MMA 246 September 2015 Midland Master Athlete # 246 · PDF fileMMA 246 September 2015 Midland...

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Transcript of MMA 246 September 2015 Midland Master Athlete # 246 · PDF fileMMA 246 September 2015 Midland...

MMA 246 September 2015

Midland Master Athlete # 246 September 2015

Images from the Midland Veterans League Cup FinalBottom left Tony Porter MMAC Team Manager in the shot putwho steered us to a cup winning performance in the C Final.

MMA 246 September 2015

At the Annual General Meeting of the BMAF following the T & F Championships it was proposed that the affiliation fee should be increased by £3-£5. No decision was reached and a report on the meeting by Irene Nicholls appears in this issue.

As a mediocre summer passes into autumn, it’s good to look back at some successes. The EAMA inter-area championships resulted in a win for our women and a tie with SCVAC for our men. Maybe next year a few more points?

Congratulations to Angela Copson on her four gold medals in the WAMA World Championships in Lyon, France. Other medallists are listed on p. and we applaud them all.

A new feature begins in this issue – “Interests outside athletics” and our assistant editor, Lou Satterthwaite is our first contributor. Readers who would like to share their other hobbies/interests, whether cycling, origami, chess, photography, model making, theatricals, bowls, travel, painting etc. etc. are invited to send their experiences to Lou or Margaret for future publication. Thank you in anticipation.

* * * * * * * * *


Report on BMAF AGM – Irene Nicholls

MASTERS NEWS MAGAZINE Brian Owen has retired as editor of the magazine, with the grateful thanks of all present. The magazine has been a lifeline keeping the Federation and the clubs up to date with events. It is likely to be available on line with the possibility of hard copies being available for those who pay the extra costs of postage etc. To be decided when a new editor is appointed.TREASURERS REPORT - this provided glum reading as, with a decline in membership across the Federated Club, income has dropped. Events are not profitable due to rising costs of venues, officials expenses and greater technical demands. Income generation needs to be urgently addressed to ensure the future viability of the Federation and discussion centred around the cost effect8iveness of in creasing entry fees and the need to raise the amount of Levy that clubs pay to BMAF. The 300 Club which was set up to fund the Magazine will have funds diverted – online access will greatly cut postage and publishing costs.INCREASED LEVY – there was a proposal to increase the Levy by between £3 and £5 in addition to the present fee of £5. In response to a request from MMAC it was agreed that such a large increase could not be agreed at this meeting and that wider consultation with the Area Clubs and Committees would be required. The BMAF Treasurer will make costings based upon the savings from the Magazine and provide a more precise income figure based upon each levy increase (£3 or £5).Delegates to the BMAF meeting in October will be asked to agree the increase (or not) and I WOULD BE MOST GRATEFUL FOR THE VIEWS OF OUR MEMBERS BY THE BEGINNING OF OCTOBER in order to vote according to the majority wishes. Please send to** At the meeting of the MMAC committee on 26 August the Treasurer reported “there is no reason to increase fees, competition fees for 2016 and we could absorb a small increase in the BMAF fee for 2016.”

==========The MMAC committee wish to add their thanks to Brian Owen for his work on the Magazine. The quality of production and informative content have been a great inspiration to the cause of Masters Athletics. The magazine has been shared with our members across the globe and we have been able to encourage new interest by distributing issues containing comments and exciting pictures of the many successes of our athletesWe wish you a happy retirement from publishing Brian but hope that you will grace us with your informative commentaries for a few more years yet.

