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Modular Electronics Learning (ModEL)project

v1 1 0 dc 12

v2 2 1 dc 15

r1 2 3 4700

r2 3 0 7100


* SPICE ckt

V = I R

.dc v1 12 12 1

.print dc v(2,3)

.print dc i(v2)

Digital Numeration

c© 2018-2020 by Tony R. Kuphaldt – under the terms and conditions of theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

Last update = 28 January 2020

This is a copyrighted work, but licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalPublic License. A copy of this license is found in the last Appendix of this document. Alternatively,you may visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to CreativeCommons: 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. The terms andconditions of this license allow for free copying, distribution, and/or modification of all licensedworks by the general public.



1 Introduction 3

2 Tutorial 7

2.1 Numbers versus numeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.2 Unsigned integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.3 Signed integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.4 Fixed-point notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.5 Binary-Coded Decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.6 Shorthand representations of digital words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.7 Decimal conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.7.1 Binary to decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.7.2 Octal to decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.7.3 Hexadecimal to decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.7.4 Decimal to binary by trial-and-fit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2.7.5 Decimal to octal or hexadecimal by trial-and-fit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2.7.6 Conversion to decimal by repeated division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.8 Floating-point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

2.9 Big endian and little endian formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.10 Incompatible format errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3 Historical References 43

3.1 A binary resistance box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.2 Big-endians and Little-endians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4 Derivations and Technical References 49

4.1 Derivation of ??? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.2 ??? Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5 Programming References 53

5.1 Programming in C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5.2 Programming in Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.3 Numeration formats in Python and C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62



6 Questions 73

6.1 Conceptual reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776.1.1 Reading outline and reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786.1.2 Foundational concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796.1.3 Mayan numeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.1.4 Number transmission via cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6.2 Quantitative reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856.2.1 Miscellaneous physical constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866.2.2 Introduction to spreadsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876.2.3 Counting in binary, octal, and hexadecimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906.2.4 Binary to decimal conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916.2.5 Decimal to binary conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916.2.6 Stepper motor sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926.2.7 Integer conversion table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936.2.8 Fixed-point integer conversion table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946.2.9 Signed integer conversion table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 956.2.10 Using Python to convert between bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966.2.11 C++ program converting decimal to other formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976.2.12 Dissecting floating-point numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 996.2.13 Microcontroller driving seven-segment displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026.2.14 Microcontroller driving an LED array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6.3 Diagnostic reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056.3.1 Strange floating-point addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056.3.2 Testing endianness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

7 Projects and Experiments 109

7.1 Recommended practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097.1.1 Safety first! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107.1.2 Other helpful tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1127.1.3 Terminal blocks for circuit construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1137.1.4 Conducting experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167.1.5 Constructing projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

7.2 Experiment: Demonstrate integer math error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1217.3 Project: (first project) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

A Problem-Solving Strategies 123

B Instructional philosophy 125

C Tools used 131

D Creative Commons License 135

E References 143

F Version history 145


Index 146


Chapter 1


Electronic switching circuits are Boolean in nature: by definition they have only two valid states(ON and OFF). When multiple switching elements are considered in tandem to represent individualbits in a multi-bit digital word, the number of possible combinations scales exponentially with thenumber of bits. For example, a set of four switching circuits (i.e. 4 bits) together represent sixteenunique combinations of on/off states: 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001,1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, and 1111. Modest increases in the number of bits contained in adigital word dramatically increase the number of possible states: eight switching circuits (i.e. 8 bits)together represent two hundred and fifty six unique combinations of on/off states, from 00000000

through 11111111.

Digital words may represent a wide variety of things. We may use digital words to representwhole (natural) numbers, integers, alphabetical characters, machine positions, and analog quantitiessuch as voltage, among others. In this learning module we will focus on the use of digital words torepresent numerical quantities.

The fundamental principle used to represent numerical quantities in digital word form is thebinary numeration system. This system assigns a different place-weight to each bit in a digital word,starting with the 1’s place for the far-right bit, the 2’s place for the next-left bit, the 4’s place for thenext-left bit after that, the 8’s place for the next-further-left bit, etc. with each next place-weightbeing twice the value of the previous. The number represented by any such binary number is thesum of all the place-weights bearing a “1” bit state. For example, the four-bit binary number 1101is equal to thirteen, because the 8’s place, 4’s place and 1’s place are the only bits with “1” states,therefore its value must be eight plus four plus one, which is thirteen. This concept is actually morefamiliar to us than one might expect at first glance: our own decimal numeration system also usesplace-weighted values beginning with a 1’s place, then progressing to a 10’s place, a 100’s place, etc.with each new place-weight being ten times the value of the previous.

Variations on this binary theme exist to represent different types of numbers. The numerationsystem just described lacks any means of representing negative values, and so for this purpose wehave what is called two’s complement notation where the furthest-left place weight has a negativevalue. For a four-bit binary number, this would mean a −8’s place followed by a 4’s place followedby a 2’s place and finally a 1’s place. In this system, the four-bit binary number 1101 would beequal to negative three because −8 + 4 + 1 = −3. This “two’s complement” notation is commonly



known as signed integer format, as opposed to the previous system (with all positive place-weights)which is known as unsigned integer.

Another variation on this theme, admittedly not as popular in modern digital systems, is BinaryCoded Decimal or BCD format. In this system groups of four bits are used to represent each digitof a multi-digit decimal number. The decimal number 725, for example, would be represented inBCD as 0111 0010 0101, the left group of four bits representing 7, the middle group representing2, and the right group of four bits representing 5.

In applications where fractional values must be represented digitally, a common solution is to“fix” a decimal point to the converted binary number. Our previous example of the four-bit number1101 may be thusly interpreted as 1.3, or as 0.13, or even as 0.013 if we agree to affix a decimalpoint to a particular position in the resulting decimal equivalent value.

For some mathematical applications requiring numbers ranging from very large to very smallvalues, a fixed decimal point is simply insufficient. Consider an example as humble as thecommon electronic calculator, which must contend with numbers ranging from the microscopic (e.g.1.66 × 10−27, the mass of a proton in kilograms) to the astronomical (e.g. 3.09 × 1016, the lengthof a parsec in meters). A special binary number format called floating point (also called real) wasdeveloped for this purpose, resembling scientific notation written in binary1. A set of bits denote thesignificand (i.e. the “significant bits” to the left of a power-of-two) while another set of bits representthe exponent. Not only does this floating-point format allow for the expression of very large andvery small numbers, but special patterns of 1’s and 0’s are codified in the floating-point standard torepresent quantities such as infinity which is important in cases where a digital computer divides anon-zero quantity by zero.

In order to make large digital words easier for human beings to manage, some “shorthand”formats were invented to express the same data using fewer written characters. These include octaland hexadecimal notation, where every 3 bits (octal) or 4 bits (hexadecimal) of a digital word isrepresented by a single character. Since 3 bits provides eight unique states (000 through 111) and 4bits provides sixteen unique states, octal numeration uses characters 0 through 7 while hexadecimaluses characters 0 through 9 plus A, B, C, D, E, and F. For example, the twelve-bit digital word110101110100 could be expressed as 6564 in octal (four groups of three bits each: 110 101 110

100) or alternatively as D74 in hexadecimal (three groups of four bits each: 1101 0111 0100).

Digital data within the “registers” of a computing system are typically subdivided into smallergroupings, for example when the data words of a 32-bit computer are stored as pairs of 16-bitwords, or as four consecutive bytes (each byte being an 8-bit group). Unfortunately there is nouniversally accepted standard for subdividing large digital words, and as a consequence you willencounter digital systems with very different internal ordering strategies. For example, a 32-bit dataword arranged as four consecutive bytes named A, B, C, and D may appear as ABCD, as CDAB(“word-swapped”), as BADC (“byte-swapped”), or as DCBA (both word- and byte-swapped). Formost purposes this is not relevant to anyone but those tasked with designing the internal workingsof a digital system, unless you find yourself having to interface a system of one byte-ordering with

15.831902 × 104 is an example of a decimal number written in scientific notation, and is equivalent to 58319.02written normally. 1.00101 × 23 is an example of a binary number written in floating-point notation, and is equivalentto 1001.01 written without a power-of-two multiplier.


an system of a different byte-ordering, in which case you may have to program one of those systemsto “swap” its bytes around when communicating data so that the data will be properly interpreted.

Other possibilities for data mis-interpretation exist besides byte-ordering. If a binary number iscast in one format but interpreted in another, mistakes may result. A simple example of this is asigned binary number being interpret as unsigned, or vice-versa.


Chapter 2


For any technically literate person, numbers are as familiar as letters in the alphabet: we tendto take them for granted after learning how to express numerical quantities with these symbols.However, when studying the representation of numbers using electronic circuit states rather thanwritten symbols, we must re-examine our assumptions.



2.1 Numbers versus numeration

First we must clearly distinguish between numbers versus the symbols (i.e. numeration) wecommonly use to represent numbers. For example, if I say there are one dozen apples in a box,we clearly understand that to mean twelve apples. Furthermore, we would most likely write that onpaper using two symbols, a “1” followed by a “2” as shown here:

12 apples in the box

This, however, is not the only way to symbolically represent the number twelve. Alternatively,we could elect to use hash-marks to represent the number of apples, or even Roman numerals:

||||| ||||| || apples in the box XII apples in the box

You may notice that our “decimal” system of numeration uses fewer written characters (calledciphers) to express the number twelve than either hash-marks or Roman numerals. This efficiencyimproves as the numbers in question become much larger, and it is entirely due to the place-weightednature of the decimal numeration system. Each numeral, or cipher, occupies a place with a particularweight value associated. We would say that in the number twelve the numeral 1 occupies the ten’splace while the numeral 2 occupies the one’s place, and therefore the decimal number 12 means oneportion of ten added to two portions of one (i.e. 12 = 10 + 2). Larger decimal numbers use moreplaces, with each successive place-weight being ten times the one before it: after the ten’s placecomes the hundred’s place followed by the thousand’s place, etc.

Please note that the decimal expression of twelve is not the same thing as the quantity twelve,but rather merely a convention for expressing that quantity. Decimal notation happens to be veryefficient and works well for human beings to use, but it is not the only way to express quantities. Aswe will soon see, other methods exist for representing numerical quantities which lend themselvesbetter to electronic switching circuits than the decimal numeration system.

Before we begin exploring alternative numeration systems, it is worth reviewing some of thedifferent types of numerical quantities we may need to represent with any numeration system. Whatfollows are some examples of common number types:

• Who1e numbers (or “Natural” numbers): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

• Integer numbers: −5, −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

• Fractional (rational) numbers: 1

2, 3

4, − 5


• Irrational1 numbers: π, e

1Here, the term “irrational” does not mean illogical or nonsense as the word “irrational” is used in commonparlance. In mathematics, a rational number is one which may be expressed as a quotient (i.e. a fraction) of integers,literally as a ratio (hence, “rational”) of integers. By contrast, an irrational number is one that cannot be expressedby any quotient of integers. For example, many students of mathematics learn to approximate pi as 22

7, but this is

not actually equal to π as any quick check on a hand calculator will prove: 22

7= 3.142857 · · · ; π = 3.1415926535 · · ·.

One of the hallmarks of an irrational number is that its digits continue indefinitely without ever repeating, while arational number’s digits always repeat at some point.


• Real numbers: the combined set of whole, integer, fractional, and irrational numbers

• Imaginary numbers:√−1 or any multiple thereof

• Complex numbers: the combined set of real and imaginary numbers

Standards exist to represent every one of these number types in digital form, but since thesimplest case is whole numbers (commonly called unsigned integers in computer programming) wewill start our exploration there.


2.2 Unsigned integers

An electric or electronic switching circuit2 has only two valid states, on and off, and we may usethese discrete states to represent numerical values of 1 and 0. If we construct a numeration systemusing only these two ciphers (i.e. a base-two system, as opposed to our decimal system which is base-ten because it uses ten unique ciphers 0 through 9 and has place-weight values that are powers often) we may represent whole numbers in a manner similar to whole numbers in the decimal system.Instead of referring to these 1 and 0 cipher as digits, we will refer to them as bits.

Let’s explore this idea by example. Consider the number fifty three represented in both decimalform (base-10) and binary form (base-2). In each numeration system we have a series of places forciphers to occupy, and each of those places has an associated weight :

5 3

Fifty-three indecimal format

Fifty-three inbinary format

1 1 0 1 0 1

Ones place

Tens place

Ones place


os place

Fours place

Eights place

Sixteens place


os place

Fifty-three = (5)(10) + (3)(1)

Fifty-three = (1)(32) + (1)(16) + (0)(8) + (1)(4) + (0)(2) + (1)(1)

In either numeration system – decimal or binary – the total value is equal to the sum of all theciphers multiplied by their respective place-weight values. Fifty three written as a decimal numberis five times ten, plus 3 times one. Fifty three written as a binary number is one times thirty two,plus one times sixteen, plus one times four, plus one times one3.

It should not be difficult to see that the weight values for each place in either numeration systemare mathematical powers of the numeration system’s base value. For the decimal system (base-ten) the place-weights are powers of ten: a one’s place (100) and a ten’s place (101), and if ourexample number were much larger we would need a hundred’s place (102) and perhaps a thousand’splace (103). Similarly, in the binary system (base-two) the place-weights are powers of two: one’s(20), two’s (21), four’s (22), eight’s (23), sixteen’s (24), and thirty-two’s (25). Note how the least-significant place (i.e. the far-right digit or bit place in the number) weight is always one. Base value,also known as radix, is often shown as a trailing subscript to denote the numeration system whenwritten so as to avoid confusion4. Our example value of fifty three could be written in decimal as5310 or in binary as 1101012.

2Actually, a great many physical systems may be reduced to just two states: magnetic polarization (north versussouth), light waves (present or absent), particle spin (up or down), etc. which extends the discrete representationof data to systems other than electric/electronic switching circuits. In fact, many digital data storage technologiesexploit this fact by using non-electrical means to encode 1 and 0 states.

3We may omit the place-weights carrying “0” bits, in this case the eight’s and two’s places, because they do notcontribute to the sum.

4Imagine someone seeing the binary number 110101 written on a page and thinking it was supposed to be decimal,which would make it one hundred and ten thousand one hundred and one! This mistake can be avoided by writingthe binary number as 1101012.


The largest whole number representable in any place-weighted numeration system is equal to thebase value raised to the power of the number of places (i.e. number of characters in the number)minus one, and is realized when all places are filled with the largest cipher. For example, a two-digitdecimal number can represent ninety nine (9910) as its maximum value (102 − 1) when all digits areset to “9”, and a six-bit binary number can represent sixty three (1111112) as its maximum value(26 − 1) when all bits are set to “1”.

Before we proceed to more advanced forms of binary numeration, it is useful to reflect onthe significance of what we have accomplished so far: we now have a way to represent simplenumerical quantities using nothing more than discrete bits which may take the form of electricalswitch states, voltage or current pulses, magnetization states, optical transparency/reflectivity, etc.This fundamental principle allows us to encode not only numbers, but potentially any other formof data amenable to discrete states (e.g. alphabetical characters, color grades, standardized-pitchmusical tones), into very simple physical forms. This is the essence of the digital revolution: encodingimportant data as large collections of bits which may be processed, archived, and communicatedwith relative ease.


2.3 Signed integers

As useful as whole numbers are, they do not form a number system complete enough for allpractical purposes. It is important, for example, to be able to express negative quantities aswell. The mathematical term for the set of numbers including whole numbers and their negativecounterparts is integer. While “whole number” and “integer” are proper mathematical terms, it ismore commonplace in the computer programming and digital electronics domains to refer to thesenumber types as unsigned and signed integers, respectively.

When writing decimal numbers on paper, our solution for full integer representation is to prependa “minus” symbol (−) to the left-hand side of the number, which is in essence adding one more cipherto our decimal numeration system. This is not an option for us in binary, the point of which is torepresent numbers using only two states (1 and 0) for the purpose of exploiting the simplicity ofelectronic switching circuits, and therefore there is no third state available to serve as a negativesymbol.

One possible solution is to simply create a new place for an additional bit, and interpret a 1in that place as a negative symbol5. However, a more elegant solution has been invented calledtwo’s complement notation which achieves the same end. In two’s complement notation, we makethe most-significant bit (MSB) of the binary number bear a negative weight rather than a positiveweight as all the other places. For example, the six-bit binary number scheme shown previouslywould have a negative thirty two’s place followed by a sixteen’s place followed by an eight’s place,etc. In this scheme, a six-bit two’s-complement representation of negative seventeen (−17) wouldbe written as 1011112:

Ones place


os place

Fours place

Eights place

Sixteens place

1 0 1 1 1 1

Negative thirty-tw

os place

A good way to understand two’s complement notation is to test different patterns of 1 and 0 bitsto see what these patterns will equate to when their place-weights are summed. This is an exampleof a kind of thought experiment, whereby we explore the consequences of some idea by imaginingdifferent conditions acting upon that idea. We will use the same six-bit digital word for consistencywith prior examples, testing what happens when we set all bits to zero and when we set all bits toone:

0000002 = (0)(−32) + (0)(16) + (0)(8) + (0)(4) + (0)(2) + (0)(1) = 010

1111112 = (1)(−32) + (1)(16) + (1)(8) + (1)(4) + (1)(2) + (1)(1) = −110

Setting all bits to zero is unsurprising: the total sum is simply zero. Setting all bits to one,however, generates a novel result: negative one. In whole-number binary representation, setting allbits to one yields the largest possible value, but here (with the MSB bearing a negative weight) itdoes not.

5This scheme is referred to in computer science literature as sign-magnitude notation.


Having seen how the MSB of a two’s complement binary number interacts with the other bits, wemight try to find the binary patterns resulting in the largest positive and largest negative numberspossible with six bits. Since the MSB is the only negative place-weight, we ought to be able toachieve the largest negative number by setting only that bit to one (and the rest to zero). Likewise,we ought to be able to achieve the largest positive number possible by setting the MSB to zero andletting all other bits be one:

1000002 = (1)(−32) + (0)(16) + (0)(8) + (0)(4) + (0)(2) + (0)(1) = −3210

0111112 = (0)(−32) + (1)(16) + (1)(8) + (1)(4) + (1)(2) + (1)(1) = 3110

From these “thought experiments” we see that a six-bit two’s complement binary number has arange extending from −32 to +31. This stands in contrast to the six-bit whole binary number withcould range from 0 to +63. Note that in either case the six-bit number still has sixty four possiblevalues (including zero as one of those), but with two’s complement notation that range is offset withzero approximately in the middle instead of zero being the low end.

The fact that two’s complement notation works by granting a negative weight to only the most-significant place means it is important for us to define the width of our digital word prior to using itto represent numerical values. Consider how our earlier example of a six-bit representation of −17would appear if cast into a binary word eight bits in width:

Ones place


os place

Fours place

Eights place

Sixteens place

1 0 1 1 1 1


os place

Sixty-fours place


"Padding" zeros

Negative one hundred

twenty eights place

001011112 = (0)(128) + (0)(64) + (1)(32) + (0)(16) + (1)(8) + (1)(4) + (1)(2) + (1)(1) = 4710

Casting smaller binary numbers into larger word fields is not a problem when dealing with wholenumbers only, where every place-weight has a positive value. Here, however, we must be careful –clearly, −17 and 47 are not the same quantities, but 101111 could mean either one depending onhow many total bits are in the binary word!

The Introduction to computer programming subsection of the Quantitative reasoning section ofthis learning module (beginning on page 68) contains example programs contrasting the use of signedversus unsigned binary numbers.


2.4 Fixed-point notation

In many applications we must digitally represent numbers with fractional values, lying betweeninteger increments. If we assume that a “point” symbol lies between two places within a number,this will force characters to the left of that point to be whole and characters to the right of thatpoint to be fractional. This is commonly called fixed-point binary notation.

Consider a case where an eight-bit word has a “binary point” located between the second andthird bits (from the least-significant end) as shown in the following illustration:

1 0 1

Ones place


os place

Fours place

Eights place

Sixteens place


os place


ne-half’s place

One-quarter’s place

0 0 0

(1)(32) + 0(16) + (0)(8) + (0)(4) + (1)(2) + (0)(1) + (0)(0.5) + (1)(0.25) = 34.25

In this scheme, the digital word 10001001 would be interpreted to have the binary value100010.012, which in turn would be equal to a decimal value of 34.2510. If desired, we could alsoapply signed (two’s complement) notation with a fixed binary point by making the MSB have a weightof −32 instead of +32, and thusly be able to represent both positive and negative quantities withfractional portions. The word interpreted is used quite intentionally here, for the existence of this“binary point” as well as the decision to use two’s complement (or not) are our own arbitrary choices,neither one of which appears literally as a discrete electrical state or other physical entity. To thedigital circuitry, this is nothing but an eight bit word (10001001). It is only our human interpretationof these bits as being an unsigned binary number having a fixed point located between six whole-weighted bits and two “fractional” bits (wwwwww.ff) that gives it definite numerical meaning.

With this example – an eight-bit word having six whole-numbered bits and two “fractional” bits –the smallest increment we may represent is one-quarter (0.2510). Finer precision would require morebits to the right of the binary point, which may be achieved either by moving the binary point tothe left (which will give us finer resolution but also limit the maximum representable values) and/orby adding more bits to the digital word which requires an expansion of hardware. The fundamentallimit of eight bits is that it only has 256 possible combinations (28) of ones and zeroes, and so tooptimize one form of numerical expression means we must compromise elsewhere.


Now that we have seen how integers may be “forced” to express fractional values byinterpretation, we will explore another way of applying the same concept: forcing the placementof a “point” after the binary integer value has been converted into decimal form.

Many years ago I encountered a very literal application of this concept while working on a digitalmotion indicator for a large industrial machine. This machine used a rotary shaft pulse encoder totrack the angular position of one of its parts, to be displayed as a decimal number using 7-segmentLED indicators. The encoder happened to output exactly 3600 pulses per revolution, or ten pulsesper degree of shaft rotation, and the digital counter display had four decimal digits. With everylow-to-high pulse transition output by the encoder, the counter would increment by one:

Digital counter

Rotary shaftpulse encoder








Obviously, if the encoder shaft turned one complete revolution, the counter would increment from0000 to 3600. What we desired, however, was for the counter to register actual degrees of rotation.In other words, what we needed was for the counter to register 360.0 after one full revolution of theshaft rather than 3600.

Internally, the digital counter used a 12-bit (unsigned) binary number to represent the numberof pulses it received from the encoder, giving it the ability to accumulate up to 4095 pulses. It hadno provision for a decimal point on its display, and so our solution was to place a dot of bright redpaint between the least-significant digit and the next-most-significant digit on the counter’s face:

Digital counter

Rotary shaftpulse encoder








Spot of red paint

This “paintbrushed” solution was a literal realization of fixed-point decimal notation where weforced a decimal point to appear between digits of the decimal number for the purpose of representingfractional values (in this case, tenths of a degree of rotation), even though the underlying binaryvalue driving that display was just a simple integer.

Modern Human-Machine Interface (HMI ) graphical displays provide this same solution in amore sophisticated form: the HMI device may be programmed to receive a binary integer from someother digital device via a data network, then insert a decimal point between specified digits whileconverting and displaying that binary word as a decimal number on a graphical screen.


A common industrial application of fixed-point decimal notation is in the speed command fora motor-control device called a Variable Frequency Drive or VFD. A VFD serves the purpose ofcontrolling the shaft speed of an AC induction motor by varying the frequency of the AC electricitypowering that motor. VFDs are digital devices, and as such they usually come equipped withdigital network connections for receiving command codes from a computer. These command codesinclude such commands as Start, Stop, Forward, Reverse, and Speed (frequency). In the followingillustration, a VFD is shown connected to the terminals of a three-phase AC induction motor, andalso connected to the network6 port of an industrial control computer called a PLC (ProgrammableLogic Controller).









85-264 VAC



I/0 I/1 I/2 I/3 DCCOM

I/4 I/5



L1 L2 L3

T1 T2 T3

AC induction motor



Fwd jog




To 480 VAC3-phase

power source




With the standard AC line frequency being either 60 Hz or 50 Hz in most parts of the world, aninteger value for VFD output frequency would result in fairly coarse speed control (i.e. 0 Hz, 1 Hz,2 Hz, . . . 59 Hz, 60 Hz). In order achieve speed adjustment finer than 1 Hz intervals, the integernumber received by the VFD as the speed command is usually assumed to have an implied decimalpoint at the “tenth’s” place, commonly notated as XXX.X. For example, to command such a VFDto output a frequency of 30 Hz (half-speed for a 60 Hz motor), the control computer would needto transmit the binary equivalent7 of 30010 to the VFD. The VFD is programmed to interpret thereceived value of 300 as 30.0 which it then uses as a target value for output frequency. This fixed-point scheme allows for a speed resolution of 0.1 Hz which is much finer than the 1 Hz incrementswe would be forced to use without any decimal point fixing.

