Methods in Business Research

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Need for Touch Research Report

Transcript of Methods in Business Research

Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleInstitute of Business Management IoBM!Methods in Business ResearchIndividual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleSu"mitted to:Professor S#ed Mohammad FahimSu"mitted "#: Salman $hali% &'(&'Farhan $han &)&*+Ru"a" Tha,erani &-*'*Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleTable of ContentsAbstract...................................................................................................................... 3INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 4Literature Review.................................................................................................... 4Analysis & Discussion................................................................................................. 5Liitations............................................................................................................... !Re"erences.................................................................................................................. #Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleAbstractThis study is conducted to measure individual differences in preference for haptic information. The study mainly focuses on 12-item NFT scale consists of autotelic and instrumental dimensions. These factors, mainly based on the questions asking about the touch desire of peoplehile shopping or brosing the internet for online shopping. The study is very important because it gives the actual idea that hy people in !akistan are still avoiding to shop through the internet. " descriptive research study design as applied to see that ho the need for touch impacts on the decision to buy the product The sample si#e as collected from $%& respondents to apply the study on the population, hich could be the source of collecting the primary data and also to get some key information that as needed for this study. 'imple random samples ere collected for the purpose of checking and analy#ing the impact of customer(s attitude toards the need for touch before buying the product and ho much the consumer could trust forthequality of product ithout actually touching the product. The results of the study indicated that the there are many other factors that play a key role in purchasing the product.Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleINTRODUCTION)onsumers( behavior and decision-making process identify that consumers decide to buy products based on different criteria, such as brand name, quality, cost, relevant attributes, etc.*nebase of assessment is touching the products. Touching is a means of obtaining information since the tactile sense helps consumer decision-making by providing sensory forms of pertinent data. For instance, consumers( confidence in a product may differ depending on hether a shopper hasthe chance to touch and study it. +n summation, a consumer(s attitude toards a product ould be more positive if he,she receives the chance to touch it and e-perience pleasurable sensory feedback before purchase for e-ample by rubbing a soft leather coat .!eck, 2//%0. The touch process can influence the purchase decision by providing the consumers ith better certainty about and familiarity ith the product.Literature ReviewFor centuries, people have recogni#ed the importance of sense of touch. "ristotle believed that the touch mediates every type of touch perception even vision. "s a first step in e-ploring haptic information processing, 1ohn !eck and Terry 2. )hilder conducted a research in 2//% namely +ndividual 3ifferences +n 4aptic +nformation !rocessing5 The Need For Touch 'cale for the development of Need for Touch .NFT0 scale to measure individual differences.This study involved to factors, namely the instrumental factor factor and the autotelic factor. "utotelic NFT as associated ith seeking sensory stimulation, fun, and en6oyment, and is intrinsically motivated. Touching ob6ects ere hedonically oriented and therefore mostly unintended, spontaneous, and automatic .!eck 7 )hilders, 2//%a, 2//%b0. For instrumental NFT, the processing as more controlled and conscious. The hypothesis ere tested by conducting seven studies. +nitially, !eck and )hilders defined NFT 8as a preference for the e-traction and utili#ation of information obtained through the haptic system90. +t meant that using the haptic Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch Scalesystem consumers could get product information and use it for making 6udgments. The NFT construct as based on motivational versus ability differences among individuals. +t suggests tofactors that underline the construct. +n the year 2//:, another research as conducted, namely 4aptic +nformation !rocessing5 "ssessing the Need for Touch 'cale by ;alter "fonso ;ieira, )laudio ;a# Torres and the e-periential motivation for shopping plays a more important role of impulsive motivation.+n the year 2/1/, another research as conducted by the ?andy Nussbaum, "ndreas ;oss, @arl )hristoph @lauer, and Tilmann Aetsch in the =ermany, namely "ssessing +ndividual 3ifferences in the Bse of 4aptic +nformation Bsing a =erman Translation of the Need for Touch 'cale. There ere to studies conducted. 'tudy one tested the =erman version of !eck and )hilders( .2//%b0 NFT scale. The 1$-item NFT scale can be divided into to highly reliable factors, that is, autotelic and instrumental NFT. &'(3 &'(9 &'(10 &'(11 &'(12 ? 9d Area A0e ", "I C,@,(A(I,(IC,)= 2>)= >1)5D 39 20)3 20)3 91)3,D 3= 3)2 3)2 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table DI feel more confident making a purchase after touching a product'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A =5 12)3 12)3 12)3A 193 22)1 22)1 53)9& 23 11)0 11)0 =9)9D 3= 19)= 19)= 39)5,D 2= 10)5 10)5 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0I feel more comfortable purchasing a product after physically examining it.'