Mind Hack Book v3 Powerful Living Experience ~ 4 ~ So why are so many mission driven entrepreneurs...

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Transcript of Mind Hack Book v3 Powerful Living Experience ~ 4 ~ So why are so many mission driven entrepreneurs...


Is Mind Hack For YOU?

Do you live your mission?

Are you waking up every day focused on finding an even better way to bring the

information, knowledge, gifts and talents that are inside of you out into the world?

Do you have a product or service that you KNOW will transform the lives of people and

provide them with happier, healthier, more prosperous businesses, communities and lives?

Are you still waiting to fully step into this vision you have for your purpose-driven life, still

hiding in the comfort, safety and security of your current career?

Or have you taken the leap into the uniquely exciting, challenging, stressful and

overwhelming pressures of truly living your mission and an authentic life?

Despite your commitment to your work and your vision, do you experience some days,

weeks or even months where you’re working 10, 12, 14 hour days and asking yourself,

“Where are the results? Why aren’t things moving faster and am I really focused on doing

the right things?”

Or maybe you’ve hit a plateau, where you’ve built a solid foundation of a business beneath

you but it’s taken 120% of your time, energy and resources while you’ve sacrificed some of

the most important things, and people, in your life. Perhaps you’re staring at this massive

vision you have for the NEXT level and wondering “How am I going to get there when it’s

taken everything in me to just get here?”


Do you ever have those nights when you’re lying in bed wondering “When are things going

to really start happening for me? When am I going to get MY big break? When am I going to

be able to just make the impact that I know I can make and have the lifestyle and the

freedom and flexibility that I know is possible for my life. . . . IS it possible?”

Does it ever feel like things just aren’t happening as fast as they should be, especially when

you notice other people who may not even be as talented as you having EVEN more success

and public acknowledgment and fun and you wonder “What are THEY doing right that I’m


Did you ever imagine that living a mission and purpose driven life would be this complex

and challenging? When I embarked on my mission I certainly didn’t.

I think we all have this idea that when we step out into the entrepreneurial experience it’s

somehow going to be less stress and pressure than what we felt working for someone else.

That as soon as we built up the courage to free ourselves from the illusion of the safety and

security of having a predefined j.o.b. that the world would comply with our courage. That

there would be some sort of linear correlation between the time and effort that we invest in

our business and the results that we produce.

Nothing could be further from reality.

We all share a vision for serving our customers, community and tribe in a way that provides

massive value while creating a six or seven figure business that gives us the time, freedom

and flexibility to spend time with the people we love most and to create a life we love. And

is it possible?



So why are so many mission driven entrepreneurs living a life of stress, overwhelm, worry

and frustration while struggling to get their businesses to the level of impact and income that

would allow them to truly feel successful AND happy? Why do most of us feel like we are

never as far along as we should be, that we are never doing enough and that it’s never good

enough? Why do spend so much time comparing ourselves to other people and to a standard

that isn’t even appropriate for where we are in the growth of our mission driven business?

Having spent the last decade navigating the waters of own mission-driven life and having

now coached hundreds of successful mission-driven entrepreneurs to their next level of

success, I can confidently share with you that the turning point for EVERY entrepreneur who

makes the shift from surviving to truly thriving is the moment that he or she realizes that in

order to accomplish more, they need to BECOME more. At some point each of these

entrepreneurs, after years of passionate struggle, comes to the realization that it’s not the

marketing, or the strategy, or the customers, or the competitors, or the technology, or even

their own talent or knowledge that is creating the headwind against their fully manifested

business and vision. At the moment just before the next level of business success, often times

just prior to achieving their greatest level of potential and possibility, every single one of

these entrepreneurs realizes that the resistance was coming from within.

In order to achieve the vision, they needed to become the person the vision required for

its achievement.

Mind Hack is not for the entrepreneur looking for the next strategy, tactic or mechanic. It is

for the entrepreneur or achiever that wants to develop an ability to consistently generate the

right strategies from within themselves. It is not for the entrepreneur who wants to grind out

a successful business only to be left with the petty spoils of an unfulfilled life. It is for the

entrepreneur who wants to have success AND fulfillment . . . to HAVE IT ALL. Mind Hack

is not for the entrepreneur looking for a quick win. It is for the entrepreneur who wants to

develop an unbeatable system and undefeatable mindset for achieving success over and over

again. Mind Hack is not for those people who addictively indulge in acquiring intellectual


knowledge and fail to apply it practically to their lives. It is for the disciplined and faithful

few who refuse to be ordinary, and who are willing to become the highest version of what

they are capable of achieving in this life.

• If you’re an early stage entrepreneur who has stepped into the thrilling yet equally

stressful, pressure-filled and ridiculously overwhelming arena of business ownership

and you’re wondering how in the world you’re going to GET IT ALL DONE

and actually bring this vision you have for yourself and your business into the world,

Mind Hack is for you.

• If you’ve gotten stuck trying to grow your 6-figure business to 7-figures and want

to breakthrough to the next level while massively improving the quality of your life,

then Mind Hack is for you.

• If you are a successful professional who has become painfully aware that you are

no longer passionate about your J.O.B. and have been manufacturing excuse after

excuse as to why you can’t do what you’re soul has been desperately crying out for

you to do, then Mind Hack is for you.

• If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner and you realize that in order for you to

grow your business to the next level you need to spend more time working on

you, and less time worried and stressed about the business, then Mind Hack is for


• If you’ve been feeling like you’re not as far along as you should be and you’re

wondering what it is you’re doing wrong or what you need to do differently in order

to create the business and lifestyle you really want, Mind Hack is for you.


Dedication This book is for you – the visionary, dreamer, teacher, mentor, innovator, inventor, healer,

mission-driven, passion-driven, purpose-driven entrepreneur who fights the invisible fight,

the daily battles, the dark nights, who carries the burden and the blessing of your

extraordinary gifts and talents, the bearer of the solution to other’s challenges through the

work that you do, and through who you are – may you be victorious, advantaged,

unencumbered, empowered, rejuvenated, unstoppable and made invincible by the shaping,

sculpting and renewing of your mind.

In honor of my teachers and mentors, coaches, family and friends. Thank you to Tony

Robbins for his incredible coaching and mentoring. To the monks at Oneness for the spiritual

guidance and influence. To my beautiful and incredible partner in life and business who has

inspired me to continue to bring this work into the world. And to my clients and students

who are creating a massive impact in the world by becoming more of who they are destined

to be . . . thank you.



Churchill, Gandhi, Edison, Ford, Einstein, Buddha, Thoreau, Aristotle, Jesus, Carnegie,

Rockefeller, . . . the greatest leaders, thinkers, authors, teachers, scientists and business men

in history, though they shared few similar viewpoints, all agreed on just one thing. The mind

is everything, what you think you become. The consistency with which the world’s greatest

achievers speak about the power of thought, thinking and the mind is unparalleled with any

other topic of discussion in the history of the world.

And yet this unanimously proclaimed power of the mind which shapes the fabric of our

every experience and dictates the very destiny of our lives, is dismissed as some broken and

exhausted cliché or modern hippy spiritual “woo woo.” Thoughts are things that create our

reality? Come on. Really?

Churchill, Gandhi, Edison, Ford, Einstein, Buddha, Thoreau, Aristotle, Jesus, Carnegie,

Rockefeller, Really.

