Mitsuno Reedy - · PDF fileJapan (Gendai Pastel Kyokai) in 2001. ... of Pastels II, and...

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Transcript of Mitsuno Reedy - · PDF fileJapan (Gendai Pastel Kyokai) in 2001. ... of Pastels II, and...

Mitsuno Ishii Reedy will paint

a pastel portrait of a live model at

our art guild demonstration.

A native of Osaka, Japan, she

began her career in the mid-1970's

painting portraits, still lifes, and

landscapes for collectors through-

out the United States. She studied

with notable pastel artists Albert

Handell and Daniel Greene, and

oil painters John Howard Sanden

and David Leffel. She was elected

a full member of the Pastel Society

of America in 1978, and associate

member of the Pastel Society of

Japan (Gendai Pastel Kyokai) in

2001. She is listed in Who’s Who in

American Art and Who’s Who of American Women. Her works

were included in the publications The Best of Oil Painting, The

Best of Pastels, Floral Inspirations, Portrait Inspirations, The Best

of Pastels II, and Pastel Artist International magazine.

She received recognition in the Portrait

Society of America's 2001 International

Portrait Competition held in Chicago, IL.

Her commissioned portraits include corpo-

rate and civic leaders, college deans, doc-

tors, military officers, and family and chil-

dren's portraits. She enjoys plein-air paint-

ings, as well as still life paintings and fig-

ure studies in oil, pastel and Cente pencil.

Howell Gallery in Oklahoma City is show-

ing her landscapes and still life paintings.

Mitsuno Reedy Pastel Portraits Demonstration - March 28, 2011

Art Guild meetings

4th Mondays 7:00 pm

Sheerar Center

There is an access

ramp on the west side

All Demonstrations held the 4th Monday 7:00 pm

Sheerar Auditorium

7th & Duncan Street

SAG Board meetings

First Mondays 7:00 pm

Sheerar Center

Guild meeting times 1

Board meeting dates 1

President’s Letter 2

Hospitality Volunteers 2

New Members 2

Accolades 3

Newsletter deadline 3

Workshops/Opportunities 3

Guild Board Members 3

Displays Around Town 4

Contact the President 4

Director’s Corner 4

OSU Art Show 4


MARCH 2011

Mitsuno Reedy


By Mitsuno Reedy


President’s Letter


New Members

Welcome to the

Stillwater Art Guild!!

Nancy Doyle

Steve Batten


Jane Trench

Melissa Delacerda


George Thomas


Hospitality Volunteers March 28, 2011

Hostess: Rose Ann Red

Madelyn Raska, Carolyn Reedy, Phyllis Lambert

Dorothy Story, Sissy Osteen, Mary Holmes

I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you! to all those who

helped me with the refreshments at the Spring Show: Hallard, Mom,

Jackie, Barbara, my Barbara (small package of TNT), so many of

you. I was late and aggravated and the wonderful group of people

called “guild members” blew my little thundercloud away. You are a

classy bunch. Thanks again, ~ Rose Ann – Hospitality Chair

I would like to thank the many individuals who assisted with the Spring Show including all the artists

who contributed their works for the show; Terry and Joyce Hunt, Rose Ann and Walter Red, Jude Tolar,

Nancy Langwig and daughter, Mike Branson and Neal Todd who helped hang the show; Lynn

Schwartz who gave the Guild's first gallery talk; Jude Tolar who demonstrated pastel painting; Jason

Wallace who put together the slide show for the reception; Roxanne Parrow who prepared the Show's

post cards; Jeanette Johnson who provided publicity; Guild members who worked with Rose Ann Red to

provide the delicious food for the reception; and our two judges, Tim Jessell and Jason Wallace. I would

also like to especially thank Dodie Guffy, Mike Branson, Rose Ann Red, and Roxanne and Tim Parrow,

who kindly stepped in to assist with a variety of last-minute tasks when I unexpectedly had to be out of

town. Unfortunately, Alfred Smith's illness prevented him from demonstrating acrylic painting, but I

appreciate his willingness to accept this task. ~ Donna Branson – Show Chair

I would like to add my thanks to all the other notes of thanks in the newsletter concerning our Spring

Show. The Guild is dependent on volunteers to make everything work smoothly, and I am thankful not

only for those who helped with the Spring Show, but also for all the Board members who do so much all

year long to make our Guild a success. You are truly appreciated!