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A >9 13)0 13)0 13)0A 19> 25)0 25)0 =3)0& 52 11)9 11)9 >2)9D 29 11)2 11)2 3=)1,D =1 13)9 13)9 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleTable :The only way to make sure a product is worth buying is to actually touch it'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A 32 >)3 >)3 >)3A 12> 33)= 33)= 21)3& 12= 23)3 23)3 >0)1D 95 21)> 21)> 91)3,D 3= 3)2 3)2 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table &There are many products that I would only buy if I could handle them before purchase.'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A 52 11)9 11)9 11)9A 13= 22)5 22)5 52)3& 93 21)2 21)2 >5)=D >1 1=)2 1=)2 91)3,D 35 3)0 3)0 99)3> 1 )2 )2 100)0F(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table Calking through stores, I cant help touching all kinds of products'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A 23 =)2 =)2 =)2A 9= 21)9 21)9 23)3& 111 25)3 25)3 53)>D 12= 33)3 33)3 3>)0,D 5> 13)0 13)0 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleTable 1/Touching products can be fun.'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A 32 >)3 >)3 >)3A 115 2=)3 2=)3 33)=& 11> 2=)> 2=)> =0)3D 113 2=)9 2=)9 3>)2,D 5= 12)3 12)3 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 11hen walking in stores, it is important for me to handle all kinds of products.'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A 23 9)3 9)3 9)3A 11> 2=)> 2=)> 3=)5& 129 32)0 32)0 >0)5D 10= 22)2 22)2 92)>,D 23 5)3 5)3 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 12I like to touch products even if I have no intention of buying them.'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A 3> 3)2 3)2 3)2A 110 25)1 25)1 33)=& 32 19)2 19)2 52)>D 132 30)1 30)1 32)9,D >5 1>)1 1>)1 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleTable 1%hen walking in stores, I like to touch lots of products.'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A 33 3)> 3)> 3)>A 35 19)2 19)2 23)1& 102 23)3 23)3 51)2D 1=2 3>)0 3>)0 33)2,D 51 11)= 11)= 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 1$I find myself touching all kinds of products in stores.'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d,A 23 9)3 9)3 9)3A 5= 12)3 12)3 22)=& 93 21)2 21)2 23)3D 150 32)2 32)2 >3)1,D 9= 21)9 21)9 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 1F!ender'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d" 255 53)2 53)2 53)2' 133 21)3 21)3 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 1D"ducation'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d " 25 5)> 5)> 5)>Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleCA 95 21)> 21)> 2>)2? 219 50)0 50)0 >>)2P? 99 22)= 22)= 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 1:#rea of $esidence'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$dD 135 30)3 30)3 30)3?G >0 1=)0 1=)0 2=)3?I 22 5)0 5)0 51)3P 30 =)3 =)3 53)>& 59 13)5 13)5 >2)1' 32 >)3 >)3 >9)9> 35 3)0 3)0 3>)93 53 12)1 12)1 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 1ge'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$dU2 1>3 20)= 20)= 20)=3 19= 22)> 22)> 35)22 20 9)1 9)1 92)55 13 2)1 2)1 93)=O= 2 )9 )9 99)5> 2 )5 )5 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 1C%arital Status'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d " 99 22)= 22)= 22)=Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleU 339 >>)2 >>)2 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 2/%onthly Income'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$dA10 139 23)2 23)2 23)2A25 93 22)2 22)2 =5)5A50 =2 12)= 12)= 30)1"30 29 =)= =)= 3=)3"100 2= 5)9 5)9 92)>"150 32 >)3 >)3 100)0(ota% 233 100)0 100)0Table 21&urrent Status'reEuen+7 Per+ent 4a%$d Per+ent Cumu%at$*e Per+ent4a%$d' 191 23)= 23)= 23)=P 132 21)= 21)= 35)2PRO =5 12)3 12)3 100)0F(ota% 233 100)0 100)0'istogramFigure 1Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleFigure 2Figure %Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleFigure $Figure FRunning Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleFigure DRunning Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleFigure :Figure &Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleFigure CFigure 1/Figure 11Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleFigure 12Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleFigure 1%Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleThegraphillustrates that males arepronetoards hapticinformationprocessingascompare to females. +n general,they feel the need to touch the items before purchasing> thismight give him satisfaction and help in purchase decision.Figure 1$The graph and results illustrates that education has a significant relationship ithindividual differencesinhapticinformationprocessing."mongthesamplepopulation, thoseho ere graduates feel the need to touch before taking purchase decision. The reason behind itcouldbetheyhavebetter decisionmakingskills andhighmental capabilities to6udgeascompare to *-level and ?atriculate students. Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch ScaleFigure 1FThe results interpret that people ho reside in 34" are more prone toards haptic information processing. 1A50 )1>> )1== )393 -)30 )=5"30 )253 )223 )352 -)20 1)11"100 -)223 )239 )933 -)91 )2="150 )0=3 )219 1)000 -)5= )=9A25A10 -)293 )123 )293 -)>1 )11A50 -)121 )132 )93= -)=5 )21"30 )152 )222 )933 -)52 )35"100 -)52= )253 )299 -1)25 )20"150 -)230 )233 )922 -)90 )22A50A10 -)1>> )1== )393 -)=5 )30A25 )121 )132 )93= -)21 )=5"30 )2>5 )25= )391 -)2= 1)01"100 -)205 )2== )=51 -1)1> )3="150 -)109 )223 )993 -)32 )=0"30A10 -)253 )223 )352 -1)11 )20A25 -)152 )222 )933 -)35 )52A50 -)2>5 )25= )391 -1)01 )2="100 -)=30 )309 )220 -1)5> )20"150 -)335 )292 )>>9 -1)22 )2="100A10 )223 )239 )933 -)2= )91A25 )52= )253 )299 -)20 1)25A50 )205 )2== )=51 -)3= 1)1>"30 )=30 )309 )220 -)20 1)5>"150 )29= )302 )925 -)5> 1)1="150A10 -)0=3 )219 1)000 -)=9 )5=A25 )230 )233 )922 -)22 )90A50 )109 )223 )993 -)=0 )32"30 )335 )292 )>>9 -)2= 1)22"100 -)29= )302 )925 -1)1= )5>Running Head: Individual Differences In Haptic Information Processing: The Need For Touch Scale'omogeneous SubsetsTable 2:hen walking in stores, I like to touch lots ofproducts.(u!e7 5,DF"onth%7 In+ome & ,u6set for a%pha