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© 2013 Merlinia A/S

Merlinia OutBackInstallation & Configuration Guide

Merlinia OutBack

Installation & Configuration Guide

by Merlinia A/S

Merlinia OutBack is an easy-to-use PC-based telephoneswitchboard everyone can use. It includes a unique in/outboard that allows the receptionist to know where everyone is,and it integrates with the most common calendar systems.

This manual explains how to install and configure a MerliniaOutBack system.

This manual is available both as a ready-to-print pdf file (thisdocument) and as an online Help file.

Ravnholmvej 4DK-2800 LyngbyDenmark

Merlinia A/S


© 2013 Merlinia A/S

Table of Contents

Part I Welcome 4

Part II OutBack Software 5

Part III System Requirements 6

................................................................................................................................. 6OutBack System

................................................................................................................................. 8Calendar Integration

................................................................................................................................. 9PBX Integration

......................................................................................................................................................... 9Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise

......................................................................................................................................................... 10Alcatel OmniPCX Office

......................................................................................................................................................... 12Avaya IP Office

......................................................................................................................................................... 13Samsung OfficeServ

................................................................................................................................. 14SMS Gateway

................................................................................................................................. 15Telenor Statusplan

Part IV Installation and Configuration 16

................................................................................................................................. 16Initial Preparation

................................................................................................................................. 17OutBack Server

................................................................................................................................. 21Merlinia Administrator

................................................................................................................................. 26Calendar Connector

................................................................................................................................. 28SMS Gateway Service

................................................................................................................................. 33Statusplan Connector

................................................................................................................................. 34OutBack Client

Part V Quick Check List 35

Index 37

4 Merlinia OutBack

© 2013 Merlinia A/S

I Welcome

Welcome to Merlinia OutBack! This document is written for you as an administrator that is planningto deploy Merlinia OutBack in your or your customer’s organization.

The complexity of an OutBack installation depends on the number of components that have beenpurchased. As a minimum there is an OutBack Server and a number of OutBack Clients. Theremight also be e.g. telephone (PBX) and calendar integrations included in the system.

The diagram below provides a quick overview of the system:

5OutBack Software

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II OutBack Software

The latest release of OutBack can be downloaded from

It is sometimes possible to get access to the current beta version of OutBack from the above site,but beta products are NOT supported by Merlinia and should NOT be used in productionenvironments.

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III System Requirements

This section describes the system requirements for the individual OutBack modules.

OutBack System

Calendar Integration

PBX Integration

SMS Gateway

Telenor Statusplan

3.1 OutBack System

The following describes the general installation requirements for OutBack server and clientcomponents.

OutBack ServerThe machine that the OutBack Server is to be installed on must be a part of the company domain.To install OutBack Server, there must be write access to %ProgramFiles% (e.g. “C:\Program Files”)or an equivalent folder on the machine in question. Additionally, the user installing the software musthave access rights to create a service. A local or domain administrator has these rights. If anaccount with lower but sufficient rights exists, use that account.

Supported Systems· Windows Server 2012

· Windows Server 2008 R2

· Windows Server 2008

· Windows Small Business Server 2008

· Windows Server 2003 R2

On 64-bit platforms OutBack will run as a 32-bit program.

Hardware RequirementsFor running any of the above operating systems the minimum system requirements are:

· Processor: Same as for the operating system.

· Memory: Same as for the operating system.

· Hard disk: 15 MB (depending on logging level, additional space may be needed)

License Key

At the time of installation a license key should have been received by e-mail. The license is deliveredas a file called License.xml. Having the license file available electronically during the installprocedure is an advantage.

User InformationUsers can either exist in Active Directory, a Domino server, an ODBC data source or in a text-basedfile.

User records must as a minimum contain:

· Full name of the user

· Log on name






7System Requirements

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· E-mail Address

· Extension (only necessary when integrating with PBXs)

· Mobile number (only necessary if SMS Gateway or Telenor Statusplan will be installed)

The above users must then be placed in one of three domain local security groups (the group namesbelow are suggestions):

· OBUsers – All users that are to be shown in the OutBack Client.

· OBAdministrators – Users that are allowed to operate the OutBack CBS Client (switchboard) and/or change other user’s messages.

· OBResources – Meeting rooms, projectors, etc.

The above security groups may not consist of other groups, but must include the actualuser objects.

By default LDAP has a search limitation of 1000 in the Active Directory. If the numberof objects in your Active Directory exceeds 1000, then you have to either limit thesearch scope or increase the LDAP search limitation. You can do this using theWindows ADSI Edit tool:1. In Connection Settings, choose Select a well known Naming Context and thenConfiguration.2. Browse to CN=Services | CN=Windows NT | CN=Directory Service | CN=Query-Policies.3. In the right-hand panel select Properties of CN=Default Query Policy.4. Edit the lDAPAdminLimits attribute, select the MaxPageSize value.5. Click Remove to copy the value to the Value to add field.6. Edit the MaxPageSize value and click Add.

A user account with rights to start the OutBack calendar integration service should be created. Theaccount must have permissions to extract calendar information, i.e. there must exist a mailboxassociated with the account. This account will be referred to as OutBackService throughout thisdocumentation. See the section Calendar Integration .

OutBack Client

Supported Systems

· Windows 8 (Pro, Enterprise)

· Windows 7 (Enterprise, Professional, Ultimate)

· Windows XP Professional SP3

Microsoft Outlook (versions 2003, 2007 or 2010), or Lotus Notes 6.0 or newer should be installed onrelevant clients if OutBack is supplied with calendar integration.

