Mobile and future

Post on 07-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Mobile and future


Sudhir Yadav Nirma University

Computer science department

The Universal Technology product

Thirty years of the PCFrom 9m units to 300m+ in three decades

Overtaken by a new ecosystemFundamental shift in scale - from 300m+ PC units a year to 1.5bn smartphones and growing

Mobile is the new scaleMobile was always bigger than PCs, but separate, and not really part of the computing market. Smartphones broke down that wall

(And tablets add a quarter-billion more)

3bn modern computers There are 3bn iOS and Android computers on earth and 2.5bn smartphones

The world in 2020 By 2020 perhaps 5bn people on earth will have a smartphone

An iPhone 6 CPU has 625 times more transistors than

a 1995 Pentium.

iPhone 6 launch weekend: Apple sold ~25x more CPU

transistors than were in all the PCs on Earth in 1995.

Everyone gets a pocket supercomputer.

Everyone gets a pocket supercomputerMobile takes computing to people hardly touched by technology

The first universal tech productMobile completes a journey from one computer on earth to a computer in every pocket


Mobile is the new tech ecosystemTech moves forward by going from one ecosystem to the next, and each new ecosystem is a change in scale. Mobile has the scale of everyone on earth

Tech moves in ecosystems.

Each ecosystem is the centre of innovation and

investment for that generation.

The ‘PC’ ecosystem played that role for 30 years: now the

‘mobile’ ecosystem takes over.


We all know mobile is bigger than PCs, just as PCs

were bigger than mainframes or workstations.

Eventually, PCs supplanted those.

How does mobile supplant PCs?

(Or is computing progress over?)

Computing in 1960Everyone in this picture is an Excel cell – the building is a spreadsheet

Then they bought a mainframe

The toys get better


Mobile is not a sub-set of the Internet


Mobile becomes the Internet - the main way

that most people go online.

Saying 'mobile internet' = saying 'color tv'.

And on mobile , the internet is different

For 20 years, PC internet mostly meant web

browser + mouse + keyboard.

Search (and later Facebook) dominated.

Mobile unbundles the web into apps, apps

into the OS (& other apps), breaks search.

From stability to rapid, ongoing change.