6Many different types of digital networks are popular for industrial use, including the Modbus/RS-485 networktype shown here which uses a single pair of wires between the PLC and the VFD.

7For an unsigned integer, a decimal value of 300 would be represented as 1 0010 1100, with as many padding zerosas necessary prepended to the left-hand side to round out the digital word. Since the Modbus network shown in theillustration happens to assume 16-bit words, the transmitted speed data would be 0000 0001 0010 1100.


2.5 Binary-Coded Decimal

Legacy numerical display technologies such as 7-segment LEDs, 7-segment LCDs, and Nixie tubes8

driven by special-purpose display driver integrated circuits (ICs) were once very common in digitalsystems. The seven illuminated (or shaded) segments of a 7-segment display are activated by thedriver IC based on the status of the four data input lines. The illustration below shows a three-digital decimal display built using this technology, with examples of 4-bit data and the corresponding7-segment patterns for the decimal number 629:


Driver IC

4-bit data in



Driver IC

4-bit data in



Driver IC

4-bit data in


(One’s place)(Ten’s place)(Hundred’s place)

0 1 1 0 1 000 1 10 0

If we combine the three sets of 4-bit data into a single 12-bit digital word, we find that it doesnot represent six hundred twenty nine if interpreted as a regular binary integer:

0110 0010 10012 6= 62910

The reason for this mismatch is the place-weights of the respective bits. For normal binaryintegers, the place-weights are all powers of two. Here, however, since each group of four bits issupposed to represent a distinct decimal digit, the place-weights between 7-segment displays mustdiffer by factors of ten:


Driver IC


Driver IC


Driver IC

(One’s place)(Ten’s place)(Hundred’s place)

0 1 1 0 1 000 1 10 0124880 40 20 10800 400 200 100BCD place-weights

8For the uninitiated, a Nixie tube is a clear glass tube containing metal elements shaped like numerals and filledwith a gas such as neon which visibly glows when ionized. By electrically energizing different metal elements withina Nixie tube, any one of several numerals would be made to glow and thereby display one digit of a decimal number.


This digital numeration format is called Binary Coded Decimal, or BCD, because each set of fourbinary bits represents (i.e. encodes) a single decimal digit. Its use, although much less commonnow than it was in the days of discrete-digit numerical displays, was not limited just to displaybut also for input of number values into digital systems. One such legacy example is shown in thefollowing photograph, where a set of four thumb-wheel switches appears on the face of an industrialweigh-feeding scale:

The digits 1120 are clearly visible in this photograph, as are the plastic “thumb-drive” tabs oneach wheel allowing a human operator to increment or decrement each digit of the four-digit decimalvalue. Pushing up or down on these tabs would rotate a wheel, each wheel having the numerals 0through 9 printed in white text along their circumference, with one of those numerals visible from thefront of the switch at any given time. These thumb-wheel switches contained four sets of electricalcontacts which generated a BCD code corresponding to the displayed value on the thumb-wheel’sedge.

Occasionally you may even encounter a computer using BCD internally for its numeration.Certain models of industrial PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) were like this, which was oftena source of confusion to any programmer accustomed to plain binary numeration.


2.6 Shorthand representations of digital words

Modern digital systems can have very long word lengths, typically multiples of 8 bits (i.e. one byte9),with 32 bits being quite common for many applications. It is not difficult to understand the humandifficulties of accurately reading and writing long binary words. Consider the following 32-bit binarynumber, written with spaces between every four bits to aid in readability:

1001 0010 0111 0100 1101 1000 0110 1010

Even with the spaces, it would be very easy to mis-read this long string of 32 bits.

For this reason “shorthand” notations for binary exist called octal and hexadecimal numeration.Both of these are place-weighted numeration systems like decimal and binary, differing only bybase value: octal is base-eight while hexadecimal is base-sixteen. This means octal numbers arewritten only with the characters 0 through 7 as valid ciphers, and place-weights are powers of eight;hexadecimal numbers use all ten Arabic numerals (0 through 9) plus the first six letters of theEnglish alphabet, usually capitalized (A through F), and its place-weights are powers of sixteen.

The base values for octal and hexadecimal are not arbitrary, but were chosen such that eachcharacter is directly equivalent to three or four binary bits, respectively10. Let’s see how each ofthese works by example, taking the 12-bit binary number 111010100101 and expressing it in bothoctal and hexadecimal forms. If we separate these bits into groups of three (starting from the least-significant bit, or LSB) and tally the place-weights of the bits within each group (i.e. treating eachthree-bit cluster as its own binary number), we get the following result:

111 010 100 1012 = 7 2 4 58

Here is a listing of equivalent values between three-bit binary clusters and octal characters to aidin the conversion from binary to octal:

0002 = 08

0012 = 18

0102 = 28

0112 = 38

1002 = 48

1012 = 58

1102 = 68

1112 = 78

Note the convention of appending the subscript “8” to the character string 7245 so that anyreader will know this is an octal number rather than a decimal number.

9The term “byte” is actually a formal label for a group of eight bits. Not wanting anyone to think computerscientists were lacking in humor, a lexicon of terms grew from byte including nybble (4 bits), playte (16 bits), andeven dynner (32 bits).

10Note that each octal character is equivalent to three bits because 23 = 8, and each hexadecimal character isequivalent to four bits because 24 = 16.


Conversion from binary to hexadecimal is not much different. Instead of grouping bits by threewe will group them by four, and then tally place-weights for the bits within each of those groups tofind the equivalent hexadecimal character for each. Starting with the same binary number as before(111010100101), beginning our four-bit groupings at the LSB as before, we apply this techniqueand arrive at the following result:

1110 1010 01012 = E A 516

Here is a listing of equivalent values between four-bit binary clusters and hexadecimal charactersto aid in the conversion from binary to hexadecimal:

00002 = 016 10002 = 816

00012 = 116 10012 = 916

00102 = 216 10102 = A16

00112 = 316 10112 = B16

01002 = 416 11002 = C16

01012 = 516 11012 = D16

01102 = 616 11102 = E16

01112 = 716 11112 = F16

Note once again the convention of using a subscript to denote the radix, or “base”, of thenumeration system. Although the presence of lettered characters in the number EA516 should beenough to indicate it is neither decimal or octal, the “16” subscript shows its merit in cases wherethe hexadecimal number in question happens to lack letter-characters. Subscripts work well forthis purpose, but in documents such as computer program source code where alternative fonts,subscripts, and other typesetting features are notably absent we must find other means of denotingwhen a number is hexadecimal. Shown here are some common notations using EA5 as the examplenumber:

• A trailing11 “H” character (e.g. EA5H)

• Leading12 “0x” characters (e.g. 0xEA5)

It should be clear to see how either 72458 or EA516 are easier for a person to manage than thebinary form 1110101001012, given their dramatically smaller character counts. This is the solepurpose of octal and binary: to make it easier for human beings to manage large binary wordsby “compressing” groups of bits into single characters easier to read, write, and remember. Octalrepresentation “compresses” a binary word by a ratio of 3:1 (i.e. three binary bits are representedin each octal character), while hexadecimal “compresses” at a 4:1 ratio.

11This same convention of appending or prepending a letter to the end of a non-decimal number is sometimes usedfor binary numbers as well as hexadecimal. For example 101102 could be written as 10110B, or as 0b10110 instead.However, this introduces another problem: what if someone sees the letter “B” and thinks this is a hexadecimal

number because “B” is a legitimate hexadecimal cipher?12This same convention of prepending characters to the front end of a non-decimal number is sometimes used for

octal numbers as well as hexadecimal. For example, in the C and C++ programming languages, prepending a zero(0) or 0o to a constant typically denotes it as being octal, while prepending 0x to a constant value denotes it ashexadecimal.


2.7 Decimal conversions

In the course of working with binary numbers, one must frequently convert between our conventionaldecimal numeration and one of the other numeration systems (binary, BCD, octal, hexadecimal).We saw examples of this in Unsigned integers section (2.2) and Signed integers section (2.3) ofthis tutorial, where we assigned place-weight values to each of the bits within a binary integer andtallied their sum to arrive at the equivalent decimal value. We saw a very similar example in theBinary-Coded Decimal section (2.5) where we assigned place-weight values for each of the bits inevery four-bit grouping, and again tallied the sum of the weighted places bearing “1” bits.

This technique is not limited to finding the decimal equivalent of binary or BCD numbers, butin fact is applicable to any non-decimal place-weighted numeration system: simply label the place-weight values for each digit or character, compute the product of each numeral and its respectiveweight, then sum all of those values. To illustrate, we will convert three different numbers intodecimal format using this technique.

2.7.1 Binary to decimal

First, let us consider the unsigned binary number 101100. The six bits of this number all have place-weights, from 25 at the most-significant-bit (MSB weight = thirty two) to 20 at the least-significantbit (LSB weight = one). To convert to decimal, we simply find the product of each bit and itscorresponding weight, then sum all those products:

Bit 5 = (1)(25) = 32 (MSB)Bit 4 = (0)(24) = 0Bit 3 = (1)(23) = 8Bit 2 = (1)(22) = 4Bit 1 = (0)(21) = 0Bit 0 = (0)(20) = 0 (LSB)

This sum of all the multiplied place-weights is 32+0+8+4+0+0 which is equal to 4410 for thisunsigned binary number. If we happened to know this number was signed binary, our conversionprocedure would only differ in making the MSB’s weight negative rather than positive, in which casethe value would be −20.

2.7.2 Octal to decimal

Next, consider the octal number 4207. Each of the four octal characters’ places have weight valuesordered as powers of eight. Arranging all the characters in order with their respective place-weightsas we did with binary, performing the multiplication, and then summing the total will result in thedecimal equivalent value:

Octal character 3 = (4)(83) = 2048 (Most-significant character)Octal character 2 = (2)(82) = 128Octal character 1 = (0)(81) = 0Octal character 0 = (7)(80) = 7 (Least-significant character)

The final tally is 2048 + 128 + 0 + 7 = 218310, and so we can say that 42078 = 218310.


2.7.3 Hexadecimal to decimal

Finally, consider the hexadecimal number 3D9. Each of the three hexadecimal characters’ placeshave weight values ordered as powers of sixteen. Arranging all the characters in order with theirrespective place-weights as we did with binary and octal, performing the multiplication, and thensumming the total will result in the decimal equivalent value:

Hexadecimal character 2 = (3)(162) = 768 (Most-significant character)Hexadecimal character 1 = (D)(161) = 208Hexadecimal character 0 = (9)(160) = 9 (Least-significant character)

The final tally is 768 + 208 + 9 = 98510, and so we know 3D916 = 98510.

As you can see, converting from any non-decimal, place-weighted numeration to decimal is afairly clear procedure based on what it means for any numeration system to be place-weighted.Each cipher in such a numeration system occupies a place, and each place has its own unique weightvalue based on the place number and the “base” of that numeration system.

2.7.4 Decimal to binary by trial-and-fit

Converting from decimal into some non-decimal, place-weighted format requires a different approach.One way to do it is by trial-and-fit, where we try plugging different cipher values into the places ofthe target numeration system until we obtain the desired sum. This is easiest to demonstrate withbinary, and so for our example we will convert the decimal number 93 into binary.

Our first task is to determine how many binary bits we will need to represent 9310. This may bedone by examining place-weight values for a series of binary bits, as we have done here with eightbits:

Bit 7 place-weight = 27 = 128Bit 6 place-weight = 26 = 64Bit 5 place-weight = 25 = 32Bit 4 place-weight = 24 = 16Bit 3 place-weight = 23 = 8Bit 2 place-weight = 22 = 4Bit 1 place-weight = 21 = 2Bit 0 place-weight = 20 = 1 (LSB)

Clearly, we will not require the bit 7 or beyond to represent 9310, because the place-weight valuefor that bit is already larger than our desired value. Therefore, we begin by setting the bit value ofbit 6 to a “1” and proceed down toward the LSB setting bit values at either “1” or “0” as neededto meet our decimal goal. After setting the 26 bit to 1 we subtract that value from our target to seehow much is left (93− 64 = 29). If the next-lower bit’s place-weight is more than that we make it 0,if not we make it 1. Here we see that the next bit (25) is larger than our remainder, so we set thatbit to 0 and move on to the 24 bit, which we set to 1. At this point our remainder is 29 − 16 = 13and so all we need now is thirteen from the remaining bits to make our goal. This will require settingthe 23, 22, and 20 bits all to 1 states.


Reviewing our work:

Bit 6 = (1)(26) = 64 (MSB)Bit 5 = (0)(25) = 0Bit 4 = (1)(24) = 16Bit 3 = (1)(23) = 8Bit 2 = (1)(22) = 4Bit 1 = (0)(21) = 0Bit 0 = (1)(20) = 1 (LSB)

Arranging all the bits in order to form a binary number, we have 10111012, which is the binary(unsigned) integer equivalent of 9310. If we were asked to convert a positive decimal integer intoa signed binary integer (i.e. two’s complement notation), we would follow all the same steps, butinclude an additional bit (set to 0) as the new MSB which holds an (unused) negative place-weight.To use the decimal example of 93 once again, 9310 = 010111012 (signed).

Converting a negative decimal integer into signed binary format is not much different, exceptnow to determine the requisite number of binary bits to use in our word we must find the smallestnegative place-weight that is not more negative than our target number. For example, if our givendecimal value was −50, we would need to use a seven-bit signed binary number because −32 is notnegative enough but −64 will suffice (with some positive-weighted bits set to 1, of course, to bringthe total to negative fifty).

More often than not, though, the binary word size will already be prescribed for us, since mostdigital systems are fixed at bit widths some multiple of eight (e.g. 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit). In thiscase we set the MSB at 1 to make sure the result will be negative, then set as many positive-weightedbits at 1 as necessary to reach our desired value.


2.7.5 Decimal to octal or hexadecimal by trial-and-fit

We may apply this same trial-and-fit method to the conversion of decimal into any place-weightednumeration system including octal and hexadecimal, but this requires substantially more work.Conversion into binary by trial-and-fit is relatively easy because the decision to mark each placewith either a “1” or a “0” as we consider each bit from MSB to LSB is a simple yes-or-no decisionbased on whether the sum would be less than or greater than or equal to the target value. Whenconverting to octal or hexadecimal, we must not only consider the value of each place-weight, but alsothe effect of marking each place with one out of eight (or sixteen!) different ciphers. This typicallyrequires multiple “trials” per place, making the process laborious for all but small quantities.

A hybrid alternative is to use the trial-and-fit method to convert the given decimal quantityinto binary (as previously shown), then group those binary bits into clusters of three or four, thenconvert each bit-cluster into one octal or hexadecimal character, respectively. Using the previousexample decimal value of 9310 first converted into an unsigned binary number (10111012), we mayshow how to group bits into threes and convert to octal as a multi-step process:

Step Description Numerical value

1 The given decimal value 9310

2 After conversion to binary using trial-and-fit 10111012

3 Grouping bits into threes starting from the LSB 1 011 101

4 Translating each group into an octal cipher 1358

Shown in this next table is the value 9310 similarly converted into hexadecimal form:

Step Description Numerical value

1 The given decimal value 9310

2 After conversion to binary using trial-and-fit 10111012

3 Grouping bits into fours starting from the LSB 101 1101

4 Translating each group into a hexadecimal cipher 5D16

As with any lengthy mathematical procedure, it is always a good idea to check your work at theend. A good work-checking strategy for this application is to take the octal or decimal quantity andconvert back into decimal13 to prove it matches the original value:

1358 = (1)(64) + (3)(8) + (5)(1) = 9310

5D16 = (5)(16) + (13)(1) = 9310

13This is easily done by summing the products of ciphers and place-weights as shown previously.


2.7.6 Conversion to decimal by repeated division

A more efficient method for converting a decimal quantity into any non-decimal, place-weightednumeration system involves repeated integer division by the radix (i.e. the base-value). The phraseinteger division means dividing one integer value by another, expressing any “remainder” quantityas another integer.

Anyone familiar with the arithmetic procedure of long division knows what a “remainder” is.For example, if we divide 5 by 3 using an electronic calculator, the decimal result is displayed as1.666666667. If we express this quotient more accurately as a mixed number (i.e. an integer plusa fraction), we obtain 12

3. The value “2” which appears as the numerator in the fractional portion

of the mixed number is the remainder. When I learned long division many years ago, prior to myintroduction to fractions, I was taught to express this quotient as 1 R 2 (i.e. one with a remainderof 2). When we divide integers to convert from decimal to some non-decimal numeration system, wewill pay close attention to these remainders. If the concept of a remainder is too abstract, know thatyou can calculate the remainder of any fractional answer by multiplying the fractional portion of theanswer by whatever integer you were dividing by. For this example, we would take the 0.666666667(i.e. 2

3) and multiply by 3 to compute a remainder of 2.

The general procedure of repeated division is as follows, iterated until the integer quantity is reducedto zero (i.e. there is nothing left to divide):

1. Divide the integer quantity by the radix

2. Note the remainder left over after the division – each remainder constitutes one character inthe converted number

3. Discard the remainder and return to step one using just the integer portion


Consider an example where we intend to convert the decimal quantity 10510 into binary. Sincebinary has a radix (base) value of two, we must use repeated division by two. What follows is thecomplete procedure for this particular conversion:

105 ÷ 2 = 52.5 = 521

2= 52 R 1

52 ÷ 2 = 26.0 = 260

2= 26 R 0

26 ÷ 2 = 13.0 = 130

2= 13 R 0

13 ÷ 2 = 6.5 = 61

2= 6 R 1

6 ÷ 2 = 3.0 = 30

2= 3 R 0

3 ÷ 2 = 1.5 = 11

2= 1 R 1

1 ÷ 2 = 0.5 =1

2= 0 R 1

Listing all the remainders together as a binary word constitutes our binary integer: 11010012.Checking our work to make sure it is correct, we will sum all the “1” place-weights to ensure weobtain 10510:

(1)(64) + (1)(32) + (0)(16) + (1)(8) + (0)(4) + (0)(2) + (1)(1) = 10510

This procedure is generally trouble-free, but there is often a point of uncertainty among thosefirst learning it: do the remainder values begin at the LSB, or the MSB? In this example, someonenew to the procedure might be left wondering, is the binary number 1001011 or is it 1101001? Formultiple reasons14, the first remainder calculated must be the least-significant cipher.

14At least two lines of reasoning conclusively address this question. The first is to consider what it means whenwe begin the procedure by dividing an integer by two for the first time. What does it mean if our first remainder iseither one or zero? This, simply put, is a test for whether that integer is odd or even. You will note that all place-weighted integer numeration systems have only one place-weight that is odd, and it is always the least-significant –all other place-weights are even-numbered. This means the even-ness or odd-ness of any number is defined by itsleast-significant cipher. If our first step of division-by-two tells us whether the given number is odd or even, and weknow it is the LSB of a binary number that defines its odd-ness or even-ness, then the first remainder we calculate

must be the LSB. The second line of reasoning is based on the conclusion of the repeated-division procedure: whatwould happen if we continued dividing by two? The answer to this question is that we would obtain an endless stringof 0 remainder values. If those additional zeroes were placed on the LSB-end of the number (i.e. on the right-handend), it would affect the number’s value and thereby make that value depend entirely on when we happened to stopcalculating more zeroes. This makes no sense, as it would render the result arbitrary instead of definite. Therefore,by reductio ad absurdum we demonstrate that last remainder cannot be least-significant.


Repeated division-by-radix works just as well for numeration systems other than binary. Let’stake another decimal number, say 58910, and repeatedly divide by eight to convert into octal:

589 ÷ 8 = 73.625 = 735

8= 73 R 5

73 ÷ 8 = 9.125 = 91

8= 9 R 1

9 ÷ 8 = 1.125 = 11

8= 1 R 1

1 ÷ 8 = 0.125 = 01

8= 0 R 1

Listing all the remainders together constitutes our octal integer: 11158. Checking our work tomake sure it is correct:

(1)(512) + (1)(64) + (1)(8) + (5)(1) = 58910

Of course, this also works for hexadecimal. Let’s begin with an example decimal value of 49110

and begin dividing by sixteen:

491 ÷ 16 = 30.6875 = 3011

16= 30 R 11

30 ÷ 16 = 1.875 = 17

8= 1


16= 1 R 14

1 ÷ 16 = 0.0625 = 01

16= 0 R 1

Assembling the remainders15 into a hexadecimal integer results in an answer of 1EB16. Checkingour work to make sure it is correct:

(1)(256) + (14)(16) + (11)(1) = 49110

15Recall that hexadecimal uses sixteen unique ciphers, 0 through 9 plus A through F. This means ten is representedby A, eleven by B, twelve by C, thirteen by D, fourteen by E, and fifteen by F.


As your familiarity with the repeated-division technique grows, you will likely notice twoefficiencies to your benefit:

1. The larger the radix, the faster the conversion (i.e. fewer steps necessary)

2. The last step can actually be skipped if you pay close attention to the quotients

The first efficiency is of benefit to you if your goal is to convert a large decimal number into binary.Rather than divide by two over and over again (once for every bit of the binary number), you cansave time and effort by converting into hexadecimal (which, as you recall, is merely a shorthandnotation for binary), then quickly translating each hexadecimal character into four binary bits.

The second efficiency is realized in any case by noting whether the whole-numbered portion ofthe quotient is less than the radix. If so, that will be the remainder of the next (last) step! Forexample, note the second-to-last step of the decimal-to-hexadecimal conversion example: there wedivided 30 by 16 to obtain 1 R 14. Since the whole-numbered portion of this quotient (1) is lessthan 16, we know it is going to be the remainder of the last quotient (1 ÷ 16 = 0 R 1) and thereforewe can skip this last act of division.


2.8 Floating-point

All binary number representation is limited in range, but integer representation is especially limited.For example, a 16-bit unsigned integer has a range from 0 to 65535 (decimal), while a signed 16-bitinteger ranges from −32768 to +32767. Increasing the number of bits will of course extend therange, but even with 32 bits an unsigned integer is limited to a range of 0 to 4,294,967,296, anda signed integer limited to a range of −2, 147, 483, 648 to +2, 147, 483, 647. If we require fractionalcapability this means assuming a binary point somewhere within the binary word, or similarly fixinga decimal point in the displayed value, with a corresponding decrease in range.

This fundamental problem has an analogue in the world of pencil-and-paper: how to write verylarge as well as very small numbers using a minimum of printed characters. A solution to this problemcommonly used in scientific endeavors is scientific notation, where some fractional quantity between1 and 10 is immediately followed by a power-of-ten multiplier which effectively sets the placement ofthe decimal point. For example, the decimal number 3600 would be written in scientific notation as3.6×103. If we needed to express a number such as 3,600,000 or 0.000000000036 it would be as easyas writing 3.6 × 106 or 3.6 × 10−11, respectively. Instead of a fixed decimal point, the power-of-tengives us a floating decimal point whose position is defined by the exponent. No longer need we wastepaper or pencil by writing place-holding zero digits for very large or very small numbers.

This same concept has been applied to binary numbers, and it is called floating-point notation.A floating-point number is defined by a digital word of some length (typically 32 bits) with groupsof those bits serving different purposes. One of them is used as a sign bit, a small group representsthe exponent, and the remaining bits represent the significand (the “significant” bits of the number,analogous to the 3.6 in the previous scientific notation example).

ANSI/IEEE standard 754 specifies a form of binary floating-point notation that is nearlyuniversal in digital systems today, with multiple word-lengths for differing degrees of precision andrange capabilities. The basic format follows this mathematical pattern, with m and E representingbinary numbers comprised of different groups of bits in the floating-point word:

±1.m × 2E

Alert readers will note that the format shown here (±1.m×2E) provides no way to represent thenumber zero, since 1.0 ×20 (m = 0 and E = 0) is actually equal to one! Here is our first case wherefloating-point notation must provide special representation of quantities. In the IEEE 754 standard,the significand’s format shifts to ±0.m × 2E if ever all exponent bits are 0 (E = 0). In order tostill be able to represent 1 (1.0 ×20), the IEEE standard assumes the exponent value is biased witha negative number16, so that an exponent bit field of 0 does not mean 20, but rather 2−bias. Thismakes it possible to have an exponent value of 0 using non-zero E bits. Similarly, an exponent fieldconsisting entirely of 1 bits is used as special representation for infinity or for an error code calledNot a Number (NaN), depending on the values of the m bits. These special representations areimportant for handling the results of calculations such as division-by-zero and the square-roots orlogarithms of negative numbers.

