Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Ontario Women’s ... · job search, job placement,...

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Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration

Ontario Women’s Directorate

Updated: Oct 2013

Funding Guidelines

& Application Instructions

Women in Skilled Trades and

Information Technology Training Program




DEADLINE - All applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on November 18, 2013. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Send an electronic copy of your completed Application to:

PROGRAM The Ontario Women’s Directorate is issuing this invitation for applications for the Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology (WIST/IT) Training program (from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2016). Women continue to be under-represented in the skilled trades and information technology sectors despite a growing demand for labour in these occupations. Funding is for providing training for low-income women who are unemployed or under-employed to gain gender-sensitive in-class training and on-the-job training to prepare them for employment in these occupations. The Skilled Trades stream provides pre-apprenticeship training geared towards increasing the number of women in skilled trades. Following graduation, women are qualified to enter a variety of high-demand skilled trades jobs and apprenticeships. The Information Technology stream enables women to secure employment, further training and certification in the IT sector, or to enter IT apprenticeship programs. As a result of this initiative, women are prepared for well-paying employment in the information technology sector, and employers are able to recruit and retain more skilled workers. The WIST/IT Training program is delivered through funding to training delivery agencies in communities where skill shortages have been identified or are projected by local employers and labour market information. The program offers gender-sensitive in-class and on-the-job training to prepare women for employment. Please see the Program Guidelines for information about the required program elements for the development and delivery of your training program.


Eligible Applicants The following organizations may apply for funding:


an organization incorporated federally or provincially as a not-for-profit corporation, or

a broader public sector organization, or an Aboriginal organization that is a legal entity.

Organizations that do not meet any of the above criteria may be part of a collaborative or consortium that includes at least one eligible member. The eligible member would act as the lead applicant and would accept legal and financial responsibility for any approved grant. All applicants must operate in compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Applicants Not Eligible for Funding Applications will not be considered:

from individuals or profit-based organizations; from organization’s seeking deficit or emergency funding; for projects headquartered outside of Ontario or with programming occurring

outside of Ontario; and for religious and/or political activities.

FUNDING A total of $4.2 million (over two fiscal years) is available through this Invitation for Applications (IFA). Project activities are expected to begin April 1, 2014 and be completed by March 31, 2016 with a Final Report to follow on April 31, 2016. For details on what costs are eligible, see Section H: Project Financial Information. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS - CHECKLIST Completed Application form Completed Templates, Excel document, Tabs A and B:

Tab A – Milestones – Projected Results Tab B – Projected Budget

Letters of support from any partners, confirming their involvement in the project and verifying any financial and/or in-kind contributions to the project. May use Toolkit - Sample Tools for use with Employers:

C-1 - Employer Support Letter Template - Skilled Trades Stream C-2 - Employer Support Letter Template – Information Technology Stream


Documents confirming any contributions to the project from other funders, for example, a letter from another government ministry confirming the amount, timing and purpose of its funding

Applicant organization’s most recent annual report Applicant organization’s most recent audited financial statement A copy of any Management Letters issued to the Applicant by the Auditor, if applicable A list of the Applicant’s Board of Directors (including names, Board positions, telephone

numbers and addresses, occupations if relevant to their participation on the Board)

NOTE: If any of the above attachments is not relevant to the applicant, a reasonable equivalent or explanation may be accepted instead.

Please clearly label all attachments. Attach other documents only if necessary, for example, if the application form does not allow enough space to complete your Project Description. Please list these other attachments in the application.

CONTACT INFORMATION Questions about the Invitation for Applications for the Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training program should be directed to OWD staff (available Monday to Friday during normal business hours):

Melani Tandon Partnership Development Specialist Phone: 416.314.0321; Toll Free: 1.866.510.5902 TTY: 416.314.0258 E-mail:

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA All applications will be reviewed for completeness and eligibility once they are received. Only complete and eligible applications will be considered for funding. All applicants will receive written notification of the final decision, whether their application is approved or declined. Applicants may also sign in to Grants Ontario to check on the status of their application(s). Programs will be selected for funding through a competitive process. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated against the program’s eligibility criteria, as well as the extent to which applications have demonstrated that their training program will provide high quality skills training to women, and that the participants will be supported to succeed in all aspects of the program. Proposals must include detailed responses to illustrate the organization’s experience and ability to undertake the proposed project.