Irene Nicholls – MMAVC Chair

MMA 246 September 2015


Tom Morris is now relocated in Cornwall and has requested that members should not be using his email address for club business, as this will shortly be out of action.Until a new General and Membership Secretary has been appointed, matters are being dealt with by the acting secretary, Irene Nicholls, She can be contacted at

======================================================================================== MIDLAND MASTERS ATHLETIC CLUB

President: Martin Wilkinson

Life Vice-President : George Phipps

Chairman: Irene Nicholls, Rainbow Cottage, 15 Meadow Lane, Alvechurch B48 7LH IRENENN@aol.comActing General &Membership Secretary “ “ “ “Treasurer : Martin Wilkinson, 249 Boldmere Rd. Sutton Coldfield B73 5LL

mmac.treasurer@virginmedia.comEditor: Margaret Simpson, 87 Willow Rd. Solihull B91 1UF colmarsimpson@btopenworld.comAsst. Editor/Photographer: Louis Satterthwaite




The MMAC vest has been updated to include the club badge.

It is white with red vertical band bearing

The club name. This is a must for your kit bag.

The mini-mesh vest is £14.99 (plus postage and packing)

Women’s vests to order at the same price.

Members with existing vests can have the new badge put on at the shop for a charge of £2.00

Please send your order to: Sutton Runner, 268 Jockey Road, Sutton Coldfield B73 5XL

Telephone first to confirm sizes in stock (0121-355-2901)Shop open: MON-SAT 9.00am – 5.30 pm

We welcome the following new members:Michelle Rhodes 90912 – First Claim Club MMAC

P Williams 90913 “ Stratford on Avon

Anil Sood 83719 – Leicester Coritainians;

Ian Charles 83720 Grantham AC;

Mark Ince 83721 – BRAT;

Peter Tallents 83722 – Doncaster AC

John Cooper 83723 – MMAC;

Lindsay Pulley 83724 – MMAC;

Tony Young 83725 MMAC;

John Owen Cooper 83726 – MMAC

MMA 246 September 2015

THE RUGBY TEN MILESunday 27 September 2015Sponsored by TESCO, Rugby

Final race in the Warwickshire Road Race League 2015Incorporating WCAA Road Race and MMAC Ten Mile Championships

Race HQ – Barby Cricket Club, Nr Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8TThe race will take place over the new course but using much of the ‘traditional Rugby 10’ course through Barby, Kilsby & Hillmorton, including the climb up “Cart Hill” and uses public roads. Start/Finish is half a mile from race HQ.

FEE MMAC (members only) £12.00 Closing date 21st September 2015 DETAILS at

NB Athletes should be able to complete the course in less than 1 hour 45 mins.

Some of you may need a postal entry form

MMAC Champs - £12-00 (Members Only)

Cheques payable to RUGBY & NORTHAMPTON AC. Entries close : 21st September.

Entries to: Race Organiser, 91 Lower Hillmorton Road, Rugby, CV21 3TN

Please include S.A.E. FOR RACE NUMBER & DETAILS Registration from 09:00

For those of you on Facebook

use the search box and look for the group "Midland Master Athletic Club"

MMA 246 September 2015


Many MMAC members travelled to France for the championships and congratulations are extended to the following medallists:

WOMEN :W45 Pole Vault 1 Irie Hill 3m.60; W55 80m Short Hurdles 2 Jane Horder 13.17; 3 Susan Frisby 13.30300m Long Hurdles 1 Jane Horder 51.14; 2 Susan Frisby 51.69; W55 800m 3 Karen Brookes 2.39.76;W55 Heptathlon 3 Susan Frisby 5326.W65 ANGELA COPSON: 1500m 1 . 5.32.97; 5000m 1. 21.51.98; 8000m 1. 34.40.00; 10000 1. 42.58.54.MEN: M40 1500m 3 D Richardson 4.06.94; M45 400m 2. M Gardiner 51.27; 1 R White 1.02.32M70 5000m 3 M Ford 19.57.40; 5000m Race Walk 1 C Turner 28.45.79; M75 1500m 2 B Swindells 5.57.39