Mind Hack is the simplification and distillation of nearly a decade of intense research into

neuroscience, behavioral psychology, personal development, metaphysics, quantum physics

and spirituality. It is a product of deep analysis and evaluation of the biographies, personal

writings and histories of the most successful, powerful and influential people in the world. It

is an effect of ten years of personal experimentation and thousands of hours of coaching,

supporting, and mentoring hundreds of successful entrepreneurs who have utilized the Mind

“The Empires of the Future, are the Empires of the Mind.” -- Churchill


Hack principles to create more success, more fulfillment and more freedom in every area of

their lives.

In Mind Hack you’ll discover the 4 Mental Habits of the most successful people in

history. What’s more you’ll understand why these habits or methods of thinking have the

capacity to rapidly and dramatically transform every area of your business and life, not just

conceptually but at a profoundly practical and absolutely scientific level. The reason why

you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious or stressed out about your business, or the reason

why your business has hit a plateau, is not for any reason other than the fact that you are not

consistently and diligently practicing these Four Habits. Before I introduce the Four Habits I

want to ensure we are aligned in our common perception of reality, since it is central to your

ability to leverage these principles.

Life is energy. Your physical world and your interaction with it, what we call reality,

consists of tiny vibrating particles that are comprised of mostly nothing. The device you’re

reading this book on consists of thousands of trillions of nearly invisible spinning particles

which themselves are made of 99.9% nothing. Yet just as a web browser translates html code

into a usable web page for your browsing, your senses transform this rapidly moving almost

nothing vibrational activity into your reality.

You live in a sea of vibration that your five sense interpret into the reality you experience.

Your eyes translate this buffet of energetic activity into images. Your ears convert it into

sound. Your skin transforms it into tactile feeling. And so on and so forth. As equally strange

as it is true. Why is this important and how is this relevant to the most successful people in

the world? Because they perceive life for what it is, not for what it appears to be.

“Reality is an Illusion, albeit a persistent one.” – Einstein


When you want to modify a web page, you have to understand and work with the underlying

code. And if you want to understand how to create an extraordinary mission driven business

and life akin to the most successful people in the world, you have to understand how to get

into the code of your inner world and rewrite it. When you look beyond the illusion of reality

and begin to understand the system at work you discover an extraordinary truth hidden

among the philosophical, spiritual and academic teachings of the most extraordinary people

in history: your brain is the browser for your life, and your thoughts create the code.

If you are here it’s because you have awakened to the fact that you’re no longer willing to

allow your inner conflicts to prevent you from achieving your highest potential and from

bringing the vision you have for your work and your life into the world. You are no longer

willing to accept from yourself anything less than the highest and greatest form of who you

are. You have come to the realization that in order for things to change, you must change,

and perhaps unconsciously you’ve been asking for some guidance, some support and for

some answers. To that end it is my privilege to share with you the principles, tools and

strategies that I’ve learned over the last decade that have helped hundreds of mission driven

entrepreneurs just like you break through to their next level of success, happiness and


Perhaps like me you’ve had periods of time where you’ve felt frustrated and overwhelmed.

How are you, an army of one or a small battalion of a few, going to get it all done? You’ve

questioned whether or not this big vision you have is really possible. Perhaps it’s too big.

Where do I start? What do I do next? You wonder if you’re making the right choices, or the

wrong decisions. Perhaps there’s not enough money, or enough time or resources. Perhaps

you believe that others might reject your ideas or your proposals. Maybe you think that if

you want to get the job done right, you’re the only one who can do it. Maybe, just maybe,

you’re comparing yourself to other people and, in doing so, dissipating the most precious


resource you have, which is your mental energy. You may even be feeling stuck or, if you’re

not humble enough yet to admit it, you’ve ‘hit a plateau’.

Here’s the bad news – these beliefs and thoughts are literally forming the structure of

your brain and becoming the lens through which you view life. They are preventing you

from accessing the creativity, inspiration, ideas and resources you need to further your vision

and mission. They are creating the blind spots that are keeping you stuck AND causing the

journey of bringing your vision into the world to become a painful one. Yet here’s the great

news . . . this mind is the same in all of us and I’m going to teach you how to hack yours in

order to get it working consistently towards your desired outcomes, rather than against you.

There’s an internal conflict that takes place the moment we set big goals for ourselves.

Consciously you’ve decided you’re going to create this incredible business. But

unconsciously you’ve decided money is hard to make, or that you don’t have the talents

necessary, or that other people do it better than you, or that people don’t like you, and so on

and so forth. Until you become aware of these unconscious decisions and extract these

weeds from the garden of your mind, you will continue to feel the resistance as you

trudge forward towards your goals. Like an invisible tractor beam your mind will keep

you trapped in doubt, anxiety and overwhelm, sapping your creative energy and twisting

your life’s purpose into another thing that you’re not doing good enough, and not doing fast

enough. You can learn the skills, the marketing and the strategies. But ultimately your ability

to execute them properly all depends on your mindset. You can teach an idiot how to market

their business, but at the end of the day he’s going to market like an idiot. Likewise you can

teach someone every master strategy in the book, but if they are doubtful, fearful,

overwhelmed, anxious and frustrated or creating blocks at an unconscious level – the

strategies are not going to do them much good.

“The MIND is EVERYTHING. What you THINK you BECOME. – Buddha


I know this because I was in a similar place to where you either are or will be in your

journey. Like some right of passage EVERY entrepreneur I’ve worked with has at some

point hit a plateau which can only be overcome by going within and doing what I call the

‘INNER WORK.’ There was a point in my life where I knew I was capable of greatness. I

had this extraordinary vision for my life and I had all the strategies, but there was a part of

me that doubted. There was a part of me that doubted whether or not I was capable of doing

it. There was a part of me that was constantly comparing myself to other people and their

dreams, and their gifts, and their talents instead of paying attention to my own. There was a

part of me that was afraid of making the wrong decisions. What I figured out over the last

decade was what that part was, and how to prevent it from continuing to own me. I

learned how to apply the 4 Habits to my life and now teach these powerful mind hacking

techniques to my clients to help them consistently create massive breakthroughs in their

businesses and their lives. And that’s what I’m going to help you do too.

Having spent the last 20 years as an entrepreneur & CEO and now having coached and

worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs just like you, there’s one glaring commonality

among those entrepreneurs that succeed in bringing their visions into the world, and those

that fail. That one thing is MINDSET. I know we’ve all heard about how important

MINDSET is but what I’ve discovered having been obsessed about mindset and immersing

myself for the last decade in everything from behavioral psychology, to neuroscience, to

quantum physics, to metaphysics, to personal development, to studying all the major spiritual

teachings is this: 80% of success is mindset. It’s not tactics, not natural gifts, not intelligence,

not creative genius, not financial leverage, not who they know, not anything other than

having the ability to establish within themselves a very specific and particular MINDSET.

“The man who thinks he CAN, and the man he thinks he CAN’T, are both right.” – Henry Ford


Mindset isn’t a small part of success. It is the singular determinant of success or failure.

Your strategy, your online marketing tactics, your brand, finding your ideal customer,

building a big list – all of those things are helpful (and if you stick with me I will help you

with those too) but the results that those activities produce are dependent upon the beliefs

you have about yourself, your business and your life. This isn’t woo-woo modern hippy shit.