Obviously the OutBack Client also runs the platforms supported by OutBack Server.

Hardware Requirements

· Processor: Same as for the operating system.

· Memory: Same as for the operating system.

· Hard disk: 12 MB for program files, additional space may be required for logging purposes.

General Requirements· Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727 or newer must be installed on all machines that run any

OutBack component. If this version of .NET is installed, a folder with program components called:

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C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 should exist on the PC.

· Microsoft Windows Installer 3.0, 3.1 or newer.

· OutBack uses various ports for communication between OutBack modules and for the system towork properly these ports must not be blocked by a firewall or similar security product. By defaultOutBack uses the following ports:- 13000: Communication between OutBack Server and OutBack Client.- 47701-47799: Communication between OutBack Server and OutBack Calendar Connection/Merlinia Administrator.If default ports are changed during installation, you must of course make the appropriate changesto your firewall.

3.2 Calendar Integration

The OutBack component that extracts calendar information from the Microsoft Exchange or IBMLotus Domino server is called OutBack Calendar Connector (OBCC). The OBCC can be installed onthe same server as the OutBack Server (recommended), or any server that meets the requirementsfor OutBack Server.

The account OutBackService must have at least reviewer rights to be able to read appointmentsubjects. This account must also run the OBCC service and have a mailbox on the system. The OutBackService account must also have at least local administrator rights on the machine that runsthe OBCC.

Microsoft Exchange / Outlook

Supported Systems· Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

· Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

· Microsoft Exchange Server 2007

· Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2

In order for the OBCC to work with Exchange Server 2003 SP2 or 2007, either a 32-bit MicrosoftOutlook client (version 2007 SP3 or newer) or "Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client andCollaboration Data Objects 1.2.1" must be installed on the machine that runs OBCC. The latter isfree and can be downloaded from (the version should be 6.5.8190.0 or newer).

If you are running Exchange Server 2010 or 2013, you need to install a 32-bit Outlook 2010 or newer.

A public folder database must also exist on the Exchange Server (stores public free/busyinformation).

On Exchange Server 2007 and 2010 a public folder database is not created by defaultunless migrating from an older system with public folders.

If users want to review each other’s appointments, they additionally have to add the appropriategroups and users. Refer to the online help in Outlook on how to do this.

If your Exchange Server is running on Windows Server 2008 or R2, you should disable IPv6 supportas this may conflict with Microsoft MAPI.

Office 365

If you are running Microsoft Office 365 you must have installed and configured a 32-bitMicrosoft Outlook on the machine that runs OBCC. Also you must run the Office 365Desktop Setup tool to properly configure your system. The service account that is used to

9System Requirements

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configure Outlook, must also be the account that runs the OBCC service.

IBM Lotus Domino / Notes

Supported Systems· IBM Lotus Domino 8.0 or 8.5

· IBM Lotus Domino 6.x

· IBM Lotus Domino 7.02

A Lotus Notes client must be installed on the server where the OBCC service is installed. The Notesclient should not be running at the same time as the OBCC service as this may result in conflicts.

It is necessary to have the password of the Notes mailbox when configuring the OBCC usingMerlinia Administrator.

3.3 PBX Integration

Telephone systems (PBXs) can be integrated with Merlinia OutBack using either TAPI or AlcatelInfoCenter Link (only relevant on Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise or 4400 systems).

TAPIOutBack uses the TAPI 2.1 implementation to integrate with various PBXs. The PBX vendor’s TAPIdriver must be installed on the same server as OutBack Server. (TAPI software installed on a serveris often referred to as running in 3rd party mode). TAPI is usually sold as an add-on license by thePBX vendor.

Some vendors have a versioning scheme that doesn't reflect the actual TAPI version.

Check that your PBX vendor has delivered and enabled TAPI on the PBX and installed the softwareon the server where OutBack Server will run.

The PBX must be visible from the server where OutBack Server is installed. Verify that the PBX canbe pinged from the OutBack Server machine.

If using phone integration with TAPI, you can verify that TAPI is installed and working by using TAPIPhone Dialer from JulMar (the program file Phone.exe is located in the Utilities\TAPI Phone Dialerfolder of the Merlinia OutBack installation package).

3.3.1 Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise

The Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise is often referred to as OXE.

OXE systems usually come with the 4059 MAC specialized keyboard and an operator consoleapplication. The OutBack Client integrates with the 4059 MAC software up to version 5.14 (4059EEis not supported)

Alcatel InfoCenter LinkThe Alcatel InfoCenter Link is used with Alcatel Enterprise PBXs or older Alcatel OmniPCX 4400PBXs.

· Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise – The InfoCenter Link data is sent to a Moxa box (3rd party deviceavailable on via TCP/IP, assuming both are connected to the same LAN. TheMoxa box IP address is specified in the PBX. Similarly the Moxa box is configured to be able tocommunicate with the PBX. The serial port (COM port) on the Moxa box is connected to the serialport on the OutBack server via a null-modem cable.

· Alcatel OmniPCX 4400 – The InfoCenter Link transfers data directly from a serial port on the PBX

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to a serial port on the OutBack server via a null-modem cable. If the OmniPCX 4400 and OutBackServer are located so far apart that using a null-modem cable is not an option, then a device thatcan convert between TCP/IP and a serial port can be used (e.g. a NPort box from MoxaTechnologies ( This way the OutBack Server does not have to be located next tothe PBX, but merely has to be connected to the LAN. The NPort software has to be installed onthe OutBack Server to create a virtual serial port.