Meet the 100m sprint rivals – aged 98 and 96

The Brazilian athlete Frederico Fischer is introduced to a cheering crowd, to the tune of a samba. He and his competitors walk to the start line, all focused determinedly on the race ahead. The gun sounds; seconds later it is over. Fischer, the oldest athlete in the field is beaten by a younger rival, Charles Eugster. This is the men’s 100m dash for 95-99 year olds. Fischer is 98, Eugster 96.Every athlete, from Olympian to Sunday morning plodder, knows that at some point peak fitness will start to dwindle and the aches and pains will begin to outweigh the gains. Many take it as a sign to hang up their spikes. For some, however, that moment never comes. Sure the odds of major medals lengthen and dreams of personal bests fade, but it is always possible to just keep going.The World Masters Championships, held in Lyon, France, date back to 1975. Men and women over 35 are considered “veterans” and compete within five year age bands. The competition is fierce. Among many disproving the axiom is Eugster, the nonagenarian British dentist, who won the 200m in 55.53 seconds.In longer distances athletes are showing age is no barrier to impressive times. In 2004, the Canadian Ed Whitlock, 73, broke the three-hour mark for the marathon - an achievement many much younger club members would kill for. He trained by running round his local cemetery for two or three hours nearly every day. Another Canadian, Olga Kotelko, who dies last year at 96, held more than 30 world records for the 90-95 category.Of course, some veteran athletes are still competing at the highest level: Jo Pavey won European 10,000m gold in Zurich just before her 41st birthday. “I think the appeal is partly about having goals” she says. “There is always something to aim for and it never ends, because you can just go into the next age category. I find it really inspirational to see somebody still sprinting in their 90’s. They’re providing information for all of us about the ability of the human body, and what can be achieved if you don’t just rest on your laurels and think, “That’s it then.”But while some athletes may have a lifetime of training in them, it’s never too late to discover the talent lurking within. One man with a claim to being one of the greatest veteran athletes is Martiin Rees. The 62-year old Welshman only started running at the age of 38 and now holds more than 40 records for distances ranging from 5k to half-marathon.

(Ack. To the “Guardian” and Roger Simpson):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

MMA 246 September 2015ENGLISH MASTERS INTER AREA T & F : SOLIHULL 19.7.2015

This was an extremely close contest with some outstanding performances. After the closest scrutiny the Overall Trophy will be shared between MMAC and SCVAC – the first time this has occurred. SCVACtook the Men’s Trophy and MMAC the Women’s.

MMAC result WOMEN80H W35 1. P Owen 13.46 (8pts); W50 1 J Horder 13.69 (8); 100m W35 6 F Palmer 14.76 (3); W50 2 L Willis 15.01 (7); W60 3 S Hine 16.24 (6); W70 4 D Fellows 19.47 (5) 200m W35 1 E Ruddock 26.36 (8); W50 2 J Horder 29.71 (7); W60 4 S Hine 33.85 (5); 2K Walk W35 1 C Dyall 11.13.16 (8); W50 1 A Wheeler 11.40.95 (8);400m W35 2 F Palmer 1.06.16 (7); W50 2 S Frisby 1.08.35 (7); W60 2 N Hitchmough 1.18.47; 1mile W35 4 C Smith 5.35.25 (5) W50 3 J Pidgeon 5.59.29 (6); W60 1 A Copson 5.54.59 (8); W70 1 D Fellows 7.10.11 (8) 800m W35 5 S Holford 2.2.24 (4); W50 6 J Pidgeon 2.52.05 (3); W601 N Hitchmough 2.50.78 (8); 3000m W35 3 C Charlton 11.02.08 (6); W60 1 A Copson 12.32.29 (8); Javelin W35 2 K Addis 26m.98 (7); W50 1 R Bird 24m.66 (8); W60 4 S Hine 11m.80 (5); Hammer W 35 1 L McKeown 30m85 (8); W50 1 M Loveridge 40m.58 (8); Shot W35 1 C Parker 12m.03 (8); W50 3 L Foster 9m.47 (6); W60 5 V Kirkland 6m.13 (4); High Jump W35 4 E Jayne 1.30 (5); W50 3 S Frisby 1.25 (6); Long Jump W35 3 E Jayne 4.09 (6); W50 3 L Willis 4.07 (6); W60 3 S Hine 33.32 (6); Pole Vault W50 2 R Bird 1.90 (7); Triple Jump W35 2 E Jayne 8.98 (7); W50 2 J Rogers 8.30 (7); Discus W35 1 C Parker 36.33 (8);W50 2 R Bird 24.72 (7); Relays: W35 1 MMAC 54.90 (8); W50 1 MMAC 56.21 (8); W60 2 MMAC 1.07.91 (7)

