MINIATURE DRAG-FORCE ANEMOMETER Lloyd N. Kraitse and ... · A miniature drag-force anemometer is...

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KASA TM X-3507


Lloyd N. Kraitse and Gustave C. Fralick

Lewis Research Center

Cleveland, Ohio 44135


1. Report No.

NASA TM X-35072. Government Accession No.

4. Title and Subtitle


7. Author(s)

Lloyd N, Krause and Gustave C. Fralick

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

Lewis Research CenterNational Aeronautics and SpaceCleveland, Ohio 44135

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

National Aeronautics and SpaceWashington, D. C. 20546



3. Recipient's Catalog No.

5. Report DateJune 1977

6. Performing Organization Code

8. Performing Organization Report No.

E-908710. Work Unit No.

505-0411. Contract or Grant No.

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Technical Memorandum14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

16. Abstract

A miniature drag- force anemometer is described which is capable of measuring dynamic veloc-ity head and flow direction. The anemometer consists of a silicon cantilever beam 2. 5 mm long,1.5 mm wide, and 0. 25 mm thick with an integrated diffused strain-gage bridge, located at thebase of the beam, as the force-measuring element. The dynamics of the beam are like those ofa second-order system with a natural frequency of about 42 kHz and a damping coefficient of0. 007. The anemometer can be used in both forward and reversed flow. Measured flow char-acteristics up to Mach 0. 6 are presented along with application examples including turbulencemeasurements.

17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s) l 18. Distribution Statement

Anemometer; Flow direction; Velocity head; Unclassified - unlimitedTurbulence measurement; Velocity measure- STAR Category 35ment

19. Security Classif. (of this reponl

Unclassified20. Security Classif. (of this page)

Unclassified21. No. of Pages 22. Price'

24 A02

' Foi sale by the National Technical Information Service. Springfield. Virginia 22161


by Lloyd N. Krause and Gustave C. Fralick

Lewis Research Center


A miniature drag-force anemometer is described which is capable of measuringdynamic velocity head and flow direction. The anemometer consists of a silicon canti-lever beam 2.5 millimeters long, 1.5 millimeters wide, and 0.25 millimeter thick withan integrated diffused strain-gage bridge, located at the base of the beam,, as the force-measuring element. The dynamics of the beam are like those of a second-order systemwith a natural frequency of about 42 kilohertz and a damping coefficient of 0. 007. Theanemometer can be used in both forward and reversed flow. Measured flow character-istics up to Mach 0.6 are presented along with application examples including turbulencemeasurements.


This report describes a miniature drag-force anemometer, consisting of a canti-lever beam with attached strain gages, which is capable of measuring dynamic velocityhead and flow direction. The instrument was developed because the assortment ofavailable instruments for determining dynamic flow quantities such as total pressureand velocity is limited and because measuring time-varying phenomena has become in-creasingly important in the developmental testing of airbreathing engines and their com-ponents.

The major types of dynamic flow diagnostic instrumentation in current use areminiature pressure transducers, mounted either in probes or duct walls, hot-wire andhot-film anemometers, and laser anemometers.

Laser anemometers are being used, to a limited extent, in applications where sur-vey probes are impractical. Laser anemometers are used, for example, in transonicflows where probe blockage is excessive and in velocity surveys in the passages be-tween rotating blades. High cost and the requirement of optical access have limitedthe application of laser anemometer systems.

Hot-wire and hot-film anemometers are also used to determine dynamic velocity.However, these instruments have a number of serious shortcomings. When used incompressible flows where density and temperature variations are not negligible, theanemometers require an elaborate calibration, and, even with a complete calibration,interpretation of results is difficult. Wire breakage and change in calibration due toflow contamination and/or corrosion are also problems. Each anemometer channelalso requires an elaborate electronics package. The drag-force anemometer has thepotential of overcoming some of the shortcomings of the hot-wire and hot-film anemom-eters. It is more rugged than a hot-wire anemometer, its calibration is simple andunaffected by flow contamination, and associated electronics are as simple as those ofstrain-gage pressure transducers.

