Midterms Notes for Tour 2a

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  • 7/30/2019 Midterms Notes for Tour 2a




    Africa is the world's second-largest and second most-populous continent, after Asia. At about 30.2 million km (11.7million sq mi) including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of the Earth's total surface area and 20.4% of the total land area.With about 922 million people (as of 2005) in 61 territories, it accounts for about 14.2% of the World's humanpopulation. The continent is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Suez Canal and the Red Sea to thenortheast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. There are 53 countries, includingMadagascar and various island groups, associated with the continent.

    Southern African Region

    Southern Africa is the southernmostregion of the Africancontinent, variably defined by geography or geopolitics,consisting of numerous territories.

    In the UNscheme of geographic regions, five countries constitute Southern Africa: Botswana Lesotho Namibia

    South Africa Swaziland

    Republic of South Africa

    Capital: Pretoria (executive)Bloemfontein (judicial)Cape Town (legislative)

    Largest City: JohannesburgOfficial Languages: Afrikaans, EnglishPeople: South AfricansForm of Government: Parliamentary RepublicCurrency: Rand (ZAR)

    South Africa has a generally temperate climate, due in part to it being surrounded by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans onthree sides, by its location in the climatically milder southern hemisphere and due to the average elevation risingsteadily towards the north (towards the equator) and further inland. Due to this varied topography and oceanicinfluence, a great variety of climatic zones exist.

    The climatic zones vary, from the extreme desert of the southern Namib in the farthest northwest to the lushsubtropical climate in the east along the Mozambique border and the Indian ocean. From the east, the land quicklyrises over a mountainous escarpment towards the interior plateau known as the Highveld. Even though South Africa isclassified as semi-arid, there is considerable variation in climate as well as topography.

    It may be argued that there is no "single" culture in South Africa because of its ethnic diversity. Today, the diversity infoods from many cultures is enjoyed by all and especially marketed to tourists who wish to sample the large variety ofSouth African cuisine. In addition to food, music and dance feature prominently.

    South African cuisine is heavily meat-based and has spawned the distinctively South African social gathering known as abraai, or barbecue. South Africa has also developed into a major wine producer, with some of the best vineyards lyingin valleys around Stellenbosch, Franschoek, Paarl and Barrydale.

    Major Tourist Attractions1. CAPE TOWN

    a. Table Mountain - Table Mountain (1087m/3566ft), the flat-topped hill to the south of the city center, isthe great landmark and emblem of Cape Town. Its summit plateau is frequently covered by a layer ofclouds, the "tablecloth". Since weather conditions here are very changeable it is advisable to arrangeyour trip to the summit, either on foot or by road, immediately you see it clear of clouds. The ascent isrewarded by an immense prospect of Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula. At weekends Table Mountainis floodlit after dark. The best view, and the best place from which to take a photograph, is from theroad up Signal Hill.

    b. Victoria & Albert Waterfront - The Victoria and Alfred Waterfront is an entertainment quarter withsomething of the atmosphere of Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco and London's Soho. It extends roundtwo inner harbor basins, constructed in 1860, and named after Queen Victoria and her second sonAlfred (later Duke of Edinburgh). Only a few years ago this was a rather squalid and rundown fishing

    harbor: it is now one of Cape Town's leading attractions, lively and bustling all day and much of thenight. It now draws more than 13 million visitors per year, attracted by its numerous shops, jazz spots,restaurants and hotels, its two theaters (including the Dock Road Theatre, housed in a former powerstation), a drama school, cinemas and museums.

    2. DURBANa. Valley of a Thousand Hills - The Valley of a Thousand Hills, a beautiful region of gently rounded hills

    created since the Mesozoic era by the gradual recession of the Great Escarpment, extends along theUmgeni River between its outflow into the Indian Ocean, to the north of Durban, and the Nagle Dam tothe east of Pietermaritzburg, which supplies Durban with water.

    b. Croc World - South of Umkomaas (4km/2.5mi north of Scottburgh) is Croc World, a crocodile-breedingfarm with over 2,000 crocodiles and snakes A particular attraction is the glass tunnel running throughthe snake house. There is a restaurant in which visitors can sample crocodile meat.

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    3. GRAHAMSTOWNa. Observatory Museum - Opposite the City Hall Bathurst Street runs south from the High Street. At the

    near end, on the left, is the Observatory Museum, in a house occupied from 1850 until his death in1886 by Henry Carter Galpin, a watchmaker and goldsmith who was also interested in astronomy. Herein 1882 he constructed a camera obscura, still the only one in South Africa. In clear weather, with thehelp of a mirror on the roof, this shows an image of the whole town and its immediate surroundings.The museum, with a Victorian-style interior, displays old furniture and furnishings and a collection ofold telescopes.

    4. JOHANNESBURG a.k.a. City of Golda. Gold Reef City - No buildings of the early gold rush period have survived in Johannesburg, but visitors

    can get some idea of what the town was like in those days in Gold Reef City, with its reproductions ofhouses, public buildings and shops, the Royal Theatre, a hotel, a Chinese laundry, a tailor's workshop, achemist's shop, a newspaper office and Johannesburg's first stock exchange. Visitors are also shownround a disused shaft of the Crown Mines, one of the richest gold-mines in the world, which gives avivid impression of the work of the gold-miners.

    b. Heia Safari Park - Between Krugersdorp and Randburg is Honeydew, set in beautiful hilly country. Nearthe little town is the Heia Safari Ranch, where visitors can spend the night in luxuriously equippedrondavels or, more modestly, in reproductions of Zulu huts. Every Sunday there is a typical braai, whengreat quantities of meat are grilled over an open fire and there are performances of Zulu tribal dances(the Mzumbe Dance Show). The Zulus live in a reproduction of a Zulu village, which was inaugurated byKing Zwelethini in 1988. Visitors not spending the night can go on a stalking tour, on which, with luck,they may see buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, rhinos and antelopes.