MEN110H M35 4 D Hateley 20.23 (5); 100H M50 1 D Brown 15.45 (8); 100m M35 5 A Flint 12.15 (4); M50 3 J Statham 12.78 (6); M60 3 C Monk 13.38 (6); M70 3 M Baxter 15.38 (6); 200m M35 3 A Flint 23.91 (6); M50 2 D Brown 25.52 (7); M60 5 C Monk 28.42 (4); M70 2 M Baxter 1.59 (7); 2K Walk M35 1 M Williams 9.18.41 (8); M60 1 P Bozsko 11.06.84 (8); 400m M35 3 R Rubenis 52.02 (6); M50 2 P Ttreve 1.00.16 (7); M60 3 P Anthony 1.04.44 (6); M70 1 L Oldfield 1.07.42 (8); 1 Mile M50 2 R Parkin 5.06.98 (7); M60 2 D Oxland 5.20.52 (7);800m M35 1 M Turner 2.02.93 (8); M60 2 D Oxland 2.29.71; 3000m M35 1 J Douglas 9.03.93 (8); M50 5 R Parkin 10.11.76 (4); M60 2 D Oxland 10.53.15 (7); Javelin M35 4 J Cashmore 29.23 (5); M50 4 M Fox 40.27 (5); M60 1 B Hawkesworth 35.34 (8); Hammer M35 1 R Careless 48.07 (8); M50 2 M Roberts 43.99 (7); Shot M35 6 J Cashmore 8.69 (3); M60 3 B Hawkesworth 10.70 (6); M70 2 R Jegou 9.97 (7); High Jump M35 1 D Storry 1.94 (8); M50 4 S Ainge 1.50 (5); M60 1 P Askew 1.40 (8); M70 1 T Crocker 1.20 (8); Long Jump M35 2 D Davenport 5.89 (7); M50 3 A Earle 4.76 (6(); M60 1 R Singh 4.43 (8); M70 3 T Crocker 3.42 (6); Pole Vault M35 2 D Hateley 3.20 (7); M50 7 T Selway 2.70 (2); Triple Jump M35 2 D Davenport 11.79 (7); M50 5 A Earle 10.01 (4); Discus M35 7 JCashmore 20.55 (2); M50 J Moreland 44.77 (8).Relays: M35 4 MMAC 47.92 (5) M60 MMAC 2 57.49 (7);

Points: Men Women TotalEVAC 282 271.5 553.5MMAC 305 300 605SCVAC 315 250 605SWVAC 55 32 87 VAC 199 114 313SVHAC 101 12 113WMAA 262 224.5 486.5NMAC 221 204 425

Thanks to all who helped to make this a successful and enjoyable meeting. Especially to Rita Brownlie, who stepped in when Elaine Mee was indisposed.

MMA 246 September 2015





The criteria for England team selection are based on National BMAF events during the current year, as with previous years, starting with:-








Other relevant local or regional events over the same, correctly measured distances may also be considered for selection, with BMAF EVENTS BEING THE PRIORITY.

If you wish to be considered for selection, the relevant forms and information can be obtained from the BMAF website at www.bmaf,org,uk

All completed forms from both men and women must be received


All applicants MUST be current fully paid up members of MMAC

Forms to: Mick Smedley, 12a Bagshaw Street, Derby DE24 8TX (On or before that date)


Mick Smedley, MMAC Representative


Financial Support for International England Selection

Representing England is a huge honour yet the cost of travel to national and international events can be quite prohibitive. MMAC provides a small subsidy to any of their athletes selected to represent England only. Current support is up to £50 for travel within mainland UK and £70 towards overseas travel. To claim it is a simple matter of contacting me via email and I will send a claim form. I will need evidence of national selection from your team manager or the results. All claims should be submitted within a month of the event.