Our next big project is our first annual Area Art Studio Tour. More information about the Tour can be

found on page 3 and on our website. Many hours have been spent in brainstorming and preparing for

this project by a handful of Guild members, including Velma Sanders, Jason Wallace, Kristin Gentry,

Lou Hale and Jeanette Johnson. The Guild would like to especially thank Bonnie Hammond at

Flourishes for helping us sell tickets to this event at her store on Main Street here in Stillwater. The

Tour takes place before our next meeting, so we hope to have a wonderful report to bring to you then!

~ Roxanne

President: Roxanne Parrow 405-707-0447

Vice President Dodie Guffy 405-707-7513

Secretary Sue Baker 405-372-7254


Newsletter Deanna Valley 405-624-1519

Programs Jason Wallace 405-880-1488

Webmaster Jason Wallace 405-880-1488

Shows Donna Branson 405-624-0945

Workshops Mary Ann Wade 580-455-2526

Publicity Jeanette Johnson 405-372-6241

Membership Jocille Osborn 405-714-3192

Hospitality Rose Ann Red 405-880-1042

Displays Around Town Kristin Gentry 918-409-3190

Director Velma Sanders 405-377-4766

M AR C H 2011 PAG E 3

Stillwater Art Guild Board Members 2010-2011


Jason Wallace was accepted as a juried artist at the Tulsa International Mayfest, May 19-22, 2011.

Website: Jason also has a showing at the Pride Gallery in Lawton: South-

western Medical Center, 5602 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton, OK 73505. His display runs from April 2 to

July 9 with a reception Thursday, April 7 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

Jude Tolar’s pastel painting, Sunshine in a Vase, has been accepted in the Oklahoma Art Guild’s

spring show, Oklahoma Friendly National Juried Show. The show opens with a reception Friday,

March 18, 6-9 pm, at IAO Gallery, 706 W. Sheridan, Oklahoma City, and runs through April 9.

Mona Wells was selected Stillwater Senior Center’s Senior of the Month for March.

Cheri Fisher sold her painting, "OSU Flapper Girls" displayed at the Bank, N.A. on 6th Ave.

2011 Spring Show Awards Dorothy Harrison Cup Photography - Michael Lindblad

People’s Choice - Terry Hunt “Asleep at the Wheel”

Best of Show - Jude Tolar “A Trio of Pears”

Residency Opportunity The Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, VT, offers two-week and

month-long residencies for artists in painting, sculpting, and literature.

Check it out online at or contact guild

member Mireille Damicone:, 405-372-6305.

April Newsletter


9:00 pm April 6, 2011


or call 405-624-1519

2011 Area Art Studio Tour

Saturday, March 26 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Sunday, March 27 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Purchase your $5 Maps/Tickets @ or at Flourishes - 617 S. Main

Stillwater Art Guild Roxanne Parrow, President

3403 N. Diamond Valley

Stillwater, OK 74075


BFA Studio Capstone March 9th—March 25th

Current works of art by

OSU senior Bachelor of

Fine Arts students

Thursday, March 10

Reception 5-6 pm

Gallery Talk 6-7 pm

Gardiner Art Gallery

108 Bartlett Center Oklahoma State University

This is so EXCITING!!! The Area Art Studio Tour is almost here: March 26 & 27th The Brochure Maps and post cards are here ready to distribute. Each artist may pick up post cards to hand out or mail. The Brochure Maps are for sale for $5 from the Art Guild officers, at Flourishes shop at 617 S. Main Street, the Stillwater Art Guild website ( and at Countryside Studio, 4421 S. Hus-band St. (Velma's). We do need a few more Art Guild members to be greeters at the Artists’ Studios or creative space. Please call me at 377-4766 and volunteer. Those who cannot help could purchase a Brochure map and tour the various studios in the area. DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY. ~ Velma Sanders

Director’s Corner

Displays Around Town

For information about displaying your art at these local businesses, contact Kristin Gentry

(918) 409-3190 or

Business Address March 2011 April 2011

BancFirst 808 S. Main Dale Roark Cheri Fisher

Bank NA 800 W. 6th Ave. Jude Tolar Mary Red

Bank NA 1020 N. Boomer Rd Jason Wallace Mireille Damicone

Dr. Heath Reese 1415 S. Western Rd. Mary Ann Wade Mary Ann Wade

Doctors’ Lounge Stillwater Medical Center Lou Hale/Lynn Schwartz Lou Hale/Lynn Schwartz

Stillwater National Bank 6th & Main Cheri Fisher Dale Roark

Stillwater National Bank 308 S. Main Clara Bush Jason Wallace