Module 1 Public Relation

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Transcript of Module 1 Public Relation

PowerPoint Presentation

MODULE 1 PUBLIC RELATION(1) Definition (2) Meaning (3) Importance (4) Objectives (5) scope and Functions- (6) Essentials of good public relations, (7) Human Relations and Public Relations, (8) Public Relations for Team Work, (9) Organization of Public Relations of Corporate Bodies (10) Internal Organization (11) Role of Public relations for corporate Staffing, (12) Selection, (13) Training and Development of Public Relations Staff ,(14) Importance of Mannerism s and Body Languages in Public Relations

(1) Definition

Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

(2) Meaning Public relations (PR) is a management function which deals with public issues. An important component of public relations is publicity. Publicity deals with news coverage of events relating to companies products and servicesMeaning of PRA systematic act of building an image of a product/service/idea/company among the target group/general public/stake holders through a welldesigned promotion on a regular basis.

(3) Importance PR is vital to outreach programs.PR is all about building relationships to advance, promote, and benefit the reputation of you yourself, your department and institutionPR is about communicating your message to gain allies, advocates, supporters, etc. in the community and the institutionIt aids in marketing the department for recruitment purposes and can lead to improved quality of student applicantsIt demonstrates to funding agencies that you are making a difference and actually have results(3) Importance It can improve the reputation of an individual department

It can lead to strong community and industrial partnerships, and even financial support

The more PR you do, greater potential for even more media exposurePR is not just media relations

Other PR examples include:Special EventsSpecial PromotionsPublic AffairsInternal RelationsCommunity RelationsHigh Tech PR: blogging, social networking

(4) Objectives Promoting goodwillPromoting a product or serviceTo give information to internal employeesHelps to overcome negative publicityLobbying (The act of attempting to influence business and government leaders to create legislation or conduct an activity that will help a particular organization.)Give advice and council

(5) scope and Functions- Public relation is a window of the corporation through which management can monitor external changes We find regular conflicts between employer-employee consumer-manufacturer, management-shareholders, citizens-government and so on due to misconception and misunderstandings. These are generally the major challenges where public relation practitioners can play a crucial role. They should get to know the psychology of the public mind and acquire skill in solving and also avoiding such conflicts

Functions:1.Community Relations-

Organizations can implement various programs to improve community relations on a regular or even ongoing basis. So, clearly, one of the major functions of public relations is to bridge the business/community gap. When organizations support activities and programs that improve quality of life in their communities their image and reputation will be enhanced.

2. Employee Relations- The most important resource that a company has are its employees and the customer service they provide. The functions of public relations in regards to the companys employees is the maintenance of employee goodwill. The image and reputation of a company among its employees is also another responsibility of public relations in its function of employee relations.

3. Product Public Relations-When new products are introduced to the market the role that public relations plays is crucial for creating awareness and differentiating the product in the publics eyes from other similar products. When existing products need a push public relations is often called on the improve product visibility.

4. Financial Relations-This function involves communication with the wide variety of individuals and groups that the company deals with in the course of its operations. This includes the stockholders and investors but is not limited to them.

Financial analysts and potential investors have to be informed about the companys finances. A well planned and executed financial relations campaign can increase the value of the companys stock because of improved image and reputation. This improved image can also make it easier to gather additional capital.

(6) Essentials of good public relations1. PR strategy. Just like with any marketing tactic, if you do not have a clear purpose and accountability within the overall market plan, it is difficult to sustain in the market.2. Niche. To be most successful, have a focused approach around defined target markets.3. Scope. Determine if you are looking for local community relations or if you want to be a national go to expert.4. Metrics. Know what outcomes you want to achieve and then routinely gather the analytics to make sure you are on the right path.

5. An expert opinion. The press do not want a boring middle-of-the-road contribution. They need something newsworthy to sell their publication. Determine topics, pick a side and take a clear stance. Just make sure your opinions stay within your brand image and core values.6. A press release template. A professional looking release can help your business stand out. It should also include a well-written description of your firm (and possibly yourself) that differentiates you from the competition, with a section for relevant links to make it easier for reporters to conduct any additional research that might be needed.7. Byline articles. Be unique and provide a fresh point of view. To be the most opportunistic, discuss breaking news topics or trends. Consider co-authoring an article with a strategic alliance to give each other more credibility and an increased chance to be published.

8. Exclusives. Offer a connection an opportunity to be the first or only organization to run with your information.

9. Media focus. Determine the list of media outlets and then the journalist, editors and producers within each organization.

10. Relationships. Build connections with the journalists that cover your industry and target markets. At first, trade publications will help you build up credibility to be later covered in consumer-oriented publications that focus on your prospects.

13. A spokesperson. Determine the point of contacts within your organization and then identify the policies and procedures for interactions with the media. Key contacts should be media trained.

14. A writer. If there is no time or resources to develop new content within your firm, hire a copyrighter to provide written information. Write in the language of the target audience.

15. A gimmick. The idea of creating a stunt to generate attention is a great one, if it is in line with the overall brand (or it helps positively shape a new brand). Special events work well for local coverage.

19. Social media support. Providing valuable information online helps make you searchable when reporters research stories, looking for appropriate sources.

20. A snowball effect. Plan to effectively leverage current media appearances to get new coverage from other media outlets.

21. Reprints. Reproduce printed articles when it is cost effective. Also, link to online articles and videos from your website for free.

(7) Human Relations and Public Relations, HR and Public Relation or PR are terms very frequently encountered in the corporate world. Both are utilized by an organization to maximize returns on investment. HR stands for Human resources and pertains to the workers or employees of an organization, though it has now come to refer to human potential of an entire nation. PR is short of Public relations and it pertains to making effective use of policies and strategies to create a good image of the company among the people.HRAs the name implies, HR treats humans as resources just like raw material and the management plans policies and strategies to increase the efficiency of this resource so as to generate more profits for the organization. This is also known as human or man management that tries to increase the productivity of the employees by looking after their needs and drawing up plans to look after their welfare. Happy and content employees are an asset to any company and the results are there for all to see in terms of increased productivity ultimately resulting in higher production.

PRMaintaining good relations with the people outside the organization, particularly the press and the media is today an important function for any company. PR is a broad subject that encompasses projecting the works done by the organization in the field of social welfare to create a favorable image of the company in the minds of the people. PR is effectively a means to keep open dialogue with the outside world through press releases, media campaigns and advertisements to remain in the sight of the public. Image today is very important for any company and no means are spared to achieve this end

(8) Public Relations for Team Work, Public relations is a multifaceted profession that often demands extensive collaboration for its practitioners. Teamwork in the field allows PR professionals to develop strategies and execute plans in an environment open to different viewpoints and contrasting ideas. A lack of teamwork can leave public relations pros missing opportunities for their clients or struggling to manage their responsibilities.

Client ManagementIn an agency or organization, more than one public relations representative frequently works on a single account or area of focus. In an agency, for instance, the account manager may serve as the chief point of contact for a client, but the account manager also works with other members of the firm to execute communications plans that match the client's needs. The success of the arrangement depends on the account manager and other public relations professionals on the account to be unified on a strategy.

Media PlacementPublic relations teams band together to pursue the media placement their clients desire. Public relations specialists and managers collaborate to monitor media coverage and to use that knowledge to target media outlets and journalists who may be a good fit for the client. In this type of project, public relations specialists can share their knowledge about journalists from previous experiences. They also can brainstorm ideas for the best ways to package a pitch to a journalist in a way that stays true to the client's message.Communications ToolsTeamwork frequently plays a role in the creation of communications products, such as print items, videos, photos and websites. For instance, a press release will not be distributed to the media with only the input of the release's writer. Instead, colleagues ensure that the release is grammatically accurate, meets organizational style guidelines and fits desired messaging. Team members look for miscues as small as a typo and as large as an inaccurate fact. Some communications, such as a newsletter or annual report, feature the work of a team of specialists, such as writers, graphic designers, photographers and editors.Crisis CommunicationsTeamwork is perhaps most essential in public relations during a crisis for a client. When an organization faces a crisis, such as a tragedy or scandal, its public relations team cooperates to manage the organization's communications response. In this event, public relations professionals drop personal projects and assume different roles on the team to ensure the organization is meeting its communication goals. Team members work to find and identify accurate information, develop messaging and relay information to the public, including media. They also collaborate to monitor media reports, including social media activity related to the organization.