Minutes of Meeting – 444 Heritage Council of NSW 2 … OF MEETING – 444 Heritage Council of NSW...

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Transcript of Minutes of Meeting – 444 Heritage Council of NSW 2 … OF MEETING – 444 Heritage Council of NSW...

MINUTES OF MEETING – 444 Heritage Council of NSW

2 August 2107 Callan Park

Commencing at 9:02 am

MEMBERS PRESENT Dr Mark Dunn (A/Chair) Dr Deborah Dearing Dr Raymond Kelly Ms Jane Irwin Prof Gary Sturgess AM Mr Gary White (for Secretary, Department of Planning & Environment)

OEH ATTENDEES Heritage Division Executive: Ms Pauline McKenzie, Executive Director, Mr Nigel Routh, Director, Heritage Strategy, Mr Tim Smith OAM, Director, Heritage Operations. Heritage Division Staff: Mr Rajeev Maini, Ms Cheryl Brown, Ms Sarah Jane Brazil, Mr Michael Ellis, Ms Anna London, Mr Christian Hampson and Ms MaryAnn Hamilton OEH Staff: Mr Paul Watkins, Mr Shaun Ellwood, Ms Louise Pastro, Ms Victoria Nolan, Ms Stephanie Reynolds,

APOLOGIES Mr Stephen Davies Ms Lisa Newell Mr Peter Poulet (Observer, Government Architect) Mr Ben Hewett (Observer, Government Architect) Ms Jennifer Davis

HERITAGE COUNCIL SECRETARIAT Ms Sarah Paddington Ms Natalia Leiva

GUEST PRESENTERS Item 2.5 – Callan Park Conservation Area & Buildings (SHR 00818), Landscape Structure Plan, (Lilyfield, Inner West LGA)

• Mr Mark Tyrrell, Director TyrellStudio

• Mr Gerard Reinmuth, Director Terroir

• Mr Tim Carr, Australasia Leader – Lighting, Arup Item 2.6 - Callan Park Conservation Area & Buildings (SHR 00818) - Proposed Skate Park, (Lilyfield, Inner West LGA)

• Mr Tim Brown, Parks Coordinator, Inner West Council

• Mr Roy Lumby, Senior Heritage Specialist, TKD Architects

• Mr Aaron Callaghan, Senior Parks Planner, Inner West Council.

Agenda Items

Note: The order of items discussed was adjusted during the meeting to accommodate guest presenters.

The meeting commenced at 9:02 am.

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1.0 Welcome, agenda, confirmation of minutes

1.1 Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country

Prior to commencing business, the A/Chair, Dr Mark Dunn, delivered an Acknowledgment of


1.2 Apologies, confirmation and timing of agenda

Discussion Apologies were received from Mr Stephen Davies, Ms Jenny Davis, Ms Lisa Newell, Mr Peter Poulet and Mr Ben Hewett. Members noted 2 external presentations were scheduled for the day.

Noted The Heritage Council of NSW noted the Chair’s welcome, apologies, the late papers and

confirmed the agenda.

1.3 Members declarations

Discussion No declarations of interest were provided by members prior to the meeting and no

additional declarations of interest were identified after members considered the final


Noted The Heritage Council of NSW noted no declarations were made for this meeting.

1.4 Heritage Council of NSW meeting of 5 July 2017

Discussion Members discussed the draft minutes of the 5 April 2017 Heritage Council of NSW meeting.

Resolution 2017-52. The Heritage Council of NSW:

1. Accepts the minutes as a true record of the Heritage Council of NSW meeting

held on 5 July 2017.

Moved by Prof Gary Sturgess and seconded by Mr Gary White.

1.5 Heritage Council of NSW out of session decisions since last meeting

No matters were determined by the Heritage Council of NSW out of session since the last

meeting held on 5 July 2017.

4.2 Heritage Council Regional Visit - Bega

Presentation Mr Nigel Routh advised:

On the partnership with Heritage Near Me to align the regional visit with the next Roadshow Event scheduled for 4-8 September. The Heritage Council will attend activities during 6-8 September 2017.

Discussion The members:

▪ Supported the draft itinerary, and offered to provide comment out of session if needed.

