Met Concluded

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1



    1. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ %t&t'#t% i% t() co#c(#i#$ & *o!+-*h&% %+#ch(o#o)% *(o*)!%io# 'oto(,

    A. The motor is started as an induction motor.

    B. Resistance is gradually added to the rotor circuit.

    C. The starting current is held below the rated current.

    D. The feld winding is energized or starting !ur!oses only.

    A"#$ A

    . Wh# (&i#$ !ct(ic&! 'oto( co#t(o!!( i&$(&'%/ it h!*% to0#o" th&t

    A. current !aths in the control circuit are drawn as hea%y lines and in the!ower circuit as lighter lines

    B. current !aths in the !ower circuit are drawn as hea%y lines and in

    control circuit as lighter lines

    C. circuits sub&ect to '(( %olts or greater are drawn as hea%y lines andbelow '(( %olts as lighter lines

    D. circuits sub&ect to '((%olts or greater are drawn as light lines andbelow '(( %olts as hea%y

    A"#$ B

    2. A!t(#&ti#$ c)((#t ci(c)it% 3!o* (%i%tc/ i#)ctc c&*&citc. Th i#)ctc of & coi! i% 4*(%% i#A. ohms B. mhos C. henrys D.


    A"#$ C

    5. L&($ c&6! %i7% &( fo(' &% i#i3i)&! co#)cto(% th&t '&+6 co'*(i% of %3(&! %'&!!( %t(% to

    A. obtain the )e*ibility re+uired or easy handling

    B. reduce the o%erall weight o the wire run

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,C. reduce the number o su!!orts needed or a horizontal o%erhead run

    D. all o the abo%eA"#$ A

    9. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% h&3i#$ :i-E!ct(ic Co#%tt ;

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology

    A"#$ A

    . I# & T(%i%to( If M)!ti choic & o*tio# A

    A. 2"2 and "2" are two basic ty!es

    B. Emitter3 Collector and Base are the basic Elements.C. Collector se!arates Base and EmitterD. Emitter se!arates Base and Collector

    A"#$ B

    1. If & Moto( i% #ot (ot&ti#$ i# th EDR/ +o) "i!! c&((+ o)t thfo!!o"i#$ Chc0% ')!ti*! choic/ 2 Q)%tio#% of %&' t+* 6)tO*tio#% "( i(#t

    A. Chec- or the isolationB. Rotate the Cou!ling with your handC. Chec- or the Circuit brea-erD. Remo%e the usesE oo- or the 4%erload Tri!0. 5isually ins!ect the motor terminals6. 5isually 7ns!ect the #tarter Terminals8. Carry out 7nfnite Resistance Test

    A"#$ A

    15. A(($ th fo!!o"i#$ i# I#c(&%i#$ O(( of thi( :o*i#$St(#$th.

    A. Collector3 Emitter3 BaseB. Base3 Collector3 EmitterC. Emitter3 Base3 CollectorD. Emitter3 Collector3 Collector Base3 Collector3 Base

    A"#$ B

    19. Which of th !i%t *(c&)tio#% %ho)! 6 t&0# "h# c!i#$ thi#t(#&!% of & 'oto( "ith co'*(%% &i(,

    A. 4!en the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust toesca!e.

    B. Be certain that the circuit brea-er is o!ened and tagged on the eeder!anel.

    C. Be certain that the air is clean and as dry as !ossible.

    D. Ensure that the use in the motor is remo%ed

     A"#$ A B 9 C

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:1=. A 'o!-c&% 6(&0( *(o3i% *(otctio# &$&i#%t %ho(t-ci(c)it%6+ )%i#$ &D

    A. #hading coil.

    B. Arc +uencher.

    C. Electromagnet.

    D. 8olding coil.

    A"#$ C

    1@. PN io &3t&$ o3( 3&c))' io,


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'

    5. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ %t&t'#t% 6%t %c(i6% th '&t(i&!0#o"# &% 3&(#i%h c&'6(ic,;A< 0elted asbestos sealed with %arnish.;B< Cotton cloth coated with insulating %arnish.;C< Rubber insulation coated with a layer o tin.

    ;D< 2a!er im!regnated with mineral oil3 s!ecially wra!!ed with nonmetallic ta!e3 andcoated with %arnish.

    A"#$ B

    9. A %+#ch(o#o)% 'oto( '&i#t&i#% %+#ch(o#i%' "ith th (ot&ti#$F! 6c&)%

    ;A< 0ield strength %aries directly with rotors l7!;B< DC current a!!lied to the rotor coils causes the rotor magnets to loc-

    in with the rotating )u* o the stator;C< the stator !oles are dragged around due to the )u* created by thee*citation current;D< the stator )u* rotates in the o!!osite direction

    A"#$ B

    =. Th *&(t of & f)% th&t '!t% o*#% th ci(c)it i% '& of

    ;A< Co!!er and antimony

    ;B< #teel and Babbitt;C< Aluminum or beryllium alloy;D< =inc or an alloy o tin and lead

    A"#$ D

    @. Th &**&(#t *o"( i# i#)cti3 ci(c)it

    A. True !ower

    B. ead

    C. 7nducti%e

    D. Reacti%e

    A"#$ D

    . If c)((#t (3(%%/ th '&$#tic F! &!%o (3(%% t() o( f&!%

    a. TR>Eb. 0A#E

    A"#$ B

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    Marine Electro Technology?22. Which of th !i%t *(c&)tio#% %ho)! t&0 "hi! c!i#$ *o!+*h&% 'oto( i#t(#&!% "ith co'*(%% &i(, M)!ti*! %

    A. 4!en the machine as both ends so as to allow the dust to esca!e

    B. Be certain that the circuit brea-er is o!ened3 tagged as the eeder


    C. Be certain that air is clean and as dry as !ossible

    D. Ensure that the use is remo%ed

    A"#$ A B 9 C

    25. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ c&*&cito( i% h&3i#$ hi$h%t i!ct(icco#%tt,

    A. Air ga!B. 6lassC. 2a!erD. 2olyester

    A"#$ B29. A !&+ &ctio# f)% i% 'o%t f(>)#t!+ )% i# "hich of th!i%t ci(c)it,

    A. ighting circuitB. Motor circuitC. Electrical heaterD. 2adar circuit

    A"#$ B2=. Th c)((#t i# & %'ico#)cto( i% *(o)c 6+

    A. ElectronsB. "eutronsC. 2rotonsD. 8oles

    A"#$ A 9 D2@. If i#t(i#%ic %'ico#)cto( i% o* "ith & 3(+ %'&!! &'o)#t of6o(o# th# th 4t(i#%ic %'ico#)cto( %t fo('/ th #o. of!ct(o#% ho!% "i!!

    A. Both decreasesB. 7ncrease and decreaseC. Both increasesD. Decrease and increase

    A"#$ D2. Wh# th c)((#t th(o)$h th coi! of !ct(o'&$#t i%(3(%/ th i(ctio# of '&$#tic F! &!%o (3(%

    a< TR>Eb< 0A#E

    A"#$ A5

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@B. %isually e*amine the starter or o!en circuit aultC. Re%erse the direction o current or its wor-ingD. 2erorm the infnite resistance test

    A"#$ A B 9 D51. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ *h+%ic&! ch&(&ct( o% &(o)# (oto(i#)ctio# 'oto( *o%%%% th&t %>)i((! c&$ 'oto( o% #ot

    A. #li! ringsB. End ringsC. A centriugal clutchD. End !lates

    A"#$ A5. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ co#itio#% "i!! occ)( "h# %o!#oi coi!6)(#% o)t of & c&($o "i#ch "ith !ct(ic&! 6(&0.

    A. The bra-e will be set by s!ring orce.B. The motor will o%er s!eed and burns outC. The load sus!ended by the cargo boom will ail

    D. "othing will ha!!en the winch will continue to o!erate normallyA"#$ A52. A !o" 3o!t&$ *(otctio# ci(c)it i% )% i# !ct(ic 'oto( %t&(ti#$>)i*'#t to

    A. Tri! circuit contractor when the motor o%er s!eed due to low %oltageB. Tri! circuit contractor when the motor de%elo!s short circuit due to low%oltageC. Allows the motor to restart automatically on restoration o %oltagewithout manual resettingD. 2re%ent motor rom restarting automatically

    A"#$ D55. :t('i# th o(( of o*i#$ i# t(%i%to( f(o' hi$h to !o"

    A. collector3 base3 emitterB. Emitter3 collector3 baseC. Base3 emitter3 collectorD. collector3 emitter3 base

    A"#$ B59. Th o**o%itio# to th '&$#tic !i#% of fo(c i# '&$#tic i% c&!!

    A. ResistanceB. ReluctanceC. 7m!edanceD. 7nductance

    A"#$ B5=. &cto(% 3&(i% *ot#ti&! of & PN 8)#ctio# *# o# ')!ti*! %

    A. Ty!e o semiconductor materialB. Amount o do!ingC. Tem!eratureD. "one

    A"#$ A B 9 C5;. A *o!+ *h&% 'oto( (i3i#$ #$i# (oo' *)'*% f&i!% to %t&(t/chc0%

    A. 7nsulation is o!enB. "o restriction or mo%ement o motor !um!C Chec- o%erload relay tri!

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    Marine Electro TechnologyD. Battery ully charged

    A"#$ A B 9 C5. Po!+ *h&% 'oto( f&i!% to %t&(t/ *(c&)tio#% to t&0 6fo(chc0i#$

    A. 7solate motorB. Remo%e use

    C. 2ost caution signD. Ensure startermotor terminals are li%e

    A"#$ A B 9 C9

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    Marine Electro TechnologyFc. waterd. electrolytes

    A"#$ B9. A *o!+-*h&% 'oto( (i3i#$ #$i# (oo' *)'* f&i!% to %t&(t.Wh# t(+i#$ to i#tif+ th c&)% of f&i!)(/ "hich of th fo!!o"i#$%t*% &( &**!ic&6!, M)!ti choic

    A. 5isually e*amine motor or o!en circuit aults.B. 5isually e*amine starter or o!en circuit aults.C. Re%erse the direction o electrical su!!ly to chec- i it wor-s.D. 2erorm the infnite resistance test.

    A"#$ A B 9 D


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    Marine Electro Technology1(D. all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D==. )%% *!&c i# %(i% "ith & th('&! t(i* t+* ci(c)it 6(&0( &()% fo(

    A. Time/delay !rotectionB. #hort/circuit !rotection

    C. #hort duration surge !rotectionD. #ustained o%erload !rotection

    A"#$ B=@. I# "h&t ($ of 3o!t&$% i% th t(%i%to( i# th !i#&( ($io# ofit% o*(&tio#,

    A. ( G 5CE G (.@ 5B. (.@ G 5CE G 1.: 5C. (.@ G 5CE G 5CE ;ma*<D. ( G 5CE G 5CE ;ma*<

    A"#$ C

    =;. Th $(&t%t t(i'#t&! ct o# i! !ct(ic&! >)i*'#t/ %)ch&% c&($o *)'* 'oto(%/ i% thA. oss o residual magnetism.B. Absor!tion o moisture in the insulation.C. 7nsulation %arnish )a-ing.D. Dirt collecting on the windings.

    A"#$ B=. A''t(% 3o!t't(% )% i# %i#)%oi&! AC *o"( %+%t'%i#ic&t "hich of th fo!!o"i#$ 3&!)% of th "&3 fo('% '&%)(,

    A. 2ea- %alueB. Root/mean/s+uare %alue

    C. A%erage %alueD. Ma*imum %alue

    A"#$ B@

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology11@2. A '&$#tic 6!o"o)t coi! i# & :C 'oto( co#t(o!!( co#t&ct o(f)#ctio#% to

    A. 4!en contact ra!idly.B. Reduce contact wear.C. Ad&ust o!ening s!ring tension.D. 2ro%ide Hsna!/actionH in the contactor.