Your thoughts are manufacturing your experience of reality. More specifically, your

subconscious mind which is represented by more than 1 quadrillion neurosynaptic

connections is determining which opportunities you see, what ideas you have access to, the

thoughts you have, what coincidences you attract into your life and how others are going to

respond to you. It is the underlying code that is producing the results of your life. Your

ability to rapidly and joyfully bring your vision into the world all comes down to just one

thing – understanding how to get the incredible technology that resides between your

ears working for you 24/7 so you can thrive, rather than allowing it to keep you stuck in

the status quo in its effort to simply keep you alive (which is by nature what it is designed to

do.) If you want to change your life, you have to change your brain.

How does this powerful interconnection between the mind and our reality really work?

What ‘hacks’ are available in order to harness the power of the mind to command and

control your reality so that you can easily, rapidly and joyfully bring your vision into the

world? Those are the questions that have playfully haunted me for the last decade and which

I begin to address in this book. Let me be frank – this body of work is extensive and I’ve

only included a handful of powerful distinctions in this book. If you’re really interested in

immersing yourself in the one thing that can absolutely transform your work, your life, your

“The ultimate value of life depends upon AWARENESS and the power of contemplation, rather than upon mere survival.” — Aristotle


passion and your purpose, please make sure you are subscribed to my email list, subscribe to

my YouTube channel and consider going deeper into this work through one of the many

programs or live events that I offer. This book isn’t the transformation – it’s the tip of the

iceberg of the teachings. What comes later are more teachings and the real transformation as

we go hand in hand on this journey together to bring our solutions into the world through our

work while creating abundance for ourselves and those around us. This is only the


The Perfect Search Engine

The system of life is a highly intelligent, intentional search engine that operates

according to a set of fundamental laws or rules. The experiences you have in your life on

a moment by moment basis should be considered your search results. Just like videos on

YouTube, your experiences are 3-dimensional video results based on a search query that

you’ve made. In many instances in your life this universal search engine is returning results

that you don’t want. However despite your poor results, you continue to input the same

ineffective search query into the search engine, producing the same unwanted results over

and over and over again. While we would never operate a traditional search engine in this

way – you would d simply change your search request – in the universal search engine of life

you continue to make the same unproductive search time after time simply because you don’t

understand how this search engine works, and how you’ve been making your requests.

You know how to use search engines better than you do your own brain. Despite the fact

that within our heads we house the most extraordinary technology ever designed by man or

nature, no one – not your parents, not your teachers, not your mentors or peers – taught you

“A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” — Mahatma Gandhi


about how to effectively use your brain in order to manufacture the results that you want in

your life. You’re not aware of how you’ve been making your search requests and so you

keep doing it over and over and over again despite the fact that you continue to get results

that you don’t like.

So here’s the first key – your BELIEFS are the search request.

‘Money is hard to make?’ Ok says life, here you go. ‘Other people do it better than me?’ Yep

I can give you a search result for that. ‘If I want it done right I have to do it myself?’ Sure

thing here you go. Whatever it is you believe manufactures the experiences of your life. The

belief dictates what your brain pays attention to. It shapes what information your brain

allows in or filters out. It shapes the ideas that come to you. It shapes the coincidence in your

matrix-like life. The belief is the search query, your experience is the result. Not fully

convinced? Stick with me.

So, where did these beliefs come from? These beliefs come from the past. Maybe you

overheard an argument between mom and dad about money and you came to the conclusion

at five years old that money was hard to come by. At the very moment that you applied that

meaning to the experience you were observing, you created wiring in your brain that began


to shape the lens through which you viewed the world. The next time you had an experience

that involved money your brain automatically and unconsciously brought your past into that

new experience where you HAD to conclude that money was hard to make. Your brain

would automatically and effectively find evidence in that new situation to support your

original hypothesis, and ignore and filter out any evidence to the contrary.

Perhaps at a young age your parents divorced, so you concluded or believed that

relationships never work out. Maybe you were supposed to meet your little friend near the

drinking fountain and when they didn’t show up you concluded that you shouldn’t trust

people. Perhaps a family member projected their opinion into your little unprotected brain

when they said that good things never work out. Regardless of how it happened, thousands

of embedded search commands were programmed into your mind at a time that even today

you can’t remember, and yet they are responsible for determining the quality and the

outcomes of your life.

These beliefs dictate the quality of your life and your business and anywhere you’ve hit a

plateau, feel frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or stuck – the embedded belief is

preventing you from moving forward. The number one challenge that entrepreneurs

experience in taking their businesses to a higher level is this: while they consciously want to

achieve a great outcome, unconsciously they have a series of beliefs that it’s not possible. It

is an entrepreneur’s ability to identify and eliminate these inner conflicts that determines his

or her ability to propel themselves to the next level of their business and lives. In order to

accomplish this reprograming, you must learn the 4 Habits for hacking your mind, rewiring

your brain, and transforming your life.


The First Habit: The Power of Decision

“Nothing is impossible to those who decide upon possibility. The universe responds by becoming the thing you determined shall be. The framework of your preconceived notions is your only limitation. These are subject to change at a moment’s notice when you have arrived at a new DECISION.” – William Walker Atkinson


The Power of Decisions

Working with beliefs is a challenge for most people. What’s a belief? How do I change it? In

The Mind Hack Program I’ve gone to extraordinary lengths to explain the science behind the

psychology in order to empower you to materialize real, long-lasting and powerful change.

You can’t work with something if you don’t know what it is and you can’t transform your

beliefs if you don’t know precisely what beliefs are.

Beliefs are a series of connections in the brain that represent the memory of an experience

AND the meaning you gave it. When an individual has a fear of dogs, it’s because at some

point they had an experience with a dog and the meaning they gave that experience was that

dogs are dangerous. From that moment onward, unless a new meaning becomes attributed to

the experience, the brain will experience every subsequent interaction with a dog as

dangerous. In every new instance the brain will identify data that it can interpret as ‘dogs are

dangerous’ and will communicate that information to you in the form of your experience or

what you also call your REALITY. You will experience that the dog is dangerous and the

brain will prevent you from identifying any evidence that may exist that dogs are safe,

friendly, cuddly or man’s best friend. As long as the original meaning remains intact with the

original or past experience, your reality will repeat itself as the brain continues to do what it

is designed to do, use your past experiences to interpret the present moment. Whether you

realize it or not, you are never truly experiencing the present moment, but simply the brains

interpretation of it through the lens of the past.

What does the fear of dogs have to do with growing your mission driven business to the next

level while creating an extraordinary life with freedom, time, income and influence? Because

unconsciously you’ve programmed your brain with beliefs that are preventing you from

seeing the opportunities for growth that are right in front of you, and instead you’ve trained it

to focus on problems that don’t even really exist.


So what do we need to do in order to uninstall these beliefs which were neurophysiologically

programmed into our brains and are preventing us from creating the extraordinary vision we

have for our mission driven businesses and lives? We have to hack our minds, and change

our brains. And in order to do that one must understand a very important two millimeter

distinction that takes the concept of belief and materializes it into something that is


Beliefs are actually DECISIONS.

