Miracle of love 23

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Miracle of love 23

If a person grew up in a loving home then it is always an uplifting experience to return

to that home or to be reminded of it. We all want to live in a realm of Love

because it is there that we find deepest fulfilment

Children are born and raised based on the Love of their parents. Just as Love stands at the beginning of the earthly life of a human being

it is natural that the ultimate root of all humanity

can be found in a Loving


By studying the genes of several hundred thousand people from all around

the world it was shown that all human beings have

99.9% the same genes and our ancestors can be traced back

to one common origin of people who lived

in Southeast Africa

From this viewpoint it is clear that we all are closely related with only tiny differences in our genes

which developed only in the past tens of millennia

of human history.

Essentially we are all one big human family with one common father and mother as our genes differ only on minimal levels

Therefore it should be natural for us to go beyond any kinds of cultural or religious barriers

and come together as brothers and sisters who

care deeply for one another because we share

one common heritage whereby our differences

comprise genetically only 0.1 percent

Charles Darwin proposed the theory of universalcommon descent through an evolutionary process in On the Origin of Species, twice stating the hypothesis that there was only one progenitor for all life forms and ending with ‘There is a grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one.’

Darwin’s theory asserts that all currently living organisms on earth share a common genetic heritage with each being the descendant from a single original species. In the meantime

this theory was shown to be true by studying the human gene

Now that it is scientifically proven that we all have common ancestors should we not go one step further and ask whether there is also one common origin of all existence in the form of one Creator who initiated the development or evolution of the universe?

Remains only that all people living on earth take the undeniable

existence of a Creator to heart and live accordingly as

true brothers and sisters of one great human family

with Yahweh, God, Allah or whatever name one may

want to use to refer to the Ultimate Origin of the universe, as our common Eternal Parent

The basic method scientists use in order to gain knowledge is to set up a theory and then

to check if it holds true to the reality found through observations and experiments.

In this way it was possible for scientists to find the laws and the insights into nature which enabled us today’s highly developed

standard in the realm of technology

Nobody takes a person seriously who claims that his mobile phone

came into existence by chance because we all know that the creative efforts

of people produced this device. Similarly it is absolutely clear that the

existence of the universe can never ever be reasonably explained

by assuming that it came about based on random mutation

without a creative force behind the many forms of life we find on our planet

The more one studies the various fields of sciences

the clearer the existence of a Creator becomes.

One by one, in each area of study, it is overwhelmingly clear

that behind what we perceive as matter which surrounds us

exists concrete invisible information which is expressed in the many forms

we see in this world

Let us start by looking at the human brain.

Already at birth, a baby has more than 100 billion neurons in the brain

with each one of them capable of dealing with up to

10.000 different inputs independently from

each other. This means that one nerve cell alone can be in 10 to the 3.000 different functional states

In the course of nine months

a brain grows that consists of 100 billion neurons

whereby each one of them is equipped with several

thousand connection points which are each capable of receiving

information and giving impulses independently from each other

It is impossible that such a most sophisticated structure could have come about by random

mutation in the course of some evolutionary process.

To make such claims is similar to saying that computers have come about by chance without any creative efforts by human beings

A single neuron of the brain can not only be in 10 to the 3 (one thousand) or 10 to the 6

(one million) different functional states,

not only one billion (10 to the 9 or giga) nor only one trillion

(10 to the 12 or terra), not only one quadrillion

or one septillion (10 to the 24) but up to 10 to the 1000

different functional states, as the brain neurologist

Prof. Dr. E. Poeppel confirmed

Dr. Ernst Poeppel has always tried to bring scientific knowledge

to general public through books, articles for non-academic audience

and a TV series on ‘Magic Universe of the Brain’.

He is working together with specialists in various countries

based on his conviction that scientists are natural ambassadors

Scientists are indeed natural ambassadors to connect people and as it has turned out,

it is the world of science that provides the confirmation of the existence

of a Creator of the universe, what can be understood by the simple fact that a single human brain cell is capable of more functions than what we can imagine. There does not even exist a common name for the number 10 to the 1000, the amount

of the possible functional states of a single brain neuron

We have not only one but one hundred billion brain cells.

This means that the number of connections that can

be established in the brain of every human being

after a mere nine months in the mother’s womb is an astronomical,

unimaginably high number: 10 to the 1000 times one billion

When we look at these numbers with an open Heart and mind

we can only be in awe how such an immense capability is developed in such a short time.

The most modern state of art computer seems to be rather primitive compared

to the indescribably high number of versatile functionalities

the brain of a new-born baby is able to perform

The proof for the existence of a Creator of the universe

can be found even in a single brain cell.

One does not need to be a scientist to come to this conclusion but there are other

countless evidences that point very clearly to the existence of a creative Being

as the very origin of the cosmos