Men's Leather Shoes – Are You Really Getting a High Quality Pair?

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Men's Leather Shoes – Are You Really Getting a High Quality Pair?

A high quality pair of men's leather shoes can actually be an excellent fashion investment. While the price is higher than those of regular run-of-the-mill shoes, pricier ones can actually be worth it. That is, of course, only if you indeed get a real high quality pair and not those that are simply expensive. So how will you know if you are getting the real value for your hard earned money when buying pricey men's dress shoes? Here is a short guide.

Go for the Calf. One reason why your pair can be pretty expensive is due to the kind of primary material used in its construction. If it's calfskin, your men's shoes will likely fetch a good price. That's because this kind of material is used in high quality brands and custom shoe shops. It is very soft and the grains are fine. These qualities give your feet the comfort they deserve.

It's All Leather. You will have the option to choose your soles when you purchase customised men's leather shoes. If you opt to buy a ready to wear pair though, choose one that has leather soles as well. This is actually a good idea since these pairs can be repaired (and their soles replaced), making them a long-term investment. This is why it can be cheaper to own a high quality pair of men's dress shoes, as opposed to buying generic and cheaper ones every now and then.

Look Under. While the upper material looks great and sleek, you shouldn't forget to look under the soles too. That's because you need to look for stitches. Why? Apart from having all leather upper and soles, these two materials need to be stitched together. Cheaper shoes are glued together, making them vulnerable to damage, especially with everyday use. High quality men's shoes are stitched and are more durable.

Follow the Thread. Finally, the best indication perhaps of a high quality pair of men's leather shoes is the obvious one. If the stitches appear like they're a third-grader art project, be in doubt. Apart from material, it's craftsmanship that makes expensive shoes good value. The craftsmanship is most obvious in the stitches. High quality makers understand that stitching is a matter of aesthetics, not just of durability.

You should now be ready to purchase your high quality men's leather shoes. Use this simple guide and you'll surely find a pair that will make good return on your investment.