Noted The Heritage Council of NSW noted the paper.

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2.0 Presentations

2.3 KEPCO Project Tarwyn Park, Bylong Valley, Mid-Western Region LGA


At 9:38am Dr Ray Kelly joined the meeting.

Ms Cheryl Brown, acting Regional Manager, Northern Region, informed the Council of the

recently released Planning Assessment Commission’s (PAC) report about Tarwyn Park.

The presenters were invited to advise the Heritage Council regarding the presentation by

KEPCO (Korean Energy Production Company) about the Bylong Coal Project and the possible

implications for Tarwyn Park and the Iron Tank. The presenters provided hard copies of

their presentation and talked through each slide, outlining the nature of the project, the

timing of the approval processes, the environmental and heritage context of the project.

The presenters explained the Planning and Assessment Commission had commissioned a

consultant (GML) to complete an assessment report, and the KEPCO heritage specialist

spoke to parts of the report, including discussing errors of fact in the report.

Discussion The members:

▪ sought clarification of the cross section images of the open cut and underground mining

plans, the depth of cut, the placement of the infrastructure and the overall areas of

impact (surface and subsurface infrastructure).

▪ conveyed the information provided in the cross section images was considered to be a

substantial change to the environment and valley floor, despite the presentation

referring to them as ‘minimal impact’.

▪ The project needs to be considered in the landscape context; its more than just

considering the views.

▪ The boundary of the open cut will be within 107m from stables & 190m to homestead.

This means that it may be susceptible to impacts from blasting which will need to be

managed through a management plan.

▪ Members raised the large number of Aboriginal sites, which are not detailed in the

information that the members have been given. Members were informed of the

artefact scatter and rock shelter sites, including potential archaeological deposits.

▪ Presenters clarified that the mine will be operational for 8 years, and the post mining

rehabilitation works will be actively monitored.

▪ The members discussed the stage of the project and the time required to get to this

point, and queried the level of work that had been done to this point, and note

additional information is required.

▪ The work in the Hunter Valley has not included what landscapes still exist or need to be

preserved, so members do rely on well considered reports.

▪ The success of the rehabilitation of open cut mines has been studied, and the view was

expressed that these have not been restored to the original landscape – it is imperative

that important landscapes are identified and preserved. Members need to know if this

is a significant landscape, and that information is currently absent.

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▪ All members agreed, before a decision can be made, more information is required to

inform the risk to the proposed items by the works and any impacts it may have on the

significance of the item(s).

Noted The Heritage Council of NSW noted the presentation and provided comments.

2.4 Finance Papers - Quarterly Reports, Budgets, draft annual, EOFY etc.

Presentation Mr Paul Watkins, informed the Council of the number of financial matters, including the

Quarterly report, budget and draft annual end of financial year figures, and summarised the

status of the returns and expenses against the forecast figures, discussed the T-Corp report,

and the 2017-18 budget.

Resolution 2017-53. The Heritage Council of NSW:

1. Adopts the 2016-17 Quarter 4 finance report. 2. Notes the progress for the finalisation of the annual accounts for 2016-17.

Moved by Ms Jane Irwin and seconded by Dr Deborah Dearing.

2.5 Site visit: Callan Park Conservation Area & Buildings (SHR 00818), Landscape Structure Plan,

(Lilyfield, Inner West LGA)

Presentation Members attended a site visit to the landscape park and skate park (items 2.5 and 2.6).

During that site visit, the members spoke with:

Mr Mark Tyrrell, Director TyrellStudio

Mr Gerard Reinmuth, Director Terroir

Mr Tim Carr, Australasia Leader – Lighting, Arup

Discussion Members discussed and presenters/ members noted:

▪ The intrusive buildings at termination of Wharf Road and traffic issues at Waterfront


▪ The early Creek system has been undergrounded, but provides a strong visual element

for wayfinding.

▪ Opportunity to create a park on the scale of Centennial Park.

▪ About 3000 people use the Bay run on weekends, and 1000 youths use the Glover

Street Sports Ground per week.

▪ The proposal includes the removal of vehicle parking from the Waterfront Drive.

