Moba Streams as Connective Play - J Jarrett

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Moba Streams as Connective Play - J Jarrett

The connective play of MOBA spaces: how player streams

speak to, influence, and direct the actions of wider play spaces

Josh Jarrett

Digital Cultures Research Centre, University of the West of England


Connective context of MOBA play

• MOBA as participatory (Jenkins, 2006) genre

• Ludic emergence and paratextual mimicry of MOBA play

• Reliant upon the constant circulation of playstyles to balance the games many different variables.

• Heavily ludic / competitive genre that also allows for emergence, imagination and spontaneity

• MOBA as connective (Djick, 2013) genre

• As a genre it really came to prominence almost 6 years ago with the release of League of Legends and soon after player streams started to become a popular

Streamed MOBA play and the playful turn in online audiences• Mimicry and ludic emergence

• Streaming really started to become popular (the same as e-sports) as League of Legends did with ‘own3d’, Azubu and later Twitch dominating the space.

• As of March 2015 31% of all watched play upon Twitch is League of Legends and 12% Dota 2

Online open discussions

• “Watching streams has had a tremendous impact on how I play LoL. I first saw LoL on Twitch and thought it looked interesting. At the time I didn't have any gamer friends, so I had to learn completely on my own. I read a ton of guides and watched a lot of streams to learn and improve my play. I remember being mystified in those first few streams I watched where the casters were talking about "junglers" (what the heck is a jungler?) and having to look it up (oh, there's this area on the map called the jungle) and ganking (oh that's where the jungler comes into a "lane" to try to kill someone). Wow, how far I've come, I'm now a jungle main...”

Connectivity of streamed play

• These playful practices exist within what Djick has termed ‘the Culture of Connectivity’ whereby different actions upon different platforms or ‘microsystems’ all exist in a symbiotic relationship.

• They form a playful ecology of ludic interactions

• Every stream is a microsystem that interacts with other systems (forum / reddit spaces, guides, other streams, content producers, and the game itself)

Fountain hook (Dota 2)

Tryndamere (League of Legends

AP Tryndamere (League of Legends)

Circulating play styles, circulating stakes

• Story of ‘AP Tryndamire’

• A play style that emerged from a player on a stream, was utilised by players across the wider connective spaces and eventually by professional e-sports players on a competition stage.

• The developers soon reacted to this emergent play style by severely limiting, or balancing, its effectiveness.

• These instances point towards a dynamic set of different values between stakeholders of the play space that often diminishes the value of playful innovation.

Circulating play styles, circulating stakes

• Following Djick’s conception of connectivity as a means of ‘mapping the convolutions’ between different stake holders, technological actors and microsystems provides a useful approach towards viewing these emergent play styles.

• MOBAs provide an ideal case study viewing play through a participatory perspective and player streams are one central microsystem in this connective context of play.

• How can we critically engage with these circulations of play?

• When are the interests of players being worked against by developers or other external actors that contextualise MOBA play?

• Thank you for your time

• *This picture was my badge where I (poorly!) attempted to draw a MOBA stream.