Mesopotamia & Ancient Egypt · Mesopotamia & Ancient Egypt Mr. O. Objective ... Nebuchadnezzar II...

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Transcript of Mesopotamia & Ancient Egypt · Mesopotamia & Ancient Egypt Mr. O. Objective ... Nebuchadnezzar II...

Mesopotamia & Ancient EgyptMr. O


Students will have a better understanding

of ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian

cultures to include their contributions to

“civilization” as we know it today.



Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden


c. 3500 BCE – cities grow across


*c. 3500 BCE – cuneiform – wedge-

shaped writing (believed to be the

first form of writing)

c. 3200 BCE – pictographs used to

record information

c. 2700 BCE – Gilgamesh – may

have been story of King of Uruk


c. 2100 BCE – Ur becomes capital city of


Ziggurats (multi-story buildings) are built

c. 2000 BCE – Ur destroyed by Elamites and


c. 1800 BCE – Hammurabi – unites much of


Code of Hammurabi – an eye for an eye

c. 1650 BCE – Hittites raid Babylon

c. 1300 BCE – Assyrians conquer much of



c. 1000 BCE – Assyrians reconquer


c. 650 BCE – Chaldeans destroy Babylon

c. 600 BCE - Babylon rebuilt by

Nebuchadnezzar II (Chaldean Leader)

Hanging Gardens of Babylon built by

Nebuchadnezzar II

c. 600 CE – Arab armies conquer

Mesopotamia; becomes part of the

Islamic Empire

1258 CE – Mongols conquer Baghdad

1534 – Ottoman (Turkish) Empire – rules

over Mesopotamia

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

c. 5000 BCE – first farming in the Nile Valley

c. 3500-3000 BCE – Pre-dynastic period leads

to unification

c. 2580-2560 BCE – The Great Pyramid of

Giza built

2047 BCE – The Middle Kingdom begins with a

united & powerful Egypt

1539 BCE – Reunification after Hyksos

expelled, making Egypt leading power in

Middle East

Ancient Egypt

1332-1323 BCE – King Tutankhamen (Tut) reigns

Father and mother were brother and sister

Tut married his half-sister

1279-1213 BCE – Ramses II reigns and brings Egypt

to height of power

c. 1150 BCE– Egypt declines

728 BCE –Egypt conquered by Nubians

656 BCE – Egypt occupied by Assyrians

332 BCE – Egypt conquered by Alexander the


Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

30 BCE – Cleopatra, the last queen of

Independent Egypt, commits suicide

30 BCE – Romans conquer Egypt

Roman Empire

750 BCE – first Etruscan inscriptions

early alphabet

735 BCE – Roma (Rome) founded by Romulus

509 BCE – Tarquinius Superbus (last king)


Roma becomes a republic

450 BCE – Twelve Tables of Roman Law re-


341 BCE – Rome conquers Campania

Roman Empire

338 BCE – Rome annexes the Latin League

312 BCE – Via Appia (first aqueduct) built

295 BCE – Roma defeats the Samnites at

Sentinum & Gauls/Celts in N. Italy

264 BCE – Romans destroy Etruscan

civilization & first Gladiator games

216 BCE – Hannibal defeats Romans at


207 BCE – Romans defeat Hannibal at

Metaurus river

Roman Empire

202 BCE – Roman annexes Spain

171 BCE Perseus attacks Roma (Third Macedonian War begins)

168 BCE – Roma defeats Perseus at Pydna

146 BCE – Macedonia becomes a Roman Province

64 BCE – Syria becomes Roman province

63 BCE – Rome captures Jerusalem & Palestine

57 BCE – Caesar conquers all of Gaul (France)

Roman Empire

48 BCE – Caesar becomes Roman


44 BCE Caesar is assassinated

9 – Gothic warriors destroy Roman army

at Teutoburg Forest

14 – appx. five million people in Roman


43 – Claudius invades Britannia

58 – Romans conquer Armenia (Western


Roman Empire

77 – Romans conquer Wales


79 – Colosseum completed

80 – Romans invade Caledonia


115 – 117 – Roman Empire

reaches greatest extent