Message Presented by Pastor Bob Rice Strong, Bold & Free ... · Daily Chronological Bible Reading...

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Transcript of Message Presented by Pastor Bob Rice Strong, Bold & Free ... · Daily Chronological Bible Reading...

Message Presented by Pastor Bob Rice

Strong, Bold & Free (Part 13)

March 29, 2020

Service Time: 10:00 a.m. every Sunday on YouTube

We Welcome You

To Our Guests… We are thankful that you chose to worship with us today! We are delighted to welcome you home to Northeast Bible Church (NEBC). Whether you are visiting for the first time or a returning guest we are happy to have you and hope you feel at home. Please fill out the confidential Guest Card in the seat pocket in front of you then place it in the offering basket.

Bible Reading Plan Options

1. E100 Challenge (Modified for NEBC)

The Week: Read this Passage :




Jeremiah’s Call and Message, Jeremiah 1:1-3:5

Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Daniel 6:1-6:28

The Story of Jonah, Jonah 1:1-4:11

2. Read the Old Testament in a Year

On This Day: Read This Passage: On This Day: Read This Passage:

Sun, 14-Dec

Mon, 15-Dec

Tue, 16-Dec

Wed, 17-Dec

Thu, 18-Dec

Fri, 19-Dec

Sat, 20-Dec

Amos 3-4

Amos 5-6

Amos 7-8

Ps 142-144

Zech 7-10 - Song 7

Amos 9

Jonah 1-2

Sun, 21-Dec

Mon, 22-Dec

Tue, 23-Dec

Wed, 24-Dec

Thu, 25-Dec

Fri, 26-Dec

Sat, 27-Dec

Jonah 3-4

Micah 1-2

Micah 3-4

Ps 145-147

Zech 11-14 - Song 8

Micah 5-6

Micah 7

We Welcome You!

To Our Guests…

We are thankful that you chose to worship with us today! We are

delighted to welcome you home to Northeast Bible Church (NEBC).

Your entire family is invited to enjoy our on-line service. Also the

following are available for Children (infant to 6th grade) and Youth

(7th grade and up):

9:15 am Sundays Children’s Ministry E-Blast

10:00 am Sundays Youth Church DU Live

(See details for both later in this Bulletin.)

Whether you are visiting for the first time or a returning guest we

are happy to have you and hope you feel at home. Please fill out the

confidential yellow Guest Card in the seat pocket in front of you then

place it in the offering basket.

Daily Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Day: Passage: Day: Passage:

Mar. 29

Mar. 30

Mar. 31

Apr. 1

Apr. 2

Apr. 3

Apr. 4

Apr. 5

Apr. 6

Apr. 7

Apr. 8

Apr. 9

Apr. 10

Apr. 11

Apr. 12

Apr. 13

Apr. 14

Judges 1-2

Judges 3-5

Judges 6-7

Judges 8-9

Judges 10-12

Judges 13-15

Judges 16-18

Judges 19-21


1 Samuel 1-3

1 Samuel 4-8

1 Samuel 9-12

1 Samuel 13-14

1 Samuel 15-17

1 Samuel 18-20; Psalms 11, 59

1 Samuel 21-24

Psalms 7, 27, 31, 34, 52

Apr. 15

Apr. 16

Apr. 17

Apr. 18

Apr. 19

Apr. 20

Apr. 21

Apr. 22

Apr. 23

Apr. 24

Apr. 25

Apr. 26

Apr. 27

Apr. 28

Apr. 29

Apr. 30

Psalms 56, 120, 140-142

1 Samuel 25-27

Psalms 17, 35, 54, 63

1 Samuel 28-31; Psalm 18

Psalms 121, 123-125, 128-130

2 Samuel 1-4

Psalms 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21

1 Chronicles 1-2

Psalms 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87

1 Chronicles 3-5

Psalms 73, 77-78

1 Chronicles 6

Psalms 81, 88, 92-93

1 Chronicles 7-10

Psalms 102-104

2 Samuel 5; 1 Chronicles 11-12


Which term is a better description of your life as a Christian: “believer” or “Christ-follower”? A believer can be intellectually cer-tain about a lot of things without necessarily putting them into prac-tice. But saying “I’m a follower of Jesus Christ” narrows life down to a single path. In order to follow the path to which God calls us, first we must “trust” Him, because we will not follow someone we don’t trust. Trust develops as we abide in Him and discover the beauty of His character, the depth of His love, and the perfection of His plan. Secondly, to follow means to obey Him. Jesus says, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). When it comes to obeying God, there are only two responses: I will or I won’t. A true follower of Jesus combines trust with obedience, endeavoring to say “Yes, I will” when it’s difficult, “Yes, I will” when it’s unpopular, and “Yes, I will” even when it may cause heartache or suffering. Lastly, to follow Jesus means to “serve” Him. As God’s children, we are not to be ob-servers; we’re to participate actively in the Lord’s work. Spectators sit and watch, but we are called to use our spiritual gifts and serve continually. In the body of Christ, each member is called to do his or her part(1 Cor. 12:27-28).

