Migration as an opportunity to register changing partisan ...

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Accepted: 13 September 2018

DOI: 10.1002/psp.2218


Migration as an opportunity to register changing partisanloyalty in the United States

Wendy K. Tam Cho1 | James G. Gimpel2 | Iris S. Hui3

1Urbana‐Champaign, Department of Political

Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois,


2Department of Political Science, University

of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA

3Bill Lane Center for the American West,

Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA


James G. Gimpel, Department of Political

Science, University of Maryland, College Park,

3140 Tydings Hall, College Park, MD 20742.

Email: jgimpel@umd.edu

Popul Space Place. 2019;25:e2218.https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2218


We explore the connection between residential migration choices and political party

identification by movers who change their political party registration. We find that

an impressive number of migrants choose neighbourhoods that favor their new party

of registration. The association between the party change of the migrant and the

balance of local partisanship in their new neighborhood cannot be accounted for by

a process of neighbourhood socialisation because the move is too recent for

socialisation pressures to have operated. It is more likely that the migrant's political

transition occurred well before the relocation and shaped the destination search.

Relocation offered an opportunity to mark a previously transformed partisan prefer-

ence on the voter rolls. In this sense, partisan identification is stable, but observing

any large subset of migrants may make it appear unhinged, as this group collectively

takes its opportunity to officially disclose their change in political party loyalty when

they have a chance to relocate and must reregister.


internal migration, party identification, political behaviour, political change, residential sorting, voter



Uneven population growth across the United States, coupled with the

increased spatial clustering of partisan identifiers, have produced

intriguing and remarkable changes in the sociopolitical landscape over

the last 60 years. Migration and settlement patterns are important

politically when political institutions and electoral rules are closely tied

to geography. One obvious example lies in the electoral college system

for electing U.S. presidents. In 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes won the

electoral college but lost the popular vote by 3%. A short time later,

in 1888, Benjamin Harrison won the electoral college, whereas Grover

Cleveland won the popular vote. These seemed like anomalies at the

time, and it would be more than a century later, in the year 2000,

when it happened again, with George W. Bush winning the electoral

college majority and the presidency over Al Gore. But, not long after,

in 2016, Donald Trump won the electoral college, whereas Hillary

Clinton ran away with the popular vote majority. Shifting demo-

graphics may make this “anomaly” more common. For instance, if


more Democrats crowd into safe Democratic states like California, this

movement makes it more likely that the electoral vote winner will not

be the same as the popular vote winner. The same is true if more

Republicans migrate to safe Republican states. Relocation patterns

shape the electoral composition of states and regions, which in turn,

have implications for elections and political representation.

Apart from actual votes, settlement patterns also influence social

interaction, with political consequences to follow. Bill Bishop (2009)

argues that neighbourhoods in the United States have been becoming

more homogeneous over the last few decades, and that this has

resulted in increased ideological polarisation. Others have also noted

a connection between residential choices and a desire for homophily

—to live among those who are similar in some way (Anacker &

Morrow‐Jones, 2005; Bishop 2009; Gimpel & Hui, 2015; Blanchard,

2007; Florida, 2002; Florida & Mellander, 2010; McDonald, 2011). If

people are increasingly interacting with like‐minded individuals, the

limited exposure to cross‐cutting viewpoints may entrench already‐

held beliefs, heightening intensity and intolerance. In this way, spatial

© 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.urnal/psp 1 of 12

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concentration has an effect on the formation, expression, and inten-

sity of political preferences (Mutz, 2006).

From a self‐selection standpoint, residential relocation choices are

interesting because they embody revealed preferences for types of

neighbours and neighbourhoods (Rossi & Shlay, 1982, 25). The politi-

cal implications are not well‐understood, and not even widely studied

or discussed. Instead, the research that dominates the literature has

long noted that the migration decision is chiefly economic, driven by

the push‐pull conditions of labour markets (Molloy, Smith, & Wozniak,

2011; Herzog, Schlottmann, & Boehm, 1993; Borjas, Bronars, & Trejo,

1992; Schlottman & Herzog 1981; Sandefur & Scott, 1981;

Greenwood 1975; 1985; Sjaastad, 1962). Other phenomena, such as

the growth of the suburbs and Republican flight from large diversify-

ing central cities (Greenstein & Wolfinger, 1958; Taeuber & Taeuber,

1964; Wirt, 1965) have been identified, but political scientists have

been slow to explore the impact of residential mobility on outcomes

other than turnout. Some research exists that explores the impact of

migration on the partisan leaning and political orientation of individ-

uals (Brown, 1988; MacDonald & Franko, 2008). Others have identi-

fied large migration streams as a force for partisan change within

regions and states (McDonald, 2011; Cook, 2011; Hood & McKee,

2010; Robinson & Noriega, 2010; Bishop 2008; Dupre & Scala,

2002; Gimpel & Schuknecht, 2001). We have learned less, however,

about the interplay between partisan affinity and residential reloca-

tion. Surely because economic factors are central to moving, there

are secondary considerations that have important sociological dimen-

sions, and both the economics and sociology of consumption decisions

have political implications (Cho, Gimpel and Hui 2013; Gimpel & Hui,

2015, 2017, 2018).


Despite uneven concentrations of partisans in particular areas, we are

unsure how or if relocation decisions involve any consideration of the

political composition of the destination. Although mobility is thought

to be primarily anchored in economic and family considerations, peo-

ple may wind up relocating to wherever their job prospects are best,

or to locations where kinship ties are robust, not to areas they con-

sider in harmony with their political outlook. Certainly, some who

move to more politically consonant areas are doing so inadvertently

because they have found economic opportunity there. Others may

appreciate what on the surface appears to be nonpolitical attributes

of the destination, not because they perceive anything politically com-

patible about it (Gimpel & Hui, 2017). These partisans simply transport

their present political orientation to an area they read to be congruent

with nonpolitical values. That the locale also reinforces their political

values is a pleasant coincidence.

