Midland-Valley Monthly Feb. 2012

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Midland Valley



Rep. Tom Young Is

Keeping You Informed

 page 2 

First Annual Wild-GameCook Off 

 page 11

Bible Study By Pastor Lynn Kirkland

 page 7 

School News

 pages 14-17, 19

Author’s First Book Deals

With Small-Town LifeBy: Amy Banton

  Jeff Scott was always told that he

could be an author, that he had the

talent and creativity to convey any

message he wanted through written

word. Finally, his rst book has been


Scott, the owner and stylist of Jeff’s

On Laurens, had been working on thebook titled “Beneath the Glass Door,”

which he started in 1989. With the

support of family and friends, along

with his own determination, he nally

completed it.

The book is ction or “pure invention,”

as Scott puts it. “Beneath the Glass

Door” accomplishes two things for Scott

- he brings attention to the small town

he loves, Vaucluse, and sheds light tothe issue of child abuse.

“Fiction is not too far from the truth,”

Scott said.

The main character of the story,

Cross Padgett, is a disturbed and

lost man struggling with memories

and the pain stemming from a harsh

childhood. Throughout the book, Cross

experiences ashbacks and tries

desperately to nd peace for the future.

“He reects on the past and presentday,” Scott said. “It puts people on a

roller coaster and takes them on a


The story takes place in Vaucluse

and touches on other places in the

Aiken area. Bits of history are also

scattered throughout the pages, Scott

said, who is a native of the area. The

train wreck that occurred in Graniteville

in 2005, the year the book takes place,

was also mentioned.

Scott is not only a writer but also a

visual artist. The artwork on the cover 

of the book is a painting done by Scott

of three white buildings located onSenn Street in Vaucluse. One is serving

as a post ofce, another once housed

the Vaucluse Community General Store

and the middle building was a hand-

crank theater and a doctor’s ofce,

according to Scott.

Scott not only kept his story line local,

but he also had the book published in

Aiken by Howell Printing.

For the author, the book offers the

opportunity for him to share his vision

and a story that has been in his heart

for years.

“This book isn’t about making

money,” Scott said. “This book is amessage, a message to the people.

Know where your children are. Know

the signs (of abuse).”

Copies of the book are available at

Doggie Needs a Doo, Mackley Jewelry

Repair, Design House, Aiken Ofce

Supply, Tea Garden Gifts, Up and Away

Balloons and Fudge Factory, Aiken

Visitors Center and Jeff’s On Laurens.

Sta photo by Amy Banton

Stylist Je Scott recently published his frst book, “Behind the Glass Door.” 

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PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 2012Midland ValleyMonthly

Keeping You Informedby SC Rep. Tom Young, R-District 81

The House of Representativesreturned to session on January 10,

2012. I hope that you nd this updatehelpful and informative:  Master Corporal Sandy Rogers: Tragedy struck our community againon January 28 with the shootingdeath of Aiken Public Safety Master Corporal Sandy Rogers. Pleaseremember her family and friends inyour prayers. Please also remember all of our local law enforcementofcers who now have lost a second

friend and fellow ofcer less than sixweeks after the death of Public SafetyOfcer Scotty Richardson.

Focus for 2012 Session: Myfocus this session will be to do thebest job that I can in trying to makeboth our state and state governmentbetter by strengthening our economy;improving education; controllingspending; reforming our tax structure;

strengthening the state retirementsystem; xing our road and bridgeinfrastructure; improving our Port inCharleston; and restructuring stategovernment.  Governor Haley’s State of the

State Address: On January 18,Governor Haley delivered her State of the State address. She emphasizedstrengthening South Carolina’s right towork laws; restructuring including the

elimination of the Budget and ControlBoard; dissolving the Commissionas the governing body at the StateDepartment of Transportation;and reforming the state retirementsystems.  Savannah River and DHEC: OnJanuary 25, the House unanimouslyapproved a joint resolutionsuspending all DHEC decisions since

2007 concerning navigability, depth,

and dredging on South Carolina’sportion of the Savannah River. The

resolution is intended to restore theauthority of the Savannah River Maritime Commission and to overrideDHEC’s November decision to granta permit for the State of Georgiato dredge the Savannah River aspart of Georgia’s port deepeningproject. Both the Charleston andthe Savannah ports need to bedeepened to accommodate larger ships coming to the East Coast

through an expanded Panama Canal.It is widely believed that the DHECdecision will assist the Savannah Portat the expense of the Charleston Portto which at least 1 in 5 jobs in SouthCarolina are tied. The DHEC decisionalso would allow the waste fromthe Georgia dredging project to bedumped on the South Carolina side of the Savannah River. Thus, the House

of Representatives action was drivenby both economic and environmentalconcerns.  State Inspector General: Inmid January, the House approvedlegislation creating the ofce of StateInspector General for the purposeof investigating and addressingallegations of fraud, waste, abuse,mismanagement, misconduct,violations of state or federal law, and

wrongdoing in state agencies. Theposition is to be appointed by theGovernor with the advice and consentof the Senate for a term of four years.I voted for the bill.

I-95 Corridor Authority: OnJanuary 10, by a vote of 76-47, theHouse sustained the Governor’sveto of a bill which would create theI-95 Corridor Authority. Much of the

information provided to me on this

bill indicated that creating this newgovernment entity would duplicate

efforts at existing agencies. I receivedmany calls and emails during the pastfew months asking me to sustain theveto. I voted to sustain the veto.  Restructuring – Department of 

Transportation (DOT): I joined over 65 other members of the House lastWednesday in ling legislation torestructure governance of DOT.

Lottery Commission: TheS.C. Lottery Commission made a

presentation to the full Ways andMeans Committee. The presentationshowed that the lottery had total salesrevenue of $530.4 Million for the rstsix months of scal year 2012 with netrevenue of $140.6 Million representingan increase of $11.9 Million over thesame time last year.  Pactiv Expanding Facility in

Aiken County: Pactiv LLC, a maker 

of foodservice and food packaging,announced plans to expand itsexisting operations in Aiken County.The $5.5 million investment isexpected to generate 25 new jobsover the next three years. Pactiv LLCwill add a new production line to thecompany’s current manufacturingfacility in Beech Island. The companywill also expand its warehouse facilityto consolidate its regional operations.

Construction on the expansion isscheduled to begin in February.  Breast Cancer Awareness: Recently, I attended a breast cancer awareness meeting at the StateHouse. In the meeting, I learned thatonly half of the women over 40 in our state who have health insurance getannual breast mammograms. 53% of all breast cancers in women in South

Carolina occur in women between the

ages of 40 and 64. To learn more, go

to www.komenscmm.org.  GED Classes at Christ Central: If you know of someone who needsto earn their GED, Christ Central inAiken offers both pre-GED classesand an intensive GED course. For more information, call (803) 564-5902,ext. 0.

Help for Displaced SRS Workers: If you or someone you know lost a job

at SRS, there is a One-Stop TransitionCenter open in downtown Aiken atPark Avenue and Laurens Street toassist workers displaced at SRS withnding new work. The Center is openfrom 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Mondaythrough Friday. For more information,visit www.lswia.org.

Report Waste, Fraud and Abuse

in State Government: To reportwaste, fraud and abuse in state

government, you can call: 1-855-SC-FRAUD.

Facebook: I have a Facebookpage for Representative Tom Young.Please “like” the page to receiveupdates during the week from me onFacebook.  Tom Young’s Website: Myupdated website can be reached

continued to page 4

The Midland Valley Monthly is a free publication provided by the Aiken Standard newspaper. DISTRIBUTION: Around 3800 copies of this section will be

distributed each month on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The section will publish inside the Aiken Standard to subscribers in Midland Valley zip codes of 29816 Bath, 29822 Clearwater, 29828 Gloverville, 29829 Graniteville, 29834 Langley, and 29851 Warrenville. Plus copies will also be distributed at strategic

rack locations in these areas as well. ADVERTISING: Call Anne Fulcher at 979.4476 or email ernieace2@yahoo.com or Julie Lott at 644.2403 or email jlott@aikenstandard.com. MAILING ADDRESS: Midland Valley Monthly, c/o Julie Lott, P.O. Box 456, Aiken, SC 29802. SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES OR

PICTURES: jlott@aikenstandard.com or the above mailing address. UPCOMING DEADLINE: March 2, 2012. NEXT PUBLICATION: March 14, 2012.

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FEBRUARY 2012 PAGE 3Midland ValleyMonthly

Over 40 Years Of Continuous Professional Service By Wm. Sammie Napier 

Glenda K. NapierVice President 

 Wm. Sammie NapierFuneral Director 

315 Main Street • Graniteville, SC 29829 • 803-663-3131AS27-670783

Fi B k O t At Old Cl t Fi i hi Pl t

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Representative Tom Young, Jr.S.C. House District 81 - Aiken Co.

PO Box 651 Aiken, 29802

Bus: (803) 649-0000 • Fax: (803) 649-7005

Cell: (803) 215-3631



Heights Church

Sunday • 9:00am & 11:00amNear the intersection of Cherokee Drive &

Highway #1 in Clearwater(behind Mi Rancho)


Welcomes You To Our Services 


continued from page 2 

at www.reptomyoung.com. There

are links to a variety of constituent

services; the status of sponsored

bills; and roll call votes. Please

add my web site as a bookmark

on your computer.  State House Tours: Tours are

available for the S.C. State House

by calling (803) 734-2430.

Weekly Legislative Updates

by Email: I am sending a weekly

legislative update by email. If you

would like to receive it, please

send your email address to me at


  Road Issues: If you see a

road problem, call the SCDOT

at 641-7665 or Aiken County at

642-1532 to report the problem.

If you do not get a prompt

response, please let me know at

TomYoung@schouse.gov or call

me. Generally, most paved roads

in the County are maintained by

SCDOT and are identifed on the

road sign poles by a small black

and white sign listing the roadnumber, such as S-2-1669. Most

unpaved roads in the County are

maintained by the County.

Please know that I can be

reached by telephone (649-0000

or 215-3631); email (TomYoung@

schouse.gov); regular mail (P.O.

Box 651, Aiken, SC 29802); or 

 just pull me aside when you see

me. Thank you for the privilege

and the opportunity to represent


...Keeping You Informed 

Newt Gingrich And Ron Paul Stop By Bobby’s Bar-B-Q

Fire Breaks Out At Old Clearwater Finishing Plant

Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich made an appearance on Wednesday, January 18th and

presidential candidate Ron Paul appeared on Friday, January 20th. Photos by Rob Novit.

By Amy Banton

A re broke out at the old

Clearwater Finishing Plant located

on Belvedere Road late Tuesday,

January 31st, keeping crews busy

throughout the night.

The blaze started around 9 p.m.,according to Bath Fire Chief Sean


Plumes of smoke could be seen

several miles from the re location

down U.S. Highway 1.

Two of the buildings still standing

at the plant were in ames. Around

10 p.m., a small explosion occurred,

likely from a liquid propane tank,

Johnson said.

The explosion alerted many

residents who came out to see the


“The building shook,” said Betty

Vaughn, who lives near the old

nishing plant.  Tony Cumbee heard the explosion,

as well, and came down to the

scene of the re to see what was


“It’s kind of scary,” he said. “It’s not

something you want to see in your 

neighborhood. I wish it was torn

down years ago.”

The old, dilapidated plant, which

has been vacant since the 1980s,

is in the process of being knocked

down in efforts to redevelop the

land for new homes and small retail

businesses. A total of 10 of the 15

buildings of the plant had already

been disassembled.No injuries were reported, and

no evacuations were ordered for 

residents living near the burning


Bath, Clearwater, Langley, North

Augusta, Beech Island, Belvedere

and Aiken County re ofcials

responded to the blaze.

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FEBRUARY 2012 PAGE 5Midland ValleyMonthly

If you can identify with any of these, perhaps you should invite one of our sales professionals in for a briefmeeting to see why we are one of the top ranked Xerox Sales Agencies in the country. Let us take care of

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Spending too much time on the phone with

your current office products vendor?

• Do your invoices never seem to be right?

• Tired of waiting for techniciansand parts to show up?

• Frustrated with hidden chargesand escalating prices?

Saturday, January 7th was

a busy day for the students of 

CSRA Defensive Arts.That day, 12 competitors

from the class competed at

the annual Tune-Up Martial

Arts Open, a yearly martial

arts event in Orangeburg, SC

that allows competitors from all

martial arts styles to compete

against one another in multiple


The Kindai Karate

competition team from CSRA

Defensive Arts took most of 

the top places in sparring,

weapons, self-defense, and

forms and all came home with

trophies, medals, and sore legs

and arms.The martial arts school has

been open in the Aiken area for 

fve years now and operates

out of Heights Church behind

Mi-Rancho in Cleawater. For 

more pictures visit the website

at www.csradefensivearts.com

and for info, call 803-221-0330.

1. Brenda Treadaway: 1st weapons, 2nd kata, 3rd self-defense

2. Ruby Cochran: 1st weapons, 1st sparring, 3rd kata

3. Jana Herrera: 1st sparring, 1st weapons, 2nd kata

4. Dalton Cooper: 3rd sparring, 4th kata

5. Zack Franklin: 2nd sparring, 3rd kata

6. Madison Ashby: 1st weapons, 1st kata7. Clark Hughes: 1st weapons, 4th sparring

8. Meghan Harrison: 2nd sparring

9. DJ Britton: 1st kata, 2nd weapons, 1st sparring

10. Liz Mikkel: 1st kata, 2nd weapons

11. Jonathan McGahee: 1st sparring, 1st kata

12. Laurel Hicks: 3rd sparring, 4th kata

F il Y f Aik C t

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PAGE 6 FEBRUARY 2012Midland ValleyMonthly

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By: Jeremy Timmerman

The Family Y of Aiken County heldits Grand Opening event of the its

all new facility on Trolley Line Rd.on Saturday, January 14. The publicwas invited for tours, free food, andentertainment from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The new 40,000 sq. foot mainbuilding facility includes a large, state-of-the-art wellness center; an elevatedindoor walking/running track; juicebar; group tness rooms; community

classrooms; age-specic childcare

adventure centers; cycling room;Aiken Regional Medical Center’sHealth Connection; and, men’s andwomen’s locker rooms with sauna/steam rooms and a family-friendlylocker rooms. The building will also bethe new home of the administrativeofces and Sunday worship for Cedar 

Creek West Church.The outdoor campus will feature

sports elds and a perimeter walking

trail. In early summer of 2012, anoutdoor pool and water park will open.The water park, which will open later this summer, will feature a 120-footwater slide, a spray ground with water features, a lazy river, a bubble pool for toddlers and multiple shade features.Construction on the pool began inSeptember 2011.