The original decision at the age of 5 that money is bad, or that you’re not good enough, or

that only people born rich will ever have any success was an unconscious decision. The

moment you become conscious of this decision which has been creating the results in your

life that are in perfect alignment with it – your search results – you can make a different

search query. You make a new decision.

In fact once you become conscious of what you had believed or what you unconsciously

decided before, you have an ability to respond (a responsibility) by simply making a new

decision. You’re continuing to decide that money is hard to make. You’re continuing to

decide that it’s going to be too difficult to transition from the job you’ve been working for

the last 15 years to what you’d really love to do. You’re continuing to decide that there’s no

possible way to grow your business to the next level because you’ve practically killed

yourself getting it to where it is now. Until you make a new decision you will continue to

experience a reality that is in absolute congruence with the old one.

All of your power is in the decision. To be clear, I’m not speaking necessarily about the

decision ‘to do’ something. I’m talking about the decisions you’ve made unconsciously

ABOUT how life is, how you are, how money is, what relationships are like, what it means

to be a business owner, to work for someone, to be an only child, the decision that you’re not

a morning person. Your decisions ABOUT determine your decisions to DO.


Your decisions dictate your destiny.

Once you become conscious of the fact that you’ve been making unconscious decisions in

your life that have been dictating the results that you don’t want, that have been keeping you

stuck, that have been preventing you from creating the next level of your life and business,

what do you do?

You make a new decision.

The single most destructive assumption that human beings make regarding the ability to

make decisions freely is the false belief that before making a decision one must know the

how. Most people assume they need to find evidence, or a reason, or that something needs to

happen before they make a new decision, before they can change their mind. Nothing could

be further from the truth. Nothing needs to happen in order for you to decide that you’re

capable of and will create a 7-figure business. Nothing needs to be ‘figured out’ before

declaring that you will find the perfect partner or investor. No plan needs to be clear prior to

your decision that despite the fact that you don’t know how, and you don’t know when, you

WILL transition from the job you’ve been working into your mission, passion and purpose.

You simply DECIDE it will be. You just decide that you will enjoy dogs and that they will

be friendly despite the evidence you’ve collected from the past to the contrary. Because the

moment you fully commit to a decision, you activate the power of decision.

The first thing that happens is that you begin to access and attract an entirely new set

of ideas and thoughts. Science has shown that your brain does not know the difference

between what you allow yourself to imagine, and your reality. To the brain it’s one and the

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2


same. An impressive study conducted at Harvard Medical School in 2009 showed brain

scans of pianists as they played the piano. Later the musicians were asked to simply imagine

playing the piano, and the identical parts of the brain became active. The brain doesn’t know

the difference between what’s actually happening in your life or what you imagine.

Imagining activates the same neural pathways as the real experience.

The moment you make a new decision you give your brain “permission” to begin

experiencing the new decision which initiates the growth of new neurosynaptic

connections. Your decision and beings a visualization process that enrolls the brain to begin

focusing your attention towards the object of your desired outcome. Once your brain begins

to build new connections associated with the decision, three powerful reality hacking effects

take place.

First, these new connections begin to attract the thoughts and ideas that are in perfect

alignment with the experience that you’ve just manufactured. The HOW or the action

plan comes in the form of creative inspiration but only AFTER the decision is made, not

before. The neurophysiological change that results from the brains inability to distinguish

between imagination and reality is the key to unlocking the thoughts and ideas necessary for

determining “the how.”

Second, when you make a new decision, you recalibrate a part of your brain called the

Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS acts as the filter for the millions of bits of

sensory information that occur around you every moment. The RAS allows in only the

information that is congruent with the conscious and unconscious decisions that you’ve

made, and it filters the rest of the information out. This is the part of the brain that WILL

find the attack signs of a dog, even friendly ones, if you’ve determined that dogs are

dangerous. This is the same part of your brain that begins to notice all of the other cars on the

road identical to the make, model and color of the vehicle you just purchased. It’s not that

everyone has recently chosen to purchase your same automobile, it’s simply that your car has


now become more important to you and the RAS has been modified to include noticing that

particular car.

The moment you make a new decision - that you’ll be more financially prosperous or

abundant, that you’re going to be living your passion, that you’re going to be attracting that

soulmate - you will immediately begin to find evidence that already existed and has always

existed in your reality that you’ve been filtering out. You literally alter the way you

perceive the reality around you.

In any area where you’ve hit a plateau or been stuck; where you have an unconscious

limiting belief or decision you’ve made that’s not congruent with what you really want to

create; where you’ve been unconsciously make a search query that’s producing results that

you don’t want . . . the RAS has been filtering out all of the opportunities, and only allowing

in the problems and limitations. By making a new empowering decision that’s in alignment

with your desired outcome (even without knowing the how), the RAS will recalibrate and

begin to notice information that was always in your experience that it was previously

filtering out.

The third effect of the brain change that results from consciously making new

decisions, is that you activate the power of coincidence. If you choose you can write off

the correlation between thoughts and coincidence as some sort of hippy B.S., but it’s not.

Every successful entrepreneur I work with appreciates the correlation between our beliefs (or

as I’m calling decisions) and the experiences that we manufacture of our own reality. This is

the idea behind ‘The Law of Attraction’ which was first discussed in 1890 in William

Walker Atkinson’s brilliant book by the same name and later elaborated upon and made

popular by Napoleon Hill in the world’s sixth most sold business book (70 million copies)

Think & Grow Rich. The moment you change your brain by making a new decision, the

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous” – Albert Einstein


electrical structure of your brain changes. The change in structure emits a different vibration

or frequency which interacts with the vibrational nature of reality and you attract the people,

the circumstances and the resources that are perfectly in alignment with what you want to

accomplish. That’s the power of decision. All of your power is in the decision. It’s just

most people are not aware of the decisions that they’ve made.

So why do so many people consciously want one thing and instead experience another? The

reality is that most people are not aware of their inner world. They aren’t conscious of the

core beliefs that are the makeup of their unconscious minds. To put it simply, most people

are simply not aware of what they are thinking. They aren’t aware of the decisions that

they’ve made that aren’t congruent with the life that they want to create.

So how do you become conscious of something you’re not aware of? What tools are

available to begin to evaluate what limiting beliefs or unconscious decisions you’ve made

that are preventing your from creating the business, impact, income and life that you want?

The answer is simple. Look at the results of your life. Evaluate the results that you are

producing and rest assured they are precisely in alignment with the unconscious search

request you’ve been making. What’s more, if you look at any area of your life or any

experience you’re having and you notice your reaction to that experience – your reaction is

the belief that created it. Your reaction to an experience that you don’t life isn’t the

effect, it’s the cause. The belief that you can’t trust people, or that you’re not good enough,

or that you have to sacrifice your life in order to have success – those beliefs were there prior

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. – W.H. Murray


to the experience that you are having of them. The belief is the cause and your experience is

the effect. When you become conscious of the unconscious decisions that you’ve made that

aren’t congruent with what you want to consciously create in your life, then you can simply

make a new decision. Change your decision, change your brain, and you change your life.


