MIDO 2020: NEW DATES ANNOUNCED FOR THE 50th ......do, especially for this special edition, the year...

Post on 27-Jul-2020

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Transcript of MIDO 2020: NEW DATES ANNOUNCED FOR THE 50th ......do, especially for this special edition, the year...


Paola Masera +39 335 6643677 Paola.Masera@cmailander.it

Stella Casazza +39 349 3579552 stella.casazza@cmailander.it

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Milan, February 26th, 2020 - After the February 22 announcement of MIDO’s postponement made its way around the world, the international eyewear exhibition, leader in its sector, is immediately getting back on

track. Today the organizers announced the new dates to celebrate the fair’s 50th anniversary, which will now take place from Sunday, July 5 through Tuesday, July 7 2020, dates compatible with any coming provisions

made by the competent authority for the health crisis and for the evolution of the national and international


“After the decision to postpone MIDO, the wisdom of which we are ever more convinced of after seeing how the emergency has escalated in the past few days and the relative precautions adopted by the Italian government - comments the President Giovanni Vitaloni - we have worked nonstop in the last 72 hours to be able to define the new dates, carefully chosen to meet the needs of the sector. Thanks to the tireless work of the whole staff and to the collaboration with Fiera Milano, we are already able to announce the new dates. In addition to the support of the most important companies, in these hours we have met with our exhibitors, buyers, and stakeholders, because MIDO is the reference point for the sector, and, above all in this delicate moment, it is the reflection of Italian and international eyewear, a unique resource recognized worldwide as an important economic segment for our country. The new date will allow the brands to present the new collections in preview, as it always happens in February at MIDO, and to meet with buyers that arrive from all around the globe, in order to understand the coming season’s trends.”

The 2020 edition is special for MIDO, having opened its doors in 1970, and, to celebrate this important

birthday, it has put in place an organizational team that has involved personalities and guests across various

disciplines, from music to art and passing by journalism right up to the university, and which has been

suspended but not stopped.

In the last few days the access to the digital platform MIDO4U has been activated for all the exhibitors:

connecting to the website www.mido4u.com, the companies can upload their collections, giving the

registered buyers for MIDO 2020 the chance to see the products and make direct contact with the exhibitors.

Starting from Tuesday March 3 and until Friday July 3 the platform will be open to the visitors as well.

The program of appointments for the 2020 edition of MIDO is still being defined. All the updates will be

available online on the website www.mido.com and on its official social media channels: Instagram

(@mido_exhibition), Facebook (@MIDOExhibition), Twitter (@MIDOExhibition), and LinkedIn, as well as

through the official APP.

Milano, February 22nd 2020


Today, Saturday February 22, the Board of Directors of MIDO, the world’s leading tradeshow dedicated to eyewear, met in order to set up and define a strategic response to the CoVID-19 emergency, in relation to the upcoming edition scheduled for February 29 to March 2. MIDO’s organizers have announced that the Board has decided to postpone the 2020 edition until dates, still to be decided, between the end of May and mid June. “We took this decision out of respect for the current alarming situation and for our exhibitors and visitors - said Giovanni Vitaloni, President of MIDO. As this health crisis is developing in Italy, we could not but choose to postpone MIDO’s 2020 edition. We immediately defined and selected a timeframe within the year which could meet the needs of the eyewear industry at a national and international level. We are aware that this decision will require industry professionals, exhibitors, buyers, press members, opticians and everyone working for MIDO, including our staff, to re-schedule their attendance, with a significant impact on all internal organizations. It will be a twofold effort as we are just a week away from the show, but we cannot honestly think of celebrating our 50 years when the world - and our country now in particular - is experiencing such an international crisis. We trust though that, for the very nature of the current situation, which is alarming and continuously evolving, our exhibitors and visitors, the media and everyone involved will understand our decision. Our sense of responsibility as business people, but most of all as human beings, towards our families, our children, our colleagues, has compelled us to do something that we would have never wanted to do, especially for this special edition, the year of our 50th birthday”. The new dates of MIDO 2020 will be announced in the upcoming days in order to let exhibitors re-schedule their presence at the show, in compliance with possible new instruction from the relevant authorities who are dealing with this health crisis and in accordance with how the situation will develop and the availability of the spaces at Rho Fiera Milano, with which we keep constantly in touch. The Mido Management

+ 39 02 326 736 73 + 39 02 324 233

mido@mido.it www.mido.com

MIDO s.r.l. Unipersonale via A. Riva Villasanta, 3 20145 Milano (Italy)