    A"#$ B@5. I# & PNP t(%i%to(/ th *-($io#% &(

    A. Emitter and BaseB. Base and CollectorC. Emitter and CollectorD. Emitter3 Base and Collector

    A"#$ C@=. I# (f( co'*(%%o( "h&t &( th (&i#$% " &( #t(i#$ i#!o$6oo0 

    A. #.I tem!

    B. #.I 2ressureC. Condenser tem!D. Condenser lea-

    A"#$ A B 9 C@. With (f(#c to & :&t& Lo$$( fo( & (f(i$(&tio# %+%t'/ "hichof th fo!!o"i#$ *&(&'t(% %ho)! 6 'o#ito(,

    A. Room tem!erature.B. i+uid ine tem!erature.C. Recharge tem!erature.D. #olenoid %al%e o!eration.

    A"#$ A B 9 D


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    Marine Electro Technology1,;0

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    Marine Electro Technology1;B< terminal !olarity;C< stability under charge;D< ambient tem!erature rise

    A"#$ A

    ;. Th (&t t'*(&t)( (i% of !ct(ic 'oto( i% th.

    ;A< a%erage tem!erature at any gi%en latitude;B< normal tem!erature rises abo%e the standard ambient

    tem!erature at rated load;C< a%erage tem!erature rises due to resistance at 1(J o%erload;D< !ermissible dierence in the ambient tem!erature o the motor

    due to e*isting weather conditions

    A"#$ B

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1:;A< Careully wi!ing o the com!onents with a sot cotton rag.;B< Blowing a high %elocity stream o com!ressed air ra!idly across

    the com!onent;C< >sing a %acuum cleaner to remo%e debris rom the com!onents.;D< >sing carbon tetrachloride as a cleaning sol%ent to clean the


    A"#$ C

    5. R$&(i#$ AC $#(&to( co##ct to th' &' !ct(ic&!6)% &% th !ct(ic !o& *o"( f&cto( 3&(+/ & co((%*o#i#$ch$ i% (?ct i# th $#(&to( &('&t)( (&ctio#. Th%ch$% i# &('&t)( (&ctio# &( co'*#%&t fo( 6+ th.

    ;A< go%ernor s!eed droo! setting;B< %oltage regulator;C< balance coil;D< !hase/balance relay

    A"#$ B

    9. I# i#)ctio# 'oto(/ (oto( c)((#t% &( ci(c)!&t i# th(oto( 6+

    ;A< sli! rings and brushes;B< an armature and brushes;C< inducti%e reaction o the rotating stator feld

    ;D< e*ternal %ariable resistors

    A"#$ C

    =. A# !ct(ic&! 3ic "hich *(3#t% &ctio# f(o'occ)((i#$ )#ti! &!! oth( (>)i( co#itio#% &( 't i% c&!! &D .

    ;A< limit;B< monitor;C< modulator

    ;D< interloc-

    A"#$ D

    @. A ci(c)it 6(&0( & f)% h&3 & 6&%ic %i'i!&(it+ i# th&tth+ 6oth

    ;A< can be reset to energize the circuit;B< should o!en the circuit when o%erloaded;C< will burn out when an o%er current )ow de%elo!s;D< all o the abo%e

    A"#$ B

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1';. Th !ct(o!+t i# & !&-&ci %to(&$ 6&tt(+ co#%i%t% of

    i%ti!! "&t( .

    ;A< hydrogen chloride;B< calcium chloride;C< suluric acid

    ;D< muriatic acid

    A"#$ C

    . Th f)!! to(>) !ct(ic 6(&0 o# !ct(ic c&($o "i#chf)#ctio#% to .

    ;a< act as a bac-u! bra-e in the e%ent the mechanical bra-e should ail;b< automatically hold the load as soon as current to the machine is shut

    o ;c< automatically go%ern the lowering s!eed o the load

    ;d< automatically go%ern the hoisting s!eed o the load

    A"#$ B


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1?1

    1)i( to 6 )% i# &(& of )#)%)&!!+ hi$h/ !o"/ o( co#%tt!+ ?)ct)&ti#$t'*(&t)(%/ &'6i#t co'*#%&ti#$ !'#t ')%t 6 )%.Thi% !'#t co#%i%t% of & .;a

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1@;b

    A"#$ D

    111. A# &cci#t&! *&th of !o" (%i%tc/ &!!o"i#$ *&%%&$ of&6#o('&! &'o)#t of c)((#t i% 0#o"# &% &D .


    f(o' .;a

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1;c

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1F;b< regulating %al%e;c< chec- %al%e;d< 0ilter

    A"#$ C

    11. Th 6&%ic co#t(o! &ctio# of & '&$#tic &'*!iF( *#%)*o# .;a

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,(;d< 8igh am!ere charging circuit

    A"#$ C

    15. Th f)!! to(>) !ct(ic 6(&0 o# !ct(ic c&($o "i#chf)#ctio#% to

    A. /act as bac-u! bra-e in the e%ent the mechanical bra-e should ailB. /automatically hold the load as soon as current to the machine is

    shut o C. /automatically go%ern the lowering s!eed o the loadD. /automatically go%ern the hoisting s!eed o the load

    A"#$ B19. A# !ct(ic t&cho't( (ci3% th #$i# %* %i$#&!

    f(o' &A. /small generator mounted on the engineB. /bimetallic sensing de%ice

    C. /strobosco!ic sensing de%iceD. /%ibrating reed meter generating a %oltage !ro!ortionate to engines!eed

    A"#$ A

    1=. A %'ico#)cto( th&t c(&%% (%i%tc "ith i#c(&%i# t'*(&t)( i% 0#o"# &% &A. /resistorB. /thermistorC. /diodeD. /thermo!ile

    A"#$ B

    1@. Th %h)#t )% i# &''t( %ho)! 6 co##ct i#A. /series with the load and in !arallel with the meter mo%ementB. /!arallel with the load and in series with the meter mo%ementC. /!arallel with the load and in !arallel with the meter mo%ementD. /series with the load and in series with the meter mo%ement

    A"#$ A

    1;. B()%h!%% $#(&to(% &( %i$# to o*(&t "itho)t th)% ofA. /brushesB. /sli! ringsC. /commutatorsD. /all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    1. I# th 3#t of & *o"( f&i!)( )(i#$ c&($o !o&i#$o*(&tio#%/ th 'o3'#t of !ct(ic *o"( c&($o "i#ch"i!! 6 %to** 6+A. /a manual o%erride switch

    B. /the weight o the load on the boomC. /a s!ring set bra-eD /a hand o!erated band bra-e

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,1A"#$ C


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,,12=. A (%i%tc i# & ci(c)it of )#0#o"# 3&!) i% to 6 t%t

    )%i#$ th 3o!t't(D&''t( 'tho. Th(fo(/ th 't(%%ho)! 6 co##ct "ithA. /both meters in series with the resistanceB. /both meters in !arallel with the resistanceC. /the ammeter in series and the %oltmeter in !arallel with the

    resistanceD. /the ammeter in !arallel and the %oltmeter in series with the

    resistanceA"#$ C

    12@. A i(ct c)((#t *&%%i#$ th(o)$h & "i( coi! &(o)# & %ofti(o# co( i% th %c(i*tio# of & %i'*!A. /magnetic shieldB. /electromagnetC. /!iezoelectric de%ice

    D. /electromagnetic domainA"#$ B

    12;. Th )% of fo)( io%/ i# & f)!!-"&3 6(i$ (ctiF( ci(c)it/"i!!A. /!ro%ide unidirectional current to the loadB. /allow a %ery high lea-age current rom the loadC. /con%ert direct current to alternating currentD. /oer high o!!osition to current in two directions

    A"#$ A

    12. A '&$#tic 6!o"o)t coi! i# & :C 'oto( co#t(o!!( co#t(&cto(f)#ctio#% toA. /o!en contact ra!idlyB. /reduce contact wearC. /ad&ust o!ening s!ring tensionD. /!ro%ide Hsna!/actionH in the contractor

    A"#$ B


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,15. G(o)#% occ)((i#$ i# !ct(ic&! '&chi#(+ &% & (%)!t of

    i#%)!&tio# f&i!)( &( )%)&!!+ c&)% 6+A. /deterioration due to ageB. /e*cessi%e heatC. /%ibrationD. /all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    152. Th &'o)#t of 3o!t&$ i#)c i# th "i#i#$% of AC$#(&to( *#% o#

    A. /the number o conductors in series !er windingB. /the s!eed at which the magnetic feld !asses across the windingC. /the strength o the magnetic feldD. /all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    155. Th 3ic th&t 'o%t co''o#!+ )ti!i7% th *(i#ci*! of!ct(o'&$#tic i#)ctio# i% thA. /diodeB. /transormerC. /transistorD. /rheostat

    A"#$ B

    159. A t)6)!&( f)% %ho)! &!"&+% 6 ('o3 f(o' & f)% *!"ith

    A. /a screwdri%er

    B. /a !air o insulated metal !liersC. /any insulated ob&ectD. /use !ullers

    A"#$ D

    15=. O# f&cto( th&t t('i#% th f(>)#c+ of &!t(#&to(i% th

    A. /number o turns o wire in the armature coilB. /number o magnetic !olesC. /strength o the magnets usedD. /out!ut %oltage

    A"#$ B

    15@. Which of th 'oto(% fo( th 3ic% !i%t 6!o" i% Ftt"ith i#%tto)% o3(!o& (!&+,

    A. /0anB. /2um!C. /IinchD. /Machine tool

    A"#$ C

    15;. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ %t&t'#t% co#c(#i#$ &!o$3ic & i$it&! 3ic i% co((ct,

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,:A./The %ariables in digital systems are f*ed +uantities3 and the %ariables

    in analog systems are continuous +uantities.B./There are no basic dierences between the two systems.C./Analog de%ices are su!erior in accuracy com!ared to digital de%ices.D./4!erations in a digital de%ice are !erormed simultaneously.

    A"#$ A

    15. Th #)'6( of c!!% i# & 1-3o!t !&-&ci 6&tt(+ i%A. /three cellsB. /our cellsC. /si* cellsD. /twel%e cells

    A"#$ C


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,'A"#$ D

    199. A% & $#(&! ()!/ th F(%t t(o)6!%hooti#$ &ctio# to 6t&0# i# chc0i#$ f&)!t+ !ct(ic co#t(o! 3ic% i% to

    A./draw a one/line diagram o the circuitry

    B./test all uses and measure the line %oltageC./ta-e megger readingsD./insulate the a!!aratus rom ground

    A"#$ B

    19=. A# !ct(ic&! 3ic "hich '*!o+% & %t&tio#&(+ &('&t)( & (ot&ti#$ !ct(o'&$#tic F! i% )% &6o&( %hi* &% &

    A. /magnetic am!liferB. /shi!Ks ser%ice alternator

    C. /three/wire DC generatorD. /saturable core reactorA"#$ B

    19@. Th %t&t of ch&($ of & !& &ci %to(&$ 6&tt(+ i% 6%ti#ic&t 6+ th

    A. /testing o the indi%idual cell %oltagesB. /am!ere hour ca!acity o the batteryC. /s!ecifc gra%ity o the electrolyteD. /total cell %oltages

    A"#$ C

    19;. Th F(%t (>)i('#t fo( !o$ic&! t(o)6!%hooti#$ of +%+%t' i% th &6i!it+ toA. /collect all a%ailable data on a casualtyB. /recognize normal o!erationC. /identiy the !robable cause o a sym!tomD. /isolate the aulty com!onent

    A"#$ B

    19. Th !o& %h&(i#$ ch&(&ct(i%tic% of t"o i%! $#(&to(%o*(&ti#$ i# *&(&!!! &( 'o%t!+ *##t o# thi( $o3(#o(A. /load limit settingsB. /idle s!eed settingsC. /s!eed limit settingsD. /s!eed droo! settings

    A"#$ D


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,?

