Midterm Test Review

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Midterm Test Review. U.S. History. Module I. SSUSH1. U.S. History. Colonial Standards. A group of investors share risks & profits to settle colonies in the new world. Joint Stock Company. Colonial Standards. Joint Stock Company that founded first permanent English colony. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Midterm Test Review


U.S. History

Module I

SSUSH1U.S. History

Colonial Standards

A group of investors share risks & profits to settle

colonies in the new world

Joint Stock Company

Colonial Standards

Joint Stock Company that founded first permanent

English colony

Virginia Company

Colonial Standards

First permanent English settlement in the new



Colonial Standards

Brown Gold; Cash crop that helped Jamestown survive

and become wealthy


Colonial Standards

Native American chief that lived near Jamestown that was

initially peaceful but relationship with colonist



Colonial Standards

First representative government in the colonies

House of Burgesses

Colonial Standards

Class conflict between frontier farmers and landed class in

Virginia that resulted in a small scale war

Bacon’s Rebellion

Colonial Standards

Used by colonies in the South as a labor source due to the increase of labor intensive tobacco cultivation


Colonial Standards

War in New England that resulted in a permanent

defeat and removal of Native Americans from Massachusetts

King Phillip’s War

Colonial Standards

Example of direct democracy and government by the people

in New England

Town Meetings

Colonial Standards

Banished from Massachusetts for religious beliefs and

settled a colony based on separation of church & state

Roger Williams

Colonial Standards

Colony established by Roger Williams that exercised

religious tolerance and paying natives for their land

Rhode Island

Colonial Standards

Puritans used this to increase the membership of their church

by allowing non-voting members that did not have a

Conversion experience

Half-Way Covenant

Colonial Standards

Series of court hearings over 150 Massachusetts colonists accused of witchcraft were

tried: 29 convicted – 19 hanged

Salem witch Trials

Colonial Standards

British king cancelled this because this colony refused to

obey Navigation Acts and argued it was a independent

Corporate Colony

Massachusetts Charter

Colonial Standards

Originally New York was known by this name

New Amsterdam

Colonial Standards

The land currently known as New York was owned by


Colonial Standards

Colony established by Quakers escaping religious

persecution in England


Colonial Standards

Founder of Pennsylvania

William Penn

Colonial Standards

Colony established by Catholics escaping religious

persecution in England


Colonial Standards

Founder of Maryland

Lord CeciliusCalvert

Colonial Standards

Region of the colonies that was more commercial,

industrial, and trade based in its economy

Northern Colonies

Colonial Standards

Region of the colonies that was more agricultural,

farming, and slave based in its economy

Southern Colonies

Colonial Standards

Reason the French settled Quebec

Fur Trade

Colonial Standards

Convinced many in the colonies that the Articles were

too weak and needed to be changed

Shay’s Rebellion

Colonial Standards

Meeting held in Philadelphia Pennsylvania that eventually

ended in the creation of a new U.S. system of government.

Constitutional Convention

SSUSH2U.S. History

Colonial Standards

Economic Theory that the best way to become a stronger

nation was to acquire the most wealth.


Colonial Standards

Under Mercantilism this was a favorable balance of


Exports greater than Imports

Colonial Standards

Under Mercantilism, Great Britain wanted this from the


Natural Resources

Colonial Standards

Under Mercantilism, Great Britain passed these to

control Colonial goods and trade

Navigation Acts

Colonial Standards

Under the Navigation Acts, all goods heading to or

from the colonies had to be transported this way

British Ships

Colonial Standards

Under the Navigation Acts, all goods heading to or

from the colonies had to be transported here

British Ports

Colonial Standards

British restrictions on colonial trade were

designed to keep the colonies from

Competing against Britain in trade

Colonial Standards

This concept refers to the route of trade between the

colonies and Europe

Transatlantic Trade

Colonial Standards

This journey in the transatlantic trade carried slaves to North


Middle Passage

Colonial Standards

Example of social mobility and individualism in the

American Colonies

Benjamin Franklin

Colonial Standards

Christian worship that preached that Americans needed to turn

away from the corruption of English society and separate

from Great Britain

Great Awakening

SSUSH3U.S. History

Colonial Standards

War between Great Britain and France over territory in

North America in 1754

French & Indian War

Colonial Standards

This officially ended the French & Indian War

Treaty of Paris 1763

Colonial Standards

At the end of the French & Indian War, Great Britain

changed many of its policies in America because of this


Colonial Standards

First direct tax on the colonist by Britain in an attempt to pay

the war debt

Stamp Act

Colonial Standards

Colonial slogan used to express why they believed they should not have to pay


“No Taxation without Representation”

Colonial Standards

American colonist responded to the Stamp Act using this strategy and made Britain

repeal the act.


Colonial Standards

Attempt by King George III to keep colonist from crossing

Appalachian Mountains

Proclamation of 1763

Colonial Standards

Reason King George III Issued the Proclamation of


Keep down conflict with Native Americans

Colonial Standards

Response of colonist to the Proclamation of 1763

Went anyway

Colonial Standards

British law that required colonists to print newspapers, documents, playing cards with

a special stamp

Stamp Act

Colonial Standards

Group formed to oppose British actions colonist felt

unfair. Dumped tea in harbor to oppose Tea Act.

Sons of Liberty

Colonial Standards

Event where Sons of Liberty dressed up like Native

Americans and dumped tea in harbor to oppose Tea Act.

Boston Tea Party

Colonial Standards

Group that helped in colonial resistance by weaving fabric

during boycotts to supply fabric to colonist.

Daughters of Liberty

Colonial Standards

Response to Boston Tea Party when Great Britain closed ports of Boston, forced troops to be

housed in colonial homes, tried accused people in British courts

Intolerable Acts

Colonial Standards

Meeting called by colonists to protest the intolerable acts. Resulted in colonial militias

formed to resist acts and an olive Branch petition sent to King


First Continental Congress

Colonial Standards

Groups formed from different colonies to secretly meet to deal with British actions. 1st

organization linking colonies in opposition to British rule

Committees of Correspondence

Colonial Standards

Small pamphlet that convinced many colonist to support independence form

Great Britain

Common Sense

Colonial Standards

Author of Common Sense

Thomas Paine

SSUSH4U.S. History

Revolution Standards

Document that the colonies drafted to separate from

Great Britain

Declaration of Independence

Revolution Standards

Author of the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Revolution Standards

English Philosopher that influenced Thomas


John Locke

Revolution Standards

Life, Liberty, and Property given by Creator

Natural Rights

Revolution Standards

Idea that government had duty protect inalienable rights of

people or be changed

Social Contract Theory

Revolution Standards

Influential French philosopher whose ideas were checks & balances and Separation of



Revolution Standards

U.S. Ambassador of France that helped get French

assistance during Revolution

Benjamin Franklin

Revolution Standards

French citizen that was aide to George Washington, suffered at Valley Forge, helped Franklin

get French Assistance, and planned the Battle of Yorktown

Marquis de Lafayette

Revolution Standards

Turning point of the Revolution. U.S. Win &

French decide to give aid afterward

Battle of Saratoga

Revolution Standards

Soldiers starved for the winter here and went without clothes,

food, blankets, supplies.