    5. KNYSNA6. KRUGER NATIONAL PARK - The Kruger National Park is the largest and oldest National Park in South Africa,

    internationally renowned as one of the world's most important game reserves. It lies in the northeast of thecountry, extending for 350km/220mi from north to south, with a maximum breadth of 90km/ 55mi and a totalarea of 19,485sq.km/7523sq.mi. It is bounded on the north by the Limpopo, on the south by the CrocodileRiver, on the east by the frontier with Mozambique and on the west by a barrier fence. The Kruger NationalPark has been completely enclosed only since 1975: an,800km/1,100mi long fence now serves to protecthumans from animals and animals from humans.

    7. PIETERMARITZBURG8. PORT ELIZABETH a.k.a. Detroit of South Africa9. PRETORIA10. STELLENBOSCH11. SWELLENDAM12. TSITSIKAMA NATIONAL PARK - Until 1868 there were no roads to the Tsitsikamma area. Now, for travelers

    coming from Plettenberg Bay, there is a choice between N 2 (a toll road) and R 102. N 2 shortens the distancebetween Plettenberg Bay and Humansdorp by 7km/4.5mi, crossing the Bloukrans River on the 460m/500yd longBloukrans Bridge, 270m/885ft above the river. Just after a little place called the Crags R 102 branches off N 2into beautiful Nature's Valley it then goes over the Bloukrans Pass and rejoins N 2 6km/4mi before StormsRiver. R 102 is one of the most beautiful stretches of the Garden Route, winding its way through unspoilednatural forest and deep and narrow gorges, with spectacular views of the coast.

    Eastern African Region

    East Africa or Eastern Africa is the easterly region of the African continent, variably defined by geography orgeopolitics. In the UNscheme of geographic regions, 19 territories constitute Eastern Africa:

    Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi members of the East African Community (EAC). Burundi andRwanda are sometimes considered part of Central Africa

    Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia collectively known as the Horn of Africa Mozambique and Madagascar often considered part of Southern Africa. Madagascar has close cultural ties to

    Southeast Asia and the islands of the Indian Ocean. Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe often included in Southern Africa, and formerly of the Central African

    Federation Comoros, Mauritius, and Seychelles small island nations in the Indian Ocean Runion and Mayotte French overseas territories also in the Indian Ocean

    Republic of Kenya

    Capital & Largest City: NairobiOfficial Languages: Swahili, EnglishPeople: KenyanForm of Government: Semi-Presidential RepublicCurrency: Kenyan (KES)

    The Republic of Kenya is a country in East Africa. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the northeast,Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, and Sudan to the northwest, with the Indian Ocean running along thesoutheast border. The country is named after Mount Kenya, a very significant landmark and the second among thehighest mountain peaks of Africa. The area now known as Kenya was known as the British East Africa Protectorate andso there was no need to mention mount when referring to the mountain.

    Kenya is a diverse country, with many different cultures represented. Notable cultures include the Swahili on thecoast, pastoralist communities in the north, and several different communities in the central and western regions.

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    Today, the Maasai culture is well known, due to its heavy exposure from tourism, however, Maasai make up a relativelyminor percentage of the Kenyan population. The Maasai are known for their elaborate upper body adornment andjewelry.

    Kenya has an extensive music, television and theatre scene.

    There is no singular dish that represents all of Kenya. Different communities have their own native foods. Staples aremaize and other cereals depending on the region including millet and sorghum eaten with various meats andvegetables. The foods that are universally eaten in Kenya are ugali, sukuma wiki, and nyama choma. Sukuma wiki, aKiswahili phrase which literally means "to push the week," is a simple dish made with greens similar to kale or collardsthat can also be made with cassava leaves, sweet potato leaves, or pumpkin leaves. Its Kiswahili name comes from thefact that it is typically eaten to "get through the week" or "stretch the week." Nyama choma is roasted meat - usuallygoat or sheep- roasted over an open fire. It is best eaten with ugali and kachumbari. Among the Luhyas residing in thewestern region of Kenya, ingokho (chicken) and ugali is a favourite meal. Other than these, they also eat tsisaka,miroo, managu etc. Also among the Kikuyu of Central Kenya, a lot of tubers, ngwaci (sweet potatoes), ndma (taroroot) known in Kenya as arrowroot, ikwa (yams), mianga (cassava) are eaten as well as legumes like beans and a Kikuyubean known as njahi.

    Tourist Attractions in Kenya1. AMBOSELI NATIONAL RESERVE - Amboseli National Park, now Amboseli National Reserve, is home to the largest

    peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, which makes it a popular tourist destination after the Masai Mara. Amboselialso features five different wildlife habitats including the lake bed of Lake Amboseli, sulfur springs surroundedby swamps and marshes, open plains, woodlands, and areas of lava rock thorn bush. The area around Amboseliis home to many Maasai communities as well as six communally owned group ranches surrounding the reserve.

    2. CHYULU HILLS NATIONAL PARK - Chyulu Hills National Park is a collection of ancient volcanic cinder cones andcraters, with the most recent volcanic peak formed only 500 years ago. Chyulu Hills National Park offersbreathtaking views of the landscape including Mount Kilimanjaro. Within Chyulu Hills National Park is thelongest lava tube in the world, this was formed by hot lava flowing beneath a cooled outer crust. Caves on theside of the volcano can be explored. Animals commonly seen in Chyulu Hills are buffalo, bushbuck, eland,elephant, leopard, warthog, wildebeest and zebra. The western half of the park is part of the West ChyuluGame Conservation area, owned by several Maasai groups.

