MOD MAGAZINE: Volume 2; Issue 1; Winter 2013

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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MOD returns with its very first issue of 2013, THE GOTHIC & GLAMOUR ISSUE! In this issue, vintage glamour meets modern edge to tell a very dark & dramatic story. This issue is packed with super edgy photo editorials and fashion & beauty tips galore! Features include: celebrity makeup artist and online sensation, Lora Arellano; a rising band from Denver, CO, My Body Sings Electric; and an interesting piece on celebrities & social media.

Transcript of MOD MAGAZINE: Volume 2; Issue 1; Winter 2013

Pulling my car down a poorly lit street in a neighborhood that set my teeth on edge, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As I crept toward the address, I came across every member of the quintet, huddled around a friend’s car. They had cell phones blazing and flashlights out trying to get it to start. That, plus a warm greeting from frontman Brandon Whalen, convinced me that everything was going to be okay. As we crammed around a kitch-

en table, me by my lonesome on one side and everyone else on the other, the im-mediate sense of being with a family was unmistakable. Inside jokes were cracked, hard times were given, and wary glances were thrown towards the girl with the recording device and notepad. My Body Sings Electric got their start as a heavy/experimental/progressive outfit. In 2010, they made a switch to produce something a wider audience could embrace. The resulting

anuary in Colorado has the tendency to be bitterly cold, but in the aging bungalow My Body Sings Electric calls home, the atmosphere was surprisingly warm. Perhaps it was the afterglow from winning Denver’s coveted Home Town for the Holidays, a battle of the bands for local talent, sponsored by Clear Channel affili-ate 93.3. My Body Sings Electric had placed in the top three in 2010 and 2011, and was in danger of becoming the Susan Lucci of Denver’s alterna-tive music scene before they swept the competition in late December 2012.

album, “Changing Color” found favor with a devoted following and the group hasn’t looked back since. Band members cited the maturation of their sound as “a natural progression,” or “internalization of good criticism,” as bassist Jason Bower put it. Winning Hometown for the Holidays in a mid-size market like Den-ver may not seem like anything special to some, but the competition helped launch bands like The Flobots and Churchill.


The radio station organizing the event also had a hand in bringing the likes of The Fray and Grammy-nominated group The Lumineers to mainstream audiences. “Winning Hometown was definitely the highlight of our 2012,” said MBSE drummer Ben Scarboro. “It was a great achievement that we had been try-ing to accomplish the previous two years we entered the competition.” Refusing to rest on their laurels, My Body Sings Electric followed the

advice of previous win-ners The Epilogues and launched into planning and writing for their next album. “After we won,” Scar-boro continued, “I think the band felt more like brothers/family more than we ever have. It also made us realize that we need to work harder than we ever have to try and make something big come out of winning this award…kind of a ‘strike while the iron’s hot’ mentality!” Even coming off a strong 2012, the band remained self managed. Whalen had this to say on the decision, “We’ve re-ceived a few inquiries from well-intentioned people offering to help with that side of things, but for the time being, we feel that we can take care of ourselves just as well as, if not more so than the offers we’ve received. By no means does that mean we aren’t looking for management/label/agency representation, because wedefinitely are; however, it

does mean that, thus far, we feel we can take care of our needs/wants internally.” As a group that has managed their own bookings, they’ve not done toobadly, with two west coast tours and a trip to Austin for SXSW 2012 under their belt. The autonomy self-management has provided to MBSE jives with their collective vision for the group’s future and their drive to make their own deci-sions. “There was and continues to be

a lot of pressure to live up to the lega-cies of previous winners [of Hometown for the Holidays],” guitarist Jeff Fedel added. “2012 brought the signing of both Air Dubai and Churchill to great record labels, and The Epilogues continue to make great strides with their amazing music. With the amount of radio airplay that both Churchill and The Epilogues are receiving, I would say that winning Hometown has revived in us the drive to become a nationally recognized band through airplay and nationwide tour-ing.” But their larger than life goals will not come easy. Guitarist Nick Craw-ford described a specific hurdle: “I would guess the biggest challenge nearly every band in our position is facing, and by far our greatest challenge, is coming up with money to do the things we need to do. We continu-ally set new goals for our-selves and a timeline of when we feel we need to accomplish these goals, but the greatest barrier we face today is a lack of funds.” For five guys from Denver with dreams of making it big, their heads may be in the clouds, but that’s not too tough in the Mile High City. I dare you to listen to “Oceancrest” and not fall for the catchy track. Look for a new album to be re-leased later this year and check out their website at for upcoming show dates.