Many Christians fail to understand that as Christ-followers true “service” (servanthood) in God’s Kingdom is more than simply com-ing to church on Sunday; but that it involves pouring one’s life into somebody else’s. Jesus demonstrated this when He washed the disci-ples’ feet in the upper room during the Last Supper. The Lord’s ex-ample shows us that the key is humility. Unless we are willing to stoop low and get dirty in ministering to others, we have missed the point. In addition, a true Christ-follower does not wait to be asked. Nobody requested that Jesus go and wash the disciples’ feet. Just as He saw and did what was necessary, a true follower of Christ is alert to identify the need and then volunteers to meet it. He will quietly go about his service without looking for recognition or reward. He is satisfied with the overwhelming joy that comes by simply giving.

As Jesus’ followers, we should look to Him for our example of serv-anthood. If God Himself could take “the very nature of a serv-ant” (Phil. 2:6-7) and perform a menial task for His disciples, what excuse could we possibly come up with for not serving others?

FROM YOUR NEBC PRAYER PARTNERS Bend with hard times and then grow! That’s what God says will happen to each of us, if we trust in the Lord and maintain our focus on Him. Psalm 92:12 says: “The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree.” Isn’t that an interesting comparison? God chose palm trees because He designed the palm tree to bend but not break in high winds. The palm tree can bend all the way over until its top touches the ground and still not break during a strong hurricane. You’d think they would snap right off, as thin as they are, but palms are resilient. They bounce right back! God knew the storms of life would come. You might get a bad report about your health. You might be passed over for a promotion or laid off. Other times, it might appear that your dream has died. But just like that palm tree, when the storm is over, you will not stay down. You will bounce back and keep growing. We all face disappointments and setbacks. But the key is to develop a bounce- back mentality. When you get knocked down, don’t stay down. Get up to fight another day. Disappointments hit. Disruptions happen. But pity parties are not the answer. God has promised that what was meant to harm you, He will use for your good! When you’re a bounceback person, you know that every adversity, every setback is only temporary. It will not last forever. Weeping may endure for a night, but you know joy is coming in the morning. As a child of God, no challenge is too difficult for you. No obstacle is too high to overcome. No sickness, no disappointment, no person, no hurricane, no dive in the stock market can keep you from your God-given destiny. The enemy may have done his best, but his best will never be enough. If you trust, believe, and stay prayed up, what was meant to stop you will not be a stumbling block but rather a stepping-stone taking you to a higher level! You are not average. You are not ordinary. You are a child of the “Most High” God. Times may be tough. The storm may be raging. But your faith in your Heavenly Father will allow you to bend without breaking. Trust, Believe, and Pray!

Words of Encouragement

Care Communities for Everyone No one should walk alone. All members will be included in a C2 group. Stay tuned for your assignment. Reach Bible Institute (RBI) and Growth Groups continue All classes will be held online. Watch for details and commit to participate. March 29th—Great Gospel Giveaway Electronic invitations go out soon. Be sure to invite your friends and family from across the globe to Easter Sunday online celebration. April 5th—Online Church Anniversary Celebration We will gather online to commemorate our 15 year anniversary. April 12th—Easter Sunday Service Let’s celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ together online!


❖ Sunday Mornings - YouTube

❖ Through the week - Realm

❖ Requests for help - send email to

❖ NEBC Website and App - for all

updates and links

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We are not together

yet connected!












































May God bless you to Live Well . . . Live Right . . . Live Forever!

Please go to and click on Join NEBC.

To register for orientation, please send an email to

or call 972-422-6322.


Making More and Better Disciples of Jesus Christ.


God’s Word ⬧ Prayer ⬧ Worship ⬧ Outreach

Fellowship ⬧ Giving ⬧ Service

Northeast Bible Church

3415 14th Street, Plano TX 75074

972 422 - NEBC (6322)

Pastor Bob Rice

• To accept Christ as your Savior or if you will someone to pray with you, please go to and select Salvation.

To sign up for Baptism or a Discipleship Coach, please send an email to .

Weekly Financial Contributions:

March 18, 2020 Contributions $11,724.94

You can give your tithe and other contributions without writing checks or bringing cash by visiting and click on Giving.