MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NORTH MOLTON PARISH … · 585/06/20.6 - Approval of the Minutes of the...

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Transcript of MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NORTH MOLTON PARISH … · 585/06/20.6 - Approval of the Minutes of the...



Present: Councillor R. Peek (Chairman); Councillor J. Dunn (Vice Chairman); Councillor Barron; Councillor E. Bulled; Councillor Darley; Councillor Geen; Councillor Jennings; Councillor Milne; Councillor Procter; Councillor Smaldon; District Councillor E. Bulled; County Councillor Jeremy Yabsley and the Parish Clerk, Noel Brooks

580/06/20.1 Apologies: None

581/06/20.2 Declaration of Interests: When the Clerk reported regarding the Lower Poole Phase II Development, Councillor Bulled stood down from the debate and vote. 582/06/20.3 Devon and Cornwall Constabulary: None 583/06/20.4 Representations From The Public: None 584/06/20.5 - Planning: Planning Applications For Consideration Received Since Last Parish Council Meeting

Case Ref Address & Proposal Decision

71499 The Old Waterworks, North Molton, Devon EX36 3LP Supported Erection Of Single Storey Entrance Porch To The Side Of The Building Planning Applications Advised Since Last Parish Council Meeting - Decision 62/49/20/001 Higher North Radworthy Farm, Heasley Mill, North Molton, Approved (Exmoor Nat. Pk) Devon EX37 3LF

Proposed Erection Of Lean-To (389.79sqm) For Storage Of Farm Machinery And Equipment

585/06/20.6 - Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of North Molton Parish Council held on 13th May, 2020 - approved, unanimously by those councillors who had attended the meeting. 586/06/20.7 – Clerk’s Report On 13th May, 2020 Minutes – Land At Wide Corner On New Road Where A Field Would Appear To Have Been Turned Into A Garden – The Clerk had referred this matter to NDC’s Planning Department for investigation – NDC’s Enforcement Team would be investigating the matter in due course. The Clerk read out an e-mail from the landowners explaining their position but councillors agreed to await NDC’s findings. Internet Banking – The Clerk and Chairman had effected May’s payments successfully using the online banking with Barclays. Exploration Of Possibility For Additional Car Park For North Molton On DCC-owned Land Adjacent To Roberts Field And Opposite The Lower Poole Phase II Development – County Councillor Yabsley agreed to raise the land ownership issue with the Highways Manager when they both next spoke and revert. Planning Application: 70819 – Stitchpool Farm – On 26th May, the Planning Case Officer had confirmed that she had asked for two separate enforcement cases to be logged (storage containers and unauthorised change of use of agricultural building to equestrian) and also for a further site visit to be carried out to investigate the matter – she would await the site investigation report before considering further action.

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Request To DCC’s Highways Manager For Speeding To Be Monitored In The Village – The Clerk had chased Mr Sables and had copied in Tom Vaughan and County Councillor Yabsley for the fourth time on 26th May but to no avail. Action: Both the Clerk and County Councillor Yabsley would continue to chase Mr Sables – all agreed. Amendments To Financial Regulations & Standing Orders – In accordance with the previous month’s Minutes, the Clerk had duly amended the documentation which would be placed, shortly, for access on the Parish Council’s part of the village’s website. Representation From A Member Of The Public Expressing Concerns Over The Lower Poole Phase II Development – The Clerk read out a response from the Case Officer which highlighted delays in enforcement investigative work due to the working limitations imposed by Covid-19. On 30th March the agent had said that the owner had been awaiting a meeting with the land agent in respect of the outstanding off-line drainage works and had been trying to resolve the drainage/site boundary issues. The Enforcement Officer would endeavour to take part in the meeting with the land agent. After a considered debate, members agreed, unanimously, to keep a monthly watching brief on this matter. Correspondence From Mr J. Kidd Regarding Speeding – The Clerk had responded by e-mail to Mr Kidd in accordance with members’ agreed response. 587/06/20.8 Matters Arising From The 13th May, 2020 Minutes Not On This Agenda: None

588/06/20.9 Items For Discussion:

a) Approval of 2019-2020 Asset Register – Approved unanimously by members; b) Review & Approval of The Effectiveness of the System of Internal Control (Annual Internal Audit Report 2019-

2020) - Approved unanimously by members; c) Approval of The Annual Governance Statement For The 2019-2020 External Audit - Approved unanimously

by members;

d) Approval of Audited Receipts And Payments Account For the Year To 31st March, 2020 - Approved unanimously by members;

e) Approval of The Annual Statement of Accounts For The 2019-2020 External Audit - Approved unanimously by


f) Approval of Exemption From External Audit Certificate 2019-2020 – Approved unanimously by members;

g) Approval Of Insurance Cover Renewal With Zurich Insurance From 1st June, 2020 to 31st May, 2021 – 3 Year Long-term Agreement Ending On 31st May, 2021 – To Include All Risks Cover For The Defibrillator (£1,182.00 Insured Value) At An Additional Premium Of £7.57 Per Annum – Approved unanimously by members;

h) Parish Council Vacancy – the position remains vacant;

i) Consideration Of Using The Adopted B.T. Phone Box As A Bookstore And, If Agreed, The Setting Of A