    1=1. I# AC $#(&to(/ i(ct c)((#t f(o' & %*&(&t %o)(c i%*&%% th(o)$h th "i#i#$% of th (oto(A. /by means o sli! rings and brushesB. /by means o a commutatorC. /by means o rotating bar magnet

    D. /to minimize the danger o arc o%erA"#$ A

    1=. A !&+-&ctio# f)% i% 'o%t f(>)#t!+ )% i# "hich ofth !i%t ci(c)it%NA. /lighting circuitB. /motor circuitC. /electric heater circuitD. /radar circuit

    A"#$ B

    1=2. Which of th !i%t *(oc)(% %ho)! 6 c&((i o)t to*(3#t 'oi%t)( &'&$ to !ct(ic&! &**&(&t)% )(i#$4t# *(io% of i!#%%,A. /fll the motor housing with C4, to inert the s!aceB. /stra! silica gel around the commutatorC. /!lace heat lam!s in the motor housingD. /co%er the e+ui!ment with a can%as tar!aulin

    A"#$ C

    1=5. A f)% of (co''# c)((#t 3o!t&$ (&ti#$% th&t

    6!o"% oft# %ho)! 6 (*!&c o#!+ "ith & f)% of A. /the same ratingsB. /higher ratingsC. /higher current and lower %oltage ratingD. /lower current and higher %oltage rating

    A"#$ A

    1=9. Which of th !i%t co#itio#% i% &3t&$ of & PN ioo3( & 3&c))' io,A. /longer lieB. /no warm u! timeC. /less delicateD. /all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    1==. Th f(7i#$ *oi#t of th !ct(o!+t i# & f)!!+ ch&($ !&-&ci 6&tt(+ "i!! 6A. /higher than in a discharged batteryB. /lower than in a discharged batteryC. /the same as in a discharged batteryD. /higher than in a discharged battery3 but the s!ecifc gra%ity will be

    lessA"#$ B

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,@1=@. To (*&i( & %'&!! !ct(ic&! 'oto( th&t h&% 6# %)6'($

    i# %&!t"&t(/ +o) %ho)!A. /wash it with resh water and a!!ly an e*ternal source o heatB. /renew the windingsC. /send it ashore to an a!!ro%ed ser%ice acilityD. /rinse all electrical !arts with a carbon tetrachloride cleaning sol%ent

    and then blow dry the motor with com!ressed airA"#$ A

    1=;. Th 6&%ic '&%)(i#$ )#it of i#)ctc i% thA. /coulombB. /ohmC. /aradD. /henry

    A"#$ D

    1=. Which of th !i%t *(c&)tio#% %ho)! 6 t&0# "h#c!i#$ th i#t(#&!% of & 'oto( "ith co'*(%% &i(,A. /o!en the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to

    esca!eB. /be certain that the circuit brea-er is o!ened and tagged on the eeder

    !anelC. /be certain that the air is clean and as dry as !ossibleD. /all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,B. /mhos

    C. /henrysD. /arads

    A"#$ C

    1@5. A !&-&ci 6&tt(+ i% co#%i( f)!!+ ch&($ "h# thA. /electrolyte gasses reelyB. /battery charger ammeter indicates a !ositi%e readingC. /terminal %oltage reaches a constant %alue at a gi%en tem!eratureD. /s!ecifc gra%ity o all cells reaches the correct %alue and no longer

    increases o%er a !eriod o 1 to : hrs.A"#$ D

    1@9. Th i#%)!&tio# (%i%tc of !ct(ic >)i*'#t '&chi#(+ %ho)! 6 t%t fo( th !o"%t #o('&! i#%)!&tio#

    3&!)%A. /immediately ater shutting down the machineB. /e%ery time the brush rigging is ad&ustedC. /immediately ater starting u! the machineD. /e%ery ( days whether the machine is in use or not

    A"#$ A

    1@=. Hi$h 3&c))' io%/ $&%-F!! io%/ $('i)'%'ico#)cto( io% '&+ &!! 6 )% &%A. /!otentiometers

    B. /rectifers

    C. /!ower sourcesD. /!hotocells

    A"#$ B

    1@@. Th &**&(#t *o"( i# & *)(!+ i#)cti3 ci(c)it i% &!%o0#o"# &%A. /true !owerB. /lead !ower

    C. /induced !ower

    D. /reacti%e !owerA"#$ D

    1@. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ 3ic% "i!! *(3#t & :C $#(&to(f(o' 6co'i#$ 'oto(i7, If AC $#(&to( '% A#% CA. /o%ercurrent relayB. /motorization tri!C. /re%erse !ower relay

    D. /re%erse current relayA"#$ D

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,F1@. A $(o)# %"itch o( c&6! "i!! 6 i#ic&t 6+ & '$

    oh''t( (&i#$ of A. /infnityB. /zeroC. /being unsteady in the high rangeD. /being unsteady in the low range

    A"#$ B


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology(1'. A th(-*h&% i#)ctio#-t+* 'oto( 4*(i#c% o*# i#

    o# *h&%. Which of th !i%t &)to'&tic *(otcti3 3ic% "i!!*(3#t th '&chi# f(o' 6i#$ &'&$,

    A. /o%ers!eed tri!

    B. /thermal o%erload relayC. /three/!ole saety switchD. /magnetic blowout coil

    A"#$ B

    1;=. Mo%t th(-*h&% i#)ctio# 'oto(% )% fo( (i3i#$ #$i#(oo' &)4i!i&(i% &( %t&(t 6+A. /resistor startersB. /across/the/line startersC. /im!edance starters

    D. /reactor startersA"#$ B

    1;@. Wh# !ct(ic&! c&6!% *#t(&t "&t(ti$ht 6)!0h&%/

    A. /they should be grounded on either side o the bul-head

    B. /they must be bent to a radius o si* diameters

    C. /a watertight stuOng tube ca!able o acce!ting !ac-ing should beem!loyed

    D. /they should be secured by a clam!A"#$ C

    1;;. Ac(o%%-th-!i# %t&(t(% &( )% "ith AC 'oto(% to *(o3iA. /reduced starting currentB. /regulated starting currentC. /high starting tor+ueD. /controlled starting acceleration

    A"#$ C

    1;. Mo%t co#)cti3 '&t(i&!% %)ch &% co**(/ &!)'i#)'/ i(o#/#ic0!A. /increase in resistance with increased tem!eratureB. /increase in resistance with decreased tem!eratureC. /decrease in resistance with increased tem!eratureD. /decrease in resistance with decreased tem!erature

    A"#$ A


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1B. /windings be driedC. /windings be cleanedD. /readings are acce!table

    A"#$ D

    11. Li# !o%%% i# & i%t(i6)tio# ci(c)it &( 0*t to & 'i#i')'

    6+A. /adding rubber insulation conductors to the circuitB. /using higher current and lower %oltageC. /increasing the number o thermal relays in the circuitD. /using higher %oltage and lower current

    A"#$ D

    1. Ai#$ (%i%tc i# %(i% "ith th F! "i#i#$ of & :C%h)#t 'oto( "itho)t & !o&/ "i!! c&)% th 'oto( %* to

    A. /increase

    B. /decreaseC. /remain the sameD. /)uctuate ra!idly

    A"#$ A

    12. Th f)#ctio# of th co'*#%&ti#$ "i#i#$% )% i# & :C$#(&to( i% toA. /!re%ent cross/commutationB. /increase armature coil strength

    C. /increase feld strengthD. /neutralize armature reaction

    A"#$ D

    15. C&*&cito(% &( )% o# th o)t*)t of th *o"( %)**!+ i#to&+J% co#%o!% to

    A. /flter out Hri!!leH

    B. /!re%ent o%erloads

    C. /act as a !ermanent loadD. /decrease the a%erage %alue o the out!ut %oltage

    A"#$ A

    19. Th *)(*o% of & 'oto( )#( 3o!t&$ *(otctio# 3ic i%toA. /!re%ent high armature current when !ower is restoredB. /start the motor at a %ery low %oltageC. /tri! the load o the motor in case o freD. /!rotect !ersonnel rom low %oltage shoc-s

    A"#$ A

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,1=. I# t%ti#$ & th(-*h&% !t& "i#i#$ fo( o*# ci(c)it

    )%i#$ & '$ oh''t(/ +o) ')%tA. /test each !hase with all connections intact

    B. /measure the %oltage across the o!en connections while testing

    C. /test the windings as !arallel grou!s to a%oid short circuitingD. /o!en the delta/connections to a%oid shunting the !hase being tested

    A"#$ D

    1@. Th i(ctio# of (ot&tio# of i#)ctio# 'oto( i%A. /o!!osite to the rotating feld

    B. /the same as the direction o the rotating feld

    C. /determined by the number o !oles

    D. /determined by the staggering o the brushesA"#$ B

    1F. '(c)(+ F!! th('o't(% %ho)! #3( 6 )% tot('i# th t'*(&t)( of th 6&tt(+ !ct(o!+t 6c&)%&cci#t&! 6(&0&$ of the thermometer can causeA. /se%ere s!ar-ing and e*!losionsB. /ra!id o*idation o battery !latesC. /contamination o the electrolyteD. /corrosion on the battery terminals

    A"#$ A

    1. Th *)(*o% of & '&i# %"itch6o&( ci(c)it 6(&0(J% (3(%-*o"( t(i* i% to

    A. /!re%ent main circuit o%erload

    B. /!rotect the circuit brea-er blowout coilC. /!re%ent alternator motorizationD. /!re%ent low %oltage tri! out

    A"#$ C

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyD. /tor+ue de%elo!ed by the rotating feld

    A"#$ A

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:A. Dia o statorB. "o o stator !olesC. Rotor winding resistanceD. Bar resistance o conducting rotor

    A"#$ B

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'12. E!ct(ic !ct(o-h+(&)!ic %t(i#$ $&( 'oto(% &(

    (>)i( 6+ Co&%t G)&( R$)!&tio#% 5= CR to 6 .A. !rotected by a circuit brea-er set at 1,'J and a thermal o%erloadde%ice

    B. !ro%ided with a running motor o%ercurrent !rotection de%ice

    C. ser%ed by a single two conductor cableD. ser%ed by two eeder circuits

    A"#$ D

    "ew uestions

    1. Wh&t h&**#% to th %t(#$th of !ct(o'&$#tic F! "h#

    c)((#t *&%%i#$ th(o)$h i#)cto( i% h&!f,A. PB. QC. ,:. :

    A"#$ A

    . To *(3#t th (&c of :C %(i%/ 'oto( "h&t &(($'#t%ho)! '&0,

    a Always start at hea%y loadb >se a strong series wea- shunt com!ound DC motor

    c >se a wea- series strong shunt com!ound DC motor

    d All

    A"#$ A

    2. If th+(i%to( i% )% i# *!&c of %t&(t( 'c>

    a Cost decreases

    b #!ace decreases

    c As load increases re+uency increases uniormly

    d Maintenance decreases

    A"#$ A B 9 D

    5. o( i#co'i#$ $#(&to( "hich of th %t&t'#t% &( t(),

    a 7 7ncoming generator %oltage is increased3 then it will ha%e motoringeect.

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?b 7 %oltage is decreased3 then it will cause blac- out.

    c 7 re+uency do not match3 then it will run slowly.

    d 7 re+uency do not match3 then will run ast.