Both above options are illustrated in the diagram below:

The newest versions of the 4059 keyboard connects to the attendant PC with a USB cable and donot require the 4059 TA MMK box on the diagram above.

Alcatel Enterprise TAPI OptionFor added functionality it is possible to set OXE up to use TAPI interface in addition to the InfoCenterLink. Check with an authorized Alcatel-Lucent reseller for the cost of this option.

3.3.2 Alcatel OmniPCX Office

The Alcatel OmniPCX Office is often referred to as OXO.

For OutBack to integrate with OXO, Alcatel TAPI Service Provider software must be installed on thesame machine as the OutBack Server.

Alcatel TAPI Server version 6.2.1540 or earlier does not work on Windows Server 2008.

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OXO only supports connections to one TAPI provider. This means that in a network with two or moreOXOs, only users attached to one of the OXOs can use OutBack for telephony operations. This is alimitation in the Alcatel TAPI implementation.

Verify that the Alcatel TAPI Service Provider is available under the Telephony section of Servicesand Applications on the server that will be running the OutBack Server software. The status of eachphone line should be In service as illustrated below:

You can also verify that TAPI integration is working by opening Phone and Modem Options in theWindows Control Panel, selecting the Advanced tab and the pressing the Configure... button whileAlcatel TAPI Service Provider is selected. A dialog box similar to the one below will be shown:

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The Connection State indicates that the PBX at the address entered has been found.

3.3.3 Avaya IP Office

To integrate OutBack with Avaya IP Office the following requirements must be met:

· IP Office firmware must be version 3.2(57) up to version 4.0(7).

· A TAPI 2.1 driver must be installed on the same system as OutBack Server will be installed on.The TAPI driver must be version 3.2.10 or newer and run in 3rd party mode.

· A valid CTI Link Pro license must be installed on the Avaya IP Office system (verify by opening theAvaya IP Office Manager program).

Verify that the Avaya IP Office TAPI2 Service Provider is available under the Telephony section ofServices and Applications on the server that will be running the OutBack Server software. The statusof each phone line should be In service as illustrated below:

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Telephones used by users operating the OutBack CBS (switchboard) must be digital orIP phones. Using analog phones may result in limited functionality and erroneousoperation.

3.3.4 Samsung OfficeServ

Integration with the Samsung OfficeServ PBX requires that the following Samsung software isinstalled and working on the OutBack Server:

· OfficeServ OpenTSP Driver version

· OfficeServ Link or version or newer (recommended)

· A valid license provided by Samsung and activated using Samsung's License Tools software.

Verify that the Samsung OfficeServ OpenTSP Driver for Keyphone Series is available under theTelephony section of Services and Applications on the server that will be running the OutBack Serversoftware. The status of each phone line (numbers may vary) should be In service as illustratedbelow:

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The OfficeServ Link 2.x application does not run as a service. It is normally started byplacing a shortcut in the Startup folder. This means that a user must be logged on thesystem for OfficeServ 2.x to work. Since the OutBack Server service startsautomatically and therefore is up and running before the OfficeServ Link 2.x applicationafter a machine restart, it is necessary to restart the OutBack Server service once theOfficeServ Link 2.x has connected to the Samsung OfficeServ switch. Therefore westrongly recommend upgrading to OfficeServ Link 3.x since this version can run as aservice.

By default OfficeServ Link does not automatically connect to the Samsung OfficeServ switch. Toenable automatic connection, press the Option button in the OfficeServ Link main window and thencheck the Use Automatic Switch Connection Option checkbox.

3.4 SMS Gateway

The Merlinia SMS Gateway can be installed on any machine in the network that complies with eitherclient or server requirements in the section OutBack System above.

Additionally the following is required:

· GSM modem or a mobile phone connected to the COM-port of the machine running the SMSGateway. A typical unit is a Siemens MC35i. Alternatively, a Bluetooth mobile telephone can beused with a Bluetooth adapter on the PC. Some of the units supported are:Nokia: N12, N30, N32, 6100, 6210, 6220, 6310, 6310i, 6610, 6820 (Bluetooth), 8250, 8910


15System Requirements

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Siemens: A65, AC75, AC45, C35, C45, ES75, M35, M45, MC35, MC35i, MC45, MC55, MC65,MC75, S35, TC35, TC35i, TC45, TC65Sony Ericsson: T226, T230, T238, T290, T310, T610, T630, T637, T68, T68i, K310, K320, K500,K510, K600, K700, K750i, K800i, W810, W900, S700, S710, V800, W300, W550, W600, W700,W800i, W810, W900, Z500, Z600, Z1010, GC75, GC79, GC83, GC85, GC89An updated list of compatible units can be found on this web-site:

· A telephone subscription with an operator, i.e. a SIM card. Be aware that the PIN code of thedevice might be required.

· The SMS Gateway software must be installed on the same machine that has the GSM modem ormobile phone physically attached.

Note that not all Merlinia SMS Gateway commands will work if the OutBack system does notinclude PBX Integration.

The SMS Gateway must be installed on a PC in a location where there is mobiletelephone coverage, so if the OutBack Server is installed in a basement room wherethere is no coverage, then SMS Gateway should be installed on a PC higher up in thebuilding, and on the same network.

