MIcrocapsulas Textile Nelson

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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 242 (2002) 55–62

Application of microencapsulation in textiles

Gordon Nelson *Fluid Technologies Plc., Ashton House, No 1 The Parks, Logde Lane, Newton-Le-Willows, WA12 OJQ, UK

Received 25 December 2001; received in revised form 21 January 2002; accepted 6 February 2002


The textile roots of yeast microencapsulation technology was introduced as were the wide range of applications infood and other business sectors. In microencapsulation in general the number of commercial applications in the textileindustry continues to grow particularly in the textile industries of Western Europe, Japan and North America. Themove by the more developed countries into textiles with new properties and added value, into medical textile andtechnical textiles for example has encouraged the industry to use microencapsulation processes as a means ofimparting finishes and properties on textiles which were not possible or cost-effective using other technology. Textilemanufacturers are demonstrating increasing interest in the application of durable fragrances to textile as well as skinsofteners. Other potential applications include, insect repellents, dyes, vitamins, antimicrobials, phase changematerials and in specific medical applications, antibiotics, hormones and other drugs. Examples of each technologyare described. A short summary of a new microencapsulation technology with roots in the textile industry, yeastbased microencapsulation, is also described. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microencapsulation; Yeast; Textiles; Fragrance; Phase-change materials


1. Introduction

My work on microencapsulation in textiles be-gan over 12 years ago when I was asked toproduce a durable finish on a, cotton or woolentextile, which combated body odour in productssuch as shirts and socks. Research turned tomicroencapsulation and eventually to the develop-ment of a low cost-high volume microencapsula-

tion process based on waste yeast cells (see Fig.1), (Saccharomyces ceri�isiae) (Bishop et al., 1998;Pannell, 1990; Nelson et al., 1991). At that stagethe main objective was not met in textiles, how-ever, the technology has progressed well in otherbusiness sectors, primarily in food, but now alsoin agrochemicals, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.A company called Fluid Technologies Plc. was setup in September 2000 to bring the technology tomarket and has now developed a series of essen-tial oil flavour encapsulates for food applications,with many more in the pipeline.

Fluid’s yeast-based microencapsulation technol-ogy is a unique process utilising the finest quality

* Tel.: +44-1942-496-092; fax: +44-1925-664-201E-mail address: gordon@fluidtechnologiesplc.com (G. Nel-


0378-5173/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII: S0378 -5173 (02 )00141 -2

G. Nelson / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 242 (2002) 55–6256

yeast, chosen for its bland taste, light colour andis availability in large volumes. The patented pro-cess is a simple mixing process and because of thenatural properties of the yeast has many benefitsover existing, microencapsulation technology:� A natural ‘preformed’ capsule, made up of a

strong carbohydrate outer cell wall and a lipidbilayer membrane

� Process uses no additives, only water, yeast andactive

� High active loading, up to 70% w/w, 30–40%most common

� Flavour and other actives are released in con-tact with moist mucous membrane surfacessuch as the tongue and nose without brakingthe cells

� Release properties in many cases allows reduc-tion of flavour in product by as much as 75%without loss of flavour profile

� Due to the natural bioadhesive properties ofthe yeast, flavour release can also be describedas lingering or long-lasting

� The double carbohydrate wall/lipid membranecapsule protects volatile products from evapo-ration, and from damage from light and oxy-gen, therefore, providing a highly stableproduct with extended shelf-life

� The capsules are not thermoplastic and retainand protect most of the capsule contents fromheat, during processes such heat extrusion, andcooking processes such as baking, roasting,frying, boiling etc.

� Cost-effective against all known microencapsu-altion technologySo returning to the textile industry, in general,

overall, the textile industry has been slow to reactto the possibilities of microencapsulation, al-though by the beginning of the 1990s a few com-mercial applications were appearing with manymore at the research and development stage (Nel-son, 1991). As the industry moves into the 21stcentury the number of commercial applications ofmicroencapsulation in the textile industry contin-ues to grow, particularly in Western Europe,Japan and North America. The move by the moredeveloped countries into textiles with new proper-ties and added value, into medical textiles andtechnical textiles for example, has encouraged the

industry to use microencapsulation processes as ameans of imparting finishes and properties ontextiles that were not possible or cost-effectiveusing other technology.

