Mile Cross Primary School · 2019. 1. 4. · multiplication tables. Maybe you could help by...

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Transcript of Mile Cross Primary School · 2019. 1. 4. · multiplication tables. Maybe you could help by...

Mile Cross Primary School

Working As One.


Happy New Year! Welcome back to school

and we wish you all the very best for 2019. If you were lucky enough to receive a

new phone with a new number please contact the office so that we are able to update our records in case

of an emergency.

Please Read We started at the same speed as we left with

Reading Thursday yesterday where we saw a huge

number of you reading in class with your child - thank you again for your support. This term sees PE Cafes for

Nursery, Reception and Years 1, 2,3 & 6. Please discard the booklet you

received this week - it missed some pages due to technical

issues. Apologies.

Attendance Reward Trip

Many of the children are already excited to go to the pantomime at the Theatre

Royal next week. Please see your child’s attendance for last term which should be stapled to the front of this


Year 3

Year 3 had an amazing PE Cafe

with a huge number of parents supporting today.

The activities worked brains as well as bodies!


This week Reception has settled back well

into school. Well done to all those

children who practised their

reading and maths over the school



Nursery did a great job at

Church and sang beautifully. Well


Year 1

In Year one we have been using

cubes to represent teen numbers on a double ten frame.

Year 2

Year 2 welcomed a

huge number of parents into

their classrooms for

Reading Thursday.

Year 4

Yr4 are working hard in Maths

on their multiplication tables. Maybe you could help

by learning with them?

Year 5

We have had lots of fun creating freeze frames to start learning our story, 'Nyangara, the Fire Python'.

Year 6

Year 6 have started the new year at full throttle! We have started our new

English unit on ‘The Piano’ picking out different emotions shown by the main


Here are the Golden Tickets that were presented to the children last week . The winners each week will be one child from each class who has read at least 5 times a week, has completed their homework, attended school all week (on time) and

has an amazing ‘can do’ attitude towards their learning. Winners will be going to the Christmas pantomime at the Theatre Royal, Norwich (subject to attendance).

Reception: Lily Simons & Benita Jasilionyte Year 1: Jekisha Jegatheeswaran & Daniel Verdes

Year 2: Aylanah-Rian Brown & Bella Mcbeath Year 3: Emilia Slipska & Jessica Hopkins

Year 4: Blossom Nash & Miriam Ribeiro-Cardoso Year 5: Nicole Morris & Leo Salih

Year 6: Connor Grimwood & Callum Grimwood

Hot Dinners Pasta King Pick & MixMon Sweet Potato & Salmon Fishcake

(v) Cheese & Tomato Pizza Whirl

Beef Bolognese (v) Vegetable Bolognese Wrap Sandwich or Baguette

(range of fillings)

Tues Beef Lasagne & Garlic Bread

(v) Vegetable Crumble & Garlic Bread

Bangers & Beans (v) Tomato Sauce

Cut Fresh Salad Vegetables and Fruit

Wed Chicken Meatballs with Tomato Sauce & Rice

(v) Carrot & Leek Cheese Slice

BBQ Chicken (v) BBQ Quorn A snack (eg. Cheese straw,

mini pizza etc.)

Thur Roast Loin of Pork & All the Trimmings

(v) Toad in the Hole

Meatballs in Sauce (v) Vegetarian Sausage

StewFruit Juice

Fri Crispy Baked Fish Fillet with Chips (v) Vegan Chicken Style Nuggets

Chicken Tikka (v) Cheese Sauce

A Tasty Dessert


Mon.7thJan. Yr2AboriginalDanceSessionTues.8thJan.[3.15-5pm] Yr6AIerSchoolSwimmingClub(selectedchildren)-SprowstonHighSchoolWeds.9thJan.[AM] AQendanceRewardTrip(Pantomime)-NorwichTheatreRoyalThurs.10thJan. PoliceOfficertovisitRecep/onclasses

Tues.15thJan. ClosingdateforRecep/onapplica/onforms-Tues.15thJan.[9-11am] FamilyLearningMathstasterevent-StudioTues.15thJan.[3.15-5pm] Yr6AIerSchoolSwimmingClub(selectedchildren)-SprowstonHighSchoolWeds.16thJan.[9-10am] Yr6MathsCafe-StudioFri.18thJan.[9-11am] Yr2PECafe-Studio

Tues.22ndJan.[10-10.30am] Yr2ClassAssembly-MrsCook-Hall-Parents/FS/KS1

Lunches for the week beginning Monday 7th January 2019