
Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Mobile

Social media

Marketing through mobile..

The First Handheld Phone..


ü  Voice call


First-generation wireless technology

ü  Voice call ü  SMS


Second-generation wireless technology

ü  Voice call ü  SMS ü  MMS ü  Video call ü  Internet browsing ü  …


Third, Fourth-generation wireless technology

The world population is 6.8 billion

of the world’s population now have a mobile phone

Over 80%

of the world’s population now have a mobile phone

Over 80%



Of the world’s

4 billion mobile phones in use,

1.08 billion are smartphones and a whopping

3.05 billion are SMS enabled (950million are no SMS enabled)

What is the size of the mobile market?

What do people use their mobile phones for?

By 2014, mobile internet should take over desktop internet usage

How fast is mobile internet growing?

30% of smartphone owners accessed social media services via mobile devices

Over 1/3 Of Facebook’s

600 million+ User base uses


50% of Twitter users Use Twitter Mobile !

200 million + YouTube views occur on mobile devices per day

On average, Americans spend

2.7 hours per day socializing on their mobile device

That’s over twice the amount of time they

spend eating and over 1/3 of the time they

spend sleeping each day

How much do people use their mobile phones?


Personal information from Social media

Mobility of mobile +

Personal information of individuals

Able to reach targeted segment anytime anywhere with

the most appropriate marketing strategy