“We are so excited to open our 

beautiful new facility which will serveour neighbors in Aiken, Graniteville

and theentire Valley,”said Catie


BranchExecutive for The Family Y of Aiken County.“This newfacility will allow us to offer programsand services which strengthen thefoundations of our community.”

For more information, contactFamily Y of Aiken County at (803)

349-8080.With a 153-year legacy of servicein the Augusta area, the non-prot

Family Y offers programs and servicesat 11 CSRA facilities, including nineprogram and tness facilities, one

full-time daycare center, and CampLakeside, an 88-acre camp locatedon Lake Thurmond. The Family Y’sPrime Time program provides after-school care at 31 Richmond and

Aiken County elementary schools.Currently, more than 45,000 membersand more than 30,000 non-member program participants are served byThe Family Y. As part of its mission,nancial assistance is available for 

all programs and services. In 2010,more than $984,000 was awarded innancial assistance. The Family Y is

a partner agency of the United Way

of the CSRA and the United Way of Aiken County.

Family Y of Aiken County

Holds Grand Opening

 photos by Jeremy Timmerman

Photo by Julie Lott

Ryan Franklin, Tanner Black and Tyler Cook are pictured withMonster Mutt. The boys went to Greenville on Saturday, January 28th tosee Monster Jam at the Bi-Lo Center.

Dr. David Wilkerson says, “Just as

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FEBRUARY 2012 PAGE 7Midland ValleyMonthly

Our Lady Of The Valley

Catholic Church2429 Augusta Road, Highway 421

593-2241 • olv@atlanticbbn.net


Calvary BaptistChurch

194 Ascauga Lake Road, Graniteville663-7601 • calvarybaptist@atlanticbb.net


Pastor: James L. Young, Jr.

To place your ad in the Valley Area Church Directory call 644-2403

 Your Guide

To AreaChurches

Hope -Where ThereIs No Hope

By Pastor Lynn Kirkland

During this time of political

campaigns we hear all sorts of 

promises from the politicians.

Someone asked one of the

commentators on TV how can we tell if 

a politician is lying. He replied that if he

is running for ofce or trying to hold on

to an ofce then he probably is lying.

Even with all these promises

the whole world is frightened and

confused! Christians everywhereare wondering about all the events

we see taking place almost daily.

Fires, oods, tsunamis, earthquakes,

wars, genocide, police ofcers being

shot – in Aiken and Augusta - home

foreclosures at an all-time high, and

not only the American economy but

world economy is oundering. Many

economists believe we are on the brink

of a world-wide depression like we

have never before seen.

Are these things prophetic?

Regularly I hear people state that

they believe we are living in the “End

Times”. There is a sense of danger in

the air. Could it be that this is the day

that Jesus spoke of? Is this the day

that men’s hearts would fail because

of all the frightening things taking

place on earth? Any speculation to that

would be just that – speculation. But

I believe Jesus could come back any


The prophet Isaiah spoke of thecoming day when the whole world

would be turned upside down. Its

very foundations will be shaken: “The

earth is utterly broken down, the earth

is clean dissolved… [It] shall reel to

and fro like a drunkard, and shall be

removed like a cottage…and it shall 

fall and not rise again” Isaiah 24:19-


One of our “buzz words” these

days is “revitalization”. Yet Isaiah

tells us the world is not headed for 

revitalization but total ruin. Isaiah is

not spiritualizing any of this. He meant

that laughter will literally cease. He

meant confusion will reign. “All joy

is darkened, and mirth in the land is

gone…And the foundations of the

earth do shake.”

When all of this happens what will

become of true believers of JesusChrist? If the world is to grow steadily

worse until Isaiah’s prophecy is fullled

how is God going to take care of us?

Dr. David Wilkerson says, Just as

the Lord has warned us in detail about

the troubles ahead, He will also reveal

to us how He will protect us. Our God

has a denite plan. It is as simple but

as absolute as the universe itself.

His plan can be summed up in one

sentence: He will protect us by the

power of His predetermined Word.”

  Genesis 1:1 says, “In the

beginning…”  Then vs. 3 says, “And God said…”  God spoke our universe

into existence and it has worked very

well since the beginning. Why have

we never bumped into other planets

or burned up by getting too close to

the sun? Why have we never frozen

because we moved too far out of line?

God has a plan and His children

are a part of it. But we must make

our choice now. John 3:18 states,

“Whoever believes in Him is not 

condemned, but whoever does not 

believe stands condemned already 

because he has not believed in the

name of God’s one and only Son.” 

We have to make that choice now

 – today. Ecclesiastes 9:4 tells us that

“anyone that is among the living has

hope.”  We can’t wait for that nal day

when we stand before God to see if we

measure up. 1 Corinthians 1:30 tells usthat Christ Jesus is our righteousness,

holiness, and redemption. We can

never measure up. We can never be

good enough. If we could then why did

Jesus have to die. Our redemption is

to put our faith and trust in Him.

During Ann’s recovery we have

watched a lot of movies. A line in one

of them said, “If you won’t die for it you

are not committed to it.” What would

you die for? Are you truly committed?If Jesus returned as you are reading

this are you sure where you will go? Is

your trust in your job or 401k? Is your 

faith in some political party to make the

world a better place?As believers we are the only ones

that have hope. And, we can offer that

hope to others – the hope of Jesus



Hippodrome meets on Wednesday at

6 PM for fun and fellowship. Worship

service begins at 7 PM. Come join us!

You may contact us for further discussion, prayer, or to support this

ministry at:

Pastor Lynn Kirkland


Impact Ministries International, Inc.


P.O. Box 5431, Aiken, SC 29804

OFFICE PHONE: 803-400-3609


Sign up to recieve our monthly

“E~NEWS”: www.tinyurl.com/4enews 

Cowboy Up for Jesus!

Battle Of Aiken To Offer New Feature This Year

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PAGE 8 FEBRUARY 2012Midland ValleyMonthly


By Haley Hughes

The Blue and the Gray will clashonce again at the 2012 Battle of Aikenre-enactment, and this year there issomething new for the thousandsanticipated to attend.

The Battle of Aiken will take placefrom Friday, Feb. 24, to Sunday, Feb.26, at Confederate Park, located at1210 Powell Pond Road. Spectatorsand re-enactors alike will take part inthe recreation of Joe Wheeler and hisConfederate troops’ campaign againstGen. Judson Kilpatrick and his Unionmen.

Feb. 24 is School Day, Feb. 25 ispart one of the battle and Feb. 26 ispart two.

“New this year is the Great Revivalwith period chaplains with the Northand South. It will start this year andrun through 2015,” said organizer Wayne Jones, who is a member of Barnard E. Bee Camp #1575. “TheRevival will be led by Chaplain Alan

Farley, and he’s been doing this kindof thing for 25 years.”

The commemoration of the 1862to 1865 Great Revival will be held onFeb. 24 from 6-10 p.m. and on Feb.25 from 4-7 p.m.

This year marks the 147thanniversary of the historic battleand the 18th anniversary of the re-enactment. The re-enactment will takeplace rain or shine.

The Battle of Aiken began on Feb.9, 1865, when 2,000 Federal troopsunder Brig. Gen. Hugh JudsonKilpatrick marched on Aiken fromMontmorenci, only to fnd 4,500

Confederate troops under Gen.Joseph Wheeler waiting to defend thecity. The two forces met in battle on

Feb. 11, and the Union forces weredriven back to Montmorenci and never made it back to Aiken’s borders beforethe end of the war.

