Migrant Resource Centre Workshop

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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On Friday 24th February PhotoVoice’s Matt Daw and Clare Struthers delivered a photography and citizen journalism for ten members of the Migrant Resource Centre: Engaging Communities Project, in partnership with GlobalNet21. The workshop introduced those attending to the potential of photography as a way to speak out and be heard. Participants were introduced to the different styles and purposes of photography, and were given tips to increase the quality of their photographs and their power to communicate a message or a story. The photos in this slideshow are the results of an exercise to explore the area around the workshop venue – Whitecross Street in East London – and create a photograph that captures and conveys a particular perspective on it.

Transcript of Migrant Resource Centre Workshop

By Dorota GrezegorekDorota spotted this unusual display in one of the food stalls at Whitecross Street Market. She liked the contrast between the religious icon and popular culture items.

By Ewa Korbut

Ewa was on her way to photograph the church when she saw a man surrounded by four dogs waiting at the crossing. Making a more interesting photo, she decided to take the picture from the dogs’ point of view.

By Nerina Moris

Nerina was struck by the contrast between the man-made concrete tower blocks, and nature, in the form of the imposing tree.

By Rim Ivoskis

Rim wanted to show how the angle you take a photograph from can change it’s meaning. The first photograph shows a quiet, tidy restaurant front, whereas the second portrays a messy one. Rim’s favourite was the final image as he felt it was a balanced representation of reality.

By Vijay Jagum

Vijay was attracted to the bike because the panniers reminded him of a bags being carried by a donkey.

By Avon Noel Malan

Avon shot the same scene twice – with and without flash – as it reminded him of experimenting with light back in his native Ivory Coast.

By Ellen Davies Grefberg

Wherever you find pigeons, you find old ladies too – it was this curious symbiotic relationship that attracted Ellen to this scene.

By Helena ArgyleHelena was interested in the clash between the bare lifeless nature of the tree, and the powerful structure of the building.

By Yeni Rodriguez

Yeni liked the original perspective and lines of this photo as well as the pigeons perched on the ledge, which reminded her of her neighbours.

By Malcolm

Malcolm thought the two elements of this graffiti went well together, representing the power of the women over the man, pictured as her puppet.

By Clare Struthers

By Clare Struthers

By Clare Struthers