▪ Vegetation around the Waterfront Sporting Field is obscuring significant views depicted

in the 1940s photographs from the field towards Kirkbride.

▪ The existing floodlights at Glover Street Sports Ground were 25m high and elevated

above Iron Cove (sea level) 7 metres.

▪ The proposed lighting at Waterfront Drive Sports Field would sit below the Kirkbride

Lane. In the winter season the lighting would be used between 5pm-9pm.

▪ Heritage Council members expressed concern about the proposed upgrade of the

intrusive existing sporting club building, and expressed a view that this building should

be demolished as part of the upgrade works development application.

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Resolution 2017-54. The Heritage Council of NSW:

1. notes the information in the paper and the presentation;

2. provides the following comments:

a) in-principle support for the landscape structure principles presented in the Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan: Waterfront Precinct.

b) in-principle support for a Waterfront Drive Sporting Grounds Upgrade development application to be lodged with Inner West Council that is consistent with the Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan: Waterfront Precinct, and includes design details for:

(i) a simplified alignment of the Bay Run across the creek and along the historic Waterfront Drive alignment.

(ii) improved connections across the creek line and a continuous character along the creek line.

(iii) strategic arrangement of car parking to provide access to the waterfront without impacting the waterfront parklands or the connection between the central slope and the waterfront.

(iv) selective removal of the intrusive buildings and elements and reuse and enhancement of the high value heritage buildings and elements.

(v) reuse of the building south of the Waterfront Drive Sporting Ground at Military Drive as the sports club pavilion.

(vi) removal of fencing along sports fields and Callan Point to improve public access to the waterfront spaces.

c) recommends that the Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan include further consideration of the role of heritage trees and recently planted trees and other vegetation on the structure and values of the landscape.

d) recommends that the Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan, includes an overarching study that illustrates the sequential development of buildings and landscape elements across Callan Park to inform each precinct.

e) recommends that the Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan for each precinct clearly identifies significant heritage built elements, trees and landscape features.

f) recommends that the Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan for each precinct provides a clear nexus between the identified heritage values and recommendations/policies.

g) recommends that each precinct study, including the Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan: Waterfront Precinct illustrates its relationship to the other Callan Park Landscape Structure Plan precinct studies

Moved by Ms Jane Irwin and seconded by Dr Deborah Dearing.

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2.6 Site visit: Callan Park Conservation Area & Buildings (SHR 00818) - Proposed Skate Park,

(Lilyfield, Inner West LGA)

Presentation Members attended a site visit to the landscape park and skate park (items 2.5 and 2.6).

During that site visit, the members spoke with:

Mr Tim Brown, Parks Coordinator, Inner West Council

Mr Roy Lumby, Senior Heritage Specialist, TKD Architects

Mr Aaron Callaghan, Senior Parks Planner, Inner West Council,

informed the council that:

Discussion The members:

▪ noted the proposed skate park may be opposed by parts of the community.

▪ the proposed demolition of the buildings was considered, and members agreed that

other buildings with less heritage value than those proposed would be more suited to

demolition. The Heritage Council is supportive of the concept of the skate park and

would recommend that the buildings to be demolished be prioritised to provide a

better trade-off for the community.

Resolution 2017-55. The Heritage Council of NSW:

1. provides the following comments:

a. The proposed location of the Skate Park is supported, because it is in an area of Callan Park that is a highly modified landscape of little significance and its location is visually isolated from its significant landscaped spaces and landmark buildings.

b. The Heritage Council gives in-principle support for the demolition of the three buildings graded little significance for offsetting of the Skate Park development area, but recommends the prioritisation and demolition of buildings in accordance with the Landscape Structure Plan to maximise heritage benefits.

c. The Heritage Council supports the heritage-led concept design for the Skate Park that takes its cues from the built heritage and recommends that the Skate Park’s materiality and detailed design is submitted with the development application.

d. The Heritage Council requests that a Landscape Plan is prepared for the Skate Park proposal that is consistent with OEH’s Landscape Structure Plan.

e. The Heritage Council notes that the comments above (a-d) are given on an “in-principle” basis and would consider all relevant information, including detailed designs, when these are provided in the Development Application. This will also include all public submissions and Statements of Heritage Impacts.

