Modelling corticothalamic feedback and the gating of the thalamus … · 2014. 7. 2. · thalamus....

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J. Physiol. (Paris) 94 (2000) 391–410© 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. Published by Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reservedPII: S0928-4257(00)01093-7/FLA

Modelling corticothalamic feedback and the gating of the thalamusby the cerebral cortex

Alain Destexhea,b*aUnite de neurosciences integrati6es et computationnelles, CNRS, UPR-2191, a6enue de la Terrasse, 91198 Gif-sur-Y6ette, France

bDepartment of Physiology, La6al Uni6ersity, Quebec PQ G1K 7P4, Canada

Received 8 July 2000; accepted 7 August 2000

Abstract – Morphological studies have shown that excitatory synapses from the cortex constitute the major source of synapses in thethalamus. However, the effect of these corticothalamic synapses on the function of the thalamus is not well understood becausethalamic neurones have complex intrinsic firing properties and interact through multiple types of synaptic receptors. Here weinvestigate these complex interactions using computational models. We show first, using models of reconstructed thalamic relayneurones, that the effect of corticothalamic synapses on relay cells can be similar to that of afferent synapses, in amplitude, kineticsand timing, although these synapses are located in different regions of the dendrites. This suggests that cortical EPSPs maycomplement (or predict) the afferent information. Second, using models of reconstructed thalamic reticular neurones, we show thathigh densities of the low-threshold Ca2+ current in dendrites can give these cells an exquisite sensitivity to cortical EPSPs, but onlyif their dendrites are hyperpolarized. This property has consequences at the level of thalamic circuits, where corticothalamic EPSPsevoke bursts in reticular neurones and recruit relay cells predominantly through feedforward inhibition. On the other hand, withdepolarized dendrites, thalamic reticular neurones do not generate bursts and the cortical influence on relay cells is mostly excitatory.Models therefore suggest that the cortical influence can either promote or antagonize the relay of information, depending on the stateof the dendrites of reticular neurones. The control of these dendrites may therefore be a determinant of attentional mechanisms. Wealso review the effect of corticothalamic feedback at the network level, and show how the cortical control over the thalamus isessential in co-ordinating widespread, coherent oscillations. We suggest mechanisms by which different modes of corticothalamicinteraction would allow oscillations of very different spatiotemporal coherence to coexist in the thalamocortical system. © 2000Elsevier Science Ltd. Published by Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS

corticofugal / feedback / computational model / attention / oscillations

1. Introduction

One of the most intriguing feature of thalamiccircuits is that, in addition to providing a relay ofafferent inputs to cerebral cortex, they are mas-sively innervated by fibres arising from the cortexitself [32, 39]. This corticothalamic projection pro-vides the major source of excitatory synapses onthalamic neurones and in particular, corticothala-mic synapses largely outnumber afferent synapses[29, 30, 44, 45]. The notion of the thalamus as arelay station, linking the periphery to the cerebralcortex, should clearly be revised in the light ofthese morphological data. The cortex might be theregion that is the most influential on the activity ofthe thalamus, but this influence is too oftenneglected.

The study of thalamo-cortical interactions beganseveral decades ago with the recordings of oscilla-

tory behaviour, for which the thalamus has beenshown to play a key role [2, 6, 60]. Although anactive role of the cortex was claimed more than 50years ago [8, 50], early studies have most oftenconsidered the cortex as passively driven by a‘thalamic pacemaker’. The pacemaker propertiesof the thalamus have indeed been demonstrated,by isolating thalamic circuits in vivo [61] or invitro [70]. However, in the intact brain, it wasfound that thalamic oscillations are triggered bythe cortex [65] and that the corticothalamic feed-back projection is essential in co-ordinating wide-spread, coherent, synchronized oscillations indifferent thalamic nuclei [14]. It thus appears that,rather than providing an autonomous, indepen-dent drive, the thalamic pacemakers are controlledand co-ordinated by the cortex.

This notion of cortical control of thalamic-gen-erated oscillations has allowed computationalmodels to account for a large spectrum of experi-mental data obtained in vivo and in vitro, rangingfrom ion channel, cellular and network aspects ofthe genesis of oscillations (reviewed in [21]). In

* Correspondence and reprints.E-mail address:

(A. Destexhe).

A. Destexhe / Journal of Physiology 94 (2000) 391–410392

addition, this notion also accounts for the genesisof pathological behaviour such as absence seizures[19], which cannot be understood without consid-ering the influence of the cortex over the thalamus[31].

The role of the corticothalamic projection hasalso been extensively studied in sensory processing[56, 59]. The activation of corticothalamicsynapses have clear facilitatory effects on the relayof information to the cerebral cortex [1, 42, 57, 59,71, 73]. It also seems indispensable to control thetime locking of thalamic neurones into fast oscilla-tions in the gamma frequency range (20–60 Hz)during visual processing [54, 58]. However, besidesthis excitatory effect, there are also numerous evi-dences that the cortex evokes a dominant inhibi-tion in thalamic relay cells [1, 10, 12, 18, 43, 55,73].

To understand the exact effect of corticothala-mic feedback on thalamic circuits, one must con-sider the different types of thalamic neurones andtheir synaptic interactions (schematized in figure1). Thalamic neurones are characterized by com-plex intrinsic firing properties, which may rangefrom the genesis of high-frequency bursts of actionpotential to tonic firing [64]. Their synaptic inter-actions also involve different types of receptorswhich mediate both fast and slow interactions. Inaddition, it has been shown that cortical and affer-ent synapses are segregated in different regions ofthe dendrites of thalamic relay neurones [44],which may strongly affect their impact on cellularresponsiveness. Taken together, these data indicatethat the effect of cortical synapses on thalamiccircuits is complex and difficult to predict intu-itively. Here we investigate these interactions usingcomputational models.

2. Materials and methods

Computational models were based on severalpreviously published papers in which all detailshave been described [23, 24, 27, 28]. All simula-tions were done using the NEURON simulationenvironment [35, 36].

2.1. Cellular models

Computational models of thalamic relay andreticular neurones were based on cellular mor-phologies obtained in two previous studies [23, 28].These neurones (figure 2) were intracellularlyrecorded in slices from rat ventrobasal nucleus and

stained with biocytin [38]. Their morphology wasreconstructed in 3-D using a computerized camera-lucida system and then incorporated into NEU-RON to simulate the cable equations of these 3-Dmorphologies. The methods were detailed previ-ously (see [23, 28]).