    A"#$ B

    9. P)( i#)cti3 *o"( i% c&!!

    a Reacti%e !ower

    b True !ower

    c #et !ower

    A"#$ A

    =. #( io i% )% &%

    a 5oltage regulator

    b Rectifer

    A"#$ A

    @. Ho" "ith th h!* of *(%%)( !ct(ic&! %i$#&! i% co#3(t,

    i Transducer

    ii Tuctile sensor

    iii Reactor

    i% Dont remember

    a 4nly i

    b 7 9 ii

    c 4nly i%

    d 7i 9 i%

    A"#$ A

    ;. Which %t&t'#t i% t() i# (!&tio# to AUTO TRANSORMER,'c>

    a More eecti%e than con%entional transormer

    b Any ractional %oltage can be a!!lied

    c Can be used both or A.C and D.C

    d ess e*citation needed

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@e 4I C4#T

    #MA #7=E

    A"#$ A B D E 9 0

    . o( & t)(6o !ct(ic *(o*)!%io# $#(&to( "hich c 6 Ftt,

    a Co, system

    b Moisture something

    c #tator winding tem!erature sensor

    d All

    A"#$ D


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technologyb Q

    c Twice

    d "o change

    A"#$ A

    15. o( h&!f "&3 (ctiF( (i**! f&cto( i%, fo( f)!! "&3-

    a Thermistors are semiconductors de%ices

    b 7n a 2ositi%e tem!erature coeOcient ;2TC< thermistors3 resistanceincreases with tem!erature increase

    c S%e tem!erature coeOcient ;"TC< thermistors3 can be used asre!lacement o use.

    d 2TC thermistors can be used as resistance thermometers in lowtem!erature en%ironments.

    e "TC thermistors are generally used or monitoring coolant and enginelube oil tem! in automobiles.

    A"#$ A B 9 E

    1@. Which t(i* i% *(%#t i# '($#c+ $#(&to(,a 4%er %oltage tri!

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyFb >nder %oltage tri!

    c 4%er s!eed tri!

    d "one

    A"#$ C

    1;. NER- "h&t i% t() fo( hi$h 3o!t&$ ci(c)it,

    a To limit ma* load current

    b "eutral earth resonance

    c Main switchboard earthed

    d "ot -nown

    A"#$ A

    1. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% #ot %!f-%t&(ti#$ 'oto(,

    a #+uirrel cage motor

    b #ynchronous motor

    c 7nduction motor

    d #!lit !hase motor

    A"#$ B

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:(A"#$ A

    . Moto( o3(h&)! i% to 6 o# "hich %t&t'#t% &( t(),

    a #tator should be isolated

    b Tag on o%erall shi!

    c "ot -nown

    A"#$ A

    2. E!ct(ic 'oto( %t&to(- t() %t&t'#t%, 'c>

    a 6enerator used only with sli! rings motors.

    b 0re+. con%ertor can be used as starter.

    c Auto transormer act as rheostat starter

    d "ot -nown

    A"#$ B 9 C

    5. Li'it %"itch ED# th(ott! --- !i'it% *i!ot 3D3 'o'#t

    9. S>)i((! c&$ )% i# %+#ch(o#o)% 'oto( fo(,

    a 7m!ro%ing !. 

    b >niorm balancing

    c Lust or starting

    d "ot -nown

    A"#$ C

    =. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ "i!! *(3#t & :C $#(&to( f(o'

    6co'i#$ 'oto(i7,

    a 4%ercurrent relay

    b Motorization tri!

    c Re%erse !ower relay

    d Re%erse current relay

    A"#$ D

    @. o( !&i#$ *o"( ci(c)it% "hich of th fo!!o"i#$ c 6)%,

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:1a #hunt ca!acitors only

    b #hunt reactors only

    c Either shunt ca!acitors or shunt reactors

    d "either shunt ca!acitors nor shunt reactors

    A"#$ B

    ;. To (*&i( & %'&!! !ct(ic 'oto( "hich "&% %)6'($ i#%&!t"&t(/ +o) %ho)!

    a Iash it with .w and a!!ly an e*ternal source o heat.

    b Renew the windings

    c #end to ashore to an a!!ro%ed ser%ice acility

    d Rinse all electrical !arts with a carbon tetrachloride cleaning sol%entsand then blow dry the motor with com!ressed air

    A"#$ A

    . A# o*(&ti#$ ch&(&ct(i%tic &**&(i#$ o# th #&' *!&t%of %hi*6o&( AC 'oto( i%

    a Ty!e o windings

    b 7n!ut -w

    c Tem! rise

    d oc-ed rotor tor+ue

    A"#$ C


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:,g >se a wea- series strong shunt com!ound DC motor

    h All

    A"#$ A

    2. C)((#t &**!i to !& &ci 6&tt(+ "o)! !& to

    a 8igher thermal %oltage

    b ower terminal %oltage high charging

    c 7ncrease generation o 8, gas

    d Decrease in s!ecifc gra%ity o electrolyte

    A"#$ C

    22. Ac(o%% th !i# %t&(t(% &( )% "ith AC 'oto(% to *(o3i

    a Reduced starting current

    b Regulated starting current

    c 8igh starting tor+ue

    d Controlled starting acceleration

    A"#$ C

    25. I# &(th #)t(&! %+%t'/ &(th f&)!t "i!! occ)( o#!+

    a 1 ault in 1 line

    b , ault in two line

    c Two ault in 1 line

    d Dont -now

    A"#$ A

    29.   Which %t&t'#t i% t() fo( + %to(&$ 6&tt(+

    a Am! hr. eOciency o al-aline battery is high than lead acid battery

    b Iatt hr. eOciency o al-aline is more than lead acid battery

    c Al-aline battery can let in any state o charge or discharge

    d All

    A"#$ C

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:2=. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% t() &6o)t %t&( !t& %t&(t(%


    a 2o!ular bcoz relati%ely ine*!ensi%e

    b 6i%es lower starting current than D4

    c Can only be used with induction motor delta connected in su!!ly%oltage

    d Ty!ically used to start the motor with lower %oltage

    A"#$ B C 9 D

    2@. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( t() fo( %hi*6o&( %to(&$6&tt(i%,

    a Construction should be so as to !re%ent emission o s!ray

    b 7 %oltage is abo%e ,((% insulation stands must be used

    c The dec- below the cells should be !rotected with acid resisting oral-aline resisting materials

    d Battery ban-s abo%e , -w should be -e!t in battery room only

    e Emgy batteries should ne%er be stored in battery room

    A"#$ A C 9 D

    2;.  I# co''o# co!!cto( t(%i%to( co!!cto( &'*!iF( 3o!t&$$&i#

    a Cannot e*ceed unity

    b De!ends on out!ut im!edance

    c De!ends on out!ut signal

    d Always constant

    A"#$ A

    2. Which %t&t'#t i% t() fo( (&cto( %t&(t( fo( !ct(ic&!'oto(

    a Minimal reduction in starting tor+ue a%ailable

    b #tarting current is limited in !ro!ortion to %oltage

    c Ad%antage o this method is its low cost in com!arison to otherstarters

    d 7n reactor starter3 a Coil with iron core is connected in !arallel with

    motor during starting

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology::A"#$ B 9 C

    5sed to control the sto!!ing o motor

    c >se o sot starters initially result in lower motor tor+ue

    d #ot starters !rogressi%ely increase motor %oltage with causing tor+ueor current !ea-

    A"#$ A B 9 C

    51.  Vo!t&$ $#(&to( 6+ 'o%t AC $#(&to(% i% f f(o' th'&chi# to th 6)% 6+ '% of

    a Brushes on commutator

    b Brushes on sli! rings

    c #li! rings on commutator

    d Direct connection rom stator

    A"#$ D

    5. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( t() &6o)t & t'* '&%)(i#$ c0t'*!o+ i# i# & &t& !o$$( %+%t',

    1 A Iheatstone bridge can be used in con&unction with a Iheatstonebridge induction thermometer

    , Thermometer is energized using a constant current source and %oltagede%elo!ed is measured in !otentiometer ty!e method

    7nductance o thermometer will change with change in tem!

    a 1 only

    b , only

    c 1 9 , only

    d 1 9 only

    e , 9 only

    A"#$ D

    52. :i% &3t&$ of "&( Lo#&( %+%t' 'c>

    a Motor generator set re+uires lot o s!ace

    b 4%erall eOciency o the system is low es!ecially when lightly loaded

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:'c #ystem o!erates in %ery narrow s!eed range

    d Re+uires high maintenance

    e #!eed regulation is diOcult to achie%e as motor acceleration isuniorm


    A"#$ A B D 9 0

    55.  Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( 6#Ft% of 'oif+i#$ "&(Lo#&( co#t(o! %+%t' 6+ (*!&ci#$ 'oto( %t "ith & th+(i%to(%* co#t(o!!(

    a Enhanced s!eed regulation by ma-ing the motor acceleration uniorm

    b 7ncreases eOciency o system es!ecially lightly loadedc Reduces the o%erall cost

    d Reduces system maintenance

    e 7ncreases o!erating s!eed range o system

    Reduces o%erall s!ace re+uired

    A"#$ B C D 9 0

    59. A(($ th fo!!o"i#$ i# co((ct %>)#c fo &chi3i#$co((ct KW %h&(i#$ "h# AC $#(&to( i% *&(&!!! "ith !i36)% 6&( $#(&to( h&% %o' o" f&cto( &% oth(% i# %+%t'

    1 #ynchronize the incoming generator in terms o %oltage3 re+uencyand !hase.

    , Trim %oltage o the machine which has ha%e lower load current toincrease e*citation

    7ncrease s!eed on incoming machine while lowering than that oothers connected to system

    : Ad&ust machine %oltage to -ee! o%erall system eOciency ready.

    ' Ad&ust the go%ernor control switch on main switch board to increasethe uel to its !rime mo%er

    a Adc

    b Aebc

    c Aecb

    d Aec

    e Adbc


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:?

    A"#$ D

    5=. "hich of th fo!!o"i#$ i% t() fo( %+#c(o#o%co* 'c>

    a one o the coil in the armature is ed through a ca!acitor while other is

    through resistanceb the coil !roduces a three !hase rotating feld

    c the rotating armature has two coils windings !er!endicular to eachother.

    d The feld !roduces by the coils rotates the magnetic armature !ointerat a s!eed relati%e to the re+uency o the bus bar su!!ly

    e The coils !roduce a single !hase rotating feld.

    A"#$ C D 9E

    5@. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( TRUE "ith ($&(% to & S+#ch(o%co*, MCQ

    A. 4ne o the coils in the armature is ed through an 7nductor while theother is ed through a Resistor.

    B. The rotating armature has two coil windings !arallel to each other.C. The coils !roduce a two/!hase rotating feld.:. 4ne o the coils in the armature is ed through a Ca!acitor while the

    other is ed through an 7nductor.

    E.  The feld !roduced by the coils rotates the magnetic armature !ointerat a s!eed relati%e to the %oltage o the bus/bar su!!ly.

    A"#$ A 4nly

    5;. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( TRUE "ith ($&(% to i#co((ct%+#ch(o#i7&tio# of A!t(#&to(%,

    a. 7 incoming su!!ly %oltage is higher than that o bus bar3 thealternator will start drawing !ower rom bus bar and start motoring.

    b. 7 incoming su!!ly %oltage is lesser than that o bus bar3 the alternatorwill start drawing !ower rom bus bar and start motoring.

    c. 7 re+uencies o bus bar and alternator donNNNt match3 alternator willrun on low re+uency on synchronization.

    d. 7 re+uencies o bus bar and alternator donNNNt match3 alternator willrun on high re+uency on synchronization.

    e. 7 %oltages are not in !hase and circuit brea-er is closed3 the !hasedierence will cause o%erloading and !otential blac- out.

    . 7 %oltages are not in !hase and circuit brea-er is closed3 the !hasedierence will cause low current to )ow rom alternator and alternatorwill run on low load.

