Mining Industry: How Much Do You Know?

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Mining Industry:How Much Do You Know?

Learn About Mining Facts And Figures

Did You Know That?

• Canada is one of the largest mining nations in the world, producing more than 60 different minerals and metals.


Statistics show that there are numerous products from mining.

• Industrial Metals such as copper, lead, and zinc are highly produced from Africa

• China gained control over rare earth metals mining with a percentage of ninety five (95%).

• In Canada, there mining industry has been very significant. Mining products include: cadmium, lithium, nickel and cobalt

Mining industry provides millions of jobs worldwide.

• According to Geneva-based International Labour Organization in 2010, the mining sector has an approximate of 1.5 million people employed in developed countries while 2.2 million in developing/emerging nations

• Canada being one of the largest mining nations employed 363,000 in 2007.

Being one of the largest mining industries in the world, Canada is:

• Ranks first in the world of potash and uranium production

• Top five for the production of nickel, cobalt, titanium concentrate, aluminum, magnesium and platinum group metals, gypsum, asbestos, cadmium, zinc, salt, molybdenum, and diamonds

In the production of diamonds, here are the global figures:

• Russia ranks first with 37, 800 million carats , 29% of world production and value of $3.6 billion

• Second is Botswana with 23, 100 million carats , 17.7% of world production and value of $ 3.1 billion

• Third is Democratic Republic of Congo with 15, 600 million carats , 12.0% of world production and value of $ 138.6 million

Not only that, here are the other two countries:

• Fourth is Australia with 11, 700 million carats , 8.98% of world production and value of $381.1 million

• Fifth is Canada with 10, 500 million carats , 8.09% of world production and value of $1.9 million

Mining kills and injures more workers than any other industry.

• Crush injuries

• Hydrolic oil injuries

• Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises

• Back injuries

• Methane and Consecutive Coal Dust Explosions

• Methane and Consecutive Coal Dust Explosions such as fly-rocks, premature blasts and misfires

There are various factors that lead to accidents or injuries, such as:

• Leaks of poisonous gases such as hydrogen sulfide

• Explosive natural gases like firedamp or methane

• Collapsing of mine stopes

• Mining-induced seismicity, flooding

• Mechanical errors

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