Memrie Cromwell Portfolio

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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This is a compilation of my projects that I have created for the past semester during my Communication 130 class.

Transcript of Memrie Cromwell Portfolio




Name: Memrie Cromwell

Number: 435.979.2325


Address: 431 Gladstone St Idaho Falls ID




4-Business Card



7-Web Page

8-Event Ad


Instructor:Bem PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: October 24, 2015

Program(s): Adobe Photoshop

Description: For this assignment I was to make an inspirational image from two separate images that are blended together. Also using typography to add to the feel of the project.

Objective: My first objective was to find high quality images on the internet and site from where I got them from. My second objective was to understand how to use layers and masking in Photoshop in order to create the blending on the edges of the individual layers.

Process: I first started by coming up with my message that I wanted to portray. I decided that I wanted to use Christ and exemplify that He is the Light of the World. I took the picture of the candle and resized it until it was in the right position then placed the image of Christ over top using layers and masks to blend and shadow so that the candle was lighting Christ’s face. I then added the typography. I felt that the bottom right hand corner needed something more so I added in the picture of the earth again with masks and layers.


PHOTODESIGNInstructor:Ben PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: October 17, 2015

Programs: Adobe Photoshop

Description: For this project I was to take a personal photo and edit it in Photoshop then add typography later.

Objectives: My first objective was to learn how to use the rule of thirds when taking photos. My second objective was to learn how to use hue, saturation, sharpening, and bluring in Photoshop to edit a photo.

Process: To begin with, I decided to use the a complementary color scheme with red and green. I took a picture of one of the apples on my apple tree in my backyard around 4 pm since this photo already had theses colors. I then added the red and green lines and found the font choice that I felt best conveyed my message.

Instructor:Ben PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: October 31, 2015

Programs: Adobe Illustrator

Description: This project entailed creating a new original logo for either a real or fake company. It was required to have a color version, a grayscale version, and a white on color background version.

Objectives: My objective was to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to create a new logo and then transfer that logo to the three required color settings.

Process: I decided to do a logo for my father’s construction business. I chose an orange and blue complementary color scheme because I felt those colors best represent stability and innovation. I decided to put on B backwards as to draw attention to the design. I added the roofline to represent construction so that customers would have a better idea of what the business was about.


B Bradley’sBui ld ings

and Sonsand SonsBEST.1992

BB Bradley’sBui ld ingsand Sons

and Sons


BB Bradley’sBui ld ings

and Sonsand Sons


Instructor:Ben PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: November 6, 2015

Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Description: For this project I was to make an original logo and business card for either a real or fake company. I chose to make one for my personal business, Memrie’s Melodies.

Objectives: My objective was to be able to create a new logo and base a new business card off that corresponding design.

Process: Since I already knew what my business was, I chose a harp as my logo. I didn’t want to make a complicated logo as harps can be complicated instruments so I decided I would do a minimilist design on the harp so it would be easily recognizable but wouldn’t clutter such a small space. Then I chose my color scheme for the rest of the card and placed my text in corresponding locations to enhance the design.


Memrie CromwellFreelance Harpist

Phone: 435.979.2325memriesmelodies@gmail.com431 Gladstone St Idaho Falls

Memrie’s Melodies

Instructor:Ben PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: November 6, 2015

Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Description: For this project I was to take the same logo from the Business Card project and create a letterhead that matched the business card.

Objectives: My objective in this project was to learn how to transfer similar designs over to a letterhead from a business card.

Process: Since I already had the logo and the color scheme, as well as the font choices, I flipped the logo and placed it on either side of the information for Memrie’s Melodies. Then I modified the contact information so that it looked professional and centered.


Memrie’s MelodiesPhone: 435.979.2325

Memrie Cromwell Freelance Harpist

Instructor:Ben PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: December 5, 2015

Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

Description: For this project I was to create an original logo for a company and then create a brochure advertising for that company.

Objectives: My objective in this project was to learn how to create a brochure in InDesign while using coordinating pictures, colors, and at least 250 original body copy.

Process: I chose the company Grand Targhee Resort and to advertise for their snowboarding experience. I chose my color scheme as orange and blue and then found pictures that incorporated that color scheme. I then wrote my body copy that I wanted to put in the brochure. Then I designed the logo that I felt was a good fit for Grand Targhee Resort. I edited the fireplace project to give it more of an orange and blue color scheme. I added text wrap around the fireplace and placed the body copy and images together until I had a cohesive feel.


Instructor:Ben PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: November 21, 2015

Programs: HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Description: For this project I was to make a web page for one of the businesses that I had chosen using one of the logos I had created.

Objectives: My objective in this project was to learn how to use HTML code to write a web page that I wanted and then link that page to CSS to add color and font choices.

Process: I first had to download the proper program in order to code. I then wrote my body copy, my title, and my web page heading. Then in Photoshop I found the right colors of purple and trasnfered those hex codes to CSS in order to create the right color design that I wanted. I then added the corresponding purple bars to add some flow to the design.


Instructor:Ben PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: October 9, 2015

Programs: Microsoft Word

Description: In this project I was to take a photograph or scanned image and create an even ad with it. I had to have a benefactor and a beneficiary. I also needed a place, date and time.

Objectives: My objective in this project was to learn how to create a quality project just using Microsoft Word. Everything in this Ad had to be created using Word.

Process: My image that I used is a personal image. I wanted to do a tribute to my dog who had just died the previous day. Since this picture was taken in the mountains on a trail I decided that is what my event would be. I chose the brown and blue because they are complementary colors and both of these colors can be found in the photo. I created the dog prints in Microsoft Word, as well as the signpost. I also edited the picture in Microsoft Word.




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All proceeds go to the Bonneville County Humane Society to provide care and shelter for dogs.

Come hike with the canine in your life to provide a life for other canines.



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Instructor:Ben PingelCourse: Communication 130 Section 4Date: October 2, 2015

Programs: Adobe InDesign

Description: In this project I was given the body copy information and a selection of photos to choose from. It also had to be in grayscale.

Objectives: My objective in this project was to learn how to use InDesign as I had never used it before. I also needed to apply the FOCUS principles that I had just learned.

Process: To start, I chose the picture that I thought would be show my message the clearest. I put the title across the top and then added two more gray bars to keep the flow similar and inspire unity. I then added the black boxes offset to also create more unity. I shrunk the body copy down while keeping the important titles large enough to draw attention.




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Conference is available to graduating Seniors.

When: October 21 Time: 8 am to 5 pm Where: Lincoln Convention Center

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