Timescale For This To Be Operational and Any Required Budget – The Clerk advised councillors that the Parish Council’s insurance policy did not provide cover in respect of Covid-19 and that members would be individually, jointly and severally responsible for any arising claim in respect of this virus in the context of the phone box being used as a Book Exchange – councillors should consider that whilst the re-opening of shops was time-restricted and managed by staff, the proposed Book Exchange would be open 24/7 and unmanaged – H.M. Government had not yet given the all-clear to parish councils to open their play areas –

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hand-gel provision and signs with instructions would not absolve the Parish Council of third-party liability for negligence under the Law of England and Wales – whilst the risk was negligible it was not zero. After a considered debate, councillors agreed, unanimously, to the phone box being used as a Book Exchange, subject to the decision on the ‘Go Live’ date being deferred to a future meeting – Councillor Bulled would approach local volunteer David Campbell regarding repainting the box using paint which had already been procured – a budget for works had not been set as it was envisaged that volunteers would not incur costs to the Parish Council;

j) Repair Of The Parish Council’s Main Noticeboard – Update By Councillor Geen – After a considered debate, councillors agreed, unanimously, to stick with the current noticeboard design but to include a 6” depth to the frame, a pinboard for the roadside aspect and safety features for the opening mechanisms – Actions: Councillors agreed, unanimously for Councillor Geen to ascertain the exact dimensions of the noticeboard to include the revised required depth and to obtain a couple of quotes from local contractors for the work – Councillor Geen is to forward the dimensions to the Clerk who is to obtain a generic quote from an outside firm for the proposed works;

k) Office Of The Police And Crime Commissioner’s Councillor Advocate Scheme – Consideration Of Nomination Of A Representative From North Molton Parish Council – Unanimously, members agreed for Chairman Peek to represent the Parish Council.

589/06/20.10 Chairman’s Report/Urgent Matters Brought Forward By The Chairman – Chairman Peek raised the general issue of the progression of highways-related works. Action: Members agreed for Councillor Milne to set up a Zoom Meeting for the Highways Team in the next week to discuss the issues and, in particular, much-needed work to some roadside verges. Action: The Clerk is to chase DCC regarding the Parish Council’s H.M.C.E.F. application for £5k. 590/06/20.11 Finance -

Barclays Community Account Balance as at 31st May, 2020: £11,275.74 Barclays Business Premium Account Balance as at 31st May, 2020: £ 6,055.64

i) Receipts: None

ii) Payments:

a) Clerk’s Net Monthly Pay & Expenses - £461.79 - Net Pay: £422.80 plus contribution to telephone & office costs of £15.00, Zoom Cloud Meetings Monthly Subscription: £14.39, Zoom Cloud Meetings V.A.T. Charge £2.40 From 15th May, 2020 and travel expenses of £7.20;

b) Community First Trading Limited - £309.98 – Annual Zurich Insurance Premium

iii) Any Other Accounts Received After Preparation of Agenda: K.L. Chugg - £90.00 – Invoice: 101960 – Internal Audit Fee

Unanimously, councillors agreed to pay the above sums.

591/06/20.12 Correspondence – The Clerk read out an e-mail from The Reverend David Baker who had confirmed that the roadside memorial items had been picked up by Mr M. Birch from whom he had obtained a receipt. 592/06/20.13 Reports – None 593/06/20.14 – Matters Brought Forward By The County/District Councillor – District Councillor Bulled reported that South Molton Town Council would be carrying out its spraying schedule for North Molton in the next week and that she would be providing her usual notice to the village to allow parishioners to express their wishes not

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to have spraying conducted outside their properties – all agreed. Whilst hedge trimmings were blocking the footpath at Five Barrows Cross, Rights Of Way Officer, Simon Houghton, was arranging for them to be cleared. Simon Houghton was also dealing with a collapsed, broken pipe under the track at Moor Lane up from Bentwitchen. Councillor Geen had spoken with Peter Stucley who had kindly offered help in mitigating the amount of water emanating from Five Barrows Cross on the western end down to Sherracombe Water which had been affecting the water going down the nearby road. District Councillor Bulled reported that NDC was starting a consultation on Monday regarding dogs on beaches and public spaces with a view to altering the restrictions to suit dog owners and the rest of the public, alike. County Councillor Yabsley had been receiving an abundance of information on many issues and would be forwarding this to the Clerk for onward transmission to councillors.

Date And Time Of The Next Meeting To Be Held Remotely Over The Internet Using Zoom Cloud Meetings Software Under The Provisons Of The Coronavirus Regulations Bill 2020: Wednesday 8th July, 2020 at 7.30 p.m.. The Meeting closed at 9.10 p.m..

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