    3. HELLS GATE NATIONAL PARK - Hell's Gate National Park is famous for its natural hot geysers, eagle and vulturebreeding grounds. Driving, walking, camping, cycling and rock climbing can be enjoyed within the park. Birdand animal life abound in Hell's Gate National Park and birds of prey are of special interest especially thelammergeyer. Zebras, baboons and gazelles are common sights and occasionally cheetahs, leopards and ostrichare encountered. Hell's Gate is one of the few game reserves where visitors can explore by foot and walk

    amongst the elands, zebras and hartebeest.4. LAKE NAKURU NATIONAL PARK - Established in 1961, Lake Nakuru National Park is an area of grassland, bush

    and rocky cliffs. Hundreds of birds and mammals have made Lake Nakuru National Park their home.Waterbucks, warthogs and buffaloes are common at the water's edge. Between three and four hundred buffaloinhabit the park and the best time to see them is at dusk or dawn in the forested area.

    5. LAMU - Lamu is Kenya's oldest living town and it has retained all the charm and character over the centuries.Lamu Old Town is a well-preserved Swahili settlement built of coral stone and mangrove timber. Featuresinclude inner courtyards, verandas, and elaborately carved wooden doors.

    6. MALINDI - Malindi is literally two towns in one - an historic Swahili town dating back to the 12th C and amodern tourist center with resorts, shopping and white sandy beaches.

    7. MASAI MARA NATIONAL RESERVE - The Masai Mara is probably one of the best-known reserves in all of Africa.The popularity stems from the annual wildebeest migration, the density of wildlife and the variety of bird lifeas well as the big sky and open savanna. The landscape is spotted with acacia trees, which probably brought

    about the name "mara" meaning mottled in the language of the Maasai. The altitude of the Masai Mara makesfor a temperate climate, the rain generally falls in late afternoon or evening.8. MOMBASA9. NAIROBI10. SAMBURU, BUFFALO SPRINGS & SHABA NATIONAL RESERVES - Samburu, Buffalo Springs and Shaba National

    Reserves are located north of Isiolo, along the banks of the Ewaso Ngiro River. The river supports the variety ofwildlife in the three reserves including Grevy's zebra, Sonmali ostriches and giraffes. Large crocodiles andhippos inhabit the river. Samburu National Reserve has public campsites located near the wooden bridge thatconnects the western portion of Buffalo Springs National Reserve with Samburu. The hot, desolate landscape ofSamburu is a preferred home for some mammals that adapt well to the harsh environment.

    11. TSAVO EAST/WEST NATIONAL PARK - The main track through Tsavo East National Park follows the Galana River.This is where much of the wildlife is spotted including a plethora of crocodiles and hippos. Tsavo East is apopular park for safaris as it offers true wilderness with a wide variety of vegetation and some of the largest

    herds of elephants in Kenya. Tsavo East is recommended for photographers offering the landscape of LugardsFalls and the Mudanda Rock, which towers over a natural dam. The watering holes in Tsavo West are found atMzima Springs, a freshwater pool that provides much of Mombasa's fresh water. As the most popular attractionin Tsavo West National Park, Mzima Springs has two large pools connected by rapids and the early morning isbest for catching sight of animals coming for a drink especially if some of the night creatures are still around.Crocodiles and hippos favor Mzima Springs and an underwater viewing chamber allows visitors to see thousandsof primitive fish.

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    Republic of Madagascar

    Capital & Largest City: AntananarivoOfficial Languages: Malagasy, French, EnglishPeople: MalagasyForm of Government: RepublicCurrency: Malagasy Ariary (MGA)

    Madagascar, or Republic of Madagascar (older name Malagasy Republic, French: Rpublique malgache), is an islandnation in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa. The main island, also called Madagascar, is the fourth-largest island in the world, and is home to 5% of the world's plant and animalspecies, of which more than 80% areendemic to Madagascar. They include the lemurinfraorder of primates, the carnivorous fossa, three birdfamilies andsix baobab species.

    Cuisine of Madagascar traditionally consists of a base of rice (vary) with some form of accompaniment (laoka),although in the southwest rice may be supplemented or replaced by maize that has been dried, ground andreconstituted. Cuisines of France, China, India, and to a lesser extent East African and Arabian cultures have all madetheir influence felt in Madagascar.

    Despite a high potential for tourism, tourism in Madagascar is underdeveloped. Madagascar's tourist attractionsinclude its beaches and biodiversity. The island's endemic wildlife and forests are unique tourist attractions.

    Madagascar has world class tourism assets, and a high potential for tourism because of its biodiversity, unique wildlife,and long coastline. It is the world's fourth largest island, with almost 5,000 km (3,107 mi) of coastline and a largecontinental shelf equal to 20% of the island's land area.[3]Tourism is concentrated in three areas; around theMadagascar's capital Antananarivo, and the islands of Nosy Be in the northwest andle Sainte-Marie to the east, wherebeach tourism is the main tourist attraction.

    Madagascar has been isolated from the African landmass for approximately 165 million years and its flora and faunaevolved in isolation from that time onwards. The island is one of the world's most biologically diverse areas, with manyendemic species. More than half of the island's breeding birds are endemic. Other endemic species include the Red-bellied Lemur, the Indri, and the Aye-aye. It is internationally renowned as a wildlife tourism and ecotourismdestination, focusing on lemurs, birds, and orchids. The Indri is the largest lemur species. One of the best places toobserve the Indri is the Analamazoatra Reserve (also known as Prinet), four hours away from the capital. Thepresence of the Indri has helped to make the Analamazoatra Reserve one of Madagascar's most popular tourist

    attractions. One family group of Indri in the park is habituated to humans and are thus easy for tourists for observe.