Figure 1. Cell types and connectivity in the thalamocorticalnetwork. Four cell types and their connectivity are indicated:thalamocortical (TC) relay cells, thalamic reticular (RE) neu-rones, cortical pyramidal cells (PY) and interneurones (IN). TCcells receive prethalamic afferent connections (Aff.), which maybe sensory afferents in the case of specific thalamic nucleiinvolved in vision, audition and somatosensory modalities. Thisinformation is relayed to the corresponding area of cerebralcortex through ascending thalamocortical fibres (upward ar-row). These fibres leave collaterals within the RE nucleus onthe way to the cerebral cortex, where they arborize in superfi-cial layers I and II, layer IV and layer VI. Corticothalamicfeedback is mediated primarily by a population of layer VI PYneurones that project to the thalamus. The corticothalamicfibres (downward arrow) give collaterals within the RE nucleusand relay nuclei. RE cells form an inhibitory network thatsurrounds the thalamus, receive a copy of nearly all thalamo-cortical and corticothalamic activity, and project inhibitoryconnections solely to neurones in the thalamic relay nuclei.Projections between TC, RE and PY cells are usually organizedtopographically such that each cortical column is associatedwith a given sector of thalamic TC and RE cells. Modified from[24].

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Figure 2. Dendritic morphology of two thalamic cell types usedin computational models. Thalamic relay cell (A) and thalamicreticular neurone (B) from rat ventrobasal nucleus, which wereintracellularly recorded in slices and stained with biocytin [38].Their morphology was reconstructed in 3-D using a computer-ized camera-lucida system [23, 28]. This information was thenused to build computational models incorporating the cableequations of these 3-D morphologies based on the experimentaldata. Because models and data correspond to the same mor-phology, this approach is particularly powerful to estimate thesomato-dendritic distribution of conductances in the cell (see[23, 28]).

Synaptic inputs were simulated by kinetic mod-els of AMPA, NMDA, GABAA and GABAB re-ceptors developed previously [27]. Synapses werelocated exclusively in the dendrites as described inthe text. Synaptic inputs were either simulated inan isolated dendritic branch, or were distributed inan entire dendritic region according to the pathdistance from soma. For example, to localize corti-cal inputs in the distal third of thalamic relay celldendrites, excitatory synapses were distributed inall dendritic segments with path distance \100mm. The conductance of each synapse was scaledto the area of the dendritic segment, such that aconstant density of conductance was simulated inthe distal region (see text for conductance values).All excitatory conductance values are given forAMPA receptors; the NMDA conductance was setto 25% of the AMPA conductance.

2.2. Network models

A thalamocortical network consisting of fourone-dimensional layers of cortical and thalamiccells was simulated (same cell types as in figure 1).The network included 100 thalamic relay cells(TC), 100 thalamic reticular (RE) neurones, 100cortical pyramidal (PY) cells and 100 cortical in-terneurones (IN). The thalamus was representedby two homogeneous population of cells (TC andRE), with no interneurones1. These two cell typesestablished topographic connections; each neuronedensely projected to neurones of the other layerwithin a focal region of a radius of five cells (seedetails in [22]).

The cortex was represented by a simplified rep-resentation of layer VI, in which PY cells consti-tute the major source of corticothalamic fibres. Asthese corticothalamic cells receive a significant pro-portion of their excitatory synapses directly fromascending thalamic axons [34, 72], these cells medi-ate a monosynaptic excitatory feedback loop (tha-lamus-cortex-thalamus), which was modelled here.This representation of layer VI was organized inone dimension with mixed PY and IN cells, whichconnections were local and topographically orga-

Passive properties were obtained by fitting themodel to passive responses obtained in voltage-clamp. Because models and recordings correspondto the same cellular morphology, this method al-lows accurate estimation of the passive parame-ters. Active currents (INa, IKd, IT) were modelledby Hodgkin-Huxley [37] type kinetic models (seedetails in [23, 28]).

1 This configuration was inspired from recordings in theventrobasal thalamus of rodents, which do show oscilla-tory behaviour but are devoid of interneurones [39].Some findings were also constrained by recordings fromslices of the visual thalamus of ferrets, which do haveinterneurones, but the latter were shown to have little orno participation in oscillatory behaviour [70].

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nized, as for the thalamus: each PY cell projecteddensely to all other PY and IN cells within a localradius of five cells; each IN cell projected to all PYcells within the same local radius (see details in[24]).

2.3. Experimental data

Intracellular recordings and multisite field po-tential recordings in the thalamus and cerebralcortex of cats in vivo were taken from previousstudies, where all experimental details were given(see [14–16, 26]).

3. Results

This study focuses on the cortical control ofthalamic circuits, which cellular elements are sche-matized in figure 1. Thalamocortical (TC) relayneurones receive afferent connections from theperiphery and project to cortical neurones, mainlyin layers I, IV and VI [33]. For the most part,layer VI cortical pyramidal (PY) neurones projectback to the same thalamic nucleus from whichthey receive input, which establishes a topo-graphical arrangement of back-and-forth excita-tory connections between thalamus and cortex[39, 63]. Another important element is providedby the thalamic reticular (RE) nucleus, whichreceives collaterals from the majority of cortico-thalamic and thalamocortical fibres passingthrough it (upward and downward arrows infigure 1). The RE nucleus in turn projects back tothalamic relay neurones, in a roughly topographi-cal manner, and establishes inhibitory GABAergicterminals but does not project to the cortex [39,63].

We first examine the effect of cortical synapseson the different cell types in the thalamus, thenanalyse the impact of corticothalamic inputs at thelevel of circuits of interconnected thalamic neu-rones. We next review experimental data showingthe decisive effect of corticothalamic feedback onco-ordinating oscillatory behaviour as well asmodels to explain them.