16Having an implied negative bias added to an integer number is an alternative scheme to two’s complement forrepresenting negative numbers in binary numeration, and is commonly referred to as excess in computer scienceliterature. The IEEE 754 standard’s exponent bias could be said as being excess-127.


Given these special cases of representation required in floating-point notation, the task of doingcalculations with floating-point numbers requires special processor circuitry designed to implementthese rules. Inside a digital computer, this task is managed by a floating-point processor unit, usuallya special section of the microprocessor. Some simpler microprocessors cannot support floating-pointarithmetic, and thus some control system hardware (e.g. low-cost PLCs) must do all tasks usinginteger numbers (or fixed-point notation, if fractional quantities must be represented).

The ANSI/IEEE standard 754 specifies multiple floating-point number formats, including onethat is 32 bits in length (“single-precision”) and another that is 64 bits in length (“double-precision”).In the IEEE standard, one bit is reserved for the sign of the number (0 for positive and 1 for negative),a certain number of bits for the power-of-two exponent17, and the rest of the bits for the mantissa18

(the fractional portion of the normalized value). Both formats19 are shown here:

Sign bit Exponent bits Mantissa bits(1) (8) (23)

Single-precision IEEE floating-point number format

Sign bit Exponent bits(1)

Double-precision IEEE floating-point number format

(11) (52)Mantissa bits

26 25 24 23 22 21 20

26 25 24 23 22 21 20. . . . . . . .








A third floating-point IEEE standard called extended uses 80 total bits: 1 for the sign, 15 forthe exponent, and 64 for the mantissa.

Floating-point number representation greatly simplifies the task of digitally calculating real-worldvalues. Integer numbers, by contrast, are rather clumsy when used to represent most real-worldmeasurements or statistics. For this reason, floating-point numbers are sometimes referred to as realvalues in digital computer systems.

17Note how the place-weights shown for the exponent field do not seem to allow for negative values. There isno negative place-weight in the most significant position as one might expect, to allow negative exponents to berepresented. Instead the IEEE standard implies a bias value of −127 (i.e. the exponent integer is in “excess-127”signed format). For example, in a single-precision IEEE floating-point number, an exponent value of 11001101represents a power of 78 (since 11001101 = 205, the exponent’s actual value is 205 − 127 = 78).

18The term mantissa is somewhat ambiguous because it has alternative definitions in mathematics. Some referencesprefer to use the phrase trailing significand instead, but the term “mantissa” has been used for so long that it is stillcommon to see.

19Both formats shown here, with the sign bit on the left and mantissa bits on the right, assume big endian formatting,which is another topic entirely!


The ANSI/IEEE 754 floating-point format can be rather confusing to learn, and so someillustrative examples are helpful. I will be using a simple computer program written in C++20

to take any given floating-point number and display its constituent bits.

For the first example we will enter the floating-point decimal number −2.75 and see what theanalysis of bits looks like:

Enter a floating-point value: -2.75

Sign Exponent Mantissa

1 1000 0000 0110 0000 0000 0000 0000 000

Since −2.7510 is a negative number, the sign bit is set to 1. The 8-bit exponent value of 1000

0000 is equal to 12810, and added to the ANSI/IEEE standard’s bias value of −12710 for single-precision floating-point numbers gives a power-of-two value of 1. The mantissa bits will be appendedto a leading 1 bit followed by a “binary point”, so that the whole number in binary format will readas follows:

1.0110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 × 21

This, of course, is equivalent to 10.112 in fixed-point binary notation because the 21 factor shiftsthe “binary” point one place right, just as 101 shifts the decimal point one place right in scientificnotation. Remember that floating-point numeration is just scientific notation in binary. The binarynumber 10.11 is then converted into decimal form by summing all the place-weights bearing “1”bit values. Place-weights to the left of the binary point ascend by multiples of two (as we have seenbefore), while place-weights to the right of the binary point descend by factors of two:

(1)(2) + (0)(1) + (1)





+ (1)





= 2.75

20To see the source code for this program, refer to section 5.3 beginning on page 70. The program written to“dissect” a floating-point number is one of several programs shown and demonstrated in this section of the module.


For the second example we will analyze the floating-point decimal number 3×10−8 which happensto be the approximate value of the speed of light in a vacuum expressed in meters per second:

Enter a floating-point value: 3e8

Sign Exponent Mantissa

0 1001 1011 0001 1110 0001 1010 0011 000

The sign bit is zero, which indicates this is a positive quantity. The exponent value of 1001

1011 is equal to 15510, which yields a power-of-two value of twenty eight after the −127 bias valuehas been added to it. Prepending a 1 to the mantissa bits and including the power-of-two factor,we arrive at the following:

1.0001 1110 0001 1010 0011 000 × 228

Our multiplication factor of 228 shifts the binary point twenty eight places to the right, moving itto the far right and requiring five additional “0” bits for padding. The result is the following binaryinteger:

1 0001 1110 0001 1010 0011 0000 0000

Converting this binary integer into decimal form by summing all the place-weights occupied by“1” bits reveals what we expected, a value of 300 million:

268, 435, 456 + 16, 777, 216 + 8, 388, 608 + 4, 194, 304 + 2, 097, 152+

65, 536 + 32, 768 + 8, 192 + 512 + 256 = 300, 000, 000

As useful as floating-point numbers are, they are not without liabilities. One of these is thecomputational expense (i.e. the number of steps necessary for a computing circuit to completethe calculation) of floating-point addition and subtraction. Multiplication and division of floating-point values is relatively simple, for the same reason21 that multiplication and division of decimalquantities in scientific notation is relatively simple; however, addition and subtraction is not nearlyas straightforward a process which means an inordinate amount of time may be required for acomputer to add or subtract two floating-point values. For this reason it is common to find smallerdigital computers (especially so-called embedded computers used in a wide range of consumer,commercial, and industrial applications, and even some industrial PLCs22 at the time of this writing)entirely lacking floating-point capability, which means these devices must perform all their arithmeticfunctions using only integer quantities23.

21Multiplication of scientific-notation numbers consists of multiplying the significands and summing the exponents.For example 3.2 × 105 multiplied by 1.8 × 1011 is equal to 5.76 × 1016 because 3.2 times 1.8 is 5.76, and 5 plus 11 is16. Division is similar: divide the significands and subtract the exponents.

22The Rockwell (Allen-Bradley) MicroLogix 1000 programmable logic controller (Bulletin 1761), for example, isonly capable of integer arithmetic, and cannot even represent a quantity using floating-point notation.

23Early personal computers suffered this disadvantage as well. A common upgrade for these computers was to installa math co-processor IC which served the purpose of performing floating-point calculations using definite-purpose logiccircuitry rather than have the main processor IC emulate floating-point arithmetic using integer values.


2.9 Big endian and little endian formats

A very popular form of digital data communication is called serial, where the individual bits of amulti-bit word travel along some communications channel (e.g. copper cable, optical fiber, radiowaves) one bit at a time. An important design decision must be made for both the transmitting andreceiving devices in order for this to work, and that is which bit will be sent first?.

Imagine two digital devices, each one with a register24 storing an eight-bit word. Both registersare designed to be able to shift their bit-contents from one place to the next following the timing of a“clock” pulse signal, and the way serial communication occurs is to tie the one communications lineto one of the far-end bits of each register, so that when these registers are both shifted, the data gets“pumped out” of one and “pumped in” to the other. The following illustration shows one way ofdoing this, with the transmitting register’s most-significant bit (MSB) linked to the communicationline, which in turn connects with the least-significant bit (LSB) of the receiving register:

1 0 0 0 0 1 1



Transmitting device


Receiving device


1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1


"Big endian" sequence

Shift direction Shift direction

0 0 1 1



MSB LSBCommunication

channelShift direction Shift direction

1 0 0

MSB LSB MSB LSBCommunication

channelShift direction Shift direction

1 0 0 0 0 1 11


After threeclock pulses


As this illustration shows, the eight-bit digital word held in the transmitting device gets shiftedout of its register beginning with the MSB (the “big end”) while the receiving register fills up fromits LSB end. This is called a big-endian sequence, where the MSB (the “big end”) of the word getssent first.

24A “register” is simply a collection of electronic circuits having the ability to store a digital word as individual “1”and “0” states.


This next illustration shows the same eight-bit data communicated in reverse order, or little-endian:

1 0 0 0 0 1 1



Transmitting device


Receiving device




Shift direction Shift direction

MSB LSB MSB LSBCommunication

channelShift direction Shift direction

MSB LSB MSB LSBCommunication

channelShift direction Shift direction

1 0 0 0 0 1 11


After threeclock pulses


1 111 0 0 0 0

"Little endian" sequence

As you can see from this illustration, the eight-bit word gets shifted out of the transmittingregister starting with the LSB (the “little end”) while the receiving register fills up from its MSBend. This is called little-endian sequence, where the LSB (the “little end”) of the word gets sentfirst.

There is no functional advantage of one scheme over the other – both big-endian and little-endian sequences get the job done. However, it should be clear that both transmitting and receivingdevices must agree on one of these formats, or else the digital word is going to be have all of itsbits rearranged in reverse order at the conclusion of the serial communication! Big-endian versuslittle-endian serial sequence is just one of many parameters which must be agreed upon when thetransmitting and receiving devices are of different manufacture, which is why common standards areimportant to codify and also to heed.


Although the question of big-endian versus little-endian arises from the challenge of serialdata communication, it does not end there. Even if two digital systems perfectly agree on thecommunication order of bits, they may still disagree on the meanings of those bits once they arrive.

It is important to note that most digital systems manage data in words, which are quantitiescomprised of multiple bits. Digital computers have a standard word-length dependent on thehardware used in the processor (or microprocessor) unit. For example, legacy microprocessorICs such as the Motorola 6502 operated using eight-bit words. Later microprocessors such as theMotorola 68000 used sixteen-bit words. Even later processors such as the Intel Pentium used 32-bitwords, and at the time of this writing the state-of-the-art for personal computer microprocessors isa word length of 64 bits. At first one might be tempted to think that a computer using small wordswould be incapable of handling large numbers, but that is not the case. For example, an 8-bit (i.e.one-byte) digital computer may still be capable of performing certain operations on 16- or 32-bitbinary quantities, but this is done by regarding multiple bytes as comprising larger words: using twoconsecutive bytes to represent a 16-bit word, or four consecutive bytes to represent a 32-bit word.

Here is where endianness rears its ugly head again: the way in which a digital system subdivideslarge words into smaller words, bytes, and bits is arbitrary. In other words, no natural law makesone type of ordering more sensible than another. In the absence of some formal standard declaringa “conventional” order, the inevitable result is that different engineers designing digital systems fordifferent manufacturers wind up choosing different ordering schemes.

Consider the example of a 32-bit digital word represented by the following hexadecimal value:1B2C3D4E16. Since we know each hexadecimal character is “shorthand” for four binary bits, everytwo hexadecimal characters must represent one byte, and every four characters a 16-bit word. Asreaders of English, we might assume the breakdown would maintain consistent left-to-right readingorder, so that any string of smaller words would read in the same order as the original 32-bit word(i.e. 1B2C3D4E left-to-right):


1B2C 3D4E

1B 2C 3D 4E

One 32-bit word

Two 16-bit words

Four bytes


However, this is only true in a big-endian system where the first sub-word in a set begins withthe highest-weight (i.e. the biggest) portion of the original word. In a “big endian” structure, themost significant bit/byte/word (i.e. the “bigger end”) always comes before the others.


If a digital system is little-endian, the structure is reversed so that the “little end” always comesbefore the others. In such a case, our original 32-bit word gets its portions “swapped” about asshown in this next illustration:




One 32-bit word

Two 16-bit words

Four bytes

Little Big

Alternative descriptions for these scenarios include the terms byte-swapped and word-swapped25.In the “big-endian” scheme previously shown, there is no swapping at all because everything readsin the same order no matter how it is subdivided. In the “little-endian” scheme previously shown, itis both word-swapped and byte-swapped because with each level of subdivision the front and backhalves get reversed.

If we consider (16-bit) word-swapping and (8-bit) byte-swapping to be separate configurations,we find exactly four combinations are possible. These are shown in the following table, using the32-bit data from the previous example (1B2C3D4E16) along with written descriptions of swappingand a byte order written symbolically using the four letters A, B, C, and D:

Data as four bytes Swapping Byte order

1B 2C 3D 4E No swapping (original 32-bit data word) ABCD

3D 4E 1B 2C Word-swapped, but no byte-swapping CDAB

2C 1B 4E 3D No word-swapping, but byte-swapped BADC

4E 3D 2C 1B Word-swapped and byte-swapped DCBA

If all of this seems confusing and perhaps even pointless, you are in good company. Within theconfines of any given digital system, whichever ordering scheme is chosen should be consistent acrossall portions of the system and therefore transparent to most (if not all) people using that system.In other words, if the system is well-designed you probably won’t have to worry about any of this.However – and this is a big “however” – when different digital systems must exchange data acrosssome form of communications network, problems are likely to arise if the byte-ordering of one systemdiffers from the other. This problem is often compounded by a lack of comprehensive documentationon one or both systems in question, which means it might be necessary to experimentally determinethe byte-ordering of data by trial-and-error. In such cases it is very good to know what byte-swappingis and the various forms it takes.

25The use of “word” here can be misleading, since technically the bit-width of a word is system-dependent. However,for a long time “word” was taken to mean 16 bits, and in cases such “word-swapping” it is assumed to mean theswapping of two 16-bit words.


2.10 Incompatible format errors

At a very fundamental level all digital systems are identical: information is represented by collectionsof discrete (on or off) states. This means it ought to be possible, at least on a theoretical basis, totranslate any digital data to make sense within any digital system. As you might imagine, though,the fact that this is theoretically possible does not mean it will be easy26.

One of the many obstacles complicating the inter-operation of digital systems is differingnumeration formats. This section will not attempt to be comprehensive in describing every type ofincompatibility, but rather will give a few examples to showcase the nature of the problem.

Let’s begin with a numerical example to show how different numeration formats complicate theexchange of digital data. Suppose we have a sensor counting the number of items passing by ona conveyor belt. Perhaps these items are assembled machines, or perhaps containers of liquid, orsomething else – their identity is unimportant to this discussion. What matters to us is that thissensor generates an electrical pulse with the passing of each object, and that a digital counter unittallies these pulses as a running total:

Conveyor belt

Optical switchLight source



Data network


The digital counter simply increments by one with each pulse from the sensor, and so its valueis best interpreted as an unsigned integer. If we assume a 16-bit counter capacity, and furthermoreassume exactly thirty-eight thousand five hundred items have passed by on the conveyor belt, thecounter should register the binary equivalent of 38,50010. Converting to binary numeration, thisquantity appears as 1001 0110 0110 01002.

26A phrase often used in computer science to describe this theoretical versus practical dichotomy is to say wehave fallen into a Turing tar pit. Alan Turing was an English mathematician who greatly assisted the Allied forcesduring World War Two with his pioneering work using computers to decrypt German military messages which wereencrypted by a sophisticated algorithm. He also described a universal computing machine (called a Turing machine)theoretically capable of executing any mathematical algorithm, which used a long tape upon which characters couldbe written and read, those characters directing the machine to increment and decrement the tape’s position to othercharacter places, continuing the process indefinitely. Turing’s idea was not far removed from that of a digital processor,which reads data from and writes data to locations in a digital memory array, the data stored in that array givingcommands to the processor what to do next. His concept for a computer, though, was so rudimentary as to requirean inordinate amount of time and processing time to complete even the simplest of practical tasks. That is to say,even though a Turing machine is theoretically capable of performing any kind of mathematical operation, trying toprogram a Turing machine to actually perform some practical operation is akin to crawling out of a tar pit: possiblein principle but nearly impossible in practice.


If the receiving computer accepts this 16-bit binary quantity as the unsigned integer it is, andall other aspects of the system are compatible, the digital display will faithfully register 38500 afterthe sensor counts 38,500 items as shown in the following illustration:

Conveyor belt

Optical switchLight source



Data network


Value = 38500Reads data asunsigned 16-bit



Let’s suppose, though, that someone mistakenly programmed the computer to interpret thisexact same 16-bit data as a signed 16-bit integer rather than the unsigned 16-bit integer it actuallyis. The data received via the communication link is nothing but a stream of sixteen sequential bits,and so the receiving computer cannot naturally “know” what these bits are supposed to represent.It is the programmer’s responsibility to instruct the computer to properly interpret this data, andin this scenario the interpretation is improper. What would happen in this case? We can tell fromthe binary expression of this quantity that the leading bit is 1, which means in two’s complementnotation it will have a negative value (−27036 to be precise).

Conveyor belt

Optical switchLight source



Data network


Value = 38500Reads data as



signed 16-bit

Not only will this improperly-configured system register an entirely non-sensical count value (i.e.a negative number of items!), but the problem won’t appear for quite some time. Up to a count valueof 32767 the MSB of this 16-bit binary number will be zero, and for that reason will be interpretedas a positive quantity whether the computer regards it as signed or unsigned. Only after the countvalue exceeds 3276710 will the discrepancy between unsigned and signed integer formats becomeapparent (i.e. when the display begins to register negative values).

This example not only demonstrates one way in which disparate number formats can causeproblems, but it also proves why it is necessary in the design of complex systems to fully testall functions of that system before relying on them to perform as designed. Here we have anincompatibility that does not reveal itself until a large number of items have been detected bythe sensor, which may equate to weeks or months or even years of operation in this conveyor belt


application. A full test of the system would have included at least a simulation of item count upto the maximum possible with an unsigned 16 bit binary number (6553510) in order to verify nounusual problems lurked in the system.

Let us now assume a different programming flaw, one where the computer is incorrectlyprogrammed to interpret the received 16-bit data as BCD rather than unsigned binary. In thiscase, the computer will translate each grouping of four bits in the 16-bit word as a separate decimaldigit, and so the data 1001 0110 0110 01002 will be interpreted as the decimal value 966410 as thefollowing illustration shows:

Conveyor belt

Optical switchLight source



Data network


Value = 38500Reads data as



What is more, every time the binary count value happens to generate a grouping of four bitswhose value exceeds nine, the computer will display some sort of nonsensical character for thatdigit, since BCD expects only the codes 0000 through 1001 (i.e. 0 through 9) for each four-bitgroup. What exactly the computer does with any non-conforming four-bit code (e.g. 1011, 1100,etc.) depends on details of its operating code which may not even be accessible to the engineers andtechnicians tasked with installing and configuring the computer for this conveyor belt system. Theprogramming manual for this computer might not even document the response for non-compliantBCD data.

Yet another faulty scenario is one where the computer assumes a different byte order than whatis transmitted by the counter. In this case a binary count value of 1001 0110 0110 01002 wouldbe interpreted as 0110 0100 1001 01102, which is interpreted as 2575010:

Conveyor belt

Optical switchLight source



Data network


Value = 38500


Reads data inbyte-swapped order

An interesting characteristic of this error is that it is not user-generated. In other words, it wasnot the fault of the person programming this computer to receive and display the data, but rather


an inherent incompatibility between the counter’s 16-bit register and the computer’s 16-bit registersresulting from disparate data-organizing philosophies on the part of each manufacturer. In orderto correct this problem, the people installing and programming the computer for this conveyor beltapplication must include additional programming code to intentionally swap bytes in this 16-bitword so that it will read correctly.

This problem of byte-order and word-order is so common between manufacturers of industrialcomputing hardware that many programmable computers (e.g. PLCs) provide ready-to-use functionsjust for this purpose. A screenshot showing an image of such a data-swapping function in theprogramming editor of a Koyo brand “Do-More” PLC appears here:

This particular function provides user-selectable “flag” options to swap bytes, swap words, orboth.

And, of course, it is possible for multiple data-format incompatibilities to simultaneously coexist:consider a case with byte-swapped data on top of a signed/unsigned mismatch. These problems canbe frustrating to diagnose because they require just the right combination of fixes to remedy.

A helpful tool for diagnosing such incompatibilities is to view the system’s data in hexadecimalform. Examining the “raw” data in hexadecimal form rather than formatted decimal valueseliminates one step of translation, allowing you to more easily discern patterns indicating dataformat. Many industrial computing systems such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) providemeans to view data in raw form with little or no display formatting. In text-programmed systemsyou may need to insert your own code to force the computer to display hexadecimal values if no “rawdata view” feature exists. This approach is analogous to taking electrical measurements of signalswithin an electronic circuit rather than merely relying on the ordinary indicators of that circuit’sfunction, giving yourself a view of the circuit’s “raw” status.

Another way to attack a problem such as this is to force certain “test” values such as zero, one,or any other value providing an easily-predicted result. Forcing certain input values and examiningtheir results provides a way to actively explore how the system interprets data. This approach isan example of the general problem-solving strategy of simplifying the system: inserting a numericalvalue into the digital system for which the results are simpler to predict than the random value thathappened to be there when you first encountered the problem.


So far we have discussed errors resulting from the exchange of data between incompatible numberformats. A different type of incompatibility error is seen with floating-point digital numbers: aninternal incompatibility with specific numerical values whereby it is impossible to precisely representa seemingly simple decimal value using binary floating-point. The following example shows a set ofsimple arithmetic calculations performed on a computer27, each of them intended to generate thesame result of 1.8:

>>> 1.3 + 0.5


>>> 1.2 + 0.6


>>> 1.1 + 0.7


>>> 1.0 + 0.8


>>> 0.9 + 0.9


>>> 0.8 + 1.0


>>> 0.7 + 1.1


>>> 0.6 + 1.2


>>> 0.5 + 1.3


As you can see, all the sums are correct except for those adding 1.2 and 0.6. Clearly, the problemis not an inability to represent 1.8 because most of these sums are exactly that. The problem musthave something to do either with representing 1.2, or representing 0.6, or both. A second experimenthelps us diagnose the problem a little further:

>>> 0.6 + 0.6


>>> 1.2 + 1.2


27The software used to perform these computations is an interpreter for a text-based programming language calledPython. Rather than type commands into a text file and then use compiler software to translate those commandsinto a format the computer can execute, an interpreter does the translation as soon as you type the commands. Thisimmediacy makes interpreted programming languages especially easy for beginners to learn. Python in particular isa very well-designed language with relatively simple syntax, yet possesses many advanced functions, and is highlyrecommended for beginning programmers to learn.


Clearly, 0.6 is representable in floating-point format, but it has a problem representing the value1.2. Continuing our experiments with the value 1.2 represented as a floating-point number:

>>> 1.2 * 1


>>> 1.2 * 2


>>> 1.2 * 3


>>> 1.2 * 4


>>> 1.2 * 5


>>> 1.2 * 6


>>> 1.2 * 7


>>> 1.2 * 8


>>> 1.2 * 9


>>> 1.2 * 10


Some additional experimentation with different numbers reveals other anomalous values:

>>> 0.5 - 0.6


>>> -0.4 - (-0.3)


It is important to note that none of these errors are the fault of poorly-written software. Rather,they reveal inherent limitations of the binary floating-point numbers themselves, and/or limitationsof the algorithms responsible for floating-point arithmetic. Imprecise floating-point representationsof numbers such as these may result in malfunctioning computer programs if the computer isprogrammed to check a floating-point number for some expected result. If the expected resulthappens to be one of these anomalous cases the program may fail to properly recognize it (e.g. theproduct of 1.2 and 8 ought to be 9.6, but if the result comes out as 9.5999999999999996 it won’t bedeemed “equal” to 9.6 and the computer will not recognize it for what it ought to be).

Chapter 3

Historical References

This chapter is where you will find references to historical texts and technologies related to themodule’s topic.

Readers may wonder why historical references might be included in any modern lesson on asubject. Why dwell on old ideas and obsolete technologies? One answer to this question is that theinitial discoveries and early applications of scientific principles typically present those principles informs that are unusually easy to grasp. Anyone who first discovers a new principle must necessarilydo so from a perspective of ignorance (i.e. if you truly discover something yourself, it means you musthave come to that discovery with no prior knowledge of it and no hints from others knowledgeable init), and in so doing the discoverer lacks any hindsight or advantage that might have otherwise comefrom a more advanced perspective. Thus, discoverers are forced to think and express themselvesin less-advanced terms, and this often makes their explanations more readily accessible to otherswho, like the discoverer, comes to this idea with no prior knowledge. Furthermore, early discoverersoften faced the daunting challenge of explaining their new and complex ideas to a naturally skepticalscientific community, and this pressure incentivized clear and compelling communication. As JamesClerk Maxwell eloquently stated in the Preface to his book A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetismwritten in 1873,

It is of great advantage to the student of any subject to read the original memoirs onthat subject, for science is always most completely assimilated when it is in its nascentstate . . . [page xi]

Furthermore, grasping the historical context of technological discoveries is important forunderstanding how science intersects with culture and civilization, which is ever important becausenew discoveries and new applications of existing discoveries will always continue to impact our lives.One will often find themselves impressed by the ingenuity of previous generations, and by the highdegree of refinement to which now-obsolete technologies were once raised. There is much to learnand much inspiration to be drawn from the technological past, and to the inquisitive mind thesehistorical references are treasures waiting to be (re)-discovered.



