Metabolic System

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Metabolic System. Before & After. Began system along with Level G Lost 93 lbs H-A1C from 13.4 to 7.2 Off both diabetic medications Down from 4 Insulin Injections (over 100 units) to one injection of 10 units. Began system on November 18, 2010 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Metabolic System

Began system along with Level G Lost 93 lbs H-A1C from 13.4 to 7.2 Off both diabetic medications Down from 4 Insulin Injections (over 100 units) to one injection of 10 units.

● Began system on November 18, 2010

●To Date I have Lost 511/2 lbs

OTHER TESTIMONIES• 1 week on system glucose under 100• 8 weeks on system H-A1C down from 17.4 to 9.2• 8 weeks on system down 40 lbs and total cholesterol down 100pts Triglycerides down 200pt

Diabetes is not a disease for the elderly

Today there are 100million pre-diabetics in this country. The young and old are not exempt!

Today minimal emphasis is placed on prevention and natural treatments.

All foods break down to glucose (sugar) in our blood.

Insulin (secreted from pancreas) picks up the sugar and “escorts” into the cell.

When the body is overloaded with too much sugar, the insulin begins to have difficulty getting the sugar into the cells of our body!

Equally as troublesome is the body increases its secretion of Insulin to

combat the problem

Both have very damaging effects on the body!!

Weight gain begins Triglycerides elevate Intense cravings and long periods of no

hunger Dehydration Burning in eyes/ toes Fluctuations in Blood Sugars

(highs and lows)

Any Two of the four

High Blood Pressure



High Cholesterol

Recognize this is very difficult for a diabetic.

Fatigue can be debilitating.

Dietary changes can be difficult. Especially when there are new ideas everywhere and very few producing results.

This is easily said and extremely difficult for many!

Many participate in intense exercise programs.

They subject themselves to extreme dietary regiments .

Sadly, It ends in minimal or no weight loss for many.

The Body gets its energy from 3 Macronutrient Sources.

Carbohydrates(4 calories energy/gm)

Proteins(4 calories energy/gm)

Fats(9 calories “turbo” energy/gm)

Will cause you to gain


Won’t Gain Weight

Prevent Weight loss

Foods that if eaten in

excess can make us

gain weight!

(e.g. pizza, donuts,

chips, beer, fast food,

ice cream, sweets)

(e.g. cucumbers, celery,

greens, lots of veggies)

Foods that if eaten in excess will not make us

gain weight!

(e.g. organic apple, pasta – can prevent pancreas from resting and

will burn first before fat)

Foods that can prevent

us from losing weight!

Weight Watchers Jenny Craig Nutri-System Atkin’s Diet Inches-a-weigh Cabbage Diet Grapefruit Diet HCG Weight Loss …

Years of Yo-Yo dieting

Re-set metabolism Sugar Cravings Intense body

deprivationsHow can we stop this

insane rollercoaster?

Intense Carbohydrate Cravings eliminated in 4-5 days.

Readily absorbable protein Isolates prevent muscle metabolism

Stored Fat is metabolized in a process known as Ketosis

Dangerous levels of Animal Fats-contribute to cholesterol issues

No protection against muscle metabolism Expensive and Questionable Injections Lacks appropriate steps and training of

the body for healthy choices after diet leading to weight gain again!!

Understand, Commit, Execute

The 4-Stage “Weigh” to Health

Alkalize, Detoxify, OxygenateBurn, Baby, Burn!

Vibrant U Pack includes 12 boxes of food (84 meals),all above supplements and an extra bottle of Tonic

– a proven, synergistic package.

Studied against glyburide: all study participants had improvement in lowering triglycerides, lowering Hemoglobin A1C, lowering fasting blood glucose.

Botanicals extracted from aloe plant to significantly stabilize glucose levels. Especially in pre-diabetic.

Banaba Extracts powerfully active at the insulin receptor sites.

Additionally extracts of cinnamon, chromium and vanadium

Lean Meat & Seafood Vegetables

Seasonings Protein Isolates

Supplement with double tonic, plentiful pink sea salt, 8 glasses water (minimum) per day, never skip

meal, limited dressings, follow list strictly.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner “Repair “ Snack


Lunch Dinner “Repair” Snack

Breakfast Lunch Dinner “Repair” Snack

A Healthy Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Choose “Good” complex carbs and “Good” FatsOK to eat together in the A.M, will burn off!Separate fat at lunch, good carbs at dinner

(veggies & lean protein both meals)Don’t forget Univera “repair” snack before bedtime

Weekly “splurge” followed by 24 hours of Stage 1


No Risk to You