3.1. Biophysical aspects ofcorticothalamic feedback

3.1.1. Excitatory synapses on relay cellsWe first evaluated the respective impact of corti-

cal and afferent synapses on relay cells. TC cells

are characterized by a strong segregation in thedistribution of excitatory synapses. Afferentsynapses terminate in the proximal region of thedendrites whereas cortical synapses are almost ex-clusively located in the distal third of the dendriticarbours [44]. We have implemented this segregateddistribution by placing afferent and corticalsynapses in the proximal and distal thirds of the

Figure 3. Afferent and cortical EPSPs in a model thalamicrelay cell. A, Scheme of the excitatory synapse distribution usedin the model (same geometry as in figure 2A). Cortical synapseswere located in the distal third of the dendritic tree, whereasafferent synapses were located in the most proximal third of thedendrites. B, EPSP obtained in the soma from activatingAMPA/NMDA receptors in an afferent synapse (Proximalstimulation) compared to a cortical synapse (Distal stimula-tion). The synaptic stimulations produced a higher voltagedeflection in the dendrite compared to the soma, resulting involtage attenuation which was of 48% for the proximal synapseand 600% for the distal stimulation. The superimposition ofafferent and cortical EPSPs (Overlay) shows that they hadsimilar amplitude, decay kinetics and time-to-peak at the soma(the total conductance was identical for both EPSPs and was of5 nS). However, a higher resolution overlay (inset; 200% intime, 500% in amplitude) shows that the amplitude of theproximal EPSP was about 8% larger than the distal EPSP.

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dendrites, respectively (schematized in figure 3A);all synapses were mediated by AMPA and NMDAreceptors (see Methods).

The EPSPs obtained in the soma following acti-vation of AMPA/NMDA receptors in these differ-ent dendritic regions are illustrated in figure 3B.For afferent synapses, the voltage deflection at thedendritic site was significantly larger than in thesoma (figure 3B, Proximal stimulation), revealing avoltage attenuation of about 48%. The attenuationwas more severe for cortical synapses (figure 3B,Distal stimulation), which attained 600% in thiscase (the attenuation of other distal dendritic sitescould be up to 900% in the particular cell geome-try shown in figure 2A). There is therefore a severevoltage attenuation of synaptic events occurring atdistal sites, consistent with previous modellingstudies of TC cells [7, 53].

However, despite significant voltage attenuation,the ‘current’ attenuation was much smaller, asindicated by the similar amplitude of proximal anddistal EPSPs in the soma (figure 3B, right panelsand overlay). Afferent and cortical synapses, acti-vated with the same synaptic conductance (5 nS inthis case), led similar amplitude, kinetics and tim-ing of the EPSP at the soma. Their amplitudediffered by only 8% in this case (figure 3B, inset).We therefore conclude that in relay cells, EPSPsarising from activation of corticothalamic synapsescan mimic to some degree the characteristics of theEPSPs from afferent synapses.

A consequence of this property is that the com-bination of cortical and afferent EPSPs can lead toaction potential discharge, with cortical synapsessomehow ‘complementing’ the effect of afferentsynapses. This aspect was examined in more detailin figure 4. A TC cell was simulated when receivinga sub-threshold afferent EPSP distributed in proxi-mal dendrites. The minimal conductance necessaryto complement this initial EPSP to discharge theTC cell was compared for additional excitatoryconductances distributed at afferent synapses(Proximal EPSP) or at cortical sites (Distal EPSP).The values obtained were plotted as a function ofeach other (figure 4). For example, with an initialsub-threshold EPSP of 38 nS, this ‘complement’conductance was of about 38 nS proximally,whereas if the same initial EPSP was comple-mented by cortical synapses, the complement con-ductance had to be of about 35 nS, which definesa point at (38,35) in figure 4. This procedure wasrepeated for initial EPSPs of different conduc-tances. Most points lie along the identity line(figure 4, circles), indicating that cortical EPSPs

Figure 4. Complementation between afferent and cortical EP-SPs in a thalamic relay cell. Simulations similar to figure 3, inwhich two EPSPs were combined to discharge the cell. The‘complement’ excitatory conductance needed to discharge thecell was compared for afferent synapses (Proximal EPSP) andcortical synapses (Distal EPSP). These two complement con-ductances were represented as a function of each other, whichdefines one point in this graph. The procedure was repeated forEPSPs of different conductances. Most points lie along theidentity line, indicating that cortical EPSPs are as efficient asafferent EPSPs to discharge the cell. They can therefore act tocomplement the afferent information in order to evoke actionpotential discharge and thereby facilitate the relay to cortex.

are approximately as efficient as afferent EPSPs tocomplement an afferent excitation. They can there-fore act to complement the afferent information inorder to evoke action potential discharge andthereby facilitate the relay to cortex.

This protocol was chosen because it reveals an-other interesting effect: not only afferent and corti-cal EPSPs seem equally efficient, but closeexamination of figure 4 reveals that cortical EPSPsare even more efficient than proximal EPSPswithin some range of conductance (between 20 and50 nS). This facilitatory effect is surprising becauseisolated cortical EPSPs are more attenuated thanafferent EPSPs (see figure 3, Overlay) due to theirmore distal localization2. A possible explanationfor this facilitatory effect is illustrated in figure 5.If only afferent synapses are activated (Proximalonly), the current flows towards the soma (right-ward arrow) but also through the distal dendrites(leftward arrow). When afferent and cortical

2 Note that figure 3 deals with EPSPs at a single den-dritic site while figure 4 describes the effect of a largenumber of excitatory synapses distributed in the entiredendritic tree.

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EPSPs occur together (Proximal+distal), the netcurrent flow is towards the soma, because theentire dendritic tree is depolarized in unison. Thecortical synapses therefore augment the efficiencyof afferent synapses by optimizing the current flowto the soma.

3.1.2. Inhibitory synapses on TC cellsThalamic relay cells not only receive excitatory

synapses, but are also contacted by inhibitory neu-rones such as RE cells. The inhibition of TC cellsis particularly interesting because these cells con-tain a low-threshold calcium current (IT) and cantherefore generate burst of action potentials inrebound to IPSPs. There is evidence that IT ismostly located in dendrites [28, 52, 74, 75], so areinhibitory synapses, which seem to follow a uni-form dendritic distribution [41, 44]. To investigatehow these dendritic conductances affect reboundburst generation, we have simulated the kineticsand dendritic location of IT (same model as in [28])as well as the uniform distribution of GABAA

receptors in the dendrites (see scheme in figure6A). For a given IPSP amplitude, rebound burst-ing activity was only obtained within a given range

Figure 6. Voltage-dependence of IPSP-rebound sequences in amodel thalamic relay cell. A, Scheme indicating that IPSPs weredistributed uniformly in the dendrites of the modelled TC cell(same geometry as in figure 2A). B, IPSP obtained in the somafrom activating dendritic GABAA receptors (total conductanceof 10 nS). The tree traces show the effect of the same GABAer-gic conductance at three different resting membrane potentials.For a fixed IPSP amplitude, rebound bursting activity was onlyobtained within a definite range of membrane potential, be-cause of the activation kinetics of the low-threshold calciumcurrent IT. The kinetics and dendritic location of IT weremodelled as in [28].