Hardware Requirements· 17 MB RAM

· 0.8 MB hard disk space

3.5 Telenor Statusplan

Before starting to use the Merlinia OutBack Statusplan Connector you have to subscribe to theStatusplan product from Telenor. When subscribing you have to provide Telenor with your server IPaddress, port number (usually 8093) and a password, which you define in the setup application.

The Merlinia Statusplan Service can be installed on any machine that meets the requirements abovefor an OutBack Server. Typically the Merlinia Statusplan Connector is installed on the samemachine as OutBack Server, but this is nor a requirement. The Statusplan Connector service mustbe installed on the machine where Telenor delivers the Statusplan information. Remember to openfor traffic on port 8093 in your firewall - failing to do so will prevent Telenor from delivering theinformation necessary for the Merlinia Statusplan Connector.

Hardware Requirements· 17 MB RAM

· 1.1 MB hard disk space

CPU usage is quite low. The Merlinia Statusplan Service should only use a few minutes of CPU timeper day on a server.

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IV Installation and Configuration

Initial Preparation

OutBack Server

Merlinia Administrator

Calendar Connector

Statusplan Connector

SMS Gateway Service

OutBack Client

4.1 Initial Preparation

If you haven’t already done so, download the latest revision of Merlinia OutBack 4.0 from Make sure you download a production release and not a beta version (Merlinia doesnot provide support for beta versions of our software).

Unzip the downloaded file to a folder on the machine were you intend to install OutBack.

If you are performing the installation for the first time, the easiest way to get started is to open thefolder where you downloaded the OutBack software and the open the sub-folder called OutBackServer and Services. Click on the Setup.exe program.

The following dialog box appears:








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By default the options Merlinia OutBack Server, Merlinia Administrator and Merlinia OutBackCalendar Connector are selected. These three components are usually installed on the same server.

Select any other options that you want to install and that you are licensed to use. When you areready to continue, press the Setup button. The individual installation programs will be started one ata time and in the above order. See the following sections for information on the different installationprograms and their options.

4.2 OutBack Server

OutBack Server is the core component of an OutBack installation. The role of the OutBack Server isto keep track of users, and manage information collected and offered by other components of theOutBack system, e.g. calendar information and PBX integration.

You can start the OutBack Server installation by either running the Setup.exe program in theOutBack Server and Services folder (see the description in Initial Preparation ) or the MSIpackage MerliniaOutBackServer in the same folder.


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When the OutBack Server installation starts, the following dialog box is displayed:

Press the Next button to continue. The next dialog box displays the license terms:

You will have to accept the terms in the license agreement in order to continue the installation. After

19Installation and Configuration

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reading and accepting the terms, press the Next button.

In this dialog box you select where you want to install the Merlinia OutBack Server. You can ofcourse select another folder than the suggested one, but we recommend that you accept the defaultfolder.

Press the Next button to continue to the Installation Settings dialog.

Do not change these settings unless you are absolutely sure that they conflict with other TCP/IPports on your system.

Press Next again to continue to the Optional Specifications dialog where you can decide whatshortcuts you want created. You have the option of creating a shortcut to the OutBack Administratorprogram on the desktop, adding it to the Merlinia program group or having the Administrator programstart automatically (not recommended). When you press Next button, you are presented with adialog box asking for confirmation that you want to install the program. Press Install to perform theinstallation:

The installation will generally take less than a minute to complete. Finally the following dialog box isshown to confirm that the installation has finished:

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Now simply press the Finish button. OutBack Server has now been installed.

The OutBack Client program can load an initial template from a network location. To enable thispossibility a shared folder must exist on the network. You can either use an existing folder or createa new one.

Start OutBack AdministratorTo configure OutBack Server you will need to start the OutBack Administrator program. Thisprogram includes on-line help which is displayed in a panel on the right hand side of the OutBackAdministrator window.

Follow the instructions in the help panel to complete the setup. Finally, open the File menu andthen select Generate OBConfig.template item. In the dialog box, select the language of thetemplate you want to generate, and press the Generate button.

The Merlinia OutBack Server service is not started automatically when the installation finishes. Youwill have to start the service manually for the first time. Don’t start the service until you havecompleted the configuration of OutBack Server using the OutBack Administrator program and theproper license file has been installed. The license file License.xml must be copied to the folder whereOutBack Server was installed.

Windows FirewallBy default the firewall is enabled on Windows Server 2008 [R2] and 2012. This means that OutBackClient cannot connect to OutBack Server unless a new inbound rule is created that allows traffic onnetwork ports 13000 and 47701 (the default ports for OutBack Client/Server communication).Alternatively the firewall can be turned off, but this is not recommended unless you have an anothersecurity solution in place.

Adding an OutBack firewall rule

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Open the Windows Control Panel, select System and Security, then Windows Firewall. On theleft side of the dialog, select Advanced Settings.

In the new window that opens (titled Windows Firewall with Advanced Security) right-click onInbound Rules item in the left side panel and select the item New Rule.

When asked to select what type of rule would you like to create, click on Port and then on the Nextbutton.

Select TCP and then Specific local ports and enter 13000 in the field. Press Next.

Select Allow the connection and press Next.

The options Domain, Private and Public are all checked by default, leave them this way andpress Next.

On the final page give the new rule a name, e.g. OutBack Client connection, and press Finish.

Repeat the same procedure for port 47701 and call it e.g. OutBack Info Repository.