We must also be mindful that people choose their

neighbourhoods for what they mean, making inferences about inhab-

itants from visual observations. Personal property is an extension of

identity (Belk, 1988; Gosling, 2008), with a residence being a funda-

mental symbol of the self (Nasar, 1989; Sadalla, Verschure, &

Burroughs, 1987). Homes, garages, automobiles, styles, and

decorations, as well as yards, attract the attention of others, and sym-

bolise status and position (Reed, 2002, 239; Belk, 1988; Landon 1974;

Levy, 1959). A dwelling is evaluated not simply because of its func-

tional characteristics, but also for whether it fits one's self‐image (Sirgy

et al., 2005; Levy, 1959). Someone who identifies as a strong environ-

mentalist, may place emphasis on housing with access to mass transit

(Kahn, 2007). A giveaway that such residents may be present might be

the presence of “green” vehicles in the neighbourhood, or perhaps

homes with solar energy panels, as well as nearby businesses that

cater to the tastes of eco‐sensitive residents. Political sorting, resulting

from the search for similar others, may be the result of racial and

ethnic bias either for or against certain groups. Racial residential

segregation has commonly been described as a result of the revealed

preferences of White migrants in particular. Racial composition is also

correlated with other neighbourhood characteristics, most obviously,

income (Bayer, McMillan, & Reuben, 2004). And both race and income

are commonly associated with partisan preference and related political


As politics has been extended into ever more realms of human

activity, it has increasingly become associated with everyday con-

sumer choices (Cohen, 2003; Kahn, Mishra & Singh 2013; Hoewe

& Hatemi, 2017; Matos, Vinuales, & Sheinin, 2017) both in the

United States, and in other countries (Koivula, Räsänen, & Saarinen,

2017). Because it is difficult to disentangle partisan preferences from

a set of other preferences that may be governing relocation deci-

sions, it may be helpful to examine the behaviour of a subset of

voters who have both relocated and switched their party of registra-

tion. With this portion of the electorate, if there is a partisan aspect

to their evaluation of destinations, we should observe change in the

characteristics of the old neighbourhood vis‐à‐vis the new


In our data on voter migration, we hypothesise that those who

change their party of registration from origin to destination, are espe-

cially likely to choose politically compatible destinations. To explore

this idea, we examine the migration patterns of a large number of

voters both within the states where they reside, as well as across state

boundaries to adjacent states. We first examine descriptive data to

obtain a sense of how often mobility is accompanied with a change

in party registration. Then, among movers who change their party reg-

istration, we explore whether the new party registration is more con-

gruent with the balance of partisanship in their new environs.

Our observations possess the important advantage of being actual

cases of residential relocation, as opposed to self‐reports or recollec-

tions of past movement. Although we may not have data that bear

on the precise mental steps or psychological sequence, our data do

not show that the partisan switch is one that develops over a

prolonged period of time as a slow acculturation process after reloca-

tion. Rather, the data on political party registration suggest that both

the move and the partisan switch are proximate to one another in

time. We are not observing movement first, and then partisan reorien-

tation 5, 10, or 20 years later. We are observing moves that are closely

associated in time with a registration with a different political party,

not allowing any time for the acculturation process in the new location

to operate. With no time for socialisation to occur, any political reori-

entation has to have occurred beforehand, and when the opportunity

CHO ET AL. 3 of 12

to move arises, they have seized upon it to both register that new

affiliation as well as move to a place more congenial to their new polit-

ical identity.


Admittedly, there is some ambiguity in the chain of events leading to

the observation of a switch in party registration with relocation. For

example, we are not able to discern exactly when the decision to

switch parties occurred. In many cases, an individual psychologically

realigns with another party well before the move occurs to the new

location that is politically compatible with the revised partisan iden-

tity. There are many fact patterns that are consistent with this sce-

nario. These voters might be living in a neighbourhood that they

perceive themselves to be increasingly out‐of‐touch and uncomfort-

able with the local majority (Huckfeldt & Sprague, 1995; Van Ham &

Feijten, 2008). Perhaps they are upwardly mobile, newly profes-

sional, and find that their views increasingly align with the Republi-

can Party. When they have the opportunity to move, they use that

chance to reregister as Republicans upon finding a socially compati-

ble neighbourhood. Note that the causal direction here treats the

relocation destination as a deliberate consumption choice following

the psychological modification of a political preference. Relocation

presents an important opportunity to bring party registration in line

with party identity through the act of reregistration upon consum-

mation of the move.

Others, however, may find relocation disruptive to previous habits

of mind. Possibly, they express low to middling interest in political

matters and moved to a politically dissonant location somewhat inad-

vertently. They may have been subject to political cross‐pressures,

having been subject to the socialising forces of one party earlier in life,

but more recently subject to the pull of the other. Previous research

suggests that migrants whose views are cross‐pressured or only

weakly moored will find themselves meandering gradually into political

conformity with the local environment (Brown, 1981; Orbell, 1970).

There is some possibility that moves are accompanied by a switch in

party orientation consonant with the new location (Brown, 1988). This

expectation is consistent with the belief that there is a social psycho-

logical environment that pressures the new arrivals to adopt the

values and viewpoints of the majority (Berelson, Lazarsfeld, &

McPhee, 1954). Successful adaptation to a new environment is

thought to involve the feeling of being accepted by established resi-

dents. Acceptance may come only with the adoption of similar view-

points on a variety of subjects, politics included. This socialisation

process is ordinarily thought to involve a lengthy period of accultura-

tion where partisans first dealign, distancing themselves from their

previous views, but do not immediately realign, readily adopting new

ones. Judgement ambivalence, conflict, and attitude cross‐pressures

frequently characterise the political psychology of the new resident

in this process of adaptation. Party change may occur slowly as

migrants first adopt a case‐by‐case or individualistic approach to polit-

ical evaluation and judgement (Brown, 1988). Here, partisan reorienta-

tion follows after the move, although vulnerability to social pressure

may itself be an antecedent factor anchored in both genetic and early

environmental influences.

Fiorina and Abrams (2012) have expressed doubt about the

socialisation mechanisms theorised to lie behind the increasing polit-

ical party bias of counties, towns, and neighborhoods, pointing out

that people frequently do not interact with their neighbours and

rarely discuss politics. A self‐selection argument places less weight

on the role of social influence in producing conformity. If some

significant flow of migrants is sorting itself into politically congenial

locations from the outset, a location could become politically one‐

sided as the population of new arrivals accumulates over time. Over

the course of a generation, a steady stream of in‐migrants guided by

self‐selection could alter a place's political character even without

the complementary causal force of socialising peer pressure. Some

part of neighbourhood political change is the result of self‐selection,

some share is the consequence of long‐term residents changing

their minds, and part is probably attributable to the new arrivals

who are gradually pressured into conformity with locals. At

present, our research is unable to identify the precise proportions

at play, but future research should make possible exactly such a



As Finkel and Scarrow (1985) noted a generation ago, party identifica-

tion and party registration are related, but not identical. Presently, 29

U.S. states (and the District of Columbia) offer citizens the option of

registering with a political party, but some very large states do not,

including Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and Texas. From the YouGov 2010

Cooperative Congressional Election Study, a nationally representative

survey drawn from a large online pool of respondents, 87% of identi-

fying Democrats were also registered as Democrats. Eighty‐one per-

cent of Republican identifiers were registered as Republicans with

17% registered as independent. An estimated 78% of those saying

they identified as independent were also registered as indepen-

dents/undeclared—almost 10% said they were registered as Republi-

cans, and 12% were registered Democrats.

