Metformin is a revolutionary anti diabetic drug

Post on 17-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Metformin is a revolutionary anti diabetic drug

Article by Johnwilson

Diabetes is a disease which happens when the amount of insulin produced by the body is insufficient for the proper metabolism of glucose in the liver. This

causes an increased amount of glucose or sugar in the blood stream. Since it is difficult to bring blood sugar levels to a normal range simply by limiting the

carbohydrate intake, doctors prescribe Metformin, an oral and most popular anti diabetic drug.

Though Metformin is the most sought after and popular treatment for diabetes, it is mainly and only used by people with type 2 diabetes as it is not meant for type 1 diabetes despite the fact that it is sometimes used in conjunction with insulin and other medications for treating non insulin dependent diabetes.

When Metformin enters the blood stream it makes the best possible use of available insulin by heightening the sensitivity of liver, muscle, fat, and other tissues to the effects of insulin. This further results in lessening of the blood

sugar levels to the normal required levels in body and hence help in curing type 2 diabetes.

The simple logic behind the working of this wonder drug is that when the body does not find enough insulin to metabolise this sugar, liver puts all the

additional glucose into the blood stream, this causes a significant rise of blood sugar levels immediately after a meal. Sometimes the liver may also release

sugar in the blood stream early in the morning when fasting insulin levels are low. Now here comes the role of this medicine as Metformin acts by making the

liver produce less glucose in the body.

The best part about the working of this medicine is that the incidence of dangerously low sugar levels associated with other diabetic medicines is

relatively less or completely absent with metformin as the medication does not increase the amount of insulin produced by the body. Other adverse effects

associated with Metformin are either not there or are very mild with gastrointestinal upset being the most common one.

Metformin is a wonder drug in the sense that it not only offers a miraculous diabetes cure but also helps in providing relief in other conditions such as

weight gain, reduce bood sugar levels,high cholesterol levels, women with PCOS etc. Until today Metformin is the only anti diabetic medicine that has been shown to put off the cardiovascular complaints associated with diabetes.

However, Metformin like the other drugs of this class is not devoid of contraindications. People with lactic acidosis are advised against the use of this drug as Metformin can increase the risk of this condition thereby causing severe

renal disorder, liver malfunction and lung disorders.

Metformin is available in the form of cyrup, pill, and a sustained release tablet which remains in the system for long. The medication is taken orally with the cyrup to be taken with meals one or two times a day, the standard pill to be

taken with meals two or three times a day and the extended-release tablet to be taken once daily with the evening meal. Metformin works best if you take

the medicine at the same time every day.

John Wilson is a health specialist in an America, practicing in a hospital since 2002. Now john wilson hang with researching on how to reduce blood sugar

levels.While doing practice, He found that metformin is very effective medicine to treat type 2 diabetes.

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