4.3 Merlinia Administrator

The Merlinia Administrator program is used for administration of OutBack Server (along withOutBack Administrator), OutBack Calendar Connector and SMS Gateway and our personalalarm product, Merlinia Assistance (not part of the Merlinia OutBack solution). Do not confuse theMerlinia Administrator with the OutBack Administrator! (OutBack Administrator includes on-line helpwhich is displayed in a panel on the right hand side of the OutBack Administrator window).

The Merlinia Administrator installation can be started by either running the Setup.exe program in theOutBack Server and Services folder (see the description in Initial Preparation ) or the MSIpackage MerliniaAdministrator in the same folder.

The installation starts with a welcome screen. Press the Next button to read and accept the licenseterms and after pressing the Next button again you are presented with the Features Setup dialogbox:


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As mentioned earlier, Merlinia Administrator can be used to administer several Merlinia applications.By default all available components are selected. If you do not e.g. have a Merlinia Assistancesolution, you can make that option unavailable as shown in the dialog box above.

After pressing the Next button you are asked where to install the program. Select the appropriatefolder (or just accept the default) and press Next to continue. The Optional Specifications dialog isnow shown:

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The default TCP/IP port range should be accepted unless the ports from 47701 to 47799 are alreadyin use by another program.

In the remaining text boxes, enter the IP addresses of the components that are to be administeredby Merlinia Administrator.

Press the Next button to proceed to a dialog box where you can specify which user account theprogram should be installed for and what shortcuts you want created. You have the option of creatinga shortcut to the Merlinia Administrator program on the desktop, adding it to the Merlinia programgroup or having the Administrator program start automatically (not recommended). When you press Next button, you are presented with a dialog box asking for confirmation that you want to install theprogram. Press Install to perform the installation

When the installation is finished, run the Merlinia Administrator program to test the installation andperform additional configuration if necessary.

Start Merlinia AdministratorStart the program by clicking on the Windows Start button and selecting All Programs - Merlinia -Merlinia Administrator 1.2 - Merlinia Administrator. A dialog box similar to the one below isdisplayed (depends on what features were selected during installation):

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In a typical OutBack installation three main tabs are displayed below the menu bar:

· OutBack Server

· Calendar Connector

· SMS Gateway

The following sections will cover each of these tabs and discuss how to use the MerliniaAdministrator program.

OutBack ServerThe OutBack Server tab is subdivided into these three tabs:

· Process Monitor

· Info Repository

· License

Process Monitor

The Process Monitor tab provides an overview of the two processes that run under OutBackServer. These processes are started automatically when the OutBack Server service starts,but if for some reason one or both processes stop, they can be restarted here.

On this tab you can also set the logging level for the Process Monitor program. By defaultthe level is set to All which provides the most detailed logging. If you require less loggingyou can select some of the lower level logging values or turn it Off altogether (notrecommended). Any changes will be applied on-the-fly, once you press the Apply button.

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The Launch Windows Explorer button takes you directly to the folder where the log filesare stored.

Information Repository

The Info Repository tab has four sub-tabs:

· Overview - Displays number of users recognized by OutBack and how manyappointments these users have.

· Users - Shows a list of all users in the OutBack system, their e-mail address and namesas well as the number of appointments per user.

· Appointments - If you select an user on the previous Users tab, you can see details abouteach appointment on this tab. Just select an appointment in the list and varioussupplemental information is shown below.

· Test - On this tab you can manipulate information about users and their appointments.


This tab displays information about the license currently installed. If you need to install anew license, you copy the license file, License.xml, to the folder where OutBack Server isinstalled. You then press the Re-read License.xml File button to activate the license.

Calendar ConnectorThe Calendar Connector tab is subdivided into these three tabs:

· Settings

· Options

· Statistics

The information on these tabs was entered during installation. If you need to change any of thosesettings or options, this is were it is done.


On the Settings tab the most important information to provide is which calendar system touse and how often calendar information should be retrieved from the system.


The Options tab controls what kind of calendar information should be retrieved, the name ofthe server to retrieve it from and what mailbox (if Exchange Server integration is used). Incase of a Lotus Domino integration you need to enter the Domino connection password(Notes mailbox).


The Statistics tab contains information about the result of the Calendar Connector run. Hereyou can also force the Calendar Connector to retrieve calendar information by pressing the Run Now button.

SMS GatewayOn the Settings tab you can specify the address (or name) and port of the machine where the SMSGateway service is running. Verify that the correct COM port on the machine that has the GSMdevice connected is selected. Enter PIN code is required.

If the SMS Gateway service is not running an error message "SMS Gateway not connected" isdisplayed. Make sure that the address and port numbers are correct and that the SMS Gatewayservice has been started. Then press Reconnect.

The Location of log files label specifies where the log files are located on the machine that has theGSM device connected. You can press Launch Windows Explorer to open the log file folder if

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Merlinia Administrator is installed on the same machine as Merlinia SMS Gateway.

To verify that the SMS Gateway is operational, switch to the Test tab and enter a valid mobile phonenumber (your own) and a message. A few seconds after you press the Send SMS button, youshould receive an SMS with the text you entered. The SMS Gateway service is now up and running!

Finally, to configure the OutBack Server to subscribe to SMS Gateway, run the OutBackAdministrator program and refer to the online help panel in OutBack Administrator for information onhow to OutBack Server is configured to subscribe to SMS Gateway.