In textiles the major interest in microencapsula-tion is currently in the application of durablefragrances and skin softeners. Other applicationsinclude insect repellants, dyes, vitamins, antimi-crobial agents, phase-change materials and medi-cal applications, such as antibiotics, hormonesand other drugs.

2. Phase-change materials

Microencapsulation technology was utilised inthe early 1980s by the US National Aeronauticsand Space Administration (NASA) with the aimof managing the thermal barrier properties ofgarments, in particular for use in space suits. Theyencapsulated phase-change materials (PCMs) (e.g.nonadecane) with the hope of reducing the impactof extreme variations in temperature encounteredby astronauts during their missions in space. Ulti-mately the technology was not taken up withinthe space programme. However, the potential wasrecognised and after further development thework was licensed by the inventor, the TriangleResearch and Development Co. to Outlast Tech-nologies, based in Boulder, Colorado. Outlast hasexploited the technology in textile fibres and fab-ric coatings (see Fig. 2), and PCM capsules arenow applied to all manner of materials (Zubkova,1995a,b; Colvin and Bryant, 1998), particularly

Fig. 1. Yeast microcapsules containing sage oil.

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Fig. 2. PCM microcapsules coated on the surface of fabric (a) and embedded within fibre (b).

outdoor wear (parkas, vests, thermals, snowsuitsand trousers) and in the house in blankets, duvets,mattresses and pillowcases. As well as being de-signed to combat cold, textiles containing PCMsalso helps to combat overheating, so overall theeffect can be described as thermoregulation. Themicrocapsules have walls less than 1 �m thick andare typically 20–40 �m in diameter, with a PCMloading of 80–85%. The small capsule size pro-vides a relatively large surface area for heat trans-fer. Thus the rate at which the PCM reacts to anexternal temperature changes is very rapid (Pause,2000).

Accordis, formerly Courtaulds Fibres, in Brad-ford, UK, developed the technology of in-fibreincorporation of the Outlast microcapsules, load-ing the fibre with 5–10% of microcapsules Cox,1998. The process utilises late injection technologythat was also used to produce the antimicrobialfibre Amicor. In this way the PCM is permanentlylocked within the fibre; there is no change neces-sary in subsequent fibre processing (spinning,knitting, dyeing, etc.) and the fibre exhibits itsnormal properties of drape, softness and strength.

3. Fragrance finishes

The addition of fragrances to textiles has beencarried out for many years in the form of fabricconditioners in the wash and during tumble-dry-ing; all are designed to impart a fresh aroma tothe textile. However, no matter the quality of the

technology used to impart the fragrance, the effectis relatively short-lived. Numerous attempts havebeen made at adding fragrances directly to fibreand fabrics but all fail to survive one or two washcycles. Only through microencapsulation are fra-grances able to remain on a garment during asignificant part of its lifetime. Microencapsulationof essential oil flavours has led to many noveltyapplications, particularly for children’s garments,but it has also allowed exposure at home and inthe work place to the beneficial effects of aro-matherapy. In future, fashion garments may carrythe smell of branded perfumes, particularly asmany perfume houses have entered the world ofhaute couture.

Since 1979 R T Dodge of Dayton, Ohio, hasbeen involved in the development and manufac-ture of microcapsules for a wide range of indus-tries. In recent years the company has gainedmuch experience in the provision of microcapsulesfor textiles. The majority of the work has been inmicroencapsulated ‘scratch and sniff’ T-shirts andin women’s hosiery. The nature of the microcap-sules have not been revealed but it is claimed thatthe shirts survive washing (typically 8–20 cycles),depending on the active agent encapsulated, andthe hosiery up to ten washes. The capsules alsosurvive drying in conventional tumble-dryers.Well-established techniques such as in situ andinterfacial polymerisation are used to manufac-ture the capsules.