    A"#$ B 9 E

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:@5. Moto( h&3i#$ (ho%t&t i# 'oto( ci(c)it to 3&(+ %* i# c!!

    a #+uirrel cage motor

    b Regenerating brea-er motor

    c Iound round induction motor

    d #ynchronous motor

    A"#$ C


    a Rheostat starting can be used with sli! ring motors

    b 0re+uency con%ertor cannot be used as statorc #ot stator is made o semiconductord Ad%antage o Reactor start is their relati%ely low cost

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:

    A"#$ A C 9 D

    95.  M&4 f)!! "&3 (ctiF( ci#c+ *o%%i6! 6+ t"o io%f(o' & %i#)%oi&! "&3 i% H&!f "&3 i% 5

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:F6. 5oltagec. 0re+uency

    A"#$ CR3(%i#$ + t"o of th th( (oto( !&% o# i#)ctio# 'oto( "i!!.

    a. increase motor !erormanceb. decrease motor !erormancec. re%erse the motord. ha%e no eect on the direction o rotation or motor !erormance

    A"#$ C=

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'(c. reduce the number o su!!orts needed or a horizontal o%erhead run

    d. all o the abo%e

    A"#$ A

    =5. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( TRUE "ith ($&(% to & S+#ch(o%co*,

    a. 4ne o the coils in the armature is ed through a Ca!acitor while theother is ed through a Resistor.

    b. The coils !roduce a three/!hase rotating feld.

    c. The rotating armature has two coil windings !er!endicular to each


    d. The feld !roduced by the coils rotates the magnetic armature !ointerat a s!eed relati%e to the re+uency o the bus/bar su!!ly.

    e. The coils !roduce a single/!hase rotating feld

    A"#$ C D 9 E

    =9. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( TRUE "ith ($&(% to i#co((ct

    %+#ch(o#i7&tio# of A!t(#&to(%,

    a. 7 incoming su!!ly %oltage is higher than that o bus bar3 thealternator will start drawing !ower rom bus bar and start motoring.

    b. 7 incoming su!!ly %oltage is lesser than that o bus bar3 thealternator will start drawing !ower rom bus bar and start motoring.

    c. 7 re+uencies o bus bar and alternator donNNNt match3 alternator willrun on low re+uency on synchronization.

    d. 7 re+uencies o bus bar and alternator donNNNt match3 alternator willrun on high re+uency on synchronization.

    e. 7 %oltages are not in !hase and circuit brea-er is closed3 the !hasedierence will cause o%erloading and !otential blac- out.

    . 7 %oltages are not in !hase and circuit brea-er is closed3 the !hasedierence will cause low current to )ow rom alternator and alternatorwill run on low load.

    A"#$ B 9 E

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'1==. Th '&i# )% of & C!&%%-C &'*!iF( i%

    a. as an R0 am!liferb. as stereo am!liferc. in communication sound e+ui!mentd. as distortion generator

    A"#$ A

    =@. G#(&to( *&(&!!!i#$A. 7ncoming generator re+ is less than bus bar re+uencyB. 7ncoming generator re+uency is greater than

    A"#$ B

    =;. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i%D&( #c%%&(+ *(c&)tio#% fo(*&(&!!!i#$ AC G#(&to( "ith !i3 6)% 6&(%,7. 6enerator re+uency should be close to but slightly lower than bus barre+uency77. 6enerator %oltage should be e+ual to bus bar %oltage777. Current in generator circuit should be less than bus bar current75. 6enerator %oltage should be in !hase with bus bar %oltage

    A. 73 773 777 and 75

    B.73 77 and 75

    C. 73 77 and 777

    D. 77 and 75 only

    A"#$ D

    =. I# co''o# co!!cto( t(%i%to( co!!cto( &'*!iF( 3o!t&$$&i#a. Cannot e*ceed unityb. De!ends on out!ut im!edancec. De!ends on out!ut signald. Always constant

    A"#$ A


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology',C. in communication sound e+ui!mentD. as distortion generator

    A"#$ A

    @1. NER- "h&t i% t() fo( hi$h 3o!t&$ ci(c)it,a. To limit ma* load currentb. "eutral earth resonancec. Main switchboard earthedd. "ot -nown

    A"#$ A

    @. Which %t&t'#t i% t() i# (!&tio# to AUTO


    a. More eecti%e than con%entional transormer

    b. Any ractional %oltage can be a!!lied

    c. Can be used both or A.C and D.C

    d. ess e*citation needed.

    e. 5oltage regulation o autotransormer is much better

    . 7ts size is relati%ely %ery smaller.

    A"#$ A B D E 9 0

    @2. o( & $i3# !i# 3o!t&$/ fo)( h&ti#$ coi!% "i!! *(o)c'&4i')' h&t "h# co##ct i#

    a. !arallelb. seriesc. same heat in both the timed. none o the abo%e

    A"#$ A

    @5. ACB t(i*% &t "h&t co#itio#a. re%erse currentb. short circuitc. o%erload

    d. low %oltage ault

    A"#$ C

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'

    @9. With ($&(% to AVR "hich &!! %t&t'#t% &( t(),a. A ty!ical A5R circuit needs two =ener diode3 two resistances3 one

    inductor3 one ca!acitor3 one transormer and one Diode Bridge.b. The unction o the transormer in an A5R is to ste! down the AC

    su!!ly coming rom the generator terminals and eed this su!!ly

    to the C circuit.c. The unction o the C circuit in an A5R is to con%ert the AC su!!ly

    coming rom the generator terminals into a DC su!!ly.d. =ener diodes are ty!ically used as %oltage reerence in most modern

    A5R.e. The unction o Diode Bridge is to rectiy the signal coming rom the C

    circuit and a!!ly this to the reerence bridge.. The unction o the C circuit in an A5R is to smooth the signal coming

    rom the diode bridge and a!!ly this to the reerence bridge.

    A"#$ A D 9 0

    @=. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ %t&t'#t i% f&!% fo( !& &ci6&tt(+,

    a. when discharge both !ositi%e and negati%e !late contain lead sul!hateb. when charged negati%e !late contain s!ongy leadc. when charged !ositi%e !late lead !er o*ided. when discharge electrolyte undergoes no chemical reaction

    A"#$ D

    @@. "hich of th fo!!o"i#$ *(3#t% 'oi%t)( co##%&tio# i# &"&th( c0 %"itch 6o&( SURE1.installing light bulb in !edestal stand,.coat internal o switch bo* Iith e!o*y sealed.%enting the switchboard regularly.: using stri! heater

    a. , and :

    b. only :

    c. 13,33:

    d. and ,

     A"#$ B

    @;. TRUE A6o)t B&tt(+ %to(&$

    a. 2re%ention o electrolyte s!illageb. Easy accessible rom to! or maintenance

    B t - t d t

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology':d. Al-aline and lead acid battery are -e!t in a se!arate roome. But ban-s more than ,-w -e!t in !ro!er co%er

    A"#$ A B C D 9 E

    @. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% t() "ith ($&(% to )%

    ($#(&ti3 6(&0i#$ i# & (3(%i6! *o! ch$ ')!ti%*t+* AC i#)ctio# 'oto(, M)!ti*! choic >)%tio#

    a. Regenerati%e bra-ing is used in con&unction with the riction !adb. regenerati%e bra-ing is used as our +uadrant controlc. . A motor in one direction can act as generator by re%ersing its

    direction through a controllerd. this method returns con%erts some o the -inetic energy bac- into

    chemical energy and eeds into the !ower su!!ly.e. the !ower su!!ly needs to be disconnected when motor comes to rest or the

    motor will turn in o!!osite direction.

    A"#$ A C D 9 E

    ;)&!i7 *o"( f&cto( of t"o &!t(#&to(A.go%ernorB.automatic %oltage regulatorC.syncrosco!e

    A"#$ B

    ;5. Wh# to" $#(&to(% &( ()##i#$ i# *&(&!!! F! ofo# of th' i% "&0# too ')ch th# it "i!! SURE

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology''a< deli%er large share o the total load;b< deli%er small share o the total load;c< run in the o!!osite direction;d< run as a motor in the same direction

    A"#$ D

    ;9. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( t() &6o)t & t'* '&%)(i#$ c0t'*!o+ i# i# & &t& !o$$( %+%t'1. A Iheatstone bridge can be used in con&unction with a Iheatstonebridge induction thermometer,. Thermometer is energized using a constant current source and%oltage de%elo!ed is measured in !otentiometer ty!e method. 7nductance o thermometer will change with change in tem!

    a. 1 onlyb. , onlyc. 1 9 , onlyd. 1 9 onlye. , 9 only

    A"#$ D

    ;=. Th 6&%ic co#t(o! &ctio# of & '&$#tic &'*!iF( *#%)*o# .

    ;a< 5ariations in the load ca!acitance;b< changes in inductance;c< ty!e o core material;d< construction o the core

    A"#$ B

    ;@. "hich of th fo!!o"i#$ i% t() fo( %+#c(o#o%co* 'c>A. one o the coil in the armature is ed through a ca!acitor while otheris through resistanceB. the coil !roduces a three !hase rotating feldC. the rotating armature has two coils windings !er!endicular to eachother.D. The feld !roduces by the coils rotates the magnetic armature !ointerat a s!eed relati%e to the re+uency o the bus bar su!!lyE. The coils !roduce a single !hase rotating feld.

    A"#$ C D 9 E

    ;;. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% t() ($&(i#$ i%t(i6)tio# %+%t'o# t(%,

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'?a. 8igh %oltage distribution system not allowed on tan-ers

    b. Earthed neutral system used.

    c. .-% abo%e insulated neutral system used wd o the engine roombul-head

    d. none o the abo%e

    A"#$ C

    ;. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i%D&( #c%%&(+ *(c&)tio#% fo(*&(&!!!i#$ AC G#(&to( "ith !i3 6)% 6&(%,7. 6enerator re+uency should be close to but slightly lower than bus barre+uency

    77. 6enerator %oltage should be e+ual to bus bar %oltage777. Current in generator circuit should be less than bus bar current75. 6enerator %oltage should be in !hase with bus bar %oltage

    A. 73 773 777 and 75B.73 77 and 75C. 73 77 and 777D. 77 and 75 only

    A"#$ D

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'@a. wetted surace areab.+uality and condition o !rotection !ain coatingc.s!eed o the shi!d.sea water tem!erature

    A"#$ A B C 9 D

    5. "hich of th fo!!o"i#$ co#%i( to 6 th %&f%t *(otctio#f(o' %t&tic !ct(icit+ i%ch&($ "h# co##cti#$ o(i%co##cti#$ c&($o ho% 't&! &('%, 

    a.insulatiing )ange on the length o the non/conducting hoseb.switching o 7CC2c.shi! shore bonding cabled.non o this abo%e

    A"#$ C ;Add A or MC<

    9. C!&%% A &'*!iF( *(c#t&$, a. @.Jb.'(Jc.,'Jd.@'J

    A"#$ C

    =. I# *(o*(!+ 6i&% #*# t(%i%to( 'o%t f( !ct(o# f(o''itt( 

    a. recombine with hole and base

    b. recombine with emitter itsel 

    c. sto!!ed with emitter itsel 

    d. !ass through the base to collector

    A"#$ D

    @. "hich of th fo!!o"i#$ t() ($&(% to %+#c(o#o%co* SUREa. the coil !roduce !hase rotating feldb.the coil !roduce a , !hase rotating feldc.the coil !roduce 1 !hase rotating feldd. the rotating armature has , coil winding !er!endicular to each other

    e.the rotating armature has coil !arallel to each other

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'

    A"#$ C 9 D

    ;. Ch&(&ct(i%tic of !&%( !i$ht 

    a. Coherent

    b. Collimated

    c. Monochromatic

    d. all the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    . "hich of th fo!!o"i#$ )% i# &(th #)t(&! %+%t' a.netural earthing resistorKb.usec.o%ercurrentd.transormer

    A"#$ A


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'Fa. o%er current relay act aster than 0use

    b. o%er current relay tri! the contactor on o%er load de!end on o%erload setting

    c. use meant or !rotection against o%er load u!to staled current

    d. none o these abo%e

    A"#$ B

    1)ch&(&ct(i%tic co#t(o! %* co#t(o! *)(*o%

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?(a. use A5R with motor

    b. use changing no o !oles in a motor

    c. use e*ternal resistor in a rotor circuit

    d. use e*ternal resistor in a stator circuit

    e. thyristor in combine with motor.