4.4 Calendar Connector

The OutBack Calendar Connector (OBCC) is a service that extracts the users' calendar informationfrom either Microsoft Exchange or IBM Lotus Domino. The OBCC service must be run by an accountthat has permissions to read the users' calendars. We recommend creating an account called OutBackService for this purpose.

The OutBack Calendar Connector installation can be started by either running the Setup.exeprogram in the OutBack Server and Services folder (see the description in Initial Preparation ) orthe MSI package OutBackCalendarConnector in the same folder.

The installation starts with a welcome screen. Next you are then required to accept the licenseterms to continue and then you are asked in which folder the service should be installed. The nextdialog box presented is the Installation Settings:

If you are installing the OBCC on the same server as OutBack Server, then you can accept thedefault OutBack Server IP address localhost. Else enter the IP address of the OutBack Server ormachine name (in this case make sure that the machine name can be resolved to an IP address).

The default TCP/IP port range should be accepted unless the ports from 47701 to 47799 are alreadyin use by another program.

Next select the calendar system, either Microsoft Exchange or IBM Lotus Domino. If your calendar


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system is Microsoft Exchange, then you must also specify the machine name of the server runningExchange and the mailbox name.

If you are using Microsoft Office 365, you need to specify the Outlook profile name in the ExchangeServer name field and leave the mailbox field empty. (See the Office 365 section in CalendarIntegration for further information).

Press the Next button to continue:

In this dialog box you can specify some additional settings for OBCC. Usually the default valuesshould be accepted.

The Number of minutes between extraction runs field is set to 15. This means that the OBCCservice will query the calendar system about the users' appointments and availability in 15 minuteintervals. This means that the calendar information presented in the OutBack Client will be 15minutes old at the most. Setting the interval down will of course mean more up-to-date information,but might also have an impact on the performance of your Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Dominoserver. Valid interval is between 5 and 60 minutes.

The Number of days in future to get appointments for field determines how far into the future theOBCC service will fetch calendar information. The number refers to calendar days, not work days.Valid interval is between 1 and 14 days.

You can also specify the type of calendar information that is to be retrieved:

· Retrieve free/busy information - This option retrieves only the blocks of time that is published onthe calendar system as being free or busy, not the individual appointments.

· Retrieve calendar appointments - This options retrieves individual appointments, their Start timeand End time properties.

· Include Subject and Location information - Selecting this option also retrieves the subject andlocation information of each appointment unless they are private. If you select this option, the Retrieve calendar appointments option must also be selected.

You can change these settings in the Merlinia Administrator program after the installation.



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After pressing the Next button the installation is ready to begin when the Install button is pressed.

The OBCC service is not started automatically after the installation. The service has to be startedmanually for the first time in the Windows Services console.

On Windows Server 2008 it may be necessary to set the service startup type toAutomatic (Delayed Start).

IMPORTANT: The OBCC service must be run by an account that has sufficient permissions to readcalendar information. Other OutBack services are run under the Local System account by default.Open the Windows Services console: Right-click My Computer, click Manage, then expand Servicesand Applications in the left pane, select Services and in the right pane double-click MerliniaOutBack Calendar Connector. In the dialog box that appears, select the Log On tab and enter theaccount and password of the account that should run the OBCC service. We recommend creatingan account called OutBackService and assigning permissions sufficient to retrieve calendarinformation.

It is necessary to have the password of the Notes mailbox when configuring the OBCC to integratewith IBM Lotus Domino.

To test if an account has sufficient rights, you can log on a PC with the ( OutBackService) account,start Outlook or Notes and see if that account can view other users' appointments.

4.5 SMS Gateway Service

Merlinia SMS Gateway is an add-on to Merlinia OutBack (and Merlinia Assistance, see The gateway handles incoming and outgoing SMS messagesfrom OutBack. With the SMS Gateway set up, it is possible to send SMS messages using theOutBack Client to a mobile phone. Additionally, users that are listed in OutBack with their mobilephone number, can send SMS messages to the Merlinia SMS Gateway to e.g. update their statusor forward phone calls.

Merlinia SMS Gateway and OutBack Server communicate using XML over a socket connection. Theonly thing the two applications need to know is where the other is placed in the network. This is setup in the OutBack Administrator program. Here you define where the gateway and connected GSMmodem is on the network. The OutBack Server will then connect and subscribe to the SMSGateway.

You can start the Merlinia SMS Gateway installation by either running the Setup.exe program in theOutBack Server and Services folder (see the description in Initial Preparation ) or the MSIpackage MerliniaSMSGatewayService in the same folder.

When the Merlinia SMS Gateway installation starts, the following dialog box is displayed:


29Installation and Configuration

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Press the Next button to continue.

To continue the installation, you must read and accept the license terms. Press Next to continue.

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Select the folder where you want Merlinia SMS Gateway to be installed. Be aware that the SMSGateway software must be installed on the physical machine that has the GSM modem attached(see SMS Gateway in the System Requirements section). Press Next to continue.

You should specify the serial port number that the GSM modem is connected to, typically COM1. If

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31Installation and Configuration

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the device is connected via USB or is a Bluetooth device, then a virtual serial port number is used.

The SIM card installed in the GSM modem may have a PIN code, in which case it should bespecified here. We recommend that no PIN code be used, just to avoid one possible area wheresomething can go wrong.

The final piece of information that can be entered on this dialog box is the TCP/IP port number usedfor communications with OutBack Server and Merlinia Administrator . Press Next to continue.