Reenactment camps from as far away as Gettysburg, Pa., Florida and

Memphis, Tenn. have committed toattend.

Approximately 15,000 peopleattended the re-enactment last year.Sutlers include Ole South CookeryFrybread, The Madd Hatter, Ole DocBell’s, The Regimental Quartermaster and The Blacksmith.

“We hope everyone comes outand joins us this year,” Jones said.“We also want to thank the localcommunity for all the work they do.”

Gates open at 8:30 a.m. onSaturday, Feb. 25, and Sunday, Feb.26. Events during the day includeConfederate camp tours, lectures andprograms, battle amputation scenarios

and cannon fre demonstrations. The

battle will begin at 2:30 p.m. andspectators are encouraged to bringtowels or blankets to sit on. Camerasare welcome.

Ticket prices are $5 for those ages6-12 and $10 for those 13 and older.Children 5 years of age and younger will be admitted free. Parking is free.

Battle Of Aiken To Offer New Feature This Year 

Jason Sikes In ConcertJason Sikes will be in concert atBobby’s BBQ on Saturday, March3, 2012 at 7:30pm. Tickets are onsale now. The cost is $10.00. Pickup tickets at Bobby’s or call 593-1756.

R ligio B i f

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Located near Wal-Mart on Richland Ave.3553 Richland Ave West • Suite 124 • Aiken, SC 29801

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Buy Nine Itemsand Get the

Tenth Item Free.Free Item must be

a Dollar Item.

Religious Briefs To place your announcement: email jlott@aikenstandard.com or mail to Aiken Standard,

attn: Julie Lott, P.O. Box 456, Aiken, SC 29802

Bro. Clint Jackson will be in revival at

Fountain of Living Waters Church

of God, 275 Flint Drive. Bath, on Feb.

19 at 6 p.m. and Feb. 20-21 at 7 p.m.

The Bethlehem Baptist Church of 

Graniteville senior choir will celebrate

its 61st anniversary on Sunday, Feb.

12 at 3 p.m. For more information, call

215-1805 or 663-3835.

The Bethlehem Baptist Church of 

Graniteville senior choir will hold

its Youth of Distinction luncheon onSaturday, Feb. 18 from 10:30 a.m. to

12:30 p.m. For more information, call

215-1805 or 221-4240.

Kingdom Life Worship Center and

Spoken Word Christian Ministries 

presents Prayer Summit 2012 on Feb.

10 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 11-12 at 5

p.m. at Kingdom Life Worship Center,

52 Aiken Blvd., Warrenville. For more

information, call 593-6723 or 670-


 Young Storm Branch Baptist

Church, Langley, provides a clothes

closet for anyone in need. For more

information, call Dorothy Young at

(706) 399-8117.

The Clothes Closet at St. Paul’s

Episcopal Church, 117 Hard St.,

Graniteville, is open from 10 a.m. tonoon every Saturday. Clothes are

free. For more information, call Ann

Mayer at 663-7440.

Family Life Worship Center ,

Highway 78, food and clothing

giveaway will be held on Saturday,

Jan. 25 from 10 a.m. to noon.

Submitted Photo

Ivon Villegas, a student of Ms. Teeters, is the winner for Byrd

Elementary in the Health/Science Fair Art Contest.

  G.R.A.C.E. hosted its second Community Health & Science Fair Saturday,

January 7th at its study center in the Masonic Shopping Center on Canal

Street. The fair boasted a visit from the Shepeard Community Bloodmobile,

free lung function, sleep apnea, blood pressure and blood sugar checks,

vascular screenings, a local student art contest, information from theDepartment of Health and Environmental Control, emergency preparedness

information and updates of community research and outreach projects.

G.R.A.C.E. Hosted Community

Health And Science Fair 

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answers on page 17

Sweet Treat AHoliday ClassicValentine’s Day and chocolate seem synonymous,

but another confection rules the roost come the day

of love.

Since 1902, NECCO® Sweethearts® Conversation

Hearts have played a pivotal role on Valentine’s Day.

The concept for these sentiment-reading candies

came during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency. During

that time, mottos were all the rage. Other candies

were produced with mottos printed on paper rolled

up inside of the candy. But until this point there were

no candies with the words were printed directly on

the confection.

In the 1860s, Daniel Chase, the brother of NECCO® 

founder Oliver Chase, began printing sayings directly

on candy using experimental methods. Eventually

the candy

hearts becamea coveted

Valentine’s Day



have featured




the years, and

starting in the

1990’s began

higher-tech phrases, such as “Fax Me,” and “E-mail

Me.” In 2009, the company asked the American

public to tell how they express feelings of affection.

The 2010 series of Sweethearts® featured customer-

provided sayings and bright, bold colors. The

candies also were revamped to be softer and more

enjoyable to eat.


Hidden in the pages of 

this edition is a horseshoe.

Can you fnd it?

First Annual Wild Game Cook-Off

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Midland V  alley Monthly 

On Saturday, January 21, 2012 the Aiken County Parks,

Recreation and Tourism held their First Annual Wild Game

Cook-off. Cooks competed in 4 divisions: fowl, venison, pork

and small game.

Teams were encouraged to use wild game that they

themselves had harvested or game that was harvested byanother hunter. All game was harvested legally.

First Annual Wild Game Cook-Off 

To view more pictures

go to aikenstandard.com

and click on the “Focus

On You” button

The winners were:

Best Venison Chili - Quinton Reid

Best Venison (grilled tenderloin) - Steve Bryant

Best Small Game (fried squirrel) - Jerry Withrow

Judge’s Choice (venison chili) - Quinton Reid

Director’s Choice (grilled tenderloin) - Steve Bryant

G P k Ci i C t Recreation

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     A      S      2     7   -     6      8      8     7      8      2

Harrison-Caver Park4181 Augusta Road (Hwy 421)

in Clearwater




Provident Recording ArtistRhett Walker Band


Dr. Mark Canipe - Sunday, 2-12

and Wednesday, 2-15

Pastor Dexter Lambert- Monday, 2-13

Bishop Hezekiah Pressley- Tuesday, 2-14


Sunday, February 12

- Wednesday, February 15MORNING SESSION AT 10AM



Gregg Park Civic Center 119 Trolley Line Road, Graniteville • 663-7552

Unless otherwise noted, call the park to register or for more information

Recreation  Aiken County Recreation Center • 663-6142

Harrison Caver Park • 593-4698

Dog Obedience Classes to begin Sat., Feb. 4th - March 24th. (8) classes for $75.00. 10-11:00 a.m. Instructors: Laura Phillips and Elizabeth Burgess. 

Zumba Party with TaranaCome join the fun Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. Feel the Music and Let Loose!!$15.00 for (8) classes. These classes are ongoing.

Lite-Side Exercise

*Free of Charge* to Seniors with Sharon Dairon as the Instructor. Come learnthe latest steps and techniques that are fun and healthy! Classes are taughteach Monday and Wednesday from 9-10:00 a.m. 

Line Dancing

Cassie Barnhill is now teaching Beginner and Intermediate Line Dancing on

Monday nights from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Come join the fun as you learn new dancesteps taught to the coolest sounds of rock & roll, beach and country music.Cost is $5.00 per person per class. 


Karate Classes are held at Gregg Park with Brian Randall as the Instructor. Acombination of Tae Kwon Do and Kenpo is taught on Tuesday evenings from6:30-8:00 p.m. Cost is $15.00 per month. 