    Madagascar is a popular tourist destination with holiday makers looking for a peaceful relaxing holiday. Many holidaymakers stay in self catering holiday accommodation in Madagascar. There are some great holiday villas with swimmingpools and self catering holiday apartments available to rent as holiday home accommodation in Madagascar.

    Madagascar is a beautiful and scenic island with clean beaches, palm trees, grassy and green plateaus, volcanoes,forests and natural reserve. Madagascar is abundant with rich wildlife and a large number of unique species that arefound only on this amazing island. The island is a mix of vibrant colours of flowers and flora.

    It is rich in biodiversity and is the fourth-largest island in the world. It includes many smaller islands, a chain of highmountains, lowlands, thick rainforests, dry deciduous forests, savannah and a region of semi desert.

    The Island of Nosy Be is a major tourist attraction of Madagascar. It is hailed as the fragrant island of Malagasy. Theisland is exposed to winds but enjoys a pleasant climate during all seasons apart from the summer months. The islandhas eleven volcanic lakes and gigantic water reserves. The island also has dense vegetation and forests.

    It is home to innumerable crocodiles too. The popular tourist attractions in Nosy Be are the forest, Jungle Village andthe town of Hell Ville. The delectable cuisine of the area also makes it a very popular tourist destination.

    The major port of Madagascar is Toamasina. It was established in the eighteenth century and was named Tamatavebefore its present name. The presence of coral reef, in the region makes it a tourists delight. The presence of sharkscompels people to stay away from the waters but many tourists visit just to catch a glimpse of a shark.

    Toamasina has an assortment of lovely golden beaches and the town is situated on a sandy peninsula. The Bazary Bemarket is a popular attraction of the region. Ivoloina Gardens is an exotic animal and plant reserve in Toamasina.

    About 14,000 visitors visit this reserve every year. Here you can rent a holiday villa or choose to stay in a self cateringholiday apartment in this part of Madagascar.

    Toliara is a sea-side town in Madagascar and is famous for the water activities that are offered in the place. Manytourists come to this part of Madagascar especially for the water sports. The shell market and the local museum arefamous attractions of the region. The Tulear Reef or coral ref also attracts a lot of tourists to this area.

    The beautiful village of Ifaty is situated in the region with many holiday makers visiting it during their stay. Scubadiving in the region attracts many tourists from across the world. Many tourists rent a holiday villa with swimming poolnear to the beach.

    Ranomafana is yet another famous tourist attraction of Madagascar. Ranomafana National Park conserves the

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    biodiversity of the Ranomafana ecosystem. The pleasant climate, gushing cascades, picturesque park, meandering riverand diverse species of flora and fauna, on 43,500 hectares of land, makes it a very popular tourist destination inMadagascar. Bird watchers come here in great numbers since the park offers a chance to view many bird species.

    The city of Mahajanga is another famous tourist attraction in Madagascar. It is located on the north western coast ofthe country and is blessed with splendid beaches. Oriental influence is apparent in the region and it houses manycolonial buildings. The Port of Mahajanga is a favourite place with the locals and tourists alike. Some tourists rent selfcatering holiday apartments and explore this vibrant city to the full.

    For scuba diving, shopping, bird watching, and just unwinding amidst natural setting, Madagascar is a great place to goholiday. The natural beauty of the region and the biodiversity it offers makes it a great tourist destination. The islandsunique and exclusive flora and fauna is yet another reason for experiencing the rich island and witnessing rare naturalsplendour.

    In recent years the number of holiday home accommodation has increased in numbers in Madagascar. It is now possiblerent a holiday villa or self catering holiday apartment in Madagascar direct from their holiday home owners.

    Northern Africa

    North Africa or Northern Africa is the northernmost region of the African continent, separated by the Sahara fromSub-Saharan Africa. Geopolitically, the UNdefinition of Northern Africa includes the following seven countries orterritories:

    o Algeriao Egypt

    o Libyao Morocco

    o Sudano Tunisia

    o Western Sahara

    Arab Republic of EgyptCapital & Largest City: CairoOfficial Languages: ArabicPeople: EgyptianForm of Government: Semi-Presidential RepublicCurrency: Egyptian Pound (EGP)

    Egypt is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Western Asia. Covering anarea of about 1,010,000 square kilometers (390,000 sq mi), Egypt borders the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the GazaStrip and Israel to the northeast, the Red Sea to the east, Sudan to the south and Libya to the west.

    Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East. The great majority of its estimated 82million live near the banks of the Nile River, in an area of about 40,000 square kilometers (15,000 sq mi), where theonly arable agricultural land is found. The large areas of the Sahara Desert are sparsely inhabited. About half of Egypt'sresidents live in urban areas, with the majority spread across the densely-populated centres of greater Cairo,Alexandria and other major cities in the Nile Delta.

    Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and some of the world's most famous monuments, including the Giza pyramidcomplex and its Great Sphinx. The southern city of Luxor contains numerous ancient artifacts, such as the KarnakTemple and the Valley of the Kings. Egypt is widely regarded as an important political and cultural nation of the MiddleEast.

    The Culture ofEgypt has five thousand years of recorded history. Ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilizations.

    For millennia, Egypt maintained a strikingly complex and stable culture that influenced later cultures of Europe, theMiddle East and Africa. After the Pharaonic era, Egypt itself came under the influence of Hellenism, for a timeChristianity, and later, Arab and Islamic culture. Today, many aspects of Egypt's ancient culture exist in interactionwith newer elements, including the influence of modern Western culture.