Figure 5. Possible explanation for the facilitatory effect ofcortical EPSPs on TC cells. If only afferent synapses areactivated (Proximal only), the current flows towards the soma(rightward arrow) but also through the distal dendrites (left-ward arrow). When afferent and cortical EPSPs occur together(Proximal+distal), the net current flow is towards the soma,because the entire dendritic tree is depolarized in unison. Thecortical synapses therefore augment the efficiency of afferentsynapses by optimizing its current flow to the soma.

of membrane potential (figure 6B). This behaviouris expected from the voltage-dependence propertiesof IT. The main effect of having IPSPs and IT

located in dendrites is that the threshold IPSP forrebound burst generation was lower, due to thehigher local input resistance in dendrites, andtherefore the cell was more sensitive to IPSPs(compared to a model with IPSPs and IT located inthe soma; not shown).

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Figure 7. Voltage-dependence and sensitivity of bursting activ-ity in a model thalamic reticular cell. A, Scheme indicating thatEPSPs were distributed uniformly in the dendrites of the mod-elled RE cell (same geometry as in figure 2B). B, Simulationsobtained at two different resting membrane potentials (−63and −78 mV, obtained by manipulating K+ leak conduc-tances) and two different total EPSP conductance (6 nS, uppertraces; 9 nS, lower traces). Both EPSPs led to a burst dischargeat −78 mV, but only the 9 nS-EPSP generated an actionpotential at −63 mV, indicating a higher excitability when thedendrites are hyperpolarized. Model identical to that describedin [23].

dendrites were sufficiently hyperpolarized (figure7B). The exact voltage range at which bursts oc-curred depended on the strength of the EPSP, asexpected from the voltage-dependent kinetics of IT.

Perhaps the most interesting feature of the den-dritic interactions underlying RE bursts is that thepresence of T-current in the dendrites gives to theRE cell an exquisite sensitivity to cortical EPSPs.This is shown in figure 7B, in which the left andright panels compare the effect of the same EPSPat two different membrane potentials. If the den-drites of the RE neurone were depolarized byblocking leak K+ conductances, mimicking theaction of some neuromodulators on these cells[47], these EPSPs were sub-threshold or evokedsingle spikes. On the other hand, when the mem-brane potential was more hyperpolarized (−78mV in figure 7B), the same EPSPs generated afull-blown burst of action potentials, although theinput resistance of the cell was smaller. The samecorticothalamic excitation therefore evokes a radi-cally different output of the RE nucleus accordingto the state of its dendrites.

Here again, this effect is caused by local den-dritic interactions. Because of the high local inputresistance in dendrites, EPSPs of relatively smallconductance are capable of activating IT and ini-tiating a regenerative process that invades the en-tire dendritic tree and generates a burst of actionpotentials. This process however only takes placewhen the membrane is sufficiently hyperpolarized.At depolarized membrane potentials, IT is inacti-vated, and the dendrites behave as if they werepassive. In this case, regenerative burst activity donot occur and the cell responds to EPSPs byproducing single spikes, as shown in figure 7.

3.1.4. Corticothalamic influenceon thalamic circuits

The above simulations show that the presence ofT-current in the dendrites of thalamic neurones,and the location of synapses in different regions ofthese dendrites can give rise to a complex range ofinteractions. We attempt to integrate these interac-tions into circuits of interconnected thalamic neu-rones subjected to corticothalamic feedback. Thecircuit involving interconnected TC and RE cellsusing the dendritic distribution of synapses investi-gated above is shown in figure 8A. CorticothalamicEPSPs were AMPA/NMDA-mediated and weredistributed uniformly in RE cells but only in thedistal dendrites of TC cells. Excitatory (AMPA-mediated) synapses from TC to RE were uni-formly distributed, as were the inhibitory synapses

3.1.3. Excitatory synapses on RE cellsAnother main class of thalamic cell, RE neu-

rones, may also have high densities of T-current intheir dendrites [23]. However, contrary to TC cells,RE cells generate bursts following EPSPs [4, 5].Because it has been discovered that RE cell den-drites have a particularly high density of excitatorysynapses of cortical origin [45], it may be thatEPSPs interact locally with IT in dendrites. Toinvestigate this type of interaction, we have simu-lated a model of thalamic RE cell with dendritic IT

obtained previously [23]. Excitatory synapses(AMPA/NMDA) were distributed uniformly indendrites (see scheme in figure 7A). Like TC cells,the genesis of bursts was voltage-dependent. Simu-lated EPSPs successfully generated bursts if the

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Figure 8. The effect of corticothalamic feedback depends on the state of thalamic neurones. A, Scheme of the circuit involvinginterconnected TC and RE cells using the dendritic distribution of synapses investigated here: cortical EPSPs were AMPA/NMDA-mediated and were distributed uniformly in RE cells but only in the distal dendrites of TC cells. Excitatory (AMPA-mediated)synapses from TC to RE were uniformly distributed, as were the inhibitory synapses (GABAA-mediated) from RE to TC. RE cellsalso inhibited each-other via GABAA synapses (not shown). B, Response of this circuit to the activation of corticothalamic synapses.When both TC and RE cells were hyperpolarized (Burst mode), cortical EPSPs triggered bursts in RE cells which evoked strong IPSPsin TC cells, followed by rebound. If TC cells were depolarized (Mixed), the IPSP evoked by RE bursting did not lead to reboundbursts. When both cell types were depolarized (Tonic mode), cortical EPSPs evoked single-spike activity in RE cells. In this case only,the direct excitation of corticothalamic EPSPs on TC cells was visible.

(GABAA-mediated) from RE to TC. The afferentsynapses (Aff.) were located only in proximal den-drites of TC cells.