Partita Iva (VAT number) - Codice Fiscale e n. iscr. Ufficio Imprese Milano 07164050150 - Codice Destinatario 5RUO82D Cap. Soc. € 120.000 i.v. - R.e.a. 1710133 Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di Anfao

Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici


d’intesa con


VISTO l’articolo 32 della legge 23 dicembre 1978, n. 833;

VISTO l’articolo 117 del decreto legislativo 31 marzo 1998 n. 112;

RICHIAMATA l’ordinanza in data 21 febbraio 2020 adottata dal Ministro della Salute e dal Presidente della Regione Lombardia contenente le indicazioni urgenti atte a far fronte all’emergenza epidemiologica da CODIV-19;

VISTO il Decreto Legge del 22 febbraio 2020, n. 6 recante “Misure urgenti in materia di contenimento e gestione dell’emergenza epidemiologica da CODIV-19”;

VISTO il Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri del 23 febbraio 2020;

dispone quanto segue

Fatto salvo quanto già disposto con le norme e le ordinanze sopra indicate per i Comuni di Codogno, Castiglione D’Adda, Casalpusterlengo, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo e San Fiorano, per il restante territorio della Regione Lombardia valgono le disposizioni contenute alle lettere c), d), e), f) ed i) dell’articolo 1, comma 2 del decreto legge 22 febbraio 2020, n. 6 ovvero:

c) la sospensione di manifestazioni o iniziative di qualsiasi natura, di eventi e di ogni forma di riunione in luogo pubblico o privato, anche di carattere culturale, ludico sportivo e religioso, anche se svolti in luoghi chiusi aperti al pubblico;

d) chiusura dei nidi, dei servizi educativi dell’infanzia e delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, nonché della frequenza delle attività scolastiche e di formazione superiore, corsi professionali, master, corsi per le professioni sanitarie e università per gli anziani a esclusione di specializzandi e tirocinanti delle professioni sanitarie, salvo le attività formative svolte a distanza;

e) sospensione dei servizi di apertura al pubblico dei musei, dei cinema e degli altri istituti e luoghi della cultura di cui all’articolo 101 del codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, di cui al decreto legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42, nonché dell’efficacia delle disposizioni regolamentari sull’accesso libero o gratuito a tali istituti e luoghi;

f) sospensione di ogni viaggio d’istruzione, sia sul territorio nazionale sia estero; i) previsione dell’obbligo da parte degli individui che hanno fatto ingresso in Lombardia

da zone a rischio epidemiologico, come identificate dall’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità, di comunicare tale circostanza al Dipartimento di prevenzione dell’azienda sanitaria competente per territorio, che provvede a comunicarlo

all’autorità sanitaria competente per l’adozione della misura di permanenza domiciliare fiduciaria con sorveglianza attiva;

Per quanto riguarda il punto g) (sospensione delle procedure concorsuali e delle attività degli uffici pubblici, fatta salva l’erogazione dei servizi essenziali e di pubblica utilità), l’applicazione si riferisce solo alle procedure concorsuali; verranno individuate disposizioni speciali con successivo apposito provvedimento regionale per i servizi di front office e per la regolamentazione di riunioni / assembramenti.

Per quanto riguarda il punto h) (applicazione della misura della quarantena con sorveglianza attiva fra gli individui che hanno avuto contatti stretti con casi confermati di malattia infettiva diffusiva, per il personale sanitario e dei servizi essenziali), verranno individuate disposizioni speciali con successivo apposito provvedimento regionale.

Per quanto riguarda il punto j) (chiusura di tutte le attività commerciali, ad esclusione di quelle di pubblica utilità e dei servizi pubblici essenziali di cui agli articoli 1 e 2 della legge 12 giugno 1990, 146, ivi compresi gli esercizi commerciali per l’acquisto dei beni di prima necessità), le chiusure delle attività commerciali sono disposte in questi termini:

- bar, locali notturni e qualsiasi altro esercizio di intrattenimento aperto al pubblico sono chiusi dalle ore 18.00 alle ore 6.00; verranno definite misure per evitare assembramenti in tali locali;

- per gli esercizi commerciali presenti all’interno dei centri commerciali e dei mercati è disposta la chiusura nelle giornate di sabato e domenica, con eccezione dei punti di vendita di generi alimentari;

- per le manifestazioni fieristiche, si dispone la chiusura.

Per quanto riguarda il punto k), si invitano gli esercenti ad assicurare idonee misure di cautela.

Il Presidente della Regione Lombardia, sentito il Ministro della Salute, può modificare le disposizioni di cui alla presente ordinanza in ragione dell’evoluzione epidemiologica.