Moved by Prof. Gary Sturgess and seconded by Dr Ray Kelly.

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3.1 Heathcote Hall (SHR 00191), 1-21 Dillwynnia Grove, Heathcote - Conservation Management


Presentation Mr Tim Smith provided some background and history to this matter. Ms Anna London


▪ Heathcote Hall (SHR 00191), 1-21 Dillwynnia Grove, Heathcote CMP is being presented

for endorsement. The CMP identifies two development zones in the northern portion of

the curtilage and an IDA has been submitted to the Heritage Council for residential


Members noted the report and recommendations, and supported the CMP.

Resolution 2017-56. The Heritage Council of NSW:

a. endorses the Heathcote Hall, 1-21 Dillwynnia Grove, Heathcote NSW, Conservation Management Plan, 18 July 2017.

Moved by Professor Gary Sturgess and seconded by Dr Mark Dunn.

3.2 Sydney Opera House (SHR 01685), Bennelong Point, Sydney - Conservation Management Plan

Presentation Mr David Nix advised:

▪ Sydney Opera House CMP has been a project which has been progressively developed

over the past 18-24 months. The format of this CMP varies slightly from typical CMP

templates considered by the Heritage Council, by specifically outlining the state,

National and World Heritage values to ensure the management of each was clear.

Discussion The members:

• noted that all amendments that had been suggested were made by the Sydney Opera


• sought clarification of how the cumulative impacts would be considered and monitored

in the CMP.

Resolution 2017-57. The Heritage Council of NSW:

a. commends Sydney Opera House Trust and Alan Croker on the development of a high-quality Conservation Management Plan that deals with the complexity of the Sydney Opera House and responds to its international, national and state level heritage significance. The Conservation Management Plan will lead the way for management of the Sydney Opera House for many years to come.

b. endorses Respecting the Vision, Sydney Opera House Conservation Management Plan 4th Edition, July 2017, prepared by Alan Croker.

c. notes that further work regarding cumulative impacts be undertaken. Moved by Dr Mark Dunn and seconded by Dr Deborah Dearing.

3.3 Robb College, University of New England, Armidale - Conservation Management Plan

Presentation Mr Stephen Davies joined the meeting via phone for this specific item. Ms Pauline McKenzie

provided a brief outline of:

• the history of this matter.

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▪ the outcomes of the meeting with the Vice-Chancellor of UNE, the Minister for Heritage

and Heritage Division staff, and also the outcomes of the subsequent meeting held with

the Chair of the Heritage Council and Heritage Division staff.

▪ the options that could be available from this point on, and the feasibility of each option.

Discussion ▪ Mr Stephen Davies conveyed his view that the college, its materiality and the overall

site is important. Members discussed the reasons in favour of listing and whether the

rationale remained valid. Members agreed the significance had not changed, but noted

the issues for this project, including the Council’s financial and time investment, had not

led to an outcome that works for all stakeholders at this point in time.

▪ Members noted the schematics in the draft CMP are still not of a standard that provides

certainty and detail required to apply the CMP in practice, and the terms demolition

and replacement were used, rather than terms of conservation and sympathetic works.

Resolution 2017-58. The Heritage Council of NSW:

1. confirms its previous finding that the item is of state significance. 2. acknowledges all options outlined for addressing this matter; and agree each

option is suboptimal. 3. does not propose to progress the SHR listing for Robb College at this time. 4. supports its Chair to seek a meeting with the Minister for Heritage to discuss

the matter further. Moved by Dr Deborah Dearing and seconded by Ms Jane Irwin.

3.4 IDA - Parramatta North Urban Transformation Project (SHR 00811, 00812, 00820) - Super lot

subdivision and public domain works

Presentation Mr Michael Ellis advised that:

The Parramatta north urban transformation project, specifically the early works in DA1 include seeking consent for:

▪ subdivision for open spaces, development lots and for roads.

▪ construction of roads, and lead-in and support infrastructure.

▪ construction and embellishment of open spaces proposed to be dedicated to Council.

▪ demolition of some existing structures, buildings and associated tree removal.

