Mise scene the descent hospital

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mise scene the descent hospital

The Descent Mise-en-Scene and lighting.

By Luke Walkley

Mise –En – Scene. Lighting.

This is the beginning of the sequence, a cake is shown saying “Happy Birthday Jessica”. The lighting of the cake resembles a warm feeling. Also they have the background completely black so the only light source is the candles on the cake. It changes from this to a greenish glow of her in a hospital bed.

The lighting in the hospital scene has a different kind of light to it. There is a greenish tone to it. Also the constant black outs of light in the corridor indicate it might be in her head and not in real life. It goes from having a greenish glow to how a normal hospital should look.

The part when Sarah runs in the light into her friends arms indicated to the audience that she is safe and out of harms way.

Mise –En – Scene.Costumes.

Throughout this clip you notice that Sarah doesn't change clothing. She is in the hospital gown the whole entire time. From when she leaves the hospital bed to when she runs into beths arms. You hear the sounds of lights shutting of.

When Beth is shown she is wearing casual wear. You hear the sound of both girls crying

You can tell that she is a child . The 5 candles on the cake might suggest her age.

Mise –En – Scene.Locations.

At the beginning there isn't a real location. Its just pitch black probably to represent the fact that it is practically black when you die.

This is a shot of Sarah in a hospital bed which escalates to her standing in a corridor. You hear her life support machine beeping as she wakes up.

From a hospital bed to a corridor. You hear a high pitch sound when it goes to a trombone shot.

Mise –En – Scene.Props.

The cake is a prop used at the beginning of the sequence by Jessica.

The life support machine that flat lines after she takes the equipment of.

Mise – En – Scene Sound

You hear the sound of Sarah's life support machine. This suggests she is lying in a bed in a critical way. Also when she is running out into the corridor the lights start shutting off , You can hear that effect. Also the duologue is very clear.