Celessence International of Hatch End, Middle-sex, has been investigating and manufacturing

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microencapsulated fragrant-smelling compoundsfor a number of years. In the early days theapplications included drawer liners, paper hand-kerchiefs, gift wrapping, stationary, greetingcards, advertising brochures, books, cartons andlabels. The company has now turned its attentionto textiles, using its basic technology of encapsu-lating fragrances in gelatin or synthetic capsules,which protects the contents from evaporation,oxidisation and contamination. The capsulesrange in size from 1 to 20 �m. In practice, thesmaller the capsules the greater the covering ofthe product and the longer the fragrance will last,as it takes longer for the capsules to be rupturedby physical pressure. Larger capsules release morefragrance when ruptured. Traditionally the‘scratch and sniff’ application of microcapsulesused screen-printing but now litho and web print-ing techniques have been adopted, initially inpaper products such as bus tickets for promo-tional activities and now in textiles. In late 1999Celessence formed an alliance with BrookstoneChemicals (part of the Croda InternationalGroup), a textile auxiliary and dyestuff supplier.The technology allows a textile manufacturer toadd a fragrance, vitamin, moisturiser or even aninsect repellent to all types of textile substrates,including hosiery (Yamada and Yamada, 1999).Depending on application weights and the washcycle used, up to 30 washes can be achievedwithout complete loss of fragrance. CelessenceTXT capsule systems comprise aqueous disper-sions of encapsulates, which can be applied bypad, exhaustion or hydroextraction techniques toa wide variety of textile substrates. Durability towashing and handle (or feel) may be further im-proved by incorporating suitable formaldehyde-free binders and softeners. All applied productsare blended from natural and synthetic materialsthat conform to legislative guidelines for cosmeticproducts, and as such pose no health hazards(Yamada and Yamada, 2000). For screen-printedapplication the encapsulates are simply mixedwith water-based, solvent-free inks or binders.The capsule printing must be the last pass under ascreen to avoid damage to the walls by furtherscreens. Once printed, the fabric is then cured aswith standard textile inks to achieve a good bondto the fibres.

Kanebo Gohsen of Osaka, Japan, has contin-ued its interest in microencapsulated fragrancesderived from its perfumery division. The productscontinue to sell well in Japan, particularly inhosiery, scarves, handkerchiefs and other prod-ucts. The Matsui Shikiso Chemical Co of Kyotohas also developed a way of fixing aroma com-pounds to fabric using microcapsules. The fabricis first treated with a nitrogenous cationic com-pound and the microcapsule wall is manufacturedto adhere to this layer. The capsules can range insize from 0.1 to 100 �m and are made usinginterfacial or in situ polymerisation techniques.Typical compounds encapsulated include per-fumes such as musk, civet, ambergris, pine andcitrus oils.

LJ Specialities, part of the Itochu Group hasalso introduced microencapsulated fragranceproducts for the textile industry. Working withsome of the larger textile manufacturers in theUK and elsewhere they have produced fresh-smelling sheets, towels and garments with a widerange of perfumes such as eau de Cologne andfruity smells such as apple and orange (Yamadaand Yamada, 2000). More unusually fragrancessuch as cola and pizza have also been encapsu-lated and applied to textiles. The contents of thecapsules are released with light abrasion as wouldtake place during day-to-day wear. The capsulessurvive repeated washing and can be applied tofibres such as cotton as a dispersion with a binder,using padding, exhaust or screen-printing tech-niques. Usually a softener is also required, asunsoftened fabric containing microcapsules cansometimes appear to be stiffened. The capsulesare colourless and can be applied over colouredfabric or printed patterns without any adversevisible effects.

In Korea the Eldorado International Co ofSeoul and a number of other companies offer newfabrics that emit the natural aroma of flowers,fruit, herbs and perfumes. Emulsified microcap-sules containing a natural aroma or essential oilare attached to the fabric after dyeing. The cap-sules break on movement of the wearer, releasingthe aroma. In general the capsules continue toemit aroma for up to 25 wash cycles and on theshelf the finish will remain ready for action for

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between 3 and 5 years. So far the company hasapplied the technology to curtains, sofas, cushionsand sheets, as well as some toys. Like many ofthese products, the manufacturers claim aro-matherapy effects such as ability to help withinsomnia. The most frequently applied aromasinclude peppermint, lemon, jasmine, pine and or-ange. Silk ties have also been produced that re-lease fragrant oils during normal wear, and ifrubbed they produce a large burst of fragrance.The fragrant effect can last for a year and a half.Gloves and socks are also available that havefragrance-release properties and some antibacte-rial effects, which the manufacturers claim to lastfor up to 25 wash cycles.