The Success Model: The Power of Energy


The Success Model

Of the 4 mental habits of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, The Power of

Decisions is the first and primary principle because it lays the foundation for maximizing

one thing: Energy. Your ability to bring energy to any situation in your life determines

whether or not the current conditions change or remain the same. Where you’ve hit a

plateau or where you feel stuck, you aren’t bringing enough energy to transform the

environment. A high energetic state lends to improved ideas, thoughts, creativity, inspiration,

motivated action and creates makes you and all of your efforts more attractive to the people

and the resources around you. Feeling stressed, worried, overwhelmed, angry, frustrated,

worrisome, resentful and exhausted isn’t attractive, neither physically nor metaphorically.

Up until now your energy has been trapped in a series of unconscious decisions that weren’t

in alignment with what you really want which has been preventing the maximum flow of

energy within you. Once you align your unconscious thought patterns with your conscious

outcomes, you bring a new level of energy and resourcefulness to your mission, your

business and your life.

It is helpful to understand that The Four Habits are derived from the Mind Hack

Success System which consists of a series of levels of thought process, or mental habits,

that lend to optimal performance and outcomes. If you want to be productive and create a

breakthrough in any area of your life, you have to begin noticing all of the unconscious

decisions and thought patterns that you previously weren’t aware of. When you begin to

recognize the choices you can make about ow you think and learn how to direct your thought

in ways that other people don’t even perceive, you create a fundamental advantage in

everything that you do. This advantage not only empowers you to create breakthroughs

where you’ve been hitting walls, but it allows you to create in ways that are bigger, better

and faster than everyone else around you. Becoming aware of your inner world and learning

how to manage it, which is what the Four Habits and The Success System teach, will allow

you the ultimate advantage in everything you do.


The Ordinary Model of Thinking

The Ordinary Model of Thinking is the model followed by the natural functioning of the

brain. The brain is designed to help you survive. It is not designed for you to thrive, to focus

on opportunities, to clearly direct you to creating a 7-figure business and having 12 weeks of

vacation a year or for being present for the people you love. By nature the brain is designed

to identify problems that it perceives as a possible threat and the blueprint from which it

operates are the decisions, conclusions, beliefs and meanings that you gave to your life

experiences prior to the age of 5 years old.

In any area of your life where you’ve hit a plateau, or you feel stuck, or you’re consistently

experiencing low energy emotions like fear, overwhelm, frustration, worry, anger or

resentment, you are unconsciously operating according to The Ordinary Method of Thinking,







the default function of the brain. Like a toddler that has been told no, the unconscious

decisions that you’ve made against yourself at Level 1 are creating inner emotional tantrums

that drain your mental and physical resources and place you in a low energy state.

In the low energy state produced by the unconscious decision and the inner conflict, the brain

transitions to Level 2 where it begins to focus exclusively on problems. Because the brain is

by design an effective problem finder with the sole automatic function to keep you alive, it

requires very little energy to focus on problems. As the brain unconsciously directs your

attention towards problems, the low energy states from Level 1 are perpetuated and lacking

the energy and corresponding thoughts and ideas to effectively find solutions and identify

opportunities. For this reason you remain stuck in a mindset that is conducive to nothing

more than at best drifting and unproductive action and worse yet complaining, hopelessness,

a complete lack of presence and a world full of problems

In Level 3 of the Ordinary Model and as a result of continual and inefficient expenditure of

energy, you the one thing necessary to chart a course to success - Clarity. Clarity requires

energy and as a result of unconscious limiting decisions and a habitual focus on problems

there isn’t enough energy in the system in order to have the clarity necessary to produce your

desired outcomes. In the absence of clarity you become, simply, confused. I’m not

suggesting you operate according to this model in ALL areas of your life. However, in any

area of your life where you’re experiencing low energy emotions or not producing the results

that you want, this is the reason why.

Once the brain identifies that that its human being container is operating according to a

dangerously ineffective trio of limiting decisions, problems, and confusion – it moves into

major problem solving mode by asking questions. “Why is this happening? Why doesn’t it

every work out for me? What am I doing wrong? What is it working for them but not

working for me?” Left to its own devices it will begin to try to solve the problem by asking a

series of highly ineffective and unproductive questions that in and of themselves produce

even more low level emotions which ultimately throws the individual into Level 5: Fear.


As a response to the decisions, problems, confusion and unproductive questions the brain

responds at Level 5 by inducing Fear. Fear manifests inwardly in the form of overwhelm,

worry, panic, doubt, rejection and fear of failure. Level 5 which represents the height of low

level energy and unresourcefulness is the point from which most people are taking action in

the areas of their businesses or lives where they are not producing the results that they want.

Outwardly Level 5 produces either a tremendous amount of ‘doing’ that fails to produce

desired results and is often a “reaction plan” rather than an action plan or Level 5 thought

patterns consist of lots of ‘trying to solve the problem from the mind’ with very little

physical or real world action or activity.

The most successful people in the world, however, operate according to a different model,

what we call the Mind Hack Success Model. The Success Model is a series of mental habits

that manufacture energy and ever level and culminate in powerful, productive and precise

action that more often than not produces the desired results.

The Mind Hack Success Model

Level 6:ACTIONLevel 5:






High achievers, peak performers and successful entrepreneurs operate according to a

consciously constructed model that uses the technology of the brain to achieve their desired

outcomes as opposed to allowing the brain to continue in its survival based method of

operation. These individuals operate their minds according to a Success Model that

empowers them to place their consistent thought and attention towards their desired

outcomes. At Level 1of the model these people have consciously constructed a strong

foundation of empowering decisions that are congruent with who they want to be and what

they want to accomplish in the world. By creating an alignment between their inner and outer

worlds they unlock a tremendous amount of internal energy that propels them upwards in the

Success Model. At Level 2, because they have learned how to maximize their internal energy

reserves, they are capable of directing the minds attention away from problems and towards

opportunities and those things that are working in their lives. They have developed an

attitude of gratitude and despite their external circumstances they have enrolled the brain in

finding the gift, blessing and opportunity in every experience. The see what others cannot see

because they have created enough energetic momentum to direct the brain rather than be

directed by it.

With this incredible energetic storehouse these individuals achieve tremendous Clarity at

Level 3. They’ve identified clearly what their outcomes are, who their customer are, how

they are different from their competition, where there are opportunities to take untapped

market share – they know where they are going and the begin to understand how they are

going to get there. At Level 4 they have taken advantage of the brain’s extraordinary

capacity to source answers. By consciously directing the brain by asking key strategic and

empowering questions, they are able to source the thoughts, ideas, images, creativity and

inspiration necessary for taking effective action. With all of the right answers they move

forward into Level 5 with an unparalleled confidence. Sure of whether they are going and

how they are going to get there, they arrive at Level 6 with a short list of powerful and

tactical activities to engage in that will produce impressive results. Often times these people

produce so much in such a short period that they seem to defy time. They are not defying

time, they are simply leveraging the power of energy to bring massive resources into this


area of their life in order to create massive breakthroughs and outcomes. Mastering the 4

Mental Habits of The Success Model: Decisions, Gratitude, Clarity & Questions and

learning how to deconstruct Fear in order to move towards your intended outcome

Confidently is the method by which successful entrepreneurs take their businesses and their

lives to the next level.