Press Install confirm that you want to proceed with the installation:


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A dialog box is shown that displays the status of the installation. The installation normally takes justa few seconds to complete. Finally the following dialog box is shown to confirm that the installationhas finished:

Now simply press the Finish button. Merlinia SMS Gateway has now been installed.

33Installation and Configuration

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The Merlinia SMS Gateway service is not started automatically when the installation is finished. Youwill have to start the service manually the first time.

SMS Gateway is managed with the Merlinia Administrator (not to be confused with the OutBackAdministrator which is used to manage the OutBack Server). If you have not already done so, installMerlinia Administrator now, and then run it to test and setup the SMS Gateway service. You willalso have to configure OutBack Server to subscribe to SMS Gateway. Run the OutBackAdministrator program to do this and refer to the online help panel in OutBack Administrator forinformation on how to subscribe.

4.6 Statusplan Connector

The Merlinia OutBack Statusplan Connector service is an add-on to Merlinia OutBack. The servicehandles the interface between Merlinia OutBack and Telenor Statusplan. The Statusplan Connectorand OutBack Server communicate using XML over a socket connection. The only thing the twoapplications need to know is where the other is placed in the network. This is set up in the OutBackAdministrator program and the Statusplan Connector Administrator. Here you define where in thenetwork the Statusplan Connector service is running. The OutBack Server will then connect andsubscribe to the Statusplan Connector service.

You can start the Merlinia OutBack Statusplan Connector installation by either running the Setup.exe program in the OutBack Server and Services folder (see the description in Initial Preparation )or the MSI package OutBackStatusplanConnector in the same folder.

When the Merlinia OutBack Statusplan Connector installation starts and the welcome dialog isdisplay, click Next to go to the License Agreement dialog - you must accept the license terms tocontinue. In the Features Setup dialog accept the default settings (you can install the ServiceProgram and Administrator Program on different machines). After pressing the Next button you areasked where to install the program. Select the appropriate folder (or just accept the default) andpress Next to continue. In the Installation Settings for Service program dialog you are asked for theIP address of the machine running OutBack Server. The default TCP/IP ports should be acceptedunless they are already in use by another program. Press Next to continue to the OptionalSpecifications for Administrator Program . Here you specify where the Statusplan ConnectorAdministrator Program should look for the Statusplan Connector service and also which shortcuts tocreate. Click Next to proceed and finally Install to finish the installation.

The OutBack Statusplan Connector service is not started automatically when the installationfinishes. You will have to start the service manually for the first time.

Statusplan Connector AdministratorIf you need to change any of the configuration options that were entered during the installation, youneed to start the Statusplan Connector Administrator program. (Note that the Administrator programwill not work unless the OutBack Statusplan Connector service has been started.

Configure Statusplan Service in OutBack AdministratorIn order for the Statusplan Connector service to deliver information to OutBack Server (and theconnected clients) information about the service has to be added in the OutBack Administratorprogram.

Follow these steps to setup the Statusplan service in OutBack Administrator:

1. Start the OutBack Administrator program and select the SMS tab.

2. Click on the Add button, and in the dialog box that appears select the Telenor Gateway radiobutton, enter the IP address of the machine where you installed the Statusplan Connector andthe port number (default: 13050). Press OK to finish.



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4.7 OutBack Client

To install the OutBack Client program, open the folder where you downloaded the OutBack softwareand the open the sub-folder called OutBack Client.

You now have two options - either you can run the Setup.exe program or you can use theMerliniaOutBackClient.msi package.

Installing OutBack Client using the Setup program

Click on the Setup.exe program.

Installing OutBack Client using the MSI package

You can also use the MerliniaOutBackClient.msi file to deploy the OutBack Client.

If you want to change the installation setting, use the Merlinia OutBack MSI Editor program tomodify the client MSI.

Uninstalling OutBack Client

The OutBack Client can be uninstalled using the Windows Control Panel (provided you havesufficient permissions). You can also uninstall OutBack Client using the Windows Installercommand line option:

msiexec /uninstall MerliniaOutBackClient.msi

See Microsoft's documentation for more details on how to use Windows Installer.

OutBack Client ConfigurationThe first time the OutBack Client runs, no default template has been loaded. To load the templatecreated during the OutBack Server configuration go to File | Reset OutBack Settings and select adefault template. Once this is done, the template file is copied to a file called OBConfig.ini andplaced in a location determined by the system %USERPROFILE% variable.

The OBConfig.ini file can of course also be copied to %USERPROFILE% with a deployment tool,thus ensuring that the OutBack Client starts using the dersired template.

See Start OutBack Administrator to see how to generate a template.20

35Quick Check List

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V Quick Check List

RequirementsThis section only provides a basic overview of the installation process. For detailed information aboutsystem requirements, refer to the section System Requirements .

Have the following ready before installing

qPC to run the OutBack Server components - Must be a member of the domain.

qDomain name.

qUser ID and password of an account with permissions to perform installation and read from ActiveDirectory.

qMicrosoft Exchange Server name (in case of using calendar integration with Exchange/Outlook).

qNotes mailbox password (in case of using calendar integration with Domino/Notes).

qSMS Gateway - access to PC with serial port (or USB) - SIM card (unlocked and tested).

qStatusplan - PC to receive Statusplan information has been set up according to Telenorspecifications.

qOutBack License (License.xml).

qOutBack software.

qMicrosoft .NET 2.0 or newer installed.