Cardio and Weight Classes

A 30/30 Cardio and Weight Class are taught each Monday and Wednesdayfrom 4:30-5:30 with Becky Geeting as the Instructor. Passholder Rate: $15/16classes and Non-Passholder Rate: $25/16 classes. 

ZUMBA – Wednesday

Zumba Classes taught by Becky Geeting are held each Wednesday afternoonfrom 5:45-6:30 p.m. Cost is $15.00 for eight classes. These classes areongoing – so sign-up anytime. 


A Cardio workout for all levels taught by Instructor Janis Napier . Class

includes step, kickboxing, aerobic and Zumba moves. Class may be donewithout step for lower impact workout. Class also includes weights, bandsand mat exercises for a Total Body Toning Workout! Cost is $15.00 for eightclasses.

Take A Trip With Aiken County Parks,

Recreation and Tourism

March 22 - Ridge Spring/Saluda SC

• $20 per person

• Saluda County Museum

• Flat Grove

• Lunch at Juniper 

• Shopping the downtown antique shops

• Watsonia (Peach Farm)

April 19 & 20 - Pawley’s Island/Georgetown County, SC

• Hopsewee Plantation

• Brookgreen Gardens

• Shopping at the Hammock Shops

• Dinner at Sea View Inn

• Explore historic Georgetown

• Mepkin Abbey

May 18 - Orangeburg/Eutawville, SC• $20 per person

• Elloree Heritage Museum

• Historic Church of Epiphany

• Parish House

For more information contact Tandra at 642-7559 (TheRecreation Center in Graniteville) or Carolyn at 564-5211 (The

Courtney Center in Wagener) or Leah at 593-4698 (HarrisonCaver Park in Clearwater)

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      S      0      8   -      6      9      0      1      6      8

 A L L AGE S F r o m t he y o u n  g i n b o d y t o 

th e y ou ng a t h e a r t S e ha b l á es  p a ñ ol 


663-9224“ Onl y 5 M  i n u t e s f  r o m Ai k e n R e  g i o n a l” 

1 Hickman Street • Granite ville


Mae Jean Englee, M.D.


SEEING DOUBLETwins are plentiful at

Warrenville Elementary in

September 1991. Shown here

(from top to bottom, left to right)are Jason and Brent Shealy,

Megan and Marla Robinson,

Jonathon and Jacqueline

Ballard, Chrissy and C.J.

Morrison, and Tabatha and

Angela Brown.

 Aiken Standard Archived Photo

Gl ill El t S h l

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Gloverville Elementary School

This past November students and

educators across the state competed

in the South Carolina State National

Career Development Association’s

46th annual poetry and poster 

contest. Participants created poemsand posters based on the national

theme of “My Career Dreams”.

Tuesday the state announced their 

winners and Gloverville Elementary

School came out on top with two

winners. Eliana Pinckney won 2nd

place in the Poetry Intermediate

Division and Kyle Hall won 3rd place

in the Multi-media Poster Intermediate

Division. All state winners work will go

on to compete in the National Career Development Association 46th annual

poetry and poster contest. National

winners will be announced in April.

Congratulations and good luck!

Principal’s Citizenship Awards


Burkhart - Victoria Knight

Jackson - Nathan Bishop

First Grade:

Holloway - Reed Sikes

Petersen - Rhiana Cochran

Yaun - Trenton Turner 

Second Grade:

Busbee - Morgan Fields

Tanton - Trista Kirkland

Third Grade:

Kincaid - Abigail Johnson 

McCord - Eliana Pinckney

Meditz - Matthew LankfordFourth Grade:

Church - Brenden Moyer  

Henderson - Abel Rocha

Fifth Grade:

Corley - Shaylenn Grey 

Grifs - Garrett Corbett 

Olsen - Madison Nance


Principal’s Honor Roll (All A’s!)

1st: (Holloway) Cadie Collins,

Jordyn Freeman, Caleb Lott, Mary

Grace Martin, Denten Spivey, Sarah

Toole (Petersen) Ansley Keenan,

James Lively, Andrew McCord,

Garvin Polk, Brandon Sanchez,

Liberty Sellers (Yaun) Reagan 

Corbitt, Logan Lott, Luke McCombs

2nd: (Busbee) Ari’Anna Edwards,

Hailey Evans, Kristen Faircloth,

Morgan Fields, Trayton Gregory,

Kalyn Rodgers, Allee Smith, Logan

Ward (Tanton) Maranda Brown,Chance Cochran, Dominique

Gallardo, Trinity Hibst, Robbie

Hunt, Trista Kirkland, Ryan Mitchell,

Alexis Moore

3rd: (Kincaid) Madison Christopher,

Gabrielle Hunt, Benjamin McCord,

Trent Petersen, Austin Stone 

(McCord) Landen Adams, Liya

Patel, Eliana Pinckney, M’Kayla

Pritchett, Madilyn Ward (Meditz)

Madelyn Goodwin, Tiana Holley,Katelyn Lambert, Matthew

Lankford, Jessica Matthews, Caleb


4th: (Church) Kayle Barton,

Keishawn Jimerson, Amanda

Johnson, Jasmine Landaverde,

Brenden Moyer, Manshi Patel 

(Henderson) Casey Baker, Tiffani

Rowe, Jaden Saxer, Megan Schar,

Megan Willing

5th: (Corley) Deanna McCord (Olsen)

Morgan Anderson, Mallory Beard,

Skylar Kernaghan, Dalton White

HONOR ROLL (All A’s and B’s)

1st: (Holloway) Reed Sikes, Skilar 

Smith, Tyzay Starlings (Petersen)