The Second Habit: The Power of Gratitude

“Often people ask how I manage to be happy despite having no arms and no legs. The quick answer is that I have a CHOICE. I can be angry about not having limbs, or I can be thankful that I have a purpose. I chose gratitude.” – Nick Vujicic


The Power of Gratitude

The Second Habit and the second level of the Mind Hack Success Model is the Power of

Gratitude. The most successful people in the world have trained their brains to focus not on

problems, which is the natural tendency of the brain, but on what they can appreciate

regardless of the circumstance or situation. In our everyday experiences the problems is

never the problem. The problem is the meaning that we give the experience we are

having. Successful individuals have developed a habit of attributing empowering meaning,

or meaning that feels good and therefore generates energy, to the otherwise perceived

problems in their lives. They literally find the gratitude and in doing so reshape their moment

by moment experiences and position themselves in a state of high energy and therefore

mental activity.

In each moment of our lives we have the ability to assign a meaning to the experiences we

are having. The meaning in and of itself is absolutely arbitrary yet critically important in

determining your future success or failure. Every player in the game of basketball

experiences a shooting slump – a period of time where they develop a streak of missing

shots. Great shooters give a different meaning to a missing streak than average shooters. The

best shooters give every miss the meaning that the next made basket is even closer, for they

believe that the streak must end at some point and that every missed shot is one shot closer to

a make. Average shooters focus on the missed shot, and attribute a meaning that there is still

something wrong with them as a result of not having yet ended the streak. In the former

example the empowering meaning, that the streak is near an end, provides the player with the

energy, focus, determination and presence to more likely make the next shot. In the latter, the

player is in a poor energetic state and more likely to perpetuate the slump. Neither meaning

is more or less correct than the other, yet the meaning that is given determines the likelihood

of success or failure in the next instance.

In business and in our lives we experience the same types of slumps. Life is constantly

bringing us experiences that, if we allow the brain to operate by its default mechanism,

become problems. However in every problem there is a blessing, a gift, a lesson or teaching,


or some other opportunity. The ability to find that gift is the ability to find gratitude. In

finding gratitude we tap into an unlimited energetic credit line with the universe that fuels us

with the vitality, energy, resourcefulness, creativity and ideas necessary to create a

breakthrough in any area of our lives.

Take for example a pair of executives that I worked with Alex and Carol. These two highly

capable and effective executives came to me because they were having challenges working

together. Alex seemed always to be focused on what could and what was going wrong, while

Carol naturally found the opportunity in every challenge the two experienced. As a result

Carol felt that Alex was no longer effective in his role in their partnership and equally

important wasn’t particularly enjoyable to work with. In my conversations with Alex he was

consistently focused the fact that the company had lost its last 6 pitches to other clients and

he found himself spending a significant amount of time worrying about whether or not the

company was going to continue to be successful and thinking about what had gone wrong in

the pitches. Carol on the other hand was focused on taking the feedback from the client

prospects and building new features into their services offering.

Because Alex was so focused on the problems he became stressed and overwhelmed, began

showing up at work later and leaving earlier, and had lost his creative and intellectual spark.

While Alex believed he was spending a lot of time trying to ‘figure out’ the problem, the

reality was that he had become so focused on the problem that he became paralyzed. Because

Carol was focused on the new features and the possibility of improving their offering, she

was consistently in action working towards identifying the right resources to internally and

externally to expand their services and revamping existing marketing material in order to

reflect the new features. Both Alex and Carol believed that they company needed to make a

shift in order to adapt to the changing market, but Carol’s focus on what was working and

her positive forward thinking outlook gave her the energy to tap into a whole new level of

creativity and inspiration while taking massive action. Alex’s focuses on problems propelled

him into fear and separated him from the his internal creative resources and literally drained

him of his physical energy.


By working with Alex to help him enroll his brain to notice all of the great opportunities,

resources, people, and financial prosperity that still existed for the company, and by giving

him some neuro-reconditioning rituals to begin to train his brain to focus on the

opportunities rather than the problems, Alex was able to re-engage with the organization

with a new level of high energy and productivity. Alex was allowing fear to attract his

attention (which it will naturally do in a low state of energy) while Carol was naturally

focused on what was working, and what could be great in the future. Neither Alex nor Carol

were right or wrong, but their perspective and where the placed their mental attention

determined the quality of their outcomes and results.

What’s more, gratitude is a mental method by which we signal to the brain that this thing

over here that we’ve experienced, we want more of. We can actually study the brain and see

that when people are grateful the specific parts of the brain that represent the memory of that

experience light up. The myelin sheaths of the neurosynaptic connections around that

memory become thicker. The electrical impulse between those connections in your brain

actually become stronger. The result is an enrolling of the brain to find more of that which

you are already grateful for. You have more ideas in alignment with the experiences that

you’re grateful for. You begin to perceive things in your reality that were always there that

are similar to that which you are grateful for, and you begin to attract even more experiences,

people, and resources in your life to be grateful for. The seeds you sow with gratitude reap

the rewards in your reality.

Our responsibility is to master our minds and enroll the brain by training it to focus on all of

the abundance, opportunity and support that is and has always been there for us, but that it

has been ignoring. By doing so successful entrepreneurs and achievers are able to take the

energetic foundation created by empowering decisions to a whole new level by practicing an

“Expect problems. And eat them for breakfast.” – Alfred Montapert


attitude of gratitude and maintaining that high energy state in order to move upward within

the Mind Hack Success Model to take full advantage of the next Mental Habit: Clarity.


The Third Habit: The Power of Clarity

“The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision” – Helen Keller


The Power of Clarity

Your brain is a powerful technology that, when given proper instructions, will enroll your

entire neurophysiology in finding whatever it is that you are looking for or wanting to

accomplish. In many areas of our lives, however, we are unconsciously giving instructions

for the brain to find what we don’t want. At the first stage of the Mind Hack Success Model

we correct this instruction set by becoming conscious of the decisions that we’ve made that

aren’t congruent with what we consciously want to create. By aligning our conscious and

unconscious intentions we access an entire new level of energy. Once this alignment is

attained, we maintain this energy by developing an attitude of gratitude and appreciation. We

achieve this by constantly redirecting the brain’s natural focus on problems to finding gifts,

blessings and opportunities that exist in every moment and in every experience. From this

sustained energetic foundation we are able to clearly define what it is that we want to create

as our intended outcome. By making the transition out of fear, worry, anxiety and

overwhelm we have the ability to attain a new level of intention and clarity which empowers

us to utilize the brain to begin to map out the ‘how’ or the action plan that will allow us to

create a breakthrough in any area of our lives.

Despite its obvious benefits, many entrepreneurs have failed to establish Clarity in the areas

of their lives or their businesses where they feel stuck, OR they simply haven’t yet mastered

the first or second levels of the Success Model in order to generate enough energy to have

adequate clarity. You can’t have clarity in fear, worry, overwhelm or other low level

emotional states. What’s more, even when a high level of energy has been attained, the

importance of Clarity is often overlooked.