Discussion The members:

▪ bring PCC team (light rail) to come to speak to the Council.

Resolution 2017-59. The Heritage Council of NSW:

1. that the issues be referred to the Government Subcommittee meeting in

August 2017.

Moved by Dr Mark Dunn and seconded by Dr Deborah Dearing.

4.0 Legislative, policy and administrative matters

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4.1 Heritage Near Me Briefing

Presentation Mr Christian Hampson advised the Council on the Heritage Near Me program, which


▪ Heritage Activation Grants for the 2017-18, and 98 applications were received. ▪ the trends and patterns of heritage engagement across the state over 2016 and

2017. ▪ the regional distribution of local heritage strategic projects and their progress,

processes and partnerships.

Discussion The members inquired about: ▪ the roadshow and how HNM engages with local communities. ▪ the programs for kids writing code. ▪ the lessons learnt about using design, applying the concepts and value for money.

Noted The Heritage Council of NSW noted the paper.

5.0 Listing matters

5.2 Mt Penang Parklands, Mt Penang, City of Gosford, Site specific exemptions

Presentation Ms MaryAnn Hamilton provided background to this listed item. The proposal seeks the

Heritage Council of NSW endorse site specific exemptions (SSE) for the Kariong Mountains

High School site which is located within the Mount Penang Parklands SHR curtilage (SHR

No.01776). The purpose of these exemptions is to streamline the ongoing maintenance of

the high school buildings; the management of school events and functions such as fetes and

carnivals; advertisement of school events and initiatives; and temporary or emergency

securing of safety of users or the public.

Discussion The members:

▪ clarified that the owners applied for the exemptions, and whether it is adjacent to the

school site (given the Education department’s policy position for tree pruning).

Resolution 2017-60. The Heritage Council of NSW:

1. in accordance with section 57(2) of the Heritage Act 1977, recommend that the Minister grant the following site specific exemptions from section 57(1) of the Act in addition to the previously approved Heritage Council Standard Exemptions

a. All external repairs and maintenance, to the Kariong Mountains High School buildings, which match the existing fabric in appearance and material (and will not alter the existing visual impact to and within Mount Penang Parklands);

b. The maintenance and repair (excluding widening) of existing roads, paths, fences, garden edges and gates, within the Kariong Mountains High School site, matching the existing fabric in appearance and material;

c. The erection of temporary structures (including stages, fencing, portable lavatories, food and beverage services and marquees) within

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the boundary of the Kariong Mountains High School, for the purpose of school activities and events, providing that:

i. an exclusion zone of 15m from the western boundary and 20m from the northern boundary is maintained and temporarily fenced off to exclude parking or storage in that zone; and

ii. the structures are erected within and used for a maximum period of 4 weeks after which it will be` removed within 4 days and not erected again within a period of two months;

d. Interior works and activities associated with the installation of computing equipment, TV screens, teaching fittings and fixtures (such as smart boards, shelving, sinks, benches and storage units) and audio visual equipment to buildings with Kariong Mountains High School.

e. The erection of temporary signage such as banners, about school events and initiatives, on the boundary fence of Kariong Mountains High School, fronting Festival Drive, which are displayed for a maximum period of eight weeks; and

f. The erection of temporary security fencing, scaffolding, hoarding or surveillance systems to prevent unauthorised access or secure public safety which will not adversely affect significant fabric including landscape (eg tree root zones) or archaeological features. Such fencing shall be supported by means not involving excavation.

Moved by Prof. Gary Sturgess and seconded by Dr Mark Dunn.

6.0 Reports

6.1 Executive Director, Heritage Division's monthly update

Discussion The paper was taken as read by members. Ms Pauline McKenzie provided updates on the

following matters and discussed with the members:

▪ a judgement has been handed down by the Land and Environment Court in relation to

the Sirius building.

▪ requests have been received from stakeholders seeking to speak to the Council about

Tarwyn Park.

▪ an offsite meeting at Parramatta North would occur this year.

▪ requested by Urbangrowth for Heritage Council representation at the Eveleigh urban

stakeholder consultation.

▪ 69 Kissing Point Road has an Interim Heritage Order issued by the local council.