La presente ordinanza ha validità immediata e fino a domenica 1 marzo 2020 compreso, fatte salve eventuali e ulteriori successive disposizioni.

Milano, February 21st 2020

Dear Visitor, considering the new cases of infection that occurred in some countries of Lombardy, the Italian Ministry of Health has signed and issued a new press release, No. 87 of 21 February 2020. In particular, it should be noted that for all individuals who, in the last fourteen days, have entered Italy after staying in China or in the areas affected by the epidemic, as identified by the World Health Organization: - the territorially competent Health Authority will adopt the measure of fiduciary home stay with active surveillance or, in the presence of difficult conditions, alternative measures of equivalent efficacy; - there is an obligation to communicate to the Prevention Department of the territorially competent health authority about a stay in the aforementioned areas. Failure to comply with the envisaged measures will constitute a violation of the Ordinance. Due to the current situation and to safeguard everyone’s health safety, we want to invite you to check that you do not fall into this condition, i.e. you are from non-hazardous areas or present in Europe or Italy for over 14 days. We would like to remind you that all prevention measures such as disposable sanitizing gels, distributors of disinfectants, masks, etc. will be adopted. We will take care to keep you constantly updated based on future developments. The MIDO Secretariat

+ 39 02 326 736 73 + 39 02 324 233

mido@mido.it www.mido.com

MIDO s.r.l. Unipersonale via A. Riva Villasanta, 3 20145 Milano (Italy)

Partita Iva (VAT number) - Codice Fiscale e n. iscr. Ufficio Imprese Milano 07164050150 - Codice Destinatario 5RUO82D Cap. Soc. € 120.000 i.v. - R.e.a. 1710133 Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di Anfao

Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici

Milano, February 21st 2020 Dear Exhibitors, considering the new cases of infection that occurred in some countries of Lombardy, the Italian Ministry of Health has signed and issued a new press release, No. 87 of 21 February 2020. In particular, it should be noted that for all individuals who, in the last fourteen days, have entered Italy after staying in China or in the areas affected by the epidemic, as identified by the World Health Organization: - the territorially competent Health Authority will adopt the measure of fiduciary home stay with active surveillance or, in the presence of difficult conditions, alternative measures of equivalent efficacy. - there is an obligation to communicate to the Prevention Department of the territorially competent health authority about a stay in the aforementioned areas. Failure to comply with the envisaged measures will constitute a violation of the Ordinance. It is therefore clear that, according to the above, the eventual attendance of the MIDO 2020 event by people from potentially infected areas will probably be zero. Due to the current situation and to safeguard everyone’s health safety, we want to invite you to check that all your staff who will be present at the fair do not fall into this condition, i.e. they are staff from non-hazardous areas or present in Europe or Italy for over 14 days. We would like to remind you that all prevention measures such as disposable sanitizing gels, distributors of disinfectants, masks, etc. will be adopted. We will take care to keep you constantly updated based on future developments. MIDO Secretariat

+ 39 02 326 736 73 + 39 02 324 233

mido@mido.it www.mido.com

MIDO s.r.l. Unipersonale via A. Riva Villasanta, 3 20145 Milano (Italy)

Partita Iva (VAT number) - Codice Fiscale e n. iscr. Ufficio Imprese Milano 07164050150 - Codice Destinatario 5RUO82D Cap. Soc. € 120.000 i.v. - R.e.a. 1710133 Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di Anfao

Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici

Milan, 14 February 2020

Dear exhibitors and visitors, considering the difficult situation that the entire world is facing due to Coronavirus, we would like to clarify a few points. Similar to what took place for Première Vision (Paris), BIT (Milano) and London Fashion Week and to what will take place for Euroshop (Dusseldorf), Micam, Mipel, Milano Fashion Week, Lineapelle and The One (Milano), we confirm that also the fiftieth edition of MIDO will take place regularly, in compliance with the health regulations in force and by putting additional preventative measures in place. We would like to remind you the main events planned for the fiftieth edition:

- The day prior to the event, Friday 28 February, at 11.00 a.m., the customary press conference presenting MIDO 2020 will be held at Spazio Gessi in Milano

- At 7.00 p.m. on the same day, Friday 28 February, the celebratory concert will be held exclusively for the exhibitors at the Milano Duomo

- Saturday 29 February MIDO 2020 - The Golden Edition will open its doors at 9.00 a.m. at Fiera Milano, Rho

- at 6.30 p.m. Saturday 29 February, in the Auditorium of the Service Center of Fiera Milano, a grand evening of celebration will be held, open to all MIDO participants. It will begin with the presentation of “From Sight to Vision” where the sociologist Francesco Morace will design the future of eyeglasses using a special lens, that of the past 50 years observing tradition, fashion, design, technology, innovation and digital technology. The award ceremony will follow, with the presentation of awards to the companies that have participated in all 50 MIDO editions, to the Past Presidents of the event, next, the presentation of the Bestore and Stand Up for Green awards, and to end the evening, the lounge party of the Golden Edition.