A colleague of mine was recently sharing with me that he felt stuck and wasn’t making much

progress on a new project that he had started. When I asked him what the problem was he

mentioned that he didn’t have the money necessary to get the project off the ground. I

responded, “Well, how much money do you need exactly?” His response: “Well I’m not sure

I haven’t really laid that out yet.” So, he knows he wants to start his business, he’s made a


decision, but he’s not clear on how much money he needs to get it off the ground. Wanting

something and lacking clarity around the details is like wanting to set sail without a

destination. Clarity is critical because, as I mentioned before, the brain does not know the

difference between what you imagine and what’s actually going on in your life. As a mental

habit, clarity begins the process of brain change. As we gain clarity and we begin to imagine

our outcome – speaking on stage in front of 500 people, raising $250,000 in investment,

landing 10 new high paying clients by the end of the year – the brain records what you

imagine as if it has already happened. The new neurosynaptic connections that are created as

a result of this brain change are part of the bridge to attracting the thoughts and ideas that

become the execution plan. Becoming absolutely clear on the outcomes that you want give

the brain images and ideas that enable it to find the ‘how.’ Similar to what we experience in

making Decisions, practicing Clarity attracts new thoughts and ideas that are in alignment

with the desired outcome, begins to affect your perception so that you can more easily

identify opportunities that already exist in your reality, and initiates the power of coincidence

to help you acquire the resources, relationships and experiences you need in order to achieve

your ultimate goals.

Let’s look at a common example. You’ve been wanting to leave your job, which is a good

job that you’ve been working for the last 15 years, to go and pursue your passion, your

mission, and your purpose. Maybe you want to start your own consulting company or

perhaps you’re really passionate about creating a socially conscious company. But, you’ve

got this story about how your job is safe and secure and, at some point in time, you make a

new decision. You say, “I don’t know how. I don’t know when. But, I know I’m going to

transition from this job that I’ve been working for my mission, and my passion, and my

purpose.” Great first step.

“First comes thought; then organization of that thought into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” – Napoleon Hill


From there choose to live in a state of gratitude in order to maximize your energy and to

focus your attention on all the things that are working in your life. You have gratitude for the

job you have, the people you work with, the opportunity your employer has given you over

the last few years and the skills you’ve developed EVEN though you know that you

ultimately want to create this new business.

The next thing do is to start getting Clarity. What would this business look like? Would you

be working from home or would you be working from an office? Would you be working by

yourself or would you be working with a team? What type of industry would you be working

in? What would your finances look like one year, two years, three years into creating this

new business? Would you be serving people and, if so, in what way would you be serving

and contributing to the world? Would you be writing? Would you be speaking? Get as much

clarity as you can about this opportunity because as you do this you enroll the brain. You

build new neurosynaptic connections as if what you want has already happened, as if it

were an actual memory. Those new connections, what we might call the “new frequency”,

are what will begin to attract the new ides (the how) and will start to create the circumstances

in your life to guide you there. This is how you manufacture what you want in your life by

leveraging this Principle of Power: Clarity. With a strong energetic foundation based on

empowering decisions and living in a state of gratitude, and by establishing clarity around

your desired outcomes, you can tap into the Fourth and final Mental Habit of the world’s

most successful entrepreneurs: The Habit of Questions.


The Fourth Habit: The Power of Questions

“Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.” – Matthew 7:7


The Power of Questions

Not only is life an intelligent feedback system akin to a search engine but your brain itself is

also a search engine. Left to its own the mind is constantly firing off unconscious questions

that are producing results in the form of an inner voice, or the voice in your head. Why

doesn’t it ever work out for me? Why do they have it and I don’t. Am I making the wrong

decision? What if it doesn’t work out? These are common questions derived from the

survival-based nature of the mind. The brain, like a loyal golden retriever, will fetch an

answer to these questions from your personal history. Why doesn’t it ever work out for you?

The brain will bring to mind all of the reasons that it never works out for you according to

it’s recorded history of your life. “Because you never do it right. Because somehow you

manage to always screw it up. Because you’re not smart enough. Because others know how

to do it better than you do.” Ask, and ye shall receive.

The storage capacity of the brain is 250 times the size of the Library of Congress. Every

experience of your entire life is mapped out in extraordinary detail within the neursynaptic

connections of your brain. As such it has the capacity to review every moment of your life

and to provide you with an answer based on the quality of your questions. Most people, in

any area of their lives where they are stuck, are not asking quality questions. And so the

majority of people get caught in the energy draining, stress inducing, pressure-filled loop of

unconscious questions, and shitty answers.

The world’s most successful people have learned how to retake control of their minds and

consciously ask empowering questions that result in constructive and productive ideas,

thoughts and answers. One of my CEO clients was in the process of making a major

acquisition of a smaller supplier. In the short run the acquisition as going to create a

significant strain on the company’s cash flow and resources. About a month prior to the

expected close date this CEO called me to discuss the incredible pressure he was undergoing

and to get my opinion on whether or not he should move forward with the acquisition. “I’ve

been feeling so overwhelmed over this whole thing,” he shared. “I haven’t slept in weeks and


I’m not feeling confident or clear any more about this move. All I keep thinking to myself is

‘what if this is the wrong move?’”

A question like that can only produce results that illustrate what happens when making the

wrong move. When I asked him what thoughts came to mind he shared an image he had of

the financial statements showing massive losses, of a board meeting where the board was

chastising him for the acquisition, of what it would look like to have to let people go and

downsize as a result of the ‘wrong move.’ Not only did the question not serve his intended

outcomes, it was putting him into a state of fear, overwhelm and anxiety that was affecting

his judgment, energy, clarity and creativity. What’s more, unconsciously he was enrolling

his entire neurophysiology to focus on how the deal could go wrong which has a self-

fulfilling effect on actual outcomes.

“What’s a better question you could be asking yourself that would enroll the brain in giving

you an answer you want?” I asked. He thought for a moment and responded. “What are 3 to

5 metrics we should be paying attention to in order to ensure this is a successful transaction

for us?”

“That’s a good question,” I responded. He thought for a moment and came up with a list of 5

areas that he and his team needed to focus on in order to make sure the transaction was going

to go smoothly. By becoming aware of the unconscious questions he had been asking, it was

clear why my client felt stuck and was moving into a low energy state – what we see from

The Ordinary Model. By consciously designing questions that would lead to productive

answers, he was able to develop an action plan that would lead to his feeling confident about

the business decisions he was about to make. By become acutely aware of his internal

dialogue – by changing his being – this CEO was able to craft an action plan that ultimately

led to one of the most successful transactions in the company’s history.

Too often entrepreneurs and achievers move into the zone of action before doing the

appropriate inner work. Most people are trying to achieve their goals in the outer world while


their inner world is cluttered with disempowering decisions, a focus on problems, a lack of

clarity, and asking questions that are producing unproductive answers. An overemphasis on

“the doing” vs. “the being” – or how your inner world is being properly managed – is the

number one cause of professional and personal failure. An effective action plan can only be

achieved in a high energy state with absolute clarity and strategic, intentional questions. The

‘how’ or the action plan is an effect or a result of consciously constructing questions that are

in the greatest alignment with the outcome that you are wanting to achieve. Far too often

individuals respond to the pressure and anxiety created by these unconscious negative

questions – what I call a “re-action” plan – or worse yet these unconscious questions hurl the

individual into such a low state of energy that the result is drifting, procrastination and

inaction. Questions are the key to tapping into a larger intelligence that contains the images,

thoughts, ideas and answers – the HOW – that will ultimately lead you to a breakthrough in

any area of your business and life.