or Lora Arellano, better known on the web as “Loreleicakes,” things are certainly looking up! With top-notch celebrity clients, like Rihanna and Shaunie O’neal, a boom-ing social media fanbase, and a lipstick line in the works, it’s safe to say that Lora’s living a makeup artist’s dream. And this is only the beginning! In an exclusive chat with MOD Mag, the incredibly talented makeup maven dishes about her favorite beauty products, the start of her career, details of her new lipstick line and much more!

MOD: Tell us about your background. How did you get your start as a makeup artist?Lora: Growing up, I was always artistic. I loved drawing, took art classes - just loved doing things with my hands! I was always tempted to get into fashion design, or hair/ makeup, but I wasn’t very patient with hair, or sewing. So, I decided to pursue makeup as my career and went to MUD straight out of high school. Going to makeup school was so much fun! I knew right then that this was meant for me.

MOD: Where’d your online name “Loreleicakes” come from?Lora: I can’t believe it’s stuck this long! Haha! “Lorelei” came from a song I liked when I was younger. It was from a band called Comeback Kid, Lorelei was my favorite song. As for the “Cakes,” when I was younger, I LOVED baking! I loved sweets and decorating cupcakes, hence the name “Cakes.” I don’t do much baking anymore, I grew out of it. I still love eating pas-tries though!

MOD: How would you describe your style?Lora: This question always gets me. I am UNIQUE. I constant-ly change my hair, what I wear, and randomly collect tattoos.

MOD: You create a lot of bold, intricate looks with makeup. What’s your inspiration?Lora: I get inspiration from things I see everyday: the environ-ment, food, animals - anything gets my creative juices flowing. I also get a lot of inspiration from other artists. The very first artist that inspired me was Kevyn Aucoin. The way he was able to transform people into someone else was truly inspiring. Another artist that I am obsessed with is Alex box. Her work is impeccable and it’s so unique, it’s mind blowing! Anytime you need inspiration for color, for sure, look at her work. I was also always into special effects makeup. Ve Neill was one of my biggest inspirations for special effects and character makeup, growing up.

MOD: You seem to push the limits and break beauty rules - i.e. never wear both bold eyes and a bold lip - yet, somehow you make it look amazing every time! What’s your secret? Is there a method to your madness?Lora: If you’re going to go for drama, be dramatic! I find that makeup is a way to express myself. It doesn’t have to look crazy, and it might look crazy to some people, but as long as it makes me happy, who cares? There are certain things that these beauty rules are applied to. But I’m such a creative person, I like to show it - all over my face! Hahahaha!

MOD: So what’s in your personal makeup bag?Lora: I always carry a red lipstick - two, as a matter of fact. Dragon Girl by NARS and Ruby Woo by MAC. For skin, I love MAC’s Complete Comfort Cream and Benefiance under eye cream by Shiseido. Nars Sheer Glow foundation, set with a sheer pressed powder; Peaches blush by MAC; Bobbi Brown Correctors, in case I get a sudden blemish, and Pandora black and white shadow by Nars - just a few of the many things I couldn’t live without!

MOD: What are your biggest makeup pet peeves? Lora: Tan skin with pale lipstick. You know, the kind that looks like milk on the lips? It’s so strange looking to me - and I love strange things, don’t get me wrong! But that’s just too much! Hehe!

MOD: Which historical beauty icon would you consider your favorite and why? (Marilyn, Audrey, Liz Taylor, etc.)Lora: Maila Nurmi. Or, as people would most recognize her, Vampira. With her micro-waist, pale white skin, and creepy long nails - whats not to love about her? I always wanted to grow up and look just like her!

MOD: What’s your favorite current beauty trend to wear and why?Lora: Dewy skin and a bold lip. I feel this is something thats acceptable all year round! Whether it’s hot out and your skin looks sun kissed and wet, with a bold orange lip; or if it’s 30 degrees outside and you want that moisturized dewy skin, with a dark vampy lip - it always looks great and effortless.

MOD: If you could only use one cosmetic product on your face before heading out the door, what would it be and why?Lora: Red lipstick. Period. I think every woman should be confident enough to wear red lipstick. It’s so beautiful and eye catching, you don’t need anything else!

MOD: What are some of the biggest dos and don’ts when it comes to makeup? Lora: Skincare is a must with skin! I cannot stress enough how important it is to prep skin properly, with moisturizers and primers. It takes a lot for makeup to look natural on skin. When you don’t wear moisturizer under foundation and it looks like cement on your skin, now you’ll know why. Taking that extra two seconds to moisturize and pamper the skin makes a huge difference in how your makeup looks, in the present, and in the long-run.

Lora shows off her special effects makeup skills on a friend with this creepy “dead dolly” Halloween look.

Photo courtesy of @loreleicakes Instagram account

MOD: What are your main goals you’d like to accomplish as an artist?Lora: Overcoming things I’m afraid of trying. I constantly challenge myself and try to think outside the box when it comes to makeup. Makeup has no rules!

MOD: What would you say was the highlight of your career as an artist? Explain. Lora: The highlight of my career so far was finally getting my ideas together and coming out with my own Lipstick line. This is just the beginning! Dream big!

MOD: We all want to know: What was it like working with Rihanna?!Lora: It was Amazing! She truly inspires me in every way. She is talented and beautiful inside and out. Meeting her was super unreal. She told me she is obsessed with my makeup and that she keeps my pictures in her laptop?! I died! Haha. But serious-ly, she is one of the most down-to-earth people, super humble, and she has the world at her feet! Plus, she has a perfect face to top it off! It was a great experience.

MOD: What advice would you give to an aspiring makeup artist? Lora: Anything is possible. As long as you work hard and pursue your dream, sky’s the limit!

MOD: What can you tell us about your new lipstick line? When does it release? Where can we find it? Lora: I’m super excited to finally speak about this! I wanted to come out with a great line of lipsticks, along with the help of my beautiful friend Dana Bomar. We will be releasing a brand

spankin’ new line of lipsticks, all MATTE! (my favorite texture, of course) and all BOLD - fun colors. The brand is called Melt Cosmetics, and it should be launching during spring - late March early April! If any of you like my funky bold looks, stay tuned for the lipstick line, you will fall in love! It will be avail-able online only. Stay tuned!

MOD: If you had to choose just one, which would it be & why: Eyeliner or mascara?Lora: Mascara! Because a little mascara can always complete a look. It’s like buying a picture without a frame! Mascara just completes the look! Also, the artist in me starts thinking of ways I can utilize this mascara to create a liner by just dipping a brush into it! Hehe! cheater!

MOD: Blush or bronzer?Lora: Blush! The perfect peachy/ pink cheeks make me melt!

MOD: Lipstick or lipgloss?Lora: Lipstick, I actually hate gloss, and you will rarely catch me wearing it!

MOD: What are some of your other interests, besides makeup artistry?Lora: Nails and hair. I constantly change my hair and nails. Something about it makes me feel more feminine and I love watching other artists create their art!

For more information on Lora, check her out online. Tumblr: loreleicakes.tumblr.comInstagram: @loreleicakesYouTube:

Lora is certainly not afraid to play with color! Here, she smokes out a bright lime green shadow in the center, with bold blues at the corners of the eyes. She finishes the look with black eyeliner and a pair of lashes. - Photo courtesy of @loreleicakes Instagram account

&faves fails2012 Movie Review

By: Katherine Laurin

BESTLet’s start with the good news, there were great movies abound in 2012. I mean amazing work that blew us away and kept us coming back for more. A lot of the top films last year were those we expected to see winning awards, but a few

surprised us in the best way.

The Avengers was more than a rol-licking good time filled with some of RDJ’s best one-liners, it was the culmination of years of work over many different Marvel films. Each superhero, and to the film’s credit several supporting characters, had an established storyline which let us dive into the action faster. The art of creating and balancing arcs for so many characters hasn’t been this successful since Love Actually.

5. Marvel’s The Avengers

Bold. Daring. Uncomfortable. I can’t remember another film that found a way to elicit as wide a range of emotions as Zero Dark Thirty did. I didn’t want to like; I don’t know that I really do. Even weeks after seeing it, I still find myself thinking about it and what members of the clandestine services went through and lost to find bin Laden. Beyond the subject matter, the direction of Katherine Bigelow is superb. It’s a modern tale and one that’s certainly worth watching.

4. Zero Dark Thirty

How do a man fresh off a stint in a mental hospital, a young widow, and a dancecompetition create the feel good movie of 2012? I have no idea; it just does. SometimesI think my mild obsession with Jennifer Lawrence is influencing how I feel about SilverLinings, and then I remember that Ms. Lawrence has nabbed the goods at the GoldenGlobes and the SAG Awards. Nope, it’s just that awesome. Bonus: Bradley Cooper killsit in a career-best performance.

3. Silver Linings Play-book

They said it couldn’t be done. They said Wolverine couldn’t sing. They said on-set singing could never work. They were wrong. This heart-wrenching, redemptive tale may be best seen live, but not even Broad-way can bring us the intimacy that comes with a close-up of Anne Ha-thaway singing like her life depends on it. Bravo, Les Mis, bravo. Bonus: The amazing stage actors breaking out on the big screen. If you’re not stalking Aaron Tveit, you should be.

2. Les Miserables

Lincoln succeeds as the most com-pelling history lesson of all time. Daniel Day-Lewis transcends ex-pectations and breathes life into an untouchable historical figure, mak-ing him real if only for a short while. Though the title is Lincoln, its focus is more about the political process of the time, and, as viewers we can see that clothing and technology aside, not too much has changed.

1. Lincoln

WORSTThis is fun. It’s like hosting my own version of the Razzies. While the best and brightest of the year remind us why

we go to the movies, there were the terrible films that have us scratching our heads and wondering what else we could have done with two hours and twelve dollars.

Revised title: All-Star Cast Gets Lost in Trope-Filled Pregnancy Film. Much like its lackluster prede-cessor He’s Just Not That Into You, What to Expect takes a work of non-fiction and tries to fiction-alize it into cinema gold. Needless to say, it falls way short of the mark.

5. What to Expect When You’re Expecting

I wanted to love it. I did. With Ben Stiller, Jonah Hill, and the usually reli-able Vince Vaughn, how could it go so horribly wrong? Without life to the script or charisma inany of the actors’ per-formances, we were left staring at weird aliens and kind of hoping they’d win. At least then Stiller, Hill, and Vaughn might learn what happens when good actors phone it in.

4. The Watch

As with so many movies that didn’t work, I’m left scratching my head on this one. ThisMeans War, of the oddly matched action-romcom genre, had all the makings of a goodmovie and yet nothing. I guess this goes to show you that movies are not the sum of their

parts – even when one of those parts is Tom freaking Hardy.

3. This Means War

When doing a remake of an iconic sci-fi film, it’s best to put your own spin on it. Make it stand on its own so it can be appreciated for what it is and not what it isn’t. I guess director Len Wiseman missed the memo. At least there’s some lovely eye candy for everyone to enjoy along with their Junior Mints.

2. Total Recall

You know a movie is bad when, without asking, everyone you know offers Battleship up as the single worst movie of 2012. And I mean everyone. Even the girl two cubiclesdown who you don’t really talk to. Contrived and soulless, this board game-to-film adaptation is less enjoyable than having your brother sink each of your battleships beforeyou can even get a hit.

1. Battleship

ocial media was once intended to bridge the great divide between celeb-rities and fans. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have taken on a life of their own with the average interacting with some of Tinseltown’s best. Unfortunately the social outlets that allow stars like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga to get close and personal with their adoring fans, have caused global embarrassment, or worse, for some stars.Instantly releasing their opinions and thoughts for all to see, many celebs skip forethought when hit-ting the share button. This has wreaked havoc on their lives and images, leading to social media wars, angry fans and in some cases legal repercussions. Singer Chris Brown has become notorious for sparking outrage across the landscape of Twitter and Instagram. The on again/off again boyfriend of Rihanna, who allegedly beat the singer back in 2009, is just as sporadic with his social media accounts. As of late, Brown has deleted his Instagram account after showing off his artwork with a caption where he compared himself to Jesus on the cross. His decision to share his paint-ing had many questioning the singer’s gall. In the end, Brown bumped his ac-count into private mode before slamming social media: “Social media takes away the essence of why we are even special or icons. So with that, I’m detaching myself

from that world.” Last year, Brown went on the attack after winning a Grammy. Instead of connecting with fans, he managed to alienate many with controversial tweets that created some hefty backlash to be directed his way. “HATE ALL U WANT BECUZ I GOT A GRAMMY Now! That’s the ultimate [----] OFF,” Brown tweeted. Rihanna has also received her fair share of backlash throughout Twit-

ter channels after sharing aspects of her personal life. The Umbrella singer has become the subject of thousands of head-lines, after sharing intimate pictures of herself and Brown getting close following the highly publicized assault. The Barbados native has also created some serious buzz among Twitter follow-ers after posting pictures of marijuana bud she believed resembled a skull. In one instance a fan had compared her to

Whitney Houston on Insta-gram following one of the 24-year old’s infamous photos of her smoking a joint. Rihanna shot back, insulting the fan before deleting the interac-tion on her account. “Yeah cuz Whitney overdosed on a joint!! F--- outta here you weak b----!!”

Celebrities &

SOCIAL MEDIABy: Sarah Anne Luoma

Chris Brown’s Instagram post, which drew comparisons between himself and Jesus Christ, sparked controversy online, leading to his removal from the social site.


Luckily, the small Instagram incident didn’t catch enough momentum to escalate into a scenario similar to that of Eagles player, LeSean McCoy, who encouraged his fans to go on the attack. Showing his true colors, the running back got into a heated verbal sparring match with the mother of his son, with follow-ers getting in on the public bashing and bullying.Following the incident, McCoy deleted his account and issued an apology after the altercation caught the eye of media outlets. While some of McCoy’s loyal followers sunk to new lows with vulgar tweets towards the mother, many offered her words of inspiration to keep her head up. The Twitter war cost McCoy fans and respect. Rapper Azealia Banks also

found herself in hot water this past Janu-ary, when the Harlem native got into a spat with blogger Perez Hilton, calling him a “messy faggot.” Some of Banks’ loyal fan base also engaged in the fight that not only upset the twitterverse, but GLAAD (the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) as well. Banks has now become more notorious for unapolo-getically waging wars on Twitter than for her musical talents. Courtney Love has also found herself in trouble, thanks to social media. Love was sued for defamation of char-acter back in 2011, after being accused of damaging the reputation and career of fashion designer Dawn Simorangkir. In the same year, the rocker was also sued by her former lawyer Rhonda Holmes of Gordon & Holmes, a San Diego-based law firm, after taking to twitter with libelous statements. Both incidents, and a string of other Twitter wars, haven’t stopped Love yet; She is back to tweet-

ing! Some celebrities have sworn off the social media altogether. Actress Laura Linney, the star of the television series The Big C, has slammed the social platforms. “I’m sick of it. Exhausted. And it makes me numb and that’s dan-gerous. People are just under a barrage. There’s no time to think and people aren’t making their own opinions. And it makes intimacy almost impossible. And I find that worrisome, really worrisome. What’s going to happen in time, with a generation of people who have that kind of ADD?” There are however mindful celebs who have opted to turn over their accounts to avoid Twitter disasters from spiraling into an atrocity. Ashton Kutcher was quick to give up the management of

