Methodology LESSON

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AICAT methodology- ISRAEL

Transcript of Methodology LESSON

Diploma program 2012-2013

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Diploma program 2012-2013Gidon Winters, Ph.D.Moshav Idan Mobile: 054-4781700E-mail:

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

1994-1998B.Sc. (Biology), Haifa University, Haifa, Israel.Teachers certificate (sciences, high school), Haifa University, Haifa, Israel.06-08/2000 Conservation Biology and Policy, Duke Marine Lab, Duke University.1998-2000M.Sc. (Ecology and Environmental quality), Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. The use of pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry in coral photosynthesis research studying photosynthesis in corals and its use in detecting early stages of stress.2002-2008Ph.D. (Plant Sciences), Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Non intrusive techniques for monitoring the physiology of coralsIntroduction Gidon Winters:

Moshav IdanEducation:

Yair experimental stations

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Introduction Course goals, structure and project:1) Goals of the course Understand fundamentals of experimental designs + statistical proceduresConduct field-level Agricultural ExperimentationWrite a scientific paper / report3

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Introduction Course goals, structure and project:2) Structure of the course 4 lessons sessions (scientific methodology, experimental designs, collecting data, statistical procedures, presenting results, scientific writing) Reports there are several reports that you will have to fill during the yearResearch notebooks Conducting the research with team and supervisor. Project presentation + ReportMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Introduction Course goals, structure and project:3) Course project

During the year you will conduct an independent research project in the field.The research project: Apply scientific methodology to answer an agricultural problem/questionWorking with: The Israeli farmerThe team (2 students)AICAT Supervisor GidonHave any of you already thought of a project ? Met with project supervisor ?Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Do you earn a living as a farmer ? When planting season approaches, how do you decide :What seeds to plant ?Where to plant them ?How much to plant of each variant ? Decisions will determine your productivity

Scientific methodology Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

To solve these problems, you usually follow a series of steps that will lead you to the solutionThe scientific method is a process that you can use to solve problems and determine answers to questions in a logical formatWhat is Scientific methodology ?Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology an example

Nothing happensCant read because flashlight doesnt workWhat happened the last time that Flashlight didnt work ?

Dead batteriesFlashlight doesnt work now because batteries are dead again.Put new batteries

Identify a problem / make an observationMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Research the problemFormulate a hypothesisConduct an experimentReach a conclusionScientific methodology - stepsFlashlight doesnt workThought back to the last time that the flashlight didnt workHypothesis (educated guess) = we need new batteries this time as wellExperiment = replace the batteries and turn on flashlightFlashlight worked, so conclusion = indeed, we needed new batteries.Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - Identify a problemIdentify a problem / state a problem / make an observation:Identify a problem that you are attempting to solve / purpose of the projectMy neighbours beans are really green and mine are brown with spots on themThe peppers growing in the edges of greenhouse 1 seem smaller than the rest of the peppers in the green houseFocus the question, make your problem specificIn what conditions should I grow my plants in my farmVery general, impossible to know how to begin working on a projectMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Identify a problem / state a problem / make an observation:Scientific methodology - Identify a problem

Do bean plants grow better in sunlight, indirect sunlight or shade ?More specific, narrowed it down to one type of plant, and one factor of growth affecting them ?Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Make sure the problem can be solved through controlled experimentation

Narrowed the problem down to only one type of plant beans and only one factor affecting its growth - lightControlled experiment = testing a variable against a controlIdentify a problem / state a problem / make an observation:Scientific methodology - Identify a problemResearch the problem:Do this before your formulate your hypothesisMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - Research the problemIdentify a problem: Do bean plants grow better in sunlight, indirect sunlight or shade ?What types of beans are grown in your area ?How are beans in your area usually grown ? What type and amount of irrigation are they given ?Books, internet, supervisor and farmerResearch the problemMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - HypothesisIdentify a problem: Do bean plants grow better in sunlight, indirect sunlight or shade ?A suggested solution to the problemMust be testableSometimes written as IfThen statementsPredicts an outcome (what you think will happen based on your knowledge)Doesnt include WHY you think you will get certain results Should be in a statement form not a question Formulate a HypothesisMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - Hypothesis

Beans plants will grow better in direct sunlight than in indirect sunlight or shadeBeans plants will grow faster in direct sunlight than in indirect sunlight or shadeWhat happens if the results of the experiment prove the hypothesis wrong ?Nothing. Hypothesis is not the answer to the problem just a statement about your guess what we think will happenTesting your hypothesis:Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisResearch the problemIdentify a problem: Do bean plants grow better in sunlight, indirect sunlight or shade ?Formulate a HypothesisConducting an experiment = procedure to test the hypothesisAn experimenter changes one factor and observes or measures what happens...when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be. Lecture on "Electrical Units of Measurement" (3 May 1883), popular Lectures Vol. I, p. 73

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisConducting an experiment = procedure to test the hypothesisWilliam Thomson (18241907), 1st Baron Kelvin, often referred to simply as Lord Kelvin, was a Scottish physicist.