The response of this circuit to the activation ofcorticothalamic synapses was highly dependent onthe state of thalamic neurones. When both TC andRE cells were hyperpolarized (figure 8B, Burstmode), cortical EPSPs triggered bursts in RE cells

which evoked strong IPSPs in TC cells, followedby rebound. If TC cells were depolarized (figure8B, Mixed), the IPSP evoked by RE bursting didnot lead to rebound bursts. When both cell typeswere depolarized (figure 8B, Tonic mode), corticalEPSPs evoked single-spike activity in RE cells. Inthis case only, the direct excitation of corticothala-mic EPSPs on TC cells was visible.

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These simulations therefore show that the neteffect of corticothalamic feedback on relay cells isnot necessarily facilitatory, as usually assumed,but can be largely inhibitory depending on thestate of thalamic reticular neurones. We explorebelow possible consequences of these interactionsat the network level.

3.2. Impact of corticothalamic interactionsat the network le6el

We begin by showing experimental data demon-strating that one of the effects of corticothalamicfeedback is to organize large-scale coherent oscil-lations. We then show how these results can beaccounted for in relation to the different interac-tions described above.

3.2.1. The large-scale coherence of thalamicoscillations depends on corticothalamic feedback

We investigated the influence of the massivecorticothalamic projection on the spatiotemporalcoherence of spontaneous and global oscillationsgenerated in the cat thalamus under barbiturateanesthesia [14, 16]. Multisite local field potentialrecordings from the thalamus, using eight equidis-tant tungsten electrodes, revealed that spindle os-cillations were characterized by a remarkablelarge-scale coherence across 7 mm distance3 (figure9A). The cortex was then removed by suction(n=8) and the electrodes returned to approxi-mately the same positions. In the decorticatedanimal, the thalamus still generated spindles, buttheir occurrence was largely not coincident in timeamong the different electrodes (figure 9B). Theevaluation of the decay of intersite correlation as afunction of distance (figure 9C) shows that re-moval of the cortex dramatically reduces largedistance correlations.

Dual intracellular recordings of thalamic relaycells were also performed in the decorticated tha-lamus [14] and revealed that within closely locatedsites (B1 mm), two TC cells were perfectly syn-chronized showing that local synchrony was stillpresent in restricted thalamic areas. For largerdistances, the two TC cells presented the typicalintracellular features of spindle oscillations, butwere totally dissociated from each-other [14]. Thepresence of the cortex is therefore necessary to

maintain the coherence over large distances in thethalamus.

A possible explanation for this synchronizingrole of the cortex would be that synchrony isattained within cortical circuits due to the abun-dant horizontal corticocortical projections in areas5–7 [3] and thereafter imposed on the thalamus.This possibility is however very unlikely becausedisruption of intracortical connectivity by physi-cally cutting intracortical connections did not dis-rupt the large-scale coherence of these oscillations[14, 16], while the coherence was markedly de-creased following chemically-induced cortical de-pression [15, 25].

Thus these results indicate that the large-scalecoherence does not depend on intrathalamic mech-anisms, as proposed by Andersen and Andersson[2], nor on intracortical mechanisms. In the follow-ing, we investigate possible mechanisms to accountfor these observations using computationalmodels.

3.2.2. The role of inhibition inlarge-scale coherent oscillations

A computational model was introduced to ac-count for the above results based on networks ofinterconnected thalamic and cortical neurones [24,25]. This model investigated a mechanism in whichthe large-scale coherence of oscillations dependson mutual interactions between thalamus and cor-tex. The main hypothesis of this model was thatthe net effect of the corticothalamic feedback onthalamic relay cells must be inhibitory. We start byillustrating experimental evidence to support thishypothesis and show how it may account for theexperimental results.

We hypothesized that corticothalamic feedbackoperates on the thalamus mainly by evoking burstsin RE cells, thereby recruiting TC cells throughIPSPs that dominate over direct cortical EPSPs(see figure 8B, Burst mode). Although there are noquantitative data for the strength of cortical EP-SPs on TC and RE cells, intracellular recordingsof RE cells consistently show strong EPSPs ofcortical origin that produce bursts of action poten-tials in response to electrical stimulation of appro-priate cortical area, even with low stimulusintensities [13, 51]. Stimulation of the internal cap-sule has similar effects on RE cells in thalamicslices [67]. In contrast, intracellular recordings ofTC cells in response to stimulating the anatomi-cally-related cortical area show an EPSP-IPSP se-quence dominated by the IPSP component (figure10A). The majority of TC cells recorded in thelateral posterior nucleus (24 out of 26) had IPSP

3 This distance covers most of the anterior-posteriorextent of the cat thalamus and the recordingscorrespond to different thalamic nuclei.

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amplitudes of 11.191.2 mV (mean9SE) at −60mV (n=26). An EPSP was not apparent in a fewcells (n=5), but IPSPs always occurred. Corticalstimulation was able to fire the TC cell throughEPSPs at the resting membrane potential(−62.391.5 mV) only occasionally (n=2).

Possible mechanisms for such inhibitory domi-nance in TC cells were investigated above based onmodels incorporating the dendritic location ofsynapses (figure 8B). In simpler circuits consistingof single-compartment thalamic neurones (see de-tails in [24]), with two TC cells interconnected withtwo RE cells (see scheme in figure 10B), the EPSP/IPSP sequence observed experimentally could be

Figure 9. Corticothalamic feedback participates in the genesis of large-scale coherent oscillations. Multiple extracellular recordingswere performed in cat thalamus in vivo under barbiturate anesthesia. Eight tungsten electrodes (Th1-Th8) were placed in theanterior-posterior axis of the thalamus over a distance of 7 mm (inter-electrode distance of 1 mm). In control conditions (Intact), therecorded thalamic area produced synchronous spindle oscillations. After removal of the cortex (Decorticated), each location continuedto generate spindle oscillations, but the large-scale coherence was lost. The lower panels show the decay of intersite correlation withdistance for six different consecutive epochs of 20 s, demonstrating that removal of the cortex dramatically reduces correlations overlarge distances. Modified from [14].

reproduced provided that the cortical EPSPs onRE cells were stronger than the EPSPs on TCcells. In figure 10B, the conductance of AMPA-mediated cortical drive on TC and RE cells, aswell as the GABAA-mediated IPSP from RE cellswere of the same order of magnitude. In this case,cortical EPSPs were shunted by reticular IPSPsand cortical stimulation did not evoke oscillationsin the thalamic circuit. In contrast, when the EP-SPs on TC cells had smaller conductances (from5–20 times) the EPSP-IPSP sequence was similarto intracellular recordings and cortical stimulationwas effective in evoking oscillations (figure 10C).The exquisite sensitivity of RE neurones to cortical