    Egyptian cuisine consists of the local culinary traditions of Egypt. Egyptian cuisine makes heavy use of legumes andvegetables, as Egypt's rich Nile Valley and Delta produce large quantities of high-quality crops. Meat is less prominentin Egyptian cuisine than in the cuisines of North Africa or the Bilad al-Sham.

    Egyptian cuisine is characterized by dishes such as Ful Medames, Kushari and Mulukhiyya, while sharing similarities withfood found throughout the eastern Mediterranean like kebab and falafel.

    Bread forms the backbone of Egyptian cuisine. Bread is consumed at almost all Egyptian meals; a working-class or rural

    Egyptian meal might consist of little more than bread and beans. The local bread is a form of hearty, thick, glutenouspita bread called Eish Masri or Eish Baladi rather than the Standard Arabic khubz. The word "Eish" comes from theverb ", yui" meaning "to live" indicating the centrality of bread to Egyptian life. In modern Egypt, the governmentsubsidizes bread in order to ensure that poor Egyptians have bread to put on the table; as of 2008, however, a majorfood crisis has caused ever-longer bread lines at government-subsidized bakeries where there would normally be none;the occasional fight has broken out over bread, leading to fear of bread riots.

    Ancient Egyptians are known to have used a lot of garlic and onion in their everyday dishes. Fresh mashed garlic withother herbs is used in spicy tomato salad and is also stuffed in boiled or baked aubergines (eggplant). Garlic fried withcoriander is added to Mulukhiyya (Arabic: ), a popular green soup made from finely chopped jute leaves,sometimes with chicken or (preferably) rabbit. Fried onions are added to Kushari (Arabic: ), a dish consisting ofbrown lentils, macaroni, rice, chickpeas and a spicy tomato sauce.

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    Other popular dishes include Kebab and, usually of lamb meat, chops and minced meat on skewers grilled on charcoal.Egyptians are famous for stuffing spicy rice in vegetables like green pepper, aubergines, courgettes and tomatoes tomake Mahshi. Mahshi is generally rolled in grapevine leaves, Mahshi Warraq Enab, or in cabbage leaves, Mahshi Koronb.

    Shawerma is a popular sandwich of shredded meat or chicken, usually rolled in pita bread with Tahina sauce. It is notas popular in Egypt as in the Persian Gulf and the Levant; indeed, many Egyptians regard Shawerma as a Levantineimport as opposed to an actual Egyptian dish.

    Dukkah is a dry mixture of chopped nuts, seeds and Middle Eastern spices and flavors.

    Although Ramadan is a month of fasting in Egypt, it is usually when Egyptians pay a lot of attention to food in varietyand richness, since breaking the fast is a family affair, often with entire extended families meeting at the table justafter sunset. There are several special desserts almost exclusive to Ramadan such as Kanafeh and Atayef. In thismonth, many Egyptians will make a special table for the poor or passers-by, usually in a tent in the street, calledMa'edat Al Rahman which translates literally as Table of (God) the Gracious (Merciful).

    The Christians of Egypt, mainly Copts, observe fasting periods according to the Liturgical Calendar that practicallyextend to more than two-thirds of the year, although only a few very observant Copts fast as much as is recommended.The diet for fasting Copts is essentially vegan. During this fasting, Copts will usually eat vegetables and legumes friedin oil as they avoid meat, chicken, and dairy products including butter.

    Tourist Attractions in Egypt

    1. Cairo - City of the Thousand Minarets. Cairo is the largest city in Africa and Egypt's most populous city. Itsofficial name is Al-Qahira, although the name informally used by most Egyptians is "Masr".

    2. Aswan. Aswan is where Egypt travelers go for relaxation, besides shopping and sightseeing. About 680 km (425miles) south of Cairo, just below the Dam and Lake Nasser, Aswan is the smallest of the three major touristcities based on the Nile.

    3. The Pyramids of Giza. The Giza pyramids stands on the Giza Plateau, on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. Thiscomplex of ancient monuments is located some eight km inland into the desert from the old town of Giza onthe Nile

    4. Saqqara. The Egyptian Step Pyramid of Djoser was built for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser by his Vizier Imhotep.5. Alabaster Mosque. The Alabaster Mosque of Muhammad Ali is the most popular Islamic mosque among Egypt

    travelers, because of its grandeur and its location at the Citadel in Cairo, making it the most visible of Islamicmonuments in Cairo. It was built during the first half of the 19th century.

    6. Philae Temple. The Philae Temple was constructed over a three-century period, by the Greek Ptolemaic

    dynasty and the Roman Principate. The principal deity of the temple complex was Isis, but other temples andshrines were dedicated to her son Horus and the goddess Hathor.

    7. Dahab. Dahab is a small village situated on the south eastern coast of the Sinai Peninsula. Formerly a Bedouinfishing village, most visitors have been backpackers traveling independently and staying in hostels in theMasbet area.

    8. Alexandria . Alexandria is Egypt's second largest city and the country's window on the Mediterranean Sea. Thecity is a faded shade of its former glorious cosmopolitan self, but still worth a visit for its many culturalattractions and memories of a glorious past. It remains an important city, as Egypt's chief seaport on theMediterranean.

    9. Luxor. Luxor is the premier travel destination in Upper (southern) Egypt and the Nile Valley. In antiquity, thecity, known as Thebes by the greeks, was the dynastic and religious capital of Middle Kingdom and NewKingdom Egypt.

