE 1 Improving the Academic Achievement of the DisadvantagedSections 1001-1004; Part A, Improving Basic Programs, sections 1111-

1120B; Part B, Student Reading Skills Improvement, sections 1201-1208; Subpart 2,

Early Reading First, sections 1221-1226; Subpart 3, William F. Goodling Family Literacy, sections 1231-1242; Subpart 4. Improving Literacy…School Libraries, section 1251;

Part C, Education of Migratory Children, sections 1301-1309.TITLE 2 Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and

PrincipalsSubpart 2. National Writing Project, sections 2331-2332. Public Law 107-110, the No Child Left Behind of 2001. Retrieved November

29, 2010, from

Summary of Chapter

Era Years Themes/Events

The New England Primer:Sequential Teaching of Reading & Writing

1620s to 1780s

Reading is taught before writing because it is through reading that the young acquire the values (at this time, the religious values) of adults.

Noah Webster’s Spelling Books:Integrating Speaking & Spelling with Reading Instruction

1780s to 1840s

In the 1730s, spelling books emerge as the key text for American reading instruction, which is based on the alphabet method. Noah Webster’s spellers outstrip all others in their sales.

(Monaghan & Hartman, 2010)

Summary of Chapter

Era Years Themes/Events

Pestalozzianism & Child-Centered Schoolbooks:Parallel Shifts in Reading & Writing Materials

1820s to 1880s

The sterility of the alphabet method and rote learning gives rise to reform. Reformers invoke the child-centered principles of Johann Pestalozzi to introduce child-centered reading and writing instructional texts.

Francis Wayland Parker:Progressivism & the Integration of Literacy Instruction

1880s to 1930s

The same principles are adopted by Progressives, who integrate reading & writing into their curricula. Children read what they have written.

(Monaghan & Hartman, 2010)

Summary of Chapter

Era Years Themes/Events

The Whole Word Approach:Disintegrating the Language Arts 1930s to 1970s

Both the Progressives & their successful rivals, the adherents of the scientific movement in education, adopt the whole word approach to reading instruction while synthetic phonics and writing take a back seat.

Integrating the Language Arts:The Impact of Cognitive Research

1980s to 1990s

Research on language acquisition & emergent literacy, combines with process writing, whole language, & literature-based reading to renew a focus on integrating the language arts.

(Monaghan & Hartman, 2010)

Summary of Chapter

Era Years Themes/Events

Where we Are Now:In the Era of No Child Left Behind 1990s to 2010s

New voices call for “balanced” reading instruction, but “high stakes” national and state testing conflict with integrative goals since they renew the exaggerated emphasis on reading, rather than writing instruction.

(Monaghan & Hartman, 2010)

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