At times, voters have registered as partisans because they

wanted to vote in primaries—registering as an independent in a

“closed primary” state precludes you from voting in a primary.

Voters have also been known to register as partisans in one party

in spite of identifying with another because the party of registration

controlled all local political offices. This was the case in the South up

until very recent times (Hadley, 1985; Trounstine, 2018). Party iden-

tification may not correspond to party registration for large subsets

of highly mobile citizens. This is because movers may alter their

party identification long before they ever mark such a change on

the registration rolls—providing their state registers voters by politi-

cal party in the first place.

In spite of some differences between party registration and party

identification, party registration is, by far, the best guide to party pref-

erence that parties and candidates have as they seek to mobilise

voters in election campaigns (Huckfeldt & Sprague, 1992). Politicians

TABLE 1 Volume of party registration switching among migratingvoters within state, 2004–2010


Party registration switchers

Total % R to D D to R R to I D to I I to D I to R

Delaware 9.8 1.1 2.4 0.9 2.8 1.4 1.2

Maryland 13.1 2.2 1.9 1.5 1.8 4.3 1.4

New Jersey 32.2 1.0 0.9 2.4 3.3 16.6 7.9

Pennsylvania 13.1 4.7 2.5 1.3 1.2 2.5 0.9


California 18.3 3.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 4.7 2.3

Nevada 14.4 3.4 2.6 2.0 1.5 2.9 2.0

Oregon 17.6 2.9 1.5 2.8 2.5 6.1 1.9

Note. D: Democrat; I: independent; R: Republican.

4 of 12 CHO ET AL.

struggle to identify voter preferences in the absence of party registra-

tion information, forced to invest in costly voter identification pro-

grams to generate records that are nearly always incomplete.

The act of party registration itself demands some effort and is

episodic.1 If a voter's psychological attachment to a preferred party

gradually or suddenly erodes, they need not change their party of

registration in order to participate in general elections so there is lit-

tle incentive to do so. If they stay at the same address, voters may

go months, years, even decades without ever reregistering to alter

a party preference. Certainly in closed primary states, failure to

reregister may prevent them from voting in the primary of the party

they have come to prefer, but for many, this is not much of an

inconvenience as long as they can continue to exercise free choice

in the general election.

Indeed, perhaps a switch in party identity occurred long ago,

but has not yet been translated into a change on the voter rolls.

In this sense, the reregistration is likely a lagging indicator of a

change that had already occurred—some time years ago. This is

why registration figures will make it appear that there is far more

party switching than there actually is at any given time. Some of

these changes in party identity occurred not at the time of reregis-

tration but some period before, and so the act of moving and

reregistering at a particular point for a particular group of voters

represents an accumulation of partisan change from an undeter-

mined span of time. In summary, party identification is stable, as

the previous research has found, but observing a subset of movers

may make it appear surprisingly unhinged, as this group collectively

takes its opportunity to finally mark their dissatisfaction with their

previous affiliation.


We now turn to our data on partisan change and stability among

movers across the seven states that constitute our study area. First,

it is clear from our data that the prevalence of migration and party

change is significant enough that it can alter the partisan balance at

the aggregate state level, even if all of the population mobility occurs

within the state and no one arrives from the outside. The percentage

of Republicans, Democrats, and independent/unaffiliated (hereafter

“Independents,” for simplicity) voters at the origin does differ from that

at the destination even among the within‐state migrants. From 2004

to 2010, Republicans gain from within‐state migration in Delaware

and New Jersey, but lose ground in the other states. Democrats gain

ground in Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Nevada,

and Oregon.

Party switchers, as Table 1 reveals, are the largest share of within‐

state relocating voters in the Western states, once we discount New

1As of early 2018, 36 states plus the District of Columbia have online voter reg-

istration, which has reduced the required effort significantly over in‐person reg-

istration. The greater costs are probably informational. People are not aware of

how and where to reregister and often don't inquire until an election

approaches. If they do not register by the closing date deadline, typically 14

to 30 days out from an election, they may not be able to vote until the next


Jersey due to its unusually large number of unaffiliated voters.2

Moving from independent to one of the two major parties is more

common than switching in the reverse direction. Republican to Demo-

cratic switches are also more common than Democratic to Republican,

except in Delaware. In fact, high levels of migration internal to these

states, appear to punish the Republican Party primarily with Republi-

cans losing a net of 5.6% versus Democrats in Oregon, nearly 4% in

Pennsylvania, and about 3% in California and Maryland, all as a result

of changes in registration. Republicans do considerably better compet-

ing against the lure of the association with the independent category,

but not by much, except in New Jersey, where the independent group

is so large, it cannot help but drop (see footnote 1).

Cross‐state migrants to adjacent states are much smaller in num-

ber than within‐state movers. Whereas the California data contain

nearly 2.6 million within‐state movers from 2004 to 2010, only around

186,498 arrived in California from Oregon and Nevada. Similarly,

about 382,020 within‐state movers in Oregon are found in our data,

but only 76,244 moved there from California or Nevada. New Jersey

and Pennsylvania draw in more migrants from the other three nearby

states than either Maryland or Delaware.