- Sunday 1 and Monday 2 March, the event will continue as previously communicated with many events at the Otticlub and events inside the pavilions.

As it is evident, the circumstances which have emerged in recent days will prevent most of the exhibiting companies from China from participating in MIDO 2020. As a result, this year, the “Fair East” area (pavilion 7), which traditionally hosts the Asian exhibitors, will not be open. In order to reduce the impact from this situation, MIDO will make available to the exhibitors who are unable to attend a digital platform making it possible for them to present their new products on-line, and for the visitors registered to view them and come into contact with the companies directly. MIDO4U.COM will be active for the exhibitors from Monday 17 February and for the visitors from Monday 24 February. Looking forward to welcoming you at the fair, today we can proudly say that MIDO 2020 has been in preparation for fifty years. We would like to particularly thank our partners for their collaboration, their dedication and the constant trust especially during the past few weeks. Their support has instilled great strength into the organisation which will make it possible, together, to experience a special Golden Edition. The MIDO Secretariat

+ 39 02 326 736 73 + 39 02 324 233

mido@mido.it www.mido.com

MIDO s.r.l. Sole proprietorship via A. Riva Villasanta, 3 20145 Milan (Italy)

VAT number - Tax code and registration no. Companies Register Office Milan 07164050150 - Addressee Code 5RUO82D Fully paid up share capital € 120,000 - R.e.a. (Economic Administrative Index) 1710133 Company subject to management and coordination activity by Anfao

Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici (National Association of Eyewear Manufacturers)

Milano, February 3rd 2020

Dear Exhibitors and Visitors, We are continuing to monitor the situation surrounding the Coronavirus health warning, paying close attention to all the provisions and recommendations from the World Health Organization, the Italian Ministry of Health and the Italian National Institute of Health. As things stand today, we confirm that the 50th edition of MIDO will take place as scheduled, in compliance with current health regulations. In light of the restrictions on travel from China prescribed by global authorities, it is possible that many exhibitors and visitors from China will have to cancel their plans to participate in the show. MIDO has therefore decided to provide a new digital platform to those exhibitors unable to participate that will allow them to introduce their new products on line and the registered MIDO visitors to view them and make contact directly with the companies. We repeat that, as previously indicated on January 30th, in order to safeguard exhibitors and visitors, MIDO 2020 will adopt all additional preventive measures recommended by the health authorities. We would also like to express our solidarity with the Chinese people who, at this time, are experiencing a serious health, economic and social crisis. We are available for clarification or any needs you might have and will promptly notify you of any new initiatives, regulations or changes. The MIDO Secretariat

+ 39 02 326 736 73

+ 39 02 324 233 mido@mido.it

www.mido.com MIDO s.r.l. Unipersonale

via A. Riva Villasanta, 3

20145 Milano (Italy)

Partita Iva (VAT number) - Codice Fiscale e n. iscr. Ufficio Imprese Milano 07164050150 - Codice Destinatario 5RUO82D

Cap. Soc. € 120.000 i.v. - R.e.a. 1710133 Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di Anfao

Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici

Milano, January 30th 2020

Dear Exhibitors and Visitors, Given the latest news about the Coronavirus health warning, with the attached briefing, we would like to inform you that organization of MIDO 2020 is proceeding as scheduled. The exhibition will strictly abide by the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization and the Italian Ministry of Health in compliance with current regulations. In order to safeguard exhibitors and visitors, MIDO 2020 will adopt all additional preventive measures recommended by the health authorities. We are at your disposal for clarification or any needs you might have and will promptly notify you of any developments in the situation. Thank you for your attention and for your diligence in sharing this information with your organization and your guests. The Mido Secretariat

+ 39 02 326 736 73

+ 39 02 324 233 mido@mido.it

www.mido.com MIDO s.r.l. Unipersonale

via A. Riva Villasanta, 3

20145 Milano (Italy)

Partita Iva (VAT number) - Codice Fiscale e n. iscr. Ufficio Imprese Milano 07164050150 - Codice Destinatario 5RUO82D

Cap. Soc. € 120.000 i.v. - R.e.a. 1710133 Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte di Anfao

Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici