Mobile Drilling Platform Soon at Ras Tanura · W.V. Ti@en and Jwk Orebnn, the four men who reprd...

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Transcript of Mobile Drilling Platform Soon at Ras Tanura · W.V. Ti@en and Jwk Orebnn, the four men who reprd...

V0l. HV, No. :

-3h. A darn

mrmo M i l - Drllling P l a # a No. 1 h g b ih img vo)ag, to the Persian Gulf a it b h . 4 d th Mkivlppi R i w fmm Vicleburq to N e w Orleans.

Corral To Hold Arabian Horse h - y Friday

Beach Problem TlmIle0.So.l influxof jelly-

f l .bhnbeachnerr rsd in th . .m*etJonamaBM 'hllwa heaah oreptlng a hnsud for .nbnmtlrs.

T w - p p p s u ~ hfnot a a vberner they oome In 'cont.cb with a peremls body, cuufng a local raponon tb.t re- In P.Lniul s w e l k p mthemkiuwfaoe.

A m m b r of peracas have bsrp &rIagrnd week m&. BlimmerB at &I€ M w o By have reported the jsllyflrh ho in b a r w i n g rmmber~ In ma .ahnmlne area.

Handicrah Clinic Set At Air Field

trio of races. L O d steedown- ersaillvie In the Corral mptoh raw of cme-half mile, opendmb lmge race d me-hdl mile a d the Arabian Dull Sweepetakes, a seven-eishth. raoe.

&I dtrbiticm d hamean horses 1. ~oheduledas the final e v d .

0.Y.Bamodywillbemar- sb.u for the day's p r m , d 8. B. Fl- wiU be the heas fudge.

Ample s.Ptfng space h. been provided for epectalor comfort. Regular b semtoe will be augmented to p d e ad- tran4prtPtLDlr. BUBB. willdepart fmmthe b e a l l

SariorskiffMntngHnuat S and 4 p.m. Ewes will ream to mnhrea at 7:SO p.m.

Abqaiq, Dhahran Meet in Finals Of Interdistrict Tennis Play

The fl~I m d of the inter- dintriot tsnnis mptohes will be played Thursdsy aitarnoon ead Friday morntug, A@ H plrd

a4 a ~ b s p i e w- pnd Dluhrea.

Five doubles mabakes will be plssed -sasv m g .t a80 p.m., d 10 slnglea mrtchmare ~cheduled for f i t - *, - at 9 a.m.

mthllhqPlqandDh.hrpn are ubdefded in 0 a m ~ tbta year, md the winner of tbta ramd will determine the 1958 Dh.hrsn, the ddmdicg0b.m-

pion#, will be led by Dr. J. W. Tpylor. EIowud mt&.rW

W.V. Ti@en and Jwk Orebnn, the four men who r e p r d Aramoo in lnst fall's Persian Dull on CampPnier' Lam Tml- ois AesocWion mntcberr. Ab- qafq boa& former WOCLTA players Cieorge -rand Jmk hell among its top players.

Wlth Armco'e top players meeking in both e h g l e s and doubles, the matches Thursday and Friday prvlniae to provide t h e b e a t ~ o f t h e y e a r In lusoiq.

A mud of soctalacttvldes & m h e m ~ f o r t h e p a r - tlctpmta and m e s d the two tcsmta grmp3 to follow the dabLen mat&es Tbur.dng.

Mobile Drilling Platform 1

Due Soon at Ras Tanura

ed st A& April 10.- md ~ m . n M w i n t l l . ~

at t i m ~ e i s r m i r u l ~ l q . ~ ~ .

JazzGroups To Play For Teen-agers

o m . Women's Omw offlcere

TO1 ad ! Dha bk Fld Mor 193

MY PLUSS, wwlyappolnc iwlsmlr dirlrlct mmg.r fa h m , mcently arrived ta 8 up hL duthr a th Air d office. A natiw d St. i k , Pi- l o i d Swimir in D and ha, r d In rwml d

ih Eufwam o f f l u m well m In New Yak, Calm, bgh& and Khartoum.

&I and ~ l p r e - 2 - w a s , u m

Short-eomingr and going8

Notee on Nepal by ISMEL SELF

M u y Platchar d th ma ~ ~ l u n r i d p e new to ~ ~ r p m their h r t VM.tlon. Entrance lnto tblr long self-isolrted omntryrwentlyhu bnm made easy by ita government, a touriat visa can be ot*a(ned in a fewdays' time throvgh appU- oationto theNepaLeae Embassy In New Dalhi.