Christen Buff, Chaney Feagin,

Bryson Fittery, Alexis Free, Mariah

Shipley (Yaun) Cody Bergeron,Raymond Brookins, Michel’le

Butler, Winston Whittle

2nd: (Busbee) Tripp Baggott, Leydy

Garcia, Cameron Grifs, Marrissa

Joyner, Jacob Logue, Caden

Manning, Dalton Prince, Patrick

Sapp (Tanton) Madison Cargo,

Sunnie Clemons, Westleigh Scott,

Easton Yon

3rd: (Kincaid) Kolby Boatwright,

Jalen Eubanks, Jone’sea Green,

Jakob Hollowell, Abigail Johnson,

Ethan Keenan, Charlie Wright

(McCord) Emily Boatwright, Kirbie

Fulmer, Joseph Keenan (Meditz) CJ

Campbell, Rene Hanna, Mackenzie

Haupfear, Brooke Henderson,

Aaron Key, CJ Landaverde, Natalie


4th: (Church) Angelique Bailey,

Jacquelynn Gresham, Carter 

Higgins, Samual Powell, Al’vernea

Stewart, Savannah Van Fossen 

(Henderson) Mallory Brown,Preston Cutler, Dalton Jones, Ryan

Kennedy, Jeanelle Pontoo, Abel

Rocha, Ally Weathersbee, Zaire

Williams, Hunter Wilson

5th: (Corley) Kyle Adams, Drew

Godwin, Shaylenn Grey, Kyron

Jimerson, Alexis Johnson, Nicole

McCuen, Chris Miller, Laci Prince,

Kendrique Starlings, Kaleb Turner,

Brysen West (Grifs) Nathan

Boatwright, Anna Harrison,Irvon Malcolm, Talynn Saxer,

Tanner White, Emilee Wright 

(Olsen) Brandon Barton, Hannah

Burckhalter, Orren Burke, Brycin

Burkett, Nathan Cato, Amanda

Cowan, Alexis Mayson, James

Moody, Chandler Parker, Emma



4-K: (Klugh) Ethan Moore, Nolan


5-K: (Burkhart) Brayden Anderson 

(Jackson) Nolan Anderson, Hayden

Driver, Hunter Mabe, Tanna Martin

1st: (Holloway) Cadie Collins, Mary

Grace Martin, Reed Sikes, Tyzay

Startlings (Petersen) Bryson Fittery,

Alexis Free, Ansley Keenan, James

Lively, Andrew McCord, BrandonSanchez (Yaun) Trenton Turner 

2nd: (Busbee) Tripp Baggot,

Ari’Anna Edwards, Trayton

Gregory, Camerson Grifs, Patrick

Sapp, Kristen Faircloth, Leydy

Garcia (Tanton) Ryan Mitchell,

Westleigh Scott, Ashley Jones

3rd: (Kincaid) Kolby Boatwright,

Meghan Davis-Lovette, Noah

Dockins, Jalen Eubanks, Jone’sea

Green, Kyle Hall, Jakob Hollowell,

Gabrielle Hunt, Trent Petersen 

(McCord) Chandler Bloodworth,

Emily Boatwright, Joseph Keenan,

Taylor McClain, Liya Patel, Eliana

Pinckney, M’Kayla Pritchett, Ian

Randall (Meditz) Devin Arthurs, CJ

Campbell, Mackenzie Haupfear,

Tiana Holley, Matthew Lankford,

Jessica Matthews, Caleb


4th: (Church) Kayle Barton, Jaheim

Bush, Holley Eubanks, Jacquelynn

Gresham, Abigail Hunt, AmandaJohnson, Caleb Monday, Brenden

Moyer, Autumn Phillips, Samual

Powell, Kaitlyn Turner (Henderson)

Mallory Brown, Preston Cutler,

Dalton Jones, Ryan Kennedy,

A’Shanti McKie, Jeanelle Pontoo,

Abel Rocha, Tiffani Rowe, Megan

Schar, Brentyn Switzer, Zaire


5th: (Corley) Drew Godwin, Kyron

Jimerson, Brandon Morris,Kendrique Starlings (Grifs)

Jasmine Bush Chase Chriswell,

Matthew Fulmer, Anna Harrison,

Irvon Malcolm, A’Tazjah McKie,

Tanner White, Robert Williams 

(Olsen) Morgan Anderson, Brandon

Barton, Vincent Barton, Mallory

Beard, Joshua Campbell, Nathan

Cato, Amanda Cowan, Jakayla

Etheridge, Alexis Mayson, Madison

Nance, Tez’Waun Starlings



4-K: (Klugh) Bricen Eubanks, Alissa

Barbee, Jackson Benson, Kaylin

Butler, Will Lythgoe, Ethan Moore,

TJ Moore, Hayleigh Pina

5-K: (Jackson) Nathan Bishop

1st: (Holloway) Jordyn Freeman,Mary Grace Martin, Reed Sikes,

Tyzay Starlings (Petersen) Chaney

Feagin, Bryson Fittery, Garvin Polk,

Brandon (Yaun) Raymond Brookins,

Logan Lott, Luke McCombs,

Trenton Turner, Winston Whittle

2nd: (Busbee) Morgan Fields,

Trayton Gregory, Kristen Faircloth,

Cameron Grifs (Tanton) Chance

Cochran, Jacob Langley, Ryan

Mitchell, Cody Shearer, Katlyn


3rd: (Kincaid) Madison Christopher,

Meghan Davis-Lovette, Jalen

Eubanks, Victoria Odom, Trent

Petersen (McCord) Keondre Curry,

Emily Boatwright, Eliana Pinckney 

(Meditz) Tori Barton, Mackenzie 

....more Gloverville Elementary  Yosiah Spencer, Bella Scott, FalconKylei, Kaitlyn Drawdy, Myles Grey 

Lankford, Jessica Matthews4th: (Church) Kayle Barton, Holley

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Haupfear, Tiana Holley, Matthew

Lankford, Jessica Matthews

4th: (Church) Angelique Bailey,

Keishawn Jimerson, Brenden

Moyer, Autumn Phillips, Kaitlyn

Turner (Henderson) Mallory Brown,

Preston Cutler, Emily Gresham,

Ryan Kennedy, Jeanelle Pontoo,

Abel Rocha, Tiffani Rowe, JadenSaxer, Megan Schar, Megan Willing,

Hunter Wilson

5th: (Corley) Drew Godwin, Kyron

Jimerson, Hayley Mason, Chris

Miller (Grifs) Anna Harrison, Irvon

Malcolm, A’Tazjah McKie, Matthew

Fulmer, Tanner White (Olsen)

Morgan Anderson, Mallory Beard,

Hannah Burckhalter, Nathan Cato,

Skylar Kernaghan, Alexis Mayson,

Chandler Parker 



4-K: (Klugh) Ian Bailey, Brittany

Barton, Charlet Lott, Nolan Moxley,

Jackson Benson

5-K: (Burkhart) Brayden Anderson,

(Jackson) Landon Corley, Brody

Deer, Emmie Thompson

1st: (Holloway) Jordyn Freeman,

Mary Grace Martin, Denton Spivey,

Tyzay Starlings (Petersen) Chaney

Feagin, Alexis Free, James Lively,

Andrew McCord, Garvin Polk,

Brandon Sanchez (Yaun) Raymond

Brookins, Reagan Corbitt, TrentonTurner 

2nd: (Busbee) Kristen Faircloth,

Leydy Garcia, Trayton Gregory,

Cameron Grifs (Tanton) Maranda

Brown, Zayvian Butler, Dylan

Galloway, Trinity Hibst, Robbie

Hunt, Trista Kirkland

3rd: (Kincaid) Madison Christopher,

Meghan Davis-Lovette, Noah

Dockins, Jakob Hollowell, Morgan

Matlock, Benjamin McCord,Trent Petersen, Austin Stone 

(McCord) Landen Adams, Chandler 

Bloodworth, Emily Boatwright,

Ansleigh Hash, Eliana Pinckney,

M’Kayla Pritchett, Angel Turner  

(Meditz) Devin Arthurs, Avanna

Grey, Mackenize Haupfear, Brooke

Henderson, Tiana Holley, Matthew

Eubanks, Jacquelynn Gresham,

Brenden Moyer, Autumn Phillips, 

Kaitlyn Turner, Madison Waters 

(Henderson) Mallory Brown, Katie

Campbell, Ryan Kennedy, Jeanelle

Pontoo, Abel Rocha, Tiffani Rowe,

Megan Willing, Hunter Wilson

5th: (Corley) Drew Godwin, Deanna

McCord (Grifs) Irvon Malcolm,Tanner White, Matthew Fulmer,

A’Tazjah McKie, Anna Harrison,

Zikea Stewart (Olsen) Morgan

Anderson, Mallory Beard, Nathan

Cato, Alexis Mayson

Air Force Airman Lesnia L. Stinson 

graduated from basic military

training at Lackland Air Force Base,

San Antonio, Texas. The airman

completed an intensive, eightweek

program that included training in

military discipline and studies, Air 

Force core values, physical tness

and basic warfare principles and

skills. Airmen who complete basic

training earn four credits toward an

associate in applied science degree

through the Community College of the Air Force. Stinson is the daughter 

of Justine Stinson of Graniteville,

and Walter Stinson of Melbourne,

Fla. She is a 2008 graduate of 

Midland Valley High School

in Graniteville.