Also in Korea, workers at Pusan National Uni-versity were able to prepare microcapsules usingmelamine-formaldehyde systems containing fra-grant oil (Hong and Park, 1999). When attachedto cotton these capsules were able to survive over15 wash cycles. Scanning electron microscopy indi-cated that the smaller of the capsules in the rangesurvived more effectively after laundering. Thisphenomenon may simply be due to the relativethickness of a capsule within an adhesive filmbinding the capsules to the textile substrate.

Euracli, a company based in Chasse-sur-Rhonein France, has produced microcapsules containingperfumes or cosmetic moisturisers that can bepadded, coated or sprayed onto a textile and heldin place using an acrylic or polyurethane binder.Many fibre types have been produced containingmicrocapsules with many successful products in-cluding the Hermes scarf with Caleche perfume,Neyret lingerie, small silk squares by Lancomeperfumed with Poeme to celebrate the ChineseNew Year, perfumed dresses for the OlivierLapidus summer show (July 1998), Playtex brasand Dim moisturising and energising tights, on themarket since December 1998.

Paper-like products have been produced con-taining microencapsulated essential oils such aslavender, sage and rosemary for odour controlapplications in shoe liners and insoles by Aero ofCelje, Slovenia (Boh et al., 1999). Paper and othernonwoven products, no matter the method ofmanufacture, lend themselves very well to entrap-ment of microecapsules, producing long-lastingeffects.

In Germany Hako–Werke Gmbh has produceda microencapsulated, fragrance-coated floor cloth(Hako-Werle Gmbh, 1997). A fresh fragrance isreleased during normal use reducing the require-ment for aerosol fragrance application.

4. Polychromic and thermochromic microcapsules

Colour-changing technology has been aroundfor a number of years, generally applied to noveltyapplication such as stress testers, forehead ther-mometers and battery testers. New applicationsare now beginning to be seen in textiles, such asproduct labelling, and medical and security appli-cations. In addition there is continued interest innovelty textiles for purposes such as swimwear andT-shirts.

There are two major types of colour-changingsystems: thermochromatic which alter colour inresponse to temperature, and photochromaticwhich alter colour in response to UV light. Bothforms of colour-change material are produced inan encapsulated form as microencapsulation helpsto protect these sensitive chemicals from the exter-nal environment. Today manufacturers are able tomake dyes that change colour at specific tempera-tures for a given application, e.g. colour changescan be initiated from the heat generated in re-sponse to human contact.

Physiochemical and chemical processes such ascoacervation and interfacial polymerisation havebeen used to microencapsulate photochromic andthermo-chromic systems. However, to obtain sat-isfactory shelf-life and durability on textiles, inter-facial polymerisation techniques are nearly alwaysadopted; these are the same techniques used toproduce textile fibres and films such as polyester,nylon and polyurethane. The most widely usedsystem for microencapsulation of thermochromicand photochromic inks involves urea or melamine-formaldehyde systems (Aitken et al., 1996). Someefforts are being made to improve the shelf-life ofthermochromatic dyes and companies such asChromatic Technologies Ltd have recently demon-strated methods that substantially improve per-formance by careful choice of microcapsulesand dispersing solvents (Small and Highberger,

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1999). Microencapsulated thermochromatic dyesgenerally survive up to 20 laundering cycles, al-though excessive drying at elevated temperaturesor use of bleach can reduce the longevity of thefinish.

5. Fire retardants

Fire retardants have been applied to manytextile products, but in certain cases they canaffect the overall handle, reducing softness andadversely affecting drape. Microencapsulationhas been used to overcome these problems forexample in fabrics used in military applicationssuch as tentage (Kover et al., 1997). Others haveincorporated the microencapsulated fire retar-dants during spinning of a polyester fibre forblending with cotton (Zubkova, 1997).