Air India tlw them to PaBa. ImUa, v,i~ere they t r a d e r r e d to ane of the six weeny planes flying direct to Katmnndu, the capital om.

Their reservaticma in i(nG manhtwere at the comforbble. oleaa, Beow View Hotel, at s oosr of less than $6 per day, A m e r l c a n ~ h . Pmduoe served

Around Aboaio

Kids' Stuff BY nIv

ABQAB2-Wlthm0reth.n 60 youngstersand 12pareata cmn- pains in the AEA's bicycle rroesfor theyowgst8rs Bahu- dpy, the team of Mck 0.mnhg- h d his dughbr J e m a nnd Ken Capan and his son Steve pedaled away with the p==hmgrmy hiwght .

Aa if thia were not activiw encqb, aoouple of other amall frygmupswerelivingitup at the same time. Eighteen of the Boy i?ocuta were out on an over night bilrecampout, while their Nlwamtsrppru, the Bromea, regaled 24of theirmembers In anouthgntnalfMmBay. The Nsptrme Groupspglsored

cuthgtoHalf MoonBayfor the April Youth Recreation Pm- eram h a so far 105 sialed ua

a.m., &affairis opmto rill fmuli~ Uuw@ ntnth graders.

Thetinal r o U d of the inter- district bowling mntohen te rLtsd for ThursQv. April 84.

uvs lead, our boys always seama to he at their best aaalnat the Mn city's boys.

AbqaiqWomen Sot Activity Courses

A84Apo - The Women% Qroup le conducthg six-wed ooluaaa lor begbers In a variety of Mumes, etaraw YPy 3. The oauses, open tx both m a h e n , d non-mem- hen, arlll be repentedunffl thr aodoftheyear,wUhareceer In-

Volunteer tenohem are: bridge. Mrs. Hugh Lhmtan, hasling, Yrs. J. J. Began, Mrs. T. T. Caram. Mrs. Frank Mewng. m e . J. B. wem. m. a. w. y lon t som~~ d Mrs. Tom K~llllady; sew- ing, Mrs. B. A. Gelding, srimrmng, Yrs. W. J. m- my; b.LLng, Yrs. J.A. Fell- ner; & proomtug. Mrs. R. P. Plnlqy.

ed their way thmugh customs, nnd drove them to the hotel. The girls say his knowledge ol the country seema to he bound- less, and is matohed only bg his eathusiaam for it.

The KlneQm of Nepal. W by 150 miles, looh north toward the c ~ ~ ~ W Y M O m - rntlng it fmm Tibet. B is the

northern r&&. The glrls utUi5ed the hotel's

guldeservicefor car trip over the motorable roads in the Nepal vnlley, to see some of the outstandtug ipnmnarka, and a few of the more than 2.700 b p l e s in that vicini& alone.

The modam world hss left Nepal relatively unmarked; wheeled aonveyances are lux- uriee, and most traWo is pedestrian; hud~lls are carried on thebaelrsd portera.

Katmandu is a colorful city, with intricately carved, hrU- Wtly painted buildinp and etaiuee, and an natonlshing numberof templescmwded in- to a smnll area. Either brlck or stone paves most of the em's streets.

The Tlbetsn ambassador, the ahi Lama, liven with his family in the enormous Booh- nath Temple. Throughurange meate by the hotel, the @Is were privileged to meet and tallrwithhlmandhts M r . b t h of whom were friendly to them, and, Mary said. well Informed nnd fluent in several lIuww-=.

'mpbotographer,U=paUate ht, the numismati!d and the plain old-fanhionEd souvenir collector wiU allfindthis tailor made territory for them; flora, I-, and popllace are photo- genic; Nepalese stamps are wed urllhln the oouutry; a mint In mtmpndu strikes local c0iDn;hmdsamed fascinating souvenirs, both Nepalese and Tibetun, are avallahle ntprlcen not yet pro-rated to Amerlcan tmde.