Table 2 shows that a substantially larger percentage of cross‐state

migrants than within‐state migrants are party switchers. Delaware is a

good example; whereas a mere 10% of its within‐state movers

changed their party registration, 31% of the Delaware‐bound cross‐

state migrants did so. New Jersey is also distinctive. More than half

(51%) of cross‐state migrants changed their party from origin to desti-

nation, compared with just 32% of those moving but remaining inside

New Jersey. The very large percentage (18.8%) of Pennsylvanians who

switched from independent to Democrat were largely from New

Jersey, and the same is true for the 10% share who switched from

independent to Republican. As for whether the party switching associ-

ated with cross‐state migration benefits Republicans or Democrats in

2Recent figures show that about 47% of New Jersey's electorate—about 2.4 mil-

lion people as of Fall 2012—are classified as unaffiliated/independent (with 33%

Democratic and 20% Republican), but state election rules allow unaffiliated

voters to ask for the ballot of their preferred party when voting in primary elec-

tions. Once an unaffiliated voter casts a ballot for a candidate in one of the

parties' primaries, the affiliation on the voter rolls automatically changes to

the party for which the vote was cast. Clearly, if voters do not vote in primaries,

then they may remain in the independent category for quite a long time.

TABLE 2 Volume of party registration switching among migratingvoters from outside the state, 2004–2010


Party registration switchers

Total % R to D D to R R to I D to I I to D I to R

Delaware 30.8 4.1 4.3 4.0 5.0 8.2 5.1

Maryland 31.0 5.1 3.3 3.6 3.9 10.1 4.9

New Jersey 51.1 4.0 2.9 15.7 23.7 3.1 1.6

Pennsylvania 40.3 3.7 3.7 1.8 2.2 18.8 10.1


California 19.5 3.7 3.8 3.6 5.3 1.9 1.3

Nevada 21.6 4.4 4.2 3.5 3.4 3.3 2.7

Oregon 22.8 4.6 2.8 4.6 4.4 4.6 1.8

Note. D: Democrat; I: independent; R: Republican.

CHO ET AL. 5 of 12

the aggregate, the results in Table 2 suggest either a wash—with nei-

ther party gaining an appreciable share of registrants over the other,

for example, California and Nevada—or favor the Democrats, as in all

four eastern states and Oregon. Of the two forces for partisan change,

within‐state migration is most helpful to Democrats and most under-

cuts Republicans. Migration across states is less harmful to Republican

registration, though the Republican Party still does poorly relative to

Democrats in New Jersey and Oregon.

In summary, the descriptive statistics highlight several key

points. First, migration can alter the partisan balance of origins and

destinations. Second, the volume of party switching after migration

is remarkably impressive. Finally, although party loyalty may be gen-

erally stable, voters unquestionably use moving as an opportunity to

change their party of registration on a widespread and routine basis.

The next question is whether the political direction of the registra-

tion change is consistent with the political leaning of their



To evaluate the hypothesis that switchers do change registration to

match their new location requires a measure that captures the parti-

san difference between the origin and destination locales as the

dependent variable. To operationalise this construct, we compute

the difference in the percentage of Republican registration between

the origin and destination. Positive values of the resulting measure

indicate destinations that are more Republican than origins. Our

explanatory variables control for differences between origin and des-

tination locations that may be associated with partisanship and may

also be relevant to the partisan change. This requires that we not

only examine various combinations of partisan switching, but also

observe those who move but remain loyal to the same party.

Among the control variables that are likely to be related to the

variation in partisanship across space, we use the difference between

destination and origin in population density on the straightforward

expectation that a move to denser areas will be associated with Dem-

ocratic gains and Republican losses. The differences in percent Hispanic

and percent Black at the zip code level are expected to drive up

Democratic registration percentages, given that these populations

exhibit Democratic loyalties.

Most migration researchers share a consensus that people gener-

ally migrate to improve their “situation,” however that situation may

be defined (Maier & Weiss, 1991, 17). Sometimes, improvement is

captured in the plainest of economic terms—gains in income. Cer-

tainly, some migrants may move to a more affluent neighbourhood

from a less affluent one, altering the political composition of the

neighbourhood in the process. To account for the frequency of this

occurrence, we control for the difference in median income between

destination and origin, as there is a general pattern of rising Republi-

can identification with higher income. The U.S. census, including esti-

mates for intercensal years, is the source for all of these zip code


We were able to secure information on the religious characteris-

tics of zip codes from a market research company, InfoUSA, which pro-

vided widely‐utilised estimates of the types of churches and

congregation sizes within each zip code. Unlike the economic and

demographic information originating from U.S. census sources, figures

on religious congregations are not based on a survey of where adher-

ents live, but instead, are based on the geographic locations of the

houses of worship. Even so, there is a limit as to how far residents will

commute to religious services. In the absence of direct information

about where congregants reside, this information on church location

is a reasonable approximation for the residential concentration of

adherents. Specifically, we include differences between the destination

and origin in the share of Evangelical Christians per 100 residents and

the share of Jews per 100 residents. We singled out these particular cat-

egories of religious affiliation because they commonly have one‐sided

political predilections, with Evangelicals favoring Republicans and

Jews partial to Democrats.

The distance between origin and destination zip codes allows us to

observe whether longer‐distance moves, being generally most costly

and involved, are more favorable to moving in the direction of more

Republican destinations.

6.1 | State and county‐level variables

Migrants often perceive their possible destination choices in non‐inde-

pendent clusters (Fotheringham & O'Kelly, 1989, 69). For example, a

destination search may be confined to a particular county or metro

area within reasonable proximity to employment. In addition, zip code

boundaries may be quite arbitrary, as proximate neighbourhoods may

not be considered substitutes for each other. As a means for account-

ing for the spatial dependence of neighborhood choices, we include

three county‐level covariates; county population, county median home

value, and the average Republican percentage of the recent presidential

vote. Total population at the destination is commonly included in

migration models because it is thought to be a reflection of the mag-

netism of a place—larger destinations tend to attract more robust

migration flows (Fotheringham & O'Kelly, 1989). We also suspect that

more populous counties are more diverse, presenting greater variabil-

ity across neighbourhoods than lightly populated, more rural locations.

High median home values in an area might not only slow migra-

tion to its constituent parts, but also diminish the propensity to search

6 of 12 CHO ET AL.

out politically friendly enclaves within it. High home values are a sign

of exclusivity. These are locations of uniform affluence, displaying only

modest internal variation by neighbourhood compared with locations

elsewhere. With greater homogeneity, there is little need to be highly

discriminating among alternative neighbourhoods. More importantly, a

large number of these affluent counties are home to lopsidedly Dem-

ocratic populations throughout the study area. They are coastal and

possess an eco‐sensitive environmental affinity with the Democratic

Party. Consequently, those moving to high home value counties as

destinations are expected to be moving to less Republican and more

Democratic areas.