    10. Valley of the Kings. Soon after the defeat of the Hyksos and the reunification of Egypt under Ahmose I, the

    Theban rulers realized the need for a new royal necropolis.11. Abu Simbel. Abu Simbel is an archaeological site comprising two massive rock temples in southern Egypt onthe western bank of Lake Nasser about 290 km southwest of Aswan. It is part of the UNESCO World HeritageSite known as the "Nubian Monuments", which run from Abu Simbel downriver to Philae (near Aswan).

    12. Hurghada. Since the 1980s, Hurghada has become the principal bathing resort on the Red Sea, visited byAmerican, European and Arabs. Holiday villages and first class hotels provide excellent aquatic sport facilities.

    13. Sharm-el-Sheikh. Sharm el-Sheikh is located on the Egyptian Red Sea coast, at the southern tip of the SinaiPeninsula. It is known as The City of Peace referring to the large number of international peace conferencesthat have been held there.

    14. The Red Sea Coast. The Red Sea coast is famed for its crystal clear blue waters and exotic marine life,attracting thousands of tourists yearly. The reputation is well deserved - in 1989, an international panel ofscientists picked the north part of the Red Sea as one of the Seven Underwater.

    15. Beni Hasan. Beni Hasan is a small village and an important archaeological locality in Middle Egypt, some 20 km

    south of the city of Minya.16. Abydos. Abydos is one of the most ancient cities of Upper Egypt, about 11 km (6 miles) west of the Nile. TheEgyptian name was Abdju, "the hill of the symbol or reliquary," in which the sacred head of Osiris waspreserved. The Greeks named it Abydos, like the city on the Hellespont; the modern Arabic name is el-'Araba elMadfuna.

    17. Egypt Sahara. Desert travel in the Sahara is challenging but can be immensely rewarding. This short guide totravelling in the southwest desert of Egypt assumes that you are considering making a tour to the area. Deserttravel in Egypt is fabulous, and it is even better if you have a few basic guidelines to help you make the mostof it.

    18. Siwa Oasis. The Siwa Oasis is located between the Qattara Depression and the Egyptian Sand Sea in the LibyanDesert, approximately 50 km east of the Libyan border, and some 560 km from Cairo.

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    19. Dendera. Dendera is an archaeological locality in Egypt just outside the town of Qena (62 km north of Luxor) inthe region of Middle Egypt.

    Kingdom of MoroccoCapital: RabatLargest City: CasablancaPeople: MoroccanOfficial Languages: ArabicForm of Government: Constitutional MonarchyCurrency: Moroccan Dirham (MAD)

    Morocco, officially the Kingdom of Morocco, is a country located in North Africa with a population of nearly 34 millionand an area just under 447,000 km2. The capital is Rabat, and the largest city is Casablanca. It has a coast on theAtlantic Ocean that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco has international borderswith Algeria to the east, Spain to the north (a water border through the Strait and land borders with two small Spanishautonomous cities, Ceuta and Melilla), and Mauritania to the south via its Western Saharan territories.Morocco is the only country in Africa that is not currently a member of the African Union. However, it is a member ofthe Arab League, Arab Maghreb Union, Francophonie, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Mediterranean Dialoguegroup, and Group of 77. It is also a major non-NATO ally of the United States.

    Morocco is an ethnically diverse country with a rich culture and civilization. Through Moroccan history, Morocco hostedmany people coming from East (Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Jews and Arabs), South (Sub-Saharan Africans) and North(Romans, Vandals, Andalusians (including Moors and Jews)). All those civilizations have had an impact on the socialstructure of Morocco. It conceived various forms of beliefs, from paganism, Judaism, and Christianity to Islam.

    Moroccan cuisine has long been considered as one of the most diversified cuisines in the world. This is a result of thecenturies-long interaction of Morocco with the outside world. The cuisine of Morocco is a mix of Berber, Spanish,Corsican, Portuguese, Moorish, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and African cuisines. The cuisine of Morocco has beeninfluenced by the native Berber cuisine, the Arabic Andalusian cuisine brought by the Moriscos when they left Spain,the Turkish cuisine from the Turks and the Middle Eastern cuisines brought by the Arabs, as well as Jewish cuisine.

    Spices are used extensively in Moroccan food. While spices have been imported to Morocco for thousands of years,many ingredients, like saffron from Tiliouine, mint and olives from Meknes, and oranges and lemons from Fez, arehome-grown. Chicken is the most widely eaten meat in Morocco. The most commonly eaten red meat in Morocco isbeef; lamb is preferred, but is relatively expensive. Couscous is the most famous Moroccan dish along with pastilla,tajine, and harira. The most popular drink is green tea with mint. The tea is accompanied with hard sugar cones or


    Morocco has been one of the most politically stable countries in North Africa, which has allowed tourism to develop.The Moroccan government created a Ministry of Tourism in 1985. In the second half of the 1980s and the early 1990s,between 1 and 1.5 million Europeans visited Morocco. Most of these visitors were French or Spanish, with about100,000 each from Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands. Tourists mostly visited large beach resorts along theAtlantic coast, particularly Agadir. About 20,000 people from Saudi Arabia visited, some of who bought holiday homes.Receipts from tourism fell by 16.5% in 1990, the year the Gulf War began.In 1994, Morocco closed its border withAlgeria after an attack on a hotel in Marrakech. This caused the number of Algerian visitors to fall considerably; therewere 70,000 visitors in 1994 and 13,000 in 1995, compared to 1.66 million in 1992 and 1.28 million in 1993. In 2008there were 8 million tourist arrivals, compared with about 7.4 million in 2007 i.e. a 7% growth compared to 2007 30% ofthe tourists in 2008 were one of the 3.8 million Moroccans living abroad. Most of the visitors to Morocco continue to beEuropean, with French people making up almost 20% of its all visitors. Most Europeans visit in April and the autumn,

    apart from the Spanish, who mostly visit in June and August.