Valley Forge

Revolution Standards

Washington crossed the Delaware River and surprised

the British and won

Battle of Trenton

Revolution Standards

What was the significance of Washington’s crossing of the

Delaware River

Boosted Morale of the Troops

Revolution Standards

Considered great military leader because he overcame many setbacks and didn’t give up

George Washington

Revolution Standards

French and American forces defeat the British on this

peninsula to end the Revolution

Battle of Yorktown

Revolution Standards

General of the British forces captured at the Battle of


Lord Cornwallis

Revolution Standards

Document that forced Great Britain to recognize the U.S.

as an Independent nation

Treaty of Paris 1783

SSUSH5U.S. History

Constitution Standards

Document that created the first government for the U.S.

Articles of Confederation

Constitution Standards

No Executive. No Judicial. 9 of 13 to pass laws. All 13 to Amend. No power to tax.

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

Constitution Standards

Convinced many in the colonies that the Articles were

too weak and needed to be changed

Shay’s Rebellion

Constitution Standards

Meeting held in Philadelphia Pennsylvania that eventually

ended in the creation of a new U.S. system of government.

Constitutional Convention

Constitution Standards

An agreement that allowed small states and large states to be equally represented in the

new legislature.

Great Compromise

Constitution Standards

Argued the need for a strong centralized government. Supported Constitution


Constitution Standards

Written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison to convince states to ratify the


The Federalist

Constitution Standards

Group of People who refused to ratify the Constitution without a Bill of Rights


Constitution Standards

Groups who join together to promote a certain argument and oppose different views.


Constitution Standards

Father of the Constitution, Author of the Virginia Plan

and the Bill of Rights

James Madison

Constitution Standards

Leader of the Federalist Party and opposition to

Thomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton

Constitution Standards

Leader of the Democratic Republicans and opposition

to Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Jefferson

Constitution Standards

Dividing the government into three branches: Legislative,

Executive, Judicial

Separation of Powers

Constitution Standards

Principle in the Constitution that makes sure that one

branch does not overpower the other two

Checks & Balances

Constitution Standards

Influential French philosopher whose ideas were checks & balances and Separation of



Constitution Standards

Minimizing the powers of the national government by

listing only things it can do.

Limited Government

Constitution Standards

Agreement at the Constitutional convention to count a portion of slaves in determining state representation in the Congress

3/5ths Compromise

Constitution Standards

Agreement at the Constitutional convention that the National government could regulate slave trade but not for 20 years

Slave Trade Compromise

Constitution Standards

First ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution

Bill of Rights

Constitution Standards

Bill of Rights serves as a protector of these

Individual & States’ rights

Constitution Standards

First President of the United States of America

George Washington

Constitution Standards

Precedent established by George Washington were President serves 8 years

Two-Term Presidency

Constitution Standards

Speech given By George Washington when he left

the Presidency

Farewell Address

Constitution Standards

Warning given in the Farewell address not to Join

sides in foreign wars.

Non Intervention in Europe

Constitution Standards

Warning by Washington not to form certain factions.

Avoid Formation of Political Parties

Constitution Standards

Signaled to many that the U.S. government was strong

under the Constitution.

Whiskey Rebellion

Constitution Standards

Second President of the United States.

John Adams

Constitution Standards

French tried to bribe U.S. officials in John Adams

administration and eventually caused Adams to lose the


XYZ Affair

Constitution Standards

Laws passed by John Adams administration to

silence critics of the government.

Alien & Sedition Acts

Constitution Standards

Published argument by Jefferson and Madison that states did not have to obey

federal laws if unconstitutional

VA & KY Resolutions

Module II

SSUSH6U.S. History

Constitution Standards

Established a process whereby territories could

become a state

Northwest Ordinance 1787

Constitution Standards

Northwest Ordinance outlawed this in the Northwest territory


Constitution Standards

Established for the survey and sale of land in the

Northwest territory

Land Ordinance 1785

Constitution Standards

Land Ordinance set aside the sell of one lot to finance

this in the Northwest Territory

Public Schools

Creating a Nation Standards

This was outlawed in the Northwest Ordinance


Creating a Nation Standards

The sale of one surveyed section of township financed this in the Land Ordinance

Public Education

Creating a Nation Standards

This established the process a territory had to use if it

wanted to become a state

Northwest Ordinance

Creating a Nation Standards

Thomas Jefferson bought this and doubled the size

of the U.S. in 1803

Louisiana Purchase

Creating a Nation Standards

Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana from

this country


Creating a Nation Standards

Thomas Jefferson purchased Louisiana from this leader


Creating a Nation Standards

This is how much Thomas Jefferson paid for


$15 million

Creating a Nation Standards

This almost kept Thomas Jefferson from purchasing


Strict Interpretation

Creating a Nation Standards

These individuals were commissioned by Thomas

Jefferson to discover what was in Louisiana territory.

Lewis & Clarke

Creating a Nation Standards

Louis and Clarke were hired to look for a

route here?

Pacific Ocean

Creating a Nation Standards

With the Louisiana Purchase Thomas Jefferson acquired

possession of this

Mississippi River

Creating a Nation Standards

What did Thomas Jefferson originally want to buy from


Port Area of New Orleans

Creating a Nation Standards

Second War between U.S. & Great Britain when the White House was Burned

War of 1812

Creating a Nation Standards

British policy of forcing U.S. Sailors into the British Navy.

A cause of War of 1812


Creating a Nation Standards

Great Britain forcing U.S. Commercial ships to stop in

England before going to Europe to trade. A cause of War of 1812

Interruption of Trade

Creating a Nation Standards

A cause of War of 1812 where British refused to leave a certain area of the U.S.

Forts / Ohio River Valley

Creating a Nation Standards

The U.S. and Great Britain were competing for this in

the Northwest Territory

Fur Trade

Creating a Nation Standards

U.S. Idea that the continent should belong to U.S. A cause of War of 1812 War Hawks of

Congress wanted Canada

Manifest Destiny

Creating a Nation Standards

U.S. citizens believed Britain was doing this while in

Northwest territory. A cause of War of 1812

Arming Native Americans

Creating a Nation Standards

A word that means someone is trying to get

trouble started


Creating a Nation Standards

Americans felt this when they won the War of 1812

National Identity / Pride

Creating a Nation Standards

This was burned down during the War of 1812

White House

Creating a Nation Standards

This was what officially ended the War of 1812

Treaty of Ghent

Creating a Nation Standards

Last Battle of War of 1812 fought after Treaty of


Battle of New Orleans

Creating a Nation Standards

Became a national hero after the War of 1812

Andrew Jackson

Creating a Nation Standards

Man made technological wonder that connected East U.S. to West U.S.