his handle to his publicist following a tweet involv-ing the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse trial. Sharing his opinions before checking his facts, Kutcher was attacked by his own fans and others, causing the Steve Jobs depicter to bow out before being further scorned and tarnishing his image in the public eye. While there are celebs who dominate the media

headlines for their Twitter wars, there are also those who have managed to amp up

their star power by simply being sympa-thetic to others and raising awareness for charities. Former Who’s the Boss star Alyssa Milano has managed to connect with her adoring fans. Milano, who warns followers in advance of her tweet happy ways, reaches out with messages promoting charity water to sharing news about being a mom, with well wishes and inspiring quotes. With the help of Twitter, the 38-year-old has managed to raise more than $92 million for those in desperate need of clean drinking water. Clueless actress Alicia Silver-stone has also chosen to use her celebrity powers for good. Silverstone often en-gages with fans tweeting messages about living well, eating healthy and animal cruelty. Snow White and the Huntman’s Charlize Theron is equally powerful in the land of Twitter. Theron uses the so-cial network to promote her Africa Out-reach Project, much like that of Django Unchained star Leonardo DiCaprio. The talented actor is also an environmental activist who likes to highlight issues around the world, ranging from oils spills to the preservation of the wild. With technology constantly ad-vancing, one can only guess that outlets like Twitter and Facebook are just the tip of what’s to come in the world of social media. How celebrities use it to get close to their fans is up to them, with many unable to stay away, no matter the cost.

Actress Alyssa Milano is an active social media user. Unlike several of her peers, she uses her fame for good causes.

CELEBRITY FASHIONTop 5 Winter 2013 Trends

By: Sarah Anne Luoma

1. PatternsPatterns are in this winter! Claudia Schiffer was spotted going all the way with the trend that’s still go-ing strong. The supermodel wears it well, pairing her feminine, high-neck, patterned dress with burgun-dy tights and a pair of stylish, short boots. Schiffer heightened the effect by carrying a multi-colored, check-

ered handbag.

2. Citrus Shades

Wide legged trousers have also found their way back into the closets of celebrities. French actress Bérénice Marlohe was recently seen at the BAFTA awards sporting an all white ensemble, looking

polished and poised for the big event.

Leather is always in heavy rotation among Hollywood stars like Katie Holmes who was seen braving the cold streets with her daughter Siri. The Dead Accounts per-former paired her leather jacket with a leather purse. Holmes added a feminine touch, opting for a black dress and matching tights to complete her winter wardrobe.

4. Burgundy

Burgundy has become one of winter’s hottest colors among fashionistas like Gwen Ste-fani. The No Doubt star man-ages to pull out all of the stops, donning the popular color in leather while staying


3. Leather

5. Wide-legged Trousers

Bright Citrus and warm oranges have made their way into celebrity circles, helping to chase the winter blues away. Shooter actress Kate Mara was recently seen at the House of Cards premiere donning an eye popping yellow. The performer paired her high low hem Chris-tian Dior dress with a purple clutch. The effect had many trying to catch a glimpse of the talented star on

the red carpet.

What’s your zodiac sign? I can’t hear you! It’s time to celebrate the start of a new solar year when the sun returns to your sign of the enterprising and spirited ram on the 21 st. Take out the bub-bly and toast to new beginnings. This is the month you should set your intentions for the next twelve months. Mars planet of action entered its sign of rulership Aries on the 13th followed by Venus planet of amore on the 23rd. If there is someone or something you want, there is no better time than the present. Uranus planet of shock and rebellion continues its 7 year transit to your solar 1sth house of identity and appearance. Update that wardrobe, shop the spring collection, get all Miley Cyrus inspired with a new do. March is certainly your month to shine and declare to

the world, indeed you have arrived.