    A"#$ C


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?11)#c+ i% %t %o th&t th c&*&cito( (&ctci% >)&! to th (%i%tc th)% >)&! &'o)#t of 3o!t&$&**&(% &c(o%% &ch co'*o##t/ "h&t h&**# "h# f(>)#c+.Wh&t h&**#% if th f(>)#c+ i% i#c(&%,

    a. 5oltage across the resistor became higher than %oltage in theca!acitor

    b. %oltage across the ca!acitor became higher than %oltage in theresistor

    c. %oltage across ca!acitor remain same as the %oltage across theresistor

    d. cannot determine

    A"#$ A


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?,

    A"#$ A

    11. 2 *h&%/ if it i% co##ct i#%)!&t &(th %+%t' to th

    %hi* h)!! 

    a. short crt

    b. earth ault

    c. both a and b

    d. neither a or b

    A"#$ B

    112. Wh&t "i!! 6 i# 'oto(/ fo( !ct(o %t(i#$ $&(N

    a. 0use

    b. o%erload Alarm

    c. o%erload tri!

    d. !ower ailure alarm

    A"#$ D

    115. i'*)(iti% i# %'ico#)cto( 

    a. do!ing

    b. biasing

    c. alloying

    d. none o the abo%e

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?

    A"#$ A

    119. C&*&cito( 6% &( co##ct "ith &c i#)ctio#'oto( ! series.C.not connected atUD.can be connected either way Sseries !arallel.

    A"#$ A

    11=. A co#t(o! &ctio# "hich *(o)c% & co((cti3 %i$#&! (!&ti3to th !#$th of ti' th co#t(o!! 3&(i&6! h&% 6# &"&+ f(o'th %t *oi#t/ i% 0#o"# &%

    a. 7ntegral action

    b. 2ro!ortional action

    c. Rate action

    d. Deri%ati%e action

    A"#$ A

    11@. Wh&t h&**#% to th &'o)#t of #($+ %to( i# th!ct(o'&$#tic F! "h# th c)((#t th(o)$h i#)cto( i%c)t i# h&!f,

    a. 7s reduced to one ourth

    b. 7s reduced to one hal 

    c. Doubles

    d. uadru!les

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?:A"#$ A

    11;. :o*i#$ '&t(i&!% &( c&!! i'*)(iti% 6c&)% th+

    a. Decrease the number o charge carriers

    b. Change the chemical !ro!erties o semiconductors

    c. Ma-e semiconductors less than 1((9 !ure

    d. Alter the crystal structures o !ure semiconductors

    A"#$ D

    11. Th o)t*)t of c!&%% B &'*!iF(

    a. 7s distortion ree

    b. Consists o !ositi%e hal cycle only

    c. 7s li-e the out!ut o a ull wa%e rectifer

    d. Com!rises short duration current !ulses

    A"#$ B


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?'A. i% and %i

    B. i and ii

    C. i and %

    D. ii and i%

    E. iii and %i

    A"#$ D

    11. Wh&t i% (%i)&! '&$#ti%',

    a. Magnetism in a solenoid coil

    b. Magnetism in a natural magnet

    c. Magnetism remaining ater magnetic feld is remo%ed

    d. "one o the abo%e

    A"#$ C

    1. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% D &( t() &6o)t &(thi#$ of hi$h3o!t&$ i#%t&!!&tio#%,

    a. 8igh %oltage installations should not be earthed at the star !oint o the generator

    b. "eutral earthing resonance can be used or earthing high %oltageinstallations

    c. The %alue o the "ER is usually selected to limit current to the ullload current %alue

    d. "ERs can be substituted with earthing arrangements at circuitbrea-ers in high %oltage installations to achie%e the same eect

    A"#$ B 9 C

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology??

    12. Th ci(c)it ci#c+ of & c!&%% A &'*!iF( c 6 i#c(&%6+ )%i#$

    a. ow DC !ower in!ut

    b. Direct cou!led load

    c. ow rating transistor

    d. Transormer cou!led load

    A"#$ D

    15. Th #$&ti3 *!&t of & #ic0! c&'i)' 6&tt(+ &ft(i%ch&($ co#%i%t% of

    a. "ic-el hydro*ide

    b. Cadmium hydro*ide

    c. 2otassium hydro*ide

    d. Cadmium

    A"#$ B

    19. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% D &( t() &6o)t ($)!&tio#co#c(#i#$ %hi*6o&( %to(&$ 6&tt(i%,

    a. Construction should always be so as to !re%ent emission o s!ray

    b. 7 %oltage is abo%e ,,( 53 insulation stands must be used

    c. The dec- below the cells should be !rotected with acid resistingor al-aline resisting material

    d. Battery ban-s abo%e ,I should be -e!t in the battery room

    e. Emergency batteries should ne%er be stored in the battery room

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?@A"#$ A C 9 D

    1=. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ &( TRUE "ith ($&(% to Bi-'t&!%t(i*%, MCQ

    a. Bi/metal stri!s are generally used or tem!erature sensing

    b. During higher than normal current )ows3 the bi/metal stri! willbend

    c. Bi/metal stri!s are generally used or %oltage regulations

    d. Bi/metal stri!s are generally used as thermal elements in an o%ercurrent !rotection relay

    e. Bi/metal stri!s are generally used or !ower control

    A"#$ A B C 9 D

    1@. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ %+%t' i% #o('&!!+ )% i# hi$h3o!t&$ 2.2 KV &6o3 $#(&tio# *(i'&(+ i%t(i6)tio#,

    a. AC single !hase two wire insulated

    b. AC three !hase three wire insulated

    c. DC two wire insulated

    d. AC three !hase three wire3 neutral earthed

    A"#$ D

    1;. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ *(otctio# 3ic% &( #ot *(o3ifo( 'oto(% )% i# o*(&tio# of !ct(o h+(&)!ic %t(i#$ $&(%,

    &. 0uses

    6. 4%erload alarm

    c. 4%erload tri!

    . 2ower ailure alarm

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?

    A"#$ C

    1. Which of th !i%t 3ic% '&+ 6 i#%t&!! o# & !&($t)(6o !ct(ic &!t(#&ti#$ c)((#t *(o*)!%io# $#(&to(,

    7. Tem!erature detector coils inserted in the stator slots ormeasuring stator tem!erature

    77. Electric s!ace heaters to !re%ent condensation o moisture

    777. A C4, fre e*tinguishing system

    A. 73 77 and 777

    B. 7 and 77

    C. 77 and 777

    D. 777 only

    E. 7 and 777

    A"#$ A


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?Fa. An insulated distribution system needs two earth aults on two

    dierent lines to cause a earth ault current

    b. An earthed distribution system re+uires only one earth ault onone line to cause a earth ault current

    c. An insulated system is more eecti%e in maintaining continuityo su!!ly to electrical e+ui!ment

    d. "one o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    12. C)((#t ?o" i# & %'ico#)cto( *#% o# th*h#o'#o# of 

    a. Drit

    b. Diusion

    c. Recombination

    d. All o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    122. Th *)(*o% of & c&$ (oto( "i#i#$ *!&c o# th (oto( of& %+#ch(o#o)% 'oto( i% to

    a. 2ro%ide e*citation to the DC feld

    b. #tart the machine as induction motor

    c. Contribute e*tra tor+ue at synchronous s!eed

    d. 2re%ent the machine rom alling out o ste!

    A"#$ B

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@(125. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% D &( t() of %t&(t(% )% fo(

    !ct(ic 'oto(%,

    a. Ca!acitor start can be used only with sli! ring motors

    b. Rheostat starters are based on semiconductor

    c. 0re+uency con%erters can also be used as starters

    d. The eect o an auto transormer start is similar to that oreactor start

    A"#$ C 9 D

    129. A LE: 'it% 3i%i6! !i$ht "h# it%

    a. 2" &unction is re%erse biased

    b. De!letion region widens

    c. 8oles and electrons recombine

    d. 2" &unction becomes hot

    A"#$ C

    12=. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ c c&)% G(o)#% occ)((i#$ i#!ct(ic&! '&chi#(+ &% & (%)!t of i#%)!&tio# f&i!)(,

    7. Deterioration through e*tended use

    77. E*cessi%e heat

    777. 4!erating in e*tremely cold conditions

    75. E*tended !eriods o %ibration

    A. 7 and 77 only

    B. 77 and 75 only

    C. 73 77 and 777

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@1D. 73 77 and 75

    E. 73 773 777 and 75

    A"#$ E

    12@. o( f&ithf)! &'*!iFc&tio#/ & t(%i%to( ')%t

    a. 7n!ut orward biased

    b. 4ut!ut re%erse biased

    c. Ior- in o!erating !oint

    d. All o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    12;. I# & %+%t' of %t6+ %+#ch(o#i7i#$ !&'*% Ftt i#co#8)#ctio# "ith & %+#ch(o#o%co* to %+#ch(o#i7 ACG#(&to(

    L&'* 1 i% co##ct 6t"# S !i# of !i3 6)% 6&(% S !i# of

    i#co'i#$ &!t(#&to(/L&'* i% co##ct 6t"# R !i# of !i3 6)% 6&(% T !i# ofi#co'i#$ &!t(#&to(/

    L&'* 2 i% co##ct 6t"# T !i# of !i3 6)% 6&(% R !i# ofi#co'i#$ &!t(#&to(.Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% th (i$ht t(i$$( fo( choo%i#$ th ci(c)it6(&0(,

    A Ihen lam! V1 is dar- and lam! V, and V are e+ually bright

    B Ihen lam! V1 is dar-3 lam! V, is low in brightness and lam! V is %erybright

    C Ihen all three lam!s are e+ually bright

    D Ihen all three lam!s are dar-

    A"#$ A

    12.P(o*( %to(&$ 6&tt(+ '&i#t#c "o)! i#c!)

    a. Maintaining a high charging current at all times

    b. Maintaining connections tight

    c. Chec-ing weight o batteries rom time to time

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@,d. All o the abo%e

    A"#$ B


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@

    155. Th *)(*o% of & '&i# %"itch6o&( ci(c)it 6(&0(% (3(%-*o"( t(i* i% to

    a< !re%ent main circuit o%erloadb< !rotect the circuit brea-er blowout coil

    c< !re%ent alternator motorizationd< !re%ent low %oltage tri! out

    A"#$ C

    159. Th ch&($ of &!0&!i# 6&tt(+ i% t('i# "ith &a< hydrometerb< ammeter

    c< %oltmeterd< hygrometer

    A"#$ C

    15=. If th *oi#t( f&i!% to co' 6&c0 to 7(o "h# th '$$( i% #oti# )% it '%

    a< the megger is out o calibrationb< this is normalc< the hairs!rings are burnt out

    d< the !ointer is stuc-

    A"#$ B

    15@. th *o"( f&cto( of i#)ctio# 'oto( o*(&ti#$ &t f)!! !o& i%-a< leadingb< laggingc< unityd< no change

    A"#$ B

    15;. I# & 2 *h&% !t& co##ctio#/ th !i# c)((#t "i!! 6 th*(o)ct of *h&% c)((#t

    a< 1.'(1b< ,.,1?c< 1.:1:d< 1.@,

    A"#$ D

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@:

    15. Th *(i#ci*&! i(#c 6t"# & 2 *h&% %>)i((! c&$i#)ctio# 'oto( & %i#$! *h&% i#)ctio# 'oto( i%-

    a< one is a s!lit !hase motor using a ca!acitor3 while the other uses aninductor

    b< one has a re%ol%ing feld which drags the rotor slightly behind it3 whilethe other runs in ste!.c< there is no dierence

    d< one needs DC e*citation3 the other need no e*citation

    A"#$ A


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@'A"#$ D

    195. A *o"( f&cto( 't( i# ECR %ho"%-a< true !owerb< a!!arent !ower

    c< relationshi! between %olts and am!eresd< relationshi! between true !ower and a!!arent !ower

    A"#$ D

    199. Bfo( %+#ch(o#i7i#$ &!t(#&to(%/ th+ ')%t h&3a< load e+ualizedb< same re+uencyc< same %oltage

    d< same am!erage

    A"#$ B

    19=. Th &3t&$ of :C 'oto(% o3( AC 'oto(% i% th&t/ th+ h&3-a< higher s!eedsb< handle hea%ier loadsc< ha%e better s!eed controld< ha%e a longer lie