Ras TanuraWomen To Hold Spring Tea

EAS TANLIRA-The Women's Group ariu present the 8uuual spring teawedneaday. April SO. 0 the Surf Bnue Lolmge from 2 until 4p.m. Tbe program wi l l ieabue a

children's fashim show with a spring garden haokground. Mrs. El&e Vanderhoff will he gueet aoloiat m the pm- gram. All ladie# of the community are

Invited to attend. - A.8.

dlofinery Rambllnp

A M To Expand - By 4UEN PmY

BASTANDM -Pls lu to ex- pnai.oilltled & d m e all mulmnent have bsen rnnamoed h i the BP. Tnnura Automobile AasoohUo. Con&wUmwork m the prolent ia soheduled to belpn mom.

omnpprise tire -~rab ian Auto- mobile Asswiatlm. Member- ship in any me dlstriat goup is honored in eaob diehiat. Onedthepr imvyalmaoftbe nasoot&m is to pmmots sale driving in Saudi Arnbia. In Raa Tanura,an Ittaadmt

ia cm duty dailyfromli~mffl 6 p.m.. Thrmdng. 2-9 p.m. and Friday# 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. to naaist membem in main- t w c e of their eplipment.

Mrs. Prealeg Adems wra honored re~ently by the Contra cmta, caufomlr.. comliy ~ o a r d of Education for out- stand&s services rrmdered during her term of otace with the Baud. The award wan glvm for her

work in "promoung more adequate d 4 edxwntimal o p ~ o ~ t l e s for children," and for "her integrity and personal effoIt in rmdeavorkg to m&trln the cooperative relaticmahip exlstlng 0 the no- tions imdertake~hy the B a r d in performance of its dnue&"

Mrs. Adems joined her hue- band in Raa Tanura A w e t 84. 1957.

BridgeGroup Names Jim Kerr to Board

Jim Kerr has b6.a elected oltioer-at-lprgeon the b a r d of directors of the Dhahran Ikes-

George Brock, Safety Engineer, To Leave Saudi Arabia April27

By IDAB Oarp W. Bmok, wiU i w a

#dl &&a for ratlmuait A Q r I l a 7 d t a q rllnort l l ~ m u ~ L I * 1 C n - slnw for Db.hran.

Btncs Jan. 1,1020. when he wmt to work for ths LLbsrlp Ylutual k w u m e Qmpaqy am a u f e $ e n g h v 3 e r , r a o ~ d tlrepreveatimhubse &or@ Brook's forte. '1 had sidsrm d e t y m-

# = - w o r ~ I n m y ~ mmt, s e ~ W ~ ~ m a n y differeat cwtomera Lnswed with lu," he noalled rsoedy. 'B ru au lob to go lnto the fMultk4. mrke muveys and dwabp pro- grunn In the inbrut d woi- dmt and fire pravBILra. I ntayedwithube*Ylutual for twalve .nd a half years."

~ ~ t o h l a n & asdgu- ment with Army Ordamme in

p M 'Thin ruaimmeat Inwlvd

working rlth nine hrmdred d nin&y-eI@t-g o m oerns, including udo mnnu- frcturera, in the DsPoit ued. Aft8rtwmty-twom&mtbis Job I wan tabbed for the wat of

of World War JI. "8tmkbm at that tlma hsd

nbora thsworb motdm rword of any ordmnae depot of 1Y brpe.

' m a a d n b o r a u m d b , howwer, we reduaed thedhum-iqftuierr from an average d qlpmd- msblyaw hrmdred a m d h r m - ffl one svoh q u r y a month WM the expwtul, nth- th.n the

"Tiucughwr flre p r w d a n progrpm, wa were sble to keep the loas by fire. the an- Ure wer, to n nomfnrl ilglw."

For these effort. Bmok re- ceived a v h u e for m&toriavl

d hfs Mehiant. OenerPl Taylor.

A Vermmter hy birU~, Brook lttrnded the Univeruity of Ver-

for Brook. In blgb aohool he WM a four-leiter man SKI a tbes-lelier man in college.

A. BugniGains Academic Honors

ABQAB2-AnthOggBulnl. aondYr.andMr8.RV.Bug- Ill d Abqpts, h e gabled the distlnotlo~ d high houass at the Notre Xmme hiam&bd -, Rome. w, aNh .n averpseof 98.2 per omit for tha f-m=dwc*- Yuch 1s. 8ohml BadmMter Bmtber Wola (M.todl an- namced.

w t u f l y t o ~ o w m d ~ t h ; Niuw hM.m for New

OhudrQUld-m b fore they go to the wt coamt

Dhabran Women PlanTeaMay 4

Men of Aramco

ABQAIQ -Jack Justillan, Eiutrical Inrpetor, Enpiwering d vision, Enpinwring and &bchanical k w i c ~ & p r h ~ n t , Abqmit loined Ammo in July, 194.

Hh tint ossionrmnt in Saudi Amblo w a ~ ot kn Tanum. whre I was h i s b n t ~Lctricol Fonmn, Electric Shop, b in teknco ol

Shom Amrtmnt. In 1952 h was h m l f . r d to Abqoiq to oliur his ;-it p i t ion .

Before corning to Saudi Arabia with Ammo, Juaiiion, had spa I1 p o n with thTennCompany ot Port Arthur, Tex.,as an eiech ciw. Ha Id also worked for a short t i m with Calotex Corpomtb in New Orlenns, LO.

Following gmduation from high rshwl in k r p n City, Lo Jvrtiiian want to work with Ceiomx Corpomtion in Chicago m chamirt, tronderring to New Orlaam with h t c m n y b f c joining t h T a m Coqn~my.

During his ea~loymnnt with Tsurco hs p n t n w m l sessions Tams A. and M. toking rpclol c w m in tha field of electricity.

Ewn kfom ha kcarm involved in the oil busimu, Justilion h b c o m i w m h d on his fawrim ieisum tirn wnuit. ~ h o t m m ~ h and his Ammo vwntions hove ambled him to' build'"p o back18 of nwml thousand feet of nwvia mngins in svbiect rmtter fn Afriwn safaris to Eumpsw si&mlk cafe sikng.


Although h vm born in Abbevilla, La., Justilion and his wi Lmi rn , whom h mat in Ros Tanum, pion to vn la in Virgin Beach, Vo. They have purchased a horn thsm five minuter fn ths Atlantic, and in ddition to his photography hoper m u m octiw wrtisiwtion in bootino and fishim.

Classical Program WEDNESDAY

7 p.m. Qopin-Program. (Guiomar Novaes, Wno) I S 0 Beethwsn-

symphony No. 5, in C Yllnor. 1:59 Rlme&y-brsakDt[-- La Cop D'cr, Suite.

TEUBSMY 7 D.m. Ravel-Dachta and

No. 29, "&mwkaabt' WesoLlne, Pisno)

m y 4 p.m. RerberG-Beleotioas

fmmtbeRedYUI. 1 8 R u s w RushU

Music. 9 6 &mhrp&lmtima

fmm the (I(udeot Prtoce. 7 p.m. BclurmMn-Cmc&

in A Minor. -0 Ew8, PisnO) 1:91 n r ~ - ~ ~

NO. a, in D. 8ATVRDAY

1 p.m. 8ohubert-Mommt Mndiauu. (Eawln -err.

%? Y&Mbo-h- oerto in E Minor. (ReIfeti, v-1 1:51 Mo- - - -

NO. U. "Jupiter" 5JNDAY

No. 26. "Lee M f d @ m p -0) 7 1 Carallf-Coooertn

Grosso No. 11. 7:28 B c h u m p n n - ~ ~

W . 9, in E Flat Major. %68 Brehrrm--8onata N

3, h D Minor, @ac Stern. Violin, Alexander Znldn, Pia

MONDAY 7 p.m. Vivaldi-The F w

Seaaolu. 1:u D 9 l i w - m . nu

&ng d a Qreat City. 8:07 Franck-Symphonl

varlntlonn.(aobert Casadeen PI.00)

TUESDAY 7 p.m. aolbnark-Bustic

WeddlllS %ymphoqV. 1:s Grafc-GrandCan:


B i r t h s R U N g R o B I N t o E l l u k

and Frank Robin Woellel. B Tswra, April 2.

YbBUL TEBEBA to Dolor a n d w U a m B v b b a r d L y 1 Dhnhnn, April 8.

CAROL IMIIIg to Mruy YIr garat and JaoL Edwb Noh R M T.nnq April 19.



Edltor, Ahmpdi, Kuwsit A few days ago there reached

me bymail a packsgecontaininu ooples of your issue whlcb featured the recent MEacA tournament. These have beem of great interest both to mymU and to d e r S.0.C. golfers, whether unable to make thetrip or fortunate enouge to have w%= part.

his thoughaul act oil the P& of an anoqymci18 seuder is typical of the very w a r m idnd- ness andhoepirautv accorded us

helpG to ma& Aramco1e MEOIQA the haoPLeSt of ries for yearn b come.

Y a u s sinoerely. Datsy J. Burnsfather

Camera Group To Offer Courses

The seoond photo course to be offered by the Ehbmn Camera Grs, wlU 8tart Mm- day, May l2 at 7 p.m. Claesea wiU meet in the Pboto Lab. which is located in Wlilding 1420-B.

TheoatrsewlIl cover m W g prints, pmesa* f h . €a-

Luging and print improvement htmlques. Ten hours of in- struction are inoluded in the C w B B . Cost of the o w s e is BB la

but it is free to Dhnhnn Cam- sra Grwp mernben. Eaoh o h a s will be limited to l2 per-.

DetDUs are available at the Photo L & , ~ f r a n 7 t o 10 p.m. dsi2y.

ThegrCupwillhOlditsMay m e w w-, 7, a t 8 p.m. in the rending room of the ilbrary.

The LEahran Camera Qmup mn=on a Paotographs omtent eaohmontbwfthprhaa a d d lirst, sea& aud third place wfmrers.

Shopper'r Guide r Stop and shop-]

Ar.ma0 .hoppua u* 000- p.tulrtlng (b. p M p r i e r # d rl-Khahu'a maat .hop, tha 3top and Bhop, m ~ ~ h - ment in aall pLnned and ex- tremeu attraoUve p r w e s lwt across the street from the Beeu Plag and hehid ibe Borg-Ward m y , where the .hoppars' law *topa. The Btop and (Bop feature#

clothing for m a , wan= and Dhlldrq alongwith.Me#W* and co6meUce. Msrch.ndl.e diaplpyed inoludee van RrPTte luerle, LpdymOULmy u. Love dresses for Uffle at. Eelr-Cclrditimed matemlty dresses. TN-VPI ahirta and Bagsar .lack8 for men and l!wQe' muits for boy..

(lome prloes: 8B 45 for the Laay Hathaway -, much an BB IS. SO for Vau RsPlte panties, .nd a rather joltiug SR 210 for one of the same h e ' s alghtiee, SR 18 for b l h l Silk and 8B 206 for Mumoapm cndrmers sweater sets. There also prs

women's sklrt~ made in the U.8.. some Qarman-madl ones and a few Oermsn hUa. Al Kawer has haceived a

- ~ Q D n l i w w , ~ - aludlw ImdM, b r m w and rln(p for ohi ldra, at 8IL 2 and BB4. WW Oemmu Imiw o f r a l D ~ 8 o u n g e I l ~ M gpod bsgrr; a tbrbres-piece o m - iog ma nua two e e a m v e e in it. oan board la 831 04. At- M v e German @wee of Nylm, cottca, or Perlon sell for 88 8 to 8 8 13.

Another new shop i. the BduIln Store, which Imbues "Mtlca from Tlbbet." pkoe is a bit hard to flad-you a n l L d o m t h e m a h . t r & b- ward Ahdub'8andturntotha right on t h e p u a m j u % b e - fore you reaoh the he Bwho .hop. It is jwturro.*tb. h t n o r t h - d p.sspBsvay, m ywrlghtasycuYRLtotownrd the Ouli. Thin pmmf.e* to be a pnrrdlse for Uwse who know and eppreclpta old b r ~ . and ccpper. h response to numemu

phone calla. we checked the Al Ahalee Pharmacy and found it stiU ha8 a stock of inter- special dietary h n e . such an low-sugar content fiuita rind preserves and, for tbe under- we*, Premier Halt ayrup.

This Week's Movies Ahqalq -

m m w (F) Ewellrmt April 23: 5:46, contfnuoue 4 r i l24 : 11:30. 3:4& c&.

Musical (A) Emellmt Aprll28: 3:46, conUnuouu Apr i l 20: 11:SO a.m. 8 p.m.

TEE DEVIIS HAIBPnr Cornel Wilde, Jean Wallnce -a (A) Goal April 25: 5:4& contfnnci18 (Lpril2s: 11:30 a.m.s:l5p.m.

Ras Tanura

TEE LONELY MAN Jack Pplan08,AntholryPerklna Dr=-(F) aoDd Aprll SO: 8:45, contfnuoull May 1: ll:&l, %46, ocmMn.


Anthony Steel, Odlle Versois Juw Allyson, David Niv€a Action Drama (P) Very Goal Comedy (A) 1 Ewsllrmt

TEE WAYWARD BUS Jayne b¶awfield, Dan Dalley Drama @) Goal April 2s: ~:M,SSO. 1:lO.B pm. 4ril 24: U S 0 a.m. 8;15 p.m.

TIME WMlT Rtchardwidmark, B. Baaehrt Drama (F) Excellent April 25: %30, 5:30, 1:30, 8:80 April 26: 11:30 a.m, 8:lS p.m.

A p r i l 25: 1:SO. %30, 7. 9 p.m. April !%<SO, 3:W. 7. Sp.m. April 2r: 9:30,8p.m,l.%i5asl April 28; 8 p.m, %?:I6 a.m.

TEE STORY OF OF ESTHEB COSTELM Joan Crawfad. Boaenno hn5l Drama (A) Very Oood April 28: &SO, 6:30, ?90, &SO April as: 11:ma.m. 8:ls p.m. TEE TIlILEE FACES OF EVE* Jorume Woodwud.David Wsyns Drama@) Ewellent Aprll 90: 390, 5:2S, 790, 9:15 May 1: 11:m a.m, 8:15 p.m.

Musical ( i ~ p r i l 26: %SO. 7, S. U:~S Aprfl26: 1:30, 8 p.m.

A# SO: I:%, S:m. 7. s p.m. May 1: S;

(-4. Addti F. Fnmily) *(h Clnernaaa-)

Return Movies ABBA14: "MidnlsM Story" April 27, 11:% a.m. 8 p.m. DRABRAN: "WBrlnde" April 24. 11:30 p.m. Rh8 TANORA: "The D.I." Aprfl 29. 8:lS p.m. l2:15 a.m.

- 4 - April 18, IOM)

Dhahran Teams InLLTrmmphe

p*cedfnthe-Dntnebg Phil Thiolhdm, who gave up . L r h l t . h I ~ ~ r a i U t for the ViQtOrp. Mamuled the hittan

WIm thrse e a g h In three tlma at ht. XI* O v a had tLnshltaforthehsBteaer.. * * * * *

tle.Leww gamein mudtn Thundqy, donnflls the - T- ?dnma, 7-8, U T.rmnbahiud theUve-hitpUok lrlgdTim8tewcrt.

IhImujmnped cdf to afao- n m l a a i n i b s f l r a t ~ m tLnshibMdthrseRlcmsr- rorr. Bu T w a olosed the ~ t o C 1 h t h e m t c m d t h s ~ ~ . . B D l m i e

md Jim 8.mmmd om- ~ f o r ~ e ~ .

ncr , awl Dm h&meger .nd a homsnmtvnamm3der.

The ?&oll. Olcdedout the dwy'. vbe. wllam .Ipmnd bil MDmdhomer oi (h. g a m e o t h e l u t o l t h e .Ua -.

The P h b 8 ' hyder made h n ~ d a ~ ~ t o d v .&lalullbe. - J. Moods First ln Abqaiq Bridge

mem- me mvwrbe

Tonein Taler . George, Cork Win Mixed Doubles

BY TONY TYRAN hi& averye, 111; ETaM had high Mriea. 6ao; J m a , hlph game, 1s.

The m - (opLDh. Fauf#ul, a o r ~ , Kiem- =W&U)Wflr.t~ tb Wczam'a-Awe. -bdw arsrsls. 160; y.lum. w rwies. 681; Oupltn. w m e , Wl.

T h s B 8 e o t t m w d t o t h e - (culekm. -sg, %me. -, =). 6dtWng'a 144 avenge 4 616

asnt w, ram^ had hi& -8, 118.

T h s E U J r Y u ~ w - . O o - -, maan. Quk. -, Jmm, RmwLlo) wm hmorl in the lelwe. aIl&Yn Rept hdislQyl ill#u e a 184 avurq@, 916 8013- and 1PB amme.

Th8Yi.edH.ndtolpA sndsd inattsbawemQuk'e &tla dWaIdMtaur. Thslat-

@QS=s.-, aoo- oreto)wmmemlloE. mulBw. had hi&nnnm'a av-, 164 Md hi& &ea, 604. Pagne had hl& Rrrna'. game, 2u. Lopa' had hl@ m a % a.nnlle. 161;lWwreto. w seriw, 666 and ~ W I game, 166.

Th.BBect(rmnuwmbgthe nawdw ~Qi.aold.. Boa- mru. ~lgne). - thema twmdd had ~ l s . e n l l e , l ~ ht !&~,646;Bweshnlahad w was. 2%. amg.n h&h w a m d a avenge, 148.

Up to Par p~

B a ~ c o Golfere Defeat Aramco a


o d l a t rwommodrtlolu a the h e l d A r n l l g o l k a .

?ollowhgLmoh.mMd re-

E&MS Takes Opening Game

AUan, Bish- Walters Tennis Tourne - x m t b m l t p p d p l a y w e t h e h I # m ranked t o theh r rnLsd .zh .min l - mtrm hamitasp WM me game Mdthemvmnum*u nrs game@-80 w- psr pm.. Th. Durnnmaot W w-

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