MIT IAP 2013 Introduction. Creating From Both SIdes of the Brain.

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of MIT IAP 2013 Introduction. Creating From Both SIdes of the Brain.

Seth Riskin, course introduction!8th Jan 2012 !

Creating From Both Sides of the Brain!MIT Museum Studio, IAP 2013 !

The Art and Engineering of Visual Perception at MIT!

Gyorgy Kepes!

Richard Leacock!

Minor White!

Otto Piene!

Krzysztof Wodiczko!

Stephen Benton!

Lowry Burgess!

Harriet Casdin-Silver!

Paula Dawson!

Dieter Jung!

Sally Weber!

Dale Eldred!

Bill Parker!

Alejandro Siña!

Thorbjorn Lausten!

Paul Earls!

Rockne Krebs!

Nam June Paik!

Harold Edgerton!

Bill Bell!

Elizabeth Goldring!

Tom Van Sant!

Programs !!Programming!Electronics!Mech. E.!Motors / servos!Robotics!Brain / vision!Perception!Art—what kind?!Graphic design!Product design!Environmental design!Museum studies!Science communication!!!!!!

Exhibition design!Media design!Web programming!Journalism!Writing!Architecture!Interior design!Social media !Photography!Lighting!!!!!!!!