    A"#$ C

    19@. Which of th fo!!o"i#$ i% #ot (>)i( fo( %+#ch(o#i7i#$&!t(#&to(%,

    a< same %oltageb< same !hase rotationc< same s!eed e*!ressed as re+uencyd< same I rating

    A"#$ D

    19;. T'*(&t)(% i# AC $#(&to(% &( i#ic&t 6+-a< imbedded thermocou!lesb< dee! well thermometersc< !yrometersd< standard thermometers

    A"#$ A

    19. If th (%i%tc of & ci(c)it i% o)6! th &**!i 3o!t&$0*t co#%tt/ th c)((#t "i!!-

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@?a< increase : timesb< be doubledc< cut into hal d< no change

    A"#$ C


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@@d< any o abo%e

    A"#$ B

    1=9. A '$$( i% )% to '&%)(

    a< -ilo ohmsb< mega ohmsc< milli ohmsd< micro ohms

    A"#$ B

    1==. A '$$( i% &a< hand cran-ed instrument or measuring current

    b< hand cran-ed AC generatorc< hand cran-ed DC generatord< meter or measuring thic-ness o insulation

    A"#$ C

    1=@. Wh# '$$( t%ti#$ & #" &('&t)( coi! to $(o)#-th(&i#$% %ho)! 6 &t !&%t-

    a< 1 megb< 1(( megs

    c< 1((( megsd< infnity

    A"#$ A

    1=;. &''t( i% co##ct to & ci(c)it i#a< series/!arallelb< !arallelc< seriesd< contact

    A"#$ C

    1=. =< c+c!% o( H(t7 '% th c+c! i% (*&t-a< ?( times a minuteb< ?( times an hourc< ?( times a secondd< none o abo%e

    A"#$ C

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@1@

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology(

    1;1. Po"( f&cto( i%a< true !ower di%ided by the !roduct o am!eres and %oltsb< true !ower di%ided by a!!arent !owerc< I di%ided by 5ad< all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    1;. Aft( '&i# *o"( i% (%to(/ & ti' %>)#ti&! (%t&(t of'oto(-(i3# &)4i!i&(i% i% #c%%&(+ to &3oi

    a< 6enerator o%erload due to many motors starting at simultaneouslyb< 4%erloading creating earth aultsc< 4%er%oltage due to current surgesd< 4%er/re+uency due to o%ers!eed o generator

    A"#$ A

    1;2. A 2-*h&% i#)ctio# 'oto( i% (&t &t

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1A"#$ C

    1;=. A 'oto( i% *(otct 6+ & th('&! o3(c)((#t (!&+. Aft(t(i**i#$ o# o3(!o& it "i!! #ot 6 *o%%i6! to (%t th o3(c)((#t(!&+ 6c&)% th

    a< Bimetallic stri!s need time to cool downb< #tarter isolator automatically a!!lies an interloc-c< 4il dash/!ot has also to be reset.d< ine contactor s!ring also has to be reset

    A"#$ A

    1;@. A 2-*h&% A.C. i#)ctio# 'oto( i% ()##i#$ #o('&!!+ &t it% (&tc)((#t of 19< A "h# & %i#$! *h&%i#$ f&)!t o*# ci(c)it occ)(% i#o# !i#. Th !i0!+ o)tco' "i!! 6

    a< ine currents$ ( A3 1'( A3 (( A. Tri! condition$ tri! on o%erload.b< ine currents$ @' A3 @' A3 @' A. Tri! condition$ no tri! but s!eed alls.c< ine currents$ 1'( A31'( A31'( A. Tri! condition$ uses blow on shortcircuit.d< ine currents$ ( A3 1( A3 1( A. Tri! condition$ tri! on o%erload.

    A"#$ D

    1;;. Th f)#ctio# of th f)%% i# & 'oto( %t&(t( ci(c)it i% to *(o3ia< 4%erload !rotection.b< >nder %oltage !rotection.c< #hort circuit !rotection.d< 4!en circuit !rotection.

    A"#$ C

    1;. If th A.C. !i# c)((#t i# & $#(&to( i% o)6!/ th h&ti#$

    ct i# th %t&to( "i#i#$% "i!! 6a< : timesb< #amec< 8al d< Twice

    A"#$ A


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology,d< Remain a!!ro*imately constant3 due to A5R action

    A"#$ B

    11. U#!o&i#$ & $#(&to(/ it i% #c%%&(+ to $(&)&!!+ c(&% th

    !o& i# o(( to &3oia< >ndue o%erload on the switchboard.b< >ndue o%ercurrentc< >ndue o%ers!eeding.d< >ndue tem!erature rise.

    A"#$ C

    1. Th *&i( of i#%t()'#t% #c%%&(+ fo( $#(&to(%+#ch(o#i7i#$ &(a< 5oltmeter and synchro sco!eb< -I meter and re+uency meterc< Am!/meter and %olt/meterd< #ynchro sco!e and -5a/meter

    A"#$ A

    12. P(io( to %+#ch(o#i7i#$/ th $#(&to( 3o!t&$ f(>)#c+ &(

    (%*cti3!+ co#t(o!! 6+a< #!eed go%ernor and load !ower actorb< #ynchro sco!e and s!eed go%ernorc< 5oltmeter and re+uency meterd< A5R and s!eed go%ernor

    A"#$ D

    15. o( i&! %+#ch(o#i7i#$/ th *h&% $! i(#c 6t"# th

    i#co'( .'.f. th 6)% 6&( 3o!t&$ %ho)! 6a< (Wb< (W behindc< F(W lagd< (W ahead

    A"#$ A

    19. :)(i#$ %+#ch(o#i7i#$/ th i#co'i#$ $#(&to( %ho)! 6 ()##i#$

    %!i$ht!+ f&%t co'*&( to th 6)% 6&( f(>)#c+. Thi% i% to #%)(th&t tha< 7ncomers re%erse !ower tri! is tested

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technologyb< 7ncomer !ic-s u! as a motorc< Most ra!id synchronizing action is achie%edd< 7ncomer !ic-s u! as a generator

    A"#$ D

    1=. Th co((ct ti' to %+#ch(o#i7 i% )%)&!!+ t&0# to 6 "h# th%+#ch(o %co* (&ch% th 9 to 1 *o%itio#. Thi% to &!!o" fo(

    a< #ynchro sco!e !ointer time lagb< Circuit brea-er o!erating timec< #ynchro sco!e errord< 6enerator !hase dierence error

    A"#$ B

    1@. G#(&to( 1 &( "o(0i#$ i# *&(&!!!. P(i'-'o3( %)(%& tot&! f)! !o%%. Th !i0!+ o)tco' i%

    a< "o., generator tri!s on re%erse !owerb< 6enerator set 1 tri!s on re%erse s!eedc< "o.1 machine o%erloads and tri!s out on o%ers!eedd< "o.1 machine o%ers!eeds and tri!s out on o%erload

    A"#$ A

    1;. Yo) h&3 8)%t %+#ch(o#i7 & %co# &!t(#&to( o#to th '&i#%"itch6o&(/ "t to >)&!!+ %h&( th !o& 6t"# th o# i#co'i#$ &!t(#&to(%. Wh&t "o)! +o) o F(%t,

    a< Ad&ust %oltage rheostat or the incoming alternator on the ront o theswitchboardb< ower the go%ernor s!eed controller o the incoming alternator andincrease the go%ernor s!eed controller o the alternator already on theswitchboardc< Tri! the circuit brea-er o the incoming alternator and chec- the%oltage and s!eed ad&ustments beore trying againd< Raise the go%ernor s!eed controller o the incoming alternator andreduce the go%ernor s!eed controller o the alternator already on theswitchboard

    A"#$ D

    1. A3t&$ of Ni C& 6&tt(+a< no need to to! u!b< no damage due to short circuitc< no corrosi%e e*!losi%e %a!ors

    d< all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology:

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology'A"#$ A

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology?c

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology@1. Bfo( t&0i#$ i#%)!&tio# (%i%tc (&i#$% of $#(&to(

    "i#i#$% th &)to'&tic 3o!t&$ ($)!&to(% %ho)! 6 i%o!&t &!!%'ico#)cto( %ho(t ci(c)it o( i%co##ct i# o(( to

    a< 2re%ent charging o ca!aciti%e com!onents within the automatic%oltage regulator causing alse regulation when generator restartsb< 2re%ent o!eration o automatic %oltage regulator during insulation

    testingc< 2re%ent damage to sensiti%e electronic com!onents rom high %oltagetesterd< 2rotect insulation resistance tester rom being damaged

    A"#$ C

    12. o!!o"i#$ ci(c)it% &( NOT )% i# i$it&! co'*)t(%a< A"D gate

    b< "4T gatec< 70 gated< 4R gate

    A"#$ C

    15. '$$( (&i#$% 3(%)% t'*(&t)( X 1 '$& oh' &t @9 $ ci% >)i3&!#t to ho" ')ch &t 9 $ c.

    a< 1 mega ohm // no change

    b< ( mega ohmsc< 1., mega ohmsd< (.@ mega ohms

    A"#$ B

    19. th 6!&c0 t('i#&! *(o6 of th ')!ti't( i%a< !ositi%e terminalb< negati%e terminal

    c< common terminald< earth terminal

    A"#$ C

    1=. & %t&( !t& %t&(t(a< used or large motors li-e bow thrusterb< starting tor+ue and starting current reduced to 1c< long starting timed< all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology

    1@. i(ct o# !i# %t&(t(a< less time ta-enb< can be started at ull loadc< starting current is @ times more than ull load current

    d< all o the abo%e

    A"#$ D

    07 7" T8E BA"#

    1 7n a 2/Ty!e #emiconductor3 the ma&ority current Carriers are Ho!% 7n a 2/Ty!e #emiconductor3 the minority current Carriers are E!ct(o#%2 7n an "/Ty!e #emiconductor3 the ma&ority current Carriers are E!ct(o#%5 7n an "/Ty!e #emiconductor3 the minority current Carriers are Ho!%9 7n a Control oo! #ystem3 ha%ing =ero ;(< 2ositi%e Real 5alues are called


    = 4!en loo! unction system ha%ing one zero with !ositi%e real %alue is

    called No# Mi#i')' !hase unction.

    @ The %alue o o!en loo! circuit 1.( added with real %alue with cur%e

    St&6! !hase; Resistance o a wire is increased i the ength is i#c(&% and Area is


    7n s+uirrel cage induction motor s!eed de!ends u!on #!eed o the

    rotating stator feld


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF12 Brea- down diode eects are #( ct3 A3&!ch ct and

    R3(% 6i&%

    15 #emiconductors ailed to o%er current reason Lo" 6(&0o"#

    3o!t&$ and o3(h&ti#$19 #eries RC %oltage or im!edance totals must be calculate by

    Vo!t&$ %ectors.1= A semiconductor is damaged by a strong current3 because o ; fll

    in the blan-s< Sho(t ci(c)it3 O3(!o&i#$3 O3(h&ti#$1@ #emiconductor orwarding current will be M&4i')' i !otential is


    1; A material ha%ing good no. o electron in outer most shell is called

    a Co#)cto(1 >nit o electric intensity is Vo!t D Mt( VDM

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF(22  The out!ut re+uency o a ull wa%e rectifer is t"ic or t"o ti'% 

    the in!ut re+uency25 Brea-down diode can also be used as a Vo!t&$ ($)!&to(3 Moto(


    29 7n !ractice3 earth is chosen as a !lace o zero electric !otential

    because it has &!'o%t co#%tt *ot#ti&!

    2= Current carried by each o the two long !arallel conductors is

    doubled. 7 their se!aration is also doubled3 orce between them is

    I#c(&% t"o fo!