Erie Canal

Creating a Nation Standards

Erie Canal connected water transportation from

Atlantic Ocean to

Great Lakes

Creating a Nation Standards

Place that becomes a center for commerce and Trade;

banking and finance due to ports and location

New York City

Creating a Nation Standards

River that connects port of New York to Erie Canal

Hudson River

Creating a Nation Standards

This is improved when canals, bridges, roads, and river

transportation was improved in the U.S.


Creating a Nation Standards

James Monroe warned European countries not to

colonize here

Western Hemisphere

Creating a Nation Standards

The name of the document the President issued in 1820 to warn European powers not to colonize

in Western Hemisphere

Monroe Doctrine

SSUSH7U.S. History

Creating a Nation Standards

Era in U.S. History when skilled labor was outpaced

by machines

Industrial Revolution

Creating a Nation Standards

Invented the Cotton Gin & Interchangeable Parts

Eli Whitney

Creating a Nation Standards

Increased the need for slaves and benefited the


Cotton Gin

Creating a Nation Standards

Increased the efficiency of factories, machine repair, and benefited the North

Interchangeable Parts

Creating a Nation Standards

Eli Whitney put parts of these in a box, shook the box up, took them out and

reassembled them


Creating a Nation Standards

The cotton Gin & Interchangeable parts

contributed to this splitting of the country in two


Creating a Nation Standards

An issue that was argued in Congress each time new

territory wanted to be a state


Creating a Nation Standards

God wanted Americans to own all land from Atlantic

to Pacific Ocean

Manifest Destiny

Creating a Nation Standards

Lone Star Republic won its independence from

Santa Ana


Creating a Nation Standards

100 Americans die & 400 Mexicans; Used by Texans to

rally for winning the war

Battle of the Alamo

Creating a Nation Standards

Place where Santa Ana was captured and forced to

recognize Texas Independence

Battle of San Jacinto

Creating a Nation Standards

Nickname today for Texas

Lone Star State

Creating a Nation Standards

U.S. argued Mexico’s northern border was here

Rio Grande River

Creating a Nation Standards

Mexico argued its northern border was here

Nueces River

Creating a Nation Standards

1845-1846 war over border of U.S.

Mexican-American War

Creating a Nation Standards

California, Utah, parts of New Mexico, Colorado acquired by


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Creating a Nation Standards

U.S. paid $15 million and settled the southern border of the U.S.

Gadsden Purchase

Creating a Nation Standards

Occupied by Great Britain, U.S., Russia and was traveled

by Lewis & Clarke

Oregon Territory

Creating a Nation Standards

U.S. citizens used this to move out and settle past

the Rocky Mountains

Oregon Trail

Creating a Nation Standards

Campaign slogan used by James K. Polk to force Great

Britain out of Oregon

54 – 40 or fight

Creating a Nation Standards

Women’s movement to end the consumption of



Creating a Nation Standards

Movement to end slavery


Creating a Nation Standards

Horace Mann was a reformer in this

Common School

Creating a Nation Standards

The right to vote


Creating a Nation Standards

Female leader that fought for women’s suffrage

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Creating a Nation Standards

Organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton in New York

Seneca Falls Convention

Creating a Nation Standards

Worded much like the declaration of Independence

but included women

Declaration of Sentiments

Creating a Nation Standards

Time when white males got the chance to vote and

participate in politics

Jacksonian Democracy

Creating a Nation Standards

Removed during Andrew Jackson’s administration as a requirement to vote


Creating a Nation Standards

All white males could vote even if they did not own land

Universal Suffrage

Creating a Nation Standards

Route taken by Cherokee during forced removal by

President Andrew Jackson

Trail of Tears

Creating a Nation Standards

President Jackson’s rewarding supporters and

friends with government jobs

Spoils System

Creating a Nation Standards

Type of people that benefitted under

Jacksonian Democracy

Common Man

Creating a Nation Standards

Americans experience this during Andrew Jackson’s



SSUSH 8U.S. History

Divided Nation

Slave rebellion in Southampton, VA in 1831 that

angered southerners

Nat Turner Rebellion

Divided Nation

White abolitionist publisher of The Liberator

William Lloyd Garrison

Divided Nation

Former slave turned abolititionist and publisher of

the North Star

Frederick Douglas

Divided Nation

Parents owned slaves but spoke out against slavery

as abolitionist

Grimke Sisters

Divided Nation

Split the country in two and disallowed slavery North of a

certain line of latitude

Missouri Compromise

Divided Nation

Line of Latitude that split the U.S. half free and half slave


Divided Nation

South Carolina refused to abide by a tariff in 1828 and President Jackson threatens military force to enforce it.

Nullification Crisis

Divided Nation

The idea that a state has more power that the national government

State’s Rights Ideology

Divided Nation

Leader from South Carolina that refused to abide by Tariff of 1832; former Vice President

John C. Calhoun

Divided Nation

Pamphlet written by John C. Calhoun arguing S.C. had the right to declare Tariff Null &


South Carolina Exposition & Protest

Divided Nation

Document written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

that influences John C. Calhoun

VA & KY Resolutions

Divided Nation

Bill passed by U.S. Congress giving President Andrew Jackson authority to use

military force in the Nullification Crisis

Force Bill

Divided Nation

The division of the United States into two separate



Divided Nation

The idea that God wanted Americans to own all land from

Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

Manifest Destiny

Divided Nation

Central argument in Congress that arose when territories

applied for statehood

Expansion of Slavery

Divided Nation

States entered either as slave or free would throw this off

Balance of Power - Congress

Divided Nation

War between the U.S. and Mexico over the border

Mexican American War

Divided Nation

Proposal in Congress to disallow slavery in the lands acquired in Mexican Cession

Wilmot Proviso

Divided Nation

New Mexico established, Popular sovereignty New

Mexico, California free state, fugitive slave law, slave trade

abolished in D.C.

Compromise of 1850

Divided Nation

States get to determine for themselves through elections

if they will be slave or free

Popular Sovereignty

SSUSH 9U.S. History

Divided Nation

Repealed Missouri Compromise of 1820 and

granted popular sovereignty to states to determine slave issue

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Divided Nation

States get to determine for themselves through elections

if they will be slave or free

Popular Sovereignty

Divided Nation

An example of how popular sovereignty failed to settle

issue of expansion of slavery

Bleeding Kansas

Divided Nation

Supreme Court case that determined that no African American – even if free- could not be considered a citizen. Further, the

court determined that popular sovereignty and the Missouri Compromise of 1820

were unconstitutional.

Dred Scott Case

Divided Nation

An attempt to capture the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, VA to arm slaves for


John Brown’s Raid

Divided Nation

The act of a state to separate from the United States


Divided Nation

Incident that caused South Carolina to secede from the

Unites States in 1861

Election of Abraham Lincoln

Divided Nation

Lincoln’s primary goal in the Civil War

Save (Preserve) the Union

Divided Nation

“With malice toward none, with charity for all.” Lincoln

expressed need to rebuild and not punish south.

