Mit october 21 2013

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Mit october 21 2013

Bruce Roesner, PhD V Track ID, Inc.

Mixed Emotions or “Pet Peeves”

• Having started three companies I have been caught in the middle. • As an inventor I want my patents protected. • As a user of a valid patent I am willing to pay a fair and equitable


Patent System Has Failed

• Patent office has allowed subpar submissions to become patents • Many applicants lack ethics

• Make slight changes to or combine existing concepts • Frequency hopping in RFID • RFID tags tuned for higher dielectric medium • Applying RFID to different tracked items

• Failure to disclose previous art • Multiple inventors on a single patent?

Legal System Has Failed

• Financial position is dominant force in determining suit • Suits filed in the court do not require support and can be

subsequently quoted by third parties. • Plaintiff should pay legal fees of any patent litigation not

sustained. • Lower the defendant’s level of proof for damages. • Limit royalties on Non-Practicing Entities (NPE’s)