Micro organisms

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Micro organisms


By Aditi Atmasidha

Things to do

What are Micro-organisms ?

Classification of Micro-organisms.

Information about each kingdom of Micro-organisms.

What are Micro-organisms?

The organisms which have a body made from only one cell.

Can not be seen through naked eye.

Can only be seen through microscope – compound or electronic .

Classification of Micro-organisms

Fungi Kingdom

Monera Kingdom

Protoctista Kingdom

The Fungi Kingdom

The Fungi Kingdom

This Kingdom includes moulds, yeast and mushrooms.

Organisms of this Kingdom reproduce by asexual reproduction.

Moulds reproduce by spore formation.

Yeast reproduce by budding.

Mushrooms reproduce same way as mould.

The Fungi Kingdom

Organisms of this Kingdom have heterotrophic nutrition.

Some are saprophytic and others are parasitic.

Structure of Fungi


The drawing at the left shows a close-up of the asexually reproducing Bread Mold Fungus shown above. Spores from sporangia are released, often to be carried away by the wind. If they land in a moist place they may germinate to form branching, white, fuzzy stuff called hyphae. All of a fungus's hyphae considered together are known as its mycelium. Special strands of hyphae connecting fungal bodies can be called stolons. Branching rhizoids behave as roots, anchoring the fungus into its substrate, releasing digestive enzymes, and absorbing nutrients for the fungus. After the fungus's hyphae grow awhile, when conditions are right, new sporangiophores appear in them, new spores form and are released, the spores germinate, and the whole life cycle repeats, all without sexual

More clear look at bread mould

Useful and Harmful Fungi

Useful Fungi

Antibiotics which are used for treating diseases like diphtheria, TB are prepared from fungi like penicillin.

Harmful Fungi

Cause diseases like athlete's foot, food poisoning.

Reproduction in Yeast

Diagram of Yeast reproduction

Yeast reproduces by asexual reproduction called budding.

Under favourable conditions like temperature, moisture, a small outgrowth called bud developes on yeast. The nucleus divides into two. A part of nucleus enters into the bud. When the growth is complete the bud separates from the parent body.

Commercial application of Yeast

Yeast is used in the production of fermented food like : Bread, Wine, Beer, Vinegar and many more things.

The Monera Kingdom

The Monera Kingdom

Unicellular organisms.

Microscopic bodies.

Nucleus is absent.


Found everywhere- air, water, on the surfaces of plants, animals, rocks and inside living things.

They have four different shapes-spherical, spiral, rod-like and comma shaped.

Reproduction in Bacteria

Mainly by Binary fission in favourable conditions. By spore formation in unfavourable conditions.

Nuclear Fission in Bacteria

Under favourable conditions of warmth, moisture and food, each bacterium divides into two. First nucleus divides followed by division of cytoplasm.

Spore formation


Useful bacteria

Yoghurt is formed or made from milk by bacteria.

Vinegar [acetic acid] is made from ethanol

Harmful Bacteria

Causes diseases in humans like: diphtheria, whooping cough, cholera, typhoid, TB, food poisoning.

Blue-Green Algae

Live in seas, oceans and lakes.

Also grow on wet rocks at the sides of streams and rivers.

At the tops of rocky sea-shores and widely in soil.

When occur in huge numbers, can be seen through naked eye.

Autotrophic in nutrition.

The Protoctista Kingdom

The Protoctista Kingdom

Microscopic bodies.


Live in aquatic places and damp places such as soil.

Classified in two types

Movement in Protoctista Kingdom




Diseases caused by Protoctista


Sleeping sickness

Amoebic dysentery


Virus- Destroying a Cell

Diseases caused by Virus

common cold


Chicken pox

Mescals and rabies

Development of AIDS