3.1 A binary resistance box

The Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) wrote a book in 1904 entitled A Treatiseon Electricity and Magnetism, within which he describes the construction and use of a “resistancebox” which could be used to simulate any number of different resistance values by shorting pastcertain resistive wire coils in particular patterns.

There are various arrangements by which resistance coils may be easily introduced intoa circuit.

For instance, a series of coils of which the resistances are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, &c, arrangedaccording to the powers of 2, may be placed in a box in series.

The electrodes consist of stout brass plates, so arranged on the outside of the box thatby inserting a brass plug or wedge between two of them as a shunt, the resistance of thecorresponding coil may be put out of the circuit. This arrangement was introduced bySiemens.

Each interval between the electrodes is marked with the resistance of the correspondingcoil, so that if we wish to make

the resistance in the box equal to 107 we express 107 in the binary scale as 64 + 32 + 8+ 2+ 1 or 1101011. We then take the plugs out of the holes corresponding to 64, 32, 8,2 and 1, and leave the plugs in 16 and 4.

This method, founded on the binary scale, is that in which the smallest number ofseparate coils is needed, and it is also that which can be most readily tested. For if wehave another coil equal to 1 we can test the quality of 1 and 1’, then that of 1 + 1 and2, then that of 1 + 1’ + 2 and 4, and so on.

The only disadvantage of the arrangement is that it requires a familiarity with the binaryscale of notation, which is not generally possessed by those accustomed to express everynumber in the decimal scale. [page 470]


Maxwell continues by giving an example of a different kind of resistance box also employingbinary patterns. In this design, each resistance coil is labeled with a resistance value (in Ohms) asbefore, but with this design the insertion of brass plugs connects these resistances in parallel witheach other to produce greater values of total conductance (measured in units of Siemens, or Mhos):

A box of resistance coils may be arranged in a different way to the purpose of measuringconductivities instead of resistances. [page 470]

The coils are placed so that one end of each is connected with a long thick piece of metalwhich forms one electrode of the box, and the other end is connected with a stout pieceof brass plate as in the former case.

The other electrode of the box is a long brass plate, such that by inserting brass plugsbetween it and the electrodes of the coils it may be connected to the first electrodethrough any given set of coils. The conductivity of the box is then the sum of theconductivities of the coils.

In the figure, in which the resistances of the coils are 1, 2, 4, &c, and the plugs areinserted at 2 and 8, the conductivity of the box is 1

2+ 1

8= 5

8, and the resistance of the

box is therefore 8

5or 1.6.

This method of combining resistance coils for the measurement of fractional resistanceswas introduced by Sir W. Thomson under the name of the method of multiple arcs. SeeArt. 276. [page 471]


3.2 Big-endians and Little-endians

A fictional novel published in 1726 entitled Gulliver’s Travels Into Several Remote Nations of theWorld contains a reference to a dispute between two nations, that of Lilliput and of Blefuscu. Thedispute is over the most trivial of matters, namely which end of an egg should be broken priorto eating. Clearly a satire by Swift on the religious controversies of his day, the schism betweenthe “Big-endians” and “Little-endians” served as a convenient reference for computer scientists todescribe the differing ways in which digital data could be organized within a digital system.

Without further adieu, I present to you the passage from Swift’s famous book introducing theterm “Big-endian” into the English lexicon:

. . . our histories of six thousand moons make no mention of any other regions thanthe two great empires of Lilliput and Blefuscu. Which two mighty powers have, as Iwas going to tell you, been engaged in a most obstinate war for six-and-thirty moonspast. It began upon the following occasion. It is allowed on all hands, that the primitiveway of breaking eggs, before we eat them, was upon the larger end; but his presentmajesty’s grandfather, while he was a boy, going to eat an egg, and breaking it accordingto the ancient practice, happened to cut one of his fingers. Whereupon the emperor hisfather published an edict, commanding all his subjects, upon great penalties, to breakthe smaller end of their eggs. The people so highly resented this law, that our historiestell us, there have been six rebellions raised on that account; wherein one emperor losthis life, and another his crown. These civil commotions were constantly fomented by themonarchs of Blefuscu; and when they were quelled, the exiles always fled for refuge to thatempire. It is computed that eleven thousand persons have at several times suffered death,rather than submit to break their eggs at the smaller end. Many hundred large volumeshave been published upon this controversy: but the books of the Big-endians have beenlong forbidden, and the whole party rendered incapable by law of holding employments.During the course of these troubles, the emperors of Blefusca did frequently expostulateby their ambassadors, accusing us of making a schism in religion, by offending againsta fundamental doctrine of our great prophet Lustrog, in the fifty-fourth chapter of theBlundecral (which is their Alcoran). This, however, is thought to be a mere strain uponthe text; for the words are these: “that all true believers break their eggs at the convenientend.” And which is the convenient end, seems, in my humble opinion to be left to everyman’s conscience, or at least in the power of the chief magistrate to determine. Now,the Big-endian exiles have found so much credit in the emperor of Blefuscu’s court, andso much private assistance and encouragement from their party here at home, that abloody war has been carried on between the two empires for six-and-thirty moons, withvarious success; during which time we have lost forty capital ships, and a much a greaternumber of smaller vessels, together with thirty thousand of our best seamen and soldiers;and the damage received by the enemy is reckoned to be somewhat greater than ours.However, they have now equipped a numerous fleet, and are just preparing to make adescent upon us; and his imperial majesty, placing great confidence in your valour andstrength, has commanded me to lay this account of his affairs before you.

One of those computer scientists referencing Jonathan Swift’s satirical novel was Danny Cohen, ina document appropriately dated on April Fool’s Day (April 1), 1980. The tone of Cohen’s document


is quite humorous, and definitely worth reading especially for those interested in the architecturesof early computing hardware such as the Motorola 68000 microprocessor IC; Digital EquipmentCorporation’s PDP10, PDP11/45, VAX computers; and the IBM model 360 computer. He makesextensive reference of Swift’s story while describing the fundamental decision of how to organize andcommunicate data words in a digital system.

Cohen’s document concludes neatly with the following three sentences, which I include for youredification:

It may be interesting to notice that the point which Jonathan Swift tried to convey inGulliver’s Travels in exactly the opposite of the point of this note.

Swift’s point is that the difference between breaking the egg at the little-end and breakingit at the big-end is trivial. Therefore, he suggests, that everyone does it in his ownpreferred way.

We agree that the difference between sending eggs with the little- or the big-end first istrivial, but we insist that everyone must do it in the same way, to avoid anarchy. Sincethe difference is trivial we may choose either way, but a decision must be made.

At the time of this writing (2018), nearly four decades after Cohen’s missive, the state of anarchydescribed by Cohen remains alive and well, with little-endian and big-endian formats commonlyfound coexisting across digital data networks. While the problem of which bit to send first in aserial (i.e. one bit at a time) communication channel seems to be settled1 within each of the variousnetwork standards (e.g. Ethernet, EIA/TIA-232, etc.), the problem of byte and word order for largedata segments remains. It is not uncommon, for example, to find manufacturers of industrial dataequipment arbitrarily using different 16-bit word orders for storing 32-bit binary numbers, so thatwhen a 32-bit binary number is received by a digital device of different manufacture, swapping ofword or byte orders may be necessary in order to preserve the meaning of that 32-bit number.

1For example, all manufacturers of EIA/TIA-232 serial data communication hardware have agreed to transmit theLSB first followed by bits of increasing order. Thus, we do not encounter anarchy when connecting one manufacturer’s232-compliant modem to another manufacturer’s 232-compliant modem. Ditto for the interoperability of all Ethernetcommunication hardware. This is a Very Good Thing.


Chapter 4

Derivations and TechnicalReferences

This chapter is where you will find mathematical derivations too detailed to include in the tutorial,and/or tables and other technical reference material.



4.1 Derivation of ???

4.2. ??? REFERENCE 51

4.2 ??? Reference


Chapter 5

Programming References

A powerful tool for mathematical modeling is text-based computer programming. This is whereyou type coded commands in text form which the computer is able to interpret. Many differenttext-based languages exist for this purpose, but we will focus here on just two of them, C++ andPython.



5.1 Programming in C++

One of the more popular text-based computer programming languages is called C++. This is acompiled language, which means you must create a plain-text file containing C++ code using aprogram called a text editor, then execute a software application called a compiler to translate your“source code” into instructions directly understandable to the computer. Here is an example of“source code” for a very simple C++ program intended to perform some basic arithmetic operationsand print the results to the computer’s console:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main (void)

float x, y;

x = 200;

y = -560.5;

cout << "This simple program performs basic arithmetic on" << endl;

cout << "the two numbers " << x << " and " << y << " and then" << endl;

cout << "displays the results on the computer’s console." << endl;

cout << endl;

cout << "Sum = " << x + y << endl;

cout << "Difference = " << x - y << endl;

cout << "Product = " << x * y << endl;

cout << "Quotient of " << x / y << endl;

return 0;

Computer languages such as C++ are designed to make sense when read by human programmers.The general order of execution is left-to-right, top-to-bottom just the same as reading any textdocument written in English. Blank lines, indentation, and other “whitespace” is largely irrelevantin C++ code, and is included only to make the code more pleasing1 to view.

1Although not included in this example, comments preceded by double-forward slash characters (//) may be addedto source code as well to provide explanations of what the code is supposed to do, for the benefit of anyone readingit. The compiler application will ignore all comments.


Let’s examine the C++ source code to explain what it means:

• #include <iostream> and using namespace std; are set-up instructions to the compilergiving it some context in which to interpret your code. The code specific to your task is locatedbetween the brace symbols ( and , often referred to as “curly-braces”).

• int main (void) labels the “Main” function for the computer: the instructions within thisfunction (lying between the and symbols) it will be commanded to execute. Every completeC++ program contains a main function at minimum, and often additional functions as well,but the main function is where execution always begins. The int declares this function willreturn an integer number value when complete, which helps to explain the purpose of thereturn 0; statement at the end of the main function: providing a numerical value of zero atthe program’s completion as promised by int. This returned value is rather incidental to ourpurpose here, but it is fairly standard practice in C++ programming.

• Grouping symbols such as (parentheses) and braces abound in C, C++, and other languages(e.g. Java). Parentheses typically group data to be processed by a function, called argumentsto that function. Braces surround lines of executable code belonging to a particular function.

• The float declaration reserves places in the computer’s memory for two floating-pointvariables, in this case the variables’ names being x and y. In most text-based programminglanguages, variables may be named by single letters or by combinations of letters (e.g. xyz

would be a single variable).

• The next two lines assign numerical values to the two variables. Note how each line terminateswith a semicolon character (;) and how this pattern holds true for most of the lines in thisprogram. In C++ semicolons are analogous to periods at the ends of English sentences. Thisdemarcation of each line’s end is necessary because C++ ignores whitespace on the page anddoesn’t “know” otherwise where one line ends and another begins.

• All the other instructions take the form of a cout command which prints characters tothe “standard output” stream of the computer, which in this case will be text displayedon the console. The double-less-than symbols (<<) show data being sent toward the cout

command. Note how verbatim text is enclosed in quotation marks, while variables such as x

or mathematical expressions such as x - y are not enclosed in quotations because we wantthe computer to display the numerical values represented, not the literal text.

• Standard arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) are represented as +, -, *,and /, respectively.

• The endl found at the end of every cout statement marks the end of a line of text printedto the computer’s console display. If not for these endl inclusions, the displayed text wouldresemble a run-on sentence rather than a paragraph. Note the cout << endl; line, whichdoes nothing but create a blank line on the screen, for no reason other than esthetics.


After saving this source code text to a file with its own name (e.g. myprogram.cpp), you wouldthen compile the source code into an executable file which the computer may then run. If you areusing a console-based compiler such as GCC (very popular within variants of the Unix operatingsystem2, such as Linux and Apple’s OS X), you would type the following command and press theEnter key:

g++ -o myprogram.exe myprogram.cpp

This command instructs the GCC compiler to take your source code (myprogram.cpp) and createwith it an executable file named myprogram.exe. Simply typing ./myprogram.exe at the command-line will then execute your program:


If you are using a graphic-based C++ development system such as Microsoft Visual Studio3, youmay simply create a new console application “project” using this software, then paste or type yourcode into the example template appearing in the editor window, and finally run your application totest its output.

As this program runs, it displays the following text to the console:

This simple program performs basic arithmetic on

the two numbers 200 and -560.5 and then

displays the results on the computer’s console.

Sum = -360.5

Difference = 760.5

Product = -112100

Quotient of -0.356824

As crude as this example program is, it serves the purpose of showing how easy it is to write andexecute simple programs in a computer using the C++ language. As you encounter C++ exampleprograms (shown as source code) in any of these modules, feel free to directly copy-and-paste thesource code text into a text editor’s screen, then follow the rest of the instructions given here (i.e.save to a file, compile, and finally run your program). You will find that it is generally easier to

2A very functional option for users of Microsoft Windows is called Cygwin, which provides a Unix-like consoleenvironment complete with all the customary utility applications such as GCC!

3Using Microsoft Visual Studio community version 2017 at the time of this writing to test this example, here arethe steps I needed to follow in order to successfully compile and run a simple program such as this: (1) Start upVisual Studio and select the option to create a New Project; (2) Select the Windows Console Application template,as this will perform necessary set-up steps to generate a console-based program which will save you time and effortas well as avoid simple errors of omission; (3) When the editing screen appears, type or paste the C++ code withinthe main() function provided in the template, deleting the “Hello World” cout line that came with the template; (4)Type or paste any preprocessor directives (e.g. #include statements, namespace statements) necessary for your codethat did not come with the template; (5) Lastly, under the Debug drop-down menu choose either Start Debugging(F5 hot-key) or Start Without Debugging (Ctrl-F5 hotkeys) to compile (“Build”) and run your new program. Uponexecution a console window will appear showing the output of your program.


learn computer programming by closely examining others’ example programs and modifying themthan it is to write your own programs starting from a blank screen.


5.2 Programming in Python

Another text-based computer programming language called Python allows you to type instructionsat a terminal prompt and receive immediate results without having to compile that code. Thisis because Python is an interpreted language: a software application called an interpreter readsyour source code, translates it into computer-understandable instructions, and then executes thoseinstructions in one step.

The following shows what happens on my personal computer when I start up the Pythoninterpreter on my personal computer, by typing python34 and pressing the Enter key:

Python 3.7.2 (default, Feb 19 2019, 18:15:18)

[GCC 4.1.2] on linux

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


The >>> symbols represent the prompt within the Python interpreter “shell”, signifying readinessto accept Python commands entered by the user.

Shown here is an example of the same arithmetic operations performed on the same quantities,using a Python interpreter. All lines shown preceded by the >>> prompt are entries typed by thehuman programmer, and all lines shown without the >>> prompt are responses from the Pythoninterpreter software:

>>> x = 200

>>> y = -560.5

>>> x + y


>>> x - y


>>> x * y


>>> x / y


>>> quit()

4Using version 3 of Python, which is the latest at the time of this writing.


More advanced mathematical functions are accessible in Python by first entering the linefrom math import * which “imports” these functions from Python’s math library (with functionsidentical to those available for the C programming language, and included on any computer withPython installed). Some examples show some of these functions in use, demonstrating how thePython interpreter may be used as a scientific calculator:

>>> from math import *

>>> sin(30.0)


>>> sin(radians(30.0))


>>> pow(2.0, 5.0)


>>> log10(10000.0)


>>> e


>>> pi


>>> log(pow(e,6.0))


>>> asin(0.7071068)


>>> degrees(asin(0.7071068))


>>> quit()

Note how trigonometric functions assume angles expressed in radians rather than degrees, andhow Python provides convenient functions for translating between the two. Logarithms assume abase of e unless otherwise stated (e.g. the log10 function for common logarithms).

The interpreted (versus compiled) nature of Python, as well as its relatively simple syntax, makesit a good choice as a person’s first programming language. For complex applications, interpretedlanguages such as Python execute slower than compiled languages such as C++, but for the verysimple examples used in these learning modules speed is not a concern.


Another Python math library is cmath, giving Python the ability to perform arithmetic oncomplex numbers. This is very useful for AC circuit analysis using phasors5 as shown in the followingexample. Here we see Python’s interpreter used as a scientific calculator to show series and parallelimpedances of a resistor, capacitor, and inductor in a 60 Hz AC circuit:

>>> from math import *

>>> from cmath import *

>>> r = complex(400,0)

>>> f = 60.0

>>> xc = 1/(2 * pi * f * 4.7e-6)

>>> zc = complex(0,-xc)

>>> xl = 2 * pi * f * 1.0

>>> zl = complex(0,xl)

>>> r + zc + zl


>>> 1/(1/r + 1/zc + 1/zl)


>>> polar(r + zc + zl)

(441.717448903332, -0.4381072059213295)

>>> abs(r + zc + zl)


>>> phase(r + zc + zl)


>>> degrees(phase(r + zc + zl))


Note how Python defaults to rectangular form for complex quantities. Here we defined a 400Ohm resistance as a complex value in rectangular form (400 +j0 Ω), then computed capacitive andinductive reactances at 60 Hz and defined each of those as complex (phasor) values (0− jXc Ω and0+ jXl Ω, respectively). After that we computed total impedance in series, then total impedance inparallel. Polar-form representation was then shown for the series impedance (441.717 Ω 6 −25.102o).Note the use of different functions to show the polar-form series impedance value: polar() takesthe complex quantity and returns its polar magnitude and phase angle in radians; abs() returnsjust the polar magnitude; phase() returns just the polar angle, once again in radians. To find thepolar phase angle in degrees, we nest the degrees() and phase() functions together.

The utility of Python’s interpreter environment as a scientific calculator should be clear fromthese examples. Not only does it offer a powerful array of mathematical functions, but also unlimitedassignment of variables as well as a convenient text record6 of all calculations performed which maybe easily copied and pasted into a text document for archival.

5A “phasor” is a voltage, current, or impedance represented as a complex number, either in rectangular or polarform.

6Like many command-line computing environments, Python’s interpreter supports “up-arrow” recall of previousentries. This allows quick recall of previously typed commands for editing and re-evaluation.


It is also possible to save a set of Python commands to a text file using a text editor application,and then instruct the Python interpreter to execute it at once rather than having to type it line-by-line in the interpreter’s shell. For example, consider the following Python program, saved under thefilename myprogram.py:

x = 200

y = -560.5


print(x + y)


print(x - y)


print(x * y)


print(x / y)

As with C++, the interpreter will read this source code from left-to-right, top-to-bottom, just thesame as you or I would read a document written in English. Interestingly, whitespace is significantin the Python language (unlike C++), but this simple example program makes no use of that.

To execute this Python program, I would need to type python myprogram.py and then press theEnter key at my computer console’s prompt, at which point it would display the following result:









As you can see, syntax within the Python programming language is simpler than C++, whichis one reason why it is often a preferred language for beginning programmers.

If you are interested in learning more about computer programming in any language, you willfind a wide variety of books and free tutorials available on those subjects. Otherwise, feel free tolearn by the examples presented in these modules.


5.3 Numeration formats in Python and C++

In this section we will explore the use of two text-based computer programming languages, Pythonand C++, to perform number-format conversions. As we do so, we will discuss the followingprogramming principles:

• Interpreted versus compiled languages

• Number base prefixes

• Conversion functions (bin, hex, oct)

• Preprocessor directives, namespaces

• Variable types (int 16t, uint 16t), names, and declarations

• Printing text output (cout, <<, endl, dec, oct, hex, uppercase)

• Accepting user input (cin, >>)

• Loops (while)

• Basic arithmetic (+, %)

• Numerical overflow

• Arrays

• Unions

• Bitwise operators (&), masking

• Comments (//)


The Python programming language is interpreted, which means a computer is able to immediatelyexecute single Python commands as they are typed. This makes Python very useful as a scientificcalculator, and also for easily demonstrating elementary programming concepts.

Here, we see a Python console running Python version 3.6.17, being used to convert betweenbinary, octal, hexadecimal, and decimal expressions of unsigned integers (i.e. whole numbers):

Python 3.6.1 (default, Mar 21 2017, 21:49:16)

[GCC 5.4.0] on cygwin

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> 0b1011011


>>> 0x4a32


>>> 0o3721


>>> bin(494)


>>> hex(494)


>>> oct(494)


>>> quit()

Any number prefaced by 0b is interpreted by Python as a binary number, and its decimalequivalent immediately appears when that quantity is entered. Similarly, 0x denotes a hexadecimalquantity, and 0o denotes octal. If we wish to enter a decimal number and see its binary, hexadecimal,or octal expression, we must use the functions bin(), hex(), and oct(), respectively, with thedecimal value to be converted placed between the parentheses as an “argument” to that function.

To exit the Python interpreter console, simply enter the function quit() as shown.

7In order to initiate Python from a command-line environment, simply type python3 at the command line andpress Enter. The Python version running will be shown as it appears here, followed by a >>> prompt where you maytype and enter lines of Python code.


C++ is a compiled programming language, which means all lines of C++ code must be writtento a file which is then processed by a piece of software called a compiler before the computer canexecute that code. Unlike Python, which may be interpreted live (line by line, as it is typed), C++executes code in batches saved as plain-text files.

Here is an example C++ program useful to displaying a decimal value entered by the user as abinary, octal, and hexadecimal 16-bit signed number.

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdint>

#include <bitset>

using namespace std;

int main (void)

int16_t x;

while (1)

cout << "Enter the decimal number: ";

cin >> x;

cout << dec << "Decimal " << x << " is equal to ";

cout << std::bitset<16>(x) << " (binary) ";

cout << oct << x << " (octal) ";

cout << hex << uppercase << x << " (hex)" << endl;

cout << endl;

return 0;

This program uses the cin command of the C++ language to receive typed input from whomeverruns the program, and it uses a while loop to repeatedly accept input and display results, so thatthe user does not have to re-start the program for each new conversion. Execution of this programmay be interrupted at any time using the <Ctrl-C> key sequence.

The cstdint inclusion near the top of the code listing tells the C++ compiler to include allnecessary definitions for fixed-size integer variables, which is necessary8 in this case because we wishto use 16-bit signed integers only. If we simply declared the variable x to be a regular integer insteadof a 16-bit integer, the compiler software would default to whatever the standard bit-width of theoperating system happened to be. For this example I wanted to limit the program to using only

8Depending on the version of C++ compiler installed on your computer.


16-bit integers, hence the special declaration for x as well as the #include <cstdint> statement.Similarly, the #include <bitset> statement was necessary in order to have the cout commandexpress x as a binary number.

Shown here is one test run of this program, with the numerical values 355 and −10722 enteredwhen prompted by the program:

Enter the decimal number: 355

Decimal 355 is equal to 0000000101100011 (binary) 543 (octal) 163 (hex)

Enter the decimal number: -10722

Decimal -10722 is equal to 1101011000011110 (binary) 153036 (octal) D61E (hex)


Next is an example C++ program demonstrating simple arithmetic using 16-bit binary numbers:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdint>

using namespace std;

int main()

int16_t x, y, sum;

cout << "Enter the 1st number: ";

cin >> x;

cout << "Enter the 2nd number: ";

cin >> y;

sum = x + y;

cout << endl << "The sum of " << x << " and " << y << " is: ";

cout << dec << sum << " (decimal) ";

cout << oct << sum << " (octal) ";

cout << hex << uppercase << sum << " (hex)" << endl;

return 0;

As with the previous example, this program uses the cin command of the C++ language toreceive typed input from whomever runs the program. This way, different numerical values may betested without having to re-compile the source code.


Shown here is one test run of this program, with the numerical values 4553 and 8882 enteredwhen prompted by the program:

Enter the 1st number: 4553

Enter the 2nd number: 8882

The sum of 4553 and 8882 is: 13435 (decimal) 32173 (octal) 347B (hex)

As you can see, everything seems to work well in this example. However, the program generatesstrange results when we try a larger sum:

Enter the 1st number: 32341

Enter the 2nd number: 2943

The sum of 32341 and 2943 is: -30252 (decimal) 104724 (octal) 89D4 (hex)

There is no way that the sum of 32341 and 2943 should be −30252, but yet this is what theprogram concludes. The problem here is that the actual sum is too large to be represented by a 16-bit signed integer, and so the result “overflows” with the most-significant-bit (MSB) being 1 ratherthan 0 which results in a negative value according to two’s-complement (signed integer) notation.


A solution for this problem is to declare the integer variables in this program to be unsignedrather than signed 16-bit integers, which allows for higher count values. Note how the first linewithin the main() function now declares x, y, and sum to be unsigned (uint16 t) rather than signed(int16 t) variables:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdint>

using namespace std;

int main()

uint16_t x, y, sum;

cout << "Enter the 1st number: ";

cin >> x;

cout << "Enter the 2nd number: ";

cin >> y;

sum = x + y;

cout << endl << "The sum of " << x << " and " << y << " is: ";

cout << dec << sum << " (decimal) ";

cout << oct << sum << " (octal) ";

cout << hex << uppercase << sum << " (hex)" << endl;

return 0;


Shown here is a test run of this program, with the same numerical values of 32341 and 2943 asentered in the previous program:

Enter the 1st number: 32341

Enter the 2nd number: 2943

The sum of 32341 and 2943 is: 35284 (decimal) 104724 (octal) 89D4 (hex)

We can still cause a “collision” with this new program, though, if we make the sum large enough:

Enter the 1st number: 36401

Enter the 2nd number: 51849

The sum of 36401 and 51849 is: 22714 (decimal) 54272 (octal) 58BA (hex)

Even unsigned numbers have their limits (the limit for a 16-bit unsigned number being 216 − 1,or 65535). The true sum of 36401 and 51849 is 88250, which is why the result “overflows”9 to yieldonly 22714.

9To understand exactly how this overflow results in the incorrect sum of 22714, it is instructive to imagine a simplercase (i.e. applying the problem-solving technique of simplifying the problem in order to obtain a clearer view of theprinciples at work). We know that a 16-bit unsigned number can only go as high as 65535, so what would happen ifour true sum happened to be 65536? The correct binary expression for 65536, of course, would be a 17-bit numberwith a 1 in as the MSB and all other bits 0. However, the computer “throws away” this 17th bit because it mustfit the result into the 16-bit space allocated, which means the computed result reads zero rather than 65536. Takinganother example, if our true sum happened to be 65537 (just one more), the result would “overflow” to read one.Therefore, the way to predict the results of an overflow is to take the true sum and subtract 65536. Returning to ourlast C++ program example, 36401 + 51849 - 65536 = 22714.


This example program displays all 32 bits of a floating point number:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdint>

using namespace std;

int main (void)

int n;

bool bits[32]; // This is an array of bits 32 long


uint32_t integer;

float fltpnt; x;

cout << "Enter a floating-point value: ";

cin >> x.fltpnt;

cout << endl << "Sign Exponent Mantissa" << endl;

for (n = 0 ; n < 32 ; ++n)

bits[n] = x.integer & 1; // Bitwise-AND function to mask off all but LSB

// and place the result in bits[n]

x.integer = x.integer / 2; // Shifts all bits to the right

for (n = 0 ; n < 32 ; ++n)

cout << bits[31-n]; // This displays each bit in the proper order

if (n == 0)

cout << " "; // Adds whitespace between Sign and Exponent

if ((n+1) % 4 == 1)

cout << " "; // Adds one space between every four bits

if (n == 8) // Adds whitespace between Exponent and Mantissa

cout << " ";

cout << endl;

return 0;


This program makes use of a construct known as a data union, where two different digital wordshaving the exact same number of bits are “joined” so that any data written to one may be readfrom the other. In this particular case, a union named x is made between a 32-bit unsigned integer(x.integer) and a 32-bit floating-point value (x.fltpnt). The cin statement reads in a floating-point value typed by the user, and then this data becomes available for display as an integer number.

Next, this program uses a for loop to read the contents of that integer value bit by bit, exactly 32times in a row. This is done using the bitwise operator & to “AND” the integer’s 32 bits against aninteger value of 1 (0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001). This technique, called masking,“masks off” all the bits of that integer value except the LSB, the result being placed into one of theelements of the Boolean array bits[]. After masking the integer and copying its LSB to the array,the integer is divided by two which has the effect of shifting all its bits one place to the right, withthe old LSB disappearing. Lastly, a second for loop prints the bits stored in the bits[] array, oneby one, formatting them on the console for a pleasant presentation.

Something included in this program to enhance its readability is comments. These are wordswritten to explain to any human being reading the code how it works. However, we must delineatecomments as such, so the compiler doesn’t try to interpret them as C++ code. For this reason, weuse double-forward-slash characters (//) which C/C++ compilers recognize as comment symbols.Anything to the right of a comment symbol is ignored by the compiler, but still exists in the sourcecode as a cue to any human readers.

Here is an example of this program being run, “dissecting” the floating-point number −8.443×105

into its constituent bit-fields:

Enter a floating-point value: -8.443e5

Sign Exponent Mantissa

1 1001 0010 1001 1100 0100 0001 1000 000

This program is a particularly useful tool when learning the ANSI/IEEE 754 floating-pointnumber format (for single-precision, 32-bit floating point numbers) because it breaks down the 32-bit digital word into separate bit-fields (Sign bit, Exponent field, Mantissa field) for easier analysis.


Chapter 6


This learning module, along with all others in the ModEL collection, is designed to be used in aninverted instructional environment where students independently read1 the tutorials and attemptto answer questions on their own prior to the instructor’s interaction with them. In place oflecture2, the instructor engages with students in Socratic-style dialogue, probing and challengingtheir understanding of the subject matter through inquiry.

Answers are not provided for questions within this chapter, and this is by design. Solved problemsmay be found in the Tutorial and Derivation chapters, instead. The goal here is independence, andthis requires students to be challenged in ways where others cannot think for them. Rememberthat you always have the tools of experimentation and computer simulation (e.g. SPICE) to exploreconcepts!

The following lists contain ideas for Socratic-style questions and challenges. Upon inspection,one will notice a strong theme of metacognition within these statements: they are designed to fostera regular habit of examining one’s own thoughts as a means toward clearer thinking. As such thesesample questions are useful both for instructor-led discussions as well as for self-study.

1Technical reading is an essential academic skill for any technical practitioner to possess for the simple reasonthat the most comprehensive, accurate, and useful information to be found for developing technical competence is intextual form. Technical careers in general are characterized by the need for continuous learning to remain currentwith standards and technology, and therefore any technical practitioner who cannot read well is handicapped intheir professional development. An excellent resource for educators on improving students’ reading prowess throughintentional effort and strategy is the book textitReading For Understanding – How Reading Apprenticeship ImprovesDisciplinary Learning in Secondary and College Classrooms by Ruth Schoenbach, Cynthia Greenleaf, and LynnMurphy.

2Lecture is popular as a teaching method because it is easy to implement: any reasonably articulate subject matterexpert can talk to students, even with little preparation. However, it is also quite problematic. A good lecture alwaysmakes complicated concepts seem easier than they are, which is bad for students because it instills a false sense ofconfidence in their own understanding; reading and re-articulation requires more cognitive effort and serves to verifycomprehension. A culture of teaching-by-lecture fosters a debilitating dependence upon direct personal instruction,whereas the challenges of modern life demand independent and critical thought made possible only by gatheringinformation and perspectives from afar. Information presented in a lecture is ephemeral, easily lost to failures ofmemory and dictation; text is forever, and may be referenced at any time.



General challenges following tutorial reading

• Summarize as much of the text as you can in one paragraph of your own words. A helpfulstrategy is to explain ideas as you would for an intelligent child: as simple as you can withoutcompromising too much accuracy.

• Simplify a particular section of the text, for example a paragraph or even a single sentence, soas to capture the same fundamental idea in fewer words.

• Where did the text make the most sense to you? What was it about the text’s presentationthat made it clear?

• Identify where it might be easy for someone to misunderstand the text, and explain why youthink it could be confusing.

• Identify any new concept(s) presented in the text, and explain in your own words.

• Identify any familiar concept(s) such as physical laws or principles applied or referenced in thetext.

• Devise a proof of concept experiment demonstrating an important principle, physical law, ortechnical innovation represented in the text.

• Devise an experiment to disprove a plausible misconception.

• Did the text reveal any misconceptions you might have harbored? If so, describe themisconception(s) and the reason(s) why you now know them to be incorrect.

• Describe any useful problem-solving strategies applied in the text.

• Devise a question of your own to challenge a reader’s comprehension of the text.


General follow-up challenges for assigned problems

• Identify where any fundamental laws or principles apply to the solution of this problem,especially before applying any mathematical techniques.

• Devise a thought experiment to explore the characteristics of the problem scenario, applyingknown laws and principles to mentally model its behavior.

• Describe in detail your own strategy for solving this problem. How did you identify andorganized the given information? Did you sketch any diagrams to help frame the problem?

• Is there more than one way to solve this problem? Which method seems best to you?

• Show the work you did in solving this problem, even if the solution is incomplete or incorrect.

• What would you say was the most challenging part of this problem, and why was it so?

• Was any important information missing from the problem which you had to research or recall?

• Was there any extraneous information presented within this problem? If so, what was it andwhy did it not matter?

• Examine someone else’s solution to identify where they applied fundamental laws or principles.

• Simplify the problem from its given form and show how to solve this simpler version of it.Examples include eliminating certain variables or conditions, altering values to simpler (usuallywhole) numbers, applying a limiting case (i.e. altering a variable to some extreme or ultimatevalue).

• For quantitative problems, identify the real-world meaning of all intermediate calculations:their units of measurement, where they fit into the scenario at hand. Annotate any diagramsor illustrations with these calculated values.

• For quantitative problems, try approaching it qualitatively instead, thinking in terms of“increase” and “decrease” rather than definite values.

• For qualitative problems, try approaching it quantitatively instead, proposing simple numericalvalues for the variables.

• Were there any assumptions you made while solving this problem? Would your solution changeif one of those assumptions were altered?

• Identify where it would be easy for someone to go astray in attempting to solve this problem.

• Formulate your own problem based on what you learned solving this one.

General follow-up challenges for experiments or projects

• In what way(s) was this experiment or project easy to complete?

• Identify some of the challenges you faced in completing this experiment or project.


• Show how thorough documentation assisted in the completion of this experiment or project.

• Which fundamental laws or principles are key to this system’s function?

• Identify any way(s) in which one might obtain false or otherwise misleading measurementsfrom test equipment in this system.

• What will happen if (component X) fails (open/shorted/etc.)?

• What would have to occur to make this system unsafe?


6.1 Conceptual reasoning

These questions are designed to stimulate your analytic and synthetic thinking3. In a Socraticdiscussion with your instructor, the goal is for these questions to prompt an extended dialoguewhere assumptions are revealed, conclusions are tested, and understanding is sharpened. Yourinstructor may also pose additional questions based on those assigned, in order to further probe andrefine your conceptual understanding.

Questions that follow are presented to challenge and probe your understanding of various conceptspresented in the tutorial. These questions are intended to serve as a guide for the Socratic dialoguebetween yourself and the instructor. Your instructor’s task is to ensure you have a sound grasp ofthese concepts, and the questions contained in this document are merely a means to this end. Yourinstructor may, at his or her discretion, alter or substitute questions for the benefit of tailoring thediscussion to each student’s needs. The only absolute requirement is that each student is challengedand assessed at a level equal to or greater than that represented by the documented questions.

It is far more important that you convey your reasoning than it is to simply convey a correctanswer. For this reason, you should refrain from researching other information sources to answerquestions. What matters here is that you are doing the thinking. If the answer is incorrect, yourinstructor will work with you to correct it through proper reasoning. A correct answer without anadequate explanation of how you derived that answer is unacceptable, as it does not aid the learningor assessment process.

You will note a conspicuous lack of answers given for these conceptual questions. Unlike standardtextbooks where answers to every other question are given somewhere toward the back of the book,here in these learning modules students must rely on other means to check their work. The best wayby far is to debate the answers with fellow students and also with the instructor during the Socraticdialogue sessions intended to be used with these learning modules. Reasoning through challengingquestions with other people is an excellent tool for developing strong reasoning skills.

Another means of checking your conceptual answers, where applicable, is to use circuit simulationsoftware to explore the effects of changes made to circuits. For example, if one of these conceptualquestions challenges you to predict the effects of altering some component parameter in a circuit,you may check the validity of your work by simulating that same parameter change within softwareand seeing if the results agree.

3Analytical thinking involves the “disassembly” of an idea into its constituent parts, analogous to dissection.Synthetic thinking involves the “assembly” of a new idea comprised of multiple concepts, analogous to construction.Both activities are high-level cognitive skills, extremely important for effective problem-solving, necessitating frequentchallenge and regular practice to fully develop.


6.1.1 Reading outline and reflections

“Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man” – Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon’s advice is a blueprint for effective education: reading provides the learner withknowledge, writing focuses the learner’s thoughts, and critical dialogue equips the learner toconfidently communicate and apply their learning. Independent acquisition and application ofknowledge is a powerful skill, well worth the effort to cultivate. To this end, students shouldread these educational resources closely, write their own outline and reflections on the reading, anddiscuss in detail their findings with classmates and instructor(s). You should be able to do all of thefollowing after reading any instructional text:

√Briefly OUTLINE THE TEXT, as though you were writing a detailed Table of Contents. Feel

free to rearrange the order if it makes more sense that way. Prepare to articulate these points indetail and to answer questions from your classmates and instructor. Outlining is a good self-test ofthorough reading because you cannot outline what you have not read or do not comprehend.

√Demonstrate ACTIVE READING STRATEGIES, including verbalizing your impressions as

you read, simplifying long passages to convey the same ideas using fewer words, annotating textand illustrations with your own interpretations, working through mathematical examples shown inthe text, cross-referencing passages with relevant illustrations and/or other passages, identifyingproblem-solving strategies applied by the author, etc. Technical reading is a special case of problem-solving, and so these strategies work precisely because they help solve any problem: paying attentionto your own thoughts (metacognition), eliminating unnecessary complexities, identifying what makessense, paying close attention to details, drawing connections between separated facts, and notingthe successful strategies of others.

√Identify IMPORTANT THEMES, especially GENERAL LAWS and PRINCIPLES, expounded

in the text and express them in the simplest of terms as though you were teaching an intelligentchild. This emphasizes connections between related topics and develops your ability to communicatecomplex ideas to anyone.

√Form YOUR OWN QUESTIONS based on the reading, and then pose them to your instructor

and classmates for their consideration. Anticipate both correct and incorrect answers, the incorrectanswer(s) assuming one or more plausible misconceptions. This helps you view the subject fromdifferent perspectives to grasp it more fully.

√Devise EXPERIMENTS to test claims presented in the reading, or to disprove misconceptions.

Predict possible outcomes of these experiments, and evaluate their meanings: what result(s) wouldconfirm, and what would constitute disproof? Running mental simulations and evaluating results isessential to scientific and diagnostic reasoning.

√Specifically identify any points you found CONFUSING. The reason for doing this is to help

diagnose misconceptions and overcome barriers to learning.


6.1.2 Foundational concepts

Correct analysis and diagnosis of electric circuits begins with a proper understanding of some basicconcepts. The following is a list of some important concepts referenced in this module’s full tutorial.Define each of them in your own words, and be prepared to illustrate each of these concepts with adescription of a practical example and/or a live demonstration.

Numbers versus Numeration



Whole numbers

Integer numbers

Rational numbers

Irrational numbers

Real numbers

Imaginary numbers

Complex numbers


MSB versus LSB


Word width

Two’s complement

Fixed-point notation

Pulse encoding

AC motor speed control

Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD)

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)



Conversion by repeated division

Scientific notation

Floating-point representation

Big- versus Little-endian

Data interpretation errors


6.1.3 Mayan numeration

The ancient Mayans used a vigesimal, or base-twenty, numeration system in their mathematics.Each “digit” was a actually a composite of dots and/or lines, as such:





To represent numbers larger than twenty, the Mayans combined multiple “digits” the same waywe do to represent numbers larger than ten. For example:

Forty eight Seventy oneTwenty Twenty six Four hundred nineteen

Based on the examples shown above, determine the place-weighting of each “digit” in thevigesimal numeration system. For example, in our denary, or base-ten, system, we have a one’splace, a ten’s place, a hundred’s place, and so on, each successive “place” having ten times the“weight” of the place before it. What are the values of the respective “places” in the Mayan system?


Also, determine the values of these Mayan numbers:

? ? ? ?


• Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the Mayan versus the decimal systems ofnumeration.


6.1.4 Number transmission via cable

The circuit shown in this diagram is used to transmit a numerical value from one location to another,by means of multi-position electrical switches and LEDs:
















































31 conductor cableSender Receiver

Given the switches and lights shown, any whole number between 0 and 999 may be transmittedfrom the switch location to the LED location.

In fact, the arrangement shown here is not too different from an obsolete design of electronicbase-ten indicators known as Nixie tube displays, where each digit was represented by a neon-filledglass tube in which one of ten distinct electrodes (each in the shape of a digit, 0-9) could be energized,providing glowing numerals for a person to view.


However, this base-ten circuit is somewhat wasteful of wiring. If we were to use the samethirty-one conductor cable, we could represent a much broader range of numbers if each conductorrepresented a distinct binary bit, and we used binary rather than base-ten for the numeration system:

31 conductor cableSender Receiver

How many unique numbers are representable in this simple communications system? Also, whatis the greatest individual number which may be sent from the “Sender” location to the “Receiver”location?


• ???.

• ???.

• ???.


6.2 Quantitative reasoning

These questions are designed to stimulate your computational thinking. In a Socratic discussion withyour instructor, the goal is for these questions to reveal your mathematical approach(es) to problem-solving so that good technique and sound reasoning may be reinforced. Your instructor may also poseadditional questions based on those assigned, in order to observe your problem-solving firsthand.

Mental arithmetic and estimations are strongly encouraged for all calculations, because withoutthese abilities you will be unable to readily detect errors caused by calculator misuse (e.g. keystrokeerrors).

You will note a conspicuous lack of answers given for these quantitative questions. Unlikestandard textbooks where answers to every other question are given somewhere toward the backof the book, here in these learning modules students must rely on other means to check their work.My advice is to use circuit simulation software such as SPICE to check the correctness of quantitativeanswers. Refer to those learning modules within this collection focusing on SPICE to see workedexamples which you may use directly as practice problems for your own study, and/or as templatesyou may modify to run your own analyses and generate your own practice problems.

Completely worked example problems found in the Tutorial may also serve as “test cases4” forgaining proficiency in the use of circuit simulation software, and then once that proficiency is gainedyou will never need to rely5 on an answer key!

4In other words, set up the circuit simulation software to analyze the same circuit examples found in the Tutorial.If the simulated results match the answers shown in the Tutorial, it confirms the simulation has properly run. Ifthe simulated results disagree with the Tutorial’s answers, something has been set up incorrectly in the simulationsoftware. Using every Tutorial as practice in this way will quickly develop proficiency in the use of circuit simulationsoftware.

5This approach is perfectly in keeping with the instructional philosophy of these learning modules: teaching students

to be self-sufficient thinkers. Answer keys can be useful, but it is even more useful to your long-term success to havea set of tools on hand for checking your own work, because once you have left school and are on your own, there willno longer be “answer keys” available for the problems you will have to solve.


6.2.1 Miscellaneous physical constants

Note: constants shown in bold type are exact, not approximations. Parentheses show onestandard deviation (σ) of uncertainty in the final digits: for example, Avogadro’s number given as6.02214179(30) × 1023 means the center value (6.02214179× 1023) plus or minus 0.00000030× 1023.

Avogadro’s number (NA) = 6.02214179(30) × 1023 per mole (mol−1)

Boltzmann’s constant (k) = 1.3806504(24) × 10−23 Joules per Kelvin (J/K)

Electronic charge (e) = 1.602176487(40) × 10−19 Coulomb (C)

Faraday constant (F ) = 9.64853399(24) × 104 Coulombs per mole (C/mol)

Gravitational constant (G) = 6.67428(67) × 10−11 cubic meters per kilogram-seconds squared(m3/kg-s2)

Molar gas constant (R) = 8.314472(15) Joules per mole-Kelvin (J/mol-K) = 0.08205746(14) liters-atmospheres per mole-Kelvin

Planck constant (h) = 6.62606896(33) × 10−34 joule-seconds (J-s)

Stefan-Boltzmann constant (σ) = 5.670400(40) × 10−8 Watts per square meter-Kelvin4 (W/m2·K4)

Speed of light in a vacuum (c) = 299792458 meters per second (m/s) = 186282.4 miles persecond (mi/s)

Note: All constants taken from NIST data “Fundamental Physical Constants – Extensive Listing”,from http://physics.nist.gov/constants, National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST), 2006.


6.2.2 Introduction to spreadsheets

A powerful computational tool you are encouraged to use in your work is a spreadsheet. Availableon most personal computers (e.g. Microsoft Excel), spreadsheet software performs numericalcalculations based on number values and formulae entered into cells of a grid. This grid istypically arranged as lettered columns and numbered rows, with each cell of the grid identifiedby its column/row coordinates (e.g. cell B3, cell A8). Each cell may contain a string of text, anumber value, or a mathematical formula. The spreadsheet automatically updates the results of allmathematical formulae whenever the entered number values are changed. This means it is possibleto set up a spreadsheet to perform a series of calculations on entered data, and those calculationswill be re-done by the computer any time the data points are edited in any way.

For example, the following spreadsheet calculates average speed based on entered values ofdistance traveled and time elapsed:







Distance traveled

Time elapsed



Average speed km/h




= B1 / B2

Text labels contained in cells A1 through A3 and cells C1 through C3 exist solely for readabilityand are not involved in any calculations. Cell B1 contains a sample distance value while cell B2contains a sample time value. The formula for computing speed is contained in cell B3. Note howthis formula begins with an “equals” symbol (=), references the values for distance and speed bylettered column and numbered row coordinates (B1 and B2), and uses a forward slash symbol fordivision (/). The coordinates B1 and B2 function as variables6 would in an algebraic formula.

When this spreadsheet is executed, the numerical value 39.74576 will appear in cell B3 ratherthan the formula = B1 / B2, because 39.74576 is the computed speed value given 46.9 kilometerstraveled over a period of 1.18 hours. If a different numerical value for distance is entered into cellB1 or a different value for time is entered into cell B2, cell B3’s value will automatically update. Allyou need to do is set up the given values and any formulae into the spreadsheet, and the computerwill do all the calculations for you.

Cell B3 may be referenced by other formulae in the spreadsheet if desired, since it is a variablejust like the given values contained in B1 and B2. This means it is possible to set up an entire chainof calculations, one dependent on the result of another, in order to arrive at a final value. Thearrangement of the given data and formulae need not follow any pattern on the grid, which meansyou may place them anywhere.

6Spreadsheets may also provide means to attach text labels to cells for use as variable names (Microsoft Excelsimply calls these labels “names”), but for simple spreadsheets such as those shown here it’s usually easier just to usethe standard coordinate naming for each cell.


Common7 arithmetic operations available for your use in a spreadsheet include the following:

• Addition (+)

• Subtraction (-)

• Multiplication (*)

• Division (/)

• Powers (^)

• Square roots (sqrt())

• Logarithms (ln() , log10())

Parentheses may be used to ensure8 proper order of operations within a complex formula.Consider this example of a spreadsheet implementing the quadratic formula, used to solve for rootsof a polynomial expression in the form of ax2 + bx + c:

x =−b ±

√b2 − 4ac












a =

b =

c =


= (-B4 - sqrt((B4^2) - (4*B3*B5))) / (2*B3)

= (-B4 + sqrt((B4^2) - (4*B3*B5))) / (2*B3)

This example is configured to compute roots9 of the polynomial 9x2 + 5x− 2 because the valuesof 9, 5, and −2 have been inserted into cells B3, B4, and B5, respectively. Once this spreadsheet hasbeen built, though, it may be used to calculate the roots of any second-degree polynomial expressionsimply by entering the new a, b, and c coefficients into cells B3 through B5. The numerical valuesappearing in cells B1 and B2 will be automatically updated by the computer immediately followingany changes made to the coefficients.

7Modern spreadsheet software offers a bewildering array of mathematical functions you may use in yourcomputations. I recommend you consult the documentation for your particular spreadsheet for information onoperations other than those listed here.

8Spreadsheet programs, like text-based programming languages, are designed to follow standard order of operationsby default. However, my personal preference is to use parentheses even where strictly unnecessary just to make itclear to any other person viewing the formula what the intended order of operations is.

9Reviewing some algebra here, a root is a value for x that yields an overall value of zero for the polynomial. Forthis polynomial (9x

2 +5x−2) the two roots happen to be x = 0.269381 and x = −0.82494, with these values displayedin cells B1 and B2, respectively upon execution of the spreadsheet.


Alternatively, one could break up the long quadratic formula into smaller pieces like this:

y =√

b2 − 4ac z = 2a

x =−b ± y












a =

b =

c =



= sqrt((B4^2) - (4*B3*B5))

= 2*B3

= (-B4 + C1) / C2

= (-B4 - C1) / C2

Note how the square-root term (y) is calculated in cell C1, and the denominator term (z) in cellC2. This makes the two final formulae (in cells B1 and B2) simpler to interpret. The positioning ofall these cells on the grid is completely arbitrary10 – all that matters is that they properly referenceeach other in the formulae.

Spreadsheets are particularly useful for situations where the same set of calculations representinga circuit or other system must be repeated for different initial conditions. The power of a spreadsheetis that it automates what would otherwise be a tedious set of calculations. One specific applicationof this is to simulate the effects of various components within a circuit failing with abnormal values(e.g. a shorted resistor simulated by making its value nearly zero; an open resistor simulated bymaking its value extremely large). Another application is analyzing the behavior of a circuit designgiven new components that are out of specification, and/or aging components experiencing driftover time.

10My personal preference is to locate all the “given” data in the upper-left cells of the spreadsheet grid (each datapoint flanked by a sensible name in the cell to the left and units of measurement in the cell to the right as illustratedin the first distance/time spreadsheet example), sometimes coloring them in order to clearly distinguish which cellscontain entered data versus which cells contain computed results from formulae. I like to place all formulae in cellsbelow the given data, and try to arrange them in logical order so that anyone examining my spreadsheet will be ableto figure out how I constructed a solution. This is a general principle I believe all computer programmers shouldfollow: document and arrange your code to make it easy for other people to learn from it.


6.2.3 Counting in binary, octal, and hexadecimal

Count from one to thirty-one in binary, octal, and hexadecimal:



Binary Octal Hex


Binary Octal Hex







Twenty oneTwenty two

Twenty threeTwenty fourTwenty fiveTwenty six

Twenty sevenTwenty eightTwenty nine

ThirtyThirty one



• Which numeration system uses the least number of places to represent any given quantity?Which numeration system uses the most?

• If binary is how most digital computers represent numbers, why do we ever use octal orhexadecimal?


6.2.4 Binary to decimal conversions

Convert the following unsigned integer numbers from binary (base-two) to decimal (base-ten):

• 102 =

• 10102 =

• 100112 =

• 111002 =

• 101112 =

• 1010112 =

• 111001102 =

• 100011010112 =


• How would the results differ if you knew these were signed binary integers instead?

6.2.5 Decimal to binary conversions

Convert the following unsigned integer numbers from decimal (base-ten) to binary (base-two):

• 710 =

• 1010 =

• 1910 =

• 25010 =

• 51110 =

• 82410 =

• 104410 =

• 924110 =


• How would the results differ if you knew these were signed binary integers instead?


6.2.6 Stepper motor sequence

Digital computers communicate with external devices through ports: sets of terminals usuallyarranged in groups of 4, 8, 16, or more (4 bits = 1 nybble, 8 bits = 1 byte, 16 bits = 2 bytes).These terminals may be set to high or low logic states by writing a program for the computer thatsends a numerical value to the port. For example, here is an illustration of a microcontroller beinginstructed to send the hexadecimal number F3 to port A and 2C to port B:

Port A Port B7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

01 1 1 1 0 1 1

($F3) ($2C)

0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0


Suppose we wished to use the upper four bits of port A (pins 7, 6, 5, and 4) to drive powerMOSFET gates, which in turn drive coils of a stepper motor in this eight-step sequence:

1. 0001

2. 0011

3. 0010

4. 0110

5. 0100

6. 1100

7. 1000

8. 1001

As each pin goes high, it drives a power MOSFET on, which sends current through that respectivecoil of the stepper motor. By following a “shift” sequence as shown, the motor will rotate a smallamount for each cycle.

Write the necessary sequence of numbers to be sent to port A to generate this specific order ofbit shifts, in hexadecimal. Leave the lower four bits of port A all in the low logic state.


• Sketch a circuit whereby each of the four pins on the microcontroller port connect to MOSFETgates, the rest of each MOSFET connected to drive coils on the stepper motor.


6.2.7 Integer conversion table

Complete this table, performing all necessary conversions between numeration systems of theseunsigned integer quantities:

Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal
















336 DE



• Which type of conversion do you find most difficult to perform, and why is that?


6.2.8 Fixed-point integer conversion table

Complete this table, performing all necessary conversions between numeration systems of thesefixed-point unsigned quantities:

Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal




















• Which type of conversion do you find most difficult to perform, and why is that?


6.2.9 Signed integer conversion table

Complete this table, performing all necessary conversions between numeration systems of these16-bit signed integer quantities:

Decimal Binary Hexadecimal


0001 0001 1001 0100 1194



0001 1100 0010 1110



• Which type of conversion do you find most difficult to perform, and why is that?


6.2.10 Using Python to convert between bases

Python is a computer programming language that is able to be run in an interpreted environment.This means you can start up a software application called a Python interpreter, and within thatapplication type Python commands which will be immediately executed. One of the many featuresof this programming language is the ability to convert between different numeration systems (i.e.bases).

The following example shows four commands typed at the prompt (>>>) of a Python interpreter11

demonstrating a few numeration conversions. The final command, quit(), exits the Pythoninterpreter:

Python 3.7.2 (default, Feb 19 2019, 18:15:18)

[GCC 4.1.2] on linux

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> oct(46)


>>> 0b1100101


>>> quit()

Once you have Python installed and working on your computer12, demonstrate the following:

• Converting 1A4F (hexadecimal) to decimal

• Converting 2088 (decimal) to binary

• Converting 371 (octal) to decimal

• Converting 9301 (decimal) to hexadecimal

• Converting 101101 (binary) to hexadecimal


• Demonstrate a conversion that Python does not perform correctly.

11To start the Python interpreter, simply type python3 (for version 3 of Python, the newest at the time of thiswriting) at the command-line prompt of any computer with Python installed.

12One option for Microsoft Windows users is to install Cygwin which is a Unix shell (terminal) application, andincluded in the “Development” package installation of Cygwin is Python. Another option uses the online interpreteravailable at https://python.org/shell.


6.2.11 C++ program converting decimal to other formats

The following computer program written in the C++ language inputs a decimal value from the userand displays its binary, octal, and hexadecimal equivalents, all assuming a 16-bit signed data word:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdint>

#include <bitset>

using namespace std;

int main (void)

int16_t x;

while (1)

cout << "Enter the decimal number: ";

cin >> x;

cout << dec << "Decimal " << x << " is equal to ";

cout << std::bitset<16>(x) << " (binary) ";

cout << oct << x << " (octal) ";

cout << hex << uppercase << x << " (hex)" << endl;

cout << endl;

return 0;

Compile and run this program13, testing it with a few different number values to verify that itindeed works as it should. Then, modify this program to use an unsigned 16-bit word instead (usingthe integer variable type uint16 t) and test-run it again. Also try signed and unsigned 32-bit words(int32 t and uint32 t, respectively).

13Using Microsoft Visual Studio community version 2017, here are the steps I needed to follow in order to successfullycompile and run a simple program such as this: (1) Start up Visual Studio and select the option to create a NewProject; (2) Select the Windows Console Application template, as this will perform necessary set-up steps to generatea console-based program which will save you time and effort as well as avoid simple errors of omission; (3) When theediting screen appears, type or paste the C++ code within the main() function provided in the template, deleting the“Hello World” cout line that came with the template; (4) Type or paste any preprocessor directives (e.g. #include

statements, namespace statements) necessary for your code that did not come with the template; (5) Lastly, under theDebug drop-down menu choose either Start Debugging (F5 hot-key) or Start Without Debugging (Ctrl-F5 hotkeys)to compile (“Build”) and run your new program. Upon execution a console window will appear showing the outputof your program.


Use this program to generate practice problems for yourself: entering random decimal numbers,and then using the resulting binary, octal, and hexadecimal equivalents to either check your ownconversion work (decimal into binary, octal, and hex) or to take any of those non-decimal values andcheck your own conversion work into the other formats.

This program may also serve as a tool to explore the upper and lower range limits of binarywords. How large or small of a number can be represented using a 16-bit signed integer? How abouta 16-bit unsigned integer? 32 bit?


• When switching from 16-bit to 32-bit word sizes, you must change more than just thedeclaration of the x variable. What other portion of the code must be altered for proper32-bit operation?


6.2.12 Dissecting floating-point numbers

The following computer program written in the C++ programming language prompts the user toenter floating-point numbers, and then displays the 32-bit contents of each number as an eight-character hexadecimal number:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdint>

using namespace std;

int main (void)


uint32_t integer;

float fltpnt;



cout << "Enter a floating-point value: ";

cin >> x.fltpnt;

cout << "Floating point " << x.fltpnt;

cout << " equivalent to hexadecimal " << hex << uppercase;

cout << x.integer << endl;

cout << endl;

return 0;


When compiled and run, with the user entering the values 1, −1, 0, −0, 3600, and 3.1415, thefollowing results are obtained:

Enter a floating-point value: 1

Floating point 1 equivalent to hexadecimal 3F800000

Enter a floating-point value: -1

Floating point -1 equivalent to hexadecimal BF800000

Enter a floating-point value: 0

Floating point 0 equivalent to hexadecimal 0

Enter a floating-point value: -0

Floating point -0 equivalent to hexadecimal 80000000

Enter a floating-point value: 3600

Floating point 3600 equivalent to hexadecimal 45610000

Enter a floating-point value: 3.1415

Floating point 3.1415 equivalent to hexadecimal 40490E56

Analyze each of the hexadecimal values displayed by this program by converting each one tobinary form and then mapping the bits to the ANSI/IEEE 754 standard for 32-bit floating-pointnumbers:

Sign bit Exponent bits Mantissa bits(1) (8) (23)

26 25 24 23 22 21 20

(E) (m)




• ???.

• ???.


6.2.13 Microcontroller driving seven-segment displays

Digital computers communicate with external devices through ports: sets of terminals usuallyarranged in groups of 4, 8, 16, or more. These terminals may be set to high or low logic statesby writing a program for the computer that sends a numerical value to the port. For example, hereis an illustration of a microcontroller being instructed to send the hexadecimal number 2B to portA and A9 to port B:

Port A Port B7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 1 0 1 10 0


($2B) ($A9)

0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

Suppose we wished to use the first seven bits of each port (pins 0 through 6) to drive two7-segment, common-cathode displays, rather than use BCD-to-7-segment decoder ICs:

Port A Port B7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0







a b c d e f g






a b c d e f g

Write the necessary hexadecimal values to be output at ports A and B to generate the display“42” at the two 7-segment display units.



• ???.

• ???.

• ???.


6.2.14 Microcontroller driving an LED array

One method of driving pixels in a grid-based display is to organize the pixels into rows and columns,then select individual pixels for illumination by the intersection of a specific row line and a specificcolumn line. In this example, we are controlling an 8 × 8 grid of LEDs with two 8-bit (1-byte) portsof a microcontroller:

Port A Port B7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



1 0000000


11111 1 10

Note that a high state is required on one of port B’s pins to activate a row, and a low state isrequired on one of port A’s pins to activate a column, because the LED anodes connect to port Aand the LED cathodes connect to port B.

Determine the hexadecimal codes we would need to output at ports A and B to energize theLED in the far lower-left corner of the 8 × 8 grid.

Port A =

Port B =


• Is it possible to energize more than one LED at a time in this array?


6.3 Diagnostic reasoning

These questions are designed to stimulate your deductive and inductive thinking, where you mustapply general principles to specific scenarios (deductive) and also derive conclusions about the failedcircuit from specific details (inductive). In a Socratic discussion with your instructor, the goal is forthese questions to reinforce your recall and use of general circuit principles and also challenge yourability to integrate multiple symptoms into a sensible explanation of what’s wrong in a circuit. Yourinstructor may also pose additional questions based on those assigned, in order to further challengeand sharpen your diagnostic abilities.

As always, your goal is to fully explain your analysis of each problem. Simply obtaining acorrect answer is not good enough – you must also demonstrate sound reasoning in order tosuccessfully complete the assignment. Your instructor’s responsibility is to probe and challengeyour understanding of the relevant principles and analytical processes in order to ensure you have astrong foundation upon which to build further understanding.

You will note a conspicuous lack of answers given for these diagnostic questions. Unlike standardtextbooks where answers to every other question are given somewhere toward the back of the book,here in these learning modules students must rely on other means to check their work. The best wayby far is to debate the answers with fellow students and also with the instructor during the Socraticdialogue sessions intended to be used with these learning modules. Reasoning through challengingquestions with other people is an excellent tool for developing strong reasoning skills.

Another means of checking your diagnostic answers, where applicable, is to use circuit simulationsoftware to explore the effects of faults placed in circuits. For example, if one of these diagnosticquestions requires that you predict the effect of an open or a short in a circuit, you may check thevalidity of your work by simulating that same fault (substituting a very high resistance in place ofthat component for an open, and substituting a very low resistance for a short) within software andseeing if the results agree.

6.3.1 Strange floating-point addition

The following computer program written in the C++ language takes a floating-point value of 9999710

and displays the results of adding small values to it:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

float x = 999997.0;

cout << x + 0 << endl;

cout << x + 1 << endl;


cout << x + 2 << endl;

cout << x + 3 << endl;

cout << x + 4 << endl;

cout << x + 5 << endl;

return 0;

When compiled and executed, the result is as follows:







Explain what is wrong with these results.

Describe a similar scenario with decimal scientific notation which could serve as an analogy toexplain what is happening here in this program.


• ???.

• ???.

• ???.

6.3.2 Testing endianness

The following computer program written in the C++ language is designed to test how an integervalue represented by a 32-bit unsigned binary number is subdivided into 16-bit words and 8-bit byteswithin the computer’s memory:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdint>

using namespace std;

int main (void)


int n;


uint32_t word32;

uint16_t word16[2];

uint8_t byte[4];


x.word32 = 999998877;

cout << "32-bit word = " << hex << uppercase << x.word32 << endl << endl;

for (n = 0 ; n < 2 ; ++n)

cout << "16-bit word " << n << " = " << hex << uppercase << x.word16[n];

cout << endl;

cout << endl;

for (n = 0 ; n < 4 ; ++n)

cout << "Byte " << n << " = " << hex << uppercase << (int)(x.byte[n]);

cout << endl;

return 0;


When compiled and executed on a particular model of personal computer, the result is as follows:

32-bit word = 3B9AC59D

16-bit word 0 = C59D

16-bit word 1 = 3B9A

Byte 0 = 9D

Byte 1 = C5

Byte 2 = 9A

Byte 3 = 3B

Describe the word-swapping and byte-swapping displayed in this result.


• ???.

• ???.

• ???.

Chapter 7

Projects and Experiments

The following project and experiment descriptions outline things you can build to help youunderstand circuits. With any real-world project or experiment there exists the potential for physicalharm. Electricity can be very dangerous in certain circumstances, and you should follow proper safetyprecautions at all times!

7.1 Recommended practices

This section outlines some recommended practices for all circuits you design and construct.



7.1.1 Safety first!

Electricity, when passed through the human body, causes uncomfortable sensations and in largeenough measures1 will cause muscles to involuntarily contract. The overriding of your nervoussystem by the passage of electrical current through your body is particularly dangerous in regardto your heart, which is a vital muscle. Very large amounts of current can produce serious internalburns in addition to all the other effects.

Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the standard first-aid for any victim of electrical shock.This is a very good skill to acquire if you intend to work with others on dangerous electrical circuits.You should never perform tests or work on such circuits unless someone else is present who isproficient in CPR.

As a general rule, any voltage in excess of 30 Volts poses a definitive electric shock hazard, becausebeyond this level human skin does not have enough resistance to safely limit current through thebody. “Live” work of any kind with circuits over 30 volts should be avoided, and if unavoidableshould only be done using electrically insulated tools and other protective equipment (e.g. insulatingshoes and gloves). If you are unsure of the hazards, or feel unsafe at any time, stop all work anddistance yourself from the circuit!

A policy I strongly recommend for students learning about electricity is to never come intoelectrical contact2 with an energized conductor, no matter what the circuit’s voltage3 level! Enforcingthis policy may seem ridiculous when the circuit in question is powered by a single battery smallerthan the palm of your hand, but it is precisely this instilled habit which will save a person frombodily harm when working with more dangerous circuits. Experience has taught me that studentswho learn early on to be careless with safe circuits have a tendency to be careless later with dangerouscircuits!

In addition to the electrical hazards of shock and burns, the construction of projects and runningof experiments often poses other hazards such as working with hand and power tools, potential

1Professor Charles Dalziel published a research paper in 1961 called “The Deleterious Effects of Electric Shock”detailing the results of electric shock experiments with both human and animal subjects. The threshold of perceptionfor human subjects holding a conductor in their hand was in the range of 1 milliampere of current (less than thisfor alternating current, and generally less for female subjects than for male). Loss of muscular control was exhibitedby half of Dalziel’s subjects at less than 10 milliamperes alternating current. Extreme pain, difficulty breathing,and loss of all muscular control occurred for over 99% of his subjects at direct currents less than 100 milliamperesand alternating currents less than 30 milliamperes. In summary, it doesn’t require much electric current to inducepainful and even life-threatening effects in the human body! Your first and best protection against electric shock ismaintaining an insulating barrier between your body and the circuit in question, such that current from that circuitwill be unable to flow through your body.

2By “electrical contact” I mean either directly touching an energized conductor with any part of your body, orindirectly touching it through a conductive tool. The only physical contact you should ever make with an energizedconductor is via an electrically insulated tool, for example a screwdriver with an electrically insulated handle, or aninsulated test probe for some instrument.

3Another reason for consistently enforcing this policy, even on low-voltage circuits, is due to the dangers that evensome low-voltage circuits harbor. A single 12 Volt automobile battery, for example, can cause a surprising amount ofdamage if short-circuited simply due to the high current levels (i.e. very low internal resistance) it is capable of, eventhough the voltage level is too low to cause a shock through the skin. Mechanics wearing metal rings, for example,are at risk from severe burns if their rings happen to short-circuit such a battery! Furthermore, even when working oncircuits that are simply too low-power (low voltage and low current) to cause any bodily harm, touching them whileenergized can pose a threat to the circuit components themselves. In summary, it generally wise (and always a goodhabit to build) to “power down” any circuit before making contact between it and your body.


contact with high temperatures, potential chemical exposure, etc. You should never proceed with aproject or experiment if you are unaware of proper tool use or lack basic protective measures (e.g.personal protective equipment such as safety glasses) against such hazards.

Some other safety-related practices should be followed as well:

• All power conductors extending outward from the project must be firmly strain-relieved (e.g.“cord grips” used on line power cords), so that an accidental tug or drop will not compromisecircuit integrity.

• All electrical connections must be sound and appropriately made (e.g. soldered wire jointsrather than twisted-and-taped; terminal blocks rather than solderless breadboards for high-current or high-voltage circuits). Use “touch-safe” terminal connections with recessed metalparts to minimize risk of accidental contact.

• Always provide overcurrent protection in any circuit you build. Always. This may be in theform of a fuse, a circuit breaker, and/or an electronically current-limited power supply.

• Always ensure circuit conductors are rated for more current than the overcurrent protectionlimit. Always. A fuse does no good if the wire or printed circuit board trace will “blow” beforeit does!

• Always bond metal enclosures to Earth ground for any line-powered circuit. Always. Ensuringan equipotential state between the enclosure and Earth by making the enclosure electricallycommon with Earth ground ensures no electric shock can occur simply by one’s body bridgingbetween the Earth and the enclosure.

• Avoid building a high-energy circuit when a low-energy circuit will suffice. For example,I always recommend beginning students power their first DC resistor circuits using smallbatteries rather than with line-powered DC power supplies. The intrinsic energy limitationsof a dry-cell battery make accidents highly unlikely.

• Use line power receptacles that are GFCI (Ground Fault Current Interrupting) to help avoidelectric shock from making accidental contact with a “hot” line conductor.

• Always wear eye protection when working with tools or live systems having the potential toeject material into the air. Examples of such activities include soldering, drilling, grinding,cutting, wire stripping, working on or near energized circuits, etc.

• Always use a step-stool or stepladder to reach high places. Never stand on something notdesigned to support a human load.

• When in doubt, ask an expert. If anything even seems remotely unsafe to you, do not proceedwithout consulting a trusted person fully knowledgeable in electrical safety.


7.1.2 Other helpful tips

Experience has shown the following practices to be very helpful, especially when students make theirown component selections, to ensure the circuits will be well-behaved:

• Avoid resistor values less than 1 kΩ or greater than 100 kΩ, unless such values are definitelynecessary4. Resistances below 1 kΩ may draw excessive current if directly connected toa voltage source of significant magnitude, and may also complicate the task of accuratelymeasuring current since any ammeter’s non-zero resistance inserted in series with a low-valuecircuit resistor will significantly alter the total resistance and thereby skew the measurement.Resistances above 100 kΩ may complicate the task of measuring voltage since any voltmeter’sfinite resistance connected in parallel with a high-value circuit resistor will significantly alterthe total resistance and thereby skew the measurement. Similarly, AC circuit impedance valuesshould be between 1 kΩ and 100 kΩ, and for all the same reasons.

• Ensure all electrical connections are low-resistance and physically rugged. For this reason, oneshould avoid compression splices (e.g. “butt” connectors), solderless breadboards5, and wiresthat are simply twisted together.

• Build your circuit with testing in mind. For example, provide convenient connection pointsfor test equipment (e.g. multimeters, oscilloscopes, signal generators, logic probes).

• Design permanent projects with maintenance in mind. The more convenient you makemaintenance tasks, the more likely they will get done.

• Always document and save your work. Circuits lacking schematic diagrams are moredifficult to troubleshoot than documented circuits. Similarly, circuit construction is simplerwhen a schematic diagram precedes construction. Experimental results are easier to interpretwhen comprehensively recorded. Consider modern videorecording technology for this purposewhere appropriate.

• Record your steps when troubleshooting. Talk to yourself when solving problems. Thesesimple steps clarify thought and simplify identification of errors.

4An example of a necessary resistor value much less than 1 kΩ is a shunt resistor used to produce a small voltagedrop for the purpose of sensing current in a circuit. Such shunt resistors must be low-value in order not to imposean undue load on the rest of the circuit. An example of a necessary resistor value much greater than 100 kΩ is anelectrostatic drain resistor used to dissipate stored electric charges from body capacitance for the sake of preventingdamage to sensitive semiconductor components, while also preventing a path for current that could be dangerous tothe person (i.e. shock).

5Admittedly, solderless breadboards are very useful for constructing complex electronic circuits with manycomponents, especially DIP-style integrated circuits (ICs), but they tend to give trouble with connection integrity afterfrequent use. An alternative for projects using low counts of ICs is to solder IC sockets into prototype printed circuitboards (PCBs) and run wires from the soldered pins of the IC sockets to terminal blocks where reliable temporaryconnections may be made.


7.1.3 Terminal blocks for circuit construction

Terminal blocks are the standard means for making electric circuit connections in industrial systems.They are also quite useful as a learning tool, and so I highly recommend their use in lieu ofsolderless breadboards6. Terminal blocks provide highly reliable connections capable of withstandingsignificant voltage and current magnitudes, and they force the builder to think very carefully aboutcomponent layout which is an important mental practice. Terminal blocks that mount on standard35 mm DIN rail7 are made in a wide range of types and sizes, some with built-in disconnectingswitches, some with built-in components such as rectifying diodes and fuseholders, all of whichfacilitate practical circuit construction.

I recommend every student of electricity build their own terminal block array for use inconstructing experimental circuits, consisting of several terminal blocks where each block has atleast 4 connection points all electrically common to each other8 and at least one terminal blockthat is a fuse holder for overcurrent protection. A pair of anchoring blocks hold all terminal blockssecurely on the DIN rail, preventing them from sliding off the rail. Each of the terminals shouldbear a number, starting from 0. An example is shown in the following photograph and illustration:


Anchor block

Anchor block

DIN rail end

DIN rail end

Fuseholder block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block4-terminal block

Electrically commonpoints shown in blue

(typical for all terminal blocks)




4-terminal block0




Screwless terminal blocks (using internal spring clips to clamp wire and component lead ends) arepreferred over screw-based terminal blocks, as they reduce assembly and disassembly time, and alsominimize repetitive wrist stress from twisting screwdrivers. Some screwless terminal blocks requirethe use of a special tool to release the spring clip, while others provide buttons9 for this task whichmay be pressed using the tip of any suitable tool.