Deconstructing Fear: Hacking Fear of Failure

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”

-- Theodore Roosevelt


Deconstructing Fear

If you’ve operated according to the Mind Hack Success System and you’ve created a

foundation of empowering and congruent decisions, have maintained a consistent state of

gratitude and appreciation, achieved a high level of clarity and have developed a practice of

asking powerful conscious questions, what could go wrong? The answer is fear and in

particular fear of failure.

I like to call fear, “Forgetting Everything About Reality” because every time we

experience fear, we can look back on the past and see that our actual results were completely

different than what we were afraid of. Fear of failure, fear of making the wrong decision and

fear of rejection can prevent you from moving forward in any area of your life. You can

make a new decision. You can have clarity. You can be asking the right questions. You can

have gratitude. And, as you go out and you begin to take action, the reality is that you’re not

going to get the results that you expect. It rarely goes the way we expect it to and when

reality doesn’t match our expectations, we often view it failure. But is it?

The Four Blessings of Failure

Let me deconstruct and dispel failure for you because there really is no such thing. When we

take action from a place of right decision, the right questions, right clarity, right gratitude,

and it doesn’t go the way that we expect it to, something really miraculous is happening.

Unfortunately, we call it failure. But really, it’s one of four types of blessings.

People don’t realize you are born to fail and born to get up. It is the goal of every spiritual being to try to live as big a life as possible; to love as much as possible; to give as much as possible, and fail as often as possible." - Gary Keller – Founder Keller Williams


Blessing #1 Learning The first blessing is that your perceived failure is a Learning. Your “failure” is simply a

result of the fact that life knows precisely what you need to learn - a new skill or the

development of new character - in order for you to accomplish your longer-term vision. We

learn through the experiences that we have but far too often we call this learning, failure. Yet

we can look back at any point in our lives and we can see that all of those times that we

thought were failures in the past turned out instead to be something that helped us to

accomplish what we’re accomplishing now. A really great question to ask yourself when

things don’t go the way that you expect is, ‘What am I learning here?’ What am I learning

here that I’m going to be able to take with me in the future that’s going to empower me to

create the life that I dream of living?

Blessing #2 Redirection The second phenomenon that we often overlook as failure is Redirection. You’re being

redirected from one relationship to another relationship, from one job to another job, from

one geographic place to another geographic place, and you’re being redirected in a positive

way. Again, I don’t need to convince you of this. You can find evidence in your own life that

this has always happened to you time, and time, and time again. Things always get better.

But, in the moment when we don’t have that perspective, we think that what we’re

experiencing is failure and oftentimes we miss the opportunity. It’s simply a redirection –

Learning and Redirection.

Blessing #3 Reflection The third blessing that “failure” brings is that of Reflection. If we live in this universal

search engine, if we live in this intelligent system that is giving us everything that we want,

everything that we’ve decided which shapes the neurosynaptic connections of our brain,

sometimes what we’re experiencing is a search result. If fact, these reflections, experiencing

the search result that we don’t like, is a tremendous opportunity. It’s the moment that, if you


start to become conscious of your reaction to this experience, you can make a different

search request. You can make a different decision about life and you’ll start getting better

search results. So, for example, let’s say you were in a particular business relationship or

business deal and things didn’t go well for you. When the deal went south, you had a

reaction, which was “Things never work out for me. I can’t trust people in business.”

This is important for you to understand because, until you realize that you’ve made this

decision about people and business, you’re going to continue to manufacture the same results

in your life. This experience that you’re having, that you’re calling failure because it’s not

going the way that you expect it to, is the blessing of revelation. If you’re present for it, you

can realize that you’ve been making these decisions (for a long time) unconsciously. Make a

new decision and, like we talked about before, hack your mind, and change your results. So,

the third is a Reflection.

Blessing #4 The Setup The fourth is the Setup and it’s one of my favorites. We are always being set up. We’re

constantly being set up by ourselves. This is where I get a little bit on my woo woo but the

higher intelligent part of ourselves that does not come into the physical body is constantly

guiding us. That part of us which you could call your authentic self or your higher self

oftentimes knowns before we do precisely what we really want now and in the future.

Because it has this future oriented vision, it’s consistently setting up the plan for us to

accomplish our ultimate goals, our ultimate vision, our ultimate dreams. Oftentimes, we run

into the Setup and the Setup is designed, again, to redirect us, to teach us something, but it’s

often something quite significant and longer term and thus at the moment we can’t possibly

see how this is working for us in our lives. I remember one point in time I had a significant

“crisis” happen in my business and nearly lost my entire business. Looking back on it, of

course, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me because it was a set up for

what I needed five years down the road. So, oftentimes, we look at the Setup as a breakdown

and, again, we miss all the opportunities.


When you can get to a point that you truly realize and understand that life is ALWAYS

working for you even when in the moment you might now yet have that insight, you can take

inspired action without the fear of what might go wrong because in reality, there is no such

thing. Nothing can ever go wrong. There is no such thing as failure. It’s one of four things:

It’s a Learning, Redirection, Reflection or a Setup. The big mistake that we make is that we

think we’ve failed and, in the failure, we revert back to operating according to the Ordinary

Model. We revert back to old decisions, we focus on problems, we’re not exactly sure what

happens next, and we ask ourselves some downright crappy questions. There’s never a right

or wrong decision. The reality is that the only wrong decision is indecision. Embrace life and

take action based on these new decisions that you’ve made, based on the clarity that you

have, based on the empowered questions that you’re asking, and based on living in a state of

gratitude, and you WILL create a breakthrough in any are of your business or your life.

I hope this has been helpful for you. As part of this training I’ve sent you 4 videos that will

reinforce everything that we spoke about here and a fourth video which will expose you to

the larger body of work to hack your mind, transform your business and allow you to live a

truly limitless life. I honor you and your journey and the opportunity to support you in your

personal and spiritual transformation.

Claim Your Power. Live Your Purpose. Love Your Life.

~ David Bayer

For more teachings, trainings and videos subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

For daily inspiration, join us on Facebook.


About David Bayer David Bayer is an entrepreneur, speaker, author, coach and

seminar leader. David helps successful professionals,

entrepreneurs and executives transform their belief systems and

change their brains in order to become truly limitless. David’s

clients include professional athletes, Forbes 100 executives and

Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. David’s work combines science,

psychology and spirituality into a practical program for rewiring the brain and transforming

your life. The David Bayer Businesses portfolio of companies help individuals and

organizations realize their full potential in order to create abundant, fulfilled and prosperous

lives and businesses.

"I had a great job, but I wasn’t exactly passionate about it anymore and wasn’t clear

on what was next for me. In the short time I’ve spent working through David's

program I have become far more self-aware, identified and rooted out elements of my

daily life that were blocking my path to goal achievement, and discovered the inspiration

and practical steps to launch into my passion and purpose. I absolutely recommend that you

participate in one of his programs" -- Michael A., Fitness Entrepreneur

"If you merely want to move mountains in your life I suggest going another route. If

you want your world knocked off its axis so you see things from an entirely new point of

view an empowered and fearless point of view, I suggest working with David." -- Trish D.,

Corporate Trainer

"Since working with David I have made more progress in my career in 4 months than I

have in 4 years. Whether you’re dealing with career, relationship or some other area in

your life David provides a clear concise road map that makes sense. The dividends you

receive from your investment in yourself are beyond what you can imagine." -- Paul L.,

Business Coach