6. Counterfeiting

In high added value textiles, and in brandedand designer goods there is great pressure toprotect from illegal copying within the market-place. Microencapsulation can be used to helpwith this problem by offering a covert yet dis-tinctive marking system. One example of thistechnology is that developed by Gundjian andKuruvilla, 1999 of Nocopi Technologies. Thissystem for combating textile counterfeitingutilises microcapsules containing a colour formeror an activator applied to, for example, a threador a label. The microcapsules adhere to the tex-tile and, depending on the type of chemicalwithin the capsules can be detected at a laterdate to check authenticity. Detection may beachieved directly using UV light or more likelyby using a solvent to break open the capsules,releasing the contents and allowing a colour todevelop.

7. Liposomes

In recent years liposomes have been examinedas a way of delivering dyes to textiles in a cost-

effective and environmentally sensitive way(Rocha Gomes et al., 1997; de la Maza et al.,1998; Coderch et al., 1999a,b). The liposomesused (for example, commercially available PCliposomes from Transtechnics SL) were cost-ef-fective, and no specific equipment or skills wererequired to handle them within the dyehouse.The results were excellent with pure wool andwool blends, and as the temperature of dyeingcould be reduced there was less fibre damage. Intheir studies dyebath exhaustion was shown togreater than 90% at the low temperature (80 °C)used resultling in significant saving in energycosts. The impact of the dyeing process on theenvironment was also much reduced with chemi-cal oxygen demand (COD) being reduced byabout 1000 units.

8. Miscellaneous applications

Working on a range of fabrics, a team ofworkers in France has encapsulated glycerolstearate and silk protein moisturisers for applica-tion on bandages and support hosiery (Dim,1999). The material maintains comfort and skinquality through extensive medical treatmentwhere textiles are in direct contact with the skin.

The Mitsubishi Paper Mills has produced apolypropylene nonwoven material for applica-tion as a cleaning/wiping cloth containing mi-croencapsulated octane, tung oil and paraffin oilas cleaning solvents (Yokato, 1998). The clothsfeel good in the hand and have very good clean-ing properties.

The application of insecticides and acaricidesto textiles to combat dust mites and insects sucha mosquitoes has been investigated by manyworkers. Microencapsulation has been consid-ered as a mechanism of retaining the effect forsignificant periods without exposing the user toexcessive dosages of hazardous chemicals. Theuse of alternative insecticidal compounds such asthose found in many essential oils and otherplant extracts has made the production of long-lasting acaricide bed sheets possible (Yamadaand Yamada, 1997).

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9. Microencapsulation: the future

The ‘holy grail’ for most textile applicationsusing microcapsules would be a system that iseasy to apply, does not effect the existing textileproperties and has a shelf-life on a garment thatallows normal fabric-care processes to take place.Currently, although capsules can survive 25–30wash cycles, conventional ironing and other heat-input processes such as tumble-drying can cause adramatic reduction in the desired effect. The mi-croencapsulation industry must take more noticeof the possibilities within the textile industry andspecifically design microcapsules that overcomethese problems. For the future, the consumer’sdesire for novel and unique effects will always bepresent. But more importantly, in an ever-increas-ing desire for convenience, the consumer will re-quire that fabric properties are inherent in thegarment, e.g. fresh odour and softness. Con-sumers will expect these properties to last thelifetime of the garment, and not involve routineintervention in the form of the never-ending addi-tion of washing aids and fabric conditioners. Mi-croencapsulation may deliver these long-termgoals.

The desire for a healthier and more productivelifestyle will continue to generate a market fortextiles that promote ‘well-being’. Textiles that‘interact’ with the consumer, reducing stress, pro-moting comfort and relaxation, are possiblethrough active delivery from microcapsules. In thelast decade the textile industries of Western Eu-rope, Japan and the US have concentrated ondeveloping performance fabrics with added valuefor sports and outdoor application, as well asnovel medical textiles. Microencapsulation canplay a part in this continued development, forexample by allowing sensing chemicals to be at-tached to sports clothing and medical products;these will be able to warn of damage or hazard tothe wearer. Systems can also be developed thatdeliver measured dosages of chemicals to combatmuscle pain or other more serious injuries. Thepotential applications of microencapsulation intextiles are as wide as the imagination of textiledesigners and manufacturers. Early success forsome companies in producing microencapsulated

finishes for textiles have come about from collab-oration and adaptation of technology from otherindustrial sectors. The textile industry must con-tinue to be outward looking and develop thetextiles that consumers desire.


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