In my neighbor's greenhouses, the tomato plants give much more tomatoes per each plantIdentify a problem / make an observationResearch the problemFormulate a hypothesisConduct an experimentReach a conclusionI want to increase the amount of tomatoes from each plantWill the use of fertilizers help me get more tomatoes ? Are their any side affects of using more fertilizers ? (diseases, promotes vegataitive growth)Using a fertilizer will end in a bigger tomato plantplan the research according to the assumption: 2 groups of tomato plants. 1 with fertilizer and 1 without fertilizer.All other conditions (light, water) are the same.Measuring the plants periodically (every week)Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesis

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisThe experiment will be designed around the hypothesisThe experiment will either prove your hypothesis or disprove itImportant not to engineer the experiment so will prove your hypothesis(e.g. Add fertilizer to the beans growing under the sunlight, take out weeds in favourite treatment...)Get the results- observations and measuring notebook the opposite of forget is to write!) Testing your hypothesis = Conducting an experiment Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisMake sure you have all the materials you will need to conduct the experiment properly dont begin the experiment before you have everythingPreparations:

like baking cake...

Variables used in an experiment can be divided into two types:Dependent variable = The factor that is measured or observed, the response variable.Independent variable" = The factor that is changed, the manipulated variable that are tested to see if they are the cause.Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisWhat do we measure ?

Variable factor in the experiment that is being tested

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisExamples: 1) Effects of vitamin C on life span Does taking vitamin C pills daily make you live longer ?Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisExamples: 1) Effects of vitamin C on life span Will taking vitamin C pills daily make you live longer ?Researchers dictate the vitamin C intake of a group of people over time. One part of the group will be given vitamin C pills daily. The other part of the group will be given a placebo pill = CONTROL GROUP. Nobody in the group knows which part they are in. The researchers will check the life span of the people in both groups. The dependent variable = the life span (the response variable, measured variable)The independent variable = the vitamin C (the manipulated variable).

What is the Purpose of a Control?Controls are NOT being testedControls are used for COMPARISONMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesis

Valid ExperimentsTwo groups are required --- the control & experimental groupsThere should be only one variableFor example, suppose you want to figure out the fastest route to walk home from school. You will try several different routes and time how long it takes you to get home by each one. Since you are only interested in finding a route that is fastest for you, you will do the walking yourself.Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Examples of controls & variablesScientific methodology - testing your hypothesis

What are the Variables in your experiment?Varying the route is the independent variable The time it takes is the dependent variable Keeping the same walker throughout makes the walker a control variable. It is best to make several trials with each independent variableMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Examples of controls & variablesScientific methodology - testing your hypothesis.DataResults of the experimentMay be quantitative (numbers) or qualitativeMust be organizedCan be organized into charts, tables, or graphs

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesis27ConclusionsThe answer to the hypothesis based on the data obtained from the experiment

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesis28RetestIn order to verify the results, experiments must be retested.

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesis29

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisExamples: 2) Effect of fertilizer on plant growth (height)Study measuring the influence of different quantities of fertilizer on plant growthMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisExamples: 2) Effect of fertilizer on plant growth Measuring the influence of different quantities of fertilizer on plant growth:The independent variable = amount of fertilizer used. The dependent variables = the growth in height and/or mass of the plant. The controlled variables would be the type of plant, the type of fertilizer, the amount of sunlight the plant gets, the size of the pots, etc all the same for all treatments

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisExamples: 3) Effect of drug dosage on symptom severity Study of how different doses of a drug affect the severity of symptoms

A researcher compares the frequency and intensity of symptoms when different doses are administered. The independent variable = the doseThe dependent variable = the frequency/intensity of symptoms.

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology - testing your hypothesisExamples: 3) Effect of drug dosage on symptom severity Study of how different doses of a drug affect the severity of symptoms

Phase 1: Identification of the problem (focusing on the main issue)Phase 2: Phrase the survey, research question (be specific!)Phase 3: Assume a legitimate assumption (prediction)Phase 4: Plan the research according to the assumptionPhase 5: Get the resultsPhase 6: Find the correct conclusion (rule)Phase 7: Think about a future research in order to reconfirm your conclusion Suggestions for further study and research Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Scientific methodology Advantages:Ensures you work objectively (do not use emotions, subjective feelings do cigarettes kill ?) Ensures you stick to the facts (did the patient improve their weight or not...)Ensures someone else can repeat the experiment

Date:Name of students:1. 2.Place of work:Name of farmerName of Supervisor:Projects name:Key words:______________________________________________________________________________________________Assumption:The way to test the assumption (building the experiment):_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Control:Repetitions:Expected results and reasoning:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Starting building the projectMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Date:Name of students:1. 2.Place of work:Name of farmerName of Supervisor:Projects name:Activities for the weekResults and comments:Problems/Questions:Ideas for improving the work:Bi weekly ReportMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Observation: Men are usually heavier than women. But, What about their Body Mass Index (BMI)?Background research - Weight for height: Physical health can be measured through the appropriateness of a person's weight to his heightBody Mass Index is an accurate indicator of surplus body fat than kilos. It is a mathematical ratio of height to weight that can be linked with body composition (or body fat percentage) and with indices of health risk. Calculating BMI is as follows: BMI = Weight (in kg)/Height(in m)2Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Experimental design how much data to collect ?Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

How much data to collect: The more the better... More samples means more time, more energy, and maybe higher costs... Very few samples might not be representative enough...Rule of thumb: the average of 30 samples is distributed normally, no matter what distribution is the phenomenon. 5 How many samples ? 30Hypothesis: Men have higher BMIs than womenExperimental design how to collect the data ?Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Samples have to be chosen in a random waySamples have to be measured in the same way

Weight for height: Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture

Agricultural ExperimentationIn agriculture research a scientist identifies solutions to problems through experimentation using the scientific methodMethodology of scientific research in Agriculture


Corn seedsExperimental design how do we collect data ?What is the average weight and height of people in Vietnam ?Is the weight for height different between men and women in Vietnam ?What is the average weight and height of women vs. men in Vietnam ?Methodology of scientific research in Agriculture