Highly partisan counties are expected to house lopsidedly partisan

zip codes, all other things equal. Regions pose a constraint, a lower

and upper bound on how much their component parts can vary. More

Republican counties tend to be more rural, with sparsely scattered and

racially homogeneous populations throughout.

6.2 | Party switching

Our substantive focus in this paper is on those who change their party

registration from origin to destination, hypothesising that these moves

are generally consistent with the partisan direction of the move. Con-

sistent with the descriptive data presented in Tables 1 and 2, among

our explanatory variables, we examine registration change from

Republican/Democrat/Independent to one of the other choices. In

addition, we have a dichotomous variable to indicate partisan change.

As a baseline for reference, we exclude those who maintained inde-

pendent registration at both origin and destination. Descriptive statis-

tics on these variables are presented in Tables A1 and A2.

6.3 | Model estimation

We use a hierarchical generalised linear regression to model the rela-

tionship between the state and county‐level variables and the differ-

ence in partisanship between destination and origin zip codes for

individual migrants in two regions; four Eastern states (Delaware,

Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) and three Western states

(California, Nevada, and Oregon). Individual movements within regions

are probably not independent of one another, but share certain char-

acteristics, and may be more similar to others within close proximity

than they are to those in more distant locations.

For this application, the level‐one model can be written as follows:

DiffRep%ij ¼ β0j þ β1j R−Dð Þij þ β2j D−Rð Þij þ β3j R−Ið Þij þ β4j D−Ið Þijþβ5j I−Rð Þij þ β6j I−Dð Þij þ β7j R−Rð Þij þ β8j D−Dð Þijþβ9j DiffDensityð Þij þ β10j DiffBlackð Þijþβ11j DiffHispanicð Þij þ β12j DiffIncomeð Þijþβ13j DiffEvangelð Þij þ β14j DiffJewishð Þijþβ15j Distanceð Þij þ rij


where i indexes individual movers, j indexes locations, and rij repre-

sents the residual for individual i in neighbourhood j. At the second

level, we model β0j as a function of several level‐2 predictors; county

population size (in 1,000s), average county Republican vote, and

median county home value (in $1,000s). Categorical variables for each

state of destination, with one baseline exclusion, are also added. The

level‐1 intercept is modeled as shown below:

β0j ¼ γ00 þ γ01 Populationð Þj þ γ02 RepVoteð Þj þ γ03 HomeValueð Þjþγ04 State1ð Þj þ…:þ γ07 State7ð Þj


Equation 2 assesses the extent to which the three level‐2 indicators at

the county‐wide level influence the migrating population's mean level

of Republican‐leaning movement to constituent neighbourhoods. Pos-

itive values for these variables show that they influence movement in

a Republican direction, whereas negative values show that higher

values are associated with migration flows to less Republican (usually

more Democratic) locations.


With a range of alternative destination choices, are political features

of the various possible destinations relevant once we control for other

covariates? Certainly, for some migrants they are, particularly those

inclined to make a party switch. For our purposes, this is a key result

found in Tables 3 and 4. Specifically, those switching from Republican

to Democratic in the West, and moving within their state, are likely to

move to a neighbourhood that is nearly 2 percentage points less

Republican than the one they left. In the East, the impact is about half

that, but in the same direction (Table 3). For those making the oppo-

site switch, from Democratic to Republican, there is movement in a

more Republican direction, by about 0.71 percentage points in the

three Western states, and by nearly 2 percentage points in the East.

Other types of registration change are also associated with the chang-

ing partisan composition of neighbourhoods. Republicans who change

their registration status to independent also relocate to less Republi-

can neighbourhoods—as if they are dealigning in the direction of their

move. Interestingly, Democrats do the same thing in reverse—as

switching to being Independent is associated with moving to more

Republican neighbourhoods (West: β4j = 0.59, p ≤ 0.001; East:

β4j = 0.47, p ≤ 0.001; see Table 3). As for the independent voters

who switch to one of the two major parties, here, the tendency to

match a new party choice to a neighbourhood inclination is not so

clear‐cut. Independent voters switching to Republicans actually move

to slightly less Republican areas in the West, but more Republican

areas in the East. The coefficients for Democrats making the same

transition are substantively weak in the West, and not statistically dis-

cernible from zero in the East.

For the large plurality of party registrants who do not change

parties, the results for within‐state movers in Table 3 are more consis-

tent with the reality of partisan mixing rather than partisan sorting

across neighbourhoods—at least using zip codes as the geographic

scale of observation. Specifically, within‐state movers in both regions

gravitate to locations where the opposition party is slightly stronger

at their destination than it was at their origin. The durable Republicans

wind up in locations that are 1.06 and 0.44 percentage points less

Republican (more Democratic) than where they started from. Unwa-

vering Democrats gravitate to areas that are 0.51 and 1.0 percentage

points less Democratic (more Republican). This evidence of partisan

mixing is consistent with the idea that many migrants leave behind

TABLE 4 Movement to more Republican or democraticneighbourhoods by party and type of partisan switch, 2004–2010,movers from other states

West out‐of‐state East out‐of‐stateβ (SE) β (SE)

Intercept −28.63* (0.17) −14.88* (0.13)

Population (1,000s) 0.0007* (0.00001) −0.003*(0.0001)

Home Value (1,000s) 0.004* (0.0002) 0.018* (0.0001)

% Republican 0.49* (0.002) 0.21* (0.002)

California 5.07* (0.09) —

Nevada 6.52* (0.08) —

Maryland — −1.70* (0.07)

New Jersey — −12.63* (0.07)

Pennsylvania — 12.88* (0.06)

Switch R to D −3.74* (0.12) −4.79* (0.09)

Switch D to R −0.02 (0.13) 0.34* (0.09)

Switch R to I −3.81* (0.12) −3.13* (0.08)

Switch I to R −1.40* (0.17) 4.30* (0.07)

Switch D to I 0.16 (0.12) .52* (0.07)

Switch I to D −0.13 (0.13) 3.46* (0.06)

Republican (No Switch) −3.02* (0.07) −3.60* (0.05)

Democrat (No Switch) 0.11 (0.06) −1.56* (0.05)

Change % Evangelical 0.02* (0.0007) 0.007* (0.0008)

Change % Jewish −0.57* (0.008) −0.44* (0.005)

Change Pop Density (1000s) −0.70* (0.004) −0.46* (0.003)

Change Income (1,000s) 0.09* (0.001) 0.02* (0.001)

Change % Black −0.49* (0.003) −0.30* (0.001)

Change % Hispanic −0.03* (0.001) −0.21* (0.001)

Distance Miles −0.002* (0.0001) 0.003* (0.0002)

N 279,815 568,788

*p < 0.001

R2 level 2 only 0.25 0.40

R2 levels 1 and 2 0.46 0.66

Note. D: Democrat; I: Independent; R: Republican party; SE: Standard Error.Two level hierarchical linear model. Dependent variable: Difference in R%between origin and destination zip codes—positive values indicate move toa more Republican zip code. Cell entries are coefficients with standarderror in parentheses. Source: State Voter files, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010for California, Nevada, Oregon; Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, andPennsylvania, plus 2006–2010 U.S. census data; religion data for 2010 atzip level originate from InfoUSA.

