Mind map

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mind map

Masthead Styles

SASThis would be a good name for my magazine because it is catchy; it also gives an insight to what the magazine may contain, and readers know just from the title that by reading this magazine they will be inspired.

InspireThis is a good name for my new school magazine because it is very short and catchy which makes it easy to remember and also isn't daunting for the younger readers, who might be put off a magazine if it has a long title.

A*This would also be a good title for my magazine because it is also short and catchy. It is also very effective because readers may be drawn to read it because they may think that the name of the magazine is reflective on the results the school is getting.

Aim HighThis name would be appropriate for my magazine because as well as it being catchy it is also inspirational as students reading it may be inspired to read it to get advice on their school problems and how to get better grades.

STARThis magazine name would be good for my new school magazine because it is short and catchy. This title would also be appropriate for my main target audience of pupils aged between 11-17.

I also want the front cover of my magazine to include one main image as well as an ‘Exclusive’ competition for the readers. I want to include a competition so that more people are attracted to the magazine.

Font Style

• I have chosen to use the font style Coolvetica for my masthead. I have chosen to use this font because it is extremely fitting for a school magazine because it is not too professional looking yet it is still smart and quirky. By keeping the font style simplistic alike to this one it gives the magazine a fun yet still professional theme. By using this font it will also allow me to be able to use many different effects on it, such as a drop shadow and inner glow etc, it is important to choose a font like this for my masthead because if the font style in too intricate the effects I add will not be as visible to the reader.

• My final name that I have chosen is “Inspire Magazine”. I chose this title because I want my magazine to inspire and enlighten those that read it. By choosing a name that has positive connotations it will attract a wider range of people, it will also attract a large market of people because the title is not limiting the magazines content to just one subject.