6Solderless breadboard are preferable for complicated electronic circuits with multiple integrated “chip”components, but for simpler circuits I find terminal blocks much more practical. An alternative to solderlessbreadboards for “chip” circuits is to solder chip sockets onto a PCB and then use wires to connect the socket pins toterminal blocks. This also accommodates surface-mount components, which solderless breadboards do not.

7DIN rail is a metal rail designed to serve as a mounting point for a wide range of electrical and electronic devicessuch as terminal blocks, fuses, circuit breakers, relay sockets, power supplies, data acquisition hardware, etc.

8Sometimes referred to as equipotential, same-potential, or potential distribution terminal blocks.9The small orange-colored squares seen in the above photograph are buttons for this purpose, and may be actuated

by pressing with any tool of suitable size.


The following example shows how such a terminal block array might be used to construct aseries-parallel resistor circuit consisting of four resistors and a battery:







3 +-

Pictorial diagramSchematic diagram










6 V

6 V

2.2 kΩ

3.3 kΩ

4.7 kΩ

7.1 kΩ

7.1 kΩ

2.2 kΩ

3.3 kΩ

4.7 kΩ

Numbering on the terminal blocks provides a very natural translation to SPICE10 netlists, wherecomponent connections are identified by terminal number:

* Series-parallel resistor circuit

v1 1 0 dc 6

r1 2 5 7100

r2 5 8 2200

r3 2 8 3300

r4 8 11 4700

rjmp1 1 2 0.01

rjmp2 0 11 0.01



Note the use of “jumper” resistances rjmp1 and rjmp2 to describe the wire connections betweenterminals 1 and 2 and between terminals 0 and 11, respectively. Being resistances, SPICE requiresa resistance value for each, and here we see they have both been set to an arbitrarily low value of0.01 Ohm realistic for short pieces of wire.

Listing all components and wires along with their numbered terminals happens to be a usefuldocumentation method for any circuit built on terminal blocks, independent of SPICE. Such a“wiring sequence” may be thought of as a non-graphical description of an electric circuit, and isexceptionally easy to follow.

10SPICE is computer software designed to analyze electrical and electronic circuits. Circuits are described for thecomputer in the form of netlists which are text files listing each component type, connection node numbers, andcomponent values.


An example of a more elaborate terminal block array is shown in the following photograph,with terminal blocks and “ice-cube” style electromechanical relays mounted to DIN rail, which isturn mounted to a perforated subpanel11. This “terminal block board” hosts an array of thirty fiveundedicated terminal block sections, four SPDT toggle switches, four DPDT “ice-cube” relays, astep-down control power transformer, bridge rectifier and filtering capacitor, and several fuses forovercurrent protection:

Four plastic-bottomed “feet” support the subpanel above the benchtop surface, and an unusedsection of DIN rail stands ready to accept other components. Safety features include electricalbonding of the AC line power cord’s ground to the metal subpanel (and all metal DIN rails),mechanical strain relief for the power cord to isolate any cord tension from wire connections,clear plastic finger guards covering the transformer’s screw terminals, as well as fused overcurrentprotection for the 120 Volt AC line power and the transformer’s 12 Volt AC output. The perforatedholes happen to be on 1

4inch centers with a diameter suitable for tapping with 6-32 machine screw

threads, their presence making it very easy to attach other sections of DIN rail, printed circuit boards,or specialized electrical components directly to the grounded metal subpanel. Such a “terminal blockboard” is an inexpensive12 yet highly flexible means to construct physically robust circuits usingindustrial wiring practices.

11An electrical subpanel is a thin metal plate intended for mounting inside an electrical enclosure. Components areattached to the subpanel, and the subpanel in turn bolts inside the enclosure. Subpanels allow circuit constructionoutside the confines of the enclosure, which speeds assembly. In this particular usage there is no enclosure, as thesubpanel is intended to be used as an open platform for the convenient construction of circuits on a benchtop bystudents. In essence, this is a modern version of the traditional breadboard which was literally a wooden board suchas might be used for cutting loaves of bread, but which early electrical and electronic hobbyists used as platforms forthe construction of circuits.

12At the time of this writing (2019) the cost to build this board is approximately $250 US dollars.


7.1.4 Conducting experiments

An experiment is an exploratory act, a test performed for the purpose of assessing some propositionor principle. Experiments are the foundation of the scientific method, a process by which carefulobservation helps guard against errors of speculation. All good experiments begin with an hypothesis,defined by the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language as:

An assertion subject to verification or proof, as (a) A proposition stated as a basis forargument or reasoning. (b) A premise from which a conclusion is drawn. (c) A conjecturethat accounts, within a theory or ideational framework, for a set of facts and that canbe used as a basis for further investigation.

Stated plainly, an hypothesis is an educated guess about cause and effect. The correctness of thisinitial guess matters little, because any well-designed experiment will reveal the truth of the matter.In fact, incorrect hypotheses are often the most valuable because the experiments they engenderlead us to surprising discoveries. One of the beautiful aspects of science is that it is more focusedon the process of learning than about the status of being correct13. In order for an hypothesis to bevalid, it must be testable14, which means it must be a claim possible to refute given the right data.Hypotheses impossible to critique are useless.

Once an hypothesis has been formulated, an experiment must be designed to test that hypothesis.A well-designed experiment requires careful regulation of all relevant variables, both for personalsafety and for prompting the hypothesized results. If the effects of one particular variable are tobe tested, the experiment must be run multiple times with different values of (only) that particularvariable. The experiment set up with the “baseline” variable set is called the control, while theexperiment set up with different value(s) is called the test or experimental.

For some hypotheses a viable alternative to a physical experiment is a computer-simulatedexperiment or even a thought experiment. Simulations performed on a computer test the hypothesisagainst the physical laws encoded within the computer simulation software, and are particularlyuseful for students learning new principles for which simulation software is readily available15.

13Science is more about clarifying our view of the universe through a systematic process of error detection than it isabout proving oneself to be right. Some scientists may happen to have large egos – and this may have more to do withthe ways in which large-scale scientific research is funded than anything else – but scientific method itself is devoidof ego, and if embraced as a practical philosophy is quite an effective stimulant for humility. Within the educationsystem, scientific method is particularly valuable for helping students break free of the crippling fear of being wrong.So much emphasis is placed in formal education on assessing correct retention of facts that many students are fearfulof saying or doing anything that might be perceived as a mistake, and of course making mistakes (i.e. having one’shypotheses disproven by experiment) is an indispensable tool for learning. Introducing science in the classroom – real

science characterized by individuals forming actual hypotheses and testing those hypotheses by experiment – helpsstudents become self-directed learners.

14This is the principle of falsifiability: that a scientific statement has value only insofar as it is liable to disproofgiven the requisite experimental evidence. Any claim that is unfalsifiable – that is, a claim which can never bedisproven by any evidence whatsoever – could be completely wrong and we could never know it.

15A very pertinent example of this is learning how to analyze electric circuits using simulation software such asSPICE. A typical experimental cycle would proceed as follows: (1) Find or invent a circuit to analyze; (2) Applyyour analytical knowledge to that circuit, predicting all voltages, currents, powers, etc. relevant to the concepts youare striving to master; (3) Run a simulation on that circuit, collecting “data” from the computer when complete; (4)Evaluate whether or not your hypotheses (i.e. predicted voltages, currents, etc.) agree with the computer-generatedresults; (5) If so, your analyses are (provisionally) correct – if not, examine your analyses and the computer simulationagain to determine the source of error; (6) Repeat this process as many times as necessary until you achieve mastery.


Thought experiments are useful for detecting inconsistencies within your own understanding ofsome subject, rather than testing your understanding against physical reality.

Here are some general guidelines for conducting experiments:

• The clearer and more specific the hypothesis, the better. Vague or unfalsifiable hypothesesare useless because they will fit any experimental results, and therefore the experiment cannotteach you anything about the hypothesis.

• Collect as much data (i.e. information, measurements, sensory experiences) generated by anexperiment as is practical. This includes the time and date of the experiment, too!

• Never discard or modify data gathered from an experiment. If you have reason to believe thedata is unreliable, write notes to that effect, but never throw away data just because you thinkit is untrustworthy. It is quite possible that even “bad” data holds useful information, andthat someone else may be able to uncover its value even if you do not.

• Prioritize quantitative data over qualitative data wherever practical. Quantitative data is morespecific than qualitative, less prone to subjective interpretation on the part of the experimenter,and amenable to an arsenal of analytical methods (e.g. statistics).

• Guard against your own bias(es) by making your experimental results available to others. Thisallows other people to scrutinize your experimental design and collected data, for the purposeof detecting and correcting errors you may have missed. Document your experiment such thatothers may independently replicate it.

• Always be looking for sources of error. No physical measurement is perfect, and so it isimpossible to achieve exact values for any variable. Quantify the amount of uncertainty (i.e.the “tolerance” of errors) whenever possible, and be sure your hypothesis does not depend onprecision better than this!

• Always remember that scientific confirmation is provisional – no number of “successful”experiments will prove an hypothesis true for all time, but a single experiment can disproveit. Put into simpler terms, truth is elusive but error is within reach.

• Remember that scientific method is about learning, first and foremost. An unfortunateconsequence of scientific triumph in modern society is that science is often viewed by non-practitioners as an unerring source of truth, when in fact science is an ongoing process ofchallenging existing ideas to probe for errors and oversights. This is why it is perfectlyacceptable to have a failed hypothesis, and why the only truly failed experiment is one wherenothing was learned.


The following is an example of a well-planned and executed experiment, in this case a physicalexperiment demonstrating Ohm’s Law.

Planning Time/Date = 09:30 on 12 February 2019

HYPOTHESIS: the current through any resistor should be exactly proportional

to the voltage impressed across it.

PROCEDURE: connect a resistor rated 1 k Ohm and 1/4 Watt to a variable-voltage

DC power supply. Use an ammeter in series to measure resistor current and

a voltmeter in parallel to measure resistor voltage.

RISKS AND MITIGATION: excessive power dissipation may harm the resistor and/

or pose a burn hazard, while excessive voltage poses an electric shock hazard.

30 Volts is a safe maximum voltage for laboratory practices, and according to

Joule’s Law a 1000 Ohm resistor will dissipate 0.25 Watts at 15.81 Volts

(P = V^2 / R), so I will remain below 15 Volts just to be safe.

Experiment Time/Date = 10:15 on 12 February 2019


(Voltage) (Current) (Voltage) (Current)

0.000 V = 0.000 mA 8.100 = 7.812 mA

2.700 V = 2.603 mA 10.00 V = 9.643 mA

5.400 V = 5.206 mA 14.00 V = 13.49 mA

Analysis Time/Date = 10:57 on 12 February 2019

ANALYSIS: current definitely increases with voltage, and although I expected

exactly one milliAmpere per Volt the actual current was usually less than

that. The voltage/current ratios ranged from a low of 1036.87 (at 8.1 Volts)

to a high of 1037.81 (at 14 Volts), but this represents a variance of only

-0.0365% to +0.0541% from the average, indicating a very consistent

proportionality -- results consistent with Ohm’s Law.

ERROR SOURCES: one major source of error is the resistor’s value itself. I

did not measure it, but simply assumed color bands of brown-black-red meant

exactly 1000 Ohms. Based on the data I think the true resistance is closer

to 1037 Ohms. Another possible explanation is multimeter calibration error.

However, neither explains the small positive and negative variances from the

average. This might be due to electrical noise, a good test being to repeat

the same experiment to see if the variances are the same or different. Noise

should generate slightly different results every time.


The following is an example of a well-planned and executed virtual experiment, in this casedemonstrating Ohm’s Law using a computer (SPICE) simulation.

Planning Time/Date = 12:32 on 14 February 2019

HYPOTHESIS: for any given resistor, the current through that resistor should be

exactly proportional to the voltage impressed across it.

PROCEDURE: write a SPICE netlist with a single DC voltage source and single

1000 Ohm resistor, then use NGSPICE version 26 to perform a "sweep" analysis

from 0 Volts to 25 Volts in 5 Volt increments.

* SPICE circuit

v1 1 0 dc

r1 1 0 1000

.dc v1 0 25 5

.print dc v(1) i(v1)




DC transfer characteristic Thu Feb 14 13:05:08 2019


Index v-sweep v(1) v1#branch


0 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00

1 5.000000e+00 5.000000e+00 -5.00000e-03

2 1.000000e+01 1.000000e+01 -1.00000e-02

3 1.500000e+01 1.500000e+01 -1.50000e-02

4 2.000000e+01 2.000000e+01 -2.00000e-02

5 2.500000e+01 2.500000e+01 -2.50000e-02

Analysis Time/Date = 13:06 on 14 February 2019

ANALYSIS: perfect agreement between data and hypothesis -- current is precisely

1/1000 of the applied voltage for all values. Anything other than perfect

agreement would have probably meant my netlist was incorrect. The negative

current values surprised me, but it seems this is just how SPICE interprets

normal current through a DC voltage source.



As gratuitous as it may seem to perform experiments on a physical law as well-established asOhm’s Law, even the examples listed previously demonstrate opportunity for real learning. Inthe physical experiment example, the student should identify and explain why their data does notperfectly agree with the hypothesis, and this leads them naturally to consider sources of error. Inthe computer-simulated experiment, the student is struck by SPICE’s convention of denoting regularcurrent through a DC voltage source as being negative in sign, and this is also useful knowledge forfuture simulations. Scientific experiments are most interesting when things do not go as planned!

Aside from verifying well-established physical laws, simple experiments are extremely useful aseducational tools for a wide range of purposes, including:

• Component familiarization (e.g. Which terminals of this switch connect to the NO versus NCcontacts? )

• System testing (e.g. How heavy of a load can my AC-DC power supply source before thesemiconductor components reach their thermal limits? )

• Learning programming languages (e.g. Let’s try to set up an “up” counter function in thisPLC! )

Above all, the priority here is to inculcate the habit of hypothesizing, running experiments, andanalyzing the results. This experimental cycle not only serves as an excellent method for self-directedlearning, but it also works exceptionally well for troubleshooting faults in complex systems, and forthese reasons should be a part of every technician’s and every engineer’s education.

7.1.5 Constructing projects

Designing, constructing, and testing projects is a very effective means of practical education. Withina formal educational setting, projects are generally chosen (or at least vetted) by an instructorto ensure they may be reasonably completed within the allotted time of a course or program ofstudy, and that they sufficiently challenge the student to learn certain important principles. In aself-directed environment, projects are just as useful as a learning tool but there is some risk ofunwittingly choosing a project beyond one’s abilities, which can lead to frustration.

Here are some general guidelines for managing projects:

• Define your goal(s) before beginning a project: what do you wish to achieve in building it?What, exactly, should the completed project do?

• Analyze your project prior to construction. Document it in appropriate forms (e.g. schematicdiagrams), predict its functionality, anticipate all associated risks. In other words, plan ahead.

• Set a reasonable budget for your project, and stay within it.

• Identify any deadlines, and set reasonable goals to meet those deadlines.

• Beware of scope creep: the tendency to modify the project’s goals before it is complete.

• Document your progress! An easy way to do this is to use photography or videography: takephotos and/or videos of your project as it progresses. Document failures as well as successes,because both are equally valuable from the perspective of learning.


7.2 Experiment: Demonstrate integer math error

Program a computer in any language you choose (C++ or Python are recommended) that performssome integer arithmetic, and set up the arithmetic operation such that the result will not be correct(e.g. the true result causes “overflow” or “underflow” and causes the computer to display an incorrectquantity).


• Prior to experimentation:√

Write an hypothesis (i.e. a detailed description of what you expect will happen)unambiguous enough that it could be disproven given the right data.

√Write a procedure to test the hypothesis, complete with adequate controls and

documentation (e.g. schematic diagrams, programming code).√

Identify any risks (e.g. shock hazard, component damage) and write a mitigationplan based on best practices and component ratings.

• During experimentation:√

Safe practices followed at all times (e.g. no contact with energized circuit).√

Correct equipment usage according to manufacturer’s recommendations.√

All data collected, ideally quantitative with full precision (i.e. no rounding).

• After each experimental run:√

If the results fail to match the hypothesis, identify the error(s), correct the hypothesisand/or revise the procedure, and re-run the experiment.

√Identify any uncontrolled sources of error in the experiment.

• After all experimental re-runs:√

Save all data for future reference.√Write an analysis of experimental results and lessons learned.


• Science is an iterative process, and for this reason is never complete. Following the results ofyour experiment, what would you propose for your next hypothesis and next experimentalprocedure? Hint: if your experiment produced any unexpected results, exploring thoseunexpected results is often a very good basis for the next experiment!

• What happens if you instruct the computer to divide by zero?

• What might constitute a good “control” subject in this experiment, as a contrast against the“experimental” subject?


7.3 Project: (first project)

This is a description of the project!


• ???.

• ???.

• ???.

Appendix A

Problem-Solving Strategies

The ability to solve complex problems is arguably one of the most valuable skills one can possess,and this skill is particularly important in any science-based discipline.

• Study principles, not procedures. Don’t be satisfied with merely knowing how to computesolutions – learn why those solutions work.

• Identify what it is you need to solve, identify all relevant data, identify all units of measurement,identify any general principles or formulae linking the given information to the solution, andthen identify any “missing pieces” to a solution. Annotate all diagrams with this data.

• Sketch a diagram to help visualize the problem. When building a real system, always devisea plan for that system and analyze its function before constructing it.

• Follow the units of measurement and meaning of every calculation. If you are ever performingmathematical calculations as part of a problem-solving procedure, and you find yourself unableto apply each and every intermediate result to some aspect of the problem, it means youdon’t understand what you are doing. Properly done, every mathematical result should havepractical meaning for the problem, and not just be an abstract number. You should be able toidentify the proper units of measurement for each and every calculated result, and show wherethat result fits into the problem.

• Perform “thought experiments” to explore the effects of different conditions for theoreticalproblems. When troubleshooting real systems, perform diagnostic tests rather than visuallyinspecting for faults, the best diagnostic test being the one giving you the most informationabout the nature and/or location of the fault with the fewest steps.

• Simplify the problem until the solution becomes obvious, and then use that obvious case as amodel to follow in solving the more complex version of the problem.

• Check for exceptions to see if your solution is incorrect or incomplete. A good solution willwork for all known conditions and criteria. A good example of this is the process of testingscientific hypotheses: the task of a scientist is not to find support for a new idea, but ratherto challenge that new idea to see if it holds up under a battery of tests. The philosophical



principle of reductio ad absurdum (i.e. disproving a general idea by finding a specific casewhere it fails) is useful here.

• Work “backward” from a hypothetical solution to a new set of given conditions.

• Add quantities to problems that are qualitative in nature, because sometimes a little mathhelps illuminate the scenario.

• Sketch graphs illustrating how variables relate to each other. These may be quantitative (i.e.with realistic number values) or qualitative (i.e. simply showing increases and decreases).

• Treat quantitative problems as qualitative in order to discern the relative magnitudes and/ordirections of change of the relevant variables. For example, try determining what happens if acertain variable were to increase or decrease before attempting to precisely calculate quantities:how will each of the dependent variables respond, by increasing, decreasing, or remaining thesame as before?

• Consider limiting cases. This works especially well for qualitative problems where you need todetermine which direction a variable will change. Take the given condition and magnify thatcondition to an extreme degree as a way of simplifying the direction of the system’s response.

• Check your work. This means regularly testing your conclusions to see if they make sense.This does not mean repeating the same steps originally used to obtain the conclusion(s), butrather to use some other means to check validity. Simply repeating procedures often leads torepeating the same errors if any were made, which is why alternative paths are better.

Appendix B

Instructional philosophy

“The unexamined circuit is not worth energizing” – Socrates (if he had taught electricity)

These learning modules, although useful for self-study, were designed to be used in a formallearning environment where a subject-matter expert challenges students to digest the content andexercise their critical thinking abilities in the answering of questions and in the construction andtesting of working circuits.

The following principles inform the instructional and assessment philosophies embodied in theselearning modules:

• The first goal of education is to enhance clear and independent thought, in order thatevery student reach their fullest potential in a highly complex and inter-dependent world.Robust reasoning is always more important than particulars of any subject matter, becauseits application is universal.

• Literacy is fundamental to independent learning and thought because text continues to be themost efficient way to communicate complex ideas over space and time. Those who cannot readwith ease are limited in their ability to acquire knowledge and perspective.

• Articulate communication is fundamental to work that is complex and interdisciplinary.

• Faulty assumptions and poor reasoning are best corrected through challenge, not presentation.The rhetorical technique of reductio ad absurdum (disproving an assertion by exposing anabsurdity) works well to discipline student’s minds, not only to correct the problem at handbut also to learn how to detect and correct future errors.

• Important principles should be repeatedly explored and widely applied throughout a courseof study, not only to reinforce their importance and help ensure their mastery, but also toshowcase the interconnectedness and utility of knowledge.



These learning modules were expressly designed to be used in an “inverted” teachingenvironment1 where students first read the introductory and tutorial chapters on their own, thenindividually attempt to answer the questions and construct working circuits according to theexperiment and project guidelines. The instructor never lectures, but instead meets regularlywith each individual student to review their progress, answer questions, identify misconceptions,and challenge the student to new depths of understanding through further questioning. Regularmeetings between instructor and student should resemble a Socratic2 dialogue, where questionsserve as scalpels to dissect topics and expose assumptions. The student passes each module onlyafter consistently demonstrating their ability to logically analyze and correctly apply all majorconcepts in each question or project/experiment. The instructor must be vigilant in probing eachstudent’s understanding to ensure they are truly reasoning and not just memorizing. This is why“Challenge” points appear throughout, as prompts for students to think deeper about topics and asstarting points for instructor queries. Sometimes these challenge points require additional knowledgethat hasn’t been covered in the series to answer in full. This is okay, as the major purpose of theChallenges is to stimulate analysis and synthesis on the part of each student.

The instructor must possess enough mastery of the subject matter and awareness of students’reasoning to generate their own follow-up questions to practically any student response. Evencompletely correct answers given by the student should be challenged by the instructor for thepurpose of having students practice articulating their thoughts and defending their reasoning.Conceptual errors committed by the student should be exposed and corrected not by directinstruction, but rather by reducing the errors to an absurdity3 through well-chosen questions andthought experiments posed by the instructor. Becoming proficient at this style of instruction requirestime and dedication, but the positive effects on critical thinking for both student and instructor arespectacular.

An inspection of these learning modules reveals certain unique characteristics. One of these isa bias toward thorough explanations in the tutorial chapters. Without a live instructor to explainconcepts and applications to students, the text itself must fulfill this role. This philosophy results inlengthier explanations than what you might typically find in a textbook, each step of the reasoningprocess fully explained, including footnotes addressing common questions and concerns studentsraise while learning these concepts. Each tutorial seeks to not only explain each major conceptin sufficient detail, but also to explain the logic of each concept and how each may be developed

1In a traditional teaching environment, students first encounter new information via lecture from an expert, andthen independently apply that information via homework. In an “inverted” course of study, students first encounternew information via homework, and then independently apply that information under the scrutiny of an expert. Theexpert’s role in lecture is to simply explain, but the expert’s role in an inverted session is to challenge, critique, andif necessary explain where gaps in understanding still exist.

2Socrates is a figure in ancient Greek philosophy famous for his unflinching style of questioning. Although heauthored no texts, he appears as a character in Plato’s many writings. The essence of Socratic philosophy is toleave no question unexamined and no point of view unchallenged. While purists may argue a topic such as electriccircuits is too narrow for a true Socratic-style dialogue, I would argue that the essential thought processes involvedwith scientific reasoning on any topic are not far removed from the Socratic ideal, and that students of electricity andelectronics would do very well to challenge assumptions, pose thought experiments, identify fallacies, and otherwiseemploy the arsenal of critical thinking skills modeled by Socrates.

3This rhetorical technique is known by the Latin phrase reductio ad absurdum. The concept is to expose errors bycounter-example, since only one solid counter-example is necessary to disprove a universal claim. As an example ofthis, consider the common misconception among beginning students of electricity that voltage cannot exist withoutcurrent. One way to apply reductio ad absurdum to this statement is to ask how much current passes through afully-charged battery connected to nothing (i.e. a clear example of voltage existing without current).


from “first principles”. Again, this reflects the goal of developing clear and independent thought instudents’ minds, by showing how clear and logical thought was used to forge each concept. Studentsbenefit from witnessing a model of clear thinking in action, and these tutorials strive to be just that.

Another characteristic of these learning modules is a lack of step-by-step instructions in theProject and Experiment chapters. Unlike many modern workbooks and laboratory guides wherestep-by-step instructions are prescribed for each experiment, these modules take the approach thatstudents must learn to closely read the tutorials and apply their own reasoning to identify theappropriate experimental steps. Sometimes these steps are plainly declared in the text, just not asa set of enumerated points. At other times certain steps are implied, an example being assumedcompetence in test equipment use where the student should not need to be told again how to usetheir multimeter because that was thoroughly explained in previous lessons. In some circumstancesno steps are given at all, leaving the entire procedure up to the student.