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Figure 10. Inhibitory dominance of corticothalamic feedback during barbiturate anesthesia. A, Intracellular recording of a thalamicrelay cell in the lateral posterior (LP) thalamic nucleus while stimulating the anatomically-related part of the suprasylvian (SS) cortexin cats during barbiturate anesthesia. Cortical stimulation (arrow) evoked a small EPSP followed by a powerful biphasic IPSP. TheIPSP gave rise to rebound bursts in that cell. This case was representative of the majority of recorded TC cells. B, Simulation ofcorticothalamic feedback EPSPs in a circuit of four interconnected thalamic cells. Cortical (AMPA-mediated) EPSPs were stimulatedby delivering a presynaptic burst of four spikes at 200 Hz to AMPA receptors. The maximal conductance was similar in TC and REcells (100 nS in this case) and no rebound occurred following the stimulation (arrow). C, Same simulation with dominant IPSP in TCcell. In this case, the AMPA conductance of stimulated EPSPs in the TC cell was dropped down to 5 nS. The stimulation of AMPAreceptors evoked a small EPSP followed by strong IPSP, then by a rebound burst in the TC cells, as observed experimentally.Modified from [24].

EPSPs (see figure 7) could therefore be simulatedin single-compartment models by using strongerexcitatory conductances in RE cells4.

Inhibitory dominance is compatible with previ-ous intracellular recordings in vivo. First, the dom-inance of inhibition has been previously observedin various thalamic relay neurones following stim-ulation of related cortical area [1, 10, 12, 18, 43,55, 73]. Second, this EPSP-IPSP sequence is trans-formed into a more powerful EPSP after lesioningthe RE nucleus [18]. Third, spindle oscillations canbe robustly evoked by stimulating the cortex (even

4 For weak EPSP conductances in RE cells, the corticalfeedback evoked no burst activity, whereas larger corti-cal EPSPs evoked bursts in RE cells consistent with thepicture shown in figure 7.

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contralaterally to avoid backfiring of TC axonsand collateral activation of RE cells; see [12, 55,65]). Fourth, during spontaneous oscillations, TCcells are entrained into the oscillation by an initialIPSP but rarely by initial EPSPs [60]. Fifth, domi-nant IPSPs were also observed with other anes-thetics, such as ketamine-xylazine [68].

Thalamocortical network models were investi-gated to determine how cortical feedback couldorganize the coherence of thalamic oscillationsthat were observed experimentally. The most strik-ing feature was that the activity in individualthalamic cells as well as local average potentialswere considerably more coherent in the presence ofcortical feedback (figure 11): The left panel showsseveral spindle sequences in the thalamocorticalnetwork (see details in [24]). The right panel showsthe same simulation with cortical cells removed.Without cortical feedback, different initiation sitesfor spindles were not co-ordinated. Some of themremained local, others gave rise to systematicpropagation of oscillations from one side of thenetwork to the other (figure 11B, bottom rightpanel).

It was critical that cortical feedback recruitedTC cells through dominant inhibition to producethis effect. The presumed mechanism is a ‘reset’ ofthe modulation mechanisms intrinsic to TC cells(upregulation of Ih current) that are responsiblefor the waxing and waning patterns. The IPSP-dominated synaptic feedback is an ideal mecha-nism to recruit Ih in TC cells. During spindleoscillations starting with such synchronized corti-cal feedback, the individual upregulation mecha-nisms of Ih in TC cells tend to synchronize suchthat several TC cells restart oscillating at roughlythe same time, leading to several near-simulta-neous initiation sites for spindles (see details in[24]).

The difference in spatiotemporal coherence wasalso apparent from spatial correlations. Similar toexperiments, spatial correlations from thalamiccells showed a more pronounced decay with dis-tance when cortical feedback was removed com-pared to the intact thalamocortical network (figure11C).

3.2.3. The large-scale coherence ofother oscillation types

The large-scale coherence of spindle oscillations(figure 9A) is not necessarily representative of alloscillation types in the thalamocortical system. Weshow here that in unanesthetized animals, severaloscillation types display different properties of

large-scale coherence and suggest how the aboveconsiderations on corticothalamic interactions mayhelp to explain these observations.

Multisite local field potentials (LFPs) wererecorded using a set of eight equidistant bipolarelectrodes in the cerebral cortex (suprasylviangyrus) of unanesthetized cats. Wake/sleep stateswere identified using the following criteria: Wake:low-amplitude fast activity in LFPs, high elec-trooculogram (EOG) and high electromyogram(EMG) activity; Slow-wave sleep: LFPs dominatedby high-amplitude slow-waves, low EOG activityand EMG activity present; REM sleep: low-ampli-tude fast LFP activity, high EOG activity andabolition of EMG activity. During waking andattentive behaviour, LFPs were characterized bylow-amplitude fast (15–75 Hz) activity (figure 12A,Awake). During slow-wave sleep, LFPs were dom-inated by high-amplitude slow-wave complexes oc-curring at a frequency of B1 Hz (figure 12B,Slow-wave sleep). Slow-wave complexes of higherfrequency (1–4 Hz) and spindle waves (7–14 Hz)were also present in slow-wave sleep. During peri-ods of REM sleep, the activity was similar towaking periods (figure 12C, REM sleep).

Correlations represented as a function of dis-tance revealed marked differences of large-scalecoherence between awake/REM and slow-wavesleep (figure 12, right panels). Slow-wave sleepepisodes display slow-wave complexes of a re-markable spatiotemporal coherence, as indicatedby the high values of spatial correlations for largedistances, in contrast with the steeper decline ofspatial correlations with distance during wakeful-ness and REM sleep. Spatial correlations wereevaluated in different animals and during differentwake/sleep episodes in the same animals andshowed consistent behaviour similar to figure 12(see details in [26]).

This analysis shows that slow-wave sleep andawake/REM states are distinguished by the be-haviour of correlations with distance. Slow-wavesleep is spatially coherent and is characterized byhigh values of correlations across cortical distancesof several millimetres. Wake and REM sleep showless spatial coherence, with correlations decayingsteeply with distance.