Martin Wilkinson : Treasurer

MMA 246 September 2015 Other Interests

The Editors realise that many of the members have interests and hobbies totallyunconnected with the world of athletics and maybe they would like to share their

experiences good and bad through the newsletter.I can kick off with the first one as I am the conductor of the Knowle Branch of the

“Friends in Retirement Choir Solihull” FIRS

So how did I first become involved with a choir. Well my wife and I made a joint decision to join the Solihull Choir which is led by the excellent conductor, Phil Kew, they practice once a week at Solihull Methodist Church.

We found this a most enjoyable experience with great songs, some fine individual vocalists and plenty of laughs as Phil chided us with his dry humour.

Eventually we decided to join the Knowle choir which Phil also conducted. One of my cousins is a member of the Knowle choir who meet once a fortnight at Downing Hall, Knowle.

After a few months we decided to concentrate our efforts solely on the Knowle choiras I found it a bit of an effort to fit in both choirs along with my training regime.

So as we neared the end of 2013 Phil found that conducting two choirs was getting a bit tough (how tough I was to find out later on leading just one choir myself) and he started looking around for someone to take over from him. He asked me as I was by then playing the guitar on some of the songs and gradually getting over stage fright.

My debut as conductor came early in 2014. It quite exciting and at the same time scary standing there trying to look as though I knew what I was doing but the choir were very kind and patient with me as I took my first tottering steps into the world of conducting, helped greatly by our excellent pianist Marcelle Chatham. This gradually became a lot more fun as I was accompanying Marcelle at her request on more songs with the guitar.

Towards the end of the year we played two full concerts, my first as a conductor and one Christmas carol service in conjunction as is tradition with the Solihull choir - all great fun.

Early this year Marcelle became very ill and eventually passed away. I attended her funeral a large congregation was present representative of the choirs and all the people that she had known in the music world.Although we advertised in the local paper and through our FIRS contacts no further pianistcould be found at that time.This left me in the position of main accompanist and conductor which meant having to compile a list of new songs with suitable rhythms and timing for the guitar very hard work.The guitar does come in handy sometimes when the choir won't pay attention a quick flick onto the Heavy Metal channel turn the volume up this usually brings them back in line.Lastest news though is we now have found a superb pianist Alan Smith who has played on cruises and is well known among local musicians.To date 2015 we have performed one concert with Alan as pianist, and with the help of at least five excellent solo vocalists, we sailed through the list of songs below,reprising three of them for audience participation on request - such fun. Author Lou Satterthwaite

Memories are made of this, Save The Last Dance For Me, Dream A little Dream, Getting To Know You, Hello Young Lovers, The Clouds will soon roll by,

How wonderful to know, The Ash Grove,Cherry Ripe, Love Me Tender, Sway, Spanish Eyes, Let it be, Things, Some Enchanted Evening, Embracable You.

Editors Note* Lou also makes lovely bread

MMA 246 September 2015

BMAF 5k Championships Horwich

Midland Masters results

2 002 Michael Aldridge M40 2nd Wootton Road Runners 15:46

4 004 John Parker M40 3rd Cheltenham Harriers 15:57

5 005 Orlando Corea M35 2nd Birchfield Harriers 16:03

7 007 Paul Whittingham M50 2nd Sutton in Ashfield Harrs 16:14

17 017 Paul Butcher M50 3rd Mansfield Harriers 16:38

22 022 Michael Morley M50 5th Birchfield Harriers 17:01

25 025 Andrew Wetherill M55 1st Mansfield Harriers 17:08

41 001 Claire Martin F40 1st Telford AC 17:47

42 041 Russell Parkin M50 10th Derby AC 17:47

44 002 Lisa Palmer F35 1st Heanor RC 18:03

47 044 Robert Fox M55 6th Long Eaton 18:09

50 046 David Oxland M60 1st Notts AC 18:25

56 050 Brian Green M55 7th Oxford City AC 18:43

60 007 Louise Insley F45 1st Heanor RC 18:53

68 009 Michelle Clarke F40 4th Telford AC 19:09

81 066 Richard Wilkinson M55 12th Long Eaton 19:38

82 016 Lucy Cambridge F40 7th Wolver & BilstonAC 19:40

85 067 Martin Ford M70 1st Cheltenham Harriers 19:46

92 024 Steph Spencer F40 9th Derby AC 20:21

95 025 Penelope Barber F55 3rd Tipton Harriers 20:30

99 027 Rachel Coupe F40 10rd Telford AC 20:40

100 073 Alan Maplethorpe M55 14th Long Eaton 20:44

101 028 Jill Burke F50 5th Heanor RC 20:49

103 029 Sally Walker F45 5th Tipton Harriers 21:00

105 030 Jacqueline Robson F45 6th Clowne Road Runners 21:05

108 078 Peter Banks M65 5th Coventry Godiva Harriers 21:16

114 082 David Spencer M55 17th Midland Masters 21:54

118 035 Sue Weatherburn F60 4th Wolver & BilstonAC 22:27

133 042 Paula Parkin F45 8th Derby AC 24:28

More Action from the Track and Field League

MMA 246 September 2015 General race list kindly supplied by Chris Harrison

Sat 12th Sep Autumn 5 miles, White Horse Inn, Sandhurst Lane, Sandhurst, Glos. GL2. 11.30amSun 13th Sep Lake Vyrnwy ½ Marathon, 1.00pmSun 13th Sep Race Team Alfie 5 miles, Wollaton Park, Wollaton Road, Nottingham. NG8. 11.00amSun 13th Sep Saltfest 9 miles M/T, (+ canal path), Vines Park, Kidderminster Road, Droitwich. 10.30amSun 13th Sep Lichfield 10k, King Edward VI Leisure Centre, Kings Hill Road, Lichfield. 10.30am. ONLINESun 13th Sep Stratford Big 10k, Recreation Ground, Swans Nest Lane, Stratford. 9.30am. ONLINESun 13th Sep Pete Hayes Handsworth Park 10k Fun Run, Holly Road, Handsworth, Bham. B20. 10.30amSun 13th Sep Coventry Big Fun Run 5k, War Memorial Park, Kenilworth Road, Coventry. 11.00am. ONLINESun 13th Sep Blythe Valley 10k/5k, Blythe Valley Park, Junc4, M42, Shirley. (5k = 10.00am), (10k = 10.40am)Wed 16th Sep Derby Midweek 5k, Alvaston & Boulton Cricket Club, Raynesway, Derby. DE21. 7.20pmSat 19th Sep Midland Counties Relays, Sutton Park. Mens 6 stages, Ladies 4 stages.Sun 20th Sep Worcester City 10k, Racecourse. (start in Croft Road), Worcester. 9.00amSun 20th Sep Tamworth AC 5 miles,. BDSL. TBCSun 20th Sep St Thomas 7 miles, St Thomas School, Longlands Road, Upper Tean, Stoke. 10.30am. NSRRA. Sun 20th Sep Waseley Wobbler 8 miles M/T, Rubery, Bham. B45. 11.00am. Sun 20th Sep Walsall Rotary 10k/5k, Arboretum, Broadway North, Walsall. WS1. 