Mental Health IG_v3

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Mental Health IG_v3

Empowering Mental Health Patients

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Enabling personalization and integration of care

An IDC Infographic Sponsored by Dell EMC

Mental health vs. general health

Growth of mental health


The increase in comorbity

The need for integrated care

Mental Health Patients often su�er from more diseases and/or conditions at the same time. The symptoms often overlap each other, making it di�cult to make the proper diagnosis without the full picture of the patient's situation.

The convergence of care objectives and process

along the patient journeyE�ective information sharing between care settings and

organizations optimizes the quality of care

Today’s data sources

Tomorrow’s data sources

Mental health patients’ empowerment is increasing

Requiring an information management transformation

A great increase into the adoption of social media, telemedicine device and wearable app is expected to design a personalized care experience for speci�c mental health disorders.

Leveraging the value of the information under management for clinical and administrative purposes enhance the adoption of:1. Collaborative models as integrated and personalized care2. Evidence-based decisions through the use of analyticsIncluding mental health patients within this digital transformation requires:

Shared Decision MakingIn this model, the physician and patient

both take part in an exchange of information that leads to an agreed

decision for treatment.

This approach attributes a more active role to the patients that can mainly contribute

through web-based and IoT tools.

Enabling healthcare organizations to integrate mental health data within the patient information management process to optimize quality of care.

Essential guidance

To get started IDC health Insights recommends healthcare executives to take the following steps:

Embrace mental health while developing an integrated and personalized delivery care model.

✔ Consider the economic advantage you can reach whether to include mental health data within the information model.

✔ Reduce data overlap when dealing with general or mental diseases and get a 360 degree view of the patient.

The hidden challenge of healthcare systems enabling integrated care

Integrated care is an ideal solution to deliver proper care across sectors and thereby provide an opportunity to overcome the barriers to accessing services, reducing waiting time for patients and delivering interventions at lower costs.

While structured data originated by clinical and administrative

applications will still keep the lead... build an integrated view of the patient, providers are increasingly

drawing upon social care data.


Patient Data ProtectionSetting a governance system to allow data

sharing across the health system and not just between the single provider and the related

patient is expected in a couple of years.

This will require the collaboration of the patient that will be called to provide his consent to share

data across the health ecosystem.

Recognize the bene�ts stemming from a deeper patient engagement that an information digital transformation can develop.

✔ Embed continuous feedback loop through patient journey to ensure increased quality care and integrated access to care for patients su�ering both physical and mental health diseases.

✔ Unearth untapped opportunities in primary and public health data patient to improve a better view of patient pro�le for all members of the care team.

✔ Leverage shared information to support more accurate �nancial and operational e�ciency.

Clinical and administrative


Nursing notes and emails

Patient portals & mobile app

Remote monitoring devices and wearable

�tness feeds

88% 95%

66% 66%

The Patient’sJourney





General health

Mental health

Web portal Mobile App Social Media Telemedicine device

Wearable app

■ Now ■ In two years

85% 90%