Leo Sun natives are eager to share the deepest parts of themselves with others as a cluster of planets in Pisces take up residence in your solar 8th house of intimacy and sharing. It appears the urge to merge has lingered well after Valentine’s Day. In astrology, the 8th houses is home to transformation, sex and other people’s money. Allow the planets in intuitive Pisces to guide you toward greater understanding of yourself and others. Encourage loved ones to bear there soul to you while exposing the truth and depth that lingers beneath that Leo charm. Neptune continues its 14 year long journey in your solar 8th house making finances you share with others a bit unclear. Considering moving in with that certain someone? Remember to check out that fico score before


Aries Fashionista:Beloved Leighton Meester from Acting to signing to being the

face of Vera Wang’s fragrance.Taurus Fashionista:

Penelope Cruz from actress to Ralph Lauren model to her phil-anthropic work volunteering her time in Uganda.

Horoscopes By: Danielle Arias -

Aries Taurus

Partnerships have not been easy now have they? Whether they are business or personal lately it appears relating to others has been an uphill climb. The transiting Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars join Neptune the planet of confusion in your solar 7th house of relationships this month. Miscommunications seem to be on your daily to-do list, considering your ruling planet con-tinues to crawl backwards until the 17th. By the 23rd you can exhale a sigh of relief as the planets will enter the Cardinal sign of Aries providing that much needed breather. Compromise is key this month and double check those texts, emails and butt dials! No one needs your boss or your lover knowing what you

really think about them!


Leo Fashionista:Madonna….one word says it all.


Virgo Fashionista:Nicole Richie from Author to her Harlow Fashion line and

teaming up with Macys for the Impulse line, she is a fashion Icon

Get all your socializing done early in the month when the Sun, Venus and Mars are still visiting the water sign of Pisces. Attend that Gala, donate your time and those famous Taurean resources to a worthwhile charity; by mid month you will be in search of some major solitude. It isn’t easy dependable bull, is it? Being the one all of your friends come to when in need. Your nature is inheritably sympathetic, enduring and kind. But even you need some quiet time to restore and recharge. Remember you will not be of any use to others if you are plodding along; tired and uninspired. Once Mars planet of action enters the energetic sign of the ram quickly followed by Venus the planet of love and the transiting Sun; they will illuminate your solar 12th house of secrets and seclusion. Watch out for the propensity to cuddle up with a clandestine love, then again sometimes you have to say farewell to what you have to do and find some enjoyment in the

things you want to do. Carry on!

March marks a month of furthering your life’s goals, with the transiting planets in Pisces the first portion of the month you may consider going back to school. Perhaps take a trip abroad,

attempt to publish that dusty piece you have stashed away in your night stand or take time to reexamine your beliefs about who you are, where you should be and how exactly are you go-ing to get there. Your 9th house home to “I believe” is under a beacon of light for most of the month, causing you to reconsider your place in the world. Enhancing this energy after the 23rd is the Sun, Mars and Venus’ cozying up next to wild card Uranus in your solar 10th house of career and reputation. You begin to wonder if your new beliefs match the current path you are walk-ing. Uranus planet of shock and sudden movements reminds us; it is never too late to change direction and sometimes this shift

occurs in the blink of an eye. Upward and onward!

Gemini CancerYour ruling planet Mercury continues its way backward illu-minating your solar 10 th house of reputation and honors until the 17th. During this period you may lack focus and feel unsure about where you are headed. Have no fear dynamic twins Mars planet of action and Venus planet of all that is beautiful will be placed in friendly fire sign of Aries from the 23rd onward. As the planets gather in your solar 11th house of group activities now marks an excellent time to socialize, perhaps join a professional affiliation or see what is happening on Gemini lives for lively chit chat, meeting new people and trying new things. Perhaps you can incorporate some old friends or former flames in with your new circle. Mercury retrograde periods are often a time when ghosts from friends and lovers past resurface. Mercury retrograde often presents the opportunity to clear the air perhaps issue that much needed apology and to continue on

your merry way!

Gemini Fashionista:Angelina Jolie actress, director, humanitarian and mother.

Cancer Fashionista:Jessica Simpson; singer, television personality, she does every-thing from hair extensions to designing clothes and fragrances.