3.2.4. Hypothetical mechanismto explain local coherence

As shown above, it is possible to account for thelarge-scale coherence of slow oscillations based onreciprocal corticothalamic interactions. Similarly,if fast oscillations in cerebral cortex are generated

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Figure 11. The large-scale coherence of spindle oscillations in model thalamic networks is critically dependent on corticothalamicfeedback. Spontaneous spindles are shown in the presence of the cortex (left panels) and in an isolated thalamic network (right panels)taken in the same conditions. A, The same six equally spaced TC cells are shown during spindle oscillations in both networks. B, Localaverages calculated from twenty-one adjacent TC cells, taken at eight equally spaced sites on the network. The bottom graphsrepresent a representative spindle at 10 times higher temporal resolution. The near-simultaneity of oscillations in the presence of thecortex is contrasting with patterns of systematic propagation in the isolated thalamic network (arrows). C, Spatial decay of intersitecorrelations calculated from local averages. The presence of corticothalamic feedback was necessary to maintain high correlationsacross large distances. Modified from [24].

by networks of local inhibitory interneurones [11,69], and because inhibitory neurones only establishshort-range connections [66], it is conceivable thatthe coherence of these oscillations would extendover short cortical distances, as observed in vivo(see figure 12; see also [9, 62]).

However, although mechanisms could be con-ceived to explain the coherence of different oscilla-tion types, a fundamental question still remainsunanswered: how can these different types of co-herence coexist in the same network? A model wasproposed to explain these variations of coherence

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Figure 12. Multisite local field potentials in cat cerebral cortex during natural wake and sleep states. Eight bipolar electrodes(interelectrode distance of 1 mm) were inserted into the depth (1 mm) of areas 5-7 of cat neocortex (suprasylvian gyrus, area 5-7).Local field potentials (LFPs) are shown (left panels) together with a representation of the correlations as a function of distance(Spatial correlations; right panels). A, When the animal was awake, LFPs were characterized by low-amplitude fast activities in thebeta/gamma frequency range (15–75 Hz). Correlations decayed steeply with distance. B, During slow-wave sleep, the LFPs weredominated by large-amplitude slow-wave complexes recurring at a slow frequency (B1 Hz; up to 4 Hz). Correlations stayed high forlarge distances. C, During episodes of REM sleep, LFPs and correlations had similar characteristics as during wake periods. Modifiedfrom [26].

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based on two-dimensional networks of excitatoryand inhibitory neurones subject to pacemaker in-puts of various frequencies [20]. Although thismodel displayed low-frequency oscillations withlarge coherence and fast oscillations with low co-herence, it did not include the important role ofcorticothalamic feedback. We would like to pro-pose here a more plausible hypothesis, based onreciprocal corticothalamic interactions (figure 13).When thalamic neurones are hyperpolarized (Burstmode), a localized cortical discharge evokes burstsin a large area of the thalamus, which in turnrecruits a still-larger area of TC cells throughIPSPs (figure 13, light gray in Burst Mode). In thiscase, as shown above, the burst discharge of REcells evokes strong IPSPs in TC cells, which over-whelm the direct cortical EPSPs. This property of‘inhibitory dominance’ can explain the genesis oflarge-scale coherent slow oscillations, such as sleepspindles [24].

We hypothesize that this type of corticothalamicinteraction may be reversed when thalamic neu-rones are depolarized, as indicated above (seefigure 8). In this case, the same cortical dischargedoes not evoke bursts in RE cells, therefore thedirect cortical EPSPs now compete with a muchsmaller IPSP component such that the EPSP maydominate. The consequence is that the cortex re-cruits directly TC cells with excitation (figure 13,dark gray in Tonic Mode). This ‘excitatorydominance’ results in a much more focused corti-cothalamic feedback and finer topographic interac-tions between thalamus and cortex, which couldpromote local synchrony in the network. Bychanging the resting level of thalamic neurones,the same thalamocortical circuits would be capableof generating low-frequency oscillations withlarge-scale coherence, as well as fast oscillationswith local coherence. Computational models arepresently under investigation to test this hypothe-sis.

4. Discussion and conclusion

In this paper, we have investigated the effectof cortical synapses on thalamic cells and cir-cuits, as well as the role of corticothalamicfeedback in co-ordinating oscillatory activity inthe thalamocortical system. We discuss herepossible implications and predictions of thesemodels and possible ways to test them experimen-tally.

4.1. The impact of corticothalamic feedbackon relay neurones

One of the main prediction of the model is thatafferent and cortical synapses evoke excitatorysynaptic potentials of similar amplitude, kineticsand timing at the soma of relay cells (figure 3).Previous studies have shown that synaptic poten-tials in TC cells display a significant voltage atten-uation [7, 53]. The voltage attenuation was presentin this model, but it was mainly due to the highlocal input resistance in dendrites, causing highlocal voltage deflections (see dendritic sites infigure 3), but the EPSP seen at the soma showedlittle variations with the position of the synapse inthe dendritic tree.

Several factors could affect this conclusion.First, the glomerular structure of afferent synapsesin relay cells (see [39]) was not taken into accounthere. However, these glomeruli are only present inthalamic nuclei containing interneurones, whichwas not the case for the ventrobasal nucleus of therat, in which the cell studied here was obtained[38]. Second, metabotropic receptors have beendescribed in LGN and reticularis neurones [17, 71],but were not incorporated here. These receptorshowever require prolonged or repetitive stimula-tion to be activated [71], which should not affectthe present conclusions based on isolated stimuli.

The consequence of the similarity between corti-cal and afferent EPSPs is that corticothalamicinputs seem capable of complementing the sensoryinformation at the level of relay cells. The descend-ing corticothalamic information could therefore bea ‘prediction’ of the sensory input. This is consis-tent with the previously proposed idea that a verysignificant part of thalamocortical processing oc-curs within corticothalamic loops, while sensoryinformation provides a modulation of this intrinsicactivity [46]. The similarity between cortical andafferent EPSPs in model TC cells, together withthe fact that corticothalamic synapses largely out-number sensory synapses [29, 30, 44, 45], seemcompatible with this view.