11.00amSun 20th Sep Bham Insurance Institute (10k/5k?), Sutton Park. 9.30am TBCSun 20th Sep Stoke on Trent 10k, Hanley Park, Cleveley Road, Stoke on Trent. 9.00am. ONLINESun 20th Sep Balsall Common 10k/5k, Heart of England School, Gipsy Lane, Balsall Common.12noon. O/L.Sun 20th Sep Shrewsbury 7 Bridges 10k, Quarry Park, The Square, Shrewsbury. SY1. 10.00amSun 20 Sep Crossdale 10k M/T, Crossdale Drive School, Keyworth, Nottingham. NG12. 10.00amSun 20th Sep Golden Gates Gallop 5 miles, Elvaston Country Park, Borrowash Lane, Derby. DE72. TBCSun 27th Sep Rugby 10 miles, Barby Cricket Club, Longdown Lane, near Rugby. 10.30am. WRRL. Sun 27th Sep Run for Rotary 10k, Draycote Water Park, Kytes Hardwick, near Rugby. 10.00amSun 27th Sep Cheltenham ½ Marathon, 9.00am. (Venue TBC)Sun 27th Sep Robin Hood ½ Marathon, Victoria Embankment, Nottingham. 9.30am. ONLINESun 27th Sep Mark Perry 5k M/T, Hill Tavern Pub, Adams Hill, Clent, nr Stourbridge, DY9. 11.00amSun 27th Sep Norton 10k/5k, Parish Hall, Wadborough Road, Littleworth, Norton, Worcs. WR5. 10.00amSun 27th Sep Brewood Woggle 10k M/T, St Dominics School, Bargate St, Brewood,Staffs,ST18. 10am.ONLINE Sat 3rd Oct Relays – ERRA, Sutton Park. TBCSat 3rd Oct Tissington Trail ½ Marathons M/T, Clifton Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire. (2 runs, 2 days)10.00amSun 4th Oct As above. Coaches from the HQ in Ashbourne to the start at Parsley Hay, then run back!Sun 4th Oct Brown Clee Burn 10k M/T, Village Hall, Stoke St Milborough, Shropshire. SY8. 11.00amSun 4th Oct Shelton Striders 10k, Park Community Centre, Boulton Lane, Alvaston, Derby. DE24. 9.45amSun 4th Oct Goose Fair 10k M/T, Leisure Centre, Newdigate St, Kimberley, Nottingham. NG16. 10.00amSun 4th Oct 2 Villages 10k M/T, Enville Hall, (off A458), Enville, Stourbridge. DY7. 10.30amSun 4th Oct Katharine House 10k/5k M/T, Shugborough Estate, Milford, Stafford.10k=11am, 5k=11.15. O/LSat 10th Oct Bud’s Run 5k, Munrow Centre, Bham Uni, Vincent Drive, Edgbaston, Bham. 2.00pm. ONLINESat 10th Oct Worcs Beacon Race 7 miles M/T, Rose Bank Gardens, Belle Vue Terrace, Malvern. 3.00pmSat 10th Oct Aldridge Poppy Run 5 miles M/T, Aldridge Airport, Bosty Lane, Aldridge. 10.30amSun 11th Oct Tamworth 10k M/T, Castle Grounds, Tamworth. 10.30am. ONLINESun 11th Oct Alcester 10k, High Street, Alcester, Warwickshire. B49. 10.00am. ONLINESun 11th Oct Derby ½ Marathon, Derby Uni, Kedleston Road Campus, Derby. DE22. (9.00am?)Sun 11th Oct Coalville 10k M/T, Snibston Country Park, Ashby Road, Coalville, Leics. LE67. 10.30amSun 11th Oct National Forest 10k M/T, Conkers Discovery Site, Rawdon Rd, (B586), Moira.DE12. 10am. O/LSun 11 Oct Danny’s Dash 8 miles M/T, Coney Green Farm, Ribbesford Road, (B4194), Stourport. 10.30amSun 11th Oct Bells of Pattingham 7 miles M/T, Village Hall Playing Fields, Pattingham, nr Wolves. WV6. 11amSun 18th Oct Bham ½ Marathon. ONLINEWed 21st Oct Derby Midweek 5k, Alvaston & Boulton Cricket Club, Raynesway, Derby. DE21. 7.20pmSun 25th Oct Stroud ½ Marathon, Cainscross Road, Stroud. 10.00am. ONLINE.Sun 25th Oct Coven Canter 10k M/T, Cricket Club, Wobaston Road, Fordhouses, Wolves. WV9. 10.00amSun 25th Oct Leicester ½ Marathon, Victoria Park, London Road, Leicester. LE2. 10.30am. ONLINE