Noted The Heritage Council of NSW noted the additional updates.

Action Heritage Division will liaise with UrbanGrowth regarding the Eveleigh consultation and the

skill set required for member/s attending the meeting.

6.2 Chair of the Heritage Council of NSW monthly update

Minutes of Heritage Council of NSW Meeting – August 2017 Page 11 of 13

Discussion The Acting Chair raised that Dr Ray Kelly’s term as a representative of the Heritage Council

of NSW, on the Aboriginal cultural heritage advisory committee (ACHAC) was nearly ended.

The Heritage Council had been asked to support the renewal of Dr Kelly on ACHAC, and

sought the council’s support.

Mr Nigel Routh outlined in the Chair’s absence, a request for sponsorship had been made

for the 2020 Australia ICOMOS event, and the Chair had intended to ask the members to

support this matter, and seek their supporting inviting Mr Richard Mackay to speak to the

Council in the coming months. Mr Routh also conveyed the Chair had received a request for

sponsorship for the Historic Houses Association 2018 conference, noting the event is

seeking to support owners of historic houses. The Chair had conveyed his view that both of

these sponsorship requests provided opportunities for the Heritage Council to raise the

profile of heritage through innovative approaches and engagement.

Resolution 2017-61. The Heritage Council of NSW:

1. supports the continued appointment and nomination of Dr Raymond Kelly, of

the Heritage Council of NSW, as their representative on the Aboriginal Cultural

Heritage Advisory Committee.

2. agrees to fund the Historic Houses conference for an amount of $10,000.

3. That a representative of Australia ICOMOS (AICOMOS) be invited to address the

Heritage Council later this year regarding their bid to hold the 2020 ICOMOS

World Congress.

Moved by Dr Mark Dunn and seconded by Ms Jane Irwin.

Action Heritage Division will issue a letter to ICOMOS conveying support and willingness to

consider financial input at a future meeting.

Heritage Division will develop a funding agreement for the Historic Houses event in 2018

and look for opportunities for innovative engagement by the Heritage Council.

Secretariat to invite AICOMOS to address the Heritage Council.

6.3 Department of Planning & Environment Chief Planner's report

Discussion The paper was taken as read by members. Mr White encouraged members to seek

additional advice on any matters listed in the report.

Noted The Heritage Council of NSW noted the paper and updates.

7.0 Monthly and quarterly reporting

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7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7

The following reports were taken as read. Heritage Council Action Report Conservation matters approved under delegation Listing matters Grant matters Conservation major projects status Conservation section quarterly report Heritage compliance quarterly report

8.0 Committee and sub committee updates

8.1 Heritage Council committee updates

Discussion The paper was taken as read by members.

Noted The Heritage Council of NSW noted the committee notes and updates.

9.0 General business

2.1 Draft State Heritage Register policy and targeted consultation plan

Presentation Ms Marian Fitzgerald, Ms Louise Pastro, Ms Victoria Nolan, Ms Stephanie Reynolds from the

Heritage Policy Branch discussed:

• their team is seeking approval of the Heritage Council to commence targeted

consultation on the draft State Heritage Register Policy.

• noting further opportunities will be provided to comment on the policy.

• outlined previous resolutions and decisions made by the Heritage Council.

• outlined the intent and parts of the draft SHR framework policy.

Discussion The members:

▪ recommended including additional targeted consultation with the Royal Australian

Historic Society, Australian Garden History Society.

▪ members sought clarification on how things are grouped, noting that the methodology

and constructs for considering the register could affect whether there are identified

‘gaps’. Need to highlight that previous constructs may not capture all things that should

be considered.

▪ need a program of work that captures the narrative.

▪ recommended that page 20 of the paper be amended to include the word necessarily.

i.e. the nomination ‘may not necessarily be progressed’.

▪ noted the deferred list has been funded to clear the backlog, but noted that this matter

is different from that program.


Minutes of Heritage Council of NSW Meeting – August 2017 Page 13 of 13

I confirm that these minutes are an accurate reflection of the Heritage Council of NSW discussion and



Mr Stephen Davies

Chair, Heritage Council of NSW

Date: 2 August 2017