OWD will consider geographical representation and that the complement of programs supported through WIST/IT serve diverse groups of women across the province, including Francophone women and women with disabilities. Applications will be evaluated on the extent to which they demonstrate the following: 1. Capacity to deliver the proposed project (30% of total score)

evidence of sound governance and finances experience delivering effective projects with comparable scope using sound project

management techniques demonstrated delivery of projects on time and within budget proven subject matter expertise

2. Soundness of the proposed approach (30% of total score) demonstrated need for the project evidence the proposed approach will be effective practical activities and timelines link to a meaningful evaluation plan outcomes are achievable and align with the project’s objectives overall clarity and comprehensiveness plans for the organization to sustain the training through integration with other

training and/or resources within the sector

3. Accessibility, diversity and gender-based analysis (20% of total score) applicant demonstrates expertise in addressing accessibility, diversity and gender-

based analysis approach integrates accessibility, diversity and gender-based analysis approach identifies realistic strategies to reach target populations project includes a commitment to support the diverse needs of women

4. Value for money through the budget and financial information (20% of total

score) budget items align with the project description and deliverables sufficient information provided to evaluate whether costing is realistic proposed expenses are reasonable

APPLICATION QUESTIONS – GUIDELINES Section D – Organization Capacity This section asks for information on the applicant organization including staffing, volunteers, governance, past performance and skills that indicate how successful a project might be.


Questions D.1- 7. See application form. D.8. Outline your organization’s risk management plan for the prevention of abuse to clients, members and staff. As of June 15, 2010, the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) was amended to include specific requirements regarding workplace violence and workplace harassment. The OHSA now: • establishes minimum standards regarding an employer’s duties to address workplace

violence and workplace harassment • requires employers to address workplace violence: policy, program, assessment of

risks, information and instruction, including information disclosure • extends the work refusal provisions to include workplace violence as a ground for

refusing unsafe work • requires employers to address domestic violence in the workplace • requires employers to address harassment: policy, program, information and


Explain how your organization is responding to these requirements in relation to its risk management plan. Questions 9, 10 and 11 may not be applicable if you are applying from a broader public sector organization such as a college. Questions D.12-16. See application form. Section E: Grant Payment Information See application form. Section F: Application Contact Information See application form. Section G: Project Information Questions G. 1-G. 8. See application form. G.9. Project Description Building on the summary above, provide a comprehensive description of how your organization will implement the project. This description should be consistent with the milestones, activities, timing and responsibilities outlined in section G.16. Work Plan. If the project is multi-year, please break out activities by fiscal year. Questions G. 10-G. 15. See application form.


G.16. Work Plan The work plan should provide a clear idea of how the project will be carried out. It should demonstrate a systematic approach to accomplishing the project’s objectives. Include detailed information of all project phases such as development, implementation and evaluation. Complete the following work plan components:

Key Milestones – that mark the completion of a work phase Activities – tasks that will be undertaken to complete the project. You may list

several ‘Activities’ under ‘Key Milestones’. Start Date – anticipated start date of each activity End Date – anticipated end date of each activity Responsibility – indicates who is in charge of completing the activities Performance Indicator – signal that demonstrates a task is achieved successfully.

The performance indicators you list will be used as benchmarks to determine the progress of the project.

Include detailed information on all project phases: program development training for partners such to promote a positive work and learning environment for

women academic upgrading (if included in your program) skills-based employment training employability training and workplace preparation work placement job search, job placement, employment counselling referrals to further education and training graduation, certification evaluation

Section H: Financial Information Complete attachment Tab B – Projected Budget chart in Excel. Include the proposed revenue and expenses throughout the length of project. Section I – Performance Measures Quantitative Results Applicants must track basic quantitative performance measures. Annual targets for the program’s two Key Performance Measures are:

o Percentage of women who completed training who found a paid apprenticeship, a job, self-employment or went on to further training. The standard performance target for this program is 80%.


Qualitative Results Applicants must track basic qualitative performance measures such as the following:

Percentage of women who were satisfied with the program. The standard performance target for this program is 80%.

Number of respondents to Effectiveness measure above. Your project may add performance measures to the table within this section of the application form. Section J: Partner / Stakeholder Information Name: Provide the name of each partner organization that has committed to assisting your organization to deliver the project. Remember that partners identified in the work plan (Section G: Project Information) must also be listed in this section. Stakeholders who were consulted about the project should also be noted and their role and contribution described. Type: Identify whether the listed organization is a partner or stakeholder. Role: Specify whether each partner/stakeholder is new and describe their contribution to the project. Description: Describe how the partners are involved in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of the project. Applicants must attach signed letters from each partner listed, confirming their involvement in the project and verifying their financial and/or in-kind contributions to the project. Applicants are obliged to send a copy of the completed application to their identified partners. Signed letters are not required from stakeholders. Section P: Declaration/Signing See application form.