4.2. The different types ofcorticothalamic feedback

At the level of thalamic circuits, the investiga-tion of the effect of cortical EPSPs revealed severaltypes of corticothalamic interactions based on thestate of thalamic neurones. When both TC and REcells are in the bursting mode, the bursts of actionpotentials of RE cells evoke powerful IPSPs which

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overwhelm the direct cortical EPSPs in TC cells,resulting in a dominant inhibitory effect of cortico-thalamic feedback on relay cells (figure 8B, Burstmode). This ‘inhibitory dominance’ is a character-istics which has been consistently observed experi-mentally [1, 10, 12, 18, 43, 55, 73].

The corticothalamic influence may be radicallydifferent if both thalamic cell types are in tonicfiring mode. In this case, cortical EPSPs evokesingle-spike activity in RE cells, which evoke smallfeedforward IPSPs in TC cells. Cortical EPSPsnow compete with a much smaller IPSP compo-nent and the net influence of the cortex may

therefore be excitatory on relay cells (figure 8B,Tonic mode). This is consistent with experimentalobservations that the effect of corticothalamicfeedback on relay cells can be excitatory [1, 57, 59,71, 73].

The model further indicates that the state of REcell dendrites is the main factor determining theexcitatory vs. inhibitory nature of the cortical infl-uence on relay cells, and therefore the gating ofinformation to the cerebral cortex. At the level ofsingle RE cells, the model has shown that thepresence of high densities of T-current in dendritesis responsible for an exquisite sensitivity to corticalEPSPs if these dendrites are hyperpolarized (figure7). In this case, RE cells generate bursts that evokea powerful inhibition in relay cells, which antago-nizes the relay of information. On the other hand,with depolarized dendrites, RE cells generate sin-gle spikes and the direct cortical EPSPs now dom-inate in relay cells, which would favour the relayof information. The picture that emerges is that,according to the state of RE cells’ dendrites, thecorticothalamic feedback can act in favour oragainst the relay of information.

Is it possible that controlling the burst mode ofRE cells is an important factor in attentionalmechanisms? The state of RE cells has been shownto be controlled by various neuromodulators,some of which lead to depolarization while othershyperpolarize RE cells [47]. In particular, acetyl-choline, which is implicated in the ascending con-trol of arousal, hyperpolarizes RE cells by

Figure 13. Illustration of the hypothesis that corticothalamicfeedback controls thalamic relay cells in a state-dependentfashion. Top, Scheme of the extent of axonal collaterals ofcorticothalamic fibres (dark grey) which arborize both in thethalamic reticular (RE) nucleus and in thalamic relay nuclei(TC). The axon arborization of two RE cells projecting to thesame relay nucleus are indicated in light grey. Bottom, Illustra-tion of how corticothalamic interactions may critically dependon the state of thalamic neurones. Left panels, During slow-wave sleep or barbiturate anesthesia, thalamic cells are in burstmode and cortical volleys recruit large burst discharges in REcells, which mediate powerful IPSPs in TC cells. The net effectof corticothalamic feedback on relay cells is therefore a domi-nant inhibition, which is widespread in the thalamus (bottomscheme). Models have shown that this widespread dominantinhibition may explain the large-scale coherence of oscillationsduring barbiturate anesthesia and slow-wave sleep [24, 25].Right panels, During activated states (wakefulness or REMsleep), thalamic neurones are in tonic firing mode. In this case,cortical volleys evoke single-spike activity in RE cells and adominant excitatory effect on relay cells. This ‘excitatory dom-inance’ is also relatively focused (bottom scheme), which mayexplain why fast oscillations are coherent only within narrowcortical and thalamic sites, although generated by the samenetwork.

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activating leak K+ conductances and promotesburst firing [48]. On the other hand, nora-drenaline, another neuromodulator implicated inarousal, has opposite effects on RE cells [49]. Theburst mode of RE cells therefore seems to bemodulated differentially by various neurotransmit-ters and may have a particular significance duringaroused states. The model has shown that whenRE cells are in the burst mode while TC cells arein the tonic mode, the corticothalamic feedbackevokes IPSPs with no rebound (figure 8B, Mixed).The action of acetylcholine on thalamic circuitswould favour this latter type of interaction, there-fore acting against the relay of information.

The significance of such interactions should beinvestigated by future experiments and models.For example, it should be possible to investigatethe effect of stimulating corticothalamic fibres inthalamic slices, in parallel with the application ofneuromodulators such as acetylcholine and nora-drenaline. In vivo experiments should investigatecorticothalamic interactions while clearly identify-ing the state (bursting vs. tonic) of the differentthalamic cell classes5. It is certain that understand-ing the multiple facets of corticothalamic interac-tions will require a combination of experimentalapproaches and computational models that inte-grate the various receptor types present in thesecircuits.

4.3. Consequences at the network le6el

We have also shown that the effect of cortico-thalamic feedback is to co-ordinate the genesis ofwidespread, coherent oscillations across differentthalamic and cortical areas [14, 16] (see figure 9).Computational models have shown that the in-hibitory dominance of corticothalamic interactionsis the most determinant factor to explain theseobservations [24]. The mechanism for the genesisof large-scale coherence involves corticothalamicloops which recruit large thalamic areas throughthe RE nucleus and synchronizes the entire thala-mocortical network in a few oscillation cycles [24].The apparently contrasting experimental observa-tions that spindle oscillations propagate in slices

[40] while they are coherent across large distancesin vivo [2, 14, 16] can be explained by this mecha-nism. The state of thalamic cells, which are inbursting mode during these oscillations, is alsoconsistent with the above considerations on in-hibitory dominance.

The thalamocortical system is however capableof generating other oscillation types which displaydifferent levels of spatiotemporal coherence (figure12). In particular, fast oscillations during wakeful-ness or REM sleep are considerably less coherentthan the slow oscillation types. Because these fastoscillations may be generated by local circuits ofinterneurones [11, 69], it is possible to explaintheir low coherence based on intracortical interac-tions. However, when taking into account cortico-thalamic loops, the existence of locally coherentoscillatory states implies that interactions betweencortex and thalamus must follow a topographicfocused scheme. We have proposed here howmodulating the state of thalamic neurones canprovide two fundamentally different modes of cor-ticothalamic interactions (figure 13). The burstmode is ideal for generating large-scale coherentoscillations, while the tonic mode favours localand focused bidirectional interactions betweenthalamus and cortex.


This research was supported by the ‘Centre Na-tional de la Recherche Scientifique’ (CNRS) andgrants from the Medical Research Council ofCanada (MT-13724) and the National Institutesof Health (R01-NS37711).


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