Microsoft Access Creating Queries Expression Exercise- Criteria and Calculated Fields.

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Transcript of Microsoft Access Creating Queries Expression Exercise- Criteria and Calculated Fields.

Microsoft Access

Creating Queries

Expression Exercise- Criteria and Calculated Fields

Using Northwind.accdb

Orders Table

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1. Create Expression

Locate all Ship Names that contain a “q” anywhere in the name field

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Like "*q*"

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2. Create Expression

Locate all Ship Postal Codes beginning with 050

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Like “050*”

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3. Create Expression

Locate all Freight charges over $100.00, sort results in Descending Order

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4. Create Expression

Locate all orders Shipped between 9/1/96 and 9/30/96

Sort Ascending by Shipped Date

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Between #9/1/96# and #9/30/96#

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5. Create Expression

Number of days before today an order shipped

Sort Descending

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Calculated field

DaysSinceShip: Date()-[ShippedDate]

Using Northwind.accdb

Order Details table

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Create Expression

Locate all orders where Quantity is an odd number

Hint: search help (Find tab) for functions that contain the word “remainder”

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[Quantity] mod 2 <> 0

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Create Calculated Field

Total discounted amount is greater than $1000.00

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Calculated Field

Discounted Amount: UnitPrice * Quantity * Discount

With criteria: > 1000

Using Northwind.mdb

Employees table

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Create Calculated Field

Determine employee seniority

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Calculated Field

Seniority: Date()-[hiredate] Or Years seniority: DateDiff("yyyy",


Microsoft Access

Form and Report Basics

Delivering the data as required-tabular, graphical…

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Used to maintain (add/delete/edit) the data in underlying tables

Finding data using Find dialog box Note available wildcard characters *, ?, [], !, -,#

Wizards-show typical layouts AutoFormat, to try different layouts quickly

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Wildcard Characters

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Forms and SubForms

Use to show data from related tables Tables have one to many relationship Example, View the many orders for one

customer Display lot of data in a small space

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Forms and SubForms

Main form can have any number of subforms if you place each subform on the main form.

Can nest up to ten levels of subforms. Could have a main form that displays customers, a subform that displays orders, and another subform that displays order details

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Form/SubForms Example

Open Northwind.accdb, Forms, ‘Customer Orders’

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Form/SubForms Example

Form contains Customers table fields: CompanyName Country

This form is linked to subForm ‘Customer Orders Subform1’

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Form/SubForms Example

Subform1 contains Orders table fields: OrderID RequiredDate

This subform is linked to subForm ‘Customer Orders Subform2’

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Form/SubForms Example

Subform2 contains OrderDetailsExtended query fields: ProductName UnitPrice Quantity Discount Extended Price (a calculated field)

Note-this query is based on the tables ‘Order Details’ and ‘Products’

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Form/Subform Relationships

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Typically destined for printed output Can be based on table(s) or query or SQL

statement Report Wizard can do most of the work For the finishing touches modify in Design


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Reports and Forms- Design View

Wizards can do most of the work, but to tailor forms/reports to what you want, you must understand how to modify them in Design View

Examine property settings-similar to Visual Basic forms and controls

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Report and Form Graphics

Graphics can improve appearance, but Possible performance penalty due to way

Access stores graphic images Be aware of “Image” object “SizeMode”

property settings of clip, stretch, zoom