    Tourist receipts in 2007 totalled US$7,55 billion. Tourism is the second largest foreign exchange earner in Morocco,after the phosphate industry.The Moroccan government is heavily investing in tourism development. A new tourismstrategy called Vision 2010 was developed after the accession of King Mohammed VI in 1999. The government hastargeted that Morocco will have 10 million visitors by 2010, with the hope that tourism will then have risen to 20% ofGDP. A large government sponsored marketing campaigns to attract tourists advertised Morocco as a cheap and exotic,yet safe, place for European tourists.

    Morocco's relatively high amount of tourists has been aided by its location, tourist attractions, and relatively low price.Cruise ships visit the ports of Casablanca and Tangier. Morocco is close to Europe and attracts visitors to its beaches.Because of its proximity to Spain, tourists in southern Spain's coastal areas take one- to three-day trips to Morocco.Since the Algeria-Morocco border has opened and air services between the two countries have been established, many

    Algerians have gone to Morocco to shop and visit family and friends. Morocco is relatively inexpensive because of thedevaluation of the dirham and the increase of hotel prices in Spain. Morocco has an excellent road and railinfrastructure that links the major cities and tourist destinations with ports and cities with international airports. Low-cost airlines offer cheap flights to the country.

    While Morocco was a French Protectorate (from 1912 to 1956) tourism was focused on urban areas such as theMediterranean cities of Tangier and Casablanca. Tangier attracted many writers, such as Jack Kerouac and WilliamBurroughs. There was a period of beach resort development at places such as Agadir on the Atlantic coast in the 1970sand 1980s.

    Tourism is increasingly focused on Morocco's culture, such as its ancient cities. The modern tourist industry capitalizeson Morocco's ancient Roman and Islamic sites, and on its landscape and cultural history. 60% of Morocco's tourists visit

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    for its culture and heritage. [1] The country's attractions can be divided into seven regions: Tangier and the surroundingarea; Agadir and its beach resorts; Marrakech; Casablanca; the Imperial cities; Ouarzazate; and Tarfaya and its beachresorts.

    Agadir is a major coastal resort and has a third of all Moroccan bed nights. It is a base for tours to the Atlas Mountains.Other resorts in north Morocco are also very popular. Casablanca is the major cruise port in Morocco, and has the bestdeveloped market for tourists in Morocco.

    Marrakech in central Morocco is a popular tourist destination, but is more popular among tourists for one- and two-dayexcursions that provide a taste of Morocco's history and culture. [3] The Majorelle botanical garden in Marrakech is apopular tourist attraction. It was bought by the fashion designer Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Berg in 1980. Theirpresence in the city helped to boost the city's profile as a tourist destination.

    As of 2006, activity and adventure tourism in the Atlas and Rif Mountains are the fastest growth area in Moroccantourism. These locations have excellent walking and trekking opportunities from late March to mid-November. Thegovernment is investing in trekking circuits. They are also developing desert tourism in competition with Tunisia.


    Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent. It covers 8.6% of the Earth's total surface area (or 29.9% of itsland area) and, with over 4 billion people, it contains more than 60% of the world's current human population. Chieflyin the eastern and northern hemispheres, Asia is traditionally defined as part of the landmass of Eurasiawith thewestern portion of the latter occupied by Europelying east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural Mountains, and south ofthe Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black Seas. It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south bythe Indian Ocean, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. Given its size and diversity, Asiaa toponym dating back toclassical antiquityis more a cultural concept incorporating a number of regions and peoples than a homogeneousphysical entity.

    Eastern Asia

    East Asia is a subregion of Asia that can be defined in either geographical or cultural terms. Geographically, it coversabout 12,000,000 km, or about 28 percent of the Asian continent, about 15 percent bigger than the area of Europe.More than 1.5 billion people, about 40 percent of the population of Asia or a quarter of all the people in the world, livein geographic East Asia, which is about twice the population of Europe. The region is one of the world's most populatedplaces, with the population density of East Asia, 131 per km, being about three times the world average of

    45 per km.

    Historically, many societies in East Asia have been part of the Chinese cultural sphere, and East Asian vocabulary andscripts are often derived from Classical Chinese and Chinese script. Major religions include Buddhism (mostlyMahayana), Confucianism or Neo-Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese folk religion, and Shinto in Japan. East Asiancalendars are often derived from Chinese Calendar.

    This combination of language, political philosophy, and religion (as well as art, architecture, holidays and festivals,etc.) overlaps with the geographical designation of East Asia for the most part, ] with a few exceptions, such as theoverseas Chinese (including those in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the West).

    East Asia and Eastern Asia (the latter form preferred by the United Nations) are both more modern terms for thetraditional name the Far East, which describes the region's geographical position in relation to Europe rather than its

    location within Asia. However, in contrast to the United Nations definition, East Asia commonly is used to refer to theeastern part of Asia, as the term implies.

    The following political entities are consistently seen as located in geographical East Asia: People's Republic of China (Including the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau) Japan South Korea (Republic of Korea) North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) Republic of China (Taiwan) Mongolia Siberia, Russia (considered either East Asia or North Asia)

    Peoples Republic of China (The Sleeping Dragon)Capital: Beijing (old name: Peking)Largest City: ShanghaiOfficial Languages: ChineseNational Language: Putonghua (Standard Manadarin)People: ChineseForm of Government: Socialist Republich, Single Party Communist StateCurrency: Yuan (CNY)

    The People's Republic of China (PRC), commonly known as China, is the largest country in East Asia and the mostpopulous in the world with over 1.3 billion people, approximately a fifth of the world's population. It is a socialistrepublic ruled by the Communist Party of China under a single-party system and has jurisdiction over twenty-two

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    provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities, and two capitalistSpecial Administrative Regions. The capitalof the PRC is Beijing.

