Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Sports Fan

Post on 08-Jan-2016

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Sports Fan Research

Transcript of Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Sports Fan

  • A summary by Callum Bromley of the main points of: The Qualitative Report by Ian Jones, Volume 3, December 1997.

  • Introduction into sports fandom with definitions.Quantitative research methods in sports fandom.Quantitative research advantages and disadvantages. Qualitative research methods in sports fandom. Qualitative research advantages and disadvantages.Mixed methods approach Summary

  • Although interest in the sports fan dates back to the beginning of the century, there is little empirical research on the subject (Jones, 1997, p. 1).

    Sports fandom comprises of emotional and behavioral aspects which are of a value to the individual. The intensity of fandom can vary significantly (Pooley, 1978, p.14)

    Sports fandom consists of cognitive, affective and behavioral components which are of an equal importance when investigations are undertaken.

    Previous research investigations into the sports fan have favoured more quantitative methodologies such as Branscombe & Wann (1991, 1992). Qualitative research on the sports fan is extremely rare. However, such examples include Armstrong (1998).

  • Few investigations, if any, adopt a rigid mixed methods approach of qualitative and quantitative research. Instead opting for a single methodology perspective.

    The report argues that a mixed method approach is worthwhile in order to gain a fuller understanding of the typical sports fan.

    The nature of the sports fan investigated will have implications upon the suitability of a methodology.

    Sports fandom consists of more than overt behavior which has important implications on the choice of research methodology.

    Overt behavior is behavior that is done openly or intentionally. In terms of sports fandom, verbal support for a particular sports team.

  • Quantitative research can be defined as assumptions of human behavior of a sports fan according to social fact.

    Quantitative research investigations look for distinguishable characteristics in order to gain a quantifiable measurement of sports fandom. Quantitative research is mainly used to address the behavioral components of a typical sports fan.

  • Relatively easy to collect and collate sets of data.

    Statistical analysis can be undertaken, giving the investigation scientific credibility.

    Anomalies can be distinguished within the data set with relative ease.

    Comparisons can be made between broad data ranges.

    Longitudinal data can be collected between consecutive sessions in order to enhance data validity and reliability.

  • Jayaratne (1993) argues the strength of quantitative research as it provides objective data for objective analysis. An example of this in relation to sports fandom is the comparison of fans evaluation of team performance in relation to attendance figures.

    An example of quantitative research is the SNCCFR (1996, 1997) research into behavioral patterns of a typical English football fan at a number of premier league football games.

  • Failure to assess the deeper underlying meanings and explanations of sports fandom.

    Only an assessment of the behavioral concept of sports fandom, therefore does not address affective and cognitive psychological issues.

    Single data studies are only considered as a relative snapshot of sports fandom. This means that it doesnt take into account enduring variable factors such as a teams performance or currant form.

    It addresses people as a complete set of variables, making no reference to specific individuals empathy to sports fandom.

  • Qualitative research is an interpretative approach from the informants point of view (Jones, 1997, p.3).

    Qualitative methodologies provide in depth knowledge on sporting fandom from a personal perspective, through research techniques such as interviews and open questionnaires.

    Provides an insight to the cognitive and affective aspects of sports fandom.

  • AdvantagesDisadvantagesMeasurement of human behavior from the outside.Low sample numbers may mean data is unrepresentative of fandomProvides an understanding of how subjects view personal behavior. Only subjective conclusions can be drawnAllows greater in depth cognitive and effective sports fandom researchMaykut and Morehouse (1994) suggest qualitative research may invite hostility.Concepts are introduced from a personal perspective rather than pre-determined by the researcher Validity of the research is questioned as it is difficult to determine how true the findings actually are.Provides flexibility as a researcher and a subjectTime consuming process of data collection and collation Allows for longitudinal changes in sports fandom

  • Single methodology approach has been advocated by a number of authors but many supporting arguments are pragmatic.Both qualitative and quantitative single methodology approaches have strengths and weaknesses.The combination of methodologies, however can strengthen research into sports fandom. Jayaratne (1993, p.117) comments qualitative data can support and explicate the meaning of quantitative research.This ensures that the final research product maximises the strength of a mixed methods approach. (Jones, 1997, p.5)

  • Sports fandom involves cognitive and affective characteristics, as well as overt behavior. This means a qualitative core is appropriate for the investigation, supported by quantitative evidence. Quantitative analysis can complement the findings of qualitative research into sports fandom.A mixed method approach to sports fandom may enhance the quality of work produce and help provide greater scope for new developments within this particular .

    **Sports fandom can be basically described as an individual who actively engages in watching a sports performance.

    Figure shows a high intensity of fandom towards the England national football team and as a result of this, individuals express high levels of emotional and behavioral characteristics. Such examples include the patriotic display of the St Georges Cross. *Disadvantages of this are single methodology often fails to provide a holistic viewpoint on all the key components of sports fan investigation.

    Provide examples from a fans perspective. Only quantitative figures of attendance at a football game may not be representative of the true fan base, where as only qualitative perspective provide only individual perspectives on sports fandom.*An example of quantitative research is observing attendance figures for a football club over a prolonged period. Distinguishable characteristics could be fan fans heart rate readings across the whole game.

    *Longitudinal study is repeated method over a prolonged period of time*Longitudinal study is repeated method over a prolonged period of time

    **Emic means a behavior or belief within a culture

    Kings (1977) case study on one premier league club and a sample frame of 20 out of a crowed of 55,000

    Hostility as researchers and subjects are pressured into some findings as otherwise it wont be associated with good research**