LibraFor the 1st half of the month beautiful Libras will put much focus on their daily activities. Perhaps you have implemented a new workout routine to get in shape before spring break or maybe your days and night consist of seeing nothing more than the in-side of a cubical. Saturn’s 2 year transit to your solar 2nd house of resources and money earned indicates you feel like you never have enough. Your focus shifts from work to partnerships after the 23 rd when a series of planets enters your opposing sign of Aries. Libra is the sign of partnership and equality whereas Ar-ies is the sign of self, you may begin to wonder if you have been giving too much of yourself. Is all this sacrifice worth the price of admission? Some truths will be revealed and decisions will be made as the full moon in your home sign illuminates your solar

1st house of self on the 27th.

Libra Fashionista:Gwen Stefani singer, song writer and fashion designer

ScorpioScorpios are in a playful mood this month now that your solar 5th house of creativity and love affairs is highlighted. Ooh-la-la! This month is really about enjoyment, getting in touch with the child inside of you. Perhaps spending time with your own children or nieces or nephews. From the 1st of the month all the way until the 23rd romance is on the agenda. A new moon in Pisces will illuminate your solar 5th house on March 11th, for single Scorpios a new romance may soon be on the horizon or perhaps a sudden desire to express your individuality. Scorpio a sign known for its emotional depth can certainly tap into its

spring of creativity. Sing, act, dance, go ahead fall in love!

Scorpio Fashionista:Anne Hathaway Academy Award Winning actress


Horoscopes By: Danielle Arias -


Aquarius Pisces

Sagittarius Fashionista:Miley Cyrus Actress, Singer, Song writer

Sagittarius loves to explore new worlds and far off places, if you aren’t reading, debating or dreaming of distant places you are ac-tually visiting them. But March marks a period when the zodiacs wanderer will stay close to home; even if your heart is soaring; longing to be elsewhere. Mercury ruler of short distant travel is in retrograde until the 17th placed in your solar 4th house of home indicating there are still important discussions to be had with loved ones. After the 23rd you should spread your wings and fly. A series of planets entering the fire sign of Aries and into your solar 5th house indicates the universe is encouraging you to play up your dramatic side; take that acting class, go on that quick trip to Vegas. You are after all feeling luck and very adven-


Aww the birthday festivities ended late last month and your fo-cus is shifting to those pesky finances. A cluster of planets join Neptune planet of confusion in your solar 2 nd house of money earned till late in the month indicating the time has come to re-view how much you are spending. Perhaps some revision in your budget is needed, above all review your pay check and make sure it is indeed correct. Neptune creates confusion and at times deception; add this to Mercury in Pisces turning retrograde un-til March 17th; confusion is not only likely but promised. Know your worth! Aquarius is a sign known for your ingenuity and intelligence and often finds alternative ways to pad your wallet. Think outside the box this month, that’s what you are known for.

Capricorn suns focus shifts from work and responsibility to sib-lings and family this month. A Cancer friend recently said to me, when you get to the end of your life you will not wish you worked more. So schedule time if you must, outside of the office and/or the classroom and host a dinner at your home. Perhaps everyone can bring a dish or order in some Chinese. The planets are illuminating your solar 3rd and 4th house of community and family. Mercury planet of communication is heading backward until March 17th in your solar 3rd house of communication; mis-communications are likely during this period. Beware of this; on the positive side retrograde periods can also be a time of discuss-ing sensitive subjects or hurts you have been holding in. What-ever it is, say it, discuss it and carry on. Focusing too much on the

past only serves to ruin the present.

Capricorn Fashionista:Designer and Model Kate Moss

Aquarius Fashionista:Jennifer Aniston; actress, producer and director.

Pisces Fashionista:Elizabeth Taylor a star in every sense of the word. Actress and


Happy Birthday to the dreamy and glamorous sign of the mu-table fish! What have you been dreaming about lately? It’s time to stop dreaming and start planning. A new moon is your homesign on March 11th indicates this is not only the start of a new solar year but also of many new beginnings. It is time to start looking forward and break free of those chains that bind you tothe past. Mercury remains in retrograde motion in your home sign until the 17th encouraging you to wrap any loose ends. If there is someone from the past you need to confront, now is the time to do so. Say your peace and move on, you have parties to

attend, a life to plan and a clean slate ahead.