    At 9.6-million square kilometres, the People's Republic of China is the world's third or fourth largest country by area. Ithas a diverse landscape; in the north, near the PRC's borders with Mongolia and Russia's Siberia, the Gobi Desert andforest steppes dominate the dry expanse while lush subtropical forests grow along its southern borders with Vietnam,Laos, and Myanmar. The terrain in the west is rugged and high altitude, with the Himalayas and the Tian Shanmountain ranges forming the PRC's natural borders with India and Central Asia. In contrast, the PRC's eastern seaboardis low-lying and has a 14,500-kilometre long coastline bounded on the southeast by the South China Sea and on the eastby the East China Sea beyond which lies Korea and Japan.

    Ancient Chinese civilizationone of the world's earliestflourished in the fertile basin of the Yellow River which flowsthrough the North China Plain. For 4,000 years, China was ruled by hereditary monarchs or dynasties beginning with theXia until the Qing (though not unified until the Qin), which finally ended in 1911 with the founding of the Republic ofChina (ROC). The first half of the 20th century saw China plunged into a period of disunity and civil wars that dividedthe country into two main political camps the Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) and the Communist Party of China. Majorhostilities ended in 1949, when the People's Republic of China was established in mainland China by the victoriousCommunists. The Nationalist led Republic of China government retreated to Taipei, its jurisdiction limited to Taiwanand several outlying islands. As of today, the PRC is still involved in disputes with the ROC over issues of sovereigntyand the political status of Taiwan.

    The PRC is considered to be a major power and an emerging superpower, holding a permanent seat on the UNSecurityCouncil and memberships in the WTO, APEC, East Asia Summit, and Shanghai Cooperation Organization. China is anuclear state and has the world's largest standing army and fourth largest defense budget. China is one of the world'sfastest growing economies in terms of nominal GDP growth, and is the fastest-growing major economy. It has theworld's third largest GDP in nominal terms or second largest in purchasing power, and consumes as much as a third ofthe world's steel and over half of its concrete. The PRC is also the world's second largest exporter and the third largestimporter. Since the introduction of market-based economic reforms in 1978, the poverty rate in the PRC has decreasedfrom 53% in 1981 to 8% in 2001. However, the PRC is now faced with a number of other economic problems including arapidly aging population, a widening rural-urban income gap, and environmental degradation.For centuries, opportunity for economic and social advancement in China could be provided by high performance onImperial examinations. The literary emphasis of the exams affected the general perception of cultural refinement inChina, such as the belief that calligraphy and literati painting were higher forms of art than dancing or drama. China'straditional values were derived from various versions of Confucianism and conservatism. A number of moreauthoritarian and rational strains of thought have also been influential, such as Legalism. There was often conflictbetween the philosophies, such as the individualisticSong Dynasty neo-Confucians, who believed Legalism departed

    from the original spirit of Confucianism. Examinations and a culture of merit remain greatly valued in China today. Inrecent years, a number of New Confucians have advocated that democratic ideals and human rights are quitecompatible with traditional Confucian "Asian values."The first leaders of the People's Republic of China were born in the old society but were influenced by the May FourthMovement and reformist ideals. They sought to change some traditional aspects of Chinese culture, such as rural landtenure, sexism, and a Confucian education, while preserving others, such as the family structure and obedience to thestate. Many observers believe that the period following 1949 is a continuation of traditional Chinese dynastic history,while others say that the CPC's rule has damaged the foundations of Chinese culture, especially through politicalmovements such as the Cultural Revolution, where many aspects of traditional culture were labeled 'regressive andharmful' or 'vestiges of feudalism' by the regime and thus, were destroyed. They further argue that many importantaspects of traditional Chinese morals and culture, such as Confucianism, Chinese art, literature, and performing artslike Beijing opera, were altered to conform to government policies and propaganda at the time. However, simplified

    Chinese characters are not used in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

    Today, the Chinese government has accepted a great deal of traditional Chinese culture as an integral part of Chinesesociety, lauding it as an important achievement of the Chinese civilization and emphasizing it as vital to a Chinesenational identity. Since the Cultural Revolution ended, various forms of traditional Chinese art, literature, music, film,fashion and architecture have seen a vigorous revival, and folk and variety art in particular have gained a new foundrespectability, and sparked interest nationally and even worldwide.

    Chinese cuisine originated from the various regions of China and has become widespread in many other parts of theworld from Asia to the Americas, Australia, Western Europe and Southern Africa. In recent years, connoisseurs ofChinese cuisine have also sprouted in Eastern Europe and South Asia. American Chinese cuisine and Canadian Chinesefood are popular examples of local varieties.Regional cultural differences vary greatly within China, giving rise to the different styles of food. There are eight main

    regional cuisines, or Eight Great Traditions: Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan andZhejiang. There is also Huaiyang Cuisine, a major style and even viewed as the representation of the cuisine.Occasionally, Beijing cuisine and Shanghai cuisine are also cited along with eight regional styles as the Ten GreatTraditions. There are also featured Buddhist and Muslim sub-cuisines within the greater Chinese cuisine, with anemphasis on vegetarian and halal-based diets respectively.

    In most dishes in Chinese cuisine, food is prepared in bite-sized pieces, ready for direct picking up and eating.Traditionally, Chinese culture use chopsticks at the table. However, many non-Chinese are uncomfortable withallowing a person's individual utensils (which might have traces of saliva) to touch the communal food dishes. In areaswith strong Western influences, such as Hong Kong, diners are provided individually with a heavy metal spoon for thispurpose.