click on Special

Sections, and then

Monthly Publications.


graduates from

military training

Byrd Elementary School

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Third, Fouth, and Fifth Grade Studentswho have A’s in all subjects

Third GradeMrs. Busbee - Grayson Creech, MyraFernandez, Jay Hays, Gavin Lillard,Jake Pifer, Carolyn YonnMrs. Chan - Landon JohnsonMrs. Hamilton - Gabbee Fee, RitaHucksamMiss Williams - Rebecca BlackwellMr. Alexander - Ryan Boswell

Fourth GradeMrs. Fernandez - Evan Johnson,Dalton Langley, Alica Speh,Matthew StandridgeMiss Mitchum - Lane Owenby, Parker 

elshMiss Piper - Matthew Cowart,

illie Curry, Sawyer Gordon, AdinHillman, Beatriz Mendez, ShelbySalter Mrs. Watkins - Laniya Carmicheal,

Kari Flannings, Courtney Holmes,Sarah Lunsford, T.J. McLester,Savanna Pinchot, Miles Roane,Duffy Willing

Fifth GradeMrs. Bramlett - Joseph Johnson,Kyle Vandergrift


HONOR ROLLThird, Fourth, and Fifth GradeStudents who have A’s and B’s in allsubjects

Third GradeMrs. Busbee - Abigail Brown,Summer Garrett, Courtney Lewis,Nick Lintner, Maurice Priester,Ronald (Trace) Seigler Mrs. Chan -

 Christopher Cisneros,Maggie Grifs, Marisa Maxam,Haley PearsonMrs. Hamilton - Jordan Godwin,

ngelina Spencer Miss Williams - Brayden Hawkins ,

llison Barker Mr. Alexander - Gabriel Barrs, JaylaCouncil, Briana Hiers, Ronisha

Kyler, Trey Loveday, KimberlyMendez, Devin Randall, ShandrellRyan

Fourth GradeMrs. Fernandez - Stephanie Acosta,McKenzie Allen, Osvaldo Arias,Tima’d Coates, Genesis Cofer,Buddy Coody, Reynaldo Florentino,Kayley Kendrick, Carson Lee,Austin Paradise, Caitlyn Widener Mrs. Lintner - A.J. Deibel, HollyEpperson, Hunter Ergle, MadisonEubanks, Andrew Leach, MadisonMercer, Bailey Newsome, SarahPowell, Zac SilasMiss Mitchum - Trynatee Douse,Macee Johnson, MacKenzie Mercer Miss Piper - Walter Baker, ShaunJones, Kennidy Logue, Christopher Pearson, Kelly Rios, Tyler Turner,Aaliyah Walker Mrs. Watkins - Venice Douglas,Dylan Frierson, D.J. Granade,Mikaija Kemp, Jeslyn Key,Chandller Lewis, Gracie Lucas,Kailee Miller, Greggory Williams

Fifth GradeMrs. Bramlett - Erica Duncan, EmijahHall, Chanelle Hanberry, LoganJeffcoat, Zach Widener, DwayneWilsonMrs. Gilchrist - Keasia Barnes, ZionFlowers, Brandon Paradise, GiannaThrasher, Josh Oliver Mrs. Grifn - Timia Coates, JennaFord, Jackie Gamboa, KimberleyGilreath, Conner Greene, BrycenMathis, Chandler Mayson, Omar McKie, Kennedy Porter, CarsonRedd, Morgan ThomasMrs. Johnson - Lesly Colmenares,Carley Guill, Tyler Razey


First GradeMrs. Barton - Arabella Alvarez,Anna Bowers, Claira Gay, BrizeidaJacobo, Michael Lopez, TremainMcElmurray, Krista Pearson,Mercedes Sullivan, GraysonWeathersMrs. Eubanks - Paige Davis, BruceDiaz-Leon, Jesse Dufe, Peyton

England, Heather Fore, I’zhariyahJenkins, Arowyn Jones, KiaiMcMullen, Carmen Reyes, BradenShealy, Reese WilsonMrs. Monroe - Cytlalic Alarcon-Pulido, Raekwon Brightharp,Jennifer Diaz-Garcia, AriannaDouglas, Kayla Gomillion, BryceHeath, Alanah Hill, CarysonHodges, Calvin Stokes, Derek YoungMrs. Newsome - Da’shaun Brown,Jacob Kostochko, Gavin Presley,Mallory Taylor Miss Prince - Lily Boswell, CatharineBrown, Amanda Busbee, Yair Cano-Cortez, Elexis Craig, AndrewGerhard, Ayden Goad, LizbethGutierrez, Madison Lilly, HayleePerry, Seth Randall, MariannaRodriguezMrs. Phibbs - Audrey Bennett, JuliaEdmondson, Mariah Ligon, BradleyMoyer, Kaley Randall, Aradia Rowe,Brandy Santos, Jasmine Smith,Mark YonceMrs. Williamson - Shayna Autwell,Clare Balsam, Cody Black, BraylonBarton, Axcell Espinoza, MadisonGreen, Dawson Gregory, Parker Harmon, Justin Joiner, SavannaKaney, Sierra Mabry, MaritzaTrujillo, Isaiah TrullMrs. Yonn - Katie Bales, Amber Busbee, Ender Cano-Cortez, LaneDunagan, Fawn Hasley, Tyler Johnson, Deana Martin, KadiMcLester, Ella Page, Luke Preissler,Emily Royall, Tristin Stokes, NathanVandegrift

Second GradeMrs. Carpenter - Alyssa Ankrom,Zander Boatright, Haylie Clark,Jordan Craig, Blakelyn Crytzer,Ashlye Garcia, Maria Garcia, AnaLewis, Jeffrey Martin, JoshuaMatlock, Macarro Newsome,Cooper Redd, Trevin Riley,Chandler Wren, Slater Simpson,Amber Smith, Abigail TerrebonneMrs. Castles - Landon Carter,Abigayle Coody, Ethan Crosby,Carlee Downs, Nick Hanberry, AnnMessick, Amelia Miller, Christopher Peterson, Hailey Royall, DylanSeigler, Makayla Smith, EllaWestberry, Michael Williams,Mallory Zinger Mr. Martin - Madison Dodd, MadisonFelker, Jackson Fleming, KarlyJohnson, Jacob Kovacs, CharlesMims, Isabella Smith, Olivia Speh,Emma Troup, Jasmine TrujilioMrs. Spears - Hayden Blackmon,Ian Garland, Mychael Jefferson,Elizabeth Maul, Raevin McKinney,Jaydan Odum, Natalie Rushton,Braxton Sanders, Levi Taylor,Ivanna Vasquez, Trinity Wilder,Gibson WillingMrs. Talbert - Diana Alarcon ,Marisela Arias, Caleb Baughman,Thomas Blocker, Reginald Cain,Breana Ginn, Mary Grace Ginn,Briana Gregory, Aaron Hall, NikolasIsaac, Leory Laird, Katie Pifer,Wyatt Razey, Aylissa Robinson,Jaden Williams

Byrd Elementary School

MV Chamber News

Dr. Lucy Annang, with the RISE Study - Graniteville Train

Wreck, will be the guest speaker at the Midland Valley Chamber 

Meeting on Wednesday, February 8, 2012.

Thomas Hallman, Chancellor of USC Aiken, will be the

guest speaker at the Midland Valley Chamber Meeting on

Wednesday, March 14, 2012.