TABLE 3 Movement to more Republican or Democraticneighbourhoods by party and type of partisan switch, 2004–2010,within state movers

West within state East within stateβ (SE) β (SE)

Intercept −9.53* (0.04) 7.84 (0.05)

Population (1,000s) 0.0001* (0.000002) 0.0005* (0.00002)

Home Value (1,000s) −0.0001* (0.00003) −0.009* (0.0001)

% Republican 0.16* (0.001) −0.17* (0.001)

California 0.08* (0.02) —

Nevada −1.48* (0.04) —

Maryland — 3.48* (0.04)

New Jersey — 5.77* (0.04)

Pennsylvania — −0.92* (0.04)

Switch R to D −1.94* (0.03) −1.08* (0.04)

Switch D to R 0.71* (0.03) 1.98* (0.04)

Switch R to I −1.69* (0.03) −0.62* (0.04)

Switch I to R −0.30* (0.04) 1.40* (0.04)

Switch D to I 0.59* (0.03) 0.47* (0.05)

Switch I to D −0.35* (0.03) −0.04 (0.03)

Republican (No Switch) −1.06* (0.02) −0.44* (0.02)

Democrat (No Switch) 0.51* (0.02) 1.00* (0.02)

Change % Evangelical 0.02* (0.0002) −0.002* (0.0002)

Change % Jewish −0.48* (0.003) −0.46* (0.002)

Change Pop Density (1,000s) −0.55* (0.001) −0.44* (0.001)

Change Income (1000s) 0.07* (0.001) 0.11* (0.001)

Change %Black −0.43* (0.001) −0.30* (0.0003)

Change % Hispanic −0.15* (0.0003) −0.13* (0.001)

Distance miles 0.002* (0.0001) −0.004* (0.0002)

N 2,888,668 2,452,651

*p < 0.001

R2 level 2 only 0.04 0.07

R2 levels 1 and 2 0.44 0.54

Note. D: Democrat; I: independent; R: Republican; SE: Standard Error. Twolevel hierarchical linear model. Dependent variable: Difference in R%between origin and destination zip codes—positive values indicate a moveto a more Republican zip code. Cell entries are coefficients with standarderror in parentheses. Source: State Voter files, 2004, 2006, 2008, and2010 for California, Nevada, Oregon; Delaware, Maryland, New Jerseyand Pennsylvania, plus 2006–2010 U.S. census data; religion data for2010 at zip level originate from InfoUSA.

CHO ET AL. 7 of 12

more unified red and blue locations within their states for heteroge-

neous and purple suburbs.

The covariates that capture differences between origin and

destination characteristics paint an interesting portrait. Having a larger

congregation of Jewish religious adherents at the destination relative

to the origin drives down Republican registration in both the Eastern

and Western states. The Evangelical presence is associated with larger

Republican migration streams in the West, but not in the Eastern

states. As one might predict, greater density is associated with lower

Republican registration, as is an increase in the share of Black and

Latino residents. Rising income from origin to destination predicts

fewer Democrats at the destination. Longer distance moves within a

state are to more Republican leaning destinations in the West, but

to more Democratic locations in the East.

Migration across state lines is generally a more costly undertaking

than a move within state. From establishing residency and obtaining a

new driver's license, new bank accounts, and adjusting to a potential

host of new laws and regulations, the move from one state to another

is almost always more involved than within a state. Results for cross‐

state migrants also show that party switching does occur coincident

with moves to locations that lie in the direction of the switch. Cer-

tainly, for those who switch from Republican to Democrat, the desti-

nation locations are 3.7 and 4.8 percentage points less Republican

than the origins (seeTable 4). Those who switch in the opposite direc-

tion only move to marginally more Republican locations in the East,

but there is no effect in the West. Republicans who reregister as

independents move to less Republican locations in both regions.

Democrats reregistering as independents move to more Republican

8 of 12 CHO ET AL.

areas in both regions, although with no statistical difference in the

West. The independents who switch to the Republican Party move

to more Republican locations in the East, though to less Republican

locales in the West. This latter finding for the West can be

accounted for by California as a magnet for cross‐state migrants

who are drawn to very Democratic‐leaning places throughout its cit-

ies and suburbs.

As with the within‐state migration category, we see that stalwart

party identifiers show some propensity to mix, rather than to sort.

Republicans in particular, find themselves moving to areas that are,

on average, 3 to 4 percentage points less Republican. These are sub-

stantively large effects that reflect the economic draw of larger Dem-

ocratic cities and suburbs in California and Oregon. Notably, however,

the Democrats moving across state lines try to find even more Demo-

cratic neighbourhoods in that to relocate, having a greater choice of

politically‐friendly options in the region than Republicans do.

The level‐2 variables show some rather different effects on choice

of out‐of‐state migration destination than they do the within state

choices. Our modelling revealed that county‐level covariates mattered

much more to cross‐state flows than they did to within‐state move-

ment (comparing explained variation inTables 3 and 4). This is not sur-

prising, given that many within‐state flows also occur within counties

rather than across them. As for the level‐2 coefficients, Republican

voting history and higher home values in a county are associated with

moves to more Republican neighbourhoods in both regions, but

county population size is associated with moves to more Democratic

zip codes in the East. Flows to major metropolitan areas in these four

states are to counties with fairly uniform Democratic traditions in sub-

urban New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC. It is not easy to

find a one‐sided Republican neighbourhood proximate to these cities,

much less within them.