The earliest reported use of the drag-force anemometer for dynamic flow measure-ment took place in compressor rotating-stall experiments (ref. 1), in which the naturalfrequency of the beam was 5 kilohertz. A different kind of anemometer was reportedin reference 2. It consisted of an ogive-shaped body surrounding a piezoelectric ele-ment and was used to measure turbulence profiles in the wake of a circular cylinder inwater. The instrument was capable of measurement at frequencies up to 1 kilohertz.

In the work described in this report an anemometer similar to that of reference 1was used except that the natural frequency of the beam was much higher. The beam(which is commercially available) is silicon with an undamped length of 2. 5 millime-ters and a thickness of 0.25 millimeter. A four-arm strain-gage bridge is bonded tothe beam by solid-state diffusion techniques. The natural frequency of the beam in thefirst bending mode is about 42 kilohertz. This report describes the anemometer andits performance in subsonic flow. A brief discussion of initial applications is also in-cluded.


Description of Anemometer

A photograph and a drawing of the drag-force anemometer used in this investigationare presented in figures 1 and 2, respectively. The silicon beam has an unsupportedlength of 2.5 millimeters with the outer 1. 5 millimeters exposed to the flow. Thewidth is also 1. 5 millimeters, so the element exposed to the flow is a square platewhich is 0.25 millimeter thick.

Water cooling passages in the region near the base of the beam allow the anemome-ter to be used at moderately elevated temperatures. The diffusion-bonded strain gagesat the base of the unsupported length (fig. 3) are capable of operation at temperatures

up to 120° C. The water cooling also aids in minimizing stresses due to differences inthermal expansion between the silicon beam, the supporting metal, and the epoxy filmwhich bonds the beam to the supporting metal.

The two longitudinal gages shown in figure 3 are the active gages which are eitherin tension or compression depending on to which side of the beam the flow is directed.Two transverse strain gages complete the Wheatstone bridge, and because the gagesare near each other, the device is inherently temperature compensated. Because sili-con is brittle like glass, the anemometer is fragile, and care is required in handling.

Principle of Operation

Velocity head measurement. - The drag force on the beam for flow normal to thebeam surface is given by


For constant beam area A, and constant drag coefficient C™ the drag force D isproportional to the velocity head plr/2, where p and U are fluid density and velocity,respectively. Flow direction nomenclature is given in figure 4. (Symbols are definedin appendix A. ) The variation of the flat-plate drag coefficient with several parametersis shown in figure 5 (from ref . 3). Figure 5(a) shows that the drag coefficient is insen-sitive to flow angle for angles within about 45° of normal to the beam surface. Fig-ure 5(b) shows that effects due to variation in Reynolds number are negligible for Rey-nolds numbers greater than 10 000. As shown in figure 5(c), effects of variation in Machnumber are small (within 5 percent) for Mach numbers less than 0.75. However, attransonic Mach numbers, variations in drag coefficient are not negligible and cause anonlinear relation between drag force and velocity heat. (The Mach number sensitivityshown in fig. 5(c) is for a two-dimensional (or an infinitely high aspect ratio) plate,whereas the rest of the results of fig. 5 are for square plates. ) Figure 5(d) shows thatincreasing the turbulence intensity from nearly zero to 5 percent results in a 5- percentincrease in drag coefficient.

It should be noted that the drag- force anemometer can measure either forward orreversed velocity head. However, velocity can only be obtained from the velocity headwhen variations in density are negligible.

Flow direction measurement. - If the beam is oriented so that the flow is nearlyparallel to the beam surface (fig. 4), the drag coefficient is proportional to flow angle,as shown in figure 5(a). (Strictly speaking, the term "drag coefficient" should be re-

placed with "lift coefficient" in this region. Hence, in this operating mode the drag-force anemometer would be more properly called the lift-force anemometer.) Theoutput of the strain gage for this case is proportional to both flow angle and velocityhead; so, when flow direction is measured, either two beams must be used or a singlebeam must be rotated to two positions (flow nearly normal to and flow nearly parallelto the beam surface). An alternative method of determining flow angle sensitivity is anin situ calibration which can be done if the anemometer is mounted in an actuator whichcan be rotated to known angular positions.


For a rectangular beam of thickness t and width w, the strain at a point on thesurface of the beam is

strain =J>1_ (2)Ewt2

where T is the bending moment at that point, and E is the Young's modulus of thebeam material. The electrical output is proportional to the strain at the point where thebridge is located.