    2@ A material with %ery less )ow o electrons is called I#%)!&to(2; A sine wa%e consists o no o cycles O# cycles2  The out!ut %oltage o their !hase alternator is regulated by :C

    Vo!t&$ to th F!5

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF17M ?' ^ [, Y'((Z'(U

    Answer$ 7M (.1?@A

    Wh&t i% th 3&!) of i# %(i% ci(c)it "h( ZL[ ZC[9

    R[; ,

    #olutions$ /

    = [ YR, Z;^/^C

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF,#olutions$ /

    5a%g (.?@ ] 5M5a%g (.?@ ] 1, @.?::5

    Answer$ 5a%g @.?::5Related 0ormulas$ 2ea- to 2ea- 5M Z 5M

    = A# i#%)!&tio# (%i%tc (&i#$ i% t&0# &t

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF#olutions$ /

    515, "1", 7,71 ;Transormer Ratio<::(5, :15, 11(5 The transormer rating in %olt/am! 5, ] 7,

    ,((( 11( ] 7,#econdary Current 7, 1.1 A7,71 "1",1.171 :171 :.':' A

    Answer$ 2rimary current 71 :.':' A

    1)#c+ =1.9 H7. Wh&t i% %* (o*,

    #olutions$ /

    #.D ;"o load s!eed S 0ull load s!eed< "o load s!eed  ;?1.' S ?(< ?1.' (.(,:FAnswer$ # D ( (,:F

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF:

    12 A c(t&i# &**!ic% @9< W. if it i% &!!o" to ()#co#ti#)o)%!+ fo( 19 &+% ho" '+ KW-ho)(% of #($+ o% itco#%)'%,

     #olutions$ /

    Current consumes !er hour @'( I0or 1' days 1' ] ,: ] @'( ,@(((( I/h ,@(Ih

     Answer$ ,@(Ih

    15 If it t&0% ;5 of #($+ to 'o3 & ch&($ of 19C f(o' o#*oi#t to oth(. Wh&t i% th 3o!t&$ 6t"# t"o *oi#t%,

    6i%en$ /

    I : 1'

    #olutions$ /

    5 I : 1' '.?(5

    Answer$ 5 '.?(5

    19 If th( (%i%to(% of (%i%tc of 2< / 9< / < &(co##ct i# %(i% o)t*)t 3o!t&$ of

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF'  (., ] '( 1(5

    Answer$ 5oltage dro! on R, 1(5

    1= If (%i%tc of + coi! i% 1< . C&!c)!&t th (%i%tc"h# it% !#$th i% i#c(&% 6+

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF?

    1; If it t&0% 29 )!% of #($+ to 'o3 & ch&($ of =C f(o'o# *oi#t to oth(. Wh&t i% th 3o!t&$ 6t"# th t"o*oi#t%,

    6i%en$ /


    C ?

    #olutions$ /

    C ] 5

    5 5 ' ? '.5

    Answer$ 5 '.5

    1 C&!c)!&t th 3!ocit+ of co#)cto( if t('i#&! 3o!t&$ i%.VD' \ th '&$#tic F! %t(#$th i%

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF@#olutions$ /

    n 1,( ! :(( ] , 1,( ( 8z

    Answer$ ( 8z

    1 Wh&t i% th *o"( i# & 'i!i "&tt h&3i#$ (%i%tc of 1h&3i#$ & *ot#ti&! i(#c of 2V,

    6i%en$ /

    R 1,X

    5 5

    #olutions$ /

    5 7R

    7 5 R 1, P A

    2 5 ] 7 ] P (.@' Iatts @'( mI

    Answer$ 2 @'( mI


    A 5< c' "i( c)((#t of < &'*% i% *!&c i# & )#ifo(''&$#tic F! of 2< $(%. C&!c)!&t th fo(c o# "i(,

    6i%en$ /

    :(cm (.: M

    7 ,( A

    B (.?


    #olutions$ /

    0 B 7 #in

    0 (.? ] ,( ] (.: ] #in (o ,.:"

    Answer$ 0 ,.: "

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyF2 i# th 3o!t&$ of & 'oto( of

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro TechnologyFF

    = If th ?)4 th(o)$h 1< t)(#% coi! ch$% f(o' "6 to ="6i# o# %c. "h&t i% th 3o!t&$ i#)c,

    6i%en$ /

    " 1,(

    #olutions$ /

    E " ] ;ddt<

    E 1,( ] ;?/,< :(5

    Answer$ E :( 5

    @ A

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1((#olutions$ /

    R `A

    R, R1 ] ;A1 ] ,< ;A, ] 1< 1' ] ;π 

    4 D1


    < ] , 1 Y




    3∗ D1)


    U ] 1

      1' ] , ;1

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1(15rms  (5

    R  ?(( X

    R0  1(( X

    #olutions$ /

    7M  5M  YR Z R0U

    5rms 5M [, \ 5M 5rms ] [,

    7M ( ^ [, Y?((Z1((U (.1?1? A

    Answer$ 7M (.1?1? A

    21 A c(t&i# &**!ic% @

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1(," 1((


    #olutions$ /

    MM0 " ] 7

    1(( ] ((

    Answer$ (( At

    25 A (%i%tc of < / 19 / 9 &( co##ct i# %(i%&c(o%% & 2=V !i#. C&!c)!&ti#$ 3o!t&$ (o* &c(o%% 9


    6i%en$ /

    R1 ,( X

    R, 1' X

    R ,' X

    5 ?5

    #olutions$ /

    R R1 Z R, Z R ,( Z 1' Z ,' ?( X

    5 7R

    7 5 R ? ?(( (.? A

    5oltage dro! on R 7 ] R

      (.? ] ,' 1'5

    Answer$ 5oltage dro! on R 1' 5

    29 Th i#)cto(% of i#)ctc 2H H &( co##ct i#%(i%. Th ')t)&! i#)ctc 6t"# th' i% H/ "hich i%&ii#$. C&!c)!&t th cti3 i#)ctc.

    6i%en$ /


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1(:

    R, R1 ] ;A1 ] ,< ;A, ] 1< ] ;π 

    4 D 1


    < ] 1 ;

    0.5  D1



    < ] 1

      ] ;(.'

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1('5

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1(?E ,(( Z ;'( ] (.'< ,,' 5

    0or Motor E 5 S ;7 ] R<

    E ,(( S ;'( ] (.'< 1@' 5

    Answer$ ;i< 6enerator E ,,' 5 ;ii< Motor E 1@' 5

    52 !ct(o#% *(oto#% of th %&' 'o'#t)' #t(#o('&!!+ i#to & )#ifo(' '&$#tic F! of ?)4 #%it+ B. '&%% ofth !ct(o# i% ' ' %)4 '&%% of th *(oto# i% '* '%)4 *. if ( ( %)4 (* ( %)4 * (*(%#t% th (&ii of th *&th of th !ct(o#% th *(oto#% (%*cti3!+. c&!c)!&tth (&tio (D(*. +o)( %"( %ho)! 6 co((ct to ci'&!%

    #olutions$ /

    Charged !articles describe an anti/cloc-wise circular !ath andmagnetic orce wor- as centri!etal orce. Thus

    0 +%B m5,R \ m5R

    8ere m!5 and me5 are same because o same momentum.

    0or electron +B me5Re

    0or !roton +B m!5R!

    Di%iding the both e+uations

    Re R! 1

    Answer$ Re R! 1.((

    55 th c(t&i# i#%t()'#t *o"( i% 5W (%i%tc i% 1

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1(@7 5R 51(( A

    2 5 ] 7

    : 5 ] 51(( 5,1((

    5,  :(( \ 5 [:(( ,( 5

    Answer$ 5 ,( 5

    59 i# th c)((#t ?o" th(o)$h & !i$ht 6)!6 f(o' & %t&+'o3'#t of 1

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1(#olutions$ /

    5 7R

    7 5R 1,( (.(,' A ,' mA

    Answer$ 7 ,' mA

    5; i# th c)((#t th(o)$h & !i$ht 6)!6 f(o' & %t&+'o3'#t of 1

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology1(FR%i%to(% &( co##ct i# *&(&!!! Vo!t&$ "i!! 6 %&' i# &!!(%i%to(%

    1R2  1R1 Z 1 R, Z 1 R

    7 71 Z 7, Z 7

    71 5 R1 7, 5 R, 7 5 R

    7 5 1 ;R1 Z R, Z R

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology11(lowering s!eed o the load ohms%oltD. automatically go%ern thehoisting s!eed o the load

    D. sensiti%ity o more than 1(((%oltsohm

    Ans$ B Ans$ A',

    An electric tachometer recei%esthe engine s!eed signal rom a




    A semiconductor that decreasesin resistance with an increase

    in tem!erature is -nown as a .

    A. small generator mounted onthe engine

    A. resistor

    B. bimetallic sensing de%ice B. thermistorC. strobosco!ic sensing de%ice C. diodeD. %ibrating reed meter

    generating a %oltage!ro!ortionate to engine s!eed

    D. thermo!ile

    Ans$ A Ans$ B'


    Ihich o the listed de%ices may

    be installed on a largeturboelectric alternating current!ro!ulsion generatorN



    Moisture damage3 as a result

    o condensation occurringinside o the cargo winchmaster switches3 can bereduced by .

    A. Tem!erature detector coilsinserted in the stator slots ormeasuring stator tem!erature.

    A. installing a light bulb in the!edestal stand

    B. A C4, fre e*tinguishingsystem.

    B. coating the switch bo*internals with e!o*y sealer

    C. Electric s!ace heaters to!re%ent condensation o moisture.

    C. %enting the switch bo*regularly

    D. All o the abo%e. D. using stri! heaters inside theswitch bo*

    Ans$ D Ans$ D',@

     The out!ut %oltage o a ::(%olt3 ?( hertz3 AC generator iscontrolled by the .


    Any electric motor can beconstructed to be .

    A. !rime mo%er s!eed A. short !roo  B. e*citer out!ut %oltage B. ground !roo  C. load on the alternator C. e*!losion !roo  D. number o !oles D. o%erload !roo  

    Ans$ B Ans$ C


     The electrolyte used in a nic-el/cadmium battery is distilledwater and .


    Ihich o the damages listedcan occur to the com!onents o a winch master control switch3i the co%er gas-et becomesdeterioratedN

    A. diluted suluric acid A. 4%erheating o the winchmotor.

    B. !otassium hydro*ide B. Contamination o lube oil.C. lead sulate C. #!ar-ing at the winch motor

    brushes.D. zinc o*ide D. Ra!id corrosion o switch

    com!onents.Ans$ B Ans$ D

  • 8/18/2019 Met Concluded


    Marine Electro Technology111',:1

    Ihile starting a main!ro!ulsion synchronous motor3the ammeter !egs out atma*imum and then returns tothe !ro!er %alue atersynchronization. This indicates

    the .


     The !ur!ose o a short circuitorcing module ;short time tri!<installed in a branch line is to!ro%ide .

    A. motor has started !ro!erlyA. high s!eed clearance o lowim!edance short circuits in the


    B. feld windings are groundedB. continuity o ser%ice on main

    bus under short circuitconditions in a branch

    C. sli! rings are dirty C. isolation o short circuits byselecti%e tri!!ing o branchcircuit brea-ers

    D. !ower transmission cables are


    D. all o the abo%e

    Ans$ A Ans$ D',:

    Autotransormer starters orcom!ensators are sometimesused with !oly!hase inductionmotors to .


    7n an AC synchronous motorelectric !ro!ulsion !lant3!ro!eller s!eed is controlled by%arying the .

    A. reduce the %oltage a!!lied tothe motor during the starting!eriod

    A. !rime mo%er s!eed

    B. increase the %oltage orHacross/the/line startingH

    B. electric cou!ling feld strength

    C. !ro%ide a bac-u! means o%oltage regulation oremergency starting

    C. number o energized mainmotor !oles

    D. allow the %oltage to be eitherste!!ed u! or down3 de!endingon the a!!lication3 to ensureull tor+ue

    D. !ro!ulsion generator feldstrength

    Ans$ A Ans$ A',:'

    6rounds occurring in electricalmachinery as a result o  insulation ailure may resultrom .


     The amount o %oltage inducedin the windings o an ACgenerator de!ends on

     .A. deterioration through e*tendeduse

    A. the number o conductors inseries !er winding