2nd Inaugural Address

Divided Nation

“A new birth of freedom.”Speech dedicating a cemetery

on the sight of a battlefield.

Gettysburg Address

Divided Nation

Presidential emergency powers to deny possible spies

right to go before a court

Suspension of Habeas Corpus

Divided Nation

General of Army of the Potomac; accepted surrender

of Gen. Robert E. Lee

Ulysses S. Grant

Divided Nation

Confederate General; won Battle of Bull Run; Died in battle shot by his own men


“Stonewall” Jackson

Divided Nation

General of the Army of Northern Virginia;

Surrendered to General U.S. Grant

Robert E. Lee

Divided Nation

Destroyed Atlanta and went on March to the Sea to

Savannah destroying South

William T. Sherman

Divided Nation

President of the Confederate States of America (CSA). President for the South.

Jefferson Davis

Divided Nation

Place where the Civil War began

Fort Sumter

Divided Nation

Bloodiest single day battle in the Civil War. Lee’s failure to win it encouraged Lincoln to

issue the Emancipation Proclamation


Divided Nation

Freed all slaves in the South to hurt the southern war effort; political strategy

Emancipation Proclamation

Divided Nation

United States split in two and the North gets control of the

Mississippi River


Divided Nation

Turning point of the Civil War. Last time the South would try to attack in the North. South would

not recover from loses.


Divided Nation

“A new birth of freedom.”Speech dedicating a cemetery

on the sight of a battlefield.

Gettysburg Address

Divided Nation

Vitally important center of Confederate manufacturing

and railway traffic attacked by Northern Army

Battle for Atlanta

Divided Nation

After Atlanta burned to the ground, route taken to Atlantic destroying rail, roads, bridges,

crops, livestock

March to the Sea

SSUSH 10U.S. History

Divided Nation

The rebuilding of the U.S. after the Civil War


Divided Nation

Plans to reconstruct by Lincoln and Johnson to

readmit southern states as fast as possible

Presidential Reconstruction

Divided Nation

Plans to reconstruct by Congress that required

southern states to ratify 13th, 14th, 15th amendments and

reapply to re-enter

Radical Republican Reconstruction

Divided Nation

Considered “Black Harvard”; established in Atlanta, GA to train African Americans in

Ministry & Education

Morehouse College

Divided Nation

Helped African Americans with food, clothing, jobs, medicine,

medical care

Freedman’s Bureau

Divided Nation

Ended Slavery in the United States

13th Amendment

Divided Nation

Defined Citizenship, Due Process of states, equal

protection clause

14th Amendment

Divided Nation

Granted suffrage to African Americans

15th Amendment

Divided Nation

Name used to explain 13th, 14th, 15 Amendments


Reconstruction Amendments

Divided Nation

Laws passed to control freed Africans; deprived them of

voting; forced freed men into forced labor

Black Codes

Divided Nation

Secret society formed to terrorize freed Africans; Murder,

arson, threats to keep them from voting

Ku Klux Klan

Divided Nation

Congress can remove the President from office for “High

crimes & Misdemeanors”


Divided Nation

President Impeached by Congress during Reconstruction

Andrew Johnson

Divided Nation

Law Johnson was accused of violating while president

Tenure of Office Act

Divided Nation

Number of votes in the senate that found Johnson

not guilty

Acquit by one vote

Divided Nation

Union troops were withdrawn from the south in this agreement to select

Rutherford B. Hayes President

Compromise of 1877

Module III

SSUSH 11U.S. History

Expansion and Reform

Was influenced by the railroads and new

technological advances

Big Business

Expansion and Reform

Railroads contribute to this happening in the U.S. after

1870 on a large scale

Westward Expansion

Expansion and Reform

This caused interruption in the lives of Native



Expansion and Reform

New technology that made steel stronger and


Bessemer Process

Expansion and Reform

A way to create a monopoly by buying out all

your competitors

Horizontal Integration

Expansion and Reform

A way to create a monopoly by buying not only competitors

but buying out natural resources, production, and


Vertical Consolidation

Expansion and Reform

A business arrangement where there is one owner that

sets prices, wages and controls the industry


Expansion and Reform

Main goal in the creation of Monopolies

Eliminate Competition

Expansion and Reform

A conglomeration of monopolies joined together to

eliminate Competition


Expansion and Reform

Used Vertical Integration to form a monopoly over



Expansion and Reform

Railroad, completed in 1869, that run from the Atlantic

Ocean to the Pacific Ocean

Transcontinental Railroad

Expansion and Reform

Main labor source on the western leg of the

Transcontinental Railroad

Chinese Labor

Expansion and Reform

Used Horizontal and Vertical integration to form

a monopoly on Oil

John D. Rockefeller

Expansion and Reform

The name of John D. Rockefeller’s business

Standard Oil Company

Expansion and Reform

Inventor that created the Light Bulb

Thomas Edison

Expansion and Reform

Edison invention that allowed people to work at night and see in the dark

Electric Light Bulb

Expansion and Reform

Invention of Edison’s that allowed people to enjoy

themselves at the Movies

Motion Pictures

Expansion and Reform

Edison invention that allowed people to listen to

records and recorded sound


SSUSH 12U.S. History

Expansion and Reform

Immigration station located in New York Harbor; entrance point for immigrants entering

on the East coast of U.S.

Ellis Island

Expansion and Reform

New Immigration after the Civil War; Immigrants did not speak

English and were Jewish or Catholics and come from

Southern & Eastern Europe

Expansion and Reform

Concept used to explain the overpopulation of cities due to

increased Immigration


Expansion and Reform

First organized and National labor union in the

United States

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Expansion and Reform

Leader of the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Samuel Gompers

Expansion and Reform

Strategy used by Unions to stop work by workers refusing to work until demands are met


Expansion and Reform

This grew quickly because of the Railroad

Western Population

Expansion and Reform

Sioux leader that fought U.S. soldiers; led his people in exile in Canada, and finally agreed to settle on a reservation; later shot to death by government


Sitting Bull

Expansion and Reform

Massacre of Sioux in South Dakota where 300 women, children, and men killed by

U.S. Soldiers

Wounded Knee

Expansion and Reform

Congressional law that attempted to assimilate native

Americans into American Culture

Dawes Act

Expansion and Reform

Conflict that occurred when an owner of a cart company cut workers wages but did not

lower their rent

1894 Pullman Strike

SSUSH 13U.S. History

Expansion and Reform

Political reform movement where people supported increased government

regulation of business & industry

Progressive Era

Expansion and Reform

Novel that revealed the unsanitary conditions in the

Chicago meat packing industry

The Jungle

Expansion and Reform

Journalist and author of The Jungle

Upton Sinclair

Expansion and Reform

Law made by Congress to force meat packers to make sure their food was safe to

consume; Influenced by The Jungle

Meat Inspection Act

Expansion and Reform

Female progressive that opened a settlement house in Chicago to help the inner city


