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Damage loss assessment of disaster prepare for gujarat.

Transcript of Methodology

C E P T Confidential 04/18/2023 Page 1

Aim: Strengthening damage and loss assessment system in Gujarat

AIM OBJECTIVES SUB OBJECTIVES TASKS/PARAMETERS DATA REQD. / SOURCESDamage and loss information of Floods 2003Damage and loss information of Earthquake of 2001Damage and loss information of Super Cyclone of 1998Damage and loss information of Famine 2002-03Damage and loss information of Famine 2000-01Damage and loss information of Floods of 1998Damage and loss information of Famine 1993-94Damage and loss information of Earthquake of 1956Damage and loss information of Civil Strife 2002Damage and loss information of Train accidentsDamage and loss information of Industrial accidentsThe manuals of the DATo study the existing DA formats developed by the revenue dept.

Details of the information coveredSectors, which were covered by the assessorsInformation from the Relief Commissioner and Revenue Dept

Was this a part of the relief/rehabilitation/reconstructionWere the displaced people consulted/covered?Is the primary information collected from the households?What is the detail of the assessmentWhy isthis dept. commissioed this assessmentWhere did the funding come fromWhat is the purpose - relief/rehabilitation/reconstruction?Were the assessors from the same department?What are the capacities of the assessors from this departmentIs the department provided any technical training to the assessors?If yes, who provided it?

Was this a mandate to assess the damage as a part of the fundingWas this assessment done to derive further information?Was this assessment fed to any other analysisWhat si the final use of the assessment?Who is the senior most officer that is overloking the process of DA?Who is the executive officer who monitored the process of DAWhat is the rank and experience of the executive officer on the field

What is the training inputs given to the assessing officerWhat is the type of gear/eqquipment provided to the assessorWas this a part of the relief work?

How were the assessors selscted for the DA

What is the rank and experience of the officersWho had prepared the DA formatsWere the formats tested?Since how long the formats have been used

Are there any specific formats for each sector?Strengthening damage and loss assessment system in Gujarat

Understand the vulnerability of Gujarat

To study the natural hazards (Earthquake, Cyclone, Drought, Flood, etc) in terms of the destruction, vulnerability, damage to Gujarat

To study the manmade hazards vulnerability of Gujarat

Damage Assessment Methodology

To under stand the existing Damage Assessment (DA) methods

The no. of assessors employed and the time given to cover the geographical area

To understand the purposes for conducting the DA

Commissioning agency, which has facilitated the assessment and the purpose

To understand which department is carrying out the DA for various disasters

To understand all the agencies that were involved in DA and the purpose

What is the purpose of the agencies that have commissioned/carried out the assessment

What is the hierarchy in compiling the DA information at both the state and the district level

What is the experience and the rank of the lowest rank officer on the field

Are the assessors expected to accomplish any other task apart from the DA

Selection process of the assessors for the DA

How much time were they expected to do the DA and what is the time gap between the successive DA

Preparation of the DA methods and the formats to be followed

Were there any changes made to the formats recently after any disaster to incorporate any modifications?

C E P T Confidential 04/18/2023 Page 2

Aim: Strengthening damage and loss assessment system in Gujarat


Are there any specific formats for different disaster?Who compiles the DA info at the district/state level

Is there any mechanism to recheck the DA information at a later period?

Are any rechecks/verification studies doneHow is the disputes taken care of?What is the type of deviation?How much deviation is there?Are there any checks to contain the deviation?What are the assumptions in assessing the DA?Is there any sampling involved? If yes, details.What is the main purpose of the LAIs it initiated by the state govt. or demanded by the central govt.?How is the DA converted into the LAIs another assessment carried out for LA other than the DAWhy is the LA neededWho commissions LA and who carries out?What is the capacity of the assessorsWho selects the assessors and how?

Is any training imparted to the assessors based on the requirement?

Is it a periodical job to carry out LAWhat is the data that is used for the LA of various types

Is any department compiles the info reqd for the LA periodically?

How to build-in the indirect losses into the LATo incorporate the indirect losses into the regular LAWhat are the assumptions made in the LA

How is the data from all the sectors compiled at one department?What is the institutional network of D&L assessment?What is the total strength of the D&LA team

To study the loose ends in the process of D&LA and compilation

Identify the potential of the assessors and also areas of improvement

Inventory of the hierarchy of the officials involvedIdentifying the training needs of the assessors

Which department can take the task of the capacity building?

Strengthening damage and loss assessment system in Gujarat

Damage Assessment Methodology

Preparation of the DA methods and the formats to be followed

Are there any specific formats for specific purposes - relief/rehab/reconst.?

To understand the areas of deviation in the DA information and the actual information

To augment the DA methods in order to minimise the deviation

To understand the processes and the assumptions involved in the DA

Loss Assessment Methodology

Understand the various purposes of the Loss Assessment (LA)

To study the LA commissioning and methods

To understand the capacity of the assessors and the training given to them

To analyse the baseline data which is used for the LA

Is the data collected afresh or analysed for LA based on the existing data?

To understand the various methods used for various types of LA, viz. earthquake, cyclone, drought, flood, etc.

To study the scope of calculating the indirect loses into the state domestic product

Institutional Mechanism and System for DALA

To understand the existing institutional framework of D&LA

Is there any separate wing under the Revenue (or any other) department for assessing the D&L?

What are the departments involved and what is their hierarchy

Inventory of the departments and the ranks of the officers involved in D&LA

Which department takes the lead of the D&LA? Which department will won the methods proposed by this study?

Is the existing framework capable of taking care of the additional burden of carrying out the D&LA and capacity building of the future assessors?

To understand how the Damage and Loss Assessments could be combined into the regular institutional frame work of each department

To propose the augmentation for the existing Institutional structure or propose a new structure

Damage and loss assessment capacity building

Inventory of the existing assessors with their technical and academic qualifications

To prepare a training program to suit the needs of each person involved

Whom to train? Regular training for all the staff periodically or selected officers updated regularly?

Sector or sub-sector InstitutionGeneral loss assessment Revenue Department

Relief CommissionerAgriculture Ministry of Agriculture

Directorate of Agriculture Directorate of HorticultureAgricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC)Warehousing Corporation of IndiaFood Corporation of India (FCI) District Agricultural Officers

Animal husbandry Ministry of AgricultureDirectorate of Animal Husbandry National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)

Irrigation Ministry of IrrigationGround Water Resources Development CorporationSardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam LimitedKalpasar Project

Industry Department of Industries and MiningGujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation (GIIC) INDEX-b INDEX-c Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Commerce Ministry of Trade and CommerceChamber of Commerce Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Housing and human settlements Urban Development and Urban Housing Department (UDUH)Department of Rural DevelopmentAhmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA)

Public buildings Department of Roads and Buildings Public Works Department (PWD)

Education and culture Department of Education Directorate of Primary Education Program (DPEP)

Health Department of HealthDepartment of Rural Development

Water supply Department of Water Resources GWSSBGround Water Resources Development CorporationGujarat Water Infrastructure Limited Sardar Sarovar and Narmada Nigam Limited

Electricity Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB)Ahmedabad Electricity Company (AEC) Gujarat Energy Research Institute (GERI)

Road transport Ministry of Surface TransportRoad and Buildings DepartmentGujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC)

Railroad transport Department of Railways, GOIPorts and airports Port Authority/Airport Authority, GOIEnvironment Department of Environment and ForestsEconomic statistics and planning Department of Economics and Statistics