The other covariates in Table 4 mirror those in Table 3. A move to

a more urbanised zip code is one that favours greater Democratic

dominance. The same is true of moves that result in more Black and

Latino neighbours in the new locale than in the old one. Moving to

an area with higher median income also predicts a move to a more

Republican leaning place, showing that gravitating to more affluent

areas is responsible for partisan sorting in these states. Not surpris-

ingly, a larger Jewish presence at the destination predicts a move to

a more Democratic leaning area. Conversely, a larger Evangelical pres-

ence is associated with a more Republican one. For the adherents of

these religious traditions, moving to a location to be closer to one's

church or temple clearly facilitates political sorting, though more so

in the Western states than in the East.

Across the two regions, the estimates are more alike than they are

different. The differences boil down to the types of locations that are

important magnets for migrants. The most popular East coast zip for

cross‐state migrants, 21921 (Elkton, Maryland), attracted over 5,000

new residents and is located equidistant between Baltimore and

Philadelphia (approximately 50 miles), on the Maryland‐Delaware

state line. Several nearby zips are also rapid‐growth locations. This is

a low‐cost area for housing compared with suburbs closer to either

major city, but is within commuting distance of their suburbs, as well

as other sizable cities in the region, such as Wilmington, Delaware

(about 20 miles). It is a perfect location for maximising economic

opportunity in an uncertain economy while minimizing the cost of


The most popular West coast zip codes for out‐of‐state migrants

are largely in Oregon. Topping the list is 97701 (Bend, OR), which is

also considered a moderate‐cost area. Although employment there is

growing, it is too far to commute to Portland (175 mi) or Salem

(130 mi), or even Eugene (130 miles) for that matter. Unlike Elkton,

Maryland, Bend is not considered highly accessible and does not lie

on an interstate highway. Perhaps because of its relative isolation

and moderate expense, however, Bend is one of the most popular

settlement spots for retirees from California.

The convergence of migrant‐receiving neighbourhoods at the

junction of the Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland borders is a fas-

cinating study in residential choice. These communities are all approx-

imately within the same commuting distance of major cities in the

region. Notably, more switchers from Democrat to Republican

selected to live in the more Republican Pennsylvania zip codes than

in either Delaware or Maryland. The very Republican Party oriented,

Chester, Pennsylvania, (i.e., zip code 19013), historically famous as

one of the few Republican machine cities, is another good example

where switchers from Democratic to Republican were far more eager

to move in than switchers from Republican to Democratic. A similar

case in New Jersey is Wildwood, a beach resort area in Cape May

County, and a traditionally Republican area in an otherwise heavily

Democratic state. Our data show that 124 switchers from Democratic

to Republican moved into Wildwood, whereas only a mere 35

switchers from Republican to Democratic moved in, yet statewide,

there are more total switchers that move from Republican to Demo-

cratic than in the reverse direction. Perhaps Republicans survive in

New Jersey because, as minorities, they can congregate in places like

Wildwood. Maybe the best example of a location where out‐of‐state

switchers from Republican to Democratic far outnumbered those

who switched from Democratic to Republican is the prestigious and

affluent Society Hill neighbourhood of Southeast Philadelphia. There,

converted Democrats outweighed converting Republicans by 121 to

39 margin, or 3 to 1.

The West Coast also has intriguing examples that are good

micro‐level studies in the differential attraction of partisans changing

their party identification. Ashland, Oregon, (zip 97520), well‐known

as a hippie enclave full of progressive thinkers and alternative life-

style‐types on the California‐Oregon border, attracts far more

switchers from Republican to Democratic than the reverse. So does

the liberal university town, Eugene. There are fewer locations in

the West where switchers from Democratic to Republican moving

across state lines far outnumber those changing registration from

Republican to Democratic, but there are some in Nevada, near Car-

son City and Reno (i.e., zips 89423, 89434). An interesting example

of such a location in California is the affluent coastal community in

Southern California, San Clemente, well‐known for being the home

of Richard Nixon. Perhaps a more typical example is the inland com-

munity of Modesto, California (i.e., zip 95350). Although the reces-

sion beginning in 2007 dampened population migration across the

board, more Republicans and Republican converts continued to flow

into these locations compared with established and newly converted


CHO ET AL. 9 of 12

Still, Democrats, by virtue of their substantial registration edge in

California and Oregon, have more destinations to choose from that are

one‐sided in their favor, and they flow to those locations in more

one‐sided streams. One clearly does not move to Oakland, California

(i.e., zips: 94605, 94610), and switch from being a Democrat to a

Republican. The reverse switch (R to D), however, is nine times more

common. The same is true of Portland, Oregon. It draws in newly

converted Democrats at a rate eight times greater than it does newly

converted Republicans.


We have examined a particular subset of people, those who change

their party registration coincident with a move to a new destination.

To the extent that economic opportunities permit, these switchers

commonly move to locations that favour their new party registration

more than their origin location did. We are not as concerned here

about whether this sorting occurs because politics is explicitly in mind

as a relocation criterion, or is simply correlated with other preferences

associated with income, housing density, religion, or racial/ethnic

composition. Partisan sorting may have any number of indirect mech-

anisms anchored in economics, demographics, values, and consump-

tion preferences (Gimpel & Hui, 2017). Nevertheless, even after we

control for differences between a number of origin and destination

characteristics that are related to the partisan composition of

neighbourhoods, we still find a role for partisan composition to play

among those who have a change in partisan orientation in mind.

Whether the mechanism is direct or indirect, partisan sorting patterns

appear at the zip code scale of geographic observation.

The supply of one‐sided Republican and Democratic destinations

clearly matters in a region. Democrats in both of these regions have

more choices of safely Democratic areas than Republicans have of safe

Republican ones. That must be taken into account as the results of

estimation are considered, seeing that Democratic switchers to the

Republican Party in Table 4 are often stuck with neighbourhoods not

much different from the ones they left behind. The supply of politically

compatible neighbourhoods is the ultimate constraint on political

sorting. Democrats who have become Republicans migrating from

Nevada to the San Francisco Bay Area for employment will have a very

hard time finding a neighbourhood as congenial as the one they left.

Although partisan sorting may be happening among a broad spec-

trum of partisans and party switchers, we also find ample evidence of

partisan mixing, showing that politics is not an overriding factor in

choice of destination. Durable partisans or nonswitchers show clear

evidence that they will migrate to destinations where the opposite

party has a greater edge relative to their origin. With Republicans

commonly moving from rural and suburban areas that are lopsidedly

red, and Democrats moving from one‐party dominant inner‐city loca-

tions, it is easy to understand how the two groups converge on mixed

partisan areas located mainly in suburbs. A large number of Portland

suburbs, for example, seem equally like to attract stable partisans from

both parties. Other examples of such locations include the Los Angeles

suburbs of Camarillo (zip 93012) and Santa Clarita (zip 91355). In the

East, economically robust metro edge areas, such as Camp Hill (zip

17011) and Langhorne (zip 19047), Pennsylvania, are examples of

locations that attract equal numbers from both parties, without regard

to partisan political composition at the zip code level of observation.

Although here we are suggesting that a significant subset of

movers do self‐select into politically congenial neighbourhoods, we

do not want to call into doubt the influence that long term exposure

to a neighbourhood has on partisan socialisation and resocialisation

(Brown, 1988; Huckfeldt & Sprague, 1995). This is also an important

process well worth continued research. There are undoubtedly cases

of party switching that occur as the result of long term exposure to

dissonant political contexts, but we are not able to observe those

directly in our data. What we have seen is party switches that are

observable at the time a person moves from one place to another,

lacking prolonged exposure via residence in the new location. Our evi-

dence shows that there is movement to a destination that is more

congruent with their party change than their origin. This suggests,

but does not prove, a rather different causal story, one in which the

party switch happens before the change in context, and the new con-

text is a result of rather than the source of the party reorientation.

Additional studies at other scales of observation, more granular than

the zip code, are surely needed, as are studies of movement and polit-

ical orientation over longer spans of time.

Tens‐of‐thousands of voters move across state lines on an annual

basis, exporting their political identities to new settings, and often

changing their identities to suit their new environments. While incre-

mental, the movement and resettlement patterns, if consistent over

time, become increasingly consequential as they accumulate. The bulk

of movers are destined for the most economically viable locations.

Commonly, these are suburbs and exurbs of major cities that appear

to be evenly competitive (e.g., purple) at the zip level, but at a more

granular scale, could prove to be more one‐sided. Continuous moni-

toring of the politicisation of previously non‐political aspects of life

will be helpful for understanding these movement patterns. As it

now stands, many economic opportunities that remain determinative

of migration flows appear to have no clear‐cut political dimensions

or implications. Whether this remains the case in the face of the grad-

ual extension of partisan cleavage into the culture is a question we

leave open.


Wendy K. Tam Cho http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3042-8983

James G. Gimpel http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1656-4156

Iris S. Hui http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3351-7957


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How to cite this article: Cho WKT, Gimpel JG, Hui IS. Migra-

tion as an opportunity to register changing partisan loyalty in

the United States. Popul Space Place. 2019;25:e2218. https://


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TABLE A.1 Descriptive statistics for models of voter migrationwithin state

West within state East within state

Mean SD Mean SD

Difference Rep % −2.64 12.32 −1.16 13.28

Difference Dem % 0.18 11.16 2.80 14.45

N Nevada 0.02 0.13 ‐ ‐

N California 0.86 0.34 ‐ ‐

N Oregon 0.12 0.32 ‐ ‐

N Delaware ‐ ‐ 0.21 0.40

N Maryland ‐ ‐ 0.19 0.39

N New Jersey ‐ ‐ 0.57 0.50

N Pennsylvania ‐ ‐ 0.21 0.40

Switch R to D 0.03 0.18 0.03 0.18

Switch D to R 0.02 0.15 0.02 0.14

Switch R to I 0.03 0.16 0.02 0.12

Switch I to R 0.02 0.15 0.02 0.15

Switch D to I 0.03 0.17 0.02 0.13

Switch I to D 0.05 0.21 0.06 0.22

Stay R 0.26 0.44 0.26 0.43

Stay D 0.35 0.47 0.39 0.48

Stay I 0.12 0.32 0.15 0.35

Difference in Density −511.10 6,790.93 −561.89 5,248.38

Difference in Income −3,619.43 24,762.58 −3,327.23 20,813.95

Difference % Black −0.31 9.30 −1.73 21.14

Difference % Hispanic −0.07 20.51 −0.27 11.37

Difference Evangelical 0.38 23.15 −0.13 28.93

Difference Jewish −0.03 2.02 −0.01 3.02

Distance Mileage 57.24 121.10 23.60 42.89

Note. D: Democrat; I: Independent; R: Republican. Descriptive statistics forvariables included in Table 3.

TABLE A.2 Descriptive statistics for models of voter migrationacross state lines

West outside state East outside state

Mean SD Mean SD

Difference Rep % −3.51 16.09 1.10 20.52

Difference Dem % 0.95 13.69 6.01 25.41

N Nevada 0.26 0.44 — —

N California 0.27 0.45 — —

N Oregon 0.47 0.50 — —

N Delaware — — 0.10 0.30

N Maryland — — 0.22 0.41

N New Jersey — — 0.17 0.38

N Pennsylvania — — 0.51 0.50

Switch R to D 0.26 0.44 0.04 0.20

Switch D to R 0.27 0.45 0.03 0.18

Switch R to I 0.47 0.50 0.05 0.23

Switch I to R 0.04 0.20 0.07 0.25

Switch D to I 0.03 0.18 0.07 0.26


TABLE A.3 Descriptive statistics for level‐2 county covariates

Western states Eastern states

County pop.(1000s)

385.88 1,078.22 241.53 274.51

Median homevalue

298,439.64 162,986.97 207,740.87 113,637.41

% Republicanvote

53.63 13.44 52.84 11.44

N = 111 N = 115

Note. Descriptive statistics for level‐2 variables included in Tables 3 and 4.

TABLE A.2 (Continued)

West outside state East outside state

Mean SD Mean SD

Switch I to D 0.04 0.20 0.13 0.34

Stay R 0.02 0.14 0.19 0.39

Stay D 0.04 0.20 0.25 0.43

Stay I 0.04 0.19 0.10 0.30

Difference in Density −600.03 6,942.83 −163.20 7,596.96

Difference in Income −8,552.28 27,094.23 −8,051.83 29,555.10

Difference % Black −0.69 8.27 −1.49 26.67

Difference % Hispanic −2.94 22.79 −0.12 12.97

Difference Evangelical 0.77 32.18 0.04 20.46

Difference Jewish −0.06 2.68 0.08 3.36

Distance Mileage 606.03 308.92 114.88 93.96

Note. D: Democrat; I: Independent; R: Republican. Descriptive statistics forvariables included in Table 4.