Jane Addams

Expansion and Reform

Settlement house that provided immigrants learn home

economics, basic medical care, English, legal rights;

established by Jane Addams

Hull House

Expansion and Reform

Concept that explains segregation laws that required

separate public and private facilities for African Americans

Jim Crow

Expansion and Reform

Court case in 1896 that ruled that segregation in public and private facilities is acceptable

Plessy v. Ferguson

Expansion and Reform

Legal standard established by Plessy v. Ferguson

Separate but Equal

Expansion and Reform

Group formed to promote full social and economic equality

for African Americans


Expansion and Reform

NAACP stands for

National Association for the Advancement

of Colored People

Expansion and Reform

First African American to graduate from Harvard

University and founder of the NAACP

WEB Dubois

Expansion and Reform

Journalist that exposed the corrupt business practices of

Standard Oil Company

Ida Tarbell

Expansion and Reform

Title of Ida Tarbell’s novel criticizing the unfair practices used by John D. Rockefeller

History of Standard Oil

Expansion and Reform

Reform journalists that investigated and exposed

political corruption, child labor, slum conditions, social issues


Expansion and Reform

A form of direct control of government by state citizens by forcing a public vote on an issue on the ballot bypassing

state legislatures


Expansion and Reform

A process where state legislators place a proposal

for a law on the ballot to allow citizens to vote the law into



Expansion and Reform

The power of state citizens to remove public officials from

office before their term expires


Expansion and Reform

Initiative, referendum, recall increase ordinary citizens

direct control of government which is also known as

Direct Democracy

Expansion and Reform

The 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution

requires this

Direct Election of Senators

Expansion and Reform

The direct election of senators meant that who would elect

the 2 senators from each state

Voters (Citizens of the State)

Expansion and Reform

The 17th Amendment increased ordinary citizens direct control of government

which is also known as

Direct Democracy

Expansion and Reform

Before the 17th Amendment, this is who selected U.S.


State Legislatures

Expansion and Reform

Progressive era movement that reserved millions of acres

of wilderness lands, particularly in western states

Conservation Movement

Expansion and Reform

This President’s efforts led to the establishment of a national

park system that included Yosemite & Yellowstone

Theodore Roosevelt

SSUSH 14U.S. History

Expansion and Reform

American feelings caused by Chinese immigrants accepting low wages for jobs whites had held causes wages to go down

Anti-Asian sentiment

Expansion and Reform

Law passed in 1882 by Congress banning all future

Chinese Immigration

Chinese Exclusion Act

Module IV

SSUSH 14U.S. History

Becoming a World Power

War 1899 that resulted from the U.S. helping Cuba against


Spanish-American War

Becoming a World Power

U.S. Ship that exploded in Cuba and blamed on Spain

U.S.S. Maine

Becoming a World Power

War in which the U.S. quickly defeated the Spanish Navy,

made the islands an American territory

War in the Philippines

Becoming a World Power

Americans were eager to spread democracy and open markets into Latin America


Becoming a World Power

Concept used to explain U.S. expansion into Latin America to

get raw materials and open economic markets


Becoming a World Power

The U.S. and President Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama separate from this



Becoming a World Power

REASON - The U.S. and President Theodore Roosevelt helped Panama separate from


Access to Panama Canal

Becoming a World Power

Leader of the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill in the war in

Cuba against the Spanish

Theodore Roosevelt

Becoming a World Power

Extension of the Monroe Doctrine that said the U.S. would get involved in the affairs of Latin

American Countries to end intervention of European


Roosevelt Corollary

Becoming a World Power

A manmade construction that made a faster sea route from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans

Panama Canal

Becoming a World Power

Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy to implement the

Roosevelt Corollary

Big Stick Diplomacy

Becoming a World Power

Big Stick refers to what new weapon owned by the United


Great White Fleet (Steel NAVY)

SSUSH 15U.S. History

Becoming a World Power

War fought from 1914-1918 in Europe


Becoming a World Power

Year the U.S. Entered WWI


Becoming a World Power

U.S. Policy of staying out of world wars to entering the war

as an allied power?

Neutrality to Engagement

Becoming a World Power

British cruise liner blown up by Germany without warning

killing 128 Americans?


Becoming a World Power

Telegram sent from Germany to Mexico to form an alliance against the U.S. during WWI?

Zimmerman Note

Becoming a World Power

German policy of attacking neutral vessels at sea

without warning?

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Becoming a World Power

This concept refers to issues in the U.S. homeland during


Domestic Impact of WWI

Becoming a World Power

Movement of African Americans during WWI to the

Northern part of U.S. to fill Jobs?

Great Migration

Becoming a World Power

Law passed during WWI that made it illegal to speak out against the government or interfere with the military

during WWI

Espionage Act

Becoming a World Power

Socialist put in Jail for 10 years during WWI for

violating the Espionage Act?

Eugene Debs

Becoming a World Power

President of the U.S. during WWI?

Woodrow Wilson

Becoming a World Power

President Wilson’s plan to end all world Wars and

create a worldwide peace?

Fourteen Points

Becoming a World Power

International Peacekeeping Organization formed in the 14


League of Nations

Becoming a World Power

Main Reason U.S. Senators did not approve the Treaty of



Becoming a World Power

Made it illegal to make, sell, or consumer Alcohol?

Eighteenth Amendment

Becoming a World Power

Era in U.S. History when drinking Alcohol was illegal?


Becoming a World Power

Extended Suffrage to women?

Nineteenth Amendment

Becoming a World Power

What does suffrage mean?

Right to Vote

SSUSH 16U.S. History

Becoming a World Power

Economic system that disallowed private property; USSR in 1917 become this?


Becoming a World Power

Economic system where business are owned and

controlled by the government?


Becoming a World Power

Fear of the spread of communism and Socialism

spreading during WWI?

Red Scare

Becoming a World Power

Used Mass Production make automobiles?

Henry Ford

Becoming a World Power

Mass Production achieved this way by Henry Ford?

Assembly Line

Becoming a World Power

Mass Production had this affect on the Automobile?

Cheap & Affordable

Becoming a World Power

Major form of communication in peoples homes in the



Becoming a World Power

American culture was influenced by clothing,

hairstyles, etc. seen in these?


Becoming a World Power

Artistic and Music movement that celebrated African

American culture?

Harlem Renaissance

Becoming a World Power

Famous Jazz Trumpet player during the Harlem


Louis Armstrong

Becoming a World Power

Music based on old slave rhythms and music from new

Orleans and the South?


Becoming a World Power

Most prominent poet and writer during the Harlem


Langston Hughes

Becoming a World Power

A row of music production and recording houses in Harlem;

also a concept that refers to a group of composers?