Both meetings will be held at Bobby’s BBQ and start at Noon.

LBC Middle School Belvedere Elementary School

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LBC Middle School Belvedere Elementary School

2nd Nine Weeks

All A Honor Roll

8th Grade

Lilliana Cameron, Henry Couch,

Reagan Glover, Ralph Greene,Gage McIntosh, Patrick Ott, JustinWillis

7th Grade

Allie Beard, Alivia Brewe, BrookeByrd, Ethan Ennis, Madison Martin,Mallary Owensby, Kristina Rhoden,Emily Sloan, Caleb Smith

6th Grade

Macey Barton, Connor Boyd,Hannah Bussell, AlexandriaCarlin, Antonio Castillo, BrysonChapman, Cierra Darville, JadaDiggs, Randee Durden, JordanEnnis, Carsyn Feemster, PaytonFields, Wes Guyton, Kaitlyn Hall,Amanda Harding, Leon Harris,Kevin Holley, Olivia Howell,Cameron Jones, Annalee McDaniel,Ansleigh McIntosh, Alexis Molina,

Steven Peterson, Maritza Sanchez,Christine Sanderson, Diego Sojo,Da’Naja Visitacion, Darius Wade,Johnny Walters

2nd Nine Weeks

A/B Honor Roll

8th Grade

Baylen Abellan, Ashten Adams,Chandler Alloways, MadisonAnderson, Carlie Beecher,Emmalie Bell, Kelsey Boatwright,Haley Carpenter, Lauren Carroll,Carly Chavis, Brandon Chriswell,Skyler Curry, Andrew Doolittle,Carrie Floth, Le’Daisha Graham,Zoe Hawkins, Haley Judge, ChadMcAdory, Gavin McElmurray, SaraMcLane, Donovan McMullin, JesusMendoza, Justin Merriweather,

Luke Nichols, Joseph Randall,Corion Roberts, Aslyn Romeo,Tristan Simpson, William Slappy,Morgan Smith, Madison Storey,Kennedy Toole, Kelsey Tucker,Cera Weatherford, Dallas Young

7th Grade

Justin Adams, Mallory Alverson,

Jace Bennefeld, Noelle Boatwright,Mythryo Brighthop, ElizabethBriseno, Jaxen Coleman, KaleyDeese, Erica Faircloth, HaylieFittery, Westley Guyton, GrantHarris, Gunner Harris, HaylieHarris, Hunter Harris, NicolasHightower, Haven Huckabee,Calista Justice, Karson King,Brittney Lambert, Joshua Lee,Lonesha Lee, Makenzie Martin, Yesenia Merino, Christopher Moyer,Savanna Moyer, Abigail Patterson,April Riggs, Destiny Rivera, KarleeRobinson, Paige Roof, JaleeshaSapp, Preslee Sikes, Hunter Stone,Amzie Tanton, Sarah Turner, DiegoVillalobos, Olivia Widener, MatthewWright, Robert Youngson

6th Grade

Jeffrey Adams, Tara Allen, BrittanyArd, Dakota Banks, JessicaBarton, Hailee Baughman, LydiaBell, Cameron Billings, LillianCook, Jessica Craig, KennethDavis, Audrey Delgado, AustinDeRemigio, Taneesha Foster,Sydney Frye, Brooke Garvin,Marcus Green, Keeley Hodge,Mallory Hodges, Madisyn Hurt,Maggie Inabinet, Payton Johnson,Kayla Keenan, Austin Langley,Todd Love, Ethan Lowe, YordinLuis, Shayna Mabrey, JamonMajor, Alex McCord, Logan Morris,Hannah Primrose, Anthoney Ray,Lesly Reyes, Braden Schar, WillSheehan, Justin Smith, JamesStephens, Karen Valladares, KaitlynWall, Kayla Waters, Tiana Williams

Belvedere Elementary

School held a Blood

Drive on Friday, January

20th. The Shepeard

Community Blood Mobile

was parked in front of the school from

7:00am - 3:00pm.

photos by Julie Lott

Answers to the Kids 

PAge on PAge 10









be mine





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Midland Valley High School Briefs

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y g

Open Mic Day Brings

Students Together 

by Jeff Morris

English Teacher 

Freshmen students at Midland

Valley High school are nding a way

to express themselves and connect

with their peers. Using open mic

poetry, students take center stage

and read personal poems about their 

struggles and what unites them as


From discussing the pain of growing

up without a father to sharing what it

means to fall in love, students in Mr.

Morris’s English classes are given

the chance to take off their masksand expose who they truly are. One

student, Ebony Killbrew-Garvin,

talked about growing up in a family of 

addiction. When she nished, many

students felt like they had discovered

the “real” Ebony and could relate

to the difculties in her life. Another 

student, Janisha Prescott, talked

about being condent in a world that

promotes conformity. By the end of 

her poem, students were cheering.

Although shy at rst, most students

were glad they opened up, saying that

they felt much closer to each other by

the end of class. When asked if they

wanted to have another open mic

Friday, the answer was unanimous:


Midland Valley NJROTC Rie Team

Wins Honors

by Chief Warrant Ofcer Seim

The Midland Valley High School NJROTC Rie team participated in the Area

Six Championship in January. This was the rst time since the championship

has been held, about 15 years, that the Mustangs have qualied to compete.

Participants for the Area Six championship were selected from all sixty-three

NJROTC schools in North and South Carolina.

The Mustangs placed Second in this competition, with one Cadet, junior 

Cody Driggers, qualifying for the Navy National Competition. Other members

of the rie team are senior Jordan Grifn, junior Patrick Meyer , and

sophomore Krista Smart. Their swift rise in the state rankings is due to hardwork and practice on their part and to the generous donations from local

individuals and grants from the NRA which allowed the team to obtain the

equipment needed to be competitive. These cadets have devoted hundreds

of hours in practice and competition to reach this level and should be

congratulated for this achievement.

MVHS Parent Night

by Areshia MastersCareer Specialist

On Thursday, March 1, 2012, from

6:00-7:30 p.m. Midland Valley High

School will host a Parent Night/Career 

Fair. There will be a short meeting

in the auditorium for the parents and

students of Leavelle McCampbell

and LBC middle schools’ rising ninth

graders. Guests will then move to the

gym for a Career Fair.

The Career Fair is open to allstudents and parents at MVHS, as

well as the rising ninth graders and

their parents. Information tables

will represent the sixteen federal

Career Clusters and will offer details

about many different occupations.

Community representatives from

various occupations will be manning

the tables to answer questions that

parents and students may have about

those careers.Parents and students are

encouraged to join the MVHS

guidance department on the evening

of March 1 as counselors help

students choose the best paths for 

their future.

Do You Need Money

For College?

There is more than $150 billionavailable in federal aid for studentswho qualify. What is federal student

aid?Federal student aid comes from

the federal government - specically,

the U.S. Department of Education.

It’s money that helps a student

pay for education expenses at apostsecondary school (e.g., college,

career school, graduate school).

Federal student aid covers such

expenses as tuition and fees, roomand board, books and supplies, andtransportation. Aid also can help pay

for a computer and for dependentcare.

There are three main categoriesof federal student aid: grants, work-


Checkwithyour schoolto nd


programs your school participatesin.

For additional information visitwww.studentaid.ed.gov or phone

1-800-4-FED-AID.Complete the Free Application for 

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) along

with college applications during

senior year of high school at www.


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