A. Program Mandate

The mandate of the Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology training program is to provide employment training and supports to low-income women who are unemployed or under-employed to gain gender-sensitive in-class and on-the-job training to prepare them for employment in these occupations. Through this program, women gain employment skills and certification, find jobs and build economic security.

B. Required Program Elements

Training programs must integrate the following elements: Skills-based employment training in either a skilled trade or information technology

field. Skills training that incorporates employability and workplace preparation (e.g. job

search and interview skills, employment standards, human rights and workplace safety, workplace tours, workplace culture preparedness etc.). This training should provide the particular supports women need to access and succeed in training and the work place and prepare them to meet employer expectations. Training must also provide skills to address gender sensitivity and cultural awareness.

Educational activities for partners such as employers and training institutions to promote a positive work and learning environment for women. The proposal must demonstrate that work placements and training environments are appropriate for female trainees and that there are policies in place to address issues of harassment.

Paid work placements provided through a partnership between the training institution and employers. Employers offering positions in targeted entry level skilled trades or IT jobs must participate in the design and implementation of the work-based component. If a paid placement is not possible, an option for volunteer placement must be provided.

Services to help participants find and maintain suitable employment (e.g. job search, job placement, employment counselling).

Referrals for further education and training. Assistance to remove barriers to training for program participation (e.g. childcare,

travel, food on-site, accessibility for women with disabilities). Opportunities for peer support and to help participants develop a network

supportive of their goals. Recognition of achievements (e.g. pre-apprenticeship certification, certificate

indicating courses completed, graduation) Some programs may also include academic upgrading required by participants to

attain the minimum academic requirements for the area of study or academic skills required for successful completion of their program.


C. Program Guidelines and Criteria for Eligibility

Programs are open to community colleges, adult education centres and training delivery agencies approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. 1. Community Economic Benefits, Supports, Partners

Applicants must have demonstrated support from partners in a sector that employ

either skilled trades or IT workers, including letters outlining how they will contribute to or participate in the training program.

Applications must include letters of intent from employers who are committed to taking students for paid work placements/employment. (see Toolkit C-1 and C-2 for a form letter that may be used).

Training organizations must establish an Advisory Committee comprised of industry and employer advisors. The training partnership will work with the committee to ensure the training provided is relevant to the needs of its local labour market community.

Training organizations must contact the local Apprenticeship Field Office as well as the local Employment Ontario delivery agency to discuss varying levels of partnership such as assistance in identifying potential participants, delivery of employment preparation, identifying linkages with employers, providing wage subsidies and on-site monitoring. Please call the Employment Ontario Hotline at 1-800-387-5656 for a list of local organizations.

Applications should demonstrate how training organizations will work with community partners to ensure participants are supported to succeed throughout the program. Key considerations include:

o nutrition for participants during the training day; o transportation to and from training; o child care during training.

Applications targeting women with disabilities are encouraged. Supports to ensure their success in the program must be provided.

Applications targeting women from diverse backgrounds are encouraged. Supports to ensure their success in the program must be provided.

2. Training Organizations/Key People

Applications must demonstrate a proven record of excellence in delivering training

programs as evidenced by supporting documentation/history of program delivery. Training organizations must have a proven track record of securing work placements

and employment for WIST/IT students if they have delivered these programs in the past.

Level 1 skilled trades training must be delivered by a provincially approved training delivery agent for the trade.


Key program staff must have the knowledge, qualifications and experience to deliver the proposed program.

3. Proposed Training Program

Proposals must demonstrate a skill shortage in the area of their proposed training. Local labour market information must be included, as well as letters from industry associations, community partners, and employers.

Programs may include academic upgrading required by participants to attain the minimum academic requirements for the trade of study or academic skills required for successful completion of their program.

Training and work placements must provide and develop skills applicable to more than one business entity/corporation.

Training organizations must ensure that the target population served are low-income women who are unemployed or under-employed (please refer to “Student Eligibility Criteria” for OWD Funding of Training Seats).

Training organizations are encouraged to provide training to and ensure accessibility for women with disabilities. Training organizations must ensure the work placements provided are accessible to women with disabilities.

The Ontario Women’s Directorate encourages applicants to consider the needs of the Francophone community by ensuring access to programs, services and resources in French.

i. Skilled Trades Stream: Projects must provide both in-class skilled trades training and arrange work placements that will enable students to: Achieve all Level 1 outcomes that are based on the curriculum standard for the trade.

Training delivery agents are required to provide a transcript to the participant for this completion.

Obtain credit toward an apprenticeship for the time spent in their in-school and work placements as agreed upon by the employer to sign off training standards and/or competencies.

Qualify for further training or an apprenticeship in a skilled trades sector. Receive full health and safety training as part of their skilled trades program prior to

going on a work placement. Programs must include trade readiness components according to the needs of the participant group.

In-class components must incorporate enhanced mathematics, computer competencies, employability and workplace preparation to help women prepare for a predominantly male work environment as well as to understand employer expectations.


ii. Information Technology Stream: Programs must include training and certification towards an industry-recognized certificate for IT related jobs. Participants must take part in exam preparation and be given the opportunity to take industry-recognized certification exams before completion of the program. Program graduates should be able to secure entry-level or higher-level employment in the IT sector, enrol in further training and certification, or enter IT apprenticeship programs recognized by the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities. 4. Outcomes

Training organizations must establish and maintain a system to track participant

progress and results against performance targets, and be able to provide and verify this data when requested by the OWD. This system ought to include establishing consent with program participants to seek the status of their employment income prior to training, upon completion of training and at six months after they have completed the program.

All information forwarded to the OWD must be presented in an aggregate form. Information that could identify individuals will not be requested and should not be provided.

Funded programs are required to track and report data to the OWD in reports. (See Appendix D – Results Tracking Forms, Appendices A-H). Note: Data requirements may be subject to change, with reasonable advance notice.

5. Budget

Training organizations must determine the amount of funding requested from the OWD

for each participant. The average cost per seat for WIST/IT programs is approximately $13,000. This represents the entire project cost divided by the number of projected participants.

Training organizations must explore all funding options with each participant, such as employment training funds available through Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Employment Insurance and the Ontario Student Assistance Program. The OWD is to be considered the funder of last resort for the employment training portion of the program.

i. Eligible Costs

Eligible costs are budget items directly related to the project. Costs should be reasonable and necessary for the project’s successful completion and implementation. The Province determines eligibility and valuation. Eligible costs include, but are not limited to, the following:


Project staff: Salaries and benefits for staff time in proportion to the amount of time spent working directly on the training program. The applicant is required for audit purposes to maintain timesheets or appropriate records for all employees working directly on the project to verify time and expenditures spent on project work. Training Materials and Instructional Costs: Training materials and costs for certification and other identified instructional costs may be included in the budget. Project-related administration costs: These include bookkeeping, administrative support, internet/fax/phone, office supplies - not to exceed 15% of total eligible expenses. Other Professional Fees: Consultants/Sub-Contractors: Consulting or other services directly related to the

training must be estimated at fair market value or less. Satisfactory evidence demonstrating that the services do not exceed fair market value may be required.

Legal Fees/Professional Fees: Professional fees other than legal/audit fees directly related to and required for the management of the project, or to conduct the work of the project, may be eligible. Costs must not exceed fair market value.

Administration Costs: Project-related administration costs are eligible. These include bookkeeping costs, administrative support, fax, phone, internet, office supplies. Costs not to exceed 15% of total eligible expenses.

Audit Costs: Programs require an audit by an external auditor. The audit of the WIST/IT programs may be part of the organization’s annual audit process. A fair portion of the audit fees may be charged to the program and is considered an eligible expense under Administration Costs.

Professional fees directly related to and required for the management of the project, or to conduct the work of the project, may be eligible. Costs must not exceed fair market value.

Wage Subsidies: Organizations may submit a request for a wage subsidy as part of the budget template provided. Wage subsidies are only provided where the employer is paying the participant during her work placement. Wage subsidies may not exceed $1,300 per participant and may only be used to subsidize the participant’s wages during the paid work placement. Employers who receive a wage subsidy through Job Connect for the workplace component of this program will not be eligible for wage subsidies through this program and vice versa.

Marketing and Outreach: Costs related to promotion, advertising and recruitment directly related to the project may be included in the budget.

Evaluation: Costs for evaluating the effectiveness of the program. Accessibility: Costs related to removing barriers to women with disabilities to

participate in the training program. Costs related to developing partnerships to ensure participants are supported to succeed throughout the program, including child care during training, food during training, transportation to and from training.

Travel, Meals and Hospitality Expenses: Please see below for eligible expenses directly related to the project.


ii. Ineligible Costs The following expenses will not be covered, even if they are related to the project. Activities that could be deemed discriminatory, as defined by the Ontario Human Rights

Code Annual general meetings, budget deficits, membership fees, fundraising activities,

committee and political meetings, or religious activities Costs covered by other government funding Contingency or unexplained miscellaneous costs Costs not specifically related to the project Activities that take place outside of Ontario Feasibility studies; infrastructure or large capital expenses including the renovation,

construction or transformation of permanent spaces, parks or grounds; furniture, fixtures or other non-portable equipment

Portion of Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) costs that are refundable Any expense incurred before receiving written Ministry approval Training allowances Please consult OWD if the eligibility of certain expense items is unclear. iii. In-kind Contributions

In-kind contributions are the total value of donated goods, commodities or services such as volunteer hours, marketing services, equipment and/or office space that are provided to the organization. iv. Cash Contributions

Any financial donation, sponsorship, grant or loan related to the project must be included.

v. Budget Template – Mandatory Attachment – TAB B (in Excel) Please review the following instructions carefully before completing this section. Also see Eligible Costs. Itemize all expenditures and contributions required to carry out your project to provide a complete picture of the total value. Be sure to include details for each item (e.g. for staffing positions, include a description of role, number of hours per week, and wage and benefits as they relate to the project). For purchased items, include the cost per unit and number of items needed. Two years of funding are available. Indicate what year the expenditures will occur in (2014/15 or 2015/16), and how the anticipate revenue for these will be provided as cash, in-kind or requested from OWD. Note: All cash and in-kind contributions from other organizations must be confirmed in writing and be included as an attachment.


Although your organization is asked to disclose ineligible expenses, remember OWD funding cannot be used to cover these costs (see Ineligible Costs). vi. Guidelines, for Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses

Applicants are required to apply the following guidelines to any travel, meal and hospitality expenses. Transportation: Projects are expected to use the most practical and economical way to

travel and explore alternatives such as teleconferencing where possible. Whenever practical, local public transportation/hotel shuttles must be used. Rail or air transportation are permitted if either is the most practical and economical way to travel. The standard is coach/economy class.

Reimbursement Rates for Personal Vehicle Use: Southern Ontario = $0.40 per km,

Northern Ontario = $0.41 per km. Accommodation: When a member requires overnight accommodation, single

accommodation in a standard room is allowed. No reimbursement should be made for suites, executive floors, or concierge levels. A maximum of $30.00 per night is allowed for private stays with family or friends (no receipt is required).

Meal Rates (including taxes and gratuities): Cannot include reimbursement for

alcoholic beverages. Maximum meal rates: Breakfast $8.75; Food $11.25; Dinner $20.00. For a full day of meal claims (i.e., breakfast, food and dinner), there is discretion to allocate the daily total three-meal rate of $40, with a cap of $20 on the amount for any single meal. Meal rates do not apply to training or other group events offered as part of the project.

Non-Eligible Expenses: Items of a personal nature. Record Keeping: Original receipts (not photocopies) must be collected and kept on file

by the applicant. When the applicant decides to exercise discretion in making an exception to the above guidelines, and in order to ensure a proper record for audit purposes, the rationale for the exception must be documented and be attached to the expense claim.

D. Responsibilities of Training Organizations

Organizations that receive funding for the WIST/IT initiative must assume the following responsibilities: Recruit and deliver training to the number of participants as determined in their

Agreement. Ensure program participants are eligible for training.


Compile and submit progress and financial reports to the OWD on an initial, mid-term and final basis, as laid out in the Agreement. A report on the status of each student is also required at six months after program completion.

Track outcomes and report them using the format in Appendix D – Results Tracking Forms.

Monitor work placements to ensure high quality training experiences. Make reasonable attempts to have employers pay salaries to participants for the

duration of their work placements. Conduct student evaluations of in-class training and work placements. Conduct employer evaluations of students’ competency. Legal responsibilities:

Before any funds are provided by the OWD, a legal Agreement in form and content satisfactory to the OWD must be negotiated and signed by the OWD and the recipient of the funds.

The recipient of funds must be a legal entity in the Province of Ontario, and accountable for the funding.

Recipients must provide a signed original letter or statement confirming their legal responsibility for the training initiative.

The recipient is required to put into effect and maintain for the duration of their program, at their own expense, all necessary insurance for the initiative, including Commercial General Liability Insurance to an inclusive limit of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence. If the program is approved for funding, the recipient must provide the OWD with a copy of their Certificate of Insurance as a condition of funding.

The recipient must agree to an independent audit of the project, including program revenues and expenditures.

Recipients may be required to provide a copy of their latest audited financial statement and those of significant partners in the program before the legal agreement is finalized.

E. Student Eligibility Criteria for OWD funding of WIST/IT Training Seats a) Participant Criteria - General

Student acceptance into the WIST/IT training program will be decided upon by the training institution and determined using comprehensive screening and assessment tools for each applicant. The following criteria describe who is eligible for the program: A woman must: be at least 16 years old; have an Ontario Grade 12 graduation diploma or equivalent; be a resident of and able to work in Ontario; demonstrate the necessary skill, aptitudes and commitment to succeed in the trade or

IT area;


have an income that does not exceed the maximums set out in the Income Eligibility Criteria;

not able to obtain a loan through a financial institution. In order to be eligible for OWD funding for pre-apprenticeship and IT training seats in selected training centres in Ontario, the training institution must also ensure that applicants meet the following criteria: The applicant is not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI) and is therefore not eligible

for EI- funded training;


The applicant is eligible for EI funding, but is not eligible for EI- funded training;


The applicant is eligible for EI funding, but is eligible only for a portion (e.g., 50%) of pre-apprenticeship training funds;


The applicant is not eligible for full or partial funding through the Ontario Works program;


Funding for the training seats may vary, but the training institution is expected to explore all eligibility options with the participant (see above) before determining that OWD will fund the training seat. The OWD shall be considered the funder of last resort with respect to funding of eligible students. The OWD shall not be responsible for funding of an eligible student in the event that the student leaves the project within the first ten (10) working days of the commencement of the classroom training component.

b) Income Eligibility Criteria

Participants whose family (spouse and children) earn less than the indicated amount are eligible for funding. It is the proponent’s responsibility to determine eligibility by interviewing potential participants and reviewing their most recent year’s tax documents.

WIST/IT INCOME ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Size of family Maximum gross family income

in year prior to enrolment 1 person (single student) $21,692 2 persons (student and spouse OR student plus child) $30,677 3 persons (student, spouse and child OR student and 2 children)



4 persons (student, spouse and 2 children OR student and 3 children)


5 persons (student, spouse and 3 children OR student and 4 children)


6 persons (student, spouse and 4 children OR student and 5 children)


7 persons (student, spouse and 5 children OR student and 6 children)


F. Work Placements Work placements must provide participants with hands-on, practical skills and

experience required to gain employment in the skilled trades or information technology fields.

Length of placements can range from a minimum of 8 to 20 weeks, based on employer needs and local market conditions.

Proposals must demonstrate a proven track record of securing work placements and employment for participants in this field.

All work placements must comply with the appropriate legislation or regulations. The project is responsible for monitoring work placements to ensure high quality

training experiences. The project is to make reasonable attempts to have employers pay salaries to

participants for the duration of their work placements. Training organizations are encouraged to provide training to and ensure accessibility

for women with disabilities. Training organizations must ensure the work placements provided are accessible to women with disabilities.

The project is to conduct participant evaluations of the work placements. It is the project’s responsibility to ensure participants and employers understand

and comply with these terms.

a) Workplace Insurance Coverage Employers must provide workplace insurance coverage for the participant while on the work placement. This includes all placements, paid or unpaid, subsidized or unsubsidized. Employers who are not required to register with WSIB and have not voluntarily registered for WSIB coverage must have workplace insurance coverage through private insurance carriers or through the training provider. Mandatory Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) coverage extends to the

majority of employers. Training providers can contact WSIB at 1-800-387-8638 or in Toronto at 416-344-1013 to confirm which employers/businesses do require mandatory registration and which employers/businesses do not require mandatory registration.

b) Third Party Liability


The employers must have Third Party Liability insurance to cover the costs of

damages caused by participants while on the job. Training providers must place participants only with employers who have adequate Third Party Liability and WSIB or other workplace safety coverage.

c) Wage Subsidies Placement may be either paid or unpaid. Projects may submit a request for a wage

subsidy as part of the budget template provided. Wage subsidies will only be provided where the employer is paying the participant during his/her work placement.

Wage subsidies may not exceed $162.50/week per participant and may only be used to subsidize the participant’s wages during the paid work placement. Wage subsidies may not exceed $1,950 per participant.

d) Employers Employers providing work placements are required to provide the project with a

training plan. This plan must be approved by the project and shared with the participant before the placement begins.

Employers offering work placements must: o be licensed to operate in Ontario; o demonstrate the ability to provide the trainee with adequate supervision and the

training described in their training plan approved by the project; o provide employment in Ontario; o Comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Employment Standards Act,

Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and its regulations;

o participate in education and training initiatives delivered by the project lead designed to support the women (e.g. violence against women awareness).

e) Positive Work Environment

The project is to liaise with employers providing work placements as part of the training to ensure that the work environment is positive for women. This includes having policies and programs to prevent and address workplace harassment and violence. This may also include the identification of a mentor who commits to help the woman integrate into the workplace.

G. Job Search and Maintenance Support Services are to be provided to help participants find and maintain suitable employment. Projects are to liaise with Employment Ontario to help participants access job search support and placements post-training.