Tin Pan Alley

Becoming a World Power

Most famous composer and song writer in Tin Pan Alley?

Irving Berlin

SSUSH 17U.S. History

National Crisis

A severe economic recession in the 1930s

that affected all the world’ industrialized nations?

Great Depression

National Crisis

Businesses made more products than they could



National Crisis

Resulted from the increase in prices of goods and the low

wages of workers?


National Crisis

October 1929 the U.S. was beginning to show signs of slowing down; stockholders

panicked and sold their stock causing this?

Stock Market Crash 1929

National Crisis

Risky investments in stock to make a profit? Usually buying stock on credit or installment



National Crisis

The practice of making a down payment on stock and

then making installment plans?

Buying on Margin

National Crisis

A labor condition brought about by the Great


Widespread Unemployment

National Crisis

A serious drought that caused many farmers to

lose their farms?


National Crisis

Farmers also caused the Dustbowl by doing this to the

land causing soil erosion?


National Crisis

Many farmers did this when they lost their

homes in the Dust Bowl?

Migration West/ California

National Crisis

Makeshift huts and living areas made by the homeless and



National Crisis

Hoovervilles were named after this individual blamed for the

Great Depression?

President Herbert Hoover

National Crisis

“There is nothing to fear, but fear itself”

President FDR, March 1933Referring to?

Great Depression

National Crisis

“There is nothing to fear, but fear itself”

President FDR, March 1933Referring to?

Great Depression

SSUSH 18U.S. History

National Crisis

President of the United States during the Great Depression and WWII?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

National Crisis

Series of Programs established by FDR to end

the Great Depression?

New Deal

National Crisis

This was created to make jobs for the unemployed in

the South?

Tennessee Valley Authority

National Crisis

The TVA also provided this for the Rivers in Tennessee?

Flood Control

National Crisis

The TVA used dams to create this for rural people in the seven southern states?


National Crisis

Reform during FDR’s New Deal that established collective

bargaining rights for workers and prohibited unfair labor


Wagner Act

National Crisis

What were employers prohibited from doing after passage of the

Wagner Act?

Interfere in workers right to Unionize

National Crisis

The Wagner Act is also known as?

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

National Crisis

Because laborers were protected under the NLRA this happened in the U.S.?

Industrial Unionism

National Crisis

This provided old age insurance for retirees 65 or

older, unemployment, aid for the disabled and families with

dependent children?

Social Security Act

National Crisis

Prominent first lady that became a symbol of women’s activism and social progress?

Eleanor Roosevelt

National Crisis

Louisiana Senator that became FDRs biggest critic, proposed a home, food, and clothes for every American?

Huey Long

National Crisis

Judiciary Reorganization bill of 1937 when FDR attempted to change the size of the U.S.

Supreme Court?

Court Packing Bill

National Crisis

How many Justices did FDR want to place on the

Supreme Court in 1937?


National Crisis

Why did FDR want to change the size of the Supreme


The Supreme Court was declaring his New Deal

programs unconstitutional

National Crisis

Series of laws passed by Congress during WWII to

keep FDR from selling weapons to warring


Neutrality Act

SSUSH 19U.S. History

National Crisis

Threatened a march on Washington, D.C. to protest

discrimination in hiring practices in defense industries

in WWII?

A. Phillip Randolph

National Crisis

In response to Randolph’s threats FDR issued this?

Executive Order

National Crisis

FDR’s Executive Order called on employers in defense industries to stop this?

Discrimination in hiring practices

National Crisis

World War II was waged in these years?


National Crisis

What was the major cause of WWII?

Expansionistic policies of Germany,

Japan, Italy

National Crisis

The act of Great Britain, France, and allies allowing

Hitler to expand into the Rhineland & Sudetenland

without resistance?


National Crisis

The U.S. showed it’s disapproval of Japan expanding

into Manchuria by doing this?

Embargo on scrap iron, gas, and oil


National Crisis

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy,

…” FDR Refers to?

Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

National Crisis

When did the U.S. enter World War II?


National Crisis

“December 7, 1941 is a day which will live in infamy”Surprise Attack by Japan

Pearl Harbor

National Crisis

Japan responded to the U.S. embargo on scrap iron, gas,

and oil products when it?

Attacked Pearl Harbor naval base

National Crisis

Geographic location of Pearl Harbor?

Pacific Ocean / Hawaii

National Crisis

These two groups were also placed in Internment Camps

during WWII by the U.S.

German- Americans & Italian Americans

National Crisis

Program created by FDR to get around the Neutrality Acts

and loan Great Britain and France Weapons?

Lend-Lease Program

National Crisis

Analogy used by FDR to get Americans to support

Lend-Lease Act?

Fire Hose

National Crisis

Turning point of WWII in the Pacific. U.S. surprise attack

on Japanese Navy destroying it?

Battle of Midway

National Crisis

After the battle of Midway, the U.S. went on the offensive doing this?

Island Hopping

National Crisis

Largest air and sea invasion in Normandy that pushed

Germany out of France?


National Crisis

Secret name for the invasion of Normandy that resulted in


Operation Overlord

National Crisis

Allied Commander in charge of Operation Overlord?


National Crisis

May 8, 1945 when Russia invaded Berlin Germany and

ended the war in Europe?


National Crisis

Allied Commander over the Pacific theater of war that accepted the Surrender of


Gen. Douglas McArthur

National Crisis

A term that refers getting soldiers, equipping them,

and moving them into war?


National Crisis

This expanded the draft during WWII to make more men enter

the armed forces?

Selective Service Act

National Crisis

Mandatory government system created to conserve scarce goods for Soldiers overseas during WWII?


National Crisis

Under rationing, every family was given a book of coupons for red meat, sugar, coffee,

and gas called?


National Crisis

Term that refers to Singer Sewing machine and other industries changing form

domestic production to making guns & ammunition?

War-time conversion

National Crisis

This government agency was created during WWII complete

war-time conversion?

War Productions Board

National Crisis

The U.S. government raised money in these three ways to

pay for WWII?

Selling war bonds, raising income taxes,

borrowing money

National Crisis

Since men were at war this group of people worked in


Women in War Industries

National Crisis

This propaganda poster figure represented women in

the war industries?

Rosie the Riveter

National Crisis

This was a group of women that filled noncombat positions in the Military otherwise filled by


Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAACS)

National Crisis

Secret Project code that referred to the plan to develop

the Atomic Bomb?

Manhattan Project

National Crisis

Location in the U.S. where the first Atomic Bomb was


Los Alamos, New Mexico

National Crisis

Where in the World was the first two Atomic bombs

dropped during WWII?

Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan

National Crisis

This individual ordered the A-Bombs dropped on Japan?

President Harry Truman

National Crisis

Reason Truman believed that the U.S. Invasion of Japan

would cause?

Massive Casualties

National Crisis

Reason Truman gave for giving the order?

Save American Lives

National Crisis

Germany, Italy, and Japan?