For the beam described in this report, the strain gages are centered at a distanceZ-, (fig. 6) from the fixed end of the beam, and the part of the beam L - Z« *s exposedto the gas stream. If G is the electrical output per unit strain per volt of excitation,the signal per volt of excitation is

3CDG pu2 r 2 2l

9 9 2 1 JET Z L

The derivation of equation (3) is given in appendix B.

Natural Frequency and Damping Coefficient

The drag-force anemometer is a simple plane beam, supported at one end and freeat the other. Its motion can be described by the wave equation for thin beams (ref. 4),


where y is the displacement of the beam from its equilibrium position, T is time, xis the distance measured from the fixed end of the beam, and

c = t/— (5)

in which E is Young's modulus, p' is the mass per unit length of the beam, and I' isO

the area moment of inertia of the beam cross section, wt /12.Equation (4) may be solved by letting

y(x,T)=X(x)e(T) (6)

Substituting equation (6) into equation (4) gives the equation for 0 in the form

* A (7)


so that theoretically the frequency response of the beam is that of an undamped second-order system, with circular frequency u>. When the equation X(x) is solved (for de-tails see ref . 4), the natural frequency in the first bending mode is

f = = 0 .1615-- * (8)

where p is the density, the mass per unit volume.In contrast to the situation for an ideal beam, there is a certain amount of damping

present. The amount of damping is characterized by the parameter £, called the frac-tion of critical damping or the damping coefficient. It is equal to zero for an ideal(undamped) system and has the value 1 for a system which is critically damped.

The two parameters which characterize the beam, f and £, can be measured byusing a spectrum analyzer. For a lightly damped second-order system, such as thedrag-force anemometer considered in this report, the frequency spectrum of the strain-gage bridge signal is relatively flat at low frequencies, rises to a maximum at a fre-quency f , and finally drops off at higher frequencies . This is true as long as the

111 3.X

beam excitation can be characterized as a white noise source, a source whose spectrumis continuous and uniform as a function of frequency.

Let f be the frequency below f_Q.- at which the amplitude is down 3 decibels~ IJJcwC

from its value at £__„_ and f be the frequency above f____ at which the amplitudeIHcLX T IHclX

is down 3 decibels from its maximum. The analysis given in appendix C shows that £and fn are related to the location and width of the peak by

1=^—^ (9)max


fn= *max (10)

Vl - 2?2

For highly underdamped beams, f and fmax are essentially equal.


Basic Flow Characteristics

There are three basic flow characteristics of the drag-force anemometer: Thefirst is the sensitivity of the anemometer to velocity head when the flow is normal to thebeam surface. The second is the variation in the output due to any misalinement fromthe normal condition. The third is the angle sensitivity when the anemometer is usedto measure flow direction.

5Figure 7 illustrates the sensitivity to velocity head for values up to 0. 25x10 new-

tons per square meter. The data were obtained in an ambient-temperature free jet.The maximum value for the velocity head shown corresponds to a Mach number of about0.6. The sensitivity calculated from equation (3) and the manufacturer's nominal cata-log value for the output of the strain-gage bridge on the beam (45 mV/V at 1000 micro-

— f istrains (1 microstrain = 10" m/m)) was 15 percent greater than that obtained experi-mentally. This small disagreement is not unreasonable and could easily be due todeviation in the bridge sensitivity from the nominal catalog value. Also, the exposedportion of the beam is not of the exact same geometry as that for which the drag coeffi-cient data of reference 3 were obtained. No attempt was made to calibrate the beamwith known weights or loads because each anemometer should be calibrated in a flowing

stream. Such a calibration would include effects of local flow acceleration in the re-gion of the beam tip. For reversed flow, the sensitivity is the same magnitude as thatof figure 7 but with a negative sign.

The anemometer is quite insensitive to angular misalinement about an axis passingthrough the beam support for nearly normal flow incidence, as shown in figure 8 (/3variation). The output voltage is essentially constant over a range of 0 of ±20° fromnormal. However, variation in output voltage with variation in a is not negligible, andan approximate value for a must be known to ensure adequate accuracy in velocityhead measurement (see fig. 4 for definition of a and /3).

As indicated by figure 9, when the anemometer is used to measure flow direction,it is highly desirable to orient the beam so that a. is the angle of measurement. Fora measurement the longitudinal strain gages (fig. 3) are either in compression ortension, and the transverse gages are not under strain, so that a workable sensitivitycurve is obtained. However, if the beam is oriented so that /3 is the angle of mea-surement, a more highly nonlinear and asymmetrical sensitivity curve is obtained. Theasymmetry is probably due to the contribution of the transverse gages as the beam issubjected to a torque during 0 variation.

The slope of the a sensitivity curve of figure 9 is approximately the same as acalculated slope based on the curve of figure 5(a). With the beam and tip geometryused, the stall region (fig. 5(a)) on the a curve does not occur until the flow angle is

o 5greater than 50 . The curves of figure 9 are for a velocity head of 0.1x10 newtonsper square meter. The output voltage at a given flow angle is proportional to thevelocity head.

The small output at zero flow angle is due to the fluid dynamic force on the edge of1the beam, which causes a slight strain in the strain gages at the base of the beam (the

edge thickness is 1/6 of the width).

Frequency Response

The drag-force anemometer response is that of a highly underdamped second-order system with a high natural frequency. The natural frequency is 41. 8 kilohertz,and the damping coefficient is 0. 007. These were measured with a spectrum analyzer(fig. 10), as explained in the section Natural Frequency and Damping Coefficient. Asmall jet was the white noise excitation source for the beam motion. The natural fre-

oquency of the beam calculated from equation (8) by using a density of 2. 42x10 kilogramsper cubic meter and a Young's modulus of 1. 6x10 newtons per square meteris 52 kilohertz, which is 20 percent higher than the measured value. Changing theeffective length of the beam by only 0.25 millimeter would account for the differencebetween measured and calculated values.

The high natural frequency makes the drag-force anemometer useful up to approx-imately 10 kilohertz. The fact that the silicon beam with diffused strain gages is verynearly an ideal second-order system suggests that it can be electronically compensated(ref. 5) and that the frequency response can be extended to 100 kilohertz or beyond.

Zero Drift and Sensitivity Stability

As mentioned previously, the beam is inherently temperature compensated becausethe four strain gages are located close to each other. However, the beam can be sub-jected to thermal stresses in the region of the strain gages because of the differencesin thermal expansion among the beam, the metal support, and the epoxy which bondsthe beam to the support. For the anemometer described in this report, the siliconbeam with an expansion coefficient of 2.5x10 per °C was bonded to stainless steel(expansion coefficient of 18xlO~ /°C) with an epoxy whose coefficient was about90xlO~ per °C. The normal zero drift and the drift in zero associated with the thermalexpansion problem can be minimized by setting the zero on the anemometer before eachrun and checking it immediately following the run. Preferably, zero settings should bemade with the beam at fluid temperature. When the results shown in figure 7 weregenerated, in a nearly ambient-temperature air jet, zero drifts were typically less than0. 02 millivolt.

The drift associated with thermal expansion can probably be reduced by using abeam support material such as Invar, with thermal expansion nearly matching that ofsilicon. Also, silicon beams are available that are inorganically bonded to a glasspedestal, which decreases the effect of the epoxy mounting joint because the joint isfarther from the strain gages.

If only the ac portion of the dynamic velocity head is of interest in a particularapplication, zero drift is of no concern. However, the stability of the sensitivity is ofconcern. During testing of the anemometer, the sensitivity remained constant exceptfor the fan jet engine application described in the section APPLICATIONS. During theengine run, the silicon beam was exposed to a gas temperature in excess of 150 C,which was beyond the recommended operating temperature of 120 C. The overtemper-ature exposure resulted in a permanent decrease in sensitivity of about 30 percent.


Because of the preliminary nature of the work described in this report, only twoapplications have been tested thus far. In the first, the drag-force anemometer wasused to measure the intensity of turbulence of a room-temperature air jet. The


relation between anemometer output and turbulence is as follows.K the instantaneous velocity Uj^ contains only frequency components small com-,

pared with the natural frequency of the beam, the relation between the output voltageand the velocity of a constant-density gas stream is .



so that

V +v = K ( U + u ) '

+ 2uU + u,)

The mean electrical output V is related to the mean velocity U by

T2 iv =Kir

so that dropping the u term results in

v = 2uKU

If equation (15) is divided by equation (14), the result is

u _ vU 2V

Squaring equation (16), taking the mean, and then taking the square root give







U 2V(17)

The drag-force anemometer was used to measure the turbulence intensity in thefree jet described in reference 6. The turbulence intensity was measured at two loca-tions with both the drag-force anemometer and a hot-wire anemometer. The bandwidthwas 10 Mlohertz for both measurements. On the jet centerline 0.57 jet diameter down-stream from the start of the jet, both the hot-wire and drag-force anemometers mea-sured an intensity of 1.8 percent. At 2.29 diameters downstream from the start of thejet and 0. 2 diameter from the jet centerline, the hot-wire anemometer measured a4.3-percent intensity and the drag-force anemometer measured a 3. 8-percent intensity.These hot-wire measurements are also in agreement with those taken previously(ref. 6) to within the accuracy of the hot-wire anemometer.

In the second application, a drag-force anemometer was inserted in a turbofanengine in the annulus downstream of the first fan rotor. The anemometer was used asa diagnostic instrument to aid in determining possible changes between flutter and non-flutter flow conditions of the first fan rotor. Typical results are shown in figure 11.Figure 11 (a) shows the variation in dynamic flow angle for several blade passages. Theblade passing frequency is about 5 kilohertz. Figure ll(a) is the profile obtained byaveraging 64 time traces of the same blade passages. The ordinate in figure ll(b) isproportional to the power spectral density of the anemometer output signal. The largestpeak represents the blade passing frequency. There are frequencies present in fig-ure ll(b) which are not multiples of the engine speed, and these can be correlated toflutter frequencies.


A drag-force anemometer has been developed which is capable of dynamic flowmeasurement. The anemometer consists of a silicon beam 2. 5 millimeters long and0.25 millimeter thick with an integral diffused strain-gage bridge as the force-measuringelement. The following conclusions were drawn from tests of its performance in sub-sonic flow:

1. When the anemometer is oriented so that flow is nearly perpendicular to the beamsurface, the output of the strain-gage bridge is proportional to the velocity head. Overthe range of Mach numbers from 0 to 0.6, the output is linear with velocity head towithin the accuracy of measurement.

2. The anemometer can be used in both forward and reversed flow.3. The anemometer is capable of measuring flow direction when the beam is

oriented so that flow is nearly parallel to the beam surface. However, for nearly par-allel flow the output is proportional to both flow angle and velocity head, so that twomeasurements are required if the anemometer is used for flow angle determination.The beam is capable of measuring flow angles in excess of ±40°.


4. Under dynamic flow conditions, the anemometer has a frequency response likethat of a highly underdamped second-order system with a natural frequency of 41.8 kilo-hertz and a damping coefficient of 0. 007.

5. The anemometer can be used to measure turbulence intensity. The intensity,for incompressible flow, in the direction normal to the beam surface is simply the rmsvalue of the bridge output divided by twice the mean value.

6. The anemometer performed satisfactorily in two applications. In the first, theanemometer was used to measure turbulence intensity in a free jet, and the resultsagreed with those measured with a hot-wire anemometer. In the second, the drag-forceanemometer was used as a diagnostic instrument during fan flutter tests of a fan jetengine. Frequencies were detected in the rotor blade wakes which were not multiplesof the engine speed as well as frequencies which were multiples of the engine speed.

Lewis Research Center,National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

Cleveland, Ohio, March 31, 1977,505-04.




' 2CD proportionality constant in eq. (Cl), (mV)(m )/N•

area of beam, m'


CT-J drag coefficient' ' '• O

c parameter in beam equation, eq. (5), m /sec

D drag force on beam, N2

E Young's modulus, N/m?2

F amplitude of white noise driving force, N/m

f frequency at maximum amplitude, Hz . ,

f first bending natural frequency, Hz

f ,f_ frequencies 3 dB above and below fmax, Hz

G gage factor, (mV/V)/microstrain4

I' area moment of inertia of beam, m2 2

K proportionality constant in eq. (11), (mV)(sec )/m

L length of beam, m

Z* distance of strain gage from fixed end of beam, m

1 2 length of beam not exposed to gas stream, m

M Mach number

Re Reynolds number

S shearing force at a point on beam, N

T bending moment at a point on beam, (N)(m)

t thickness of beam, m

U mean velocity of gas stream, m/sec

U. gt instantaneous velocity of gas stream, m/sec

u fluctuation in gas stream velocity, m/sec

V mean electrical output of beam, mVVinst instantaneous electrical output of beam, mV

v fluctuation in electrical output of beam, mV


w width of beam, m

X x-dependent factor of y

x coordinate distance along length of beam, m

Y vertical force per unit length, N/m

y displacement of beam from equilibrium position, m

or,/3 angles describing orientation of beam, deg

£ damping coefficient

6 time dependent factor of yo

p density, kg/m

p' density per unit length, kg/m

. T ' \ "time, sec- < ^-- . ^

w circular frequency, rad/sec

con natural circular frequency, rad/sec




For a rectangular beam of thickness t and width w, the strain at a point on thesurface of the beam is

strain = -- (2)Ewt2

where T is the bending moment at that point, and E is the Young's modulus of thebeam material. The electrical output is proportional to the strain at the point wherethe bridge is located.

For the beam described in this report, the strain gages are centered at a distanceZ., (fig. 6) from the fixed end of the beam, and the part of the beam (L - ZQ) ig exposedto the gas stream.

In order to calculate the output, it is necessary to calculate the bending moment atZ j, in order to use equation (2). At each point on the beam, the following equations aretrue (ref. 7):

— = Y (Bl)dx

= -S (B2)dx


S shear force, positive upward

x distance along beam from fixed end

Y external vertical force per unit length

T bending moment, positive counterclockwise

The weight of the beam is neglected in these calculations, so that in the region0 < x ^ Z2, Y = 0. Then, from equation (Bl), S is constant in this region. This constant can be evaluated by noting that at x = 0 the wall must exert a shear force equal


to the force exerted by the gas stream, which is CDw(pU /2)(L - Z2). Thus,


(L- Z2) (B3)£t

From equations (B2) and (B3),


T = - C w £ i L ( L - Z)x + C (B4)

The unknown constant in equation (B4) may be found by evaluating the bending momentat x = 0, which is equal to the bending moment due to the gas stream. The constantis then


C= I Cn^wxdx=-±i-^lL*- Z2 (B5), 2 2 2'2

When equations (B4) and (B5) are combined, the bending moment T at x = Z1 is

which simplifies to

C n w _TT2 r 9 o " |T =_D_PU_ (L _ 7)2 . (7 _ 7 )2 (B6)

2 2 L x ^ x J

If G is the electrical output per unit strain per volt of excitation from the strain-gagebridge, the signal per volt of excitation is, from equations (2) and (B6),

SCp-G T T 2 T o o lv=_9_£!L (L- z , ) 2 - ( z 2 - Zj ) 2 (3)







If a second-order system is driven by a sinusoidal forcing function F cos OJT, theamplitude of the output is

B = (ci)


For a white noise source, F is a constant, independent of frequency, and Cg is aproportionality constant.

Let f ov be the frequency at which the amplitude is maximum. This quantity,mdxwhich is obtained directly from the spectrum analyzer, is found by differentiating Band setting dB/df = 0. Then,




which is zero at f2 - f2(l - 2£2), or


Vl - 2t2


If only the natural frequency is desired, it is generally safe to just read ffrom the spectrum analyzer and use f =* f-^o,,. Even for £ = 0.1, which is a highern nicix


value than is likely to be encountered, equation (10) shows that the error is only about1 percent.

When f = f_._,,, is inserted in equation (Cl), the maximum amplitude isnidx

C FBmax

2? l -

If F were known, equation (C2) could be used to find £, and equation (10) could beused to find fn- In general, however, F is not known. Instead, use is made of thefact that £ is related to the width of the peak at f = fmax-

Let f be the frequency below f 0 _ _ - at which the amplitude is B_.0_/V2 and"~ iJLJcLX UlcLX "

f . be the frequency above fmo^ at which the amplitude is B^.^/4/2. On a spectrumT HlcLX • ilicLX f

analyzer with a log scale, these are the frequencies at which the amplitude is down 3 dBfrom the maximum value.

In order to find f_ and f , it is necessary to solve the equation ,


With m = f/fn, this equation becomes

(m2 - I)2 + 4C2m2 = 8^(1 - ?2) (C3)

Equation (C3) may be rewritten as

(m2 - I)2 + 4£2(m2 - 1 + 1) - 8£2(1 - ?2

oso that with the substitution n = m - 1, equation (C3) becomes

n2 + 4£2n - 4?2(1 - 2?2) = 0 (C4)

The roots of equation (C4) are



Together with equation (10) they give

If it assumed that the damping coefficient is very small, the quantity involving £ inequation (C5) may be expanded in a Taylor series about £ = 0, keeping only the termsfirst order in £. When this is done, the result is

f+ * W^1 + S>


Solving for £ gives

C -- (9)max

Equations (1Q) and (9) give the damping coefficient and natural frequency in terms ofquantities which can be directly measured on a spectrum analyzer.



1. Beknev, V. S.; Zemlyanskiy, A. V.; and Tumashev, R. Z.: Experimental Study ofRotating Stall in High-Pressure Stages of an Axial-Flow Compressor. NASATTF-15,115, 1973. (Mashinostr., no. 8, 1970, pp. 116-122.)

2. Siddon, Thomas E.: A New Type Turbulence Gauge for use in Liquids. Flow - ItsMeasurement and Control in Science and Industry. Vol. 1, pt. 1, Rodger B.Dowdell, ed., Instrum. Soc. Am., 1974, pp. 435-439.

3. Hoerner, Sighard F.: Fluid-Dynamic Drag; Practical Information on AerodynamicDrag and Hydrodynamic Resistance. Midland, 1965.

4. Sommerfeld, Arnold: Partial Differential Equations in Physics. Academic Press.,Inc., 1949, p. 303.

5. Schweppe, J. L.; et al.: Methods for the Dynamic Calibration of Pressure Trans-ducers. NBS-Monograph-67, Nat. Bur. Stand., 1963.

6. Lawrence, James C.: Intensity, Scale, and Spectra of Turbulence in Mixing Regionof Free Subsonic Jet. NACA Rep. 1292, 1957.

7. Synge, John L. ; and Griffith, Byron A.: Principles of Mechanics. 3rd ed.,McGraw-Hill, 1959.


Figure 1. - Drag-force anemometer.

1.5 mm/-Silicon beam

Water coolingpassage^

/-Strain-gage* lead wires


6.2-mm-diam tube

Figure 2. - Detail of drag-force anemometer.




Figure 3. - Silicon beam.




90° /"

-^.-=—Strain gages

Figure 4. - Flow-direction nomenclature. For flow nor-mal to beam, a and p = 90°.



l H


/ \

/ u ^/ I I I


130 60 90 m2 m4

1 1 -

? 7Flow angle, a

(a) Angle effect; squareplate.

Reynolds number, Re

(b) Reynolds number effect;square plate.

0 .5 1.0Mach number, M

lc) Mach number effecttwo-dimensional plate-,drag coefficient forsquare plate, 1.2.

0 4 6Intensity of turbulence,

Vo"2/u(d) Turbulence effect; square


Strain gages-\

Figure 5. - Variation of flat-plate drag coefficient withvarious flow parameters (from ref. 3).






Figure 6. - Beam-dimension nomenclature. Velocity head, pufo, N/m2

Figure?. - Drag-force anemometersensitivity for flow normal tobeam surface. Bridge inputvoltage, 1 volt.







90 100Flow angle, deg

Figures. - Sensitivity of drag-force anemom-eter to flow angle variations from normal tobeam surface. Velocity.head, O.lxlO'new-tons per square meter; bridge input voltage,Ivolt.





-20 -10 0 10 20Flow angle, deg

Figure 9. - Sensitivity of drag-force anemometerto flow angle variations near 0°. Velocity head,0.1x10' newtons per square meter; bridge inputvoltage, 1 volt.



Figure 10. - Frequency spectrum of drag-force anemometer.

Time(a) Dynamic flow angle.

Blade passing frequency


(b) Frequency spectrum

Figure 11. - Drag-force anemometer measure-ments taken downstream of fan rotor inturbofan engine.

NASA-Langley, 1977 E-9087 23







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