H. Further Education and Training

The goal of the project is to help women get suitable employment post-training. If a graduate cannot get a job, the project may assist her to identify and pursue further education and training. This further education and training is not eligible for OWD funding. The following types of training would qualify as “further education and training” for the purpose of reporting successful outcomes for the project:

post-secondary education (e.g. college diploma and certificate programs, university degree)

occupational skills training/certification pre-apprenticeship programs information technology training training for core competencies (e.g. communications, customer service and team

building) internship programs academic upgrading

I. Supportive Approach

Each participant is to develop a training and employment action plan which is to include strategies to address her needs and barriers to success in training and employment. The project is to provide information/advocacy and referrals to help address needs outside of its direct service delivery. Opportunities for peer support are also encouraged and for participants to develop a new, affirming network. The project should provide flexibility (e.g., regarding scheduling, attendance, individualized project design) while gradually preparing participants for the realities of the work world (e.g. need to attend regularly, deliver according to timelines).

J. Accessibility, Diversity, Gender-based Analysis Accessibility The Province of Ontario is committed to working with every sector of society to support Ontarians with disabilities by ensuring that no new barriers are created for them and that existing ones are removed. This responsibility rests with every social economic sector, every region, every government, every organization, institution and association, and every person in Ontario. To support this commitment, the Province of Ontario has passed legislation including the Ontario Human Rights Code, Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and its regulations. The purpose of this legislation is to improve opportunities for persons with disabilities and provide for their


involvement in the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to their full participation in the life of the province. For more information on the government’s commitment to accessibility, please visit Projects funded by OWD should:

demonstrate capacity to research, communicate and support the needs of persons with disabilities

ensure that accessibility is incorporated into courses, products and other deliverables (e.g. materials could be developed in a range of accessible formats such as: html, accessible word and PDF files and large print)

ensure that face-to face training takes place in accessible facilities Diversity Using Ontario’s Human Rights Code as a basis, OWD works to address the unique needs of diverse populations in Ontario. The Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination based on the following 15 grounds:

race ancestry place of origin colour ethnic origin citizenship creed (religion) sex (includes gender identity, pregnancy and breastfeeding) sexual orientation age (18 years or more) marital status family status disability record of offences (only in employment) receipt of public assistance (only in accommodation).

Other “dimensions” of diversity to consider include regional location, socio-economic status, language, employment status and education level. OWD recognizes that many of the above dimensions intersect with gender and with each other. For example, a language barrier combining (“intersecting”) with a physical disability may compound an abused woman’s isolation from services and her ability to communicate with those who might help. In your application, discuss which aspects of diversity will be addressed. Identify any issues revealed when the dimensions intersect and discuss how the project may mitigate them.


Gender-based Analysis OWD is committed to promoting women’s equality, and requires applicants to apply a gender-based analysis to their proposed project. A gender-based analysis helps identify gender considerations so they may be integrated into projects. It is the examination of the differences in women's and men's lives, including those which lead to social and economic inequality for women. It also recognizes that violence impacts women and men differently and that women are more prone to have violence directed at them. For more information on how to apply a gender-based analysis, go to: In addition, subsidies and supports are available through this grant to help remove barriers for low-income women’s participation in the training for the following types of subsidies/supports, in accordance with the project’s approved budget and its own policy and procedures:

childcare transportation food on-site during the training safety equipment/protective clothing (e.g. safety boots)

Clothing allowances are not eligible for funding through this grant. Projects should check what supports are available through Ontario Works to assist Ontario Works clients with starting a job. Projects may also wish to partner with organizations that provide professional/business clothing, or offer a clothing bank on site (donated clothing free for participants).

K. Graduation, Recognition, Celebration Participants’ accomplishments are to be recognized and celebrated. The integration of the project into formal graduation ceremonies, where applicable, is encouraged. L. Evaluation The project’s evaluation plan is to include: an assessment of project outcomes, with a particular focus on the extent to which the

following program performance targets were met: o 80% of women who completed training became self-employed, found

employment, or went on to further education and training* within six months o 80% of women were satisfied with the program

an assessment of participants’ level of satisfaction with in-class training (e.g. at post secondary institutions) and work placements that are part of the training project


a description of the methods to be used in collecting and analyzing data strategies to make adjustments to the project, if necessary, to improve results The plan should incorporate the attached Results Tracking Forms in Excel, A through H. A draft survey is included for asking participants about their level of satisfaction with the project. *See #10 above for information about what type of training can be counted under “Further Education and Training” for reporting project outcomes.