Make sure the the following existsqSecurity groups in AD: OBAdministrators, OBResources, OBUsers

qShared folder for template(s). Domain users and/or members of the three above groups must haveread permissions to: (\\<server name>\<folder>)

qOutBackService account (has permission to run a service, has a mailbox on the relevant calendarsystem and is local administrator on the machine running OutBack Calendar Connector).

qAccount info in AD or other data store: name, log on name, e-mail, phone extension and mobilephone.

Calendar IntegrationIf OutBack is to integrate with a calendar system, check the following:

Create a domain account (with mailbox) that runs calendar extractor services (must have at leastread permission on calendar database).

Microsoft Exchange

The machine that will run the OutBack Calendar Connector has to have one of theseinstalled:

· Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1

· Microsoft Outlook (32-bit even if the server running OutBack is 64-bit)

IBM Lotus Domino

· Notes client installed on machine running the OutBack Calendar Connector

PBX Integration

If using phone integration with TAPI, verify that TAPI is installed and working by using TAPI PhoneDialer from JulMar (the program file Phone.exe is located in the Utilities\TAPI Phone Dialer folder).

If PBX is Alcatel 4400/Enterprise then the server running OutBack must have a serial port.


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Check that "Local Phone Number" in OutBack Administrator has a corresponding "Line Name" inthe Telephony section of Services and Applications on the machine running OutBack Server.

Performing the Installation· OutBack Server

· Merlinia Administrator

· OutBack Calendar Connector

· Merlinia SMS Gateway Service

· OutBack Statusplan Connector

After the Installation - Configuration1. Copy the License.xml file to the OutBack Server program folder (usually C:\Program Files

\Merlinia\Merlinia OutBack 4.x\OutBack Server).

2. Run OutBack Administrator and complete items 3 to 15 below.

3. General: Enter OutBack Server address or IP number.

4. General: Enter UNC path for templates folder.

5. Group: Enter the names of the three OutBack user groups and validate.

6. Data Store: Enter name of the server where Active Directory is located or the domain name.

7. Data Store: Use the domain account created (e.g. OutBackService) to retrieve LDAPinformation and verify/change the start directory.

8. Columns: Select data store - usually Active Directory and validate.

9. Columns: Delete any rows colored red (or check why they are empty).

10. Phone: Select the relevant phone integration and prioritize it by moving it to the top.

11. Phone: Select relevant Plug-in Settings... (remember to have created Location Information inWindows' Phone and Modem dialog).

12. Phone: Allow only admin group users to use the CBS.

13. SMS: Add a SMS Gateway (if available) and set it as default and set priority of GSM to top.(similar applies to Statusplan, except setting it to default)

14. Auto Message: Add auto messages for the relevant message triggers. Typically MicrosoftExchange or Domino.

15. File | Generate OBConfig.template: Generate template(s) for OutBack Client use. Saved inthe templates folder defined on the General tab.

16. Start services - run OutBack Calendar Connector under the OutBackService account.

17. Run the Merlinia Administrator program to ensure everything is running correctly.

18. Load templates generated during item 15 above into OutBack Clients.

Index 37

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- 4 -4059 MAC software 9

- A -Alcatel TAPI Service Provider 10

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 9

Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office 10

Avaya IP Office 12

Avaya IP Office TAPI2 Service Provider 12

- C -Calendar Connector 26

calendar integration 8

calendar integration service 6

COM port serial port 9

configuration OutBack Client 34

- F -firewall 15

firewall rule 17

- I -IBM Lotus Domino 8

OutBack Calendar Connector installation 26

IBM Lotus Notes 8

Info Repository 21

installation Merlinia Administrator 21

Merlinia SMS Gateway 28

OutBack Calendar Connector 26

OutBack Client 34

OutBack Server 17

OutBack Statusplan Connector 33

IP Office Avaya IP Office 12

IPv6 8

- L -LDAP limit 6

license file 6, 17, 21

- M -Microsoft Exchange 8

OutBack Calendar Connector installation 26

Microsoft Office 365 8

- N -Notes

IBM Lotus Notes 8


OutBack Calendar Connector 8, 26

OBConfig.ini file 34

Office 365 Microsoft Office 365 8

OfficeServ Samsung OfficeServ 13

OmniPCX Enterprise Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise 9

OmniPCX Office Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office 10

OutBack Administrator 17

OutBack Calendar Connector 8

OutBackService 6, 8

OutBackService account 26

- P -ports

TCP/IP ports 6

Process Monitor 21

- S -Samsung OfficeServ 13

Samsung OfficeServ OpenTSP Driver 13

Merlinia OutBack38

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serial port 9

Statusplan Telenor Statusplan 15

system requirements 6general requirements 6

Merlinia SMS Gateway 14

OutBack Calendar Connector 8

OutBack Client 6

OutBack Server 6

OutBack Statusplan Connector 15

Telenor Statusplan 15


Alcatel TAPI Service Provider 10

Avaya IP Office TAPI2 Service Provider 12

Samsung OfficeServ OpenTSP Driver 13

Telenor Statusplan 15

- U -USERPROFILE system variable 34

- W -Windows Firewall 17

Windows Server 2003 R2 6

Windows Server 2008 6Calendar Connector Automatic (Delayed Start) 26

Windows Server 2008 R2 6

Windows Server 2012 6

Windows Small Business Server 2008 6