Mister Trans casestudy - SearchKings · • Generate high quality leads from customers looking for...

Post on 28-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Mister Trans casestudy - SearchKings · • Generate high quality leads from customers looking for...

Products: AdWordsSearchKings & Mister Transmission Ltd.Increase Conversion Analytics

takes Mister Transmission Ltd. to the next level through Analytics and AdWords

GOALS: • Generate high quality leads from customers looking for service • Attract customers from their local area• Profit from Google Marketing

ISSUE: • Mister Transmission used Google Marketing in the past, but did not see the results they wanted • Realized potential customers were searching online for their services, and needed higher search visibility • Wanted to be able to quantify Google Advertising leads and accurately measure the success of the program

Mobile leads conversion rate (industry average 8%).

Customer noticeably busier since the campaign began.

Cost per lead each month.

Monthly leads generated.

Monthly budget.

Leads generated came from mobile devices.

75% 26.15%$15-$27 30-40 $750RESULTS & METRICS:

Products: AdWordsSearchKings & Mister Transmission Ltd.Increase Conversion Analytics

• Set up phone call tracking + emaillead tracking and linked bothdirectly to Google Analytics andGoogle AdWords.

• Provided customer with access toall Analytics dashboards so thatthey could accurately measure theirROI.

• Designed a responsive mobile friendlymicro site with convenient touch screennavigation, and hot buttons for quickcontact.

• Optimized Mobile bid adjustments toensure that Mister Transmission RedDeer would always be found whenusers are searching from mobiledevices.

• Designed a custom set of Displaybanners with local franchiseinformation.

• Deliver banners ads specificallyto customers who are decidingbetween service providers.


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Mobile Opportunity Banner Ad CreativeLead Tracking

FACT: Mobile search has surpassed traditional desktop/laptop traffic for Auto Repair related inquiries