Sample Tools To be used with Employers and


Women in Skilled Trades and

Information Technology Training Program




Employer Support Letter Template

Skilled Trades Stream The Government of Ontario has committed to increasing the number of entrants to the apprenticeship program to address skilled trade shortages and provide employers with the skills they are seeking in apprentices. The Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training program (WIST/IT) provides pre-apprenticeship training geared to increase the number of women in skilled trades jobs. The program includes the Level 1 Apprenticeship In-School Curriculum Standards, safety training and a work placement. This initiative gives women the practical skills and knowledge as well as gender-sensitive in-class and on-the-job training to prepare them for employment in the skilled trades. ________________________________ is submitting a proposal to the Ontario Women’s Directorate, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, for the trade of ________________________. The program is expected to begin in ______________ with students available for employment in __________________. We require your support of our pre-apprenticeship program and are therefore asking you to consider supporting the program by participating in the program, particularly by providing a work placement and hiring one or more apprentices. If you are interested in supporting and participating in this project, please complete the following information. If possible, it is advantageous for two (or more) women to be placed in the same organization. Our company acknowledges that the ______________ industry is facing critical skill shortages and is willing to support this program in the following area(s): (Please check all that apply)

Providing a paid work placement for #_____ participants Providing employment beyond the work placement term for #____ graduates Hiring #_____ apprentices

In addition, our company will support this program by: (Please check all that apply)

Assisting in the selection of participants Hosting a tour or field trip for the students Addressing the class as a guest speaker Other ____________________________________

Company: Address: City/Province/Postal Code: Phone: Fax: Representing Trade/s:



Employer Support Letter Template Information Technology Stream

Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training – IT Stream is a program that will enable women to secure employment, further training and certification in the IT sector, or to enter IT apprenticeship programs recognized by the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities. The Government of Ontario has committed to addressing the need for career awareness, recruitment and retention of women in a sector where skill shortages exist. As a result of this initiative, women will be prepared for well-paying employment in the information technology sector, and employers will be able to recruit and retain more skilled workers. The program includes training and certification towards an industry recognized certificate for IT related jobs and work placement. This initiative gives women the practical skills and knowledge as well as gender-sensitive in-class and on-the-job training to prepare them for employment in the IT sector. ________________________________ is submitting a proposal to the Ontario Women’s Directorate, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration to provide training in Information Technology for consideration. The program is expected to begin in ______________ with students available for employment in __________________. We require your support of our pre-apprenticeship program and are therefore asking you to consider supporting the program and participating by providing a work placement and hiring one or more apprentices. If you are interested in supporting and participating in this project, please complete the following information. Our company acknowledges that the Information Technology industry is facing critical skilled shortages and is willing to support the program in the following areas: (Please check all that apply)

Providing a paid work placement for #_____ participants Providing employment beyond the work placement term for #____ graduates Hiring #_____ apprentices

Other kinds of involvement are encouraged. Please check all that apply.

Identification of a mentor who commits to help the woman integrate into the workplace. Assisting in the selection of participants. Hosting a tour or field trip for the students. Addressing the class as a Guest Speaker. Other_____________________________________

Company: Address: City/Province/Postal Code: Phone: Fax: Representing Trade/s:


Women in Skilled Trades and Information Technology Training Program

Participant Commitment to Provide Contact Information

upon leaving WIST/IT Program

I, , agree to provide updated contact information to the program staff

at the training institution, even if I have left the program early, in order to allow program staff to

determine my employment and education status, e.g. taking further schooling, changed jobs, moved,

etc. and for the purpose of the training institution tracking the sector I work in and my income. I

understand and agree that should my information change any time up to six months after

completion of the program, or up to six months after I am no longer involved with the program, I

will notify the training institution.

My current contact information is:



Home Telephone:

Work Telephone:

Mobile Phone:

E-mail address:

Signature: Date:


I agree to provide this contact information for the purposes stated.

Ontario Women’s Directorate Women in Skilled Trades and

Information Technology Training Program

Sample Form for Participant Documentation To be Completed and Retained by the Training Organization

Site: Training Program:

Scheduled program

From: To:

Personal Information

Name: Date of Birth (dd/mm/yr) ____ ____ ____

Address: City: Postal Code Phone # ( )

Present Employment Status (Complete only the sections that apply)

Employed full time part time

Unemployed receiving EI not receiving EI, but qualify for EI not receiving EI, but have in last 3 yrs. unemployed and not eligible for EI

Ontario Works Ontario Works (Active) Ontario Works (Deferred)

Not eligible for EI unemployed and not eligible for EI

Income Eligibility Information

Family status: (Number of children; spouse or no spouse) Gross personal income in last calendar year (including benefits) $

Gross family income - including spouse and children - in last calendar year (including benefits) $

Tuition Please provide a breakdown of how the tuition fee will be covered, using the chart below.


Source of Funds for Training Amount



Municipal/ Ontario Works $

Participant $

Other $

Sub-Total of Funds for Training $

Amount Requested from OWD $