Metaphysical poetry - PBworks

Post on 27-Dec-2021

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Transcript of Metaphysical poetry - PBworks

Metaphysical poetry Unknown artist (Ehglish School).

Portrait of John Donne, 1631.

National Portrait Gallery, London.


Meta = beyond, upon, or after or

after the things of nature

Physical = the material or actual

1. Meaning of metaphysical

Metaphysical poetry



Literally, metaphysical means to

transcend above or beyond the

physical or concrete. – often used

in the sense that it was about non-

material and supernatural things.

1. Meaning of metaphysical

Metaphysical poetry



concerned with the fundamental

problems of the nature of the

universe and man’s function or

place in life

1. Meaning of metaphysical

Metaphysical poetry



• Reflected the intellectual and spiritual crisis of the 17th century

2. Main characteristics

John Donne, after a miniature by

Isaac Oliver, 1616.

Metaphysical poetry

• The poet was a man of “wit”, displaying his sensitivity, his

knowledge and cleverness

• The leading poet was John Donne


• An Argument, thesis, antithesis, synthesis

2. Main characteristics Metaphysical poetry

The poet proposes something that he wants to happen,

realizes it is not likely to occur, and offers up solution.


• A particular type of metaphor or simile called conceit

2. Main characteristics Metaphysical poetry

An elaborate, exaggerated metaphor, usually

strained or far-fetched in nature, comparing two

incredibly dissimilar things.


• Example

2. Main characteristics Metaphysical poetry

If they be two, they are two so

As stiff twin compasses are two,

Thy soul the fixed foot, makes no show

To move, but doth, if th’other do. (John Donne, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning)

The poet compares the souls of lovers to compasses


2. Main characteristics The conceit

Illustrates and develops ideas in a detailed and

over-complex way, often with an effect of shock

or surprise

Insists on the relationship between A

(the tenor) and B (the vehicle)

Metaphysical poetry


• Unusual images taken from all fields of knowledge: history,

geography, astronomy, alchemy, mathematics, etc.

Look, and tomorrow late, tell me,

Whether both the Indias of spice and mine

Be where thou left’st them, or lie here with me.

Ask for those kings whom thou saw’st yesterday,

And thou shalt hear, All here in one bed lay.

(John Donne, The Sun Rising)

2. Main characteristics Metaphysical poetry


Take me to you, imprison me, for I

Except you enthral me, never shall be free,

Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.

(J. Donne, Batter my heart)

2. Main characteristics


• A statement which is apparently contradictory though in some sense


Metaphysical poetry


as in line 15 "two hundred [years] to adore each breast”

(Andrew Marvel)

2. Main characteristics


• A gross exaggeration, as in Marvel’s poem “To His Coy Mistress”

Metaphysical poetry


GO and catch a falling star,

Get with child a mandrake root,

(John Donne)

2. Main characteristics

Imperative Voice:

• Expressing a command or plea such as in the poem “Song”

Metaphysical poetry


• Dramatic quality

• Most poems begin in medias res (Latin: in the middle)

Go, and catch a falling star,

Get with child a mandrake root,

Tell me, where all past years are

(John Donne, Song)

2. Main characteristics Metaphysical poetry


• Anthropomorphism, or personification, is attribution of

human form or other characteristics to anything other

than a human being. Examples include depicting deities

with human form and ascribing human emotions or

motives to forces of nature, such as hurricanes or


• Anthropomorphism has ancient roots as a literary device

in storytelling, and also in art. Most cultures have

traditional fables with anthropomorphised animals, who

can stand or talk as if human, as characters.

3. Literary Terms Metaphysical poetry


• In literature, apostrophe is a figure of speech sometimes

represented by exclamation “O”. A writer or a speaker,

using an apostrophe, detaches himself from the reality

and addresses an imaginary character in his speech.

• It is important not to confuse the apostrophe which is a

figure of speech and the apostrophe which is a

punctuation mark (‘). It shows possession or a mark to

indicate omission of one or more letters (contractions)

while apostrophe used in literature is an arrangement of

words addressing a non-existent person or an abstract

idea in such a way as if it were present and capable of

understanding feelings.

3. Apostrophe Metaphysical poetry



Write original examples for the following:

• Hyperbole

• I slurped up over a mile of the delicious angel hair pasta

and did not plan on stopping.

• I walked into the boys gym and the pungent aroma of

sweaty teenage armpit punched me in the nose.

• Paradox

– Starburst “solid yet juicy like a liquid”

– My teacher said he hates kids

– The Walking Dead

• Conceit

The leaves danced in the summer breeze.

• Imperative Voice

Assignment Metaphysical poetry


Write original examples for the following:

• Hyperbole

So rich is your colloquial speech,

I am left in rapt by a single phrase.

To waste any verse on uncaring souls,

Would be to throw your pearls before swine.

• Paradox

Find me the song that makes me sing my heart’s cry flee.

The love she had for me felt endless, but was limited for our chaste


• Conceit

• Imperative Voice

Assignment Metaphysical poetry


Write original examples for the following:

• Hyperbole

• Paradox

• Conceit

• Imperative Voice

Assignment Metaphysical poetry