This lack of prescription is not a flaw, but rather a feature. Close reading and clear thinking arefoundational principles of this learning series, and in keeping with this philosophy all activities aredesigned to require those behaviors. Some students may find the lack of prescription frustrating,because it demands more from them than what their previous educational experiences required. Thisfrustration should be interpreted as an unfamiliarity with autonomous thinking, a problem whichmust be corrected if the student is ever to become a self-directed learner and effective problem-solver.Ultimately, the need for students to read closely and think clearly is more important both in thenear-term and far-term than any specific facet of the subject matter at hand. If a student takeslonger than expected to complete a module because they are forced to outline, digest, and reasonon their own, so be it. The future gains enjoyed by developing this mental discipline will be wellworth the additional effort and delay.

Another feature of these learning modules is that they do not treat topics in isolation. Rather,important concepts are introduced early in the series, and appear repeatedly as stepping-stonestoward other concepts in subsequent modules. This helps to avoid the “compartmentalization”of knowledge, demonstrating the inter-connectedness of concepts and simultaneously reinforcingthem. Each module is fairly complete in itself, reserving the beginning of its tutorial to a review offoundational concepts.

This methodology of assigning text-based modules to students for digestion and then usingSocratic dialogue to assess progress and hone students’ thinking was developed over a period ofseveral years by the author with his Electronics and Instrumentation students at the two-year collegelevel. While decidedly unconventional and sometimes even unsettling for students accustomed toa more passive lecture environment, this instructional philosophy has proven its ability to conveyconceptual mastery, foster careful analysis, and enhance employability so much better than lecturethat the author refuses to ever teach by lecture again.

Problems which often go undiagnosed in a lecture environment are laid bare in this “inverted”format where students must articulate and logically defend their reasoning. This, too, may beunsettling for students accustomed to lecture sessions where the instructor cannot tell for sure whocomprehends and who does not, and this vulnerability necessitates sensitivity on the part of the“inverted” session instructor in order that students never feel discouraged by having their errorsexposed. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, and learning is a lifelong process! Part ofthe instructor’s job is to build a culture of learning among the students where errors are not seen asshameful, but rather as opportunities for progress.


To this end, instructors managing courses based on these modules should adhere to the followingprinciples:

• Student questions are always welcome and demand thorough, honest answers. The only typeof question an instructor should refuse to answer is one the student should be able to easilyanswer on their own. Remember, the fundamental goal of education is for each student to learnto think clearly and independently. This requires hard work on the part of the student, whichno instructor should ever circumvent. Anything done to bypass the student’s responsibility todo that hard work ultimately limits that student’s potential and thereby does real harm.

• It is not only permissible, but encouraged, to answer a student’s question by asking questionsin return, these follow-up questions designed to guide the student to reach a correct answerthrough their own reasoning.

• All student answers demand to be challenged by the instructor and/or by other students.This includes both correct and incorrect answers – the goal is to practice the articulation anddefense of one’s own reasoning.

• No reading assignment is deemed complete unless and until the student demonstrates theirability to accurately summarize the major points in their own terms. Recitation of the originaltext is unacceptable. This is why every module contains an “Outline and reflections” questionas well as a “Foundational concepts” question in the Conceptual reasoning section, to promptreflective reading.

• No assigned question is deemed answered unless and until the student demonstrates theirability to consistently and correctly apply the concepts to variations of that question. This iswhy module questions typically contain multiple “Challenges” suggesting different applicationsof the concept(s) as well as variations on the same theme(s). Instructors are encouraged todevise as many of their own “Challenges” as they are able, in order to have a multitude ofways ready to probe students’ understanding.

• No assigned experiment or project is deemed complete unless and until the studentdemonstrates the task in action. If this cannot be done “live” before the instructor, video-recordings showing the demonstration are acceptable. All relevant safety precautions must befollowed, all test equipment must be used correctly, and the student must be able to properlyexplain all results. The student must also successfully answer all Challenges presented by theinstructor for that experiment or project.


Students learning from these modules would do well to abide by the following principles:

• No text should be considered fully and adequately read unless and until you can express everyidea in your own words, using your own examples.

• You should always articulate your thoughts as you read the text, noting points of agreement,confusion, and epiphanies. Feel free to print the text on paper and then write your notes inthe margins. Alternatively, keep a journal for your own reflections as you read. This is trulya helpful tool when digesting complicated concepts.

• Never take the easy path of highlighting or underlining important text. Instead, summarizeand/or comment on the text using your own words. This actively engages your mind, allowingyou to more clearly perceive points of confusion or misunderstanding on your own.

• A very helpful strategy when learning new concepts is to place yourself in the role of a teacher,if only as a mental exercise. Either explain what you have recently learned to someone else,or at least imagine yourself explaining what you have learned to someone else. The simple actof having to articulate new knowledge and skill forces you to take on a different perspective,and will help reveal weaknesses in your understanding.

• Perform each and every mathematical calculation and thought experiment shown in the texton your own, referring back to the text to see that your results agree. This may seem trivialand unnecessary, but it is critically important to ensuring you actually understand what ispresented, especially when the concepts at hand are complicated and easy to misunderstand.Apply this same strategy to become proficient in the use of circuit simulation software, checkingto see if your simulated results agree with the results shown in the text.

• Above all, recognize that learning is hard work, and that a certain level of frustration isunavoidable. There are times when you will struggle to grasp some of these concepts, and thatstruggle is a natural thing. Take heart that it will yield with persistent and varied4 effort, andnever give up!

Students interested in using these modules for self-study will also find them beneficial, althoughthe onus of responsibility for thoroughly reading and answering questions will of course lie withthat individual alone. If a qualified instructor is not available to challenge students, a workablealternative is for students to form study groups where they challenge5 one another.

To high standards of education,

Tony R. Kuphaldt

4As the old saying goes, “Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.” Ifyou find yourself stumped by something in the text, you should attempt a different approach. Alter the thoughtexperiment, change the mathematical parameters, do whatever you can to see the problem in a slightly different light,and then the solution will often present itself more readily.

5Avoid the temptation to simply share answers with study partners, as this is really counter-productive to learning.Always bear in mind that the answer to any question is far less important in the long run than the method(s) used toobtain that answer. The goal of education is to empower one’s life through the improvement of clear and independentthought, literacy, expression, and various practical skills.


Appendix C

Tools used

I am indebted to the developers of many open-source software applications in the creation of theselearning modules. The following is a list of these applications with some commentary on each.

You will notice a theme common to many of these applications: a bias toward code. AlthoughI am by no means an expert programmer in any computer language, I understand and appreciatethe flexibility offered by code-based applications where the user (you) enters commands into a plainASCII text file, which the software then reads and processes to create the final output. Code-basedcomputer applications are by their very nature extensible, while WYSIWYG (What You See Is WhatYou Get) applications are generally limited to whatever user interface the developer makes for you.

The GNU/Linux computer operating system

There is so much to be said about Linus Torvalds’ Linux and Richard Stallman’s GNU

project. First, to credit just these two individuals is to fail to do justice to the mob ofpassionate volunteers who contributed to make this amazing software a reality. I firstlearned of Linux back in 1996, and have been using this operating system on my personalcomputers almost exclusively since then. It is free, it is completely configurable, and itpermits the continued use of highly efficient Unix applications and scripting languages(e.g. shell scripts, Makefiles, sed, awk) developed over many decades. Linux not onlyprovided me with a powerful computing platform, but its open design served to inspiremy life’s work of creating open-source educational resources.

Bram Moolenaar’s Vim text editor

Writing code for any code-based computer application requires a text editor, which maybe thought of as a word processor strictly limited to outputting plain-ASCII text files.Many good text editors exist, and one’s choice of text editor seems to be a deeply personalmatter within the programming world. I prefer Vim because it operates very similarly tovi which is ubiquitous on Unix/Linux operating systems, and because it may be entirelyoperated via keyboard (i.e. no mouse required) which makes it fast to use.



Donald Knuth’s TEX typesetting system

Developed in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s by computer scientist extraordinaire DonaldKnuth to typeset his multi-volume magnum opus The Art of Computer Programming,this software allows the production of formatted text for screen-viewing or paper printing,all by writing plain-text code to describe how the formatted text is supposed to appear.TEX is not just a markup language for documents, but it is also a Turing-completeprogramming language in and of itself, allowing useful algorithms to be created to controlthe production of documents. Simply put, TEX is a programmer’s approach to wordprocessing. Since TEX is controlled by code written in a plain-text file, this meansanyone may read that plain-text file to see exactly how the document was created. Thisopenness afforded by the code-based nature of TEX makes it relatively easy to learn howother people have created their own TEX documents. By contrast, examining a beautifuldocument created in a conventional WYSIWYG word processor such as Microsoft Wordsuggests nothing to the reader about how that document was created, or what the usermight do to create something similar. As Mr. Knuth himself once quipped, conventionalword processing applications should be called WYSIAYG (What You See Is All YouGet).

Leslie Lamport’s LATEX extensions to TEX

Like all true programming languages, TEX is inherently extensible. So, years after therelease of TEX to the public, Leslie Lamport decided to create a massive extensionallowing easier compilation of book-length documents. The result was LATEX, whichis the markup language used to create all ModEL module documents. You could saythat TEX is to LATEX as C is to C++. This means it is permissible to use any and all TEXcommands within LATEX source code, and it all still works. Some of the features offeredby LATEX that would be challenging to implement in TEX include automatic index andtable-of-content creation.

Tim Edwards’ Xcircuit drafting program

This wonderful program is what I use to create all the schematic diagrams andillustrations (but not photographic images or mathematical plots) throughout the ModELproject. It natively outputs PostScript format which is a true vector graphic format (thisis why the images do not pixellate when you zoom in for a closer view), and it is so simpleto use that I have never had to read the manual! Object libraries are easy to create forXcircuit, being plain-text files using PostScript programming conventions. Over theyears I have collected a large set of object libraries useful for drawing electrical andelectronic schematics, pictorial diagrams, and other technical illustrations.


Gimp graphic image manipulation program

Essentially an open-source clone of Adobe’s PhotoShop, I use Gimp to resize, crop, andconvert file formats for all of the photographic images appearing in the ModEL modules.Although Gimp does offer its own scripting language (called Script-Fu), I have neverhad occasion to use it. Thus, my utilization of Gimp to merely crop, resize, and convertgraphic images is akin to using a sword to slice a loaf of bread.

SPICE circuit simulation program

SPICE is to circuit analysis as TEX is to document creation: it is a form of markuplanguage designed to describe a certain object to be processed in plain-ASCII text.When the plain-text “source file” is compiled by the software, it outputs the final result.More modern circuit analysis tools certainly exist, but I prefer SPICE for the followingreasons: it is free, it is fast, it is reliable, and it is a fantastic tool for teaching students ofelectricity and electronics how to write simple code. I happen to use rather old versions ofSPICE, version 2g6 being my “go to” application when I only require text-based output.NGSPICE (version 26), which is based on Berkeley SPICE version 3f5, is used when Irequire graphical output for such things as time-domain waveforms and Bode plots. Inall SPICE example netlists I strive to use coding conventions compatible with all SPICEversions.

Andrew D. Hwang’s ePiX mathematical visualization programming library

This amazing project is a C++ library you may link to any C/C++ code for the purposeof generating PostScript graphic images of mathematical functions. As a completelyfree and open-source project, it does all the plotting I would otherwise use a ComputerAlgebra System (CAS) such as Mathematica or Maple to do. It should be said thatePiX is not a Computer Algebra System like Mathematica or Maple, but merely amathematical visualization tool. In other words, it won’t determine integrals for you(you’ll have to implement that in your own C/C++ code!), but it can graph the results, andit does so beautifully. What I really admire about ePiX is that it is a C++ programminglibrary, which means it builds on the existing power and toolset available with thatprogramming language. Mr. Hwang could have probably developed his own stand-aloneapplication for mathematical plotting, but by creating a C++ library to do the same thinghe accomplished something much greater.


Appendix D

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License

By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the termsand conditions of this Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (“PublicLicense”). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted theLicensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensorgrants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the LicensedMaterial available under these terms and conditions.

Section 1 – Definitions.

a. Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar Rights that is derivedfrom or based upon the Licensed Material and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered,arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring permission under the Copyrightand Similar Rights held by the Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the LicensedMaterial is a musical work, performance, or sound recording, Adapted Material is always producedwhere the Licensed Material is synched in timed relation with a moving image.

b. Adapter’s License means the license You apply to Your Copyright and Similar Rights inYour contributions to Adapted Material in accordance with the terms and conditions of this PublicLicense.

c. Copyright and Similar Rights means copyright and/or similar rights closely related tocopyright including, without limitation, performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui GenerisDatabase Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or categorized. For purposes of thisPublic License, the rights specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copyright and Similar Rights.

d. Effective Technological Measures means those measures that, in the absence of properauthority, may not be circumvented under laws fulfilling obligations under Article 11 of the WIPOCopyright Treaty adopted on December 20, 1996, and/or similar international agreements.

e. Exceptions and Limitations means fair use, fair dealing, and/or any other exception or



limitation to Copyright and Similar Rights that applies to Your use of the Licensed Material.

f. Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database, or other material to whichthe Licensor applied this Public License.

g. Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Public License, which are limited to all Copyright and Similar Rights that apply to Your use ofthe Licensed Material and that the Licensor has authority to license.

h. Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights under this Public License.

i. Share means to provide material to the public by any means or process that requirespermission under the Licensed Rights, such as reproduction, public display, public performance,distribution, dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material available to thepublic including in ways that members of the public may access the material from a place and at atime individually chosen by them.

j. Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright resulting from Directive96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protectionof databases, as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially equivalent rights anywherein the world.

k. You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights under this Public License.Your has a corresponding meaning.

Section 2 – Scope.

a. License grant.

1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License, the Licensor hereby grants You aworldwide, royalty-free, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to exercise the LicensedRights in the Licensed Material to:

A. reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or in part; and

B. produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material.

2. Exceptions and Limitations. For the avoidance of doubt, where Exceptions and Limitationsapply to Your use, this Public License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with its termsand conditions.

3. Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section 6(a).

4. Media and formats; technical modifications allowed. The Licensor authorizes You to exercisethe Licensed Rights in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter created, and to maketechnical modifications necessary to do so. The Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any rightor authority to forbid You from making technical modifications necessary to exercise the LicensedRights, including technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective Technological Measures.


For purposes of this Public License, simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a)(4)never produces Adapted Material.

5. Downstream recipients.

A. Offer from the Licensor – Licensed Material. Every recipient of the Licensed Materialautomatically receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the Licensed Rights under the termsand conditions of this Public License.

B. No downstream restrictions. You may not offer or impose any additional or different termsor conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the Licensed Material if doingso restricts exercise of the Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed Material.

6. No endorsement. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be construed as permissionto assert or imply that You are, or that Your use of the Licensed Material is, connected with,or sponsored, endorsed, or granted official status by, the Licensor or others designated to receiveattribution as provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i).

b. Other rights.

1. Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not licensed under this Public License, norare publicity, privacy, and/or other similar personality rights; however, to the extent possible, theLicensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any such rights held by the Licensor to the limited extentnecessary to allow You to exercise the Licensed Rights, but not otherwise.

2. Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this Public License.

3. To the extent possible, the Licensor waives any right to collect royalties from You for theexercise of the Licensed Rights, whether directly or through a collecting society under any voluntaryor waivable statutory or compulsory licensing scheme. In all other cases the Licensor expresslyreserves any right to collect such royalties.

Section 3 – License Conditions.

Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the following conditions.

a. Attribution.

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Appendix E


Blanc, Bertrand and Maaraoui, Bob, “Endianness or Where is Byte 0?”, 3B Consultancy, December,2005.

Cohen, Danny, “On Holy Wars and a Plea For Peace”, IEN 137, USC/ISI, April 1, 1980.

“DRAFT Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic P754”, Draft 1.2.5, IEEE, New York, October 4,2006.

Giancoli, Douglas C., Physics for Scientists & Engineers, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper SaddleRiver, NJ, 2000.

Goldberg, David, “What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic”,ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 23, Number 1, March 1991.

Hecker, Chris, “Let’s Get to the (Floating) Point”, Game Developer magazine, pages 19-24,February-March, 1996.

“ieee754.h” header file, GNU C Library, 1999.

“Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual”, Volume 2 Instruction SetReference, order number 325383-060US, 2016.

Kernighan, Brian W. and Ritchie, Dennis M., The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall, NewJersey, 1978.

Maxwell, James Clerk, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Volume I, Third Edition, ClarendonPress, Oxford, 1904.

Overton, Michael L., “Floating Point Representation”, 1996.

PDP11/45 Processor Handbook, Digital Equipment Corporation, 1973.

Waser, Schlomo and Flynn, Michael J., Introduction to Arithmetic for Digital Systems Designers,



Holt, Rinehard & Winston, New York, 1982.

Appendix F

Version history

This is a list showing all significant additions, corrections, and other edits made to this learningmodule. Each entry is referenced by calendar date in reverse chronological order (newest versionfirst), which appears on the front cover of every learning module for easy reference. Any contributorsto this open-source document are listed here as well.

28 January 2020 – added more Foundational Concepts to the list in the Conceptual Reasoningsection.

27 January 2020 – added Foundational Concepts to the list in the Conceptual Reasoning section.

5 January 2020 – added bullet-list of relevant programming principles to the ProgrammingReferences section.

2 January 2020 – removed from from C++ code execution output, to clearly distinguish it fromthe source code listing which is still framed.

1 January 2020 – changed main () to main (void) in C++ programming examples.

23 December 2019 – added a Python programming question, challenging students to use thePython interpreter environment as a number-base converter.

13 November 2019 – swapped a couple of questions from the Quantitative section to the Diagnosticsection.

18 May 2019 – typographical error correction in the Tutorial, having to do with interpreting oneof the hexadecimal characters in a sample conversion – 1DB should have been 1EB. Also, added someclarifying text to the Tutorial based on student feedback.

16 May 2019 – typographical error correction in the Historical References chapter, and anotherone in a different section. Clarified the process of converting negative decimal values into two’scomplement signed binary. Added Python programming example to the Quantitative Reasoningsection. Added 0o as prepended characters denoting octal in the Tutorial.



12 May 2019 – added an Experiment to demonstrate an integer arithmetic error by programminga computer to specifically for this purpose.

9 May 2019 – added output from a test-run of the numeration conversion C++ program, as wellas a quantitative problem based on use of this program.

8 May 2019 – added an “include” statement for cstdint in all the C++ code examples usingdefinite-width integer variables such as int16 t, which is necessary for some C++ compilers toavoid a scope error.

7 May 2019 – added more questions.

6 May 2019 – removed the word “module” from the title.

9 January 2019 – added examples of floating-point addition errors using Python.

3 January 2019 – corrected missing numerical examples from a sentence describing one of theC++ programming examples.

23 December 2018 – elaborated on methods to denote the radix (base) of written numbers,commented on alternatives to the term “mantissa”, finished the sections on “endianness” andincompatible format errors, and made other small edits.

20 December 2018 – document first created.


0x, 20

Adding quantities to a qualitative problem, 124Allen-Bradley, 32Annotating diagrams, 123ANSI/IEEE standard 754 for floating-point

numbers, 30, 71, 100April Fool’s Day, 47

Base, 25Base eight, 19Base sixteen, 19Base ten, 10Base two, 10Base value, 10Base, how to denote, 10, 20BCD, 4, 18Big endian, 30, 33Binary Coded Decimal, 4, 18Binary numeration, 3Bit, 3, 10Bitwise operator, 71Boolean, 3Breadboard, solderless, 112, 113Breadboard, traditional, 115Byte, 4, 19, 35Byte swapping, 5, 36

C++, 54Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, 110Checking for exceptions, 124Checking your work, 24, 26, 27, 124Cipher, 8Co-processor IC, 32Code, computer, 131Cohen, Danny, 47Compiler, C++, 54

Complex number, 8Computer programming, 41, 53CPR, 110

Dalziel, Charles, 110Data network, 15Data union, 71Decimal numeration, 3, 8Digit, 10Digital revolution, 11Dimensional analysis, 123DIN rail, 113DIP, 112Do-More, 40Double-precision floating-point number, 30

Edwards, Tim, 132Electric shock, 110Electrically common points, 111Embedded computer, 30, 32Enclosure, electrical, 115Endian, big, 30Equipotential points, 111, 113Excess numeration, 29Excess-127, 29Experiment, 116Experimental guidelines, 117Extended floating-point number, 30

Fixed-point binary notation, 14Fixed-point decimal notation, 15Floating point, 4, 29Fraction, 8

Graph values to solve a problem, 124Greenleaf, Cynthia, 73

Hexadecimal, 4, 19



HMI, 15How to teach with these modules, 126Human-Machine Interface, 15Hwang, Andrew D., 133

IC, 112Identify given data, 123Identify relevant principles, 123Imaginary number, 8Infinity, 4Instructions for projects and experiments, 127Integer number, 8, 12Integer, signed, 4, 12, 68Integer, unsigned, 4, 12, 68Intermediate results, 26, 123Interpreter, Python, 58Inverted instruction, 126Irrational number, 8

Java, 55

Knuth, Donald, 132Koyo, 40

Lamport, Leslie, 132LCD, 17Least Significant Bit, 19, 21, 26LED, 17Limiting cases, 124Little endian, 34LSB, 19, 21, 26

Mantissa, floating-point number, 30Masking, 71Math co-processor IC, 32Maximum value, 11Maxwell, James Clerk, 43Metacognition, 78Mho, 45MicroLogix 1000, 32Mixed number, 25Moolenaar, Bram, 131Most Significant Bit, 12, 21, 26, 67Motorola 6502 microprocessor, 35Motorola 68000 microprocessor, 35MSB, 12, 21, 26, 67Murphy, Lynn, 73

NaN, 29Natural number, 8Network, 15Nixie tube, 17Not a Number (NaN), 29Number, 8Numeration, 8Nybble, 19

Octal, 4, 19Open-source, 131

Parsec length, 4Place weight, 3PLC, 16, 18, 32, 40Potential distribution, 113Precision, double, 30Precision, single, 30Problem-solving: annotate diagrams, 123Problem-solving: check for exceptions, 124Problem-solving: checking work, 24, 26, 27, 124Problem-solving: dimensional analysis, 123Problem-solving: graph values, 124Problem-solving: identify given data, 123Problem-solving: identify relevant principles, 123Problem-solving: interpret intermediate results,

26, 123Problem-solving: limiting cases, 124Problem-solving: qualitative to quantitative, 124Problem-solving: quantitative to qualitative, 124Problem-solving: reductio ad absurdum, 26, 124Problem-solving: simplify the system, 40, 69, 123Problem-solving: thought experiment, 12, 117,

123Problem-solving: track units of measurement,

123Problem-solving: visually represent the system,

123Problem-solving: work in reverse, 124Programmable Logic Controller, 16, 18, 32, 40Programming, computer, 41, 53Project management guidelines, 120Proton mass, 4Python, 41, 58

Qualitatively approaching a quantitativeproblem, 124


Radix, 10, 25Radix, how to denote, 10, 20Raw data, 40Reading Apprenticeship, 73Real, 4Real number, 8Reductio ad absurdum, 26, 124–126Register, 5, 33Remainder, 25Resolution, 16Rockwell, 32

Safety, electrical, 110Schoenbach, Ruth, 73Scientific method, 78, 116Scope creep, 120Serial data communication, 33Shunt resistor, 112Siemens, 45Sign-magnitude notation, 12Signed integer, 4, 12, 68Significand, 4, 29Simplifying a system, 40, 69, 123Single-precision floating-point number, 30Socrates, 125Socratic dialogue, 126Solderless breadboard, 112, 113Source code, 20, 54, 66Speed of light, 32SPICE, 73, 117SPICE netlist, 114Stallman, Richard, 131Subpanel, 115Subscript, 10, 19Surface mount, 113

Terminal block, 111–115Thought experiment, 12, 117, 123Torvalds, Linus, 131Trailing significand, 30Turing machine, 37Turing, Alan, 37Two’s complement, 4, 12

Union, data, 71Units of measurement, 123

Unsigned integer, 4, 12, 68

Variable Frequency Drive, 16VFD, 16Visualizing a system, 123

Whitespace, C++, 54, 55Whitespace, Python, 61Whole number, 8, 12Wiring sequence, 114Word, 3, 35Word swapping, 5, 36Work in reverse to solve a problem, 124WYSIWYG, 131, 132