Axis Powers

National Crisis

U.S., France, Great Britain, Russia?


National Crisis

Arena of War fought in Europe and ended with D-Day and the fall of Berlin?

European Theater

National Crisis

Arena of war fought in Pacific Ocean and ended with

Midway and bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki?

Pacific Theater

National Crisis

This was Germany’s systematic killing of Jewish

people during WWII?


National Crisis

This was what the Allies conducted to punish German

Officers for crimes against humanity?

Nuremburg Trials

SSUSH 20U.S. History

America as a World Power

Era after WWII when the U.S. and capitalist nations

competed with communist Russia over control of


Cold War

America as a World Power

Financial program created to give money to western

European nations and other nations in rebuilding and

opposing communism after WWII?

Marshall Plan

America as a World Power

Proclamation given by President Harry Truman that

the U.S. would help any country resisting communist


Truman Doctrine

America as a World Power

U.S. foreign policy to stop the spread of communism throughout the world?

Containment Policy

America as a World Power

U.S., Great Britain, France and other Atlantic based nations formed this after


North Atlantic Treaty Organization


America as a World Power

In response to NATO, Russia and other communist nations

formed this after WWII?

Warsaw Pact

America as a World Power

Economic system where there is no private property or

market system?


America as a World Power

The idea that if one country fell to communism those beside it

would soon fall too?

Domino Theory

America as a World Power

Asian country that fell to communism after a civil war

between nationalist and communist?


America as a World Power

Communist leader of China?

Mao Zedong

America as a World Power

In 1950, The U.S. went to war against the Northern

Communist half of this country?

Korean War

America as a World Power

This person come to power, as a result of fear brought

about by the fall of China and Korea to communism?

Senator Joseph McCarthy

America as a World Power

Paranoia that the U.S. government had been

infiltrated by Communist spies?


America as a World Power

The fear created by McCarthyism is referred to as?

Red Scare 1950s

America as a World Power

Event when the leader of the Communist took over a country not to far from


Cuban Revolution

America as a World Power

Communist leader of Cuba during the 1957 Revolution?

Fidel Castro

America as a World Power

Failed attempt by the CIA of the U.S. to train Cuban rebels to invade Cuba, assassinate Fidel Castro, and take over?

Bay of Pigs

America as a World Power

13 day standoff when the U.S. and Russian come close to

having a nuclear war?

Cuban Missile Crisis

America as a World Power

Two leaders involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

John F. Kennedy & Nikita Khrushchev

America as a World Power

The Cuban Missile Crisis ended when the U.S.

promised to not invade Cuba and pull U.S. nuclear missiles

out of?


America as a World Power

President of the U.S. responsible for Bay of Pigs


John F. Kennedy

America as a World Power

U.S. War that happened in Asia from 1950-1972 because communist Ho Chi Mihn was

trying to take over?

Vietnam War

America as a World Power

Made many Americans question if U.S. should be involved in

Vietnam war because of Television coverage of


Tet Offense

America as a World Power

This happened in 1968 as a result of the Tet Offensive?

Opposition to the War

America as a World Power

This was responsible for the Anti-vietnam war movement in


Television coverage of Tet Offensive

America as a World Power

Geographic separation of North and South Korea?

38th Parallel

America as a World Power

Geographic separation of North and South Vietnam?

17th Parallel

America as a World Power

The Cuban Missile Crisis was so scary because Russian missiles were located close



SSUSH 21U.S. History

America as a World Power

The first unmanned satellite put into outer space?

Sputnik I

America as a World Power

Country that launched Sputnik I?

Soviet Union

America as a World Power

Eisenhower responded to Sputnik I by establishing?


Module V


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Huge growth of population after WWII from mid 1940s

– 1960s?

Baby Boom

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

First master-planned community in America located on New York’s Long Island?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Congressional authorized Construction of a national

network of highways to connect every major city in America?

Interstate Highway Act

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This was a major reason that Eisenhower pushed for the

Interstate Highway Act?

National Defense

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

The Interstate Highway Act also improve this type of


Travel from Suburbs to City

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

For the first time in U.S. History the 1960 Presidential election

was influenced by this?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This caused many in the U.S. to become sympathetic to the

Civil Rights movement?

News Coverage

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This changed communication in the United States from home

to home?

Personal Computer / Internet

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This improved communication throughout the United States?

Cellular Phone

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Cell phone & Personal computer caused this in the

United States?

Communications Revolution

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This permitted more tolerable working conditions in

skyscrapers and other buildings used to conduct business?

Air Conditioning


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

U.S. President responsible for integrating the U.S. Military

and the Federal Government?

President Harry Truman

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Organizing government jobs and military positions regardless of race?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Harry Truman’s action integrating the federal


Executive Order 9980

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Harry Truman’s action integrating the U.S. Military?

Executive Order 9981

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

First African American to integrate professional


Jackie Robinson

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Team Jackie Robinson played for when integrated professional sports?

Brooklyn Dodgers

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

U.S. Supreme Court that integrates Schools throughout

the United States?

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Browned reversed the decision in this case?

Plessy v. Ferguson (1894)

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Plessy established this legal principle?

“Separate but Equal” doctrine

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Arkansas Governor that resisted the Brown decision?

Orval Faubus

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus used this to keep black kids from going to

school with whites?

National Guard

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Orval Faubus used the National Guard to block black students

entrance to this school?

Little Rock’s Central High School

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

President that reacted to Governor Faubus’ resistance to


President Eisenhower

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

President Eisenhower responded this way to Little Rock incident in Arkansas?

Forced Integration with U.S. Military

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

The Civil Rights leader from Atlanta Georgia?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Letter written by Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed this group of people in his Letter from Birmingham


White Ministers

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Martin Luther King, Jr. defended this in his Letter from

Birmingham Jail?

Civil Disobedience / Protest & Demonstrations

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Made by MLK, Jr. in Washington, D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial asking for peace and

racial harmony?

“I have a dream” speech

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Law that prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender; Ended Jim Crow?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Outlawed literacy tests and created programs to register minority voters in the South;

Justice Department to oversee voting is fair?

Voting Rights Act of 1965


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

During the 1950’s and 1960s, one of the most liberal

Supreme Courts; Issued Brown (1954), Miranda (1963)?

Warren Court

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

U.S. Supreme Court case that said police must inform

suspects of their constitutional rights at the time of arrest?

Miranda v. Arizona

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

The Warren Court expanded this during the 1950s and the

1960s liberal movement?

Individual Rights

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This tragedy happened in 1963 in Dallas Texas, but helped push Civil Rights legislation through Congress in 1964?

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This Vice President become President of the United States

after JFK’s assassination?

Lyndon B. Johnson

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

President Johnson had this due to the assassination of JFK and

used it to push his domestic package through Congress?

Political Capital

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This is the name of President Johnson’s Domestic plan?

Great Society Program

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

The Great Society Program declared this throughout the


War on Poverty

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This was part of the Great Society Program and offered

medical help to elderly people?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This year was full of social and political turmoil in the United



Post World War II: Domestic Changes

In 1968, this televised event in Vietnam caused many to

oppose the war with public protests?

Tet Offensive

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

The event resulted in many African Americans rioting in

cities across the U.S.?

Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This was passed by Congress one week after MLK, Jr’s death and prevented discrimination in


Civil Rights Act of 1968

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This individual was killed while running for President and supported Civil Rights and withdrawal from Vietnam in


Robert F. Kennedy

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This televised riot in 1968 showed police in riot gear

beating anti-war rioters and spraying them with tear gas?

Democratic National Convention

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This made people wander if the American form of government

could tolerate dissent?

Democratic National Convention


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Founded by MLK, Jr. to carry out nonviolent marches, protests, demonstrations

against racial discrimination; remains nonviolent?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Founded by African American college students, used sit-ins,

Freedom rides, originally nonviolent but turned militant in the “black power” movement?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Rides on buses in southern states to see if laws against

segregation would be enforced on buses?

Freedom Rides

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Whites and blacks would sit together at lunch counters

across south to oppose segregation in public cafes?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Modern feminist organization created to promote equal

rights and opportunities for Women?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Book written that stated that it was a myth that women

wanted to be a domesticated house wife and not enter

professional careers?

Feminine Mystique

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Author of Feminine Mystique and a leader of the National

Organization for Women (NOW)?

Betty Friedan

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Mexican American civil rights leader for Hispanic immigrant

farm laborers?

Cesar Chavez

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Chavez founded this movement to used nonviolent protest to

promote the rights of Hispanic workers?

United Farm Workers (UFW)

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Cesar Chavez used this non-violent strategy to get grape

growers to negotiate a contract with the UFW?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This is the product that Cesar Chavez and UFW boycotted?

California Table Grapes

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This individual became the leader of the Modern

Environmental Movement?

Rachel Carson

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Rachel Carson was the author of this book?

Silent Spring

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Silent Spring led the environment movement by

opposing use of this in farming?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Silent Spring led the environment movement by

opposing use of this particular insecticide?


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

April 22 intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for

the earth’s environment?

Earth Day

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Federal Agency with the purpose of enforcing laws

aimed at maintaining a safe and clean environment?

Environmental Protection Agency

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

Movement to turn back (Backlash) liberal agendas by cutting social welfare, taxes,

decrease the size of government?

Conservative Movement

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This candidate won the Republican nomination for

President in 1964 signaling the rise of the Conservative


Barry Goldwater

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This conservative won the President Election of 1968?

Richard Nixon


Post World War II: Domestic Changes

1973 Supreme Court case that said women had a 4th

Amendment Privacy right to Abortion within the first trimester of Pregnancy?

Roe v. Wade

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

1978 Supreme Court case that said race could be used when

considering applications to college?

Bakke v. University of California

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

The Supreme Court, in the Bakke case, said that this was unconstitutional and could not be used in considering college


Quota System

Post World War II: Domestic Changes

This concept refers to preferential hiring practices of African Americans and other


Affirmative Action

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

First U.S. President to resign from office?

Richard Nixon

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Nixon was successful in doing this?

Opening China

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Nixon opened China by using this foreign policy?


Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Nixon was forming good relations with China in order to

use China as?

Leverage in negotiating with Soviet Union

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Nixon tried to cover-up his advisors being involved in the

Break-in of the Democratic National headquarters?

Watergate Scandal

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Watergate had this affect on the opinion of the U.S. people

about government?

Distrust of Government

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This person became President of the United States when

Richard M. Nixon resigned?

Gerald Ford

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This was Ford’s first official act as President of the United


Pardoned Nixon

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

President Ford also did this while in office?

Granted Amnesty to Draft Dodgers

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This President tried to bring peace to the Middle East?

Jimmy Carter

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This was a meeting set up by Carter with Egyptian President

and Israeli Prime Minister in 1978 to sign a peace treaty?

Camp David Accords

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

The Egyptian President that met at the Camp David


Anwar Sadat

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

The Israeli Prime Minister that met at the Camp David


Menachem Begin

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

The Shah of Iran (Friend of U.S.) was ousted by Muslim

religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini?

Iranian Revolution 1979

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

President Carter allowed this person into the U.S. to receive

medical treatment which caused an outrage in Iran?

Shah of Iran

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-BushIranian revolutionaries invaded U.S. embassy in Iran and took

52 American Captives to retaliate to the Shah in the


Iranian Hostage Crisis

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Conservative President in the 1980s that wanted to decrease the size and role of the federal


Ronald Reagan

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Economic theory to cut social welfare programs, give tax cuts

to business, and increase Defense spending ?


Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

In Reaganomics, this term refers to workers benefiting

from the increase in business profits?

Trickle Down Economics

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This group of people was hurt by Reaganomics Budget Cuts?

Lower income Americans

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Reagan’s biggest failure in international policy; Used profits from gun sales to Iran to fund a

rebellion in Nicaragua?

Iran-Contra Scandal

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This individual accepted most of the blame for the Iran Contra

Affair during Reagan’ administration?

Oliver North

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This was President Reagan’s biggest International success?

Collapse of the Soviet Union / End of

the Cold War

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

President Reagan became friends with Soviet Prime

Minister Mikhail Gorbachev and Reagan gets credit for


Fall of Berlin Wall

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to implement

satellites in Space to be an anti-missile system defense was

called ?

Star Wars

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Second President of the United States to be Impeached?

Bill Clinton

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

President Clinton and the leaders of Canada and Mexico

signed this to remove trade barriers between their



Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

NAFTA stands for this?

North American Free Trade Agreement

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

NAFTA provided this to Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.?

Free Trade (tariff free) trade zone

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Opponents (people who disagreed) with NAFTA

believed it would do this?

Send Jobs to Mexico / Harm the


Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This is what President Bill Clinton was impeached for?


Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Perjury means?

Lying under Oath

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

President Bill Clinton was impeached for this because he

asked Monica to lie?

Obstruction of Justice

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

The importance of this was emphasized in the 2000 Presidential Election?

Electoral College

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, & the Pentagon were attacked

by Terrorists on this day?

September 11, 2001

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

The terroristic attack in 2001 is known as?


Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This Person was President of the United States during 9/11?

George W. Bush

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

U.S. Congress declared war on this after 9/11?

War on Terror

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This terrorist group was responsible for 9/11 attacks?

Al Qaeda

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

Leader of the terrorist group was responsible for 9/11


Osama Bin Laden

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

U.S. invaded this nation to eliminate Al Qaeda Training



Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This was the name of the invasion of Afghanistan?

Operation Enduring Freedom

Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

U.S. invaded this nation to prevent Saddam Hussein from providing Al-Qaeda terrorists

with Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)?


Changing Political Ideologies: Carter-Bush